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~ Open letter to General Managers Robert Dobrzynski & Desmond Jennings ~
Dear Sirs,
Reference: Council criminal activities.
This document is to advise you both that council staff have for many years now been involved in CRIMINAL activity as they 'pursue,' persecute and cause harm and emotional stress to peaceful members of the community who they are paid a wage to SERVE. My letters of reference outreach for over 20 years go unanswered. The 'fuel' of the world appears to be ignorance, liquid arrogance, anarchy and Treason. I ask of you "Where are the 'men of honour' today"?
I actually 'wonder where your personal MINDS are when your officials are 'left' to go forth and cause trauma to two old ladies, one of 70 years and the other now 77 years old, when both of them are PEACEFUL senior citizens who are both living in accordance with God's Command and within the 'instruction' of the Constitutional Acts of the 'Freedom of Religion' clauses, clauses that give YOU the mandate to operate. These Acts also LIMIT your use of State rules under said Acts but to this FACT you chose to remain oblivious.
Brothers, it appears to me that the 'silver spoon' that daily feeds your 'mouths' being your wages and positions of power are blinding you as are the previous 'unconstitutional' precedents you have 'set,' being ones that keep you and many other CEO 'heads' heading for total disaster.
You seem to be totally oblivious to the rules and laws set out in the Constitution, being laws and rules that exist but that are violate in the sense that; you can and do 'violate' the rules, but please understand that the LAW of RETURN factor for this treasonable activity is beyond your power to control, and IT is now to unfold as per my pen upon all who misused their positions of authority.
The GM (General manager) has to know THE Rules and abide in (conform with) the Rules and know THE LAW.
The GM must ensure that their officials do the same.
The GM is responsible for the actions of the staff and must ensure their 'understudies' do not EXCEED their mandate.
The GM and staff must understand that State rules are 'subject to & limited by' Constitutional 'Rules of engagement.'
The GM needs to comprehend the THREE 'Tiers' of government (Rule & Law) given a the end of this paper.
So what actually is this most 'foul' and treasonable activity to which you are 'party' to and therefore complicit in? It is the ongoing use of State rules and their punitive attachment clauses to cause harm to the peaceful in defiance of THE Constitution when you, persons of high office, SHOULD be aware that the peaceful of a different religious IDEOLOGY (belief) cannot be LEGALLY subjected to ANY State rule or 'law' unless they have contravened the 'subject to public order and morality' clause of the Tasmania Constitution below: Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom -
46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.
(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.
The Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania) states:
This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians.Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116 it states:
"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion,
In fact, you are also 'guilty' of ( imposing YOUR religious observance) or IDEOLOGY upon others and this is in contravention of section 116 above and applies as you 'coerce' and try and force the peaceful to fund your controlling, interfering and punitive institution against their 'will.' The cases in 'question' used herein to show you your error are people your organisations have 'taken up arms' against being, Clemencia Barnes of Evandale, Gillian Hay of Pyengana and myself, her 'driver.'
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Absolute pacifists do not 'wish' to and are legally entitled to NOT fund any organisation that uses a part of said funds to cause harm, evict, control, extort money, fine or punish OTHER members of the community.
Absolute pacifists only wish to make use of and support benign community services provision and do not want to be forced to fund or support any services that they do not wish to use or that to them, are controlling or punitive etc.
Most regrettable is the fact that you also make ILLEGAL use of the community PEACE services (Police) and magistrates and other departments such as MPES (monetary penalties enforcement service) to 'back' your iniquity.
It is I to now do my best to elevate your consciousness and I state that: "Ignorance of THE LAW is NO excuse" as you and all will now see, and 'as' department 'heads,' you need to quickly EDUCATE yourselves as to what is taking place and not simply sit 'back' and leave others to 'fall' because, you will most definitely join them in terrifying emotional trauma, pain, sufferng and loss being your already accrued dues for what has been done unto others. This needs to now be HALTED.
This applies to you personally as well as all state officials involved in punishment and monetary extortion via the courts or MPES. Your ignorance of THE LAW comes about due to ignorance from 'where' stems your mandate or authority to control, regulate, interfere, tax or punish community members using STATE legislation.
This very DARK defiance of the superior Sovereign Constitution even pervades government house where the Tasmania Governor is paid a wage to uphold the Constitutional decrees but 'prefers' to also ignore the facts that the wording of its Acts are being usurped. Reference my letter to the governor linked at document end.
These superior to State rule constitutional Acts are in fact imposed upon everyone by the Sovereign Power (invisible one) and HE (God) either:
1 - Grants 'something' via State Rule or: (a) - Guaranteed IMMUNITY from being subjected to any or all State rules or: |
You cannot yet see nor comprehend the reasons for this 'variance' that I am via my texts doing my best to impart because there is an EXTREME and agonising consequence for any person who usurps their mandated authority. It is this that has a deeper meaning as yet very far indeed from your comprehension.
For now you need to understand that any excesses or ignoring of the granted Constitutional 'Freedom of Religion' Acts means that said officials (and yourselves) are operating illegally without a Mandate, and therefore at some stage they will be subjected to THE superior LAW that is imposed by THE (invisible) Sovereign Power who monitors all persons who defy the constitutional Acts and who are thus treasonable anarchists.
I will give you the reasons below 'how' you and your officers are criminally involved in the two 'lady' cases at hand reference Council demands and impositions that contravene their authority but firstly, I need to state that this illegal activity has been ongoing for so long now that all officials involved including police, magistrates and others such as MPES officials assume that their actions are 'legal' but they are not.
In the case of Mrs. Clemencia Barnes of Evandale, she is being persecuted for having no 'dog' licence permit, and she also now has decided to LIMIT her annual contribution to the Council community coffers AS IS HER civil and constitutional RIGHT to no longer fund services she does not wish to support or use or are unavailable to her.
In the case of Mrs. Gillian Hay of Pyengana, Council staff have used the MPES to suspend the registration of her motor vehicle for non-payment by myself (the driver) of a parking meter 'request' and subsequent fine. At no stage was she the driver and in my 'case,' I am also entitled to live my BELIEF that public space cannot or should not be the means to extort money from citizens AS IS MY civil and constitutional RIGHT.
It is also a God-given Right for a person to live by their own conscience, faith, belief or religious ideology as long as they do not disturb the peace as previously herein stated.
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It is a well known fact that in matters of faith of conscience or religious ideological belief that NO State rule can be used as the 'weapon' to intimidate, tax, coerce or punish any peaceful person because they have immunity within the 'orders' of the Sovereign. In the case of the mortal Sovereign this statute is statute 109 of the Constitution also so stated.
This is the guarantee of THE SOVEREIGN powers within the Rules or Laws of your own organisation, and it is now THE TIME for you to see this and 'bow' in submission to the decrees of 'Mother Superior' Queen. Understand that there is a God and that it is HE, THE FATHER who is to settle the 'score' in the manner revealed by Him to me.
It is now the time for the 'empowered' by GUNS and muscle to see that we, (others in the community) are entitled to live by our belief and we are entitled to NOT pay any 'levies' or taxes or licence fees or meter money to any other and in this case, especially NOT to those who use force of arms 'backup' to impose their own 'will' or ideology on those who are living according to God's command. (The forceful and punitive are not.)
Indeed, the use of the supposed 'upholders of peace' (Police) to back your demands is an illegal activity and the misuse of public purse that funds their wages. You all believe that your 'powers' are so 'great' that you are above THE LAW of the Sovereign and I am the ONE to explain to you and all that everyone is now to be subjected to THE LAW of EQUAL RETURN - "As you do will be done unto you" - in the manner expressed by my pen. Great indeed is the woe and travail to be seen globally.
I simply now give you and all the opportunity to 'Do the RIGHT thing' and suspend your 'claims' against Clemencia and Gillian for 60 days until YOU have come to your own personally informed decision as to whether it is my 'madness' or YOURS.
1 - Please advise the MPES to delete all claims against Clemencia. |
For your interest the ATO (Taxation office) has been illegally persecuting Clemencia in contravention of the 'Freedom of religion' Acts of the Constitution for 15 years and the judgement will be given by Magistrate Marron at Launceston on 9th February 2016. My 52+ letters of defence over the years are all on line with the link below.
Men in positions of 'official' Power have forgotten that they are NOT 'Rulers' but they have placed the content of politically inspired DECREES (rules) to the forefront. By this act they fail to see that said decrees force them into unconscionable ACTS as they deny God's children their CIVIL RIGHTS, their God-given RIGHTS and the simple right to OBEY their God ahead of any BELIEF of other mortal men.
You have now been advised of this constitutional irregularity confirmed here so I would ask that once you have read all and come to your decision that you advise me where you 'stand.'
Do you use your conscience and do the right thing in accordance with the superior constitutional rules or, do you just continue ON 'heading' an ILLEGAL and treasonable organisation which shows NO concern for God or the rights of the PEACEFUL who OBEY their God as they also conform with the ACTS of the Freedom of religion clause of YOUR institution?
Brothers, where is THE LIGHT when you and your officers so arrogantly deny your own Sovereign Constitution as you 'wage war' and fight against two very loving old ladies?
page 4 The three 'tiers' of COMMAND & LAW governing common man. As eternal time did pass, man 'forgot' his God and thus FELL into abysmal ways and little by little lost his 'mind' and his 'conscience' as along the road to Hell he slowly progressed due to a 'blinding' SPELL woven by the DARK energy of THE Source which he man could neither see nor 'foretell.' I give below the three 'tiers' of COMMAND and thereafter the three 'tiers' of LAW which control man punitively either knowingly or unknowingly. I begin with the 'lowest' set of ruling commands of man set (1) and progress to the ULTIMATE Command of THE invisible Sovereign Ruler of all. I refer now to set (1) the basic STATE RULES of the INSTITUTION. The COMMAND is the 'word' of chiefs or kings or politicians who state that their commands must be adhered to. Failure to so do places 'you' within the punitive aspect of their ideological beliefs. The greatest of these beliefs is their belief in their absolute RIGHT to be 'as if they were' God. This leaves those in power the supposed 'right' to govern your activities according to their policies, policies which they enforce using FORCE OF ARMS. (This is an activity forbidden by God) I refer now to set (1) THE basic STATE LAWS of the INSTITUTION. It is the governing institution naming itself 'the government' by decree of mortal MAN bearing weapons, to defend their perceived RIGHT to RULE other mortals. Their decrees become the 'thousands' of State 'rules, acts or decrees' named 'the laws.' These laws are invoked endlessly and annually by politicians because it is their desire try their best to 'cover all bases' in reference to controlling everything. Such control covers everything from extorting money, meting out punishment or interfering in every aspect of people's lives. The success of this desire for control is due to the fact that they 'kill off' any internal opposition to their 'enshrined religious ideological beliefs' through forceful punitive suppression. (The Police Army) What people do not see is that these laws are LIMITED in that they cannot LEGALLY 'compete with' or 'conflict with' or 'overrule' the LAW of the CONSTITUTION. If there is any 'difference of opinion' as that relates to the distinction between the State law and the Law of the Constitution, is that the Constitutional AUTHORITY REIGNS SUPREME above State laws. IT the 'text words' of the Constitution, is the sacred WORD of THE earthly Sovereign Power. The Constitution as such is thus the supreme ruler of Tasmania and Australia for Queen Elizabeth as set out below in (2) (Note: Why do these above 'laws' have ZERO% legal validity against set (3) below? Because they are in total contravention of God's Command unto man) page 5 I refer now to Tier set (2) the COMMAND RULES of the CONSTITUTION. The COMMAND of the Constitution is the mandate to operate and therefore 'govern' as granted unto man by the earthly Sovereign Power (King or Queen, mandarin, Emperor or Dictator) and IT limits or restricts the activities of officials who are mandated or 'licensed' to 'exist' or establish or administer or operate within the bounds of said ACTS. These Acts stand ABOVE the 'common' rules, laws and decrees of the State Institutions. This means that any person operating as a State official (set - 1) above who exceeds their mandate will at some stage be 'found-out' and will therefore be subjected to the punitive laws of THE constitutional authority. I refer now to set (2) the LAW of the CONSTITUTION. It is the VALID Law standing ABOVE any State rules, decrees or 'laws.' Note: 1 - valid law - The implication being that State law is valid UNLESS it is overruled by THE Constitutional Law such as the ‘Freedom of Religion’ Act. This is an Act that is only 'valid' to those who have not disturbed the peace of the land and who do have their God as head of house rather than mortal man. Those who have God as head of house do not 'vote' for any politician nor do they seek the armed forces protection of man. (Caesar) These people simply rely on God to protect them. In the Annotated Constitution of Australia, Section 330 titled "Its Interpretation," John Quick and Robert Randolph Garran say: "In the exercise of the duty of interpretation and adjudication not only in the High Court, but every court of competent jurisdiction has the right to declare that: A law of the Commonwealth or of a State is void by reason of transgressing the Constitution. This is a duty cast upon the courts by the very nature of the judicial function. The federal Parliament and the State Parliaments are not sovereign bodies; they are legislatures with limited powers; - - - ." In this case it follows that any STATE law which is being used in a Constitutional 'Freedom of religion' matter is a 'law' in excess of those powers and is no law at all, it is simply a nullity, entitled to no obedience especially when a magistrate is trying to overthrow the 'validity' of the Sovereign Constitution. What role do the courts play in Australian governance? Australia's system of courts is the third arm of Australian governance and is known as the Judiciary. The role of the Judiciary is to: (Note: Why do these above 'laws' have 50% legal validity against set (3) below? Because the individual is granted a choice therein. This choice allows them to either be an ILLEGAL warmonger, thereby operating in contradiction to God's Command or, to be a LEGAL peaceful person in conformity with God's command.) It is now THE time for all mankind to learn that all commands invoked by man (set (1 or 2) above are subject to the below Command set (3) of God. page 6 I refer now to Tier set (3) the COMMAND of GOD. God's COMMAND is simply what it is as reiterated here: "Go your way in peace and love one another for all are sister and brother. Be merciful and compassionate and forgive others if they trespass against you and turn the other cheek if abused." When man lives or acts or 'dances' in ACCORD with this Command man is using God's creative, benign and loving LIGHT energy essence. The more one uses God's positive Light energy the more IT grows within man's soul which makes the soul 'brighter' and man is happier as he receives an EQUAL positive, benign and loving RETURN within the SOLO Law: "As you do unto others will be done unto you" I refer now to Tier set (3) the LAW of RETURN of God's energy used by man. 'God's Law.' Since my task for God is to correct the error of the ways of man, it is incumbent upon me to REMIND everyone wielding God's FORCEFUL POWER that IT, as all of God's energy is a LAW UNTO ITSELF. This means that God's RETURN unto user action cannot be controlled by man at all, and IT, being either the LIGHT benign loving creative energy of God or, the DARK malignant hateful destructive energy of God it simply 'offers' itself to man for man to use as man so chooses. God forbids man to use the destructive forceful aspect because God knows THE RESULT of man's destructiveness. (Pain) This LAW of ENERGY RETURN is THE REAL INVISIBLE SOVEREIGN LAW because it has but ONE 'rule,' that rule being: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - good for good, cruelty for cruelty. Mankind (you) needs to comprehend that the energy of THE SOURCE is within them. It is what sustains your eternal existence because IT is indestructible. It is what gives you LIFE to live, move, and have your being. It is eternal and everywhere present. All knowing and IT sees all. What mankind needs to now comprehend is that every 'decree' or rule or law of MAN is 'subject to' the spiritual law of return as set out above. Man needs to try and comprehend that in supporting, upholding and funding State commands or punitive 'laws' in set (1) they are illegally operating in the DARK energy essence aspect of set (3) which is in direct defiance of God's COMMAND, and all defiant of He are ON the wide road to Hell. Be now ADVISED - the full force and retributive DARK destructive POWER of God is now to be seen on earth as ITS 'Dark side' balances ITS 'Scales of Justice,' and the cruelty and savagery to be will exceed the capacity of man to understand and, - - - if YOU the individual cannot become respectful and kind and merciful, compassionate and forgiving NOW, - - - then your emotions and mind will be caught up by invisible demonic forces who will use YOUR mind and 'hands' to be their instrument of destruction and YOUR soul will join them in their ETERNAL AGONY in the underworld.
I have now finalised my DUTY for the blessed God of LIGHT, She the Mother of all Creation and HE the Dark forceful Power.
Terence ~ God's Plenipotentiary ~~~ Letter to the governor: The 'will' of He the 'adjuster': All 52 letters reference Clemencia on my 'Testing the Freedom of religion document' are found here: There is a copy of this open letter on line as ITEM 14 - Launceston & NM Council GM's at: Ends
(Note: these 'laws' have ZERO% legal validity against set (3) below.)
(Note: these 'laws' have 50% legal validity against set (3) below.)
(Note: This SOLO 'law' has 100% legal validity because it is absolute immutable Justice)
mercy to the merciful - mercilessness to the merciless
joy for joy given - suffering for suffering imposed
What you or your servants do unto others will be done unto you.