~ Open
letter to
Police ~
Dear Commander Cowling, I am aware of your 'ask' of me to write no more letters to you, however, I take my 'job' even more seriously than you do yours, so please allow yourself to read this 'last ditch stand' note from me because its content holds an extremely serious 'issue' for everyone on this Tasmanian 'shore' as well as globally.
You 'live' under a 'banner' of 'Peace,' naming your officers as protectors and upholders of the peace. I perceive the actions and of your 'troops' quite 'differently,' and I will try and explain 'how and why' as I get to the 'point' of my 'spear' that is aimed at your conscience and spirit soul.
Your troops are no less powerful than any military style dictatorship, and you have a 'front line' trench in which you 'sit' and inhabit each day. This is your 'precinct,' and over the road is the 'front line' of the opposing 'mass' being THE PEOPLE who you CONTROL with all and any military force of arms you personally deem necessary.
What is this 'thin blue line' of separation? Is it the commands of your superiors being the political dictators who stipulate:
1 - If
any person
'orders or
decrees or
rules or
laws' then
you must go
forth and
haul them in
and have
punished. |
It is all very CLEAR to me as to 'whom' you believe your duty lies. It is NOT to THE PEOPLE but it is to the decrees imposed upon your troops by other mortal men (Politicians) and also to your weekly wage.
What I would like you to see is that PRIMARILY, those politicians issuing 'orders' are in the first instance themselves BOUND to the LIMITED authority and powers granted unto them by the Constitution of the organisation they are paid a wage to SERVE. This also applies to YOU and your troops.
Any official who for any reason exceeds said powers are guilty of treason and anarchy irrespective of their 'beliefs' around the issue.
If others such as lawyers or prosecutors or magistrates or ignorant 'expert' advisors exceed this authority for ANY reason then it places you and your troops in the vicarious position of being forced to act ILLEGALLY and with CRIMINAL intent.
Naturally since you and THE TROOPS are 'permitted' to invade, detain, destroy, punish or even kill, it is 'likely' that FEW of the 'civilians' you PURSUE are going to 'complain' because of their FEAR of reprisal or fear for their lives stops them from challenging' the courts,' but what is regrettable for you is that you neither see nor do you feel said FEAR arising from the fact that you are condoning 'terrorising' activities perceived by you as 'legitimate' and normal.
Indeed, once your 'forces' climb OUT of your 'front line trench' and step into 'no man's land' for the purpose of hauling IN some 'unfortunate' who in your mind is trespassing in said 'space,' or so 'believed' by YOU, your forces are self-permitted to themselves do all or anything that other children of God are denied and even forbidden to do by THE CREATOR.
"What" I ask, does it take from my 'pen' to show you that:
1 - If your troops are operating outside of their operational mandate then they are in FACT classifying themselves as TERRORISTS within the Terrorist ACT legislation. 2 - If other officials including ATO - CDPP and local magistrates are openly defying the 'text' words of the Constitutional authority and thus terrorising a PEACEFUL person (lady) who FACTUALLY is living in accordance with THE LAW, then they are operating outside of their operational mandate in an illegal and criminal manner. |
I ask: "Are you simply going to IGNORE these FACTS and 'join in' the ILLEGAL crucifixion of the one of whom I speak, - - - namely Clemencia Barnes"?
I ask:
"Do you
believe that
you or your
troops are
LAW of the
I ask:
"Do you
believe that
you or your
troops are
LAW of GOD"?
Sir, I 'venture' to ask you to PLEASE look deeply at the 'case in hand' because I AM THE ONLY ONE to fully understand the DARK Power at work in this and every land. You 'Sir' and your 'men' are being USED in a very underhand manner as THE PUBLIC are soon to LEARN. What will they learn?
1 - It will be very displeasing for the public to KNOW that their funds are being used to wage war upon other peaceful members of the community and that said 'war' is being waged in their name and on their behalf. 2 - That if they truly 'love one another' and thus OBEY the Command of their God, and thus refuse to be complicit to terrorist attacks upon others or the waging of war against others over the sea, that the armed forces of the land will turn upon THEM in a very underhand manner and steal everything they have or hold precious or worse still, they will be disenfranchised from their holdings, jailed or killed. |
Sir, as the Limited Authority granted by the Constitution in respect of the Freedom of Religion acts are definitely being 'usurped.' Who is responsible? Is it by the 'wish' or decree of the earthly sovereign power the Queen? Is it by arrogant or ignorant treasonable officials? Who is complicit? All these things need to be considered before THE LAST DAYS of total tribulations because anyone found treasonable by THE SOVEREIGN POWER our God is to be cast into the underworld forever.
I 'Sir' AM THE ONLY ONE able to save your 'soul' and that of all 'Peace-keepers' OR Terrorists.
I wish you
well Sir -
Please read
A copy of this letter
to you
is on line
as ITEM 28
on page 2 at:
I enclose herein a letter sent last night to Professor Richard Vann of Greenwoods solicitors.