~ The Knowledge ~
Good and Evil
Within the 'frame'
of the Source God, there exist two energies containing 'opposites' pertaining to
their 'feelings' that impact upon and within the soul of man that was created by
the Source, these 'twin' polarities of energies are the sum total of all energy.
The words 'Good and Evil'
or 'positive-creative and negative-destructive' are
simply names placed by man upon these two energies to describe their
differences. For in reality they are neither good nor bad, for they are simply a
reality by their very existence, as is their capacity to impact upon each of us
with a difference of expression by us or onto us. Let it here be known
that both 'energies' are indestructible, thus IT (the energy) and 'us'
exist forever.
At the time of our
creation our 'essence' is 99.99 % * comprising of the energy
of the Source known as
good or positive. At that moment in time and
for all time * those that live in the pure
benign Light of 'good' energy know neither of the
good nor of the evil energy, for as they are 'of' the one they simply exist
within that consciousness, and are simply living in a state of its
emotions of love and joy and happiness and peace.
Note: 99.99 % * comprising of the energy
of the Source - The 00.01% (or less) is the opposite energy of the
Source. The energetic vibration of this minuscule 'sin' energy is the
means whereby the 'tempting' thoughts enter ones mind telepathically from
the dark aspect of the Source, God.
Note: time * -
This 'time frame' of 'innocence' and pure bliss ends when one defies the Command
of the Creator and they 'sup' on the forbidden fruit of dark energy. This takes
place if they permit the Serpent to seduce their mind by tempting them to use
its forceful evil energy in their
interaction with another and they steal, deceive or cause the other to suffer in
some way. (Thus they sin and at the very same moment draw into their soul a
little of this dark 'opposite' natured energy.)
The invisible Serpent (the
deceiver) poses as being a benign benefactor
as it telepathically says: "Sup on this forbidden 'fruitful'
energy so that you will then know the difference between good and
evil and, you then will be 'as' God."
From that moment onwards the soul of the person that 'drinks' of this 'poison'
has the knowledge of both the good and evil energy, they become 'heady'
and 'drunk' on the new emotions of power and
control and
forcefulness, and they can compare it to the other.
For the 'traits' of
the Dark energy differ in that they are emotions that are opposite to the
natural benign ones of love,
truth, respect, kindness, compassion, joy, happy and creative that are of
the Light energy. The energy of the forbidden
'fruit' is primarily deceptive, forceful, demanding,
unkind, disrespectful, cruel, merciless, intrusive, invasive, aggressive,
warlike, vain, proud, jealous, critical, judgmental, fearful, angry, hateful,
coercive, extortionist, punitive and destructive.
What is the reason
for the Dark aspect of the Source in tempting us to use its energy in our
interaction with others? Multiple reasons, firstly its nature is destructive,
hence it seeks to destroy any person that uses its energy. Secondly it
'tests' man to see if they are 'worthy' to live and are true and able
to conform to the Command of their Creator to ONLY
"Go in peace and love one another."
Thirdly, but of most
importance is the fact that the Dark aspect of the Source is the energy of
God the Father, and He and only He has the authority to use His dark energy.
Any person that takes it upon themself to use His dark energy are not only
contravening His command, but they are also 'guilty' in His eyes of
stealing. Thus at the very moment they 'sin' in
using His 'energetic' force to fulfill the
demands of the emotional traits of the Dark, or to
control any of His children, they have made God the
Father their enemy, and He sets out to destroy
their bad seed. *
destroy their bad seed. *
- How does God separate the 'just'
from the 'wicked' and destroy them? He tempts them by justifying their use of
more Dark energy in their interaction with others and as they so do, they
draw in more of His dark energy that 'clouds' their inner Light and, - -
- as they become 'darker' within and more controlling, vindictive,
unforgiving, punitive, and destructive, their soul is drawn further away from
the Light and out of His sight when it falls into the Abyss in the after life.
nature of the dark is deception and
destruction, and it also is the self-empowered
retributive 'arm' of the Source that metes out
divine retribution to set the 'record' straight within its own 'eye for
an eye' and absolutely Just Law. It knows all and sees all, thus no person can
avoid their 'suffering' fate when they use Its
forceful or punitive energy, and all receive an 'equal' return upon themselves
for all control or abuse they personally perpetrated or that is done on their
behalf by others that serve them.
does the Light of God (Mother) not wish us
to know It the evil (dark energy) and
to know the
difference between good and evil?
Why does She forbid us to sup on 'dark' energy? Because we cannot 'learn' about
It without using It in our 'active' expression, thus It
is not something that can be examined or observed as such, one has to literally
use It to experience Its 'feelings' within us
and, - - -
using It
you are
Its 'channel' in action as Its energy is flowing through you, and you
are thus justified in 'judging' others and in some way 'disadvantaging'
another or abusing them and causing them to
suffer because that is the 'nature' of the dark
energy and, as the immutable Law of God comes into operation through ones
ACTIONS, it follows that when we "Reap what we
did sow" we will also suffer
only this, but as soon as we have drawn some dark energy into our soul and we
know the difference between good and evil, we then are able to see the
evil perpetrated by others, and via our inner sin our minds become locked
into thoughts of retribution, - - - we then
feel 'justified' in defying God more and being unforgiving and, in
using more dark energy in bringing others to 'account'
forcefully and punishing them. This 'action'
results in one drawing in more dark 'evil' energy and drawing our
souls even further away from the Light.
Man now lives in a
perpetual state of 'yesterday,' and he cannot
forgive nor forget the past misdeeds of others as he keeps his
memories of 'war' and atrocities to the fore, and he mercilessly goes forth with
the intent of bringing all to
'justice' and, he is unaware of the 'sorry' state of his own soul and of the
coming 'fall' into the Abyss that is the end result of his own godless
interaction. Thus man is hell-bent on punishing himself and placing
himself in eternal suffering, being his
self-inflicted due for being to his own soul
your soul free and follow me as you heed the call of
God :
"Peace unto all."
only to TODAY and be kind, merciful, and
forgiving and become happy. Accountability and
justice is ONLY God's prerogative, for only God can punish without
suffering, for only God is 'above' His supreme Law. He is The Law and He
not you is God.
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~ The Tree of Evil ~
The forbidden fruit
by Terence – the
spirit of truth
A very long time ago
there were spirit souls being you and I that lived in Paradise above. Within
this State there exists a Tree * that contains the
Dark energy of the Source, God
the Father. The Creator forbids all His children from supping on the
fruit of this single tree. The reason being, that if they so do, they will be
'seduced' by the dark
forceful power that through IT'S
flows freely.
The moment they
defy the Command of the Creator and sup on the 'fruit' of the forbidden Tree
they infuse some of its destructive energy into their soul that 'coarsens' their
energy vibration and instantly casts them out from that highest level of
spirituality down a 'grade' or two or three and never again do they God's face
see until they 'bow' in obedience and conformity to His wisdom
given by me.
Note: Tree * - Symbolic
of the 'tap,' being the link to the Dark negative essence through which
flows the energy that energise all the powerful negative emotions. This Dark
essence is the forceful, deceptive, controlling, and destructive energy of the
Prior to being 'tempted,'
children were all loving and kind and respectful,
and none would ever consider being cruel or unkind and mercilessly using
to control or steal or abuse
any other, for the 'energy' that flows through dark negative emotions did
not flow into them nor through them.
But, within them at the time of their individual creation
was a tiny 'seed' of darkness. * For
contains all within His 'frame,' both the positive and negative energy
essence, and thus a 'tiny' seed of this dark essence is found within
every person at the time of their creation.
Note: 'seed' of darkness. *
- This seed 'capsule' contained a 'miniscule' amount of all known and
unknown negative emotions.
As Light is
outpouring within every soul eternally, if one did heed God and thus did not
'feed' the inner dark 'seed' by 'watering' it with dark energy, the 'seed' of
the dark emotions is eventually purged out of the soul and one can no longer be
tempted by dark thoughts.
It is via the vibration of the energy within the tiny seed
that the thoughts of the 'Serpent' the deceiver
enter into the mind of man. Thus
said that all must resist these thoughts that would tempt man to sup on the
fruit from The tree of the knowledge of EVIL.
The temptation emanating from this tree is the temptation to
use force
in ones interaction with others, and as vain children of
did so, they drew its powerful energy into their souls, and the seed of darkness
within 'blossomed' and became the full range of all known and unknown
negative emotions named 'SIN.' (Fear,
greed, jealousy, vanity, pride, revenge, criticism, anger, hatred,
The dark essence has a number of characteristics that
are 'fatal' for those that ate the forbidden fruit. You, you, and you.
1 - The dark essence has the capacity to recognise the
deeds done by others as bad, negative, evil, etc., and needing
rectification or 'adjustment' using the emotion of
and the 'sinner' seeks this 'accountability' using more
punish the other so as to 'set' the 'record'
2 - The dark essence has the capacity to
the use of forceful means in order to bring
other 'defaulters' to account.
3 - The dark essence has the inner negative emotional
capacity to 'tempt'
man to use more of its energy so as to accomplish a negative 'sinful'
action such as 'theft -
invasion - abuse - rape - punishment - abduction - incarceration,'
4 - The dark essence has the capacity to 'blind' a
'sinful' person so that they do not see how evil they are in their
interaction with others. For bringing an offender to account for their
perceived misdeeds is perceived as a
deed, even though the merciless
persecution and punishment
is a 'bad' deed that contravenes the
Command of God.
5 - The dark essence blinds its users to the fact that
as they use force
or, as they defy the Command of their Creator to
"Only Love, and do not disturb the
peace of the Land," that the
dark essence *
grows as a cancer within them, and it becomes 'unmanageable' after
a lengthy time so they lose their choice to be kind and loving and
Note :
dark essence *
- This energy is invisible, and flows quickly and silently, and it is known as
'the mist of death.'
6 - The dark essence has the capacity to also blind
the person to the reality that as they use it to
that they will in fact be faced similarly by it at a later date as it
fulfils its own 'eye
for an eye' judgement upon them and they
then suffer more at a later date.
7 - The dark essence has the capacity and inner
to force
them to retaliate
when they are later confronted, and through their inner fear or anger that has
grown over time, the thoughts entering into their mind
force them to retaliate
and cause more bad karma and draw in more dark energy.
8 - The dark essence has the capacity to 'weigh' down
the spirit literally and figuratively. For the greater the amount of dark
energy within the soul, the 'courser' their vibration and the further
away from the Light
it is drawn, and over time it sinks downwards and can sink into
the great depth of oblivion.
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9 - The dark essence has the capacity to blind you to
the fact that as you
criticise, condemn, judge, and punish,
that you have in fact become a
in the eyes of God
and punishable
by God
within His superior Divine and
'Just' Law.
10 - The dark essence does not permit you to see the
reason why you should only be
kind and respectful.
It only lets you see the reason why you need to
arrest and punish
offenders. For it seeks to use you unto its own 'ends' and to thus
destroy your soul in the process.
11 - The dark essence does not let you see that the
more of its energy that grows within you, the harder it is for you to resist its
'tempting' thoughts. It does not let you see that the 'end' result of drawing in
its darkness is that you become a foul mouthed destructive 'screaming
demon' whose mind is totally
by its thoughts.
12 - The dark essence convinces those in authoritative
that they have the responsibility to force you into compliance to
their beliefs, as they by it are convinced that you need them/it to run
your life for you, and to protect you using
force of arms
in the manner it sees as 'fatherly' kindness.
13 - The dark essence does in fact
all mankind to defy the Command of their Creator as they all
condone the use of dark powerful
in their interaction, as they see not the 'eye for an eye' dark
return that they impose upon everyone and themselves within the
"As you sow so shall ye
Law of God.
14 - The dark essence does
man to wage WAR
and to INVADE
and to Control Borders
and to KILL.
15 - The dark essence is at all times aware that a
person is using its energy, for when using darkness in ones interaction
(control, regulation, imposition, force, extortion,
deception, criticism, judging, invasion, abuse, punishment, stealing, seizing
goods, killing, etc., ) one is literally within the Domain of
ITS energy and IT sees all as IT is 'inciting' and inspiring all
into using ITS energy and, - - -
None use ITS energy with any IMPUNITY as IT is the
absolute Authority of ITS Domain, and ITS 'eye for
an eye' Law is also Just & Honourable
but, - - - IT does not let you either see nor realise the FACT that in using
ITS energy, that you become ITS subject and, you are also subject to ITS
"As you sow so shall ye reap" Law that is
the most basic Spiritual Truth.
Dark energy is in fact the negative essence of the
Source, and none are above the
Law of God. For God
gives NO 'dispensation' and NO 'diplomatic or Judicial or mandated'
immunity to anyone that is so foolish as to
defy HIM, and use HIS Dark powerful energy that is HIS prerogative to use
All that use force of
arms or rules to
'arrest, detain, fine, incarcerate, or kill' as a means of
control, punishment, coercion, or for any
reason are 'criminals' in the eyes of God
and are very 'offensive' persons deemed 'liable' in the eyes of
God to be 'subjected' to a similar fate at a
later date to be set by God in this life or
the hereafter.
16 - The dark essence is only interested in the
investigation of 'criminal' activities that contravene or defy its
own RULES for the sole purpose of bringing others to account through
their punishment. It is not interested in them
learning how or why their minds or emotions may have 'crippled'
their judgement.
17 - The dark essence does
man to bow to its 'silent' dictates via the
that it raised up in its
'Rule by Law'
books of legislation, that
force all men to become ungodly
beasts and to abuse
their sister, brother, mother, father, and every near or distant spiritual
This is openly seen today, as man over time became 'able' to
read and write, the essence of darkness the Dark Sovereign Power
seduced the mind of man further. For through the mind of sinful vain man,
it 'suggested' that man raise up powerful institutions using
so that they could
impose rules upon others and use them as
their slaves
with apparent 'legitimacy.'
The more man 'upholds' the
using the forceful
judiciary, the more man is able to
via taxation and punish
by further fine or incarceration and, the greater becomes the burden within
his soul and upon his 'debtors sheet' to be met as
weights HIS 'Scales of Justice.'
says: "BURN the unholy forceful books and become
free to then heed ME and conform to MY Command to Love one
If you are a person that has become a person
liable to be
'punished' by
due to using force
personally against another or, - - - due to your servants using
against another or, - - - you are a person that is funding or condoning or
supporting an Institution that uses
to control or punish or destroy
others, then you had better quickly listen to me and my
message of HOPE
and change your personal way very quickly.
As Light
is outpouring within every soul eternally, if a 'sinner' stops using darkness
and no longer 'feeds' the inner negative 'emotions' within with dark energy, the
emotion is eventually purged out of the soul, and the spirit is then able
to rise up into the absolutely pure level of
and brilliance
where only those that are 'sin free' can enter for eternity. (Christ
soul, free of any speck of darkness)
"Be kind and compassionate and merciful and TEACH
Do not be foolish and put a 'bullet' in your gun's breech."
"It is now the time to detain those
that disturb the peace of the land for the sole purpose of their
Terence - The Spirit of Truth
