~ OPEN letter (3) to prosecutor Brett Steele ~ Dear Brett, Reference: Your email dated May 23 with your pdf submission to Magistrate Marron and myself. I thank you for sending me your 'reasoning' as to 'why' your ongoing punitive actions against me are 'legitimate' and, why you therefore believe and hope that the magistrate will back your persecution CAUSE resulting in me 'suffering' something. You obviously also hope and desire that in so doing, that I will amend my ways and change my ideological belief and thus 'fall in line' with your 'ideological' beliefs. The reason why I 'thank you' for sending me your reasoning information is that it enables my 'pen' to offer you and every 'global' reader some more educative input as I defend myself against your oppressive persecution of a peaceful man. I will answer the pdf 'acts' sent further down this letter. Brother, I am a 'zealous' and educative person, whereas you are a 'fanatical zealot' believing in the right to the use of force and 'the gun' to cause harm to anyone who fails to bow to your dictates and your interpretation of the 'text book rules' you uphold. You also believe in your right to override my belief in absolute pacifism as commanded by our God. (A conflict of ideologies) As I see it Brett, this 'case' is in fact the 'last dance' chance for YOU. I am the peaceful 'tethered to a stake' LAMB in the below image. You are the 'hungry' voracious BEAST who is determined to 'feast' upon me and cause me harm. You are backed by force of arms and therefore, according to MY ideological belief, I must in non-retaliation let you take your 'fill' of me because I am 'tethered to a stake' as I await GOD'S JUDGEMENT of me. The 'justice' to be meted out (if any) is the DARK punitive aspect of God's Law of EQUAL retributive return in action via the mind and hand of the ignorant who unknowingly work FOR the Dark aspect of THE SOURCE. "Do what thou wilt" - being 'THE Law of The Beast.' (God the Father) If I am to suffer 'anything' then that imposition sets me free spiritually from any past time when I caused another to SUFFER similarly. (This however has nothing to do with this case during which time I have caused NO harm) What I am trying so hard to get everyone to SEE is that NONE of us can void, nullify or avoid the retributive RETURN 'factor' of God's 'eye for an eye' Law because we are not God. Equally true is that no badge of office or uniform or official position can give anyone ANY immunity from God's ONE LAW. (As you do is done unto you) You CAN be 'rebellious' and transgress God's Command unto man to "Go your way in peace & love one another" etc., and you can also transgress the decrees of man, (rules) but you CANNOT transgress the 'energy' or the energetic benign or malignant 'force' which exists invisibly and flows though us because, THEY are a LAW unto themselves. (As you do is done unto you) God is in FACT the invisible spiritual energy essence. When YOU obey God's Command you place yourself within the benign RETURN aspect of the LIGHT (positive & creative energy) IF you knew what I know you would tell your 'boss' that from now ON you are only going to educate those who disturb the peace and never again are you going to be complicit to causing others any trauma or loss or harm. God is GOD, not you nor the rules in any book of man. Brother, every man or child has the power and capacity to KILL. One does not need any 'badge of office' to so do as the world should be able to see. All one needs is a MIND which is OPEN to THE DARK. It is a force which justifies this destructive action. It justifies you using rules. It justifies the 'public' via their negative emotions. The DARK aspect of God's ENERGY cannot be halted by rules nor by any other means but, - - - IT only comes your way IF you have been so foolish, arrogant or ignorant enough to have used ITS energy against another in your past. This is why I am 'in your face' because, ONLY I have the inner sight and wisdom to see how IT operates so clandestinely. Indeed, IT is so 'smart' that it is invisible to the user, and they are ALL 'happy' to blindly do ITS bidding directly or indirectly for a wage using 'text' books. You appear to claim and believe that according to your text' books, that you have every right to treat my Truth and Faith in the Belief in God as some sort of aberration. The 'mandate' given by men unto other men (state servants) creates the false belief in ones immunity from THE LAW of God. Regrettably, it also appears to me as having the capacity to hold man spellbound in IGNORANCE to the meaning of: "Right action in the eyes of God." Your books of rules and the pdf texts chosen by your 'advisors' will by this pen be revealed to state: "Irrespective of your belief, you will obey MY Decrees or be punished, banished or executed." So 'sayeth' the incoming thoughts into the mind of the person who originally invoked said texts. How is this 'rejection' of my plea of innocence and your continuing 'legitimisation' to persecute me accomplished? Because any 'lookers' into the volumes of texts written by man can in FACT find whatever they need to, wish to or want to. This results in the 'validation or legitimisation' by you to PUNISH others so as to coerce them into being of your belief. Your belief being: "The belief in THE IDEOLOGY of vengeful retribution," which IS the nature of the DARK punitive aspect of the Source. I am NOT a person who gives IN to threat or coercion. This was proven in the Remand centre precinct. It was also the reason why YOU withdrew one of the 'charges' against me because, you knew that if you had not, the magistrate would have had the opportunity to 'view' the video recording which he had asked for. It was the 'other' police officer who issued me with the 'coercive threat' and the decision that, contra my 'will,' he 'snatched' some of my breath to test it, but he was not 'called' into the Court as a police witness by you because that would have substantiated my defence. Son, it matters NOT what happens to me in my remaining time on earth for my SOUL is full of LIGHT, and IT returns to the Paradise from where IT came. I am here solely for YOU and all mankind. I am here to give all a 'last chance' to amend their ways before God 'buries' all those continuing to be defiant of Him in a very black box FOREVER, for being such an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE. It is your soul at 'stake,' NOT mine. In an effort to try and assist you and other readers with some more input, I comment on the 'acts' contained in the books of rules from your own institution in your response to the magistrate. Rules which in FACT give themselves and thus you the facility to overturn their own statements. Thus 'permitting' you the 'freedom' in your mind to deny me. Words in your pdf submission email to the magistrate:
Terence responds: naturally, for many people who by mouth profess to be 'good' Christians and Muslims and others do in FACT deny their 'religion' through being swine and in disturbing the peace or in waging war. Section 46 ONLY applies to those absolute pacifists as myself who OBEY God at all times and never harm others.
Terence responds: As in my response above, if ones conduct is unbecoming, treasonable, immoral or in contravention of the principles of God's Command of 'peace & love & mercy' unto man, then the concept of faith in the supernatural God cannot be a 'defence.'
Terence responds: If the spoken of 'general laws' are simply edicts of mortal men bearing arms forcing the peaceful to become complicit to their ways or, to bow to their every demand, then the moral action of a truly God loving believer is to turn their backs to these persons and only try and assist them. The words in your submission para (1) and (5) state:
Terence responds: In clause (1) above it states: < a matter arising under the Constitution or involving its interpretation, it is the duty of the
court not to proceed
> As I 'read it,' there is enough 'conflicting information' in all the above pdf text submissions enabling a person such as yourself to simply override my 'plea' and continue on persecuting me IN THE BELIEF that your actions are 'legal.' (That being your personal choice. Your choice to defy God and cause harm to the peaceful) Brett, you simply do NOT understand that according to MY BELIEF in which I BELIEVE that I am entitled to live by in being "Peaceful at all times." I cannot bow to the dictates of politicians or their armed forces, for in my opinion, it would BE a 'rebellious' act against God's Command. How? Because I would be condoning their activities. Being activities of control, interference, threat, coercion, intimidation, monetary extortion, punishment imposed upon myself and OTHERS in the community, in my name or on my behalf. Naturally, as your organisation has a 'huge' army of ARMED backup men which makes you feel powerful and invincible, I cannot 'win' any armed battle for I am simply ONE against many. More to the point, I have NO interest in conflict, and even though you 'punish' me, you are still welcome to come to my house anytime and be given a feed or a cup of tea. According to your ideological belief you HAVE the opinion that I must bow to the dictates of the decrees of your 'masters' VOICE, even if YOU have to interfere, cause harm or inflict a worse punishment. All in the name of your 'duty' or wage. (30 pieces of silver) Why in FACT do you do this? You do it simply because you have been deceived into believing that 'rules of men' ARE 'The law.' No brother, rules of man can be 'broken,' but THE REAL LAW OF THE LAND, God's LAW, cannot be 'broken.' ITS implementation is an inviolate activity. An activity which takes place when IT so chooses. (It is also absolute Justice ~ an eye for an eye ~ a tooth for a tooth ~ as you do is done unto you ~ as you sow so shall ye reap) I hope this will be understood by YOU one day. It is the time to 'burn' ALL the rule books, for they enable INIQUITY and keep man trapped by THE DARKNESS and ON the wide road to hell. There is NO 'conflict' in the wording of THE LAW OF GOD above. It is very simple indeed. There is also NO 'conflict' in the Command of God unto man. Brett, no one was more surprised than me when magistrate Marron accepted my defence papers and turned to YOU saying: "I want you to read this submission and give me your written response before the next hearing on June 12." Why was I surprised? because it was as though our God via the mind of the magistrate was giving you the opportunity to read my defence pages and then write to him saying: "I believe I made a mistake and withdraw all charges." Why am I now again surprised? Because it appears that instead of reading said defence as commanded by the magi, you simply passed them on to an 'advisor' who has passed back to you a few 'excerpts' from your Constitutional and other 'books of rules.' Decrees by other men giving you a further reason to keep persecuting me and thus NOT 'bothering' to read things for yourself so you could make the decision to set me free. You do not even have the courtesy to fulfill your obligations to the magistrate in writing a formal letter to him in answer to my 'points' within my texts. Nor do you do as God commands and give me your respect, mercy, love or compassion. What now is the result of this error of judgement on your part? You 'bro' before the whole world via my web site condemn yourself as GUILTY of a 'dereliction of duty' and the taking of a false wage and regrettably, - - - you also show our God of your true vindictive nature as you seek to ensure my punishment. What now is the result of this? You have now placed your eternal destiny in the hands of the magistrate. How or why? Because, if he sets me free, then you have another 'chance' to bow to God and not persecute the peaceful but, - - - if the magistrate does not set me free and imposes any form of punishment or restriction on me, then as per the 'dictate' of God via MY pen on MY web site, through your proven ACT of raising your hand against me, you have condemned* your own soul to eternal damnation in the Hell land which EXISTS. Reference God's dictate per my pen as recorded at the end of the Index page: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/index.htm
My dear brother Brett, I can but ADD that we do stand in the END DAYS time when 'each' shows their God of their 'ways' as the 'separation of souls' BEGINS. It is NOT a joke 'brother' but it is DEADLY SERIOUS and that is why at one 'am' in the morning, I am writing this epistle in the hope that you do NOT have to forever 'castigate' yourself for being a DOPE. Please PROVE to the magistrate that you had the 'courtesy' to READ my defence and write HIM a 'decent' response letter as he commanded. Thus giving ME a 'chance' and HIM the 'opportunity' of setting me FREE because I am NOT 'guilty' of any crime. Fail in this 'bro' and your FATE is truly thus 'as mine,' IN the 'hand & mind' of God who will give His judgement via the mind of magistrate Marron. What you and all mankind needs to comprehend is, that the ONLY 'Judgement' God permits man to place upon another man perceived as an 'errant' person and rebelling against His Command and by disturbing the peace of the land is: "This person DOES require to attend an educative facility wherein they will be given good counsel so as to assist in their mental and emotional rehabilitation as given in the 'Offender Seminar' document." God said: "Judge not lest ye be so judged," and this simply implies, that if you judge another as needing punitive correction, then that same punitive judgement is by God imposed upon your own 'head' within His immutable LAW, and ahead, it is you to suffer the same DREAD.
Added NOTE: ~ Ones conscience and double jeopardy ~ Many wise men have entered the flesh of this world over the centuries, and all have left their words of wisdom. I choose here the Hindu Bhagavad Gita text which was given to assist man to transform himself back into being a 'being' of pure Light: Lift up the Self by the Self - and don't let the Self droop down When a person takes a wage to uphold rules in a book they are required to NOT use their conscience because, all rules enabling interference, control, subjugation, extortion, punishment or killing are 'unconscionable.' These rules enable "WRONG action in the eyes of our God" due to being in contravention of His Command unto man. It is thus that the person places their own soul into spiritual jeopardy. When a person takes a wage to uphold rules in a book and there are conflicting choices of rules, a person may still have the opportunity to "Do the RIGHT thing in the eyes of our God" and thus be kind, loving and merciful in using their God-given conscience as they choose the 'benign' rule ruling However, if they choose to use the 'punitive' aspect of available rules because they are vindictive by nature, and thus unconscionable people, they place their soul into 'double jeopardy' due to their false choice and their dark nature. Treat yourself to the pure wisdom of God's Command, and never any other abuse or reprimand.