Return to Council 'Blueprint' document

Open letter to the general manager Northern Midlands Council - 2

Dear 'Des' Jennings, Sir:

Ref: Melissa Cunningham on 'COMPLIANCE' in the 'case' of Mrs. C. Barnes

I refer to the letter dated 20 March your ref: 05/003 MC wherein Melissa has much to say to which I respond below, but she also states your name in respect of granting the necessary 'authority' for an employee (Ms Bullen) to 'enter' another's property 'legally' and make demands upon the property owner.

I now observe that the demands made have been extended as your compliance officer has boldly added coercion and threat of punishment as seen from the words <otherwise, - - - an infringement notice will be issued in accordance with the Dog Control Act 2000>

Further to the above, I also believe that the 'sign' below the signature 'Melissa Cunningham' typed in large words < COMPLIANCE OFFICER > in bold and underlined as extraordinarily INTIMIDATING and totally unnecessary for a 'servant' of the community to place below their signature.

The words 'compliance or else - - - ' to me means subjugation & enslavement and has the connotations of a 'Governor' having the 'OWNERSHIP OF A SLAVE' and the RIGHT to intimidate, regulate, berate, threaten, coerce, extort funds, subjugate, punish, dispossess, evict and more.

I am not only Clemencia's 'legal' counsel, but more importantly I am her spiritual 'guide and advisor' who has been directed by God to use her 'case' to elevate the consciousness of Council employees and all involved in that community 'business.'

Des, there is much more to this 'case' than meets the eye initially, and all I can do is to ask you to PLEASE read it 'in toto' because within it there is much information to assist you as well as every community council in respect of the 'best and only' way forward in the now times of escalating confrontation and insanity.

Mrs Clemencia Barnes has been advised by me to suspend all future monetary 'giving' or 'donations' to NMC in respect of your 'rate' notices until such time as this matter has been clarified to my satisfaction and therefore 'hers.'

The 'matter' being her right and entitlement to own a dog without to be 'taxed' an annual fee and, her right to not fund any person or institution which uses a part of said funds to 'wage war' upon other members of the community and cause them harm or loss in her name as a 'complicit' supporter through funding said operations.

Why is this so? Because you and your employees have the ideological BELIEF in their right to use 'text' Rules/Acts/Decrees in a 'book' as their legitimacy to go forth and in defiance of their own 'conscience' and the Command of their Creator and set out to cause harm or loss as they intimidate, regulate, berate, threaten, coerce, extort funds, subjugate, punish, dispossess, evict and more, all this for their wage. (30 pieces of silver) and, - - -

To remain TRUE to her own conscience, ideological BELIEF in 'love & peace & mercy & compassion' as God Commands, Clemencia cannot fund any person or 'system' (organisation) which goes forth in the name of their 'supporters' and interferes in the lives of other community members or causes them hardship of suffering.

Please try and understand that IF she was to fund your 'iniquity' as perceived by her through my 'pen,' that she would be COMPLICIT in the eyes of her Creator and would ahead suffer a painful spiritual due of suffering within God's "Law of Return."

I reiterate, it is Clemencia's religious ideological BELIEF that she can 'own' a dog and not 'first' have to pay a 'licence fee' to anyone else and, - - - further to that as said above, it is her religious ideological BELIEF that she cannot support, condone or fund others who use force of arms 'backup' via the courts of 'Caesar' to inflict impoverishment or suffering upon others.

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Des, I am quite 'understanding' of the 'status quo' beliefs which have been in 'vogue' for CENTURIES whereby the 'Chief' invoked rules to enable the raising of funds and maintain punitive control over the population, but it is my task with the help of Clemencia and 'old' Ken Atherton and others to EXPOSE the ERROR OF WAY which leads everyone into suffering.

It is Clemencia's DIVINE RIGHT to live by her conscience and ideological belief AS LONG AS neither she nor her 'dog' disturb the peace, and this RIGHT is enshrined as TEXT in the RULE book named THE CONSTITUTION which is what overrides all 'Council' rules/acts etc.

Your employees 'happily' disturb the peace of the peaceful using texts invoked as 'rules' of engagement, but you see NOT that said rules are ILLEGAL if used against THE PEACEFUL who are entitled to 'live' by their own ideological beliefs.

Indeed Council Rules/acts/decrees' are all 'later day laws' invoked subsequent to and subject to THE LAW of THE CONSTITUTION which means that ITS authority supersedes all subsequent legislation. The Constitutional 'Freedom of Religion' acts LIMIT the authority of all later statutes.

Any person using 'later day' statutes which conflict with the Acts of the Constitution are exceeding the MANDATE granted by the constitutional authority and means that your action is an illegal activity and it is ANARCHY and TREASON, and all persons complicit to this activity, whether they be 'petty court' magistrates or police, they are complicit to criminal activity for which they are taking a false wage. Ignorance of THE LAW is no excuse.

Des, you presently hold the ideological BELIEF that all council rules/acts/decrees can be legally IMPOSED with forced COMPLIANCE upon everyone of ANY 'belief' and you are prepared to do your best to bring them to GRIEF if they fail to comply to your demands through your ignorance of your LIMITED Powers. Powers I expose in this document as criminal and ILLEGAL.

Des, you also presently BELIEVE that your 'powers' are LIMITLESS because you choose to ignore the Constitutional guarantees given unto the peaceful, and you also choose to ignore the Command of THE SOVEREIGN POWER God. In fact you are stating that you BELIEVE that the code of conduct POLICY of the rules/acts/decrees of mortal men stand ABOVE the 'peace & love & mercy' Command of God. That is liquid arrogance.

If you continue to proceed with this PERSECUTION of Clemencia then you are publicly stating that you BELIEVE that the Constitution of your own institution which guarantees protection to the peaceful, is NULL and VOID.

Every community needs the provision of benign services as well as the addition of EDUCATIONAL information to elevate the consciousness of the youth being made available to community members. The community as a 'whole' must now be told 'something' so that they comprehend that enforced extortion of money leads all complicit INTO darkness and hellfire.

Community members do NOT have to pay for any services they do not use nor wish to use, and the 'old' imposed taxes named 'rates' must now be abolished and any land holder who does not use any services must not be expected to pay for 'unused' services.

The ONE immutable RULE of God is that all who use rules to extort funds from others using FORCE or, who punish others for non-conformity using FORCE, are all defiant of their God and all suffer the consequence of their ACTIONS within God's Law.

If you proceed and impose your demands forcefully then that is your prerogative but the consequences are seen by me for I AM the plenipotentiary of THE invisible Sovereign AUTHORITY.

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 ~ The 'ship's' captain ~

Des, You are the 'skipper' of a very tall 'Clipper ship,' and I do hope that you 'stay the hand' of your compliance officer until such time as your legal constitutional advisor has examined my clarification of the Freedom of religion acts in depth because:

1 - Clemencia is living within THE LAW of this land as her conduct is in conformity with the 'policy' set out by the Constitutional ACTS. Acts which supersede all subsequent 'council' or other legislation.

2 -  Clemencia is living within the 'constraints' of God's Command.

It follows that any licence 'fee' tax or punitive action taken against her is UNLAWFUL, criminal and treason against THE Sovereign Power. I am aware that everyone (your officials) believe in their absolute Right to enforce all and any council rules but, - - - it is now the time for everyone to look deeply at THE TRUTH of the matter.

Since you are now the skipper of the council 'ship' and as IT is sailing into a very dark 'storm' of troubled waters and insane times, I hope that you will take the time to read ALL. Why? because your workers are your 'crew' who all now rely on you for your guidance as 'problems' arise.

Certainly you are presently guided or 'governed' by rules in books of text which are named 'the law' to which everyone is being forced by 'compliance' threat or coercion to obey or be punished in some way however, - - - my task is to awaken you to certain facts reference the 'legitimacy' or otherwise of the 'rules or laws' you invoke or uphold as well as to the 'hidden' factors I now place on your personal 'plate.'

Why do I so do? Because foreknowledge may assist you to become a community 'helper' rather than simply a dictator imposing punitive acts upon community members causing harm or loss and impoverishment as well as emotional trauma.

My task is to awaken the entire earthly race as to certain realities, and in your 'case' and that of every '' because, your 'ship' is presently sailing into an unseen 'cyclone' of travail, torture, dispossession and destruction having grave consequences.

It is a 'storm' through which your 'ship' cannot sail through unscathed but, - - - if you are a 'man of God' you may be able to survive and as said, - - - be a man of benefit to your staff as well as the members of the community you serve.

What is the cyclonic storm? It is the unseen escalation of troubled minds and explosive angry emotions surfacing within EVERYONE for reasons delineated on my web site.

The consequences are that the majority of persons will become extremely mentally disturbed or 'insane' and this will eventually result in the 'collapse' of every governing system.

Prior to that 'time,' the RULES which 'govern' the actions of the community will be increased and the COMPLIANCE officer will be forced to invoke or impose more and more punishment by fines or other that will cause greater harm and loss and suffering and at the same time, - - - those imposing 'such' accrue a similar 'Return Due' within the overriding LAW of GOD.

Please do your personal best to HALT all forms of monetary EXTORTION which results from the forceful imposition of FINES.

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In the 'case' of Clemencia, she is ONLY 'concerned' with doing the right and benign activity in God's eyes in respect of God's command and requirement and she is relying on my 'words' as her guide. She has been advised by me that she cannot be obedient to God and at the same time support and fund the intrusive, controlling, extortion of funds and punitive activities carried out by yourselves against OTHER community members.

It is thus that she CHOOSES to OBEY her God and ONLY fund the provision of benign community services as is her entitlement as granted by both God and the Constitution you are 'sworn' to uphold as state officials.

Furthermore, as this 'case' is one of conscience and religious belief, it is a Constitutional matter and NOT a matter for the lowly petty court of Launceston. It is in fact TREASON to defy or deny the constitutional AUTHORITY or your God who invoked IT in the first instance.

If ahead you 'wish' to make a 'case' against Clemencia then please do so by taking the matter directly to the High Court being the ONLY court legally able to 'hear' and judge said matters of conscience and religious ideological belief.

In the meantime, please READ the constitutional guarantee granted unto those such as Ken in the past and 'Clemencia and myself' now because we are always peaceful. It is a criminal offence to threaten and coerce a peaceful person and THUS try and force them through intimidation to 'change' their religious belief which they would do if they fund your 'oppositional' PUNITIVE & controlling system of ideological BELIEF. (Religion)

Please closely examine my words around the issues of the legality or otherwise granted unto 'council' or any officials on page 5 below.

For your added interest, I have been testing the 'validity of' the Freedom of Religion Acts with the assistance of Clemencia for fifteen years. Since she is a 'God-fearing' absolute pacifist, she knows that she cannot be obedient to God's Command and fund 'Caesar's' war effort nor the official control and punishment of others in the community, it is thus she refused to even fill out ATO tax returns for said (15) years.

This 'case' culminated on 12th Jan. 2015 and the thirty  or so letters I gave as spiritual counsellor 'evidence' legalising her stance over that time are all on line at:

Over the years Clemencia has been threatened and coerced and 'attacked' by government collection agencies who were all 'rebuffed' by my pen. On the final 'hearing' the ATO chief prosecutor using the commonwealth prosecutor and the 'court' made it very clear to Clemencia that IF she failed to fill out the tax returns by Feb 15th 2015 that  she would face up to 10 years in jail and $85,000 in fines, - - - she has bravely stood her ground refusing to 'submit' and as yet to date no person has trespassed onto her land to enforce anything.

I do believe that her God has granted her Clemency as so stated in Update 30 on the above web URL.

I further believe that ANY punitive action taken against her conscience and BELIEF by your staff will not only FAIL, but all involved will be seen as treasonable and guilty of illegal criminal conduct due to the facts exposed by my pen to all humanity. I add the below information for your personal interest.

There is a copy of this email on line as ITEM 11 on the BODC - Council 'Blueprint' document:

Sincerely - Terence

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~ The illegitimate 'ruling of man' by man ~
The illegality of annexation ~ seizure of land by force of arms.

Does any person or institution have the legitimate RIGHT to control, subjugate, enslave, tax, impose strictures, interfere in, punish, cause harm to, dispossess or kill others?

The answer to that is a simple NO, but it is quite obvious that many people, especially those empowered by 'rules' or official positions DO so believe. I wonder 'why' they assume that an official position or 'vote' into office somehow voids or avoids God's Law in 'motion' or, how they justify a reason to defy God's "Love one another and go your way in peace" Command?

The answer to that is simple indeed because it is a fact that everyone is 'born' into systems whereby the RULE BY FORCE OF ARMS was established a very long time ago, a time when men of 'power' seized control of the minds of others and imposed their demands FORCEFULLY using threat and coercion.

So here we are today, a time where 'jolly chaps' believe in their 'birth right' to impose their RULE and rules over everyone living within the borders they 'patrol' and control forcefully.

It is due to the fact that the 'king or queen or emperor or chief' believe in their 'birth right' or alternatively, their belief in their empowerment via the majority vote or by 'dictatorship' control. These men also believe that their 'mandate' of office and all they do unto others within their personal or state officer 'signed' documents as being totally legitimate or 'legal.' 

It is my 'pen' to alert everyone to the FACT that within the context of God, God's Command or God's singular LAW of Return, there is NO legitimacy to defy God nor is there any 'voiding' God's Law nor avoiding ITS 'eye for an eye ~ return unto user' POLICY.

As my main exposure of Truth is from the land mass of Australia where I now live, I give the 'local' historical facts that simply follow on from many others before, be it the invasion of the UK by Viking 'vandals' or any other armed forces invaders such as Attila the Hun or Caesar or the 'British' invasion of others 'kingdoms' globally.

All believed in their RIGHT to RULE AND TAX, subjugate and punish everyone living on the lands they invaded as they arrogantly defied their GOD and they 'pocketed' their 'spoils' and became RICH and even more powerful.

I continue, due to the FACT that the 'annexation of' the land masses named Australia and Tasmania were accomplished by persons from a foreign land using force of arms, it follows that the ongoing controls over the population by 'civil' governing authorities is an ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

Why? Because the 'invasion of' foreign lands and the raising of a 'national' flag and subsequent 'proclamation' asserting ownership backed by force and the killing of inhabitants is a 'beastly' criminal activity having NO rightful nor legal backing. Thus it was an UNLAWFUL 'occupation.'

All involved in the ongoing control, subjugation. taxing, punitive or warring 'effort' are treasonable anarchists defiant of God and they are daily accruing a very painful spiritual debt indeed. The other reality is that their 'future' destination is EXTREMELY BLEAK, - - - as is the 'future' of those supporting and funding their 'ways' due to their COMPLICITY factor.

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Control over, subjugation of, and punishment imposed for non-conformity in the 'guise of': "It's for your own good and the benefit of all" does NOT legalise anything, nor as said does it 'void or nullify' the 'imposers' receiving a similar return due of suffering or loss in this life or the 'next' (after-life) within God's IMMUTABLE Law. (Absolute justice) 

"As you did sow so shall ye reap ~ for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ~ the law of energy in motion, be IT benign or malignant, positive or negative."

The 'corporate' governance and seizure of 'rates' and other taxes to support the controlling corporate 'bodies' armed forces is also an illegal activity in the eyes of God. It is also illegal in the eyes of any sane person.

No 'foreign' power owns any part of the land mass its forces seized by force of arms. Any subsequent government 'council' officers have no right or jurisdiction to demand any 'rates or taxes or licence fees' from anyone.

The provision of benign services to people is one thing, and people need to pay for the services they ask for but, - - - the deemed 'ownership of' or 'right to control' all lands and use force of arms to 'tax or control' people is another. (Error of way and of ideological belief)

Community members need to now see that all unoccupied 'Crown lands' are the property of God and the local inhabitants who by God are 'permitted' to use and freely 'take' an acre or two upon which they may make their home base.

In the event that they seek, need, want or desire any benign services to be provided for, they can obtain said service provision from anyone, - - - and they must not be forced to annually fund any local community service provision organisation that uses armed forces to impose strictures.

"Freedom of choice" is God's voice ~ So be it.

NOTE: Politicians and 'heads' of institutions invoke 'text' in books of rules which give them the 'apparent' legal forceful power to defy God's Command and to commit heinous ILLEGAL criminal activities against people they are paid a wage to SERVE.

No rule in any book of text 'voids, avoids or nullifies' the imposition of God's "Law of 'equal' return."

It follows that there is NO 'legal' God-given mandate for anyone to interfere, control, subjugate or punish another using any 'rule or act' COMPLIANCE decree backed by force of arms, because the USE of God's destructive force is by God forbidden.

All mankind is using said 'forbidden to use' destructive power and thus are all ON the wide road to hell, albeit they see IT not, know IT not and BELIEVE it not. All simply believe that as ITS 'use' is granted by 'heads' of State, that its use is legal. It is NOT 'legal.'

NOTE: God's forceful destructive energetic POWER is the biblical 'fruit' of the TREE of the knowledge of good and evil. The use of God's destructive force is forbidden by God as ITS use is the cause of all sorrow. As one uses IT, some of IT grows within the soul of the user (Sin-negative emotions) and its coarse vibration is what drags ones soul away from the Light and down into hellish realms of ongoing merciless, unforgiving vendettas of retribution.

I AM the ONE to reinstate the TRUTH of God and His power to implement His Law.

As you or your servants do unto others punitively will be done unto you irrespective of your station of 'office.'

Education and the funding of benign community effort ONLY is the NEW WAY forward.

All must now read and comprehend the content of my 'National Security Alert':

All must now read and comprehend the content of my 'The cause of all sorrow and suffering':

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From: Terence
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:28 PM
To: ; Clemencia Barnes 
Subject: Dog permits and illegal demands


Open letter to the general manager Northern Midlands Council - cc councillors & mayor.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Reference: Illegal trespass, intent to use council 'laws/rules/decrees' as the means to extort monies from a peaceful person.

This letter is written in respect of a docket No: 1520 dated 16th March issued to Mrs Clemencia Barnes by Raelene Bullen signing herself as 'Animal control officer.' It so happens that I was present when the 'trespass' onto Clemencia's property was made by Raelene Bullen and I advised her that her actions were illegal and that she did not have the right to issue any 'docket' of demand.

Why did I so state? because I am aware that Raelene Bullen's trespass was a criminal act and that the issue of the docket was a 'coercive threat' on her part implying that unless a 'dog' owner paid some money and received a receipt from the organisation employing Raelene, that the dog owner would not be 'permitted' to keep said animal and or would also be fined.

It is truly the time of the whole community to learn that members of the organisation named 'Council' does not have the God-given right to control community members nor does it have the right within the Constitution of Tasmania to intrude into the affairs of the peaceful who do not disturb the peace.

It has become common practice for 'some' in the community to use a named organisation such as 'Northern Midlands Council' and the texts in 'books' its officials (employees) name 'the law' as the means to intimidate, threaten or coerce community members into paying monies into the coffers of said institution or be punished for non-conformity.

In this 'case' of Mrs. Barnes, council staff need to understand that their intrusion onto the property of the peaceful with 'threats' for non-conformity causes emotional stress and that any later financial loss of monies through court action is the causing of harm to another and has 'comeback' to those imposing said emotional stress or harm within  THE LAW of God. (As you do unto others will be done unto you)

No 'legislation of man' nor texts in the rules books nullifies, voids or avoids the implementation of God's 'Law of equal Return.'

Please BE ADVISED that no council or other government rules, laws, statutes or decrees can void, avoid or nullify the acts of THE CONSTITUTION because every activity of 'officialdom' receives ITS operational mandate from said Tasmanian or Australian Constitution. It follows that ANY activity which is in contravention of said Constitution is of itself a treasonable and criminal activity.

Be advised, Clemencia Barnes is a proven peaceful person living by her conscience and ideological BELIEF (religion) and as long as she obeys her God and causes no harm that she is entitled to NOT fund others in the community who make extortionist demands from her. In this case being, that she pay an annual fee to 'someone' in order to legalise her keeping an animal at her house. It is her belief that she does not have to pay anyone an annual fee to keep her 'pet' dog at her home.

In her 'case,' according to her conscience and ideological belief, if she was to 'cough up' to the extortionist demand then she would be acknowledging that some 'other' than God was her 'master,' and Clemencia does not so believe, and I ask that everyone 'concerned' awaken to the FACTS and begin to implement positive change.

Naturally every community needs the provision of BENIGN community services, but the moment one uses interference, coercion and punishment backed by force of arms to extort money, then it becomes another matter.

Further to the above, as the Council staff are using 'ratepayers' funds for the purpose of interfering in and controlling the lives of others and/or their punishment, then every ratepayer believing in 'God' needs to realise that as these 'servants' of theirs are causing harm to others in their name and on their behalf, that they become complicit within the Law of Return of God and will suffer the same as being imposed upon others by said 'servants.'

Since Clemencia Barnes is ONLY wishing to fund benign community services, and services that she needs or requires or others that she might like to contribute to to assist others in the community, she may well now 'limit' her annual DONATIONS to Council rather than simply 'cough up' all presently demanded monies.

Since she is my divine sister she will probably ask for my thoughts around the 'rates' demands issue because she most certainly does NOT wish to be supporting or funding anyone who is extorting money from others forcefully or punishing them in her name or on her behalf.

If perchance any 'dog' is found to be a danger to others or a public nuisance then naturally the dog owner needs to be 'counselled' and asked to implement change. It is then for them and their 'conscience' to decide what they will do.

In the 'case' of notice 1520 issued, I would ask that Mrs Bullen advise Clemencia that she has withdrawn the 'requirement' that Clemencia make 'time' to discuss the matter. The hidden implication being, that IF Clemencia does not, that further action to punish her would be taken.

It is now THE TIME for everyone in the community to see that if they continue to fund 'servants' who are exceeding their mandate by arrogantly or ignorantly ignoring the authority granted within the Constitution, that they are 'equally' complicit to anarchy and treason and other criminal activity through their continued financial support of said officials.

Readers of this letter may be interested to know that Clemencia has been 'testing' the validity or otherwise of the 'Freedom of religion' acts of the Constitution for some fifteen years with the assistance of my ‘pen’ and the whole 'case' is now finalised and all correspondence of some thirty (30) letters are on line at:

Sincerely – Terence

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From: Terence
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:23 PM
To: Northern Midlands Council
Subject: dog control

Open letter to Tammi Axton, Launceston City Council ~

The Reality check
Personal responsibility for ones actions

Dear Tammi Axton,

Your ref:  05/002 27th October 2105 - Unpaid fine for dog licence E- - 88

I would usually 'address' a letter to a 'lady' as "Dear Madam, - - " however, it is quite extraordinary for me to observe the depths to which supposed State 'servants' have sunk when I read your letter to Clemencia Barnes, a 70 year old 'granny.' To  my 'mind' this clearly shows that you are no 'lady' but simply a very errant and ignorant person needing counsel, correction and a little 'inner reflection.'

No doubt you failed to observe the Christian virtues of humility, respect and good will.  Your teachers, whoever they were obviously failed in their teaching as to how our God Commands us all to interact with others, caringly, lovingly, mercifully and compassionately while NEVER being merciless or ‘punitive’ because to be ‘punitive’  is the  prerogative of  God ALONE.

So, before I go deeper into that aspect I must state that it is extraordinarily VULGAR to my mind that, not only do you demand the extortionist amount of $154 'fine' for a tiny 'farm' lap dog not having been 'licensed' or 'certified' as 'validated' by an old lady, but more disparaging that your 'note' contains seven (7) coercive threats on a single page! 

Let me set them out for you firstly by pointing out that you are, first and foremost, a State Servant. Secondly, you make the following statements or ‘coercive threats' as to the alternative to not paying the fine imposed:

1 - You will be convicted of the offences.
2 - The monetary penalty will be enforced.
3 - Suspension of your driver’s licence.
4 - Seizure of your goods.
5 - Deductions from your wages.
6 - Public publication of your name to slander you.
7 - Your options of applying to the GM have now ceased.

I ask, can you now not see the extent to which you personally are prepared to go to have your way?

In the old days the Mafiosi used exactly the same intimidation as you are now doing however, you see it as normal because you BELIEVE in your RIGHT to extort moneys and do so by ultimately using the Police Peace services as your 'enforcement' arm. You also believe that your ACTIONS are above reproach because you are employed to be a swine all the while you simultaneously fail to see that the words STRICT LIABILITY also apply to you meaning:

Ignorance of the Law is no excuse

I am Clemencia's legal and spiritual counsellor and to assist you I place facts upon your plate and that of your G.M. to consider before you suffer the consequence of any more FALSE MOVES.

1.     Firstly the Council mandate to operate stems from the Constitution of Australia and Tasmania. (See below)

2.    Secondly, the Constitution of Tasmania LIMITS your State authority to those persons who rely on the armed forces 'protection' of the government however, those who are absolute pacifists such as Clemencia is are LEGALLY granted the RIGHT to live by their own conscience and ideological belief as long as they are peaceful and of moral standing - Section 116 and 46. (1)

3.     Furthermore it is forbidden by the Constitutional authority, Act 109, for any official to use State rules/laws as their justification to bring any complaint upon the peaceful who are 'observing' 46. (1) as well as being obedient to God's Command unto mankind.

4.    Furthermore, Clemencia Believes in her RIGHTS to own a dog and not pay a licence fee to some other person or institution who have the contra ideology to hers.  Your ideology being one of interference, extortion, control. subjugation, causing of harm and endless fines as punishment.

Clemencia is 'happy' to contribute some funds to the community 'council' department to have the lane hedges and her road attended to annually. She has already provided the funds to cover that cost to the Council. ($345.00)  It must be clear to the council that Clemencia is provided with NO other services by Council.

Furthermore Clemencia CANNOT fund your wages or the 'legal' fees accrued by Council because they seize the property of others and cause them harm, and to her this 'activity' is UNCONSCIONABLE and an activity she wants no part in reference any 'complicity' in funding your wages.

I hope you understand this since it is HER civil and human RIGHT to obey her conscience and her God, if YOU 'wish' to take the matter further, then so be it, but to do it LEGALLY you will need to present your 'case' to the High Court, being the ONLY court in the land able to LEGALLY 'hear or judge' matters of conscience or religious ideology.

Equally, understand that  NO State rules or laws are permissible in such cases. For you to present your ‘case’ against Clemencia to a court of petty sessions magistrate is an ILLEGAL and treasonable activity, one that is in contravention of the LAW of THE Constitution.

Tammi, it is all simply a matter of conscience and you do have a difference of opinion that will NOT stand up in any honest court. Please now write a letter of apology to Clemencia as you HALT the sending of any such letters to ANYONE and try to see that it is very unworthy to presume to use TEXT words in books as validation to not only defy your role as ‘public servant’ and to also defy the CREATOR.

Tammi, you re an 'employee' but you cannot 'hide' behind 'rules' in a book because your personal 'engagement' or interaction with others is what 'counts' in God's 'eyes. 

For you own sake try to understand that any contravention of God’s Command unto mankind is a guarantee of an 'eye for an eye' (As you do is done unto you) RETURN within His immutable LAW and therefore  any person continuing along that 'track' will have a HELLISH DESTINATION.

I add, it is quite obvious to Clemencia and myself that every official has become a mini Dictator who actually now believes in the right to impose their beliefs upon others using the Peace corps (Police) as their ‘armed heavies’ and naturally, we are all entitled to BELIEVE what we wish to but, when we go forth as do you making demands which are backed by force it is not only gross error but that of total threat, coercion and intimidation.

In the event that any dog causes a problem through incessant ‘barking’ and thus disturbing the peace or is pulling down some ‘sheep’ or biting persons then indeed the community expects their servants to haul in the offender and have them counselled and the situation rectified.

Please now refrain from entering Clemencia’s private property for the purpose of monetary extortion or disturbing her peace because ‘believe it or not,’ there is a consequence for so doing whether you believe it or not.

If politicians or other Council staff make up ‘rules of engagement’ and you take a wage to uphold them, so be it, but as said, any attempt at monetary extortion using State rules imposed upon the peaceful forcefully is UNLAWFUL.

Clemencia is PROVEN to be an absolute pacifist through defying the ‘advances’ of the ATO for over 15 years and her ‘case’ is due to be finalised on 8th December in the Launceston Court and I suggest that you obtain a copy of her defence papers being:

Update - 46 - 15 August 2015:  Response papers to magistrate Marron on page 2 at:

It is stated in the dictionary that 'communism' is A system of government in which the State plans and controls the economy and a 'single' often authoritarian party holds power, - - - in this case the 'authoritarian party' is any official wielding the State book of rules/laws which they deem to be the 'authority' rather than THE CONSTITUTION.

It is quite obvious to me that ‘officialdom’ using politicians and others have sidelined the Democratic RIGHT of people to live by their own conscience and by the Command of their CREATOR. Officials now IMPOSE whatever they wish to FORCEFULLY as said in using the PEACE Corps (Police) as their PRIVATE enforcement ARMY.

This is a sad FACT, but it does NOT mean that the strong ‘willed’ peaceful such as Clemencia will simply ‘roll over’ when threatened and coerced but it DOES mean that the arrogant and ignorant communistic DICTATORS expose themselves to the absolute Justice of God’s immutable 'EYE FOR AN EYE’ Law. Please amend your ways today because the destiny of EVERY soul IS NOW AT STAKE say I.

I suggest that you review the Constitutional acts I give and you will begin to realise that you have a very LIMITED authority, but if you choose to defy the Constitution and simply go ahead to persecute using State rules, then that is the prerogative of a treasonable anarchist and the consequences of defying THE "Words” of the Sovereign Powers will by you be seen and felt.

Have a good day and please begin to live as God Commands – Peace and love and mercy - Terence


Constitution Acts. Acts which authorise and LIMIT the actions of public servants:

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion,

Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania)

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.


Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)

Religion - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.

Religious - - - - scrupulously faithful, pious, devotion - - - this means that ones 'religion' is not any named 'Church' organisation, but it is the policy of ones daily code of conduct interaction with other children of God. Peaceful or warlike - kind or cruel - benign or malignant

page 9

Open letter to Launceston City Council GM ~

The Reality check on Rates Tax

Dear 'Des' Jennings,

Your Rates assessment No: 205100.02 (July 2015 to June 2016)- Clemencia Christina Barnes 

I refer to your 'Amount due' notice for $ 548.58 with the further 'threat' that if unpaid a further % levy will be imposed and a further 'recovery' action to be instigated.

Mrs. Barnes appointed me 'ages' ago as her spiritual counsellor and legal advisor and I have advised her to HALT all further payments to your 'office' until such time as she (we) have satisfied ourselves as to WHAT services you can provide to which she (we) can agree as being required. Other than that, since I cannot agree to your office imposing any Rates TAX as such she will from now on only consider what services she will require from you at an agreed price.

The present POLICY of Council is nothing 'short' of violent extremism in action. This is very negative dictatorship 'smacking' of a communist IDEOLOGY. (Religion) What you state as your BELIEF is that:

"For the good of the people nothing can be done BY THE PEOPLE without Council's participating control and direction, and every part of said 'interference' requires costly $ 'permits' as well as an endless passage of TIME before community members can obtain Council 'approval.'

If said approval is not obtained your organization simply applies a punitive fine which is forcefully imposed causing further great monetary losses and frustration to community members."

In the NEW AGE to be, other than supplying BASIC community needs the Council staff will only be ADVISORY.

When your 'system' of local government imposes an annual tax named 'rates,' it is an indication to me that your 'office' bearers believe that the property being 'rated' and taxed is actually 'leased' by a 'Sovereign Power' (Inevitably their own institution) to the owner who is then being forced to pay all annual or other monetary demands as deemed necessary by said institution or be 'sold up' should the rightful owner dare to 'question' the tactics of said Council staff.

Indeed, the STAFF of the 'governing' organisation named 'Local Council' do have the BELIEF that their INSTITUTION is the 'landlord' thereby clearly implying that the freehold owner is simply a 'tenant' to be 'dictated to, interfered with, controlled, restricted, taxed and imposed upon' in every which 'way' that said 'overlord' decides to so do.

Furthermore Council can and frequently does on any given 'day' decide to increase said impositions at any time. The other 'option'  councillors take up is the ultimate threat, that of threatening to or factually selling up the property and dispossessing the true owner using 'force of arms' wielded by the judiciary and backed by the PEACE Corps. (Police).

It is a 'shocking' state of affairs when a community 'effort' or service provider seizes such dark 'devilish' POWER, and it is now my 'pen' (God's) to bring it to a HALT before total insanity brought on by greed and vanity encompasses everyone.

In reality as seen by my 'sane' mind you or your 'rules' books have the religious ideological belief or 'philosophy' that, - - - since Clemencia's 'plot' of land sits within the jurisdiction of your 'armed forces' (Police) that you or your 'rules' actually own IT.

This is evidenced by the fact that anything she wishes to do on it has to first be agreed with by you but ONLY after an application fee is paid for or when you decide that all your requirements have been satisfied.

A copy will be sent to the Examiner newspaper as I believe it to be in the best interests of everyone in the community to clearly understand who is ILLEGALLY in control of their properties. We need positive change now to the 'rules' of community service providers. Service providers cannot any longer be 'permitted' by the community to make their own 'rules of engagement' and then IMPOSE said rules or monetary extortion using the community PEACE CORPS (Police) as their private army of enforcers.

I would like Council staff to remember that this property belongs to Mrs. Barnes and not to the Council 'organisation' nor to its staff.

I would like the Police PEACE SERVICE and all ratepayers to comprehend that since they vote in Council members and fund the 'criminal' actions of its staff, that they become complicit to all being imposed forcefully or punitively upon other community members.

Council needs to become advisory and helpful rather than dictatorial and punitive.


Please read my ‘Council BLUEPRINT document’:

page 10

I give you the constitution of the land because, if a person disagrees with ANY of your 'proposals' raised up in the year 2000 or any 'year' subsequent to the elevation of the Constitution, they are entitled to ignore them in totality as long as they are peaceful, being THE requirement of God and the Constitution of YOUR institutional mandate.

Constitution Acts. Acts which authorise and LIMIT the actions of public servants:

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion,

Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania)

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.


Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)

Religion - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.

Religious - - - - scrupulously faithful, pious, devotion - - - this means that ones 'religion' is not any named 'Church' organisation, but it is the policy of ones daily code of conduct interaction with other children of God. Peaceful or warlike - kind or cruel - benign or malignant
