The Testament of Truth (pages 251 - 275)
In the heavens above I hear a “Roar” as “delight” does outpour. That all have a chance again even though so many were vain. I reach now UP to all of you from the land of “Eden” down to the untrue, saying: “You all have this final chance if you look UP and at my STAR glance. IT will guide you today if through IT you do pray IN the manner I did describe.” On either “method” imbibe, and Father will see that you “earnest” BE, and can show “respect” to the LOVE that HE does protect with all His power and Might. For HE shares not the LOVE in His sight with any who abuses another that HE expressed through “their” Mother. For the eternal Pain THE FIRE IS the Father’s DESIRE that the Mother’s LOVE does “quench,” and soothe the anguish that does “wrench” through the pain that does “stroll” through any that others “over roll.” So please now try and see that Father only sets you free when HER face you can SEE FULLY and clearly, which you only can when you understand what by BOTH was planned. And HE does you snare. HE will not Her share until, as HER you BE, LOVE PURE LOVE, expressed eternally. Only then can you sit by Her side with Father the other side, and HE allows you to share HER love HE only shares with the TRUE.
So blessed sisters and brothers mine, this IS now the eternal TIME when all who were expressed “OUT” can return and eternally shout in joy and happiness too. For as I am will they be, TRUE, and they too will dance and sing with GOD and ME in the family ring. You just abide in my light and stride exuding respect unto all, controlling NONE or you fall, and in doing my deed you heed God’s seed, and Mother and Father above will anoint you with pure LOVE. "So, Father would have it that you KNOW that you “Respect” and “go slow.” If you “raise your hand” IT was NOT what Father planned. HE said: “I WILL DO ALL the punishment, NOT YOU” And, His WRATH mighty be, unseen by thee. This you must understand, for ALL POWER IS in HIS hand. IF you HIS power would USE, you are STEALING IT, and you lose. For He CAN all see, HE is not blind as thee, for HE has the all seeing eye that Reigns Supreme way up high, and His “feelings”* way below he allows you to know. IF you so choose you can “borrow” and others abuse, but HE takes all BACK in the manner of “Fiery flack,” and HE cannot “bear” that any darkness even tries to in MY face stare.
So if you try and LOVE take, His binding “spell” will you take over and you bind by the Power of HIS mind, and you NEVER become free until this you do see. So “look” before you “fall” at my Star that guides all. It is MY WORD flowing through My son, My star to you, and he says not “follow me.” Follow only the LOVE flowing free. So children, I you bless by this wisdom that does ME undress. Yes, I now stand naked before you and you’ll all soon stand naked too before ME, yes ME and all humanity, all will their “arse”* bare, all will “see” who tried to Me “snare,” partake of My love ahead of My dove. By trying to it steal their own fate they did seal. For My LOVE I do give in its fullness when you LIVE within the requirement of the WORD about: “DIE if you wield a sword.” That says: “You merciful be and I your Father will show mercy to thee. IF you cannot forgive, in MY lower land will you live an eternity or more until eternal pain did outpour through you, through you so you forever know HOW to be true. IF MY arrogance you would teach, IF MY arrogance does your mind breach, I shall not let you down, as me shall you eternally frown until I let you go to again try to let love flow from Mother through thee to those I send to thee to see if you are blest, to see if you can pass your test.” So to you, you and you, try and see your Mother’s love TRUE."
says: “I own ALL, even thee, try not to
emulate Me.”
So you see my sister and brother we must abide in being a “lover.” Only then does Father “see” that you “deserve” to be free, for you try not to “take” His with your rake, and he thus does leave you alone as a dog happy with a bone, and he permits you to love freely in any space above. You please this try and see what I say to thee, for the “further” away you GO, more darkness within you does grow, and it WILL pull you down and you will thus more frown. For more power will you seek, heeding more the non meek until one day you will see my say. For you WILL be blind in a Land very unkind and as there is naught else to do you’ll remember this soul true, and as there is naught to see you will wish you had heeded me. So please give your soul a chance, at this Testament please glance, and in IT abide, THUS is Father Mother by your side. For from their “face”* you walk away if you heed not this their say into the darkness far beyond the shores of the waving palm frond where the girls are meek but their love is not weak. It flows through them FREE like summer wine eternally, and the men are strong, they know not any wrong, they but desire to uplift all even higher as they dance around to that eternal sweet sound that essences from above saying “Just love.” Every soul needs the “opportunity” to bask in the love that created them, and the “opportunity” is extended via this pen from our Creator above being our Mother of love. I pray that some will this see when released within of their darkness that be stolen from their Father above who owns all even the love. YOU can the love “take” freely when you don’t a planetary mess make by mentally on others impose your will on them, and thus tread on Mother’s “rose” that does in each abide, even in you under your Pride. Once you can this see, truly GOD will be “with” thee. For none can “against” God stand, for limitless is the power of “HIS” hand and you’ll only get to pure love know, your Mother, when you abide in their words that flow. So once more I knock on your door. That you hear and heed I implore, for Mother and Father stand at my side observing which way you’ll now stride.
You must learn to “share,” being the “Price” of the “Ware” that the Mother does freely give to any who in Father’s “Demand” live. For Father cannot Mother’s love “share” with those who show it no “Care” towards HIS other children, as expressed now via this HIS pen. Yes I speak for BOTH, for both are TROTH unto each other, and I their son am your brother. Who says: “They both speak freely and their “story” I tell to thee, saying: “Prepare the land; all now will see Father’s “Hand” raised with a “sword” against all who had not “heard” what it was I spoke before. For your “minds” were bound for sure By the Power of inner vanity and now you’ll face your OWN insanity and thus you MAY be set free ONCE you begin to heed ME. MY son, tell all to be true to this My message flowing through you, tell them IT they must see if ever they’d see Me. “Mother”
~ Father’s WILL ~ Father’s “WILL” be done daily under His spiritual Sun, and as Mother’s LOVE does HIS DESIRE quench, on every “Realm” will there be a “stench” that reeks of “FEAR” that WILL draw out many a “tear” in the eyes of man and woman who did not heed “THE PLAN.” And this “fire” is to all “consume” who did through “arrogance” presume. ANY detraction from my proof will not from Fear “stand aloof.” For this FEAR IS the DEED felt by all who did not HEED my call to LOVE essencing from BOTH up above. For God’s TRUE light did speak humbly from his beak a long long time ago and said, “I THE TRUTH KNOW, but you crucified ME and thus set me free from my past when I was vain and THUS my spiritual freedom did gain. For any who come down from “above” to help you to freedom with “love,” first has to fully “understand” the power of the “underhand,” and I did darkness “consume,” and I did thus incorrectly presume that I could use Father’s “hand” as I walked on this earthly land, and that “presumption” was given to me by Father so you could see what would happen to you IF you presumed too. So now you do understand the magic of our “Fatherland,” that a simple soul who does you “LOVE” can “return” as a DOVE with the wish to express our Planet’s TRUTH and you thus bless, so that soon now on “your” day you’ll see you’ll needs do more than “pray.” You’ll also have to stand “calm” fortified by our Star’s “balm” and DO what I did DO, and MY LOVE WILL pull you through. This my Father says to me is HIS requirement before you are free, and MOTHER say’s HER LOVE will cleanse you “within” from above so that once free of darkness “inside” you’ll find it easier to abide in Her Command to but love, and Father’s Demand via His dove. So blessed sisters you and you, and brothers who’ll try and be true, I came here to hold your hand with TRUTH so you it ALL understand, and there is NO other way to go other than the WAY I did you show, for only when “nailed on a cross” are you cleansed of your past “moss.” Being your spiritual debt to humanity accrued during your “time” of vanity. As THE TIME does now draw near, prepare, and to MY TRUTH veer." “Blessedness” I hear from above, “Be bestowed upon our sacred DOVE for fulfilling his quest so true, now it is up to you, you and you.”
“IF you would any control you step upon their toe,” and this little truth Father would let you now know, and any control but His power be, that you have “partaken” freely that you must “replenish,” and He takes you to task, for nothing can you “take” from Father’s flask. For Mother says: “You must ONLY GIVE of My light and love if in freedom you‘d live, and it is only here above that freedom does abound. On every other level are controlling thoughts found. So My lovely children I call now to Me, see the light of truth and be free eternally. There is no way you can do what you do and to ME and Father remain true. You must change your ways and not put out flack or for sure, soon, Father will your face smack. Stop the “forward” movement now of your control or soon, Father will you “over roll.” I hope My blessed children that this you will see for I would have it you return to Me, and now this is all I say via My dove today. There is naught for you to DO but show ME now how true. My son, all were arrogant and did Me disbelieve, now their Father’s wrath does them deceive and they will forever frown if HE manages to drag them down by the power of His “thought,” His “WILL” that is by “control” bought. For any “arrogant” use His “will” to control others, and they will now “spill” over the “lip” into the abyss below and then “His” control they’ll get to know.
IT is very rough.
IT is very tough. My son, my son, I see you my son. My son, be now TRUE and pass this FINAL Wisdom on before each soul their journey done. Truly now the message is complete even you within feel “replete.” Thus we bid you adieu and await you and all others true. Mother - Father. I thank you today for your Love and Wisdom sent this way.
I believe I am you End of the second Revelation ~ Last call to the angels ~ Oh blessed angels of the light, please one last message to seal up tight this book through which you did speak for God to all His humble and meek, so they could fortified be at the END, when all would see God’s truth and the Wisdom of God’s Word. Being the difference between kindness and the wielders of the sword. How the separation is done. How reaping is felt by every one. How those only who believe will overcome those who deceive. Oh blessed angels, I do thank you for your loving kindness oh so true. How you daily fortified me and helped me to keep free and how my pen flowed on and on with the Wisdom from the ONE true God who reigns up high, who I hear now, does sigh. A sigh of hope that many will believe this final message flowing through my weave, for God would have it that many souls true would at last to heaven flow through. Blessedness to those who my wisdom do impose upon their soul and on their mind, are forgiving and daily kind to their brothers and sisters too, who from now on may not be true for a time as feelings fly and they reap and daily cry. Blessedness from God above, blessedness upon all who love the evil and draw them near, guide them with love when they fear. Counsel them every day, fear not to help them pray for they will one day bless you that you for God were true, for heeding God at the time of the test, not standing aloof thinking “I’m already blessed,” for the test is for all souls who now must show God HOW TRUE. For the truer you are the more you’ll feel JOY in heaven that will unreel from God into you, your reward for being true, and this JOY endless be, it can inflow for all eternity. So my loving sisters and brothers too, now from me it’s over to YOU. ~ The Resurrection ~ The resurrection is not the promise, if you believe this then it could be the demise of your soul in the belief that you can continue to be a thief. Jesus went “his way” spiritually to the light because he heeded God’s say, and Jesus said: Follow my way and God will set thee free Today we begin to run, run on our return to the Sun. With joy spreading through the hearts of all souls true. Reaching out and gathering up others to join the last sup. Happiness like never before, soon we’ve reached the door. My darlings, I reach out to you, just for this moment be true. My love spreads to you reminding you to be true to our sisters and brothers too who rely now on your love true to guide them and not stand aloof, for you are God’s proof. Now is the dawning of the Golden Age a time in history when we turn a page, time will fly now on the run as every soul makes a streak for the sun. Feelings rise and feelings fall affecting both the weak and tall. Some will make it and some will not, some to fly and others into the melting pot. Glory, glory be to those that stay free, free of inner compounding negativity. Bless you children, do your best, ‘twill be but a very short test. God’s good angels here at last to help you all your test pass. Look to the son as you go your way, HE will brighten up your day. ~ Disciples ~
A disciple is a person
of any race or creed One who needs not say “I’m especially blest and thus ‘tis only I am empowered to wisdom “impressed.” So a true disciple of the Godly seed is a calm quiet soul having no inner greed. One who goes their way helping others on this earth. One who goes their way dressed as others as they plod. “So any girl or boy.” I hear from up above, “Can impart My blessing which is mercy and love. So any of you others who know not this truth heed now this call through My dove My proof.” I call out now to each Godly child, whether woman or man within mild and say: “Please hearken to this pen eternally guided by God and their chosen. Daily now via our star pray and God’s love and Wisdom flows your way. Help all you meet to face their test this way you complete your quest.” God through me now beckons you saying:
“My darlings please
be true So by love now are we all bound to help others with minds yet unsound, ‘tis but for a very short time I do say. “Be Courageous,” from heaven does sway.
Forgiveness is now the
key to all God calls out: “Heed and be freed” The Creative God of light and love sends planet earth now all Her love. Christ the King has returned once more and does again grace earth’s shore. Heed
the Word is the cry
from above, Those that believe the truth of this pen, will be as Christ, GODS heavenly children. Each now is free to choose to fly or to abuse. I lay now my pen to rest saying: Love
all or fail your test. Love means: Give your time and wisdom so others can happier live. Love means:
Reach out and touch saying
I care for you much, Love means:
"I see past your negativity, Love means:
"Today I pass-on the say, Love
"I do all for the
light and am thus true to any I do meet. Love means: "I forget that others made me fret. I see each day as fresh and my love and light does thus daily enmesh. Any darkness in me by my love enclosed be as God walks by my side helping me my darkness hide, and Gods love within me will one day set “me” free of darkness deep within, so none ever “feel” my sin. Love sees all ~ Mother & Father ~ ~~~~
Let it be planetary
known that it is now year ‘One’ of God. LET IT SO BE Let it here be known that all subsequent documents on this web site pertaining to spiritual truth are a part of the whole message from our God of love. The content of these following ‘Books’ with their supporting documents have been "separated" from this "Testament of Truth" section and collated in different sections to aid you the reader. Any document containing information that is "other" than spiritual truth is submitted by me personally to aid humanity in certain areas that have come to mind. Terence - the Spirit of Truth The content of these documents have been "separated" from this "Testament of Truth" section and collated in different sections to aid you the reader. Any document containing information "other" than spiritual truth is submitted by me personally to aid humanity in certain areas that have come to mind. - Terence ~~~
Glossary of spiritually meaningful words:
- Pure love, pure soul free of negative energy. Deception
- The Deceiver in the guise of a friend. Evil, darkness, - The negative energy essence (sin) that is "drawn-in" to the soul during any negative expression by word or deed (action) contaminates the soul, and through which negative thought enters the mind. Supping on the fruit of evil - As the person "expresses" darkness by word or deed they are "supping" of evil. Contamination
- Absorption of darkness into the soul whilst "supping"
on evil. (Enlarging ones inner sin). Sin
- The negative emotions within any soul. "Fear, anger, greed, hatred,
jealousy," etc.
Sowing: Is the positive or negative expressed
deed by any. A Reaper: Is an ignorant arrogant person (non-believer) who has heard not God's call to "Only love" and takes retributionary action into their own hands. It is the serpent who gives us a reason by "thought & feeling" to "deny" the eternal call of God to be Forgiving and Merciful. ~ Bondage ~ Bondage: The Soul is bound and confined in the darkness in the after life, and is the control by darkness over any soul, being the volume of negative energy "negative emotions (sin)" within any soul, through which the Darkness does "speak and operate, by word or deed" and by which it "drags" a soul down to its lair. The more negativity we draw-in by negative action, the courser our "energy vibration" becomes, and the "darker" the soul is stained, and the lower we fall in the afterlife. The "ingress" of darkness can be eternal, and is only "Halted" by the act of "non-retaliation." Any "sin" within allows us to be "used" by the darkness, being the reaper. Thus, any negative expression by us IS the darkness in action through us on earth. I.e. the Reaper in action through the ignorant. During the "time" of bondage in the after life the mind of that spirit is constantly "assailed," permeated by intrusive tortuous thoughts that continue on in perpetuity with no surcease. The spirit has lost its freedom of choice and is thus bound in eternal serfdom and suffering. For it is "used to abuse" and thus is itself continually abused and suffers eternal torment brought on by frustration, sorrow, isolation and pain.
Freedom ~
The free expression of positivity through any soul, IS their inner core of divine light in action through us on earth. The brighter the light, the greater the capacity to express love, truth and compassion. This Inner Light is only "free" to "Speak, by word or deed" and express its full truth when all "darkness, sin" has been drawn out of a soul. The varying amounts of darkness in souls is released only by the grace of Allah. Only the "free of sin within" souls rise into the ultimate level on leaving the flesh. There are many levels between the highest and the lowest. Access into any level is determined due to the vibration of the essence that is the soul. The vibration of our soul alters due to our expressed actions. Freedom of the soul means that the mind is impervious to any negative intrusive thoughts, it is inspired to a never ending upliftment through fulfillment of its positive inspiration. Its expression is only loving, thus it is loved, and loved and loved. Its feelings of joy and fulfillment are boundless. Non-retaliation: Is the suppression of negative thoughts and emotions to the extent that "they" direct you not into any negative expressed action. The "action" may be in more than one way. If you are being "confronted by words or deeds" that are unpleasant, then non-retaliation means: keep silent and raise not your hand in retaliation. ("Go" as a lamb to the slaughter). If someone you know is doing something to or with another party that you "think or feel" negative about, i.e.; you think is wrong, then non-retaliation is again but: suppressing those thoughts and feelings, and saying and doing nothing, unless, you are able at some stage to offer help or good counsel. Sacred: Your "Inner divine spiritual Light," is the only sacred site. If you try and protect it with negative "Might," one day you will fall into the dark night. Your sacred divine light becomes "clouded" when you deny God's call to "Only Love," and thus you "employ" darkness as you others abuse or destroy, clouding your light with more negative energy, "sin" drawn in. Marriage, divorce, adultery, illegitimate children. Marriage is: a "contract of love inspired by God above." "Man" has through religion deemed, that children born "out of wedlock," as illegitimate, i.e. "illegal to mate" if not "licensed by Religion or State." In God's eyes, this is pure "adultery" of Truth. All are God's children "Legal and loved by God." We must all "divorce" our "Minds" from the "Dark force" saying: 'til death do us part, I from darkness will "stand apart."
Sacraments: "Heard" the call to
"Only love"
Thus have you "supped" on God's
"Bread" and drunk of the
"living water of
eternal life," and thus, have you been
baptised and consecrated by the Holy Spirit.
Fasting: Abstaining from supping on
darkness, (negativity). Glossary
Testament 5 Testament 14 Testament 24 Testament 26 Testament 28 Testament 29 tide* - the rising up within the soul of negative emotions as they surface to be withdrawn. Testament 36 Testament 30 Testament 46 Testament 47 Testament 48 Testament 49 Testament 51 Testament 52 Testament 53 Testament 54 Testament 56 Testament 76 Testament 77 Testament 78 Testament 79 Testament 80 Testament 83 Testament 86 Testament 87 Testament 88 Testament 89 Testament 91 FINAL PLAY* - our "act" we play out before God as we face our past at the reaper's hand. In which we can either be the "sufferer" paying our dues, or the "destroyer" abusing the other. Thus showing God the colour of our seed. Testament 93 Testament 95 Testament 96 Testament 99 Testament 100 Testament 101 Testament 102 Testament 104 Testament 105 Testament 106 Testament 109 Testament 112 Testament 113 Testament 114 Testament 116 Testament 120 Testament 121 Testament 122 Testament 123 Testament 124 Testament 125 Testament 126 Testament 127 Testament 130 Testament 138 Testament 139 Testament 143 Testament 144 Testament 145 Testament 150 Testament 153 Testament 154 Testament 158 Testament 172 Testament 173 Testament 174 Testament 178 Testament 182 Testament 186 Testament 187 Testament 188 Testament 194 Testament 196 Testament 197 Testament 200 Testament 201 Testament 202 Testament 204 Testament 211 Testament 216 Testament 217 Testament 220 Testament 222 Testament 223 Testament 224 Testament 235 Testament 227 Testament 228
Testament 246
Testament 248
Testament 249 Testament 250 Testament 252 Testament 253 Testament 254 ~~~