~ Open letter to Mr. Des Jennings - CEO Northern Midlands Council Tasmania ~
Dear Sir,
Reference Clemencia Barnes, Bailiff Withington and yourself.
I write this with links to other letters now on line because your Council mail service has rejected my prior emails with the following words:
I hope this one reaches you and I state: I do trust that you consider my letters Update 55 & 56 now on line below and this one with sincerity and not the 'disparity' so many display in respect of my outreach to humanity TODAY.
Since you are the CEO of NMC it does 'follow' that IF Mrs. Barnes is pursued by you as 'signatory' to all Council activity, you will find yourself in Court required to give your REASONS as to "Why" the constitutional Powers and LAW are INVALID in respect of Clemencia our 'divine sister.'
Brother, we are all CREATED by the same heavenly Father and Mother and ADVISED to "Love one another" and it is truly THE TIME for each to now show SHE and HE above whether or not 'we' are loyal to THEM and thus worthy to be uplifted to THE land of LOVE.
When you have read the letters linked below (55 & 56) you will begin to realise how the British and their 'Queen' of the past invoked 'taxes' to fill her coffers and thus caused great travail and harm to many living in the 'South of the Equator' continent of Africa and caused conflict and WARS in contravention of God's Command.
Since the present day Constitution RULES your 'hand' and LIMITS its powers why do you choose to ignore ITS Authority? Please write a letter of apology to Clemencia today.
Have a
good day
Sir. Terence
On line on page 2 at: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/religion.htm |