~ Render
unto Caesar & God ~
by Terence – the spirit of
Item - 1 -
Defining Caesar's
'coin' v/s that which is God's - 6 pages
respect of the Taxation issue and the Freedom of
Religion guarantee by the Constitution
Item - 2 -
Tax via GST
The extortionist Military Junta of God on
Item - 3 -
Letter to the Taxation
Commissioner - 15 pages
expose of how to halt your suffering dues accruing
Introduction ~
Since the beginning of time on earth there
have been cruel, merciless, unforgiving and unconscionable men who became
'Rulers of men.' These people use force of arms to
subjugate and dictate their own policy and they
destroy all 'opposition' to their demands.
Further to this, they also send forth their armed forces
to invade the lands of others, whom they then also
enslave and impose upon them 'endless' taxes.
This 'nature' of living way has been the 'corruption'
that has 'dogged' mankind, and even today it continues
on because of deception contained within the purported
to be 'Holy Bible scriptures' that are supposed to be
the basis of the Christian religion.
This error of doctrine and falsity is now exposed by
my pen as being 'unholy' texts within said book. Being
texts that have enabled the entire Christian community
to be deceived and enslaved to anti-God ways
which have kept everyone on the road to the
Abyss of eternal suffering and damnation.
The fact that not ONE minister of religion has had
the insight or strength of character to 'query' this
error and expose it for what it is, being 'disloyalty to
God, ' shows that not ONE of them is true to their
'calling' and that treason exists at the highest levels.
The facts are that men of religion (priests) who
'promote' this falsity have also 'presented' state
governments (Caesar) as being THE AUTHORITY to be obeyed
ahead of their God and His
Salvation plan and
Command unto mankind. In fact, preachers openly walk
'hand in hand' with warriors who wage war instead of
teaching man to turn their backs to
warmongers and go their way
in Peace.
It is my pen to now reveal the falsity of doctrine
that is in absolute contravention of, and a
contradiction of God's
Holy Command unto man. It is my pen to now set
FREE any person who can see
my truth and who thus believes that I am He the
Spirit of Truth, God's Plenipotentiary.
have raised UP this document to assist every
'believer in God'
seeking to "Do the right thing
by GOD" and doing the RIGHT thing for the
benefit of their own soul and coming ETERNAL
destiny. It must BE clearly understood from the 'outset'
that one cannot serve TWO 'Masters' having opposing
represented by 'State' governments commands
obedience to ITS rules and grants
PROTECTION using armed
forces. (WAR)
Commands obedience to His RULING Command:
"Go your way in
peace & love one another & be merciful &
compassionate and forgive your perceived
enemy" and promises HIS
protection to the
FAITHFUL who obey HIM.
It is your 'choice' as to 'which' ideology you adhere
to. It is my 'job' for God to expose that IF you 'vote'
for man to LEAD you and protect you then
you must 'Render unto Caesar'
taxes to
PAY for his
armed forces. Try and
understand that as you so do, all that Caesar's forces
DO UNTO OTHERS is done in your name and on
your behalf and you are complicit.
(An accomplice as they are your servants)
It follows that all the
control, subjugation, interference, extortion, fine,
punishment, injury or killing of OTHERS
becomes your DUE to GOD within the
immutable Law of God. No 'mandate of man' nor 'official'
position nor mandate nullifies nor voids the
implementation of God's LAW.
It follows that a TRUE believer
of 'Christian or Islam' or other must NOT fund
imposition thereof upon
OTHERS because, that activity is in DIRECT CONTRAVENTION
OF GOD'S Command and brings 'grief' eternally upon the
ignorant or arrogant.
It is too 'simplistic' to say: "We
must pay taxes for the benefit of society."
Certainly we MUST pay for all
benign community effort or services we PERSONALLY seek
to support or use. Pay the 'roads department
directly. Pay the hospital authority or schools
directly. Pay the builder or plumber or gardener
directly etc. Do NOT fund the coffers of any institution
which uses 'force of arms' against others.
Education is the way, not
Simply put: Do nice things
to others and God via
kind others does
nice things to YOU
(kind, loving, merciful)
Simply put: Do nasty things to others and
God via cruel others does nasty things to YOU
(cruel, hateful, merciless) |
God's Law of return for the
use of HIS creative
or destructive
ENERGY is 'absolute
Justice in action.'
take a wage to uphold RULES in a book which
force you to defy God.
NEVER pay a wage to others to uphold RULES in
a book which force both them and you to defy
If you fill out a 'tax return'
and pay income tax to Caesar (State) it proves to God
that you are an unfaithful person defying Him and
funding iniquity, being the
subjugation, enslavement,
punishment and killing of His other children as
YOU contravene His Ruling Command.
The words
“Render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar’s” have for many a long year
been used as the ‘tool’ whereby man has ‘salved’ his
conscience, as he ‘Caesar’ of 'old' and the today State
Institution via magistrates use force of arms to
‘tax’ the populace, and to
punish them for any ‘defiance’ or non payment
of demanded ‘taxes,
licence fees, levies, stamp duties, royalties’ etc., - -
The words
“Render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar’s” are also used as the
justification for punishing people for any
non-conformity to the
dictated rules or decrees of ‘Caesar,’ (The
State Institution of today) that keep men on their knees
in bondage, (Slavery) - - - as all were ‘conned’ into
believing that the dictates of
Caesar were the ‘law of the land.’
They are not, for God’s
“As you sow so shall ye
reap” Command is the decreed
Ruling of God that is
the ‘Law of the land,’ and the misunderstood texts in
‘biblical books’ purported to be the truth have also
been 'corrupted' and misinterpreted by vain men into
believing that ‘some’ men had the right to
rule others and, that
'some' men had the right to ‘compulsively’
force others into
obedience to their own false ideological beliefs.
What a ‘sorry’ state of affairs.
As many magistrates of today
openly quote the ‘Bible or Koran’ or other texts
as they mete out their punitive ‘judgement’ upon
community members, it appears that this biblical text is
the ‘ruling of the Court’ that gives 'Imperial'
magistrates the ‘conscience
mandate' to
demand that their
‘victims’ in Court obey the 'call' of their
Institution to: “Pay
your taxes, and obey our rules, or suffer the
All forms of control,
regulation of living ways, dress codes, seizure of
assets, enforced taxation, deportation, transportation
and the holding of men as ‘hostages’ in prisons is
factual abuse and
imposition of
suffering that contravenes the:
“Go your way in peace and
love one another” code of conduct commanded
by the Creator. It follows that all dictators and their
enforcement ‘agencies’ need to now 'focus on' and
look deeper at the implications and true meaning
of the words; “Render
unto Caesar” that I reveal in this document.
Party members of the institution of 'Caesar' (State)
rely on its forces for
PROTECTION rather than
their God, and that is the ISSUE here at stake, for in
the 'protection' aspect government forces cause
great harm &
suffering to other
children of God and Absolute
Pacifists cannot condone, support nor fund
this anti-god activity.
The 'government' of every
land is a 'Caesar' style organisation being
a Dark Establishment placed by God to 'head'
His earthly regimes and to control all for
being errant non-believers and, - - -
As they all 'bow' to His
ruling dictates enshrined as 'edicts' in
text books, they all accrue a daily
painful spiritual due. Why?
Because said rules
FORCE all to walk in the DARK aspect
of His Law, and He keeps them all on
the road to perdition for either personally
being SWINE or for condoning, supporting and
funding other SWINE.
Let it BE clearly
understood, there are but a 'handful'
presently on earth with a
destination, all the others happily singing
and clapping their hands and praising
'Jesus' or any other ARE ALL ON THE
Man sees not that THE
DARK ENERGY is God's energy, thus IT is
above the Law, but those using IT in
interfering, controlling, taxing,
subjugation or punitive
interaction with others are NOT above THE
LAW of the ENERGY.
This Law is immutable and
it is absolute Justice in operation when IT
via YOU or others imposes ITS 'Return' upon
a person's head and fills them with FEAR &
As every voter or taxpayer
is supporting and funding this DARK 'way,'
it follows that they daily accrue a
spiritual DUE of suffering
until or unless they amend their
This daily DUE being accrued
is a 'Debt unto Caesar' (the dark establishment
of God on earth) and thus must be 'rendered unto
Caesar' so to speak. What is the 'literal'
meaning of said 'debt to Caesar' or OBLIGATION
to the State government one is forced to meet?
It literally MEANS that: As
ones paid servants (state forces) have
extorted money from others and interfered in
their lives and caused them loss and
mental and emotional stress and physical harm,
it follows that the 'debt' owed to
Caesar (God's earthly commander – or Rudd or
Abbott etc.) is a return of
suffering, loss or injury upon the
head's of THE PEOPLE for their complicity to the
suffering and loss etc., which was
imposed by
their forces upon others.
This RETURN 'due' is simply
God's Law in action through the hands of the
It follows that until
the DEBT IS PAID, that the 'hounds of Hell'
being State enforcers will persecute a person
until the 'records' in
God's 'Scales of Justice' ARE
balanced. (e.g. one has amended ones ways
in no longer supporting Caesar and has
suffered their return 'eye for an eye' dues in
How then does one actually
'extract' oneself from the dues owed to Caesar?
(God) Does one 'cough up' moneys demanded? NO.
Why? Because in so doing you are STILL
funding the dark system. This applies to
'fines' also. One must never pay fines
but simply 'suffer' any alternative
If you pay ANY monetary dues
or 'taxes' demanded or give your support to the
DARK system in any way you CONTINUE to accrue a
If you factually have any
remaining dues to God (Caesar or state) then his
forces will pursue their 'claims' by evicting
you or selling you up or worse.
That then is their 'choice'
and your 'dues,' and you the individual seeking
'spiritual freedom' must
simply remain peaceful and non-retaliatory as
you show God that you remain
within the precepts of His Command in the
understanding that ONLY by so doing do you show
God your fidelity to HIM and, - - - you
understand that NO person will be coming to sell
you up unless HE sends them.
It follows that the 'render
unto Caesar' requirement is NOT the giving in to
the never-ending monetary demands of Caesar, but
is simply the 'suffering' you must endure
to PAY your accrued
karmic dues to God as you withdraw
your support of the DARK Sovereign Power and ITS
'warring' UNGODLY ways as you become a
TRUE believer. (Peace &
love & mercy & compassion and forgiveness."
The Dark establishment
'cloaks' itself in the guise of a
BENIGN services provider and
protector of THE PEOPLE, but in FACT, it
is the
merciless 'Reaping force' ARM of God
which imposes ITS 'Martial Law' (Rules) upon all
ITS serfs and keeps them bound eternally in
servitude and ongoing suffering for their
infidelity to God's Command.
All state 'enforcers' and tax
collectors and THE PEOPLE who fund and support
them are the BLIND being led by the MIND
of the Dark Sovereign Power (God) and He keeps
them all 'believing' in their RIGHT to FIGHT and
to use His 'forbidden to use' DARK ENERGY
so that He can then 'legally' within His 'eye
for an eye' LAW crush their souls into
'oblivion' and eternal AGONY for defiance of His
Command to:
"Love one another"
Render unto Caesar ~
"Render unto Caesar"
reported to have been spoken by Jesus are the
principle 'control' clause that have held simple man in
bondage to the Devil (Dark Sovereign Power of
God) for a long time. It follows that they were either
not spoken by Jesus the 'Saviour' or if they
were, then their true meaning has been misinterpreted by
ruling class men and used to their own advantage.
It is now I the simple
messenger of God to now 'clarify' the meaning of this
statement as I write It the
clarification with my own 'pen' and my own 'mind'
and my own hand.
For centuries men have
'banded' together and used weapons
and force to either attack or defend, and all these
'groups' later turned into institutions that had strong
men as their 'head' of State. This continues on today in
a 'pecuniary' way wherein the 'King' or Chief causes
grief to any that do not
'cough up' his demanded
'penny' for protecting them and himself.
For centuries men have
'banded' together and raised up
code of conduct 'rules,' and this continues on
today in a 'punitive' way wherein the 'King' or Chief or
'Priest' causes grief to
any that do not 'conform' to his
demanded 'ways.'
What does the word 'Caesar'
represent today? It is representative of an
authoritarian, autocratic, and
dictatorial institution that 'survives'
due to its 'ability' to raise funds by
force of arms. It is these
'arms' and the 'will' to
use them destructively that
enable political and other forces to accomplish
"something" in the name of God, the nation, the people,
the 'flag,' the religion etc.
That 'something' that needs to
be seen for what it is by every seeker of
Salvation is: That the code
of conduct ACTIVITY of 'Caesar' (The establishment) and
its officers is
warlike and in contravention of God's
"Go in peace & love one
another" command and their (Its) primary
activities are:
1 - To use
force of arms to protect IT
and its forces.
2 - To use force of arms to
maintain ITS sovereign control and power. (The authority
of its ruling Decrees-Acts-Statutes)
3 - To use force of arms to
enforce ITS never ending 'ruling' decrees that bring all
to their knees.
4 - To use force of arms to
protect those of you that are 'true' to IT and
ITS 'rules' code of conduct.
5 - To use force of arms to
control all persons living within the 'boundaries'
that ITS 'serving' men seized using force of
6 - To use force of arms
to control all 'land, mineral wealth, ocean products,
timber resources,' etc., that ITS men seized
using force of arms.
7 - To use force of arms to
interfere in the lives of others within and beyond this
border and, to wage destructive war against any
within or beyond this border that do not 'perform' as
commanded or that are perceived as an 'enemy of the
state' rules. (ITS)
SO - - -
If you require 'Caesar' or the
'latter day' governing institution to be your
personal Service Provider
and thus: A -
protect you or, B -
Fight against you if you are perceived as a 'thief' or
in contravention of its decrees or,
C - To wage war on your
behalf against any that its 'officers' decide to so do,
- -
THEN - - -
Yes, you must
'Render unto Caesar' (The
State institution) an annual 'coin' tax to fund, uphold,
and supply his (Its) punitive, judicial, and other armed
BUT - - -
What you do need to see
as do they (State officers and officials) is, that all
are DARK operatives for the BEAST, the Devil, the Dark
Sovereign Power.
AND - - -
What all need to see is
that these 'warlike'
attributes are contrary to the Command of God who
says: "Do NOT rely on 'force of
arms' to protect you. Go your way in Peace for that
ensures that you are safe from MY Wrath within MY LAW."
SO - - -
If you are a
TRUE believer in God and
you thus submit to His Command, then you must not
be 'seen' by Him to be giving financial or other support
to 'Caesar' (Any punitive controlling institution of
Thus you do not pay 'taxes' to
any institution of man that uses said funds to
'punish, interfere, entrap, seize goods, wage war,
kidnap, control, enslave, tax others, impose sanction,
control borders, invade, or destroy or kill.' By
all means you can fund and support any community
well-fare program or other
benign community services
As all have been funding and
thus supporting the BEASTLY 'system' of the Devil you
have all lost your divine *
protection and, - - - you thus have accrued a painful
'due' within the Law of God, and all will be 'crucified'
by God in order for God's "As
you did sow so shall ye reap" Law to be
fulfilled, for only then are you free to go your way.
For as 'each' relied on the
dark punitive force of
the Dark Sovereign Power they placed their own soul
within HIS punitive 'eye for an eye' Law. The Dark
Sovereign Power (God) forbids
the use of His destructive energy that is the 'fruit' of
the tree of evil.
Man sees NOT
that when
one 'votes'
or condones
or supports
and thus funds
ANY activity
which is in
OF or
outside the
precepts of
the Command
of the
the energy
"Go your
way in peace
and love one
another and
be merciful,
and forgive
within the
'eye for an
eye' Law of
and all the
imposed upon
others by
ones paid
makes one
and a part
of their
becomes a
due to be
So in
reference to
paying any
TAX, when
you purchase
petrol or
any other
article YOU
seller of
the goods
is the ONE
not you -
you are
simply being
When you
fill out a
tax return
and PAY the
TAX directly
or if you
pay any
'fine' or
fee, then
that money
is a
payment by
you to
'Caesar' in
order to
stay FREE
and this is
what you and
needs to
WHY? Because
in paying
monies you
funding the
of others as
well as
suffering at
the hands of
State forces
and, when
GOD the
comes to
your door to
balance His
'scales of
justice' you
or defend
etc., and
pain and
accrue MORE
karma and, -
- - - more
to the
during that
response you
are drawing
into your
soul and
and lower
becomes the
next realm
in the
and MORE the
strife and
control and
Man on this
level needs
'how & why'
he suffers,
and thus he
also needs
to know how
to HALT that
and HALT the
accruing of
karma, and
ideology of
and WAR.
divine * - Issuing forth
from God.
Render unto God ~
As for the words
“Render unto God that which
is God’s,” it is now simply revealed by my
pen as having two meanings, and both have a
consequence to do with your personal
Salvation and your
possible ongoing eternal
suffering and banishment from Heaven.
For as God has a ‘dual’
energy nature of light and dark, the
Light that is creative and
loving ‘warns’ mankind to ‘avoid’ the use of the
Dark energy, and in fact
forbids the use of that
‘punitive, forceful, invasive,
deceptive, controlling, and destructive’ energy.
This is because the Law of God is absolute, and
there is a ‘return’ for the use of either
energy through ones personal ‘active’ interaction with
others. Thus to “Render
unto God that which is God’s” means
that we must conform to the first command of the
The first Command
“Go your way in peace and
love one another and extend goodwill unto all mankind.”
The words
“Render unto God that which
is God’s” also means that if we
have defied God and trespassed into the dark side of
the ‘river’ through our control or
abuse of others
that, - - - in order to ‘satisfy’ the Law of God
it follows that, - - - to fulfill the
punitive aspect of
the “As you did sow
darkness and suffering so shall ye reap darkness and
suffering” Law of God, - - - we
also have to ‘render unto the God of 'Dark’ His
‘dues’ without retaliating. This is done and the
‘debt’ repaid to God not man as we conform
to God’s ‘second’ command:
The second Command
“When faced by
adversity you must be brave and turn
the other cheek and not retaliate and, - - -
you must be merciful, compassionate
and forgiving of your enemy who is but what
you were in your past, an ignorant
‘non-believer’ that had defied My ‘Go
in peace and love one another’ Command and,
- - - even though your belly is now filled
with dread you must keep out the
thoughts of the serpent and not fight
back.” |
If you conform to this
second command of God, then you will have shown
God your ‘faith’ in
His Word, and in your
‘suffering’ (crucifixion)
you will have paid some of your spiritual ‘dues’
and, once all dues have been 'met' and paid, then you
will be set free spiritually at some stage ahead. For
once you have been enlightened by God via my pen
you will never again use
force to control others or wield a ‘sword’ above
another’s head and cause them any suffering or dread.
In the 'completion' of your
suffering in your own personal 'crucifixion' through
your non-retaliation against the 'words' or
'swords' of your attacker, you have then
“Rendered unto God that
which is God’s” as you fulfilled
requirement * of the
punitive aspect of
God's Law.
requirement * - Suffered your fate without
retaliating. (Crucified by some other that did to you
what you or your servants had done to others before and,
as you suffered you 'turned the other cheek' and sought
not to defend yourself nor to take revenge
later as you 'forgave' their iniquity against you))
God commands forgiveness by
man, but all men defy this command and demand
'Justice' or 'accountability,' and what you need to
realise is that the punitive aspect of God's Law that
is immutable ‘Just
justice’ is mercilessly carried out
against those that ‘sinned.’
This 'eye for an eye'
punishment is meted out through the violent or
'punitive' actions of any person that is ignorant
of God's Law, and one that is ignorant of and thus
defiant of God's Holy Command. Your 'future' and ongoing
suffering only ceases when you lay down your
sword. Be it verbal through criticism or condemnation or
by the use of force.
Religion has deceived man into
believing that there is
‘forgiveness’ within God's Law. It is I
to state that there is NO 'voiding' or avoiding the
Law of God. Thus the word ‘forgiveness’ is not
written within the text of the Law of God.
You are ‘forgiven’ by God and set free from your
past 'errant' and offensive ways when His Law
has been fulfilled and IT is thus
In the 'light' of this
revelation, if you punish
a past offender or, if you
fight any 'attacker' or, if you
abuse others as you try and
defend yourself or, if you
invade others as pre-emptive defence, then not
only have you defied God's Holy Word but you also
have accrued a further spiritual due of
suffering. This also
applies to you if you have supported or funded any
punitive 'effort' or war machine in its operations
against anybody.
The Truth at
the 'core' of every religion should be the same:
attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the
external expression of 'Peace unto all.'
This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in submission
to HIS Command.
~ Who
is Caesar ~
Now that I have
‘clarified’ what you must
‘Render unto God,’ I will return to speak
about Caesar and the words
“Render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar’s,” for we ‘each’ need to ask
ourselves this question:
“Who is Caesar”?
Caesar was a man of flesh. He
was also a great ‘sinner,’ a man as many men before him
and many men of today that were deceived by Satan
into believing that they could defy the
first command of God
and survive spiritually and, - - - not be
subjected to the Law of God and thus not suffer
mentally, emotionally, or physically.
is a grave error of belief.
Thus he and they of today
assumed falsely that the use of force to ‘govern’
others and control and tax them, and punish them
was ‘permitted’ by God to the extent, that they as
God were above the Law of God, and as their sin
grew within they strayed further from reality and
assumed the ‘role of God' as their right.
This is a grave error of
Caesar was, as every present
day State ‘official’ is, unknowingly an operative
working for the Dark Sovereign Power as His
regulating, controlling, taxing, punitive and
destructive ‘arm.’
‘avenging’ retributive aspect of the
Source is named THE
Dark Sovereign Power and, as man uses HIS forceful
energy to control, tax, punish, invade, etc., HE via
the mind of ignorant man invokes greater control,
taxation, punishment, destruction etc., within HIS
Ruling 'books of statutes' that ignorant man so
'dutifully' uphold using forbidden
force, and thus all
DIE in their sin.
Thus we need to separate the
‘man’ Caesar and his ‘position’ of Authority. You owe
Caesar the man naught unless you have a personal
‘debt’ to him. As the man Caesar is the earthly
representative of God the Dark superpower on
earth, then the term
“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”
means that:
If you do have a ‘pain
and suffering’ spiritual debt to God, then
it is Caesar’s
enforcers to collect it from you by
crucifying you as
they foolishly use the penalty ‘attachments’ that
they placed into being through their own
arrogance and defiance of God.
All that has to be done
by you as you suffer at the hands of the ignorant is for
you to fulfill the second
Command of God at that time, and you
peacefully accept your
‘punishment’ at the hands of the ‘infidels’ that know
not what they do. (They
place themself within the dark aspect of the Law of God,
and take your past ‘burden’ upon their own self to be
suffered by them at a later date when other ‘servants of
the ‘dark’ are inspired by the Dark Sovereign Power to
haul them in.)
Even though the
INTENT of a magistrate is to simply 'rectify' the
non-conformity to a rule in a book of
Caesar, and to teach 'offenders' through
punishment that such
action or non-action will not be tolerated by the
RULES of Caesar, the magistrate needs to see that - - -
God cannot forgive
him for his defiance of God's
'The first Command'
RULING, and God cannot tolerate any
disobedience to HIS dictates. God sees any
punishment of His
children as abuse of
His children and, God sees it as an action that
followed on from an INTENT to cause suffering.
(Premeditated criminal activity)
The magistrate needs
to try and see the reality that, - - - a mandate
from Caesar's text books does not
exonerate him nor protect him from the 'application' of
God's superior immutable, inviolate, and eternal
Law in respect of all the
trauma and loss and suffering and deprivation suffered
by the one 'convicted' by him and, - - -
The magistrate needs
to try and see the reality that, - - - all the
co-lateral suffering endured by the family members of
the prisoner also become his spiritual
'debt to God' within the Law of
God, a debt that will be 'rectified'
by God and, - - - an honourable, just and equitable
'equal' punishment will be administered by God
upon the magistrate and all complicit to his
'action,' at the time and place *
that God so decides to bring all to account. (
time and place * - more so
in the hereafter)
Ignorance of the Law
of God is not bliss, those that 'judge' shall so
judged be. God's 'Justice' is also absolute.
The term
“Render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar’s” does not mean that
you have to ‘bow’ to him the man nor It
the ‘State’ Institution in conformity to any of ‘his’ or
its ‘rules,’ for the ‘rules’ are simply
decrees designed to
keep you enslaved and controlled and on the wide
road to hell for your support of it the dark
ideology with its ‘taxing’ and
punitive and
destructive anti-God
You simply need to live your
life in accordance with the
first Command, and you do need to contribute to
every ‘aspect’ of living that is providing you a
‘service’ that you use or that you wish to
contribute to. But you must not fund any Institution
that has any punitive ‘attachment’ to any conduct
codes, because that is supporting and condoning the
false ideology.
Remember, the ‘sanctity’ of
God’s Law is such that you can never be imposed
upon or made to suffer unless you have caused others to
suffer in some way. You are thus only safe when
from this moment on you conform to God’s
first and
second Commands. For
in so doing you sow no more ‘evil,’ and as you suffer at
the hands of others you pay your dues and ‘little by
little’ you become free. (Set your own release date from
hellish ongoing suffering.)
Whether you are a simpleton or
a magistrate, once you understand that, - - - the
monetary or other support of any person or
Institution that is in the ‘business’ of
extortion, invasion, theft,
coercion, fine, punishment or destruction of property or
life is wrong, as it is supporting darkness,
negativity, and EVIL in action. Set yourself free from
any complicity.
This you do not do by
fighting the person or the ‘System’ in trying to force
it to change, you simply go your way in
PEACE and conform to the
first and second Command
of God and you
halt your fiscal and other support of it.
I see that aggressive men, terrorists, and state
legislators and their enforcement officers are
prepared to 'die' spiritually for a 'wage,' and to hold
all non-conformant to their 'taxing' demands as
'hostage' in punishment and, - - - they use 'coercion'
to try and force them to 'consider' paying up or
conforming to the dictates of a dictator that they do
not wish to 'bow down' to, and it is due to this
fact that I have written this 'expose' of truth.
I formerly ask all of you to consider whether
you are in error
backing a punitive, controlling, and unforgiving and
merciless institution, and are thus defiant of
our God's code of conduct command to:
"Only be loving, compassionate,
merciful and forgiving and to live in peaceful
co-existence with others." I believe and know
that the Command of God and the Law of God
are both above the 'man made' rules of any State
This 'factor' and fact needs to be examined
closely by all members of our community as well as those
taking a wage to be enforcers for the Dark Sovereign
Power, for your complicity to
imposing 'suffering' upon people and their
family places you into His 'fatal' arms, for He
and His immutable Law and Might will ensure that
you suffer the same suffering or loss or deprivation at
a later time and place chosen by Him in this or the
'after' life.
It is truly the time for all men to make a
commitment to only conform to God's Commanded
"peaceful and loving"
ideology, for in so doing one receives a positive
'bountiful' return of love and kindness, and one
avoids ongoing suffering. You need to be able to
say unto yourself: "As my daily
'action' is from now forth only positive, I remain in
conformity to God's Command and as I suffer any
'abuse' in non-retaliation and without revenge I
clear my past spiritual debts and become a
free man spiritually."
Try and see that to serve
God means that you do not ‘bow’ to the
demands of Caesar or the ‘State,’ even though it
perceives itself as your ‘service provider’ and
'father figure.' You may fund and support any ‘provision
of services’ that do not include dictates and
levies and punishment or enforced conformity to any
ideological beliefs that contravene the
Holy Word of God contained
within the 'text' of the
first Command.
Try and see that when you
permit 'Caesar' (the System of government) to coerce you
into bowing to his 'dictates' and thus pay his
demanded 'rates and taxes,' you are acknowledging
that you require the use of his
'punitive' and warring
protection services.
All mankind need to see
that the decrees of Caesar are what enable
Caesar to steal
endless sums of money from the community. Try and see
that the primary use of taxes is for the
funding of Caesar's 'belly' and to fund payment of
his armed services men and their equipment that
is used to force you to obey his decrees, as well
as to defend the lands that he
controls using force of
~ Government Control ~
it be clearly understood that any organisation naming
itself 'The government' is simply an institution
raised up by men using
BRUTE FORCE as their 'weapon' of
CONTROL over other children
of God.
before any of you readers were 'born' in the flesh there
were some very arrogant and vain men on earth who were
insane enough to believe that they were 'as' God with
the power and authority to enslave and control and
use other men to enrich themselves, and they used
BRUTE FORCE to attain their
position or superiority.
'governing' Institutions of today are 'run' by equally
arrogant and vain people who are also as deluded as
their forebears. For they also believe that the
never-ending Decrees issuing forth from their 'pens' are
the law of the land to be adhered to by others.
foolish men also use BRUTE FORCE,
or 'as much force' as they need to
CONTROL all living within
the borders 'ruled' by the punitive 'doctrine' of the
Institution they serve, and they and the armed forces
that support it also 'die' for it for a wage.
It is
up to you to see the error and iniquity perpetrated upon
you and others in the community in the name of
Caesar or 'the government' or 'the nation' or 'the
emperor' etc., for via rules and precedents set before
your birth all now believe that they should rely
on the 'Brute strength' of Caesar (state government) for
their protection and 'supply' rather than on their God.
None of
the state police and other enforcement workers are able
to see that in the eyes of their God that it is they who
are the offenders, for their 'prisoners' have been
seized by BRUTE FORCE
and kidnapped and transported and kept as hostages in
'cells' against their will and against God's will. (The
light of God)
enforcers are brutes that are ignorant of what they do
and they see not that they too will be subjugated and
abused when they are surely subjected to
God's divine law at a later time. No wise person would
defy God and incarcerate others if they
knew of the unavoidable consequence of their
As you
do is done unto you, and that Law of God is
THE LAW of this and every
land. So if you do not 'wish' to one day be a
prisoner crying out for release and desperately wishing
to reunited with your loved ones, then you had 'better'
heed your Creator and go your way in
~ Free
man or bonded slave ~
Enslaved by belief and precedent
There is a requirement of man that is imposed
upon all in every country, and that requirement is
the ‘Caesar’ style
Decree that is ‘posted’ on a tree or in a
book of ‘rules’ to
misguide * those
that are blinded by vanity. For the decree states:
“All the
people of the land must bow down upon
their knee to me the
‘authority’ and conform to this and
every ‘following’ decree placed upon
their plate by me ‘Caesar’
(State government) their Lord and Master
and, - - -
Any person
that fails to so do will be fined,
banished, kidnapped, transported,
imprisoned, or put to death for as said,
I am the authority and
my forces will hunt down
anybody that fails to conform to
my dictates and, - - -
I will force you to give me all the
money I require to look after you and
myself in the manner that I
see fit
because I have a need to protect my own
interests and, - - - because only
I know what is best for you and,
- - - if you try to deny me
my 'taxing' demands that I impose from
time to time by decree I will persecute
you until 'death' does us part.“ |
‘rules’ to
misguide * - Any
‘rule or ‘ruling’ legislated by any institution or
any ‘command’ imposed as a decree by anybody that
requires others to ‘bow’ and ‘bend’ to the Dictator
of the rule or be punished for non-conformity, is a
‘ruling’ that misguides those that uphold or
enforce its ‘rulings.’
For by the factual
determination of such interaction the legislator and
enforcer has presumed that they have the divine
right to control God’s children and to coerce them
or force them into compliance using force of arms.
All such interaction is a
Military dictatorship, for the
‘dictator’ being the
King, Queen, Mandarin, Chief or legislator uses
policing forces as their ‘occupying’ force that
enforce the
decrees and they ‘quell’ any opposition.
Neither the Dictator nor the enforcers realise that
they keep the flocks
enslaved to conformity to the ‘wishes or
whims’ of others. (The decrees of the
Thus there is no
freedom in the land, neither is there any
democracy in the
land for no person is able to do anything of their
own choosing until it has been ‘licensed’ by the
dictator and in conformity to the ‘rulings’ of
his ‘scriptures’ and subjected to his
‘amendments’ and ‘permit’ fees etc.
every person has been ‘born’ into this land where
even their ‘elders’ were subjected to the same
control, it follows that this precedent of
negative interaction has become the ‘belief’ of
every land, and none today understand that they do
not have to conform to the dictates of anyone
other than their God.
All have also been led into the false belief that
the decrees of
‘Caesar’ the King, Queen, Mandarin, Chief or any
other are ‘the law of the land.’ They are not, they
are simply the demands imposed upon all by the vain
and ignorant and arrogant that
rule this world using
force. (The
forbidden fruit)
All these people that are ‘pretend’ God’s
are extremely ‘offensive’ in the eyes of the REAL
God, and HE is now to bring them all to ‘account’
for their foul deeds that they do not even see as
being such due to their false belief that is now
ingrained in their psyche.
~ The Dictatorship ~
government is simply an Institution that has given
itself the sole right of ownership of
you the individual and everything visible and
invisible within the land or sea mass that it
via its own ‘legislation’
controls using
force of
Every person ‘bowing’ to the decrees of Caesar
have ‘sold’ their freedom by abrogating their
‘person’ with its God given rights to the
‘Beast’ that operates
silently, invisibly and cunningly through the
systems of man.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because your life and every
activity is subject to the ‘scrutiny’ and approval
of some other ‘body’ be it a Council official
or a ‘rule’ in a book raised up by somebody
This is not Democracy
– the rules are the
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to
prove your
right to live in the country to some other
‘body’ be it a Council official or a ‘rule’ in a
book raised up by somebody else.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having
your name to some other ‘body’ be it a
Council official or a ‘rule’ in a book raised
up by somebody else.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to
‘permission’ from some other ‘body’ be it a
Council official or a ‘rule’ in a book raised
up by somebody else.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to pay a ‘permit’
fee to some
other ‘body’ be it a Council official or a
‘rule’ in a book raised up by somebody
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to
register a
tax number with some other ‘body’ be it a
Council official or a ‘rule’ in a book raised
up by somebody else.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to
obtain a
‘business’ registration number with some other
‘body’ be it a Council official or a ‘rule’ in a
book raised up by somebody else.
You are all living under a
DICTATORSHIP because you cannot do anything
without first having to
pay stamp
duty or
excise or license
fee or tax
levy to some other
‘body’ be it a Council official or a ‘rule’ in a
book raised up by somebody else.
The ‘end’ result of being the Dictator or
being the enforcer or being the
‘enslaved’ one that is bowing to the Dictator is,
that you are all a party to the use of force
of arms to extort
money from others and, - - - you are all a party to
the enslavement and
impoverishment and
control and
punishment of others
and, - - -
this negative interaction brings a return of
the same upon yourselves within the
absolutely JUST Law
of God, be it in this or the
‘after’ life. This return is
imposed upon you by
the invisible Dark Sovereign Power operating through
the minds of sinners, (vain-arrogant-ignorant
persons) that are kept spell bound in their
delusional fantasy of self-importance by His
dark power and control and, - - -
Greater becomes the control over your
movement and interaction.
Greater becomes the taxation and other
levies imposed on you.
Greater becomes the use of force to
quell your unrest.
Greater becomes the punishment meted out
to you.
Greater becomes the longevity of
incarceration time as your due.
Greater becomes the impoverishment as
living costs rise affecting you.
Greater becomes the suffering as warring
forces invade your ‘space.’
Greater becomes the invisible burden of
sin energy within your soul. |
Dictatorship arose a very long time ago when ‘a’
man thought *
that he was better than you and thus you had
to ‘slave’ for him so that he could sit under
a tree and drink beer and, he also used you to fight
his wars so that he would gain more and, he
also used you to then protect his ‘gain’ as you
funded his enforcers by his ‘taxing’ theft of your
annually grown grain.
man thought *
- Man listened to the ‘whisperings’ of the Serpent
and as man used his ‘brother’ as his slave he
unknowingly supped on the forceful dark energy
from the forbidden tree of evil, and his ‘sin’ of
vanity, pride, jealousy, hatred and anger grew
within him as it stained his soul
and drew him away from the
Light of God.
~ The 'coin' of God
spiritual payment ~
I am here today to
warn you all that there is now
much suffering
for you all to PAY before you are released by
your God to roam free in the
Heaven of Love
where I have lived for eternity. You 'pay' as you
suffer without retaliating. For if you fight
and cause others pain as you endeavour to ward off
suffering then you accrue another due.
'coin' of God is
the use of God's invisible
positive or
negative spiritual energy in ones
activity 'exchange' between people. The 'coin' of
Caesar (man) is the use of money as an
activity exchange between people however, - - -
during man's 'exchange' interaction there is also
the movement (use) of God's energy.
Express kindness, share
and care with or
without the use of the 'coin' of Caesar (State) you
are giving of God's LIGHT
energy, and you receive an EQUAL
'payback' within the
Law of His Light.
you 'support' Caesar whose 'forces' use God's
DARK merciless,
punitive, and
destructive energy, then you receive an EQUAL
'payback' within the
Law of His Dark.
Caesar's 'coin' is money taken forcefully to fund
the 'use' of God's negative, punitive energy (DARK
'coin') that flows through his men in the flesh that
receive a 'mercenary' wage of 'coins' to be dutiful
to the decrees
of the Dark Power. Being decrees that 'appear'
benign but that are a
punitive imposition.
unto all. Only the 'few' will do as I tell
them to and HALT the use of weapons and force of
arms in their interaction with others and, - - - few
will be the courageous who 'happily' pay their dues
to God as they face the 'lions' and suffer their
accrued fate without retaliating, as the vain,
arrogant and ignorant invade, rape, pillage, destroy
and kill those of them that so deserve.
down your ‘arms’ and treat others with respect, for
not one of you has the ‘right’ to
dictate the way that
any other should live, and not one of you has the
‘right’ to tax any
other. If you control, regulate, abuse or punish
others for any reason, you infuse your own
soul with dark sinful energy and you
also place yourself within the
punitive aspect
of the “As you did
sow so shall ye reap”
Law of God.
your way in PEACE
for the attainment of inner spiritual peace
is by the external expression of
'Peace unto all.'
This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in
submission to HIS Command:
'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - -
extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.'
a civil society we need no control nor regulators,
and no taxation or punishment. There needs only be
guidelines that
educate people
in the various sectors of daily living. Example:
Raise up building practice guidelines to
assist builders.
Raise-up a road code of conduct to
educate drivers as to
the need to drive on the correct side of the road,
to wear seat belts, to drive
safely, vehicle maintenance etc., no punitive
Educate the youth as to
the need to conform to God’s Command and to
thus not disturb the peace of the land.
Non-conformity is to be met with
educative means
as per the ‘Feeling
Easier Seminar.’
Leave ongoing recalcitrant offenders for God to
punish. There will be no more armed persons in the
community, and all will be free to move in and out
of any country without ‘passport’ or permits. There
will be no more taxes and all will
give freely
from their earned income to assist in
community endeavours that they wish to, and
all will pay ‘someone’ to provide their needed
Absolute Control ~
page is raised up to reveal the power of the Dark
aspect of God the Creator, being the
'Control, bondage, slavery'
that is the opposite to the
of movement'
aspect of
energy of God.
essence of the Dark aspect of the Source God has
many 'facets,' but the authoritative one that RULES
anyone that has any dark energy within their
soul is the energy 'Essence of Control.' This
'facet' uses you:
1 - To
others or,
2 - It uses others to
you or,
3 - It operates 'clandestinely' within you to
control you from within, and in this 'case'
it is the pure dark energy of God operating directly
within your soul causing you direct trauma
or, direct
imbalance *
that leads
you to
dread or, it leads you to cause another to
Whereas in
(1) above, it is the pure dark energy of God
operating through your mind and emotions to
bind, or enslave
another and, - - - Whereas in (2) above, it is the
pure dark energy of God operating through
another's mind and emotions to 'justifiably'
control, bind, or enslave
emotional imbalance *
- Emotions
felt by you that cause you to feel
depression, frustration, loss of control and
or, to feel
hatred, criticism, jealousy, vindictiveness
that forces you to cause others to suffer
deprivation or pain etc.
give the example of 'Claustrophobia,' that is a
fearful affliction experienced and suffered by many
in varying degrees of intensity. It is the
'terrifying' emotion felt by a person as they
'succumb' to feelings which are felt by a person
that is no longer 'In control of their life' or,
their 'way' or, their
and, - - - they are
by the
of the force of darkness within them that they know
and feel is ABSOLUTE and, - - -
They are
ITS bonded SLAVE for as long as IT (the dark energy)
is strumming within and in control of them, for IT
is their 'captor' like a GIANT 'Raptor' with
'talons' of stainless steel and invincible Might
from which there is NO release until IT
decides to 'drop' them and set them free of feeling
ITS dark energy.
- The freedom to 'reason' - the freedom to be at
peace within, the freedom to be free from IT and ITS
emotional energy can be felt by a 'prisoner' as they
are manacled and led away. It can be felt as their
cell door is clanged shut, and at that moment they
truly need to know that God's pure dark
energy ( 2 ) above is operating through others in
some way and, - - -
They also
need to know that IT the dark aspect of the Source
is in control, and IT knows
what is needed to be felt by you so that you
learn what you made others feel way back in the
past. So with this in mind, IT the Authority
operating through the minds of ITS ignorant
mercenary forces is simply doing to you what you
need to
in order to PAY your past
and to become free of IT if, - - - you listen to ITS
or me.
If you
feel that 'claustrophobic' feeling in an elevator or
in an aeroplane or at any time, then try and see
that the SOURCE is 'calling' out to thee to be
'steady' as you 'remember' what unto others you did
do, - - - so that you can become a kinder
If you are
a Light worker as I that came to earth to help
humanity, then our God 'imbued' you with that
'nature' of sin within so that you could help others
and, if so be advised that when you 'suffer' from
feeling its dark 'energy' that you are
simply being used by the 'vibration' of that energy
to link emotionally and mentally to 'lost souls' way
down in the dark night who 'fell' from grace due to
their control of others and, - - -
you need to do is to keep as steady as you can and
in your mind say to them either mentally or speak it
out loud:
"All of you 'logged on' to my mind due
to my dark 'humming' emotions need to
make a HUGE effort to ensure that YOU
understand the message ref. how you are
paying your dues and, how the light is
drawing out your 'sin' and, to also
remember to say the star prayer with me
so that, - - -
ON THE DAY I am 'separated' from you as
God purges me of my fear energy you
already know that you have not been
forgotten by me or God but, - - - that
you have been given the means to help
yourselves become stronger mentally as
God's energy of Light flowing through
you sets your souls free." |
And I also now say to you:
"Let me join you all below for a
moment as I shut myself into a
'mentally' constructed 'cage,' and I
also say: 'It is now armed and
locked' so that you know I am making
the effort to be closer to you and,
- - -
let us join hands together as
jointly we think of the Star of love
that we 'imagine' in our minds, and
we see its light shining down upon
our upturned faces, and as I now say
the star prayer you must say it with
me, and then we will relax in
Mother's arms for a while before I
'awaken' from my meditation and open
the 'locked - armed' door and go my
way." |
If you can practice this then ON THE DAY you
feel the dark 'claustrophobic' power coming your
way 'uninvited' you can simply focus on the
light above and say "I
welcome this connection," and you
simply go on and say or do the above as you
await God's purging love to bring you through
the valley of travail without having needed to
lose control.
Let it be clearly UNDERSTOOD, every
'enforcer' that
uses 'rules' from a
book to in any way cause another any
'duress,' be it 'justified' by the rules or
themselves, is a person that is
defiant of God and one to be severely dealt with
by the BEAST and ITS "I do
what I wilt Law, for NONE are above ME or MY
Law" in a severe,
cold, cruel, callous, and
way in this or the after life.
Let it be clearly UNDERSTOOD, every person that
uses 'force or verbal
orders' to in any way cause another any
'duress' be it 'justified' by society or
themselves is a person that is
defiant of God and one to be severely dealt with
by the BEAST and ITS "I do
what I wilt Law for NONE are above ME or MY Law"
in a severe, cold, cruel,
callous, and
merciless way in this or the after
Let it be clearly UNDERSTOOD, every person that
'crosses' your path each day must be
treated with respect,
kindness, and care, for if you take it
upon yourself to
'forcefully' impose your 'beliefs' or
decrees upon them and their way of living by
word or deed, then you are a person perceived by
your Creator
as an arrogant 'infidel'
(non-believer) in goodness
and mercy and, - -
- you are a 'bad' and 'rotten' seed and, - - -
one to be destroyed by God if you do not
amend your ways QUICKLY.
Let the importance of never again
controlling others
be clearly UNDERSTOOD, be it your friends,
husbands, wives, lovers, mistresses, business
associates or any community member, - - - for
any form of control
leads to their suffering, - - - for when we
control others in any way they feel 'closed in'
and want to 'break out' and, - - -
We will by God be
forced to suffer the same
'claustrophobic' feelings as HE controls us. God
can send your spirit soul deep into the Abyss,
and 'constrict' it tighter than the coils of a
giant python, into a very small 'cell' in Hell.
My 'call' unto you all is to prepare you for the
'fall,' so that as you see the 'reason'
of my Light as you
suffer your own inspired plight, and you can
then begin to change your way before the LAST
DAY, when it will be too late if you
approach the 'eternal
fires' grate.
The ‘mercy’ of God is the fresh
Wisdom I bring.
~ The Authority of God
granted unto man ~
Reference scripture
– and - Render unto Caesar:
Matthew 22.21
The above two scriptural references both refer
to the error of belief of
man that 'some' have the 'Powers of God' bestowed upon
them to the point that they are 'the law,' and
thus their 'legislated' rules or decrees are
No person is above the 'Law
of equal return' of God.
I trust that IF you the reader have the time to
examine the below texts that you will 'find'
THE TRUTH, and you will
learn that God NEVER granted any mortal the
right to rule others. Man only attains 'rule over
others' in using God's
forceful destructive power. This being a
criminal and illegal
ACTIVITY that is forbidden
by God as it results in the
spiritual 'death' * of the user.
spiritual 'death' * - Eternal
confinement in the underworld with ongoing torture,
deprivation, sorrow and agony.
I Refer
firstly to the texts <
Render unto Caesar:
Matthew 22.21
> because it refers to that which is 'Caesar's' and that
which is God's, and it is fairly simple to answer IT.
Government officials all believe that the meaning
is that: "Everyone must pay taxes
to Caesar,"
and everyone today is coerced
into so doing or punished
because the words of Jesus were not 'clarified' by Jesus
'then' but are so now by my pen.
page 13
If you rely on the protection of man by armed men,
(Caesar's forces) then naturally you must pay the wages
of the army personnel as well as the costs of weapons
etc. In this event you 'owe' Caesar (government forces)
a 'tax' due to be met by you for the provision of
said 'protection services.'
If you are a true 'believer' and
BELIEVE that God will protect you if you obey
God's COMMAND, and you thus do not require the
services of armed forces men, then you do NOT 'owe'
Caesar any 'taxes.'
I refer
now to the scriptural texts
that are absolute deception:
BIBLE : Rom 13.1-7 -
Reference obedience to Authority.
13.1: Let
every person be subordinate to the higher
authorities, for there is no authority
except from God, and
those that exist have
been established by God. 13.2:
Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes
what God has appointed. - - - 13.4: - - -
for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he
is the minister of God, an avenger to
execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. |
above texts refer to the 'King or Emperor or political
system' as having the 'Authority from God' to rule man.
There is
however a
'contradiction' = contra 'diction' =
variance of meaning in the
above scripture to THE Command of God.
Indeed our God is THE AUTHORITY to be
obeyed by man but, - - - God is both
and DARK, and the
Light is
absolute and the Dark is
God (The
Light) FORBADE man to use the
Dark forceful power
of 'armed forces' because the 'use' thereof was
truthfully told to be the spiritual 'demise' of
the user because, - - - IT the <
Dark forceful power
> is the 'fruit' from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil being the 'Sin,' (negative
dark energy) that would drag the spirit soul of
the user down and into the hellish realms
Since God forbade man to use said destructive
energetic power in his interaction with others, 'why'
would a God of
'Light and Love' CONTRADICT
itself and AUTHORISE 'earthly' persons (Kings) to
'bear an 'avengers sword' and use the DARK
interfering, controlling,
subjugating, injurious, punitive and destructive
force to RULE others and in so doing, become
the one doing 'evil' deeds?
As far as I am concerned, whomsoever
wrote the above texts (Romans 13.1-4) was a person
'coerced' to so do by the governing authority of the
land. The instigator wished to use 'religion' as
the means to intimidate, extort endless wealth
and to attain a status of absolute 'grandeur' befitting
of a 'God.' No doubt the keepers of the 'book of faith'
were told that if they failed to oblige and give the
earthly ruler absolute power and authority, that they
would be cast into the lion's den.
Light of God NEVER condones
the use of forceful destructive power because the
'nature' of Light is
creative, loving, merciful, peaceful and forgiving.
Governing kings name themselves 'defenders
of the faith,' but in fact and by deed they are
faithless individuals who know NO God.
page 14
Since I AM the
pure soul
with NO 'sin' (dark energy) within, I can see the
truth of the matter being, that our GOD did NOT
'appoint' ANY earthly rulers to go forth and put the
'noses' of other mortals 'out of joint'
It was the ARROGANCE of 'some' who
defied God and using
force of arms
'stole' said RIGHT to BE 'as' God, - - - ABSOLUTE RULERS
of others and, - - - backed by
'force of arms'
and weapons
they CONTROLLED and enslaved
everyone within the 'borders' they 'held' by force.
A forbidden activity in contradiction of
God’s COMMAND. True believers rely solely on obedience
to God's Word
for their protection.
THE DARK energy essence of
(Known by some as the Devil) being absolute
'tempted' and enticed man to 'drink' of ITS
(God the Father's Power) so as to 'see' if their
souls were worthy of eternal life or NOT.
'wrote' or transcribed or updated scriptural texts,
(This has been ongoing for centuries) have ALL been
'sinners,' having dark energy within their souls and
have ALL been subjected to THOUGHTS emanating from THE
DARK as IT telepathically interpolated ITS requirements
within said texts for a REASON. The reason being:
1 - That every REALM (including
earth plane) is a level of consciousness outside
of the pure Light
controlled by IT. (The DARK)
2 - As soon as anyone decided or
yet decides to DEFY the
"Only love"
Command of the Light
and USE forceful
energy in their interaction
with others, the DARK then makes USE of
said 'infidel' to
impose ITS 'eye for
an eye' Law of equal return
JUSTICE or 'karma' upon others. These 'others' being
anyone who supports or funds any person or system or
organisation that uses ITS
force to control or punish or subjugate others.
3 - Why
does IT so do? IT does so in order to 'drag' said
NON-believers in 'love' further away from the
Light, and into more
suffering unto their eventual DOOM in the horrendous and
agonising realms below.
All are complicit to the harming and control of others,
and every government official and their 'king' defy
their God every day as they impose strictures in
contravention of God's Command.
It is 'simpleton' MAN who FREELY
continues to 'bow' to the
RULES and decrees and taxes
and licence fees that
confine him TO the darkness. Only those who now
are 'brave' enough to turn their backs TO the decrees of
mortal man who by THEIR OWN EFFORTS will set
themselves FREE to follow ME home to the
You need to state the below and
never stray from IT:
To the
world and our God I make this affirmation:
(name) solemnly 'swear' that I
believe in the existence of our
invisible God (The Creator) as being
my 'head of house' and my Sovereign
Monarch and absolute Ruler of man
having all Power and Authority.
pledge my 'fealty' and absolute
loyalty to His: "Go your way in
peace and love one another and be
merciful and compassionate and
forgive your enemies" Command, and
'forever' will I 'bow' in total
submission to IT at all times and in
all situations.
'denounce' all earthly Kings,
Queens, Emperors and politicians as
being 'pretenders' to God's throne
and I will never 'bow' in submission
to the dictates or decrees or
demands of any mortal men or women
whose 'requirements' of me are in
conflict with my conscience or
God's Command.
I will
never 'give-in' to any threat or
coercion imposed or backed by 'force
of arms' and I will retain my sanity
and respect towards others even if
they persecute or crucify me because
my ideological doctrine is that of
'absolute pacifism' as taught and
given by God's messenger
(plenipotentiary) of The One True
Faith organisation.
So help
me God |
The implications
of the above affirmation means that you never 'ask' for
permission from any person or 'official' before you
carry out your daily business ventures, nor do you pay
anyone a 'permit fee' before 'going fishing' or doing
anything. Neither do you pay any 'royalties' to any
'King or others' because you cannot fund their dark
punitive or controlling ways. You only use or fund
benign community services.
Try and comprehend that it is not
'man' ruling you via RULES, it is the Sovereign
POWER of the DARK (Father) keeping YOU enslaved and
suffering because YOU deserve IT. Why? Because YOU are
choosing to continue to fund or support His Dark
'system' that is
enslaving OTHERS
on your behalf.
Please try and understand that
these END DAYS times are all about
mental and emotional TRAUMA
that is to be
upon everyone because they are ones spiritual 'dues'
accrued through greed, pride, vanity or ignorance when
'we' sent forth our 'servants of darkness' to
and cause harm
To become
FREE one must IMMEDIATELY halt all support
of GOD'S DARK system. All are to suffer 'liquid' terror
and, - - - IF you
then your terror and
agony will continue
on FOREVER in the after-life.
purporting to be religious preachers are all in
error because they
all support the governing authority of man
and all promote said 'governance' of man by man because
of their ignorance of THE TRUTH and of the
'variance' in meaning in respect of God's Command unto
page 15
Terence State:
rebelled against the authority of God's 'Peace, love,
mercy and forgiveness' COMMAND unto man has
rebelled against what God instituted,
and those who so did have now placed God's
judgment upon themselves."
The ONLY way forwards is to 'suffer in silence and TURN
THE OTHER CHEEK as you PAY your dues.
The 'devil' THE DARK is total
deception, it follows that
the coercive tactics of
rules is to
FORCE you to support their
contra 'love'
doctrine, and thus you place yourself within the
negative aspect of the LAW OF GOD and you suffer within
God's immutable Law. To ‘DO WHAT IS GOOD’ is to ONLY
obey THE LIGHT at all
Because arrogant 'Chiefs'
and other 'heads' of society believe that they
are RULING with God's Authority, they also ASSUME
that their
controlling, interfering,
extortionist, punitive and destructive
actions are NOT 'subject to' God's
This is a VERY 'grave'
of belief.
Why is it a 'grave' error of
belief? Man sees not that his 'spirit soul' is
comprised of God's
energy essence, and
that ones actions are motivated or 'moved' by
one or the other energies that exist. One being the
benign creative
positive energy (Light)
and the other being the
malignant destructive
energy. (Dark)
It is this mental and emotional
'God' energy flowing through the soul of man that
because IT (God) is
mass useable by mankind. You 'choose' to use
one or the other aspects of IT but, - - -
'Return unto user' (Law of equal return) cannot
be 'controlled' by the one who used IT in the past
because, the flow returns via the mind and
emotions of some other person. IT the energy,
being a Law unto itself, and being of infinite
intelligence, can fulfil ITS 'Scales of justice'
return either instantly or later or even hundreds of
years ahead in the after-life.
The 'best' or only thing one can
do to set oneself free from the influence of Its DARK
aspect is to always remain using the
aspect even when confronted.
"Why"? Because when confronted by the dark
destructive aspect, one is
simply being exposed to IT fulfilling ITS
'eye for an eye law of equal
return' so as to 'balance its books' and set you
FREE from your past debts to IT.
Arrogant or ignorant man will now LEARN that no
mandate of man 'legalises' defiance of God's
Command unto man. Every activity of man that is
in conflict with the precepts of God's Command is
now to return unto user and all are to now pay a
very heavy ‘sorrowful’
God has
NEVER authorised any man to rule other men. Only
God can rule or punish without being subjected to the
'Law of energy in motion' because GOD IS THE ENERGY.
(The inviolate law of energy: “For
every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”)
DARK energy NEVER ‘harms’ anyone who has NOT used
IT in their interaction with others. No person will ever
carry out an ‘idea’ in their MIND to harm YOU unless you
need to BE harmed by IT the Dark so as to ‘clear’ your
past debts to IT.
There is ONLY ONE GOD who has many
names because there are many 'tribes' on earth, so both
the <
Heavenly Father or the Hebraic God of Religion of
duality of darkness and light,
> are ONE and the same. However,
proceeding forth FROM the heavenly Father's
FIRE or 'power'
is THE
LIGHT energy,
being of an opposite emotional nature.
(Love and joy all its happy and merciful attributes)
THE heavenly Father is THE DARK
energy essence that invisibly pervades all
known and unknown 'space' outside of the
Light of heaven (She the
The space of 'darkness' has no beginning nor ending and
is incomprehensible in size. IT is all the
negative emotional energy comprised of
liquid hatred, vengeance, arrogance, jealousy, vanity,
pride, anger and fear etc.
and AUTHORITY and does not 'share' this power with
ANYONE, and any person using IT becomes ITS 'enemy,'
and IT/HE sets out to
them for their arrogant
to His
"ONLY love"
Command (1) and His Command (2) below:
"I your Creator
FORBID you to sup of the fruit of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil."
"Never use MY
destructive energy in your interaction with
others because IT (dark energy) will
contaminate your soul (Sin, negative
emotions) and drag IT (Your soul) down into
MY underworld to suffer forever." |
Regrettably for
'some' spirit souls created, they defy God's Command (2
above) because they 'listen' to the words of the
deceitful Serpent as IT 'temps them and they succumb to
ITS temptation:
"You will NOT 'die in your sin' if you sup
on my forceful power, you will however learn
that evil exists and you will learn of the
difference between good and evil." |
page 16
As soon as man
uses said Dark forceful energy it grows within man's
soul and IT is what gives man the JUSTIFICATION to JUDGE
others and to thus BE 'as' God and punish those
perceived as offensive instead of
mercifully educating them of their error as
COMMANDED by God. (1)
There certainly
is a limitless reality forever unfolding
in the LIGHT and ITS
'delight' is ONLY
for those who OBEY God and find their way 'back' to THE
All continuing
to obey 'man's' decrees and the
causing of harm to others will fall to
agonising depths having an equally unfolding
terror and agony 'designed'
by THE DARK as IT tortures
them forever for their arrogance. Once you HAVE
‘sin within’ its deceptive power is that
of a giant python and is what drags one DOWN into
the lair of the serpent as IT is what
justifies your continued
use of ITS forceful energy
to protect yourself from ‘suffering.’
Regrettably for
the ‘Hebrews,' they all follow their leaders to
their spiritual demise because they also rely on
weapons for their protection rather than on
God’s HOLY WORD Command.(1)
Our 'likeness' to God is simply that
our inner energy is
that of God's energy
essence. The rules/decrees of mortal man are NOT 'The
law,' they are simply the dictates of criminals who use
'force of arms' to enforce
their personal demands.
LAW that is 'irrevocable,' because IT is
simply the 'Law of equal Return'
Be it the benign creative
Light energy or the
malignant destructive
Dark energy used in ones interaction with
"For every action there
is an equal and opposite reaction at the time and in the
place so ordained by said energy."
Since one 'half' of God's energy is total
control and forceful destruction
that RETURNS to the user, our God FORBADE 'us' His
children to use IT because, said use thereof causes
others harm and misery
which becomes the return due 'factor' upon the
'heads' of those who imposed IT upon the other. (This
Law of Energy is ABSOLUTE JUSTICE)
The return factor is not always immediate and this is
why those who 'strut around' imperiously feel
SECURE. They are NOT, and I
can assure all of you that all past kings or emperors or
other dictators are imprisoned in the hellish
lands that exist 'below' for their total
disregard of God's children whom they
enslaved and used
for their own 'ends.'
I need to make it very CLEAR to all 'enforcers' and
armed services personnel that their MANDATE comes from
mortal men and NOT from God nor His
sacred 'pen.'
The use of God's
forceful destructive power is TOTALLY
persons using IT or invoking its use or supporting its
use are doing so illegally,
and they are ON the wide road to eternal suffering and
You need to now try and understand that you can
'incarcerate' a person or injure or 'kill' their 'flesh'
due to perceiving their actions as 'bad,' but you
did NOT 'touch' the DARK energy that they
used which flowed through their mind or
hand. But, as you 'now' caused them terror or injury or
killed them, you were also using or being used
by the SAME Dark energy flowing through
YOU. (God's energy is indestructible)
When YOU 'Judge' another as needing
punitive 'correction' and
you USE God's Dark energy to punish them,
you simply place yourself within ITS
"Law of equal return." When
you use God's Dark energy you 'Receive the Mark of the
Beast' on your soul, and you set a 'pre-date' with the
ultimate PREDATOR who for SURE will give YOU your 'just
deserts.' You cannot avoid this 'date' with
pain because IT returns
via the mind and hand of some other person.
I am a resident of Australia and if you are a voter
or taxpayer of 'this' land then you are 'funding' and
are complicit to all the
'War and other crimes'
being committed DAILY by Australian troops, and the
Police services and the offshore detention facility
staff who 'operate' on your behalf and in your name. You
are also complicit to the 'bombing' and dismembering of
people living in other lands as your aircraft cause
untold misery, trauma and
destruction. - - -
page 17
The whole CORRUPT
'system' of the 'self-empowered' who
RULE backed by vain
magistrates and armed forces is SOON to BE a 'thing of
the past' because as soon, as the DARK underhand of GOD
has 'finalised' using said self-empowered to mete out
His 'eye for an eye' punishment factor as HE 'balances'
His 'Scales of justice,' then He our God will 'banish'
them ALL from the face of this earth and never again
will man be ruled by ignorance or arrogance because
everyone remaining will be kind,
loving, peaceful, merciful and compassionate as
commanded by GOD.
There will be NO 'one'
standing 'over or above' any other.
If there is any 'one' emperor or politician on earth
who has ANY 'Light' left within their soul I 'suggest'
that they bless their soul quickly with the
Wisdom from my pen
before they FALL into Satan's den so that they can
'begin' to be kind to themselves and never
again cause harm to others for any reason. If this they
can 'do' then far ahead one day their God might
release them from eternal suffering.
STOP funding the wages of political SWINE because
they are all ''WARMONGERS."
Soon, very soon, not one person on earth will find the
time to laugh because all will be in
'Survival mode' with little or no water, food or
shelter, and everyone will be
suffering terror and physical
You have been WARNED
your God and be
PEACEFUL, loving, merciful,
compassionate and forgiving,
and ONLY fund benign community
Education is the way
forwards. No more threat and
coercion backed by punishment. Fear and the old
'scriptures' have held man in bondage to the DARK for
centuries. It is my pen to release truth and release
TRUE believers. The police and other armed forces are
the 'lackeys' being used for 'thirty pieces of
silver' as they sell their souls to THE DEVIL.
Please now 'disarm' and elevate your own souls.
The Bible is man made and contains
both truth and untruth, and it is ONLY
God's HOLY Word
that is our
or REAL governing factor to BE obeyed because IT
and only IT gives mankind
direction. (Love one
It is I the one to bring forth the
Salvation truth
and to reveal the
of scripture as well as the
of the ways of mortal man, and my 'pen' is wielded by
the mind of God who inspires me either directly
or via the minds of
pure souls living in the
It is the power of the DARK aspect
of God the Source to now turn the mind of errant man
against errant man to mete out HIS
divine retribution, (Absolute Justice) and
everyone continuing to BE the DARK aspect of 'God in
action' will destroy each other. All who remain
obedient to God's Command who fortify their minds
as given by my pen will 'suffer their dues' in
non-retaliation and then become free of 'sin'
within, and peace will then flow IN to this realm.
From then
ON, only pure spirit souls will incarnate to this realm
that will become a
'Haven of Light'
and 'of' the Light.
page 18
~ The
'forgotten' LAW ~
The 'forgotten' Law is simply the absolute Justice of
the law of energy in motion
being: "For every action there
is an equal and opposite reaction."
This is simply the inviolate law that exists in this
'material' realm but, - - - it also exists 'invisibly'
as the inviolate Law of the
spiritual energy essence of THE
Source, God, for our God
simply is the super-intelligent invisible
spiritual energy,
He (Father God)
being the Dark forceful
malignant Power of 'destruction' and death,
and She (Mother God)
being the creative benign
energy of 'life.'
Both energies exist and both have the same 'law,' and
mankind is eternally 'bound' to their
law of equal return
albeit all see it not. I am here to 'resurrect'
the Law of the Energy of God
because until or unless man sees IT, they will
continue to slide downwards into eternal suffering and
an agonising
ending within which they will 'revolve' FOREVER.
God 'forbade' man to use His forceful
destructive energy. (The fruit from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil) Man does not comprehend that
when they so do in defiance of HE the
Almighty, that HE
becomes their 'enemy' and HE sets out to destroy their
arrogant souls. It is HE who 'justifies' their continued
use of His energy for the sole purpose of their
As man impose their rule and control over others,
everyone 'concerned' continues to draw IN more of His
dark energy and accrue more 'karmic' suffering within
His Law. Little by little their inner energy becomes
more dark and 'falls' further from the
Light and eventually
disappears forever from His sight. All mankind
is presently sliding downwards towards the Abyss and
I am here, sent by God's Light,
to 'save' any who truly seek
The 'law' or laws of man are the
decrees raised up as
'rules, statutes, acts' and simply put are
the "Law of the Beast"
(Darkness) being:
"Do what
thou wilt" meaning:
You can simply do whatever you 'wish to' or
'want to' using the
forceful destructive energy of God. (Backed
by force of arms and weapons) but, - - - arrogant and
ignorant man sees NOT that they are always 'subject to'
the REAL Law of God's energy that will 'return'
unto them when IT so decides, either instantly or later,
even in the 'after-life.' None can avoid IT and when IT
returns via the 'hands' of other ignorant persons
everyone 'cries out' in surprise saying:
am innocent."
What is the 'error of man's thinking' in
reference to man's 'laws or rules of
engagement' with others? 1 - Man assumes
that when his 'Chief' or King or Emperor
dictates a rule or decree, that the result
of its controlling or punitive
imposition is 'above' the 'Law of Return' of
God. It is NOT.
2 - Politicians assume
that because they were elected by a majority
'vote' that they are as 'god' with the RIGHT
to impose strictures (laws and rules) that
enable extortion of money or the causing of
harm (punishment or warfare) and not be
subjected to God's Law of Equal Return. This
is also error of doctrinal belief.
3 - Members of the
community do not even 'consider' that their
'vote' for man to rule rather than God as
'head of house' is what is keeping everyone
enslaved to the DARK and suffering through
their complicity to all the harm caused to
others in their name and on their behalf.
This is simply ignorance. |
The Constitutional 'invocation' is what 'permits' or
allows arrogant 'armed men' to RULE others
in what to their minds is thus 'legal.' It is
not. It was their minds being DECEIVED by the
Dark to be ITS earthly 'instruments' for the enslavement
of all. Every 'head of state' is doomed to agony in the
underworld for their personal defiance of God's
The Constitution was invoked as a part of the
'investiture' of the King or Emperor and then
used in their dominions as their apparent 'legal'
(enslave & tax & punish) man within
the 'scope' of the Constitutional Acts
The 'scope' being that any person 'bowing' to man as
head of house rather than God and thus voting for
man and supporting the control and taxes imposed upon
others via their demands for protection by armed men,
(Caesar) were in fact all to be subjected to the
State rules and punishment for any non-conformity to
said rules.
The other 'scope' being that any person living
in accordance with God's Command and living
peaceful and morally
as Commanded by God, was 'granted' their
freedom from
being subjected to State RULE via its 'acts or
laws,' as long as they did not
disturb the peace or carry out
immoral activities. This was granted to the
faithful to God
within the 'Freedom of Religion' Acts.
Regrettably, all the 'King's' men (magistrates,
officials and armed forces) have revoked their
allegiance to the 'earthly' King or Queen as they
chose to ignore the Sovereign Constitution and thus
placed themselves in 'double jeopardy' in operating
outside of The Law of man.
Regrettably, the King (in the first instance) saw NOT
that in enslaving
his 'subjects' using the Constitution as being
his 'licence' to so do, and through taxing their every
endeavour and punishing them and waging war against them
or others, that he was also in opposition
to and in defiance of THE
Command of GOD, and placed himself and all
his 'followers' (controlled subjects) within the
punitive aspect of
God's immutable
'Law of equal return' to
be suffered
in this world or the next.
The 'Rule of Law' of man with all its 'strictures'
and loss is simply the
dictatorship of God (The Dark)
imposing His 'Law of
punitive Return' upon everyone via the arrogant, and
keeping everyone locked into
defiance of THE "Only
love" COMMAND and ON the 'wide road to hell.'
Those who 'stride around' on their 'high horses'
voicing their demands have far further to fall
than those whom they 'tread' upon. I can but you 'warn'
that vanity and pride GUARANTEES that you will more
than mourn.
page 19
~ God's Command ~
says that we must not rely on the use of force to
protect us, nor the use of force to raise money to fund
community endeavours. All creative and sustaining
community 'works' must be funded through free giving
donations. The provision of services to the community is
funded by the community directly as they pay as they go.
You only need to fund the 'works' or services that you
wish to.
A civil society is one in
which ‘educated’ persons are free to offer
codes of conduct practices in the variety of
community works, but there must be no enforcement
to the beliefs of any one nor any majority, all
are free to simply ‘different’ be. If you wish to
work for society then do not work for any Organisation
that has a contra ideological belief to that of
Caesar as a ‘leader of men’ states that all men
within his ‘jurisdiction’ are his ‘subjects,’ and that
they must ‘render unto him’ that which he commands by
his decrees. I now state that all dictators and
their enforcement ‘agencies’ need to now 'focus
on' and look deeper at the implications and meaning
of the words “Render
unto God that which is God’s.”
via my pen states that to avoid eternal
suffering, all His children must now turn over a
new leaf and ‘render
unto Him’ that which He commands in his:
The first Command
“Go your way in peace and
love one another and extend goodwill unto all mankind.”
via my pen states that to avoid eternal
suffering, all His children must now turn over a
new leaf and ‘render
unto Him’ that which He commands in his:
The second Command
“When faced by adversity you must be
brave and turn the other cheek and not
retaliate and, - - - you must be
merciful, compassionate and forgiving of
your enemy who is but what you were
in your past, an ignorant ‘non-believer’
that had defied My ‘Go in peace and
love one another’ Command and, - - - even
though your belly is now filled with dread
you must keep out the thoughts of the
serpent and not fight back.” |
This document has been written
through my concern for all the people of planet
earth, for in one way or another they have been led by
false precedent, and by
force imposed now believe
that the use of punitive force is acceptable to
God and it is not.
They have also been led to
believe that funding its use and condoning its
'action' is also acceptable to God and it is not, and
thus every person within the 'myriad' of earthly
religions that fall back on 'protection' by force of
arms or, the 'punishment' for those that offend
'someone' or, some 'rule' of Caesar or 'Priest,' are
daily accruing a very painful spiritual debt.
This spiritual debt is a 'due'
of suffering that is
now to be met as the Wrath of God unfolds upon this
realm and every realm outside of heaven as revealed by
me in my
Summary' of my message to humanity.
This article is written to
expose to all that one does NOT 'automatically' owe
'Caesar' (State) a debt, but the moment you
'vote' for a 'head' of government or you pay any
income tax money to
a government organisation, you DO then 'accrue' and
'owe' a debt of suffering
until that debt
is paid for within the punitive aspect of the
'eye for an eye' Law of God.
This 'debt of suffering' which
becomes your due is the result of 'complicity' to the
punitive actions needed and carried out by state
officials and enforcers to 'protect' you and 'the'
Nation, and this is clearly revealed in the Item - 1.
(Letter to the Taxation Commissioner) For even as
you 'sleep,' as a voter and tax payer your 'servants'
are interfering in the
lives of others and causing them
Rely ONLY on God for your
protection and ONLY fund benign community effort. Suffer
any painful impositions in non-retaliation.
Try and see that the
punitive aspect of
the enacted rules of men are what enables the
BEAST to operate through the mind and 'hands' of the
ignorant State 'officials,' being persons that receive a
wage and a 'uniform' to be His avenging force.
For without the punitive 'attachment' to every dictated
'decree,' no man would
'bow' to these foolish controlling
dictates and they would become
Every person seeking
Salvation * must not
'bow' to any man or 'punitive and warring'
Institution of man, they must bow and 'bend'
their knee in conformity to God's
first and second Command.
You now have the freedom of
choice to win or lose.
You must Educate and
'give' and peacefully
live. You must not
‘Regulate and control and punish' and
forcefully take.