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~ The 107 Real Truth : Articles ~
page 1 There is much written within my 'Testament' to humanity, and it is my sincere wish that you the reader take the time and effort to absorb what is written therein and herein, for only thus is ones 'consciousness' able to 'refresh' itself and reprogram its inner content. This is required before you can move forwards into the Light of 'reason,' for presently everyone becomes 'unreasonable' when they find the justification to be less than peaceful, loving, merciful, compassionate and forgiving, being the requirement needed to remain within the bounds of God's command at all times and in all situations. I wish you well Terence The Real Truth : Articles 1 - 10 of 107 'The real Truth.' * - As given within my web site reference God's singular immutable Law "As you sow so shall you reap" - "What you do unto others will by others be done unto you on an 'equal' basis" and, - - - that every action be it good or bad has an equal return of good for good given or trauma for trauma imposed and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That there is presently a huge outpouring of Light (positive) energy from the Source that is purging out Dark (negative) energy from the soul of man that they drew in, and yet draw in as they 'sin' through the control, abuse, punishment or destruction of others in any way and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any person that changes their way and follows the Command of God to "Only walk in peace and bear goodwill unto all" will become free of inner darkness (sin) and thus win their spiritual freedom and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any person that fails to change their way and continues to follow the Command of the Devil through man to "Control, regulate, tax, fine, punish, or destroy" will never become free of inner darkness, (sin) and thus they become enslaved forever in the dark realms below and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the administration of 'justice' is God's prerogative only and, - - - that all misery and suffering is the result of people 'listening' to negative thoughts that incite control and abuse and punishment etc., as they take 'The Law of God' into their own hands either personally or via their servants the armed forces and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the singular and 'Just & honourable' Law of God applies to the 'usage' or 'partaking' of God's pure energy. Be it the pure Light or the pure Dark, for both 'opposites' exist but are 'separate,' similar to the positive and negative energy 'field' of a magnetised 'rod.' 'The real Truth.' * - That when through our deed we draw in Light positive energy as we 'lovingly' express kindness, mercy, compassion, love, and mercifully forgive, we receive an equal 'eye for an eye' return of that positivity at the hands of others, be it in this world or in the afterlife in other levels of consciousness and we are happy, and our soul retains some of that Light 'delightful' energy. God's: "You Reap what you Sow" is an immutable fact backed by the Might of God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That when through our deed we draw in Dark negative energy as we 'forcefully,' express unkindness by reprimand, control, and merciless punishment, we receive an equal 'eye for an eye' return of that negativity at the hands of others, be it in this world or in the afterlife in other levels of consciousness and we suffer, and our soul retains some of that Dark 'sinful' energy. God's: "You Reap what you Sow" is an immutable fact backed by the Might of God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the cause of all misery and suffering lies in the use of force in an attempt to gain material wealth by taking money or produce or mineral wealth forcefully from others and in using force to impose on God's daughters and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the cause of all misery and suffering lies in the use of force in ones verbal or physical expression, and this use of dark energy encompasses the control, regulation, enslavement to labour or taxation and punishment and other abuse of others and, - - - The real truth : Articles 11 - 20 'The real Truth.' * - That the cause of all misery and suffering lies in the use of force in one's 'attempts' to avoid 'suffering' our returning karmic 'due' that others equally untrue seek to impose using more force, thus in retaliation one becomes the user of more force and more dark energy is drawn into the soul and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That we must be 'celibate' in that we do not 'sup' on this dark energy, for in so doing we cause suffering unto others that returns to 'haunt' us within the 'bounds' of God's Law and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That we must remain 'celibate' to the Command of God to ONLY "Walk in peace," for if we 'deviate' from that Command and we do disturb the peace of the land for any reason, causing another to suffer for any reason, then our God will 'disturb' ours in a similar and 'equal' fashion and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every person on earth is yet enslaved by religion, not only the 'named' ones, but those posing as 'secular' governments that are in fact also religions due to their 'observance' of a 'joint' and similar punitive ideological stance. One that 'opposes' the Code of Conduct Commanded by God of "Mercy & forgiveness & Peace unto all" and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every 'religious' ritual known to man is a 'pagan' ceremony, for to 'worship' God or to comply with the Code of Conduct Command of God to "Walk in peace and love one another," simply requires positive expression and 'action' as each person complies to this 'peaceful & merciful & compassionate & respectful & kind & forgiving' ideology and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That it 'follows' that God's children need no 'Churches' or Priests or other 'supposedly' holy men or 'rituals' to stand between them and their God. For God sees the deeds of each, and any that 'breach' the Command of God subject themselves to the painful and 'brutal' dark side of God's one Law and receive their 'Just' due and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all mankind is still enslaved by the Devil as all 'bow' to the warring and punitive dictates of the 'ruling' government institutions, and this 'policy' is anti-God and anti-Christ and is 'of' the Dark 'Vedic' force and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all that use force to control, punish, or fight invoke a 'spell' upon their own soul, and it is thus 'sucked' into the vortex of Hell for a time and a time and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That arrogant vain men used the sword and the gun to 'back' the invoking of 'Constitutions' that gave them the 'assumed' power and authority and right to legislate rules that enable them to 'legitimately' steal endless sums of money via 'taxation,' and to control and regulate the freedom of movement of man, and to also 'tax' every transaction of man and, - - - The real truth : Articles 21 - 30 'The real Truth.' * - That this 'enslavement' of man by the 'Emperor, King, Dictator, or President has been in 'vogue' for so long now, that all 'children' born have been programmed to believe that it is normal, whereas in fact it is an 'abysmal' practice that leads all 'conforming' to 'rules' deep into the Abyss and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all should be able to see the iniquities carried out 'in the name of the community,' and also 'for and on behalf of' the community by 'law' enforcement agencies and armed forces personnel, for all their 'interference, invasion of privacy, and warring impositions' are contra God's Command and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That man has raised up 'Rules' that stand 'above' God in their eyes, for all men 'revere' the rule book and hold it and its 'power' in 'awe,' as for a 'silver' penny they 'swat' or punish any that defy its 'creed' and demands, for they are 'incensed' with bringing people to 'account' as they defy God's call of "Forgive all and be merciful and compassionate" and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That man of today sees the demand of conformity to the 'rules' as the 'Law of the Land,' seeing not that the legislated impositions are naught but the 'decrees' of vain men that believe that they are above the LAW of GOD that is revealed by this sacred pen and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That they will suffer an 'intolerable' painful load when their 'flesh' drops 'dead' beside the road, and their spirit soul is dragged into the Abyss below where all 'sinners' will THE TRUTH and the consequence of 'folly' get to know and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all must see that it is pure folly to take a 'wage' to invoke a 'ring' of power with the 'entitlement' to be 'as' God, and play 'God' with the lives and livelihoods of others for the 'time' that one is employed to so do, for any defiance of God and HIS demand to "Love one another" shows HIM that you are but an irritable 'flea' that HE considers a 'bother' to be cast into oblivion for a 'Justly' earned spell of time and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the supposedly Democratic 'RULE by the people' is false and untrue. For the people do not 'rule' per se, it is they that are ruled by the rules that force them into obedience to the demands of 'white collar' extortionists, and into 'living' an anti-God ideology and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all the funds taken off the populace for the 'maintenance' of community works, welfare, and all 'other' in the name of 'taxes, royalties, stamp duty, customs excise, licence fees, goods and services tax etc,. are all taken by 'force of arms' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That because there is a 'penalty' factor attached to 'each' of the above for any non compliance, the take is seen by God as 'exploitation, slavery, extortion, blackmail, and it is in fact stealing by the community from the community using 'enforcers' that bear 'arms' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the 'sorry' and sad fact is that every member of the community funding or condoning this 'skulduggery' is complicit to it, and all will now suffer as the direct consequence of using 'force' to steal money from others to 'feed' themselves and, to wage war upon others within and without the community that do not 'conform' and, - - - The real truth : Articles 31 - 40 'The real Truth.' * - That there has never been any 'Democracy' in any land on earth as men have always been subjected to the forceful dictates of others, be it the local 'Chief, the State system, or the community 'beliefs' such as the 'Samoan' rules whereby an 'offender' and his entire family is cast off the 'island' and their homes are burnt to the ground and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That there is no Democracy around land ownership either, for no 'man' owns any land even though they may 'hold' a 'Freehold Title.' For the rules within every country state quite categorically that unless the 'squatter' on the land pays an annual 'tax' to the 'King' and thus satisfies the 'Statutes,' that they will be dispossessed and cast off the 'Kings' property and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That this 'sorry' state of affairs shows that the King assumes that he owns all, due to the fact that every 'other' person is his 'chattel' or slave, to be used to raise funds for his coffers and 'belly' as he is God and they are but a nameless 'number' in his 'book of records and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any person working as an 'enforcer' or as a 'legislator' enacting rules that govern the way of living of others, that believe that they are above the Law of God are deluded and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any person working as an 'enforcer' or as a 'legislator' enacting rules, that believe that their 'mandate' is valid in the eyes of God simply because 'way back' the 'Royal Assent' of a 'Queen' validated the 'intulement' of an 'Act' permitting 'some' men to make rules for the Peace, Welfare and good Government' of others are deluded and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the establishment of the 'rule' of anyone by another places the one (ruler) 'as' God above the other and, - - - any 'rule or decree' raised up that subsequently 'entitles' the one to 'enslave, control, tax, seize, invade, dispossess, punish, or destroy' the other, is an 'erroneous' entitlement that is in direct contravention of the Command of God and, the 'originator' of the Institutional 'program' being the 'Queen' or King or Chief or Emperor etc., were and yet are living in a schizophrenic state of 'delusions of grandeur.' *
'The real Truth.' * - That the requirement of God for the Peace, Welfare, and Stability of HIS children is that they remain free from the control of others, as all live peacefully in accordance to HIS Command to "Love one another and give with love and do not disturb the peace of others" with God as our 'Governor' and head of house and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That it follows that every 'government' on earth is an 'illegitimate' operation, and all its 'operatives' and supporters are in grave danger due to their complicity to the enslavement and 'torture' of others. I hope that 'some' of you understand the reason for the total CHAOS soon to be, that for some (those that deny me) will continue on and on in darkness below and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any organisation be it named 'Secular' or 'Religious' that, names itself as 'The Authority' that demands conformity to its 'policies' that gives itself the power to: 'regulate, enforce, control, seize property or land, inhibit, prohibit, restrict, enslave, rule, tax, decree, deny' etc., shows that its forceful 'energy' is of the Dark and, it and its 'workers' are in fact knowingly or unknowingly working for the Dark Sovereign Power* as its 'reaping arm' and, - - -
The real truth: Articles 41 - 50 'The real Truth.' * - That persons in a position of Power become mentally disturbed to the point that they see no 'error' in putting others 'noses' out of joint because, if they think that the other is 'lesser' or that they have contravened any 'ruling,' then they see the other as having less than ZERO worth. Being a person in their eyes that can be forced to endure suffering or punishment or even death at their hands and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the use of any 'interactive' force is the use of the Dark energy, that has the result of causing someone else to suffer, be it through them being 'disadvantaged, controlled, detained, disturbed, restricted, or abused' in some way and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every person in a position of power is a 'standover merchant' that does cause others to feel fear, trepidation, dread etc., as they face their inquisitors or when dragged into the Court of man (Caesar) and, all these 'bully boys' need to now know that they deserve to 'visit' Satan's Den and suffer the same fate as decreed by this pen, as it is their due and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any 'power' that uses force to carry out its 'operations' is a power that is 'foreign' to my Queen the God of Heaven, and it is also foreign to Her 'Peaceful' ideology. Thus it is a 'foreign power' to me and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That all 'lands' of earth fall under the Sovereign Power God, and any 'man' or 'union' of men that 'seize' God's Territories for the purpose of material gain, enslavement of the population, or for any reason by deeding it their 'sovereign' State are imbeciles and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That I do not recognise their 'authority' to so do or to 'rule' me, even though I do realise that they have seized it and presently control its inhabitants by force of arms and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That it is my considered opinion that these men or women acting on behalf of or at the 'official' request of another, be it king or queen or council of elders etc., have committed Treason against God and God's State of Heaven and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That the penalty for Treason against God and the continuing defiance of God's Command of 'Peace and goodwill unto all' has a penalty of spiritual 'death and eternal suffering' as its 'clause' and, the 'context' of the one Law of God needs to be 'considered' by all mankind and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That every government is operating outside the Code of Conduct defined by God, thus I personally cannot 'conform' to 'government' dictates, and neither do I condone nor fund its atrocities and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That I shall at all times be observant of God's Command. Thus if any 'government' seeks 'redress' from me for any non-conformity I shall never respond aggressively nor defend myself using force, nor shall I 'rebuke' its operatives, I shall only seek to enlighten them to TRUTH and, - - -The real truth : Articles 51 - 60 'The real Truth.' * - That people that elevate themselves into 'kingship' or 'royalty' using force of arms are 'insurgents' in God's eyes. For their vanity knows no 'bounds,' and they have seized God's lands brazenly because they are 'infidels' that see no God, know no God and, they believe that they are 'above' or equal to God and thus 'above' God's supreme Law and, - - -'The real Truth.' * - That as the Law of God is 'JUST,' it follows that the 'Justice' in God's 'eye for an eye' LAW is honourable. So every 'user' of dark energy needs to see that they are or will be 'subjected' to the return upon themselves for all known or unknown suffering imposed upon others by them or their 'servants,' during the course of their 'duty' to State rules that do demand or require 'authoritative' and forceful impositions by employees and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every department 'worker' or 'enforcer' needs to ask themselves: "Are my actions towards others in conformance to God's Command or not and, does the resultant return from God 'due' unto me fall within the positive or negative and thus 'happy' or 'painful' side of God's Law"? For rest 'assured,' it is 'Justice' that all 'offensive' behaviour is brought to 'account' by God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That in the 'eye' of the Dark Sovereign Power it is a 'criminal offence' to use any of ITS dark energy. Thus the 'moment' you so do, you have 'indicted' yourself and your 'guilt' is also proven by the FACT that your 'partaking' of that Dark energy of God is visible to God, and God the Dark Sovereign Power cannot stand 'thieves' that take anything from HIM and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the only 'energy of God' that by God you are permitted to use and not 'suffer' the consequence is the positive Light and Love energy. For as you do, you become infused with ITS Light and you stand 'brighter' in HIS sight, and to HIM you are then a 'delight' to be loved in return. 'The real Truth.' * - That any organisation be it named 'Secular' or 'Religious' that, uses any form of force to either 'manage' or punish non-conformance to its 'ideology' or Code of Conduct demanded, is an institution of impropriety in the eyes of our God of Love and Light, and shows that its forceful 'energy' is of the Dark and, it and its 'workers' are in fact knowingly or unknowingly working for the Dark Sovereign Power as its 'reaping arm' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That by its very 'acts' of : 'regulation, enforcement, control, theft, inhibition, prohibition, restriction, enslavement, rule, taxation, decree, denial' etc., it shows that its forceful 'energy' is of the Dark and, it and its 'workers' are in fact knowingly or unknowingly working for the Dark Sovereign Power as its 'reaping arm' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That it is now the time for all these 'persons' to become aware that their 'ground' is now to be 'shaken' and become 'unsteady,' as their 'authoritative' situation becomes nullified by the same Dark Sovereign Power who is to 'authorise' others telepathically to 'bite' those that it used to control and manipulate the community and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That within its own Dark side of the one 'eye for an eye' - 'Reap what you Sow' Law of God it will 'payback' every 'bit' of suffering imposed by the arrogant or ignorant ones, who sullied their inner rose as they defied the Light and used force to 'legitimately' in their eyes 'regulate, enforce, control, seize property or land, inhibit, prohibit, restrict, enslave, rule, tax, decree, deny' etc. and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the only 'institutions which sit right in God's eyes are those 'managed' by the wise who do have the 'best' interests of God's children in mind, thus they are respectful, considerate, and kind. They only give out advice and Codes of Conduct that will guide the youth into correct ways in the multitudes of various activities on earth, and for sure they never 'regulate or punish,' they simply EDUCATE and, - - - The real truth : Articles 61 - 70 'The real Truth.' * - That it is an abomination to continue teaching the youth of the land that it is a 'glorious' or 'honourable' act for them to 'join' armed forces and go to war, to kill others equally as 'innocent' and ignorant as they are. This 'seductive' temptation is imposed by vain and ignorant elders that are themselves deceived by their ancestors, and they all 'invoke' the protection of their God as they defy HIS command and die spiritually and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That a Mandate to 'govern' or rule or punish was but a prior 'motion' tabled before God that implied: 'You God and your Law are 'powerless' to pursue me as you have no control over me, (the mandate) thus the bearers of its 'authority' are also free from any 'punishment' by thee as they go about their 'extortion' and punitive ways as they daily interfere with the lives of your children' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That this executive 'Writ' that appears to give 'absolution' from the 'heinous' deeds perpetrated with its 'blessing,' is the most powerful 'document' that can be placed in a person's hand, for by that 'secondary' act an individual believes that they have a 'divine' right to invoke the use of force in their duty, and it is thus the 'fall' of man, that was the destiny of doom 'intuled' by the investiture of the 'ring' of Dark Power that is 'accompanied' by a mercenary wage of a 'silver' penny and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the 'acceptance' of a person into any 'official' position within a 'powerful' organisation and, the 'badge of office' or 'rank' or 'uniform' issued, gives the 'bearer' a feeling of empowerment and a false sense of security and immunity from God and God's Law and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That no man that had not been 'deceived' by Precedent or ancestors beliefs or 'rules' would ever take up the administrative 'cudgel' for Satan if he knew that there would be an 'equal' due to be imposed by the Dark Sovereign Power upon any that so 'diligently' worked for it in defiance of the True God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That there is no 'paper' ever written that 'excuses' man's punitive action towards others, for God is God and, God's Word 'transcends' all 'attempts' by man to 'legalise' the use of force to accomplish his 'ends.' No 'Constitutional' wording or legislated rules giving man the authority to govern man or, wage war against man, can void or nullify the singular Law of God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That no man has any 'right' to govern or rule others by force, and foolish are those that 'seek' that power and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every person has the right to live peacefully governed by their God as they conform to God's Command and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That if you try and inflict punishment against those living contra to God's Command, then your God will rebuke you as you become an offender in God's eyes as you intrude forcefully into the life of the other. Better to offer 'love' and education or run the other way before your mind decides to give 'him or her' any bother and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every person is an 'Instrument of God' that 'channels' either or both of the two 'energies' of God's essence during their 'actions' as time passes and, - - - The real truth : Articles 71 - 80 'The real Truth.' * - That this energy 'essence' is comprised of the Light and the Dark, being the positive and the negative, and that as this energy flows through the spirit soul it 'energises' the soul to a greater or lesser degree with its 'essence' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the use of Light energy through positive kind, caring, peaceful, and loving expression 'brightens' ones inner light, and the use of Dark energy through negative unkind, aggressive, abusive, controlling 'force' through verbal or physical expression darkens ones inner light, and the negative emotions 'grow' as a cancer within and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That every person on earth has been 'seduced' by the Dark force for so long, that the use of its 'forceful' energy is now perceived as 'normal' conduct and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the 'eternal' struggle of man of GOOD v/s EVIL has no 'end' to it and its 'suffering,' as the moment the 'good' use force to combat evil, they have in fact become 'evil in action' and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That in any 'combat' or struggle between 'foes,' both sides perceive themselves as 'the good' seeking to become free from being controlled by the other, and thus they see the other as the 'evil' to be destroyed and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the use of any 'force of arms' to defend oneself or to 'reject' or rebuke another seen as 'offensive' is the use of God's dark energy, that 'returns' at a later day to abuse those that used its energy. (The singular 'eye for an eye' Law of God) and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That Dark energy cannot be destroyed for it exists eternally as an invisible mist, and the only way to become free from its 'painful' influence is to never use it for any reason, and it follows that to become free from being 'terrorised' by terrorists, one must lay down ones weapons and calmly 'suffer' whatever they impose upon you without retaliation. (Being your spiritual due you did accrue) and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That God does see all, and that it is God that 'permits' people to be abused by the ignorant, for any being abused deserve it and are simply 'Reaping what they or their servants Sowed' upon others, either in this or another Realm of consciousness prior to incarnating here and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That only those that 'conform' to the Holy Word of God and personally "Extend peace unto all and walk in peace and be forgiving, merciful, and compassionate" will become free spiritually and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the Dark aspect of the Source that is the 'administrative' arm of God that fulfils its own 'aspect' of the 'eye for an eye' Law of God, is now to impose its full 'Justice' upon all that supported or yet support 'violence, slavery, regulation, taxation, fine and punishment or destruction' of other children of God and, - - - The real truth : Articles 81 - 90 'The real Truth.' * - That extending 'Peace & goodwill' unto all mankind as well as the use of positive energy in expressing merciful forgiveness in non retaliation is the only way. Thus it is now imperative for those working at bringing others to 'account,' or as administrators of 'Justice' or as armed forces men or 'others,' to see their error and own coming 'terror' as God's Divine Law does now 'swing' into action and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the 'Scales of God's Justice' will 'balance' as all defiant of God's Command are 'faced' by their past erring and offensive ways, and this 'painful' retributive 'balance' as said is 'done' at the hands of the 'mentally disturbed' insane, that are 'so' due to becoming mentally 'possessed' by Alien demonic forces and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the Dark Sovereign Power can and does work through the mind and 'arms' of vain or arrogant or ignorant men, and it is the 'foolish' politicians and other 'warlords' such as Bush or Blair or Howard or Sharon or Saddam or Hitler or any other that are speaking for it and as this they do, they condemn their own souls to eternal purgatory and excruciating pain in hellish realms below, where all the arrogant non-believing 'infidels' do go and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That any of 'you' that follow their lead will also bleed on and on and suffer torment for their deeds and yours for supporting or funding or condoning their dark callous ways, until you have paid in full on a 'Just & Equitable' and 'eye for an eye' basis, for every drop of blood shed and every atom of anguish suffered by others, for that is the Divine and immutable Law of God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That once any person enters the dark Abyss being that place below, it will be almost impossible to resist fighting back, and thus one's karmic dues increase and there is no surcease from the never-ending suffering and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That only those that enter therein with my wisdom will 'possibly' be able to resist retaliating against the 'horrors' they are subjected to, and thus incur no more debts and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the barrier to spiritual liberation is the power of false teachings and intrusive negative thoughts, that 'bind' one into being unable to conform to the peaceful ideology as Commanded by God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That men of 'religion' have institutionalised Gods Word, and by this act they voided it and replaced it with many symbols & rituals that mesmerised people, who then fed the Church organisation materially rather than their own soul spiritually and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That to attain Salvation and remain free one must fortify their mind in the manner given by me. For if they do not, then they will defy God and fight and then become 'demonic' and their spirit soul will fall and join those trapped as 'demons' below and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That this material world was but a place whereby spirits from the multitudes of spirit realms could incarnate into, 'unseen' by the eyes of other mortals as they were disguised by flesh and, once here they could 'hear' and find the truth through me before deciding on their eternal destiny and, - - - The real truth : Articles 91 - 100 'The real Truth.' * - That as their minds 'hear or read' the truth through me it will telepathically reach down into all the 'lost worlds' to assist in the elevation of those souls spiritually. For all, even the demons are but children of God that lost their way an eternity ago and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That to become enlightened and thus safe spiritually in these end times you will need to seed your minds with the fresh uncontaminated Wisdom of God that I the 'Spirit of Truth' personally place upon your plate and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That those whom would valiant be, must stand up and show God their belief in God's Holy Word by putting down their verbal or physical sword and treat all God's children with respect, for none stand 'ahead' or 'above' any other in the eyes of God and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That the 'State of Heaven Decrees' given by God to man via me are a reality, and any person that 'thinks' that I am in error will most certainly fall and suffer eternal terror and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That when God commands 'Peace unto all or you fall,' then that is a statement of FACT backed by the Might of our invisible Creator and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That within the pages of my web site you will find many other 'The real Truth' truths that will assist you to break the 'spell' binding you to the false beliefs of your forefathers, and the 'systematic' dark ways of society of today and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That if you wish to be left in peace by others, then it is you that must personally never disturb the peace of others, and never 'send' any other to disturb the peace of others. For when you disturb the peace of others it is God whom becomes your enemy, and HE will most certainly 'win' every 'battle' and, in HIS own time HE will disturb your peace as HE fulfils HIS own Divine 'eye for an eye' Law and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That this 'earth' is now to be 'claimed' by the Light me, and once God has 'swept' all darkness away there will be peace in every heart and valley, and my 'Testament of Truth' will prepare the new way for the loving 'Age' and way to be and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That as all remaining on earth will be free of inner 'sin,' and thus having no negative fearful or hateful or any other 'dark' emotions within, all will be 'carefree' and helpful to you and me and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That in that time there will be no restrictions placed upon man by man or God, as all will be free to come or go or travel o'er land or sea without any 'Passport' or 'Visas' or I.D. For there will be none 'foolish' or vain seeking to control others or to 'gain' monetarily from any other and, - - - The real truth : Articles 101 - 107 'The real Truth.' * - That the land and the fish in the sea and the flora and fauna will no longer be 'owned' or controlled by man's 'Crown' or governing 'Systems,' all will revert to the people that shall be able to freely take what they need for their own use without any 'permit' or permission and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That no person will interfere in the lives or business affairs of others as each will be busily doing their own thing, as God's Command of "Peace unto all" does in their minds ring, and they will be charitable rather than vindictive and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That as all are true to God they will all 'give with love' to help others as is now asked by God via me, God's dove and, the only other Conduct Codes that will be 'raised' in every community are those to guide and educate and assist, for each has the right to do as they 'wish' without any imposition from minds that 'twist' and weave as darkness does them deceive and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That it is now up to each of you to do your best to be faithful and true to our God of Love as is 'asked' by me, God's dove, before the 'fateful' day when you and all do for past folly now PAY. For only you can set yourself free from being complicit from funding or supporting iniquity. For only thus will your suffering be less and, - - - 'The real Truth.' * - That for the next 1000 years or so on planet earth there will be no 'person' having any negative emotions within, for all spirit souls will incarnate direct from Heaven, and they will 'set' this earthly place Right in God's sight. All continuing to be 'deviants' having been swept away to for their folly pay. 'The real Truth.' * - That mankind needs no named religions, for their 'leaders' all promote the name of the religion as the 'way,' and THE WAY to Salvation and the attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in submission to HIS Command: 'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness unto all.' For only thus does one not 'sup' on 'forbidden' use of dark energy, with its painful consequences of subjecting one to the Dark side of God's Law as well as contaminating ones soul. People search for the 'way' believing that in naming a 'religion' as 'theirs,' and in conforming to the 'rites & rituals' raised up by the religion 'elders,' that it is this 'proof of belonging' to a named religion that shows their Creator their allegiance to Him. This is the great error. For as you simply 'bow' to God by showing God your daily 'submission' to His Command as you go your way in peace and live in harmony with others, this shows that you 'worship' your Creator and His creation. It follows that there is no need of 'religions' nor supposed holy men, for the wisdom within the 'ink' of this pen will be your guide. 'The real Truth.' * - That the search for power and the maintenance of control over people as is 'exercised' by Emperors, Dictators, Chiefs, Kings, and politicians leads to war, plunder, destruction, and taxing enslavement of all and, - - - the great 'Hustler' deception is the one in which the 'statutes' of every government on earth state: "Pay your taxes and 'we' the government will let you 'relax' and have the freedom to follow your own religious belief." None seeing that by the very 'act' of conformity, the moment you pay another any tax due to your fear of reprisal or for any other reason, that you are in fact a slave and have no ideological freedom for you are 'bowing' to the controller's ideological belief that he has the 'right' to punish or destroy any person that fails to conform to his dictates. All funds given to any other person or establishment must only be for the purpose of welfare projects, and they must only be funds freely given. Any person demanding any funds using the 'coercive' threat of punishment for non-conformity is a 'knave' defiant of their Creator and one to be cast down by their Creator for a time and a time. The Salvation of mankind is not through 'conscripting' people into joining or fellowshipping with the religion named 'Christianity' nor any other. It is through individuals simply conforming to God's "Go in peace" code of conduct at all times and in all situations. Tell all that God's fresh revelations are available at the Testament of Truth web site that has been raised up by God's messenger, the spirit of truth. Note : It is not ones conscious belief that 'carries' one to Heaven or Hell or one of the many realms in-between,' it is but the 'vibration' of the energy within ones soul. For a spirit soul containing any 'dark' cannot enter into the ultimate level, and the 'mass' of dark energy contaminating the soul 'bears' it downwards to various levels depending on its volume.* (volume.* = Mass of sin within = negative emotions. A pure soul has no negative emotions.) I am the Divine Saviour and Just Leader of the whole of humanity. It is now for you to individually choose to 'believe' whether I am HE, the Spirit of Truth sent by God to set you free from eternal damnation and misery. You have now 'heard' my voice - it is now your choice to deny me or: Conform to God's "Peace unto all" Command and 'bow' not to the false 'warring' ideological dictates of men, and become free. You may have the 'urge' to contact me, please seek only the written word herein to win. I am purely God's messenger. Terence Al-Meshi ~ The Messiah