The Personal place 'space' document
~ Real Estate Agents ~ I speak on the relationship between the Landlord & Tenant & Agent. Should the Agent be anything but the honest go-between, placing the wares of the landlord on a plate before the customers, or, should they be the inquisitor, the prosecutor, and extend their role to that of a policeman, either through the demands of landlords over their tenants, or due to the attitude and circumstance of some tenants and/or landlords ? If a landlord decides to “up” the rent, necessitated through their failing financial state, or through greed, or have other excessive demands or terms, should the Agent be a party to this,? or should they say Take your business elsewhere your price is too high. If a tenant is destructive and damages property, should the Agent become the agent of the law,? or should they but say to the landlord Your tenant has a desire to damage your property, I suggest that you speak to them direct and you sort it out. I believe that the Real Estate Agent should not put themselves into the position where they are used by the Landlord or the Tenant to police the situation. If a tenant finds that they cannot pay the rent, should the Agent just advise the landlord and let them take up the matter? Why I ask, does the Agent step-in as the Reaper, and throw out the tenant just because the landlord is otherwise engaged, fearing to dirty their own hands. All the above are but points that come to mind, and are not all relevant to my own experiences with Real Estate in general. But I can say, that I was once an outsider to an inquiry to rent a property that was offered for tenancy through an agency to a friend of mine. The subsequent dealings with a departing tenant and the agency led to a series of seemingly minor occurrences that I feel were detrimental to the good name of Estate Agencies," as well as adding to the general negative manner in which the world is now heading, being recriminations and demands and confrontation. Should an agent be assuming that a prospective tenant may default, and thus investigate their computerised details through deception, and then be the judge that they may be a loser and thus deny them occupancy, or try and entrap them in such a way that they cannot in any way escape the hands of the landlord and/or their own detective agency if ahead there is a rental default, through next of kin etc.? I believe that in the real estate fields as all others are being infiltrated with negative practices, and these weeds need to be ploughed-in and fresh turf exposed. I say not that efficient staff needs to be replaced, I say that they are now either overworked or too efficient in a negative manner that is detrimental to their own good souls due to others expectancy of them. The occurrences that transpired that inspired this letter, were I believe but to highlight certain things, and I hope that it is constructive, for two good-hearted ladies both lost out on their needs, one a tenant wishing to move on, and the other, a seeker of a nice residence that she was denied through her own ire that was triggered by the attitude from Real Estate office staff towards the whole affair. Let Real Estate agents now be but true, detailing the requirement of me and you. Whether you have a house to lease or sell, let none seek to their palms grease with the contamination of fraud that in the 20th century is more than broad. Let the agent be but the projector of information, as well as the protector of the truth of the matter at hand, and not engage in any underhand. And as for a seller, let them all disclose, so that they retain their purity of rose. For surely none would want a purchaser to fall down due to concealed faults, for all then frown. And as for LANDLORDS, well what can I say, they have been leeching off you and me for many a year and a day as they did expect to their own pockets protect, and on this they all needs now reflect. For all Rents are sky high as greed did every landlord try. Yes, many a fool kneeled at Satans footstool as they expected to gain a home for free, using rent paid by you or me to meet their bank loan repayments. None seeing that this nature of gain is a fruitless purchase misspent, as God will now ensure that all thieves being those who were not demure, will lose all they took as they the pockets of the poor shook. Let the rental charge to tenants be but one tenth of their weekly pay as from today. If this you cannot do because of your loan structure untrue, well then, so be it. You will lose the home to those whom in it sit as they take the horse by the bit. And if you retaliate or demand, then a lowly spiritual level will you command, for soon there will be no funds to rental pay, and God help anyone who sends a non payer out into the cold today. Note: All township Council bodies also fall into the category of Landlords, for they did falsely presume that they had a right to overturn your freehold title at any time you failed to give in to their Mafiosi Rate rental demands. Their heavy handed thieving demands shall cease now forthwith. ~~~ ~ The space invader ~ This is written for any whod put their foot on another's land in a way that God would deem a manner underhand. Let none presume they can so do for any reason untrue or true, for many a justification seemingly true can be the end of you. This is written for any man with a mind bent through an obsession that drives him with its merciless stalking intent. The intent to something satiate as thoughts do his mind incessantly berate. These thoughts twist and weave a story of make believe as they both deceive. They do inveigle another's mind with kindness before they them bind. Yes, they deviously find a way to move in with the one they desire and see not that once in their place they will truly give in to sin, as their mind is then so driven by inner desire that they are compelled to force the other onto their knees so that their obsession they can appease like a dog. This is written for any who would go to another's place to stay, be it for a night or a day. If God sees that your intent is in Gods eyes bent, then your future is bleak too. This is written for any who are already on anothers place who deem it a justified space. If they were invited for a night or day then they had better depart before asking if they can longer stay. Once they are away then they can ask to be invited to visit again on another day Any who are a visitor in abode who have not been invited to longer stay but so request had better now heed Gods behest. For what the asker cannot see is that some find it difficult to say: I did enjoy your visit but I prefer to keep my space free for others to visit on another day. And even if they to your ask agree, it is an ask of infidelity to the Light as you impose the controllers Might. This is written for any who are already in abode permanently sharing a home with another, be it sister or brother. If you in any way desire to command others to abide in your wishes, be they true or untrue, then beware, for it may be that the dark one wishes to you snare as he justifies your attempts at control. Ultimate control is when you own all the space where you be, and you expect others to non existent be. ~ The guise ~ Space invaders come in many a guise, maybe a friend who seems to be wise, who presumes he can use your place because you are a soul of grace. Maybe he is an enemy from over the hill who has decided to come and take you for a spill and in a manner rude does into your home intrude. Maybe he is a stranger to your shore who decides to stay because you welcomed them at your door. Maybe someone homeless who cannot see that it is they who deserve to homeless be. I say that any who for any reason put their foot into the door and then walk in are lost for an eternity or more. An invader can be a tenant in a flat who gives his landlord back chat as he says: Ive got no rent to pay you today, youd better call by another day. If you are a tenant who would be true, then if you cannot pay you must move out onto the street and be true to the soul within you. By all means then to a landlord say: Ive got no funds but can you put me up for free for a week or a day? An invader can be a man who sees an empty house on a beach and does the moral law of trespass breach as he enters in and does stay uninvited by the owner who may be far away. What each needs to see is that God allots a personal space for personal privacy, and that place is our hut in which we live. Certainly there are times when one can in a spare room live, but if we did plan to any such space invade, then our own future we dug with our own spade. And it will be one when our own personal privacy will also be invaded by another who is blind and cannot see, and when of this invasion I do speak, I caution you all saying It is time to be meek for there are places far away where invasions take place every day, and any who think It wont happen to me are already blind and cannot see. ~ Users are abusers ~ Users are those whom to their friends say Do you mind if for a day or two I stay? The user abuser is the one who once in does remain, justifying their take of the others domain by saying As I have nowhere else to go, do you mind if with you I more truth sow? Not seeing that the other may be under duress even though they may still welcome thee. So if you would neither a user or abuser be, then of any space invasion you had better not a participant be. For whatever your intent or belief may be, it is negative control to invade another's privacy. I know that the dark one closes ones eyes so they cannot see that in fact they an invader be. For their mind does but think The other does deserve to die, and I am mandated to them on their land try, or, I deserve to stand by any kitchen sink in doing what I do, for I am justified and my reasoning is true. So before you invade another's space and then share it, you had better know in advance the price of the ware, and you also better have a place to move to, for the dark one now sends out its men to deal with all the vain and arrogant untrue. And if you by IT to me or any other have been sent, then I would set you free of its intent, and ask that you away go and your new truth sow in your own created space with your own grace. Then truly I would visit thee and thee me. ~ Sharing & the space invader ~ God asks that we Share what we have at this time so that others better fare. Some of us are entitled to our own space because we have souls of inner grace. Some of us will be invaded because we took off others through lack of grace. Try now to see that because we are all asked to share, that we are foolish if we invade another's privacy because we believe they must their space share. If we this falsity believe and we thus unknowingly invade a space and make others grieve, then it is us who is the reaper, and we ahead will also be invaded by someone wed rather not have around because their mind will be unsound. I expect all the faithful to see that presumptuous it be to just move in to a situation with a sister or relation because they think they are true, and also because they think it is their due. We do own our own space, as said, if we are of grace. This some needs to see before they bound be by the force way below that instils its demands that do stronger grow to all get to know. This is an expectation by some being a demand unspoken but true in that they do expect to freely live here & there and to others closeness share as they unthinkingly much presume. Space invaders are those who believe that they are justified in invading another's place. This invasion may be but the sharing of anothers space in a way that may be too close so the invaded is uncomfortable and morose that their privacy is lost and the invader sees not that they are being driven telepathically from the land of frost. My space allotted by God to me is the place called Lalapanzi. It is where I abide and the place I have my bedside. People I invite to spend a few days or a night and during this time I advise them on their inner plight. I also invite them to in my home enter in and with me dine and drink some wine. But after a few days I expect them to go their way, stronger and happier for their stay. I do not expect them to expect to stay on freely and daily their fare find next to me. If someone I do find to whom life has not been kind then I may say Stay for a year and a day and make your place on the hill which will become your space. Other than this I can only await one who demands to at my place just be, and one whom expects to be housed and fed freely. This one would be one sent by the reaper to bring me and himself undone. Is that you? If it is to be then so be it, but still Gods Light upon your mind I sit so that both of us become free. I say not Go away, but ask that THE reality you do see before you become bound eternally. For what you needs see is that to become a lodger or boarder happily, the home space owner needs first put out a sign saying Lodger sought by me. So to Gods call fully meet we must all show respect when we another's space greet. We in no way must presume that even though we friends be, that the other would our presence permanently see. The voice behind this pen says: You must no one use or I will
you abuse. Some 'commonly' used Real Estate 'agreement' Terms ~ Tenants-in-common ~ Tenants-in-common is where two or more persons have an undivided share. Each share is distinct and separate, the 'interest' need not be equal. The share of a tenant-in-common may be separately disposed of by them to anyone during their lifetime or by 'Will.' On their death it 'passes,' not necessarily to the other tenants- in-common, but as directed by their 'Will.' ~ Joint Tenancy ~ Joint tenancy is ownership in equal undivided shares of two or more persons, stated to have the technical requisites of unity of possession, interest, title and time. On the death of one joint tenant, their share passes to the surviving joint tenant so that they become the sole tenant of the whole or, remain joint tenants of the whole if there are more than one surviving joint tenants. ~ Familial Joint Tenancy ~ Familial Joint Tenancy is ownership in equal undivided shares of two or more persons, stated to have the technical requisites of unity of possession, interest, title and time. On the death of one familial joint tenant, their share passes to the surviving familial joint tenant or tenants as well as the deceased's "companion and progeny," so that the deceased's familial companion* and children* join the remaining party and together continue on as Familial Joint Tenants* of the whole, enjoying the "partnership of unity and love" and having the "use of" the property in continuity with their "successors." companion* - In this context the word 'companion' means the 'partner, wife, husband, companion and their children' either named or unnamed in the Will as such, as well as the persons named in a Statement of Declaration attached to the Will. children* - In this context the word 'children' means the children of the deceased as well as any children born to the named companion with some other parent either prior to or subsequent to the 'companionship' being formed with the deceased. Tenants* - In this context a 'Familial Joint Tenant' is one declared as such by the property owner in their Will or, in a Statement of Declaration attached to the Will as well as those 'joined' in para two above. In the event that the surviving 'companion' or any other 'party' to the familial tenancy obtain 'other' companions or children, then they all jointly become Familial Joint Tenants. Note: Familial Joint Tenancy ensures that at the time of their companion 'deceasing,' that the 'surviving' partner would not be required to vacate the home nor sell the property. Other joint familial tenants would in the case of a large property such as a Farm have equal 'rights' in its running and be able to obtain an income for personal 'joint' effort input, but in the case of a small 'town' house they would 'simply' respect the 'right' of the 'surviving' occupier to continue on their 'sole' occupancy until such time as they deceased or, all agreed to sell and share the proceeds equally. Note: 'The Property' that is the 'possession' deemed as owned jointly and equally by the familial tenants is the land and all buildings thereon, as well as other fixtures. Any 'moveable' assets to belong to the 'whole' or left to individuals are to be listed separately on the Will Testament declaration. Note: As it is our God that is the 'principle' owner of all land on earth, in the event of any dispute arising as to who is or who is not a familial tenant within the 'bounds' of this agreement, then the 'conscience' of the one being 'disputed' is deemed to have the last say as that is the 'way' that God would have it be. Note for Familial Will benefactors: My intent and endeavours have been to prepare a place where a family and others sent by God can find "rest & sustenance & good counsel" during the time of trauma and chaos. Thus when I "deed" this land to you or others, I am not "giving it" away for you or others to be able to "take" a part or "their" part and fragment it and, - - - neither am I wishing others living on it to thus "have to" move due to others seeking to "cash in" anything. I am thus deeding it to all on a "familial joint tenancy" basis, and am advising that any of the family and others God sends have been granted "permission" to make use of the space and facilities only. And that no one or "majority" can at any time demand that it be sold, for if any of the familial parties wishes to thereon remain, then the others must be "happy" that it so be. If any of the "familial" parties living thereon at present, or that may be living thereon in the future wish to depart for "bluer skies," then they needs simply pack a bag and get on the road. For they must see that a 'familial' place space is not "theirs" to sell unless there is a full "agreement" by all to so do. This way it is 'insured' or 'ensured' that no person will "ever" be forced to leave. End of document