~ Man's
Abdication to Servitude ~ Through "fear of reprisal" simple man obeyed the dictates of "someone," be it a strong man or another "form" of leader. This "happened" a long long time ago, even before this earthly realm was formed. This I do know. Thus on "this" place there "arose" dark spirits of little grace who decided to control others and gain wealth using a mace. This they could only do when they convinced you that you needed them to protect you. Once this you did agree to through fear of the "refusal" consequences, or you "thought" it was a good idea, you were then a "part" of their herd, and "as" cattle they put you to work and they used the strength of your right arm to not only protect them and you against "other" invading strong men but to also ensure that none of you "sheep" stepped out of line from your "place," being servitude to them. Now man can begin to see that he is not free, even though the "top guns" say that you are as they were elected by you democratically. No, every "country" has at its "top" a figurehead for the dark invisible force and IT via them enslaves you in perpetuity as IT demands that you protect ITS interests at all times. Its "interests" being for the benefit of your interests, it falsely says. And for IT to control you it requires you to be a "part" of its controlling "body." This all men do so become, by virtue of paying the wages of the supposed "sages" who run the dark system. In order to "operate," this System needs you to continually fund it. Thus it demands that you pay in every which way. It the "system" sees you and your livelihood, be it a farm venture or a factory worker "as" its "debenture." Thus it owns you and your venture. If you in any way seek to go your own way or operate in any way "outside" its regulations then for its own good it must destroy you or other "sheep" might be "tempted" by your bravery to leave its flock and follow you to freedom. The "office-bearer" of this invisible force be it "king or president" also keep you enslaved as it (he/she) uses your children to defend its national wealth, for you and your "work" are its assets. As you "fight" any other seeking to impose their will or seeking to "take control" of your national "honey-pot" of wealth, ie. you, you are in fact unknowingly fighting against God, for ultimately any "enemy" is God-sent to punish you in some way. Your present "head of state" is also "God-given" and keeps you in servitude because you are ignorant and support it, being the "dark force." So to now become free you must try and see that you need to overcome your fear and stop "paying" or aiding this force by supporting it in any "defence" against any enemy. Only by standing "unarmed" before the Reaper will you "permit" yourself to stop accruing more "painful" spiritual dues and thus enable yourself to "take what comes" from it, as it demands you pay-up all dues, and thus in non-retaliation you become free. What you need to see is that there is no difference between being "ruled" by your present head of State or another invader. Both put their "cattle" you to work for them. If you support any "regulatory body" by funding it or fight for it/them or to defend your own home/family etc, then you are a part of the "dark way" and ahead will pay for your folly. Also 'those' whom you "try" to defend or protect cannot avoid any "due" they accrued in their past, so all attempts at "protecting" are futile even though they may "seem" beneficial at the given moment. You might see yourself as being "free," but the reality is that in order to "continue along the road" as a free person you are "required" to keep paying a due to the devil via the System of man. For in so "doing," ref this "paying-up" via licence and tax you do incur a negative spiritual debt and become "darker with sin" within. None see that the "cry" of the wolf being: "All you do is for the 'common-good' of your fellow man and good for the nation" is what "sucks you in" and keeps you "honorably and fearfully" supporting the Devil at work. Observe - the rules of every land were designed by the dark force to ensure that all "compliant" are a "party" to negative acts underhand in order to keep all enslaved in perpetuity. This it can only do through your ignorance and fear as all are "afraid" to heed the "Only love" commandment. Thus as you can now see all have "sinned" in perpetuity and all have supped on darkness to the extent that all are "bent" into believing that it is justifiable to heed the deceiving force below, and its "deception" and consequence will it now upon all bestow. Cut the chains that bind you to IT and fit new 'clothes' on by showing our God of Light that you now heed this one, me. Thus you will "happily" die if the debt owed by you for your support in making others cry amounts to your due being "every drop of your blood spilt." Observe - is what I said above, - that you were not "permitted" to be officially "born," nor can you work or play or fish unless you paid a "price" and received a "passport" being a written licence note. Thus are you shown by me if you are a party to the Devil's System. For if you do operate each day by first having to "some" department pay, then this shows you that I am true. Be now as me and set yourself free of incurring further debts to humanity. Pay no more "dues," for you only so do, as you were "deceived" into this way by State and religions that also condoned that evil way. By all "means" aid the local community "poor" by your free giving and contribute to the daily needs of society from your profits after they have been earned. Man "forgets" his spiritual nature as he struggles in a world of materiality. He forgets that the retributive force has the capacity and intent to mercilessly "hunt-down" its enemies whatever the conditions prevailing in its "role" of persecution, retribution and deception. The Dark is so well "hidden" that man forgot that the Dark DOES exist. Thus "It the dark" is the true professional hunter that has its victim in its "sights" at all times and cunningly weaves its "web" that blinds its victims into believing they are safe as they unknowingly walk deeper into the "fold" of this literally terrifying adversarial force. The "dark" seeks out all those whom "used it" in their past in any way. Those whom use it not it cannot see, for it only sees its "mark" that stains the souls of those who foolish be. It is the self -empowered, self-mandated "fulfiller" of the dark side of God's one LAW. (As you did 'darkly' do - shall by it be done unto you.) It has ONE intent, being to destroy all creation and to do this it uses man to "justifiably" abuse his brother. Thus the "criminal" as "we" perceive an abuser to be is in fact the victim of the dark, and the one we perceive as the "just" defender/avenger who brings the criminal to "justice" is also a victim of the dark. Both "victims" become ensnared more and more by its 'deception and cunning' and daily is their beautiful divine spark of love "shrouded" more and more by the dark mist of eternal death, as is yours if you support its ways or condone any unforgiving and retributive acts of the System through the present mode of "free-giving taxes" support of it. If you pay anyone any fee in order to "permit you" to do anything you are enslaved to IT the dark via the "demanding force" on earth, and those who work "as" its employees are also enslaved by it. Let us treat them with respect and "kindly" show them the error of their way for all on earth and all in spiritual realms outside heaven have been deceived and all are as yet enslaved in one way or another. God says: "Love all, all are 'lost' sister or brother. You must now 'forgo' the System of man that justifies its 'extortionist' ways by saying that you need it. No, you must only support your fellow man by finding a better way, which is by your loving free-giving."
~ The
false Constitution ~ The "Constitutional" document of man that is "enacted" by man is brought into "empowerment" merely by the "proclamation" of its existence. Any 'Constitution of man' is a document legitimising man through self-evoked mandates to control, regulate, punish, and steal money off the national community. Thus the "Constitution of man" a document that by its very own "admission" is an ungodly, unworthy, undemocratic and "despotic" invention that "empowers" the "King" and his "men" to rule by force and legitimately "illegitimately" do whatever he wishes to with you, and any who comply not to the never ending "directives" are "destroyed" literally in one form or another. Thus is any Constitution of man a false document that not only enslaves its "workers" but also enslaves its "perpetrators/perpetuators," being the common "flocks" of mankind who support it and its dark "ways" through their free giving taxes and compliance to its demands of them and its other "extortionist" directives. Be it to the paying of "Custom" import/export "royalties" to the one who believes they own all the land and all the sea, as well as all the multitudes of other "levies" imposed by it/him on any transaction between two or more people, or the "extraction" of a licence fee demanded from man before they can even work. Those "unfortunates" who work for these "Systems of man" have for so long believed that the mandated "Acts" of impropriety "invoked" over the people are "just," that they see not the "terrible" indictment of God over them that they bring on by themselves, through working for the retributionary "arm" of the System of man that is in fact the retributionary arm of the Devil working through the mind of man in the guise of systems thought the norm. Legislators "draw up" Acts that force the police and judiciary into acts of impropriety, for as they the "employees" of the system carry out their "duty" to the legislated acts/rules/regulations it is they who become criminals and "offensive" offenders in the eyes of God. Every human being has the innate capacity to be the loving Light in action or the "shark" in negative interaction. Few are "awake" as to "which" they daily be as they walk their road. The "cunning" darkness for so long worked through the powers seen as the "norm" that all fell "asleep," and this dark force has entrapped all "sleepers" into being its retributionary arm and paved the way for their own suffering on another day. It's time to awaken before you are eternally forsaken. Man has "evolved" many a way to extort off his sister and brother, eg: a Transaction tax fee - Income tax fee - Expenditure tax fee hidden in the guise of "Sales tax" or "Goods and Services tax" and a Punishment tax fee for any non-compliance to its imposed regulations. This "thievery & buggery" on a "grand larceny" scale is to now by God to be brought to an END, and it is God to now "scale" the "dead fish" and prepare a fresh "platter" of food for His/Her flock. Read The Constitution of God and its "Preamble" that are to be found within pages 212/3 of "The Testament of Truth."
~ Justice Kirby ~ Dear brother, we both have the same spiritual heavenly mother, but to me she does say that many walk the wrong way. Yes, so many do believe that their "way" is true, not seeing that it is unwise to deny the call from the skies. Even you daily do "things" which are unnatural in God's eyes. Yes, you criticise & judge & condemn & control men who have "erred" away from the "wishes" of societies pen. This itself is an "act" unwise for it defies the call of "Peace & mercy & Forgiveness" as demanded by our God wise. So you see, when I see that you also "openly" promote homosexuality, I can say, "That way too is contra spirituality." It is alright to others love, but it is self-denigration to engage in sexual "acts" that unnatural be. Unfortunately, the unnatural way is promoted today as "OK" and normal. I see that we should teach all how "thoughts" breach the minds of many as easily as dropping a penny, and thus all succumb to 'darkness' and to God's call become numb. Please try and see that 'dna' has naught to do with the thoughts and feelings that flow through the mind & soul of man. It is these thoughts that lead us astray each day and justify our control of others and justify the "folly" of making them pay as well as justifying the "arrogance" of enacting acts that control other's "way." All who are a "party" to this are in fact sodomising their own soul. Man has become so "used to" blindly going his way that even the "thought" of 'thought management' has not been considered until today. Being the day I come along to again sing God's pure song that says: "If you make any other grieve then via your mind our God will you deceive." Aye, and you become 'lost' & lonely and end up in the land of 'frost' below until my truth of "Only love and walk in peace" you get to know. Please now set yourself free from your present iniquity, being the one in which you do openly control God's children who in your eyes do "out of bounds" stroll. Do this for God and me and maybe one day in heaven your face I will see. ~ The "fallen" Race ~ The fallen race is mankind who became blind to the reality of God long before this earth "station" was created and in a biological body the spirit of man did plod along her-his weary road. Seeing not that daily "he, s-he" increased his invisible spiritual "lode" of dark energy that "he" man drew in as the result of "adding to" his spiritual debts as he man forgot God and relied on "heavies" who in the name of "Governments" trod heavily upon any who failed to pay them an annual financial "levy" that has increased day by day. "Government" is a word used to describe a "System of man" that came into "being" when "a" man decided that "he" stood above God and that "he" would control God's children who in low realms did stroll. The "he" being a strong man who named himself "king of this kingdom" or "Chief of this land" or in some instances in some lands such as Australia there is but a "changeable" figure-head called "Prime Minister" who "heads" the dark system "for" the invisible overlord the Devil, who wields His retributive sword via His political systems of vain man on earth. As he vain man did thus gain control of other men he also decided to "steal" a certain percentage of every man's crop or pay and thus himself have an "easier" way. He also decided that he could use "them" his newfound slaves to protect his interests and to die for him in the event that other thieves came his way. The "core" of every political "party" speaks of the land they control as a Nation. And "they" vain men believe that "somehow" this "cabbage patch" encompasses every acre of land and every tree, and every forest animal and every fish in the sea, as well as you and you and that they can "control" all this by force of arms using their "subjects" you, not me. For the political "player" it is a game of musical chairs, and they all go round and round bound by their vanity and pride saying "We are the ones to keep the economy sound." But the reality is that due to their huge "bite" or "cut" taken on every transaction, the value or buying power of the local currency becomes worth less annually by some 20% or more and impoverishes the peoples of every land. This does not "affect" those of the "upper hand" who merely take more as their pay so that they personally are not affected or "infected by poverty" in any way. The politicians seduce the populace with "electoral sweeteners." Being "promises" for more funding in various ways proffered in an endeavour to be re-elected into the "high office" of the self-empowered "system." None seeing that any more "free" funds from their coffers have to be stolen from the people in order to fulfil these promises. Every department has now become a "business" within itself with its staff wages paid for by you and they take all the profits to use for "expansionist" purposes. The system funds its departments by financial extortion, and the "heads" of the various departments maintain their authority and control by the imposition of rules & regulations that are enforced by the armed forces who fine or incarcerate any who defy the "edicts" of the land signed by man's hand and inspired from the Devil's mind. Since time "immemorial" these men of vanity & greed were inspired by the Devil to invade others "space" and to by force of arms impose their demands. This in "latter" times has become accepted as the norm as all blindly accept the financial and regulatory impositions that hide in a guise of "goodness" and; "Its best for the majority who elected us." The "main" reason why they remain in power is through ignorance and fear in the mind of simple man, and also that so many now "rely" on the funds doled out to many businesses and welfare recipients. None seeing that there is a better "free giving" way. Every Government is also a "Peoples Party" as its way and being is "maintained" by all who vote it into office and pay its "wages" via free giving taxation and licence fee Rorts. Every government system is comprised of many separate departments. Some are used to extort funds from the community with seeming impunity. Some departments are used to interfere in the government systems of other countries into which they make secretive forays and manipulate and control their populace in an attempt to gain financial or military advantage. Some departments (armed forces) are used to fight any perceived enemy or to take over others lands by force of arms. All these departments rely on funds stolen by force off the community. It is "due" to this support of the dark in action that daily increases the spiritual debts of ignorant man. Man also "wanted" protection and thus "abdicated" his trust in God to men of force. For God did say in a past and present day: "Rely not on the strength of your arm to defend your flesh and do not employ thieves or rogues to protect you. Rely only on my wisdom and become free." Look at what I say before God's wrath comes your way and then decide whether to implement change or continue on and "face" the anger of men who are deranged. Man already begins to see that the Dark force is behind every government body. Men when angry cannot see that they must not destroy any enemy and thus they will "pull the house down" and every politician will more than frown. I am concerned about the "spiritual welfare" of the community for I see that every "system" of the day steals far in excess of its needed pay and uses the "sleeping" population to do so. I do hope that you read this communiqué in depth as it is sent with sincerity. For so "long" have governments operated in a "particular" way that they no longer have the capacity to see that they are stealing funds off the community in every way. I ask you, is it the "task" of any community well-fare departmental system to serve its employer the people or to use the people to serve its own interests? Any community endeavor must operate solely on the basis of cost and there should be no taxes raised from or expected from this "operation." Governments are but "systems" run by men who "unthinkingly" think that they are "hidden" somehow and will avoid the "reaper" and the void as they misuse their authority that generally is one of impropriety in God's eyes. Present day Government "officials" always say that they speak for the people of the land as if their decisions are those of the people. In most cases they are not as the people are totally unaware of the "plans" the officials daily plot that will cause "someone" somewhere to suffer. Politicians and religious zealots incite people to fight and abuse others. None seeing the dark karmic processes involved that affect the "sleeping" population. Politicians "think" that once they "declare" a truce or peace that the "aroused" and oft "decimated" public can or will somehow forget and forgive their "once" enemy, who only became an enemy because in the first instance their politicians told them: "You must go to war and kill our enemy over the hill." All will now see the result of "following" the insane orders of kings and political men rather than heeding the call of our God up high. For it is a safe "bet" that any who was abused will now go forth in retribution and seek to destroy the other whom did with their family "toy." Man's atrocities committed within the framework of the system of man appear to go "unpunished" by men in his, man's system, as it perpetrates "acts against God" under a "banner of righteousness." Mankind has now accepted this way as the "norm" due to the "dark way" having been in existence "outside heaven" for an eternity and a day. None seeing that, the bureaucratic arrogance of any dictatorial body that controls and abuses people or misuses funds etc, and all suffering resulting from these actions, fall upon the public who are responsible for the actions of their paid servants. Man mandated by men and empowered by men strut around seeing not that by the very Devil himself they are mentally & spiritually bound, and that "ahead" it is they to be filled with dread as they are tortured by men of others "systems & races" when God decides to put them in "stocks & braces" as they all are subjected to God's one immutable law: "As you did do is done unto you either in your present realm or when you are dragged "underground" to be tortured by other spirit men in "Hell's den." Ahead, there will be no authoritative governments. Only community welfare agencies that are run solely on a cost basis giving good services that benefit all. Yes we need access to educative information "direction" but it must not be a business endeavor funded by any enforced taxation. In order to "begin" this process it is wise if you now "halt" any payment of government/council taxation payments and send any "demand" notices back marked "Return to sender" and with that you may attach a letter to your local community Centre saying: "I enclose a free giving donation of $ - - that is my contribution at this moment of time towards the upkeep of our community welfare and other departments." The recipients will have to "cut the cloth to suit the coat" and revise their expenditure plans. There is no need to confront any government by force of arms or litigation for their "time" is now spent, and they will shut down due to spiritual re-form as man's minds do deform. Just go your way heeding God. Any community endeavors such as postal, telecommunication, electricity supply etc that are "raised-up" by the goodwill of the community will all be 'run' at minimal cost to the community as there will be no more "taxes" charged nor "interest" paid to investors. Federal and other agencies will all close down due to the coming financial collapse brought on by unreasoning insanity and they will remain closed in perpetuity. Private enterprise whose scope is above and beyond the community endeavours will flourish and the community will pay for the use of these businesses or products or any service in the normal way. All "products & services" will be cheaper as greed is swept away from the soul of man. The "terror" of the day will be acerbated by the fact that so many millions in public "office" and other sectors are supported by the taxation take, and when the systems break much turmoil and anger will erupt. Yes, and what all "its" workers will need to see is that they can stay and work for "free" for the community, but they must stand apart from any retributive demands for compensation. Fail this and heavier becomes their "destination." It is "alright" to ask for financial assistance from any "power," be they a friend or a thief. But it is wrong to demand that they "aid you" in any way. The soon "impoverished" will rely on me and you to aid them as they go through their "karma" for the times when they were less than a "charmer." Any who lose "control" of their sanity and run "amok" and take by force will divorce their own souls from the light of heaven. Every government has a final duty towards God's children. This duty is to spend its "last" store of stolen booty in ensuring that every person in the country gets to see the message contained within the "Brief Summary" of God's message through me. Thus they will endeavor to translate the text from the English Version placed by me on a plate into every "tongue" in their country so that all have the opportunity to see that only those who now heed me will by God freed be. Those of the fallen race on earth and in any realm "space" outside heaven that is not in the "pits" below will have this last opportunity to get to know the truth and reality that I see and of what is to now be. Being, that any of the "fallen" race who fail to heed the wisdom I now seed will be swept away and down by the dark tide of emotions soon to surge within all, and they will drown and become the lost race that abides in Hell, and for an eternity of eternities therein they will suffer unspeakable pain and terror in perpetuity. When the light has raised up the consciousness of man and all darkness has swept itself away from this place, the Light will "claim" this domain and it will remain a place of peace and goodwill. People will serve the new community for love, not for the sake of money. They will be joyful and happy to be in "our" service for free if needed, or for a feed from you or me. There will be no kings or politicians or chiefs in the new "Order." It is our God to be our guide and inspiration, and only to God our dedication. Walk "alone" now with God as you heed the contents of page 213 within The Testament of Truth - "God's Constitution." So be it ~ The political 'minefield' ~ There is soon to be an 'explosion' on every shore and every person and politician will wonder 'why' for sure, and none but none can its cause see other than me. For centuries kings and politicians "rampantly" took and they upturned the populace and their pockets emptied and shook. So every person is now poor, but all via the System of man cry out for more. None seeing that politicians only take to fill their own pockets and to do this they also another mistake make. Being that they 'offer' to keep all employed & protected & 'up-buoyed,' and to do this they fall deeper into ways untrue as they control & regulate more to extract more and thus all are now poor. For all did depend on the $$ the System ekes out to every 'friend' who does loudly 'holler,' especially those with a 'white' collar. And as the people became poorer they had to borrow more, and now the calamity we'll all see as God destroys the Systems of iniquity. Yes, it's to be a 'calamitous' currency crisis and all will lose all, and every "system of man" is to fall. This is why this note is sent to you for it is the time to prepare for the final snare soon to be that precedes the terrifying calamity. The snare being set by the 'greed' that promotes the 'free' income rort wherein man's children are brought into slavery by their 'elders & peers' who use them to earn an annual usuric 'interest' on their financial investments. All who have bound others into this 'work' slavery could not and cannot find a way to their 'wealth' share, and thus they will it now lose for they did others via slavery abuse. The 'final' snare is the power of the dark to bind ones mind into continuing to be unkind to oneself by maintaining 'free income' investments and being thus unable to 'recall' their 'loaned' income earning deposits/investments they will lose it all. This is the fate of the ignorant and greedy, for the light of God says: "Lend your money to the needy for free, or give some of it away and thus show ME that you compassionate be." ~ The "Legislators" ~ The Legislator is the "Chief" berator who is inspired direct from Satan's "den." He is the "man" who wields Satan's earthly pen and via it does "dictate" decrees that are "later" in parliament spoken. These "decrees" appear to be Just and justifiable as a "means" to "recover" the ongoing costs of the ruling "class" or to direct and control the masses in some way. These decrees become "accepted" and passed into the book of rules of the land and are "accepted" as Law by the controllers who then can wield a heavy hand against any who default or defy these "laws" that are stated to be "of the land." Thus the Devil via the legislator makes criminals out of the populace, for the people "oft" cannot "face" the impositions and thus are placed in a prison "brace." The Devil also makes the populace offenders by their support of this negative punitive system as they "vote in" a government and freely give taxation demands through either ignorance or fear and thus become a "party to" the offence being the "offensive way." Any legislator needs to see that their "Mandate to legislate" is not a God "given" free plate of food, and thus if they "dine" on a Mandate from the lower land "swine" that imposes Its punitive processes upon all then the legislator will into that realm fall in the afterlife and suffer the same "suffering/controls" as imposed via them. No government or "System of man" or legislator owns any "person" and no legislator has any "right" to impose their "ideas" upon any other. No person employed as an enforcer of legislation has any "right" to so do from the Source of LIGHT. Thus it "follows" that any whom so do are in fact by the Devil backed and to their own souls untrue. Man has based his "authority" to spend billions & trillions upon the 'tax-take' off the community that is "delivered" to them (taxation enforcers) with impunity due to legislated "Acts," and thus the human race has built its "house" on sand in every land and is a "disgrace" in God's eyes. No man is required by God to heed or abide in any rule or "code" legislated by any other. Man is expected by God to "Love one another and walk in peace each day." Man is eternally "subject to" God's ONE Law that is clearly defined for sure: "As you do is done unto you." Any "man" who legislates any "Rule/Act/Decree" that is "backed" by any control or punitive measure is a "penman" for the Dark Essence/Devil. For all control or restriction or requirement or punishment stems from the Devil. Any man who "raises up" Advisory/Educative/Informative issues as an "educative" program that has no punitive or control measures is inspired by the LIGHT of God. The "Light" of God requires no punitive measure Authority. For any person who heeds not positive advice and therefore endangers others, who suffer as a consequence in some way, "falls" into the Dark side of God's law and themselves "suffer" the same "fate" on another day. It is not "up to man" to make any "pay" for non-compliance to advice. It is only "up to man" to try and guide "errants" into the correct path so that they always "laugh" rather than ending up in a karmic "blood bath." ~ The "Amnesty" ~ Man is a "disgrace" for he wields a mace in God's "face" as he abuses another, be it sister or brother and then seeks an Amnesty "pardon" from his "peers" whom he sees as "seers." God grants NO "Pardon or Amnesty" to those who are blind or ignorant or arrogant who cannot see that the letter of God's ONE LAW is absolute and applies to both the rich and the poor. God grants NO "Remission of penalty" to those who are blind or ignorant or arrogant who cannot see that the letter of God's ONE LAW is absolute and applies to both the rich and the poor. God grants NO "Release from liability for an offence" to those who are blind or ignorant or arrogant who cannot see that the letter of God's ONE LAW; "You Reap what you Sow" is absolute and applies to both the rich and the poor UNTIL the "Letter of the Law" has been fulfilled. It follows that any "errant" or offender in God's eyes who was not wise and thus controlled, abused, deceived, made war against, imposed sanctions against or retaliated against, any person MUST suffer the same fate that was "imposed" by them upon the other. The ONE LAW "As you Sow so shall ye reap" must be fulfilled. Thus it "follows" that any "Amnesty" or "Mandate of impunity" granted by any "power" of man, or governing "body," or religious "body" that is "so" decreed by the signing of a document or by the spoken word is a FALSE document that is INVALID in God's eyes and certainly not "above" God's LAW. Let it here be "heard" and known that God's messenger has today the final truth sown and this truth "nullifies" and makes "void" all Mandates and "Custom" of man and his "devilish" Systems. Let it here be "heard" and known that God is now to "indulge" in HIS "right" which is to mete out HIS Divine Justice that is HIS Law and HE shall now "knock" on every door and demand HIS "due" from those who in any way were to their own souls untrue by "virtue" of what they "contrarily" did do that was less than the Commandment again given by me to you, being; "Love one another." Let it here be known that you will be "pardoned" for your past sinning ways if you "suffer" your fate by not retaliating against the dark reaping forces sent to extract God's "pay." Being HIS due for when you were untrue. Any who continue to "retaliate" are in "variance" to God's Commandment and thus they are not granted any amnesty by God and thus have no "immunity" against dark satanic "forces" who will continue to "knock" on their **door and "hound" them incessantly on this level or in lower realms when their souls leave the flesh. IF you would be "pardoned" by God or me then heed the message from Mother that is today "sealed" by me. (**door - your 'literal' material home door, or your spiritual door, being your mind, by it being overpowered from within by incessant, unceasing, and unkind satanic thought intrusion.)
~ The deceived ~ The police and "other" gunmen are living in a "false" delusion. For they work in a "field" of disarray for monetary pay that is given by a System untrue. For this System does say:
So any "uniformed" man is no different in God's eyes to a terrorist unwise who feels justified to walk with a dark face into any "space" bearing arms and displaying less than "loving" charms. Be they police or terrorists, these men abdicate themselves from God's land as they unknowingly work for the dark reaping underhand. Yes, in their illusion of "We are men of peace" they daily grease their hands with grime as they work for the devilish swine below. This fact I know. So to policemen you, you and you, I can but say: "Please change your 'modus operandi' today, and stop 'kidnapping' people off the street which you do by virtue of "orders" demanding their presence in Court, or dragging them out of their vehicle if they do not stop when run off the road by your car." Poor policemen, all defy this God's pen and all fall below to Satan's den when out of the flesh their spirit does "leap," and all for a long "spell" do weep. Truly our "youth" have been deceived by the satanic "web" so cunningly weaved through the minds of political men and their "minions" who lurk in back rooms. All will now "shit-less" be when to my reality they suddenly "awaken" and see. For their "karmic dues" accrued will be demanded off them by the Devil who is revealed by this pen. Being the "Mastermind" of all man's regulatory Acts. Yes, his "other" invisible spirit men will confront all in the flesh who denied the Commandment of God to "Only love," and as 'prophesied' by this dove will themselves be faced by insane men as revealed by this pen, and they will extract their due as they are inspired by dark thoughts flowing through. Wake up, your "forces" men must themselves become civil civilians and only "ccc" - catch, collect, and counsel offenders by bringing them to me. (My message). "Yes, ME means: to their Creator, God of love and light. Only this way will you too be set free from your past and present iniquity." Yes its true, for when policemen "see" a person offending against "man or God" their negative emotions become aroused, and as they are being paid to "detain" they feel justified and empowered to become themselves untrue, and they become unwise and themselves defy the Commandment from the skies. Yes, they detain with mouths "resolute" as they say; "We'll put in the boot or will you shoot if you try and get away." AND, "If you don't immediately do what "we" tell you then from our "book of acts" facts we'll 'find' many a 'clause' to inflict suffering upon you." "Yes, this we 'forces' men will do even though we see not it is in God's eyes untrue, and that all we are doing is taking upon ourselves your past spiritual due. Being the punishment meted out by us to you as well as the "Court" punishment too." All are lost and needs find THE WAY. Have any of you the "freedom of thought" to see and hear what I say? I hope so, for soon the "Guillotine's" blade will sway above the head of any who in any way made any other feel dread. All "System's" power brokers need to see that they all "sleep in the wrong bed." Yes, all "lie" with the Wolf as their "bedfellow." It the wolf will now awaken and bite all who used its dark Might. Please now try and see your daily self-imposed iniquity, and set your "young men" free to now only nice be. "Polite & nice," not "Political lice." So dear Commissioner, it's now over to you. For I am here to show the world how all have "fallen" and to guide all onto the road true. Each of you will needs personally decide which way you will now stride, and if it's towards the Light then tell your political "superior" that you will command your men to become Carers and no longer fight or carry guns. By now you should be able to see how the Devil via man's System wants the police to apprehend and abuse any whom contravene man's Laws or God's "Only love" commandment. The light of God via the mind of sane man wants police and counsellors to apprehend any whom walk outside the "Only love" commandment as they steal or abuse others, and infuse them with God's wisdom. So each person must now choose the win or the lose. ~ The "condemned" ~ The condemned, are those being "judged" by God up high who via the mind of man does them "Try." The condemned, are those "judging" errant man for our God up high, as His "works" are done through ignorant man who try to "emulate" Him. Try and this see, or you the "condemned" will never become free. Those being "judged" are being judged by the "dark one" via the mind of man who is "blind" to God's Word. For the call of Peace & Mercy & Forgiveness they have not heard, and the dark one does justify a reason why they must others "try & crucify." Those being "judged" who are convicted by man in contravention of man's laws are in fact "paying" past "other" debts to humanity, during which time in fact they "broke"(walked in the dark side of) God's Law. Those "judging" others are at that very moment being judged by God and as they "do" to others, that is being "tallied" up and added to their "negative" karmic debts "account" that daily mount as they "choose" to abuse others "justly." Neither of the "condemned" see this reality. Our God says: "Judge not lest ye be judged." This is true, for under the ONE Law of God we "suffer" what we to others "negatively" do, albeit seen as "just" in our "errant" society, or we "enjoy" the positive "fruits" of being loving and kind. So any "person" in any Judicial "system" of man does "already" judge themselves by being a "party" to the "suffering" retributionary side of God's legal plan. For God is the "ultimate" Judge who ensures that all pay who in "folly" do "smudge" their souls by "partaking" on any darkness for any reason. Any working for the dark side are "supping on it" and "partaking of it" and "permitting" it to bind them invisibly. Of "it" they then only become free as they "pay up" for their folly. Thus if we would "democratically" choose to be a part of God's "justice" department that is self empowered to "inflict" pain and to "convict" offenders, then it "follows" that under God's Law we must receive what we put "out" as we "gladly" for the retributionary "arm of God" do offenders "clout." This "note" is to try and set man free. That is "man" who works for any earthly system as a part of its judiciary. From the "parking" ticket attendant up to the judge and executioner. All will suffer the same "fall" from grace as their "victim" whom they see as an "offender." May you all look a little deeper at what I say, for God now will ensure that under HIS law, all for their deeds do pay. It is time to become an "Educator" and Carer to the "ignorants," not "one" who says: "For your folly I am "entitled" to make you pay." For those that this do are getting in God's "way" and are "playing" GOD. ~ The Command 'Force' ~ The "Sceptre" and the "Mitre" and the "Ring" and the uniform all denote Power that is the "norm" in the darkness below from whence the "Authority" does bestow IT'S "mace" upon the human race through the minds of the ignorant and vain who hold God's Word in disdain. The ritual of "ceremony" is the "marriage act" pact with the darkness (Devil) to uphold ITS "sword" and defy God's Holy Word, and as IT the Dark bestows upon you ITS blessing and honour of kinship it gains a powerful grip upon your mind and emotions and soul, and you are then bound to stroll in Realms below for a time and a time for soiling your "hands" with dark slime. For during your "time" in "office" you will be required by the Dark to abuse others and misuse your power as you "disperse" it in a negative controlling and punitive way. So once you have "accepted" the "mantle" of power being your "legalised" capacity to "dictate" and enforce decrees or rules made by others then you are doomed to fall, for the "temptation" to vindictively espouse your given authority is too great to resist and in a "justified" manner you "proudly" strut around. Yes, and you see not the dark evil spirit forces that invisibly gather around to incite and inspire your actions for they are "sent" by the Devil to hound you into greater negative acts for the "express" purpose of ensuring that you will "succumb" to the defiant "antichrist" deeds so that ahead it is you who will be trussed and bound in suffering for eternity for being so dumb. So "great" are man's feelings of righteousness that he sees not the overpowering "attraction" of the invisible dark overlord who so "easily" convinces people to uphold HIS "Justice" sword, and he "man" sees not the terror and suffering and destruction that he "justly" subjects others to "in the name of" Justice. The "heads" of State and religions are but the "pinnacles" of power that have a "chain of command" that extends downwards to the "lowest" point in the community, being the "common" man. Thus too any "man, woman or child" who is less than mild is also a part of, or "party to" the Dark "union" as they express negativity upon others in any "form of control of, theft from, or abuse of, or retribution against." Seek deep, for all living "outside" Heaven are to weep, for all have "supped on" the sap of the dark vine and thus in ITS eyes they are all swine who will now pay for their folly, and any who heed not me will become trapped by It for an eternity and ITS "bite" is more painful than that of a black widow spider. And the "hypnotic" Spell that is "cast" by the Serpent over the mind of "sinful" man seeking to "emulate" God and stand "powerfully" above other men is supreme and deadly, and unless you "awaken" from your daydream you will scream "unheard" for eternity. ~ The Legislative Administrator ~ The Darkness is the intrusive power that does intrude "rudely" into the mind of any arrogant man. This intrusion that does "span" the Globe comes "in" to the psyche of man as ideas that "form" as man does brood over new ways to control, or punish, or extort money from those perceived as offenders. So every Legislator who "lurks" behind every government System is "subjected to" this Dark invader. For every Legislator is "with sin" and via this sin is the telepathic "access" accomplished, and the Devil does thus His "way" win. Yes, for every "Act" legislated that is contra the Commandment of God to "Only love and be forgiving and walk in Peace" is an Act untrue that was inspired from the "pit" of Hell by the Dark Administrator who does cast His "spell" over this and every land outside heaven. Mankind has for so long been "blind" that they can no longer see the "bastardisation" that controls both you and me. For as "we" support the Dark way, we accrue more "suffering," for that is THE Law that has stood forever and a day. And every "man" on earth today and every woman expects to have to pay for protection from the System, and for any "change" to come about we all in great pain will shout. For the System "of" the Dark one will now be shut down by that very Power as IT wishes us all to "frown" for relying on IT, when our God of Light did say: "Lean only on the strength of My Word every day." So every "Act" and Rule in every book of man's Law must now be thrown out of the door. For every Law was inspired by the Devil who now will revel in the suffering coming our way as HE makes us all for our folly PAY. Heed now GOD via me, and set yourself immediately free from the Dark "control" by no longer supporting its "System" of extortion and punishment. Pay no more taxes. Pay no more fines; just be "quiet" as insanity unwinds. Prepare your family and your home "bed" so that you are ready for the soon here time of dread. For if you do not then the Devil will you more swat and plot to bind your soul eternally, and this truth I'd have you see. I would rather your soul returned to heaven to dance eternally in the Light with me. ~ The 'sleeping' GIANT ~ The Giant is the force of darkness that if "aroused" becomes a "one eyed monster" of limitless power and capacity and endless voracity. This dark force that is limitless and merciless impresses itself upon all whom in their "arrogance" do or did It use to infuse pain and suffering upon others in any way. This giant force can be "tapped" by any "vine" being you or me if we are foolish and heed not the "call" from the land divine to "Only love." This "force" when "aroused" can bind you invisibly until you are trapped in its "weave" and to do this It does first deceive you into believing falsely that Its power you are "justified" to use and others abuse. Foolish vain man. Any "person" who arouses this giant force will "find" that over time and time they do "divorce" themselves from the land divine, as they become vindictive/controlling "swine." I am here today to tell you all that for your "folly" you must now pay a "certain" due to the Giant before "HE" permits you through the "Golden Gate." I am also here to tell you all that any who cannot my message understand will be dragged below into the "Giant's" land and there they will understand what I did say, for the Giant ensures that HE "preys" upon your "flesh" each moment of time for you deserve "that" for being swine. This "Giant" we arouse by using Its "energy," for that "practise" is "theft" in Its eye and payment for its "use" is pain & suffering and one feels "bereft & sad." So please now try very hard to see what I say for none get to "heaven" any "other" way than that given by me today. By fortifying your mind in the manner given so that as the Giant imposes Its Might upon you for being in your past untrue, you are "able" to in non-retaliation pay your "painful" due. The Giant can and does telepathically via the minds and "hands" of other ignorants impose HIS actions upon you. HE can also control your mind direct and make you "cut" off your own hand or hang yourself so take heed now. You have all "used" Its dark power so do not "whinge" as HE via others does "shower" you with fire. For what you did do will now be done unto you. Your ONLY "escape" is to heed me, for if you do not, then HE will access your mind to ensure that you continue to be untrue to the Light and for HIM fight so that HE can drag you down into HIS eternal sight. When you use darkness, you have aroused the Wrath of God. ~ The Wrath of God ~ The Wrath of God is the invisible ocean of dark spiritual energy that is 'alight' with a flame of awesome propensity and of great magnitude that is inconceivable to the human mind. It is this "fury" that none can see that is "tapped" by the unwise and the unwary. Its "volume" is limitless and its "heat" so intense that one only "feels" its full power when one is filled with 'nonsense.' (Insane vanity & arrogance) The fury of God is pent-up energy that is released upon us when we in our past used its energy and imposed its dark power upon others. The "furious" Wrath of God flows through any "one" whom has darkness within, for that is how "Sin" was begun, through "feeding" the seed of dark and thus "breeding" a "cruising shark" within. This you do each time you let darkness flow through you. As our "Sin" being God's "dark essence" does within us grow, its power we begin to "show" as we express its multiplicity of thoughts and emotions. Then God's "wrath" flows through us and we abuse or criticise others when of their "way" we have had enough. For God's "wrath" does not "laugh" no, it wields a heavy punitive Staff and the "depth & length" of this Staff we cannot see as it is "hidden" so cunningly. For as "we" do others "flay" and make them for their perceived folly pay, we see not that the "rod" is wrathfully by God to be used against us via another arrogant/ignorant on a later day. God did say that all "pay" for none avoid the "Law of the day" that all reap what they sow. So what you all needs see is that it is GOD who controls all the "controllers & abusers" who are "incited/inspired" by the Dark side of God to abuse each other each day. So if you would be "free" of suffering the infliction of God's Wrath upon you then you must learn how to "play & laugh" lovingly and never the "dark in action" be. You are only "free" of this evil force when you "divorce" yourself from its "presence" by not being it in action in your daily interaction. You cannot "destroy" it, it is God's energy, just don't use it. Heed now me, for God's "dark" Wrath you will all see as it flows up through the minds and emotions of souls untrue from the depths of the Abyss to punish all & any whom the Commandment to "Only love" defied in any way. ~ The indictment of God against man ~ This is I the man to now man judge by bringing forth Gods "edict" being Gods indictment against man who did his own soul "smudge" with deepening sin as he turned away from Gods Light that was in his soul within. The indictment does read:
Father Read page. 94 of The Testament of Truth "God is GOD" ~ Our God of Light & Dark ~ To those who do have "open eyes" I speak and say: The Authoritative destructive energy of FATHER God is the darkness within "sinful" spirits and also is a part of the "half" of the energy essence of all. The Loving creative energy of MOTHER God is the light within every spirit and also is a part of the other "half" of the energy essence of all. Only when a spirit's soul is free of HIS "dark influence" are they permitted to enter the ultimate level of consciousness "pure light" and be no "blight" in HIS sight. For Father does not "share" any of HIS pure "ware" with contaminated "spirits." Father with HIS limitless Might protects HIS "vision of perfection" for all HE wants to see is purity & beauty that is what "Mother's" realm be. So for those "few" that do have "eyes that see" you had better listen to me. For I AM HE the spirit of purity and if any of you me deny or defy then you bring upon yourself more darkness within and you will eternally cry. For Father's "energy" is pure sorrow & pain and you do "it" more gain when you HIS "wife" defy, and SHE says: "Only be loving, control no other, and make no other cry." ~ God speaks ~ Children, you may be working for society as you it see, but if you are a soldier or a magistrate you work not for the Light, ME. All collectors of revenue in any disguise, or as retributive against offenders show me you despise ME, your loving God above, and you work for the Devil as you deny your love. You earthlings have become so used to the endless control and take, that you cannot see it is wrong and that it is you whom a planetary mess make. The society that is seemingly wise, is but one that uses force as it shows me you each other despise. So quickly now try and change your personal mode, for swiftly now for all comes the end of the road. Yes, at its end is a fork that you will only see, when you rise or fall for eternity, and I can assure you that My Word is true, being that what you do will be done unto you. So prepare now to your way change, for as is written, every human mind is soon to derange, and it is the deranged ones whom the devil does mentally breach, to use as avengers against the ones whom did MY WORD breach. If you would aid society, then work as a counsellor or a disburser of funds donated freely. It takes a brave one to not any salary demand, but to work for a donation given by the peoples hand, and that is the way it is now to be, so prepare now to meet the fate that awaits thee.
Read all my
son Terence did seed, Father God ~ The 'official' permit ~ Legislation introduced into 'parliament' has been the cause of official immoral practices for a very long time and has resulted in the complete 'fall' of man by vain, greedy and power hungry mortals backed by FORCE OF ARMS. Our God commands peace and love and mercy and compassion and forgiveness extended unto ones 'enemies' as being the ONLY 'way' to the 'resurrection' of ones SOUL. These actions are all benign and MORAL due to one respecting other children of God and respecting THE Command of THE Creator. The Constitution of the land and ITS 'Freedom of Religion' Act also states that man is free to live by his conscience and not 'suffer' with the 'proviso' being: "You do not disturb the peace nor carry out immoral activities." Why then do 'legislators' legislate or 'permit' defiance of God and defiance of their own Constitution through legislating and thus 'permitting' state officials the IMMORAL authority and activity to bear arms, interfere, wage war, kill, extort money, cause harm and to mercilessly persecute those who refuse to fund, condone or support these anti-god systems? Why do the 'common' people give their support to these immoral merciless legislators? The official 'permit' or licensing of open DEFIANCE to God's Command is what keeps errant man on the downward 'slide' to a hellish oblivion because God's 'LAW of equal return' is imposed by God upon all who act in contravention of His Command as they promote IMMORAL activities. (As you imposed using a permission 'permit' will ahead be imposed upon you) We now 'stand' at a time in time where 'officials' of State backed by ignorant voters are 'ready' to 'permit' immoral 'perverted' sexual practices that will lead the 'youth' astray and into deviant sexual ways. Woe unto all whom continue to engage in any immoral activities or who 'permit' such by licence 'fee' because there is NO 'salvation' found when man defies God. Please try and understand that conforming to or supporting legislation by vote or tax does NOT lead to peace nor to 'protection,' nor does it lead to SALVATION. Why is it so? - - - A - Because the decreed rules of men defy God and they also purport to 'legitimise' the use of God's DARK destructive POWER to enslave and control other children of God as well as yourself. (The voter, taxpayer) B - NO rule or decree of man legitimises the use of God's Dark energy. The use thereof places the user within the Law of equal return of THE DARK 'painful' energy. C - Support of any controlling or punitive legislation ensures your COMPLICITY to the causing of HARM to others and the unavoidable consequence is that all suffering and destruction imposed by your 'forces' or officials becomes your own due of suffering that you 'invoke' or accrue even whilst you sleep. If your armed forces try and protect you and cause harm in the process, it is MY GUARANTEE that you will be unable to HALT the 'return' factor that is to be IMPOSED BY GOD via the minds of others equally ignorant or arrogant ahead in this life or the next destiny when your spirit finds itself 'alive' in another realm of consciousness. If you seek Salvation, then simply "Go your way on peace" as commanded by God, and turn your back to all Emperors, Kings and Dictators and their 'legislation' because all are pretenders to God's throne. Naturally any civil 'code of conduct' ADVISORY such as keeping to the correct side of the road and 'heed the recommended speed limits' needs to be adhered to as IT will keep you and others 'safe' within the Command of God. ~ Eternal Sorrow ~ It is with sincerity that I say a few more words for it is I who sees through the veils of darkness into other worlds in which "foolish" men do fall and it is only there that utter desolation does into their face stare. I would warn these men who do what they daily do, some of them "thinking" that to society and you they are being true as they "embellish" the rules with delight and punish offenders as they see not their own ignorance and coming plight. I can but again say that be you a simple man who abuses his wife or be you a slave trader who uses gun and knife to "catch" your daily pay that there is a coming day when it is you to pay. You will feel the desolation of no hope and suffer eternal bondage, as it is you first bound by hemp rope and then impressed into the holds of slave ships and enchained within dark holds and enveloped with "folds" of putrid stench as you "sit" before the "bench" of the master of the night. His "judgment" of you will be just and true and it is HE to ensure that your torture goes endlessly on and that your freedom is never won, for HE despises all whom on any level walk "tall" and smudge their souls with HIS sin each day. The truth of this Testimony given by me will be seen and experienced by any whom from this day forth find justification to deny MY light and continue to abuse any or send any other to fight. It is you who will be wretched and destitute and shunned by others and you will be inspired to fight for your freedom that you can never win. For as you seek to become unchained from your misery what it is the Dark One will not let you see is that the more you fight the more dark becomes your plight. It is but that I do all see and thus I write this hoping to set you free from experiencing the "sorrows" below, a place that only I do truly know. It is said that once chained as a slave that you will fight for your life, and I again say that be it there or here you cannot your "freedom" win in retaliation, for in this "deed" you seal your own fate and never get home to your loved ones. Heed now me and try and my truth see and then have the courage of a Lion, for only when in the Lion's den can you be set free, when you are prepared to be crucified as me. The "sodomy of man" is the power of deceit that does span his mind, it is the "justification" given to "man" to defy the light, and is expressed out from the mind of the Dark Force unkind. It is now a very sad time, for things seen in the past as 'rude or disrespectful' are seen as normal. Abnormality is now normalcy. Man's 'servants' (systems workers) enslave their masters (the public) using legislation and forceful terror tactics and punishment for any non compliance to extortion by taxation etc. Council workers using legislation invade the privacy of homes and enforce their dictates and decrees upon the population. Man 'numbly' succumbs to these insane impositions by the earthly dark 'State' religions that pose as a democratic secular father figure in every land. Not one man of the 'cloth' is fit to teach God's children spiritual truth or God's Word today. All have lost the 'way' and none are 'qualified' in this sacred duty. It is God to now all seekers teach via this God's web site message and, - - - any other that now gets in the way will go to Hell forever and a day. Every 'minister or cleric' needs quickly defrock and tell God's flock to seed their minds with this web content. My wisdom is true, I give it today to you and ask that you despise none for there is light within all, even those far from the sun. Terence - God's Plenipotentiary ~~~ |