(Explanatory Treatise 6) ~
Parent/Child relationship ~ This article is written to alert parents to the impact of the telepathic "thought" influence of spirit on the mind and emotions of both parent and child and how this influences the dynamics of the parent/child relationship. The information sets out to clarify the different outcomes in the behaviour of children when they respond to either of the following: a) Physical
reality Physical Reality All children have the need to be nurtured so that they are provided with sustenance, shelter and safety, to help them grow physically into healthy adults. In conjunction with these physical requirements is the necessity for love, which ensures the emotional stability of the child. On this physical plane, the child born to parents is the genetic offspring of those particular parents. In a physical sense then, the child belongs to these particular parents, who in turn are responsible for the child's welfare, material and spiritual. Within the biological child is a spirit which was created by God. In this sense your biological child has an existence quite independent of your "input." The spirit "soul" within your biological child may be either a very old or a young spirit, entering this physical form from one of many levels of consciousness existing in the universal spectrum. There are numerous spiritual realms or levels which range from ultimate Light to ultimate Dark. The implications of the existence of a spirit within a child is important for parents to understand because the child's spirit may be either "more or less positive," or "more or less negative." Since the child's behaviour will vary considerably on the basis of the spirit within, it becomes imperative for parents to fully understand this existence of spirit if they are to guide "true" the child in their care. Children are souls who enter this lifetime from different realms of consciousness. They are entrusted into our care to learn. They need to learn not only how to be responsible, respectful and self supporting citizens, but more importantly, that they have entered this realm to learn to "Love one another." Learning to "only be loving" encompasses in its fullness the very important issue of understanding the spiritual "Law" which implies that if a child abuses another it is causing its own future suffering. The sooner the child learns that when it is kind it is using positive energy, and when it is unkind it is using negative energy, the sooner it can make a choice from one or the other. Currently there is much information available for parents to help them cope with the important task of rearing children. In spite of this "knowledge" parents are having more difficulty in understanding why there is such increasing negativity between parents and children, between child and child and within the individual child themselves. The error lies in the fact that the "real knowledge" missing from all the information currently available is the understanding of the powerful influence of spirits on the minds and emotions of children. When there is an abdication of responsibility for understanding the truth concerning the world of spirit and its influence in our lives, there is a failure in responsibility to ensure "total" care is given to the souls entrusted to us. "Your Child" and "Its Spirit" - Essential Facts a) The biological child contains a spirit which God entrusts to your care. This spirit may be the return of an ancestral spirit or a different spirit who comes back to learn the Truth. b) Spirits enter this world as "babies" but are usually "adult" spirits who have existed for periods of time in other realms of consciousness. c) The realm of consciousness from which the spirit within the biological child has come is not discernible by us. d) A child's spirit may enter from a Lighter realm so that it contains little negativity within or from a Darker realm containing more negativity within. e) A spirit enters this earthly realm to learn how it may aspire back to the Light. During this process the spirit gains an opportunity to repay karmic debts if it learns to heed the Light by remaining loving, positive and non-retaliatory. From this it can be seen that the attribution of "innocent" to a child simply by virtue of its helplessness, and often angelic appearance is misleading. Many parents readily identify with the sometimes nasty negative streak that is evident in very young children. In any one family parents may be faced by offspring with very different natures, one being "demanding" whilst another may be a "dream." One child may have incarnated with a spirit containing much negativity whilst the other may have less. Whatever the case, parents must remember that all spirits are God's beloved children, and that the wish of the Light is to bring all children home to Itself. It is to this end that spirits are enabled to incarnate into this world where spirits with many different levels of positivity or negativity are able to intermingle and thus learn about other ways of being. A child enters this lifetime with a mental data base which is empty, or in other words, as the spirit enters the flesh, the soul mind with its vast storehouse of information is set aside for this life's learning span, and on entry into this world, its current lifetime's mind starts as an empty "floppy disk" so to speak. During the early stage of the child's physical life it is important to set very clear and consistent boundaries or limits. An empty data base needs information to help it understand the programming that it "becomes." Until such time as teaching has taken place there is no information with which the child's mind can reason. Good loving discipline and clear limits help the child grow in understanding and respect for others and self.
Many parents believe that it is positive to attempt to reason with small children. This confuses the child as it does not have the capacity to understand the full implications of the discourse. One should not give a young child the choice to make decisions that are beyond its emotional capacity to handle. If you ask a child - "would you like to go to bed now" you are giving it a choice. Most children do not like going to bed, so of course they will say "no." The situation now is, you want the child to go to bed, the child does not want to go to bed! The child and you want something totally opposite so emotions begin to rise as wills clash. If you give in and the child does not go to bed, you feel something negative. If you force the child to bed, it feels something negative. This negative situation is avoided if you simply teach the child that bed time is bed time. At this age do not ask a child, tell it what you want, because ultimately, you are going to insist on it anyway and if the child refuses you will be angry! Be decisive, kind, firm, and consistent and your child will benefit. Remember, we are now at a time of "rising negativity," and as such, any action or non action on your part may have no positive effect on the child because their emotions may be reaching a crisis point. It is not for parents to judge the negativity of a child's spirit but rather to understand how the Dark side works on the negative feelings within all, consequently, when a negative scenario arises, parents may succumb to "It" and find themselves responding negatively or with retaliatory action towards the child. 1. The Interaction of Spirits in the Flesh. Parents, like children, are also spirits who have entered this earthly form from Lighter or Darker realms. Parents are therefore also subject to negative emotions which link in to spirits of similar negativity. It is important to understand that the emotions of hurt, fear of failure or rejection, anger, frustration and despair, are more easily aroused in the arena of personal relationships. The relationship of parent/child and child/parent is so significant to both that it is charged with much emotion. These emotions are not always positive and when negativity arises, the negatively charged emotions are an open door for the Dark to escalate the negative feelings within both parent and child. Without an understanding that these negative interactions between parents and children are influenced by spirits from other realms the situation becomes chaotic because parents do not have the spiritual understanding to help them cope with their own emotions, let alone the negative emotions of their child. Parents are therefore firstly unable to halt the flow of their own negativity, despite a conscious desire to do so. Secondly, they are unable to "get through" to the child, again despite all human efforts, because they do not know that it is not only the child's personal emotions and thoughts which are creating havoc. 2. The Interaction of Spirits from other Realms Like draws like to itself. Recall a day when you were feeling particularly "frazzled" and see whether or not your children seemed to be particularly difficult just when you least needed it! In this situation, the child is responding negatively to your negative energy even when not expressed physically! In like manner, when a certain negative emotion is humming within your child, that emotion attracts like spirits with the same negativity, spirits who respond, not only to the child's emotions, but transmit thoughts to incite them thereby inspiring more negativity. These thoughts are not obvious as coming from 'outside' the child's mind although many children do have 'imaginary' friends who talk to them. Once so drawn, these spirits whisper thoughts into the child's mind, thoughts that lead to negative action. These are the times when things seem to go from bad to worse, and when the child is asked "Why did you do that,?" the reply is often "I just felt like it !!" - or - "they" told me to." Babies are also subject to this process and may show this influence by incessant crying which you cannot appease. Whilst you may think there is something physically wrong, understand that it may be the child's inner fear or rage but that this is inflamed by thoughts from spirits. Children are often far more aware that thoughts are being placed in their minds by spirit others. (see "Letter from Stuart" at end of this document) Remember that emotions are triggered:- i) By your own inner negativity which is then intensified by the thoughts of other spirits. ii) By the actions of others around us. Your negative actions will trigger the child's negative emotions. The child's actions may trigger your negative emotions, a situation that if not halted, leads to negative interaction. iii) By the inaction of others. When children "feel" parents fail to give in to them, or parents "feel" children fail to comply, each responds negatively to such inaction. Feelings cannot be avoided. You may have become aware that despite all your efforts not to respond emotionally to some negative behaviour in your child, your negative feelings surface. Feelings are inevitable and although unavoidable, they may be "less inflamed" if you do not let the situation get out of hand by letting 'thoughts' continue the feeling to its most negative conclusion. Your negative thoughts, which inspire you into negative action, needs be "halted or controlled' before they overpower your reason. The same thing applies to children. You need therefore to understand that an increase in negative feelings from thoughts is the reality of spirits responding to your negative feelings with their thoughts, thoughts that despite your decision to stay calm, run on and on, thus thinking....... "If I've told her once I've
told her a thousand times" Coping with a withdrawn or aggressive child The first positive action of parents is to Fortify their own Minds with the wisdom and understanding in this book. Do this by doing the star meditation three times a day. This gives you an opportunity to stay positive no matter how negative your own feelings. This first step is to ensure that you yourself do not intensify the negativity within a baby or pre-verbal child. It is up to you to stay rational no matter how long the baby cries! Hold the baby, rock it, take all steps possible to help it feel loved and secure. You may play the children's "Star of Bethlehem" taped recording each day, and also during difficult times. The words on this tape are being "absorbed" by not only the child, but by other spirits linking in to it mentally. If the child is so distraught that it cannot hear your voice, you may wish to mentally speak to your child's soul, saying: I do love you, and I also know the difficulties you are experiencing, I am going to say the star prayer to you in my mind. Then mentally say the children's prayer: I
see the star of Bethlehem high up above etc. or If the baby continues to cry, take positive steps to have a trusted friend take over from you to give you a break. There may also be times when you need simply to let the baby cry. You may need to leave it in its "own space," being its bedroom and withdraw for a while. Do not do this for long periods. Remember that at this time spirits entering the flesh are being given an opportunity by the Light to clear the negativity they have taken into their souls in a previous existence. This may mean that there is considerable negativity surfacing within that spirit. It will be of an "unbelievably" negative intensity at times. Remember they also may have to "Reap what they Sowed" before, at another time, another place. This implication is of vast consequences, because if they need to suffer any pain, the darkness will try and "do it" through your hand !! Conversely, if you have any "past" to pay, the darkness will try and "do it" to you through the negative emotions within your child. It is through the negativity within the child and yourself that the "dark" also "incites" each of you into retaliatory action. What you are asked to do is to remain positive and not to retaliate through loss of control, no matter what you feel. Do not be tempted to strike your child, this will have no effect on a fully emotionally aroused child, it will only lead to their further emotional arousal, followed by you doing something you will regret, as things explode within you. With older children teach them all you have learned on matters of the spirit reality. Their conscious mind may dismiss what you say but their spirit mind will hear. When children become fearful, sad or withdrawn, they will need a lot of tender loving care. They will be mentally linking in to desperately lonely lost souls below who feel that there is no hope for them. When influencing your child this spirit may cause your child to wish to "curl up and die" for no apparent or obvious reason you can discern. Through this mental "link," the thoughts flowing to your child will attempt to isolate him/her, causing withdrawal from your touch and if the process is not halted may lead to suicide. At all times the child must be reminded that there is hope, that the star of light is there, and its love is outpouring, and it will draw out the feelings one day, and then they will be happy and free. These words you speak, as well as your expressed sincerity, flow through your child to the lower realms and bring consolation to the lost below. Ask your child to verbally say the star prayer with you. If at any time children become aggressive and strike others, firm physical restraint may help them avoid taking in more negativity through the act of physically lashing out and causing others pain. This restraint consists of physically holding the child and if necessary lifting them up and taking them out and away from the situation. If the child is unable to be physically restrained, stay calm enough to walk away. When emotions have subsided, counsel them again about their thoughts as well as the repercussions spiritually for the way their actions are creating more negativity. Again remember that negative emotions are surfacing at an accelerated rate at this time and your actions either increase the negativity because you "embroil" yourself in It, or by remaining calm and removing yourself, you give it no opportunity to trigger "its feelings" within you, or intensify in the other. At no time should you try and "reason" with a "temporarily" aroused person, child or otherwise. At such times the child has diminished responsibility and it therefore becomes our responsibility to act for and on behalf of the child. Stay calm and keep silent until the emotional "storm" has passed. Attempts at verbal exchange with a child whose emotions are out of control, no matter what their age, quickly leads to a destructive interaction as parent and child become sucked in a whirlpool of negativity. Remain silent because what you say will be distorted by the Dark within the mind of the other and before you know it, your feelings are negatively aroused as you hear the child deliberately misrepresenting everything you say. It is our responsibility as parents to help our children avoid taking in more negativity during times when they are emotionally out of control. It is therefore incumbent upon us not to flip into hurt, anger or despair as we hear our children abuse us or denigrate themselves. The only way to do this is to stay rational. To accomplish this, fortify your mind daily and remember that at times of greatest emotional intensity what is coming out of the child's mouth is also the despair, anguish, hatred or utter contempt "felt and expressed" by the souls linked into the child's emotional state. The most positive coping mechanism is to teach your child the full Truth on how and what is taking place within them and others. As the earthly "Carer's" of these souls, it is our responsibility to teach children the following absolute essentials: Teach them about the reality of the Light and the Dark, the Command of the Light to "love one another," and as said, the Law regarding retribution for wrongdoers. Teach them that there are places of eternal joy and happiness and places of unhappiness and fear, and that by their deed, they are deciding the place to which they will go one day. Children understand this Truth far more readily than adults give them credit for. Teach them that they must not cause pain to any, no matter what the circumstance, and never to retaliate, no matter how much provocation may seem to justify it. Teach them that all negative action is from the Dark and therefore draws more negativity into the soul as they express it. Teach them that such negativity must be paid for because all of us are subject to the unalterable Law of God: "As you Sow so shall you Reap." Teach them to daily fortify their minds by drawing upon the Light reaching down from the Bright Morning Star when saying the meditation prayer:
~~~ The Care of Children in our "Care" In this manual much has been said about emotions and the consequent thought processes they produce in the minds of individuals. The manual has been compiled to assist all to make a personally informed decision as to the truth of this. This brief synopses will, I trust, assist all parents and others involved with children. We must understand that from birth children experience the same mental/emotional thoughts and feelings as adults. Simply stated, children need to be told that like all of us, they are "spirit souls" inhabiting the flesh and as such they have the capacity to understand about the Light of Love and creation and the Darkness of hatred and destruction.. As parents you must understand that the Light in each soul is the natural state of being for all souls. Goodness is a natural part of us but we have failed to understand, and therefore not taught our children, about the reality of the Dark and how we increase "It's" presence in our souls each time we fail to heed the call to never retaliate which is what is meant by saying "express only love." Children need to know that the only thing that inhibits their inner Light from shining in its fullness is the continued negativity they take in. The danger is not in a failure to praise God, or do good works, but is due to allowing the Dark to use them, a thing they do each time they give in to negativity. Parents must be prepared for the worst case scenario in terms of their children's actions in coming times and not focus on what the children did but on how they as parents: 1 -- stayed true to the Light, (positive). Any attempt to "sort out" what caused the emotional outburst, why it happened, who started it, who is to blame gives the dark more ammunition to fire up the already negatively charged emotions. It also perpetuates the false belief that the important thing is the situation which must be resolved.. We must teach our children that it is not the situation but our reaction to it which is the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter what Johnny did or what was done to upset, hurt or cause anger. The only thing that matters is: a) did you
retaliate or not............. In short, did you stay true to the Light or did you give in to the Dark. Avoid endless discussion about the event and only refer to it insofar as you want to teach the child about the Truth of spirit influence on their thoughts and actions. This means do not retaliate no matter what your child may or may not say or do. Stay calm, walk away, be loving after the storm has passed. Let its happening be a thing of the past, forgotten. Remember, you must try and comprehend that when emotionally aroused, your child's mind is being "accessed" by "adult" spirits who can and will "use" the child to carry out their negative destructive intent. This process will also be happening for you. You will now see more and more young children speaking the "foulest" language as well as doing the most horrific deeds, deeds we could not conceive being done by a child. It is for this reason that we must consider children, at the time of the deed as being of "diminished responsibility" because these deeds come out of what in reality is "full spirit possession." However, since the child is "spiritually" responsible for any deed perpetrated by him/her in terms of the process of Karma, and must "suffer" the consequences under spiritual law, it becomes spiritual negligence on the part of the parent to deny their children an understanding of this Truth. Only by giving the child the truth are parents giving them an opportunity to make a choice about it for themselves at some time when they are old enough to make that choice. Until that time, you as parents are in fact "mid-wives" to the soul in your care.
You must understand that other children, or even you, are only unpleasant to each other because "strange" thoughts come into your mind to make you that way. It is now time to understand how we can become happier people and have much more fun. It is through learning about feelings and thoughts and how you can choose to stop any nasty thoughts from becoming negative actions. Adults need to impart the full truth, the greatest gift any parent can give their child, being "the way of Light". The full understanding which will help you help the children is contained in this manual and The Testament of Truth. Letter from "Stuart" after he was given the information outlined above in response to his fear that might be "crazy." Hi, my name is Stuart. I am 11 years old. I was first told about the morning star about two years ago. For some reason I didn't take much notice. In the last month of summer this year I started hearing voices in my head. These voices weren't out loud. I didn't say anything to any-one because I thought people would think I was crazy. After talking about this message I was relieved to know I was normal. The voices were spirits which were trying to communicate with me. I have been saying the star prayer for abut a month now. The voices haven't returned. The star prayer really does help. - Stuart PS. The voices may come back, but now I know what I can do to help me and the spirits. ~~~ The parent-child bond When the Source enables a spirit to take fleshly form here on earth a new child is born. What then are the responsibilities of the parents new? What does the Source require of you in regard to this child now placed in your care? This is the information I would with you share. Every new born child is a child of the Source, a spirit given flesh to learn what it has not yet understood namely, that non-retaliation is what is expected of all God's children when faced by adversity, and to be kind and loving to all. The parents therefore have a great responsibility not only to the child but also to the Source. A new born human has residing within it a spirit which has had many experiences prior to the child's birth. These experiences are either positive or negative. The nature of the spirit within the child will naturally impact on the child's behaviour. If the child has a spirit which is strong willed, and has strong emotions of anger, fear or jealousy, these emotions may make the child more negative despite all the most positive parenting. What parents need to know is that the if the child's human nature is made emotionally more secure by love, safety and consistency, then the child's emotional stability during the early years will provide a good foundation upon which the older individual will later be able to build. To provide this emotional stability, parental love does require that the individual parent is able to put their own emotional needs aside in order to provide an emotional space for the child. This means that "bonding" time must be created, but with parents becoming ever more busy due to financial constraints, this time does not exist in many families. Parents need to know that it is a simple thing to put aside a set time, twice a week as a time when the child knows it has the parents full attention. During this time it is important to let the child know that this time is for her/him to be with the parent, to talk, to share and to raise concerns or problems they may have. This time is a time of bonding that helps the child and parent move away from the 'dominant/subordinate' parent-child role to a relationship of 'friend to friend.' When this 'friend to friend' relationship is established the child feels more comfortable to speak openly and freely on any subject because they do not feel threatened by parental 'control' into complying with everything the adult says, thinks or believes. Equally, the 'elder parent' can then listen seriously to the child and ultimately will find out what the child's fears really are. It is also important to provide fun time when parents and children just relax together. When parents learn to treat their child as a personal friend, the respect this evokes makes it easier for the child to hear the valuable insights the parent has and allows the reasons 'why' certain behaviour/conduct is necessary on both sides to be listened to calmly. All children require very clear boundaries in order to feel safe. When a child is allowed to do a thing one day but the next day is castigated for doing the same thing, the child does not feel safe. It is therefore important for parents to firstly be aware of their own emotions. These emotions will often colour parental approval or disapproval for the child's action at any given time. Often parents feel guilty about not giving children enough time and mistakenly believe that either material things, or giving-in when the child nags, is a way of making up for this lack of time. This only leads to child confusion and parental frustration. Secondly, if the child is to feel safe he/she needs to have clear consistent messages about what is expected of them. To ensure that this expectation remains consistent, the parents must be clear about what behaviour they will accept from the child. Once parents are clear about what is expected from the child it is imperative that each breach of this behaviour is lovingly addressed. These simple strategies provide an anchor during times when emotions run high. When things look as if they are escalating, the child can be taken to that safe place, the emotional space provided by the parents twice a week, to help contain the negative emotions. Let us daily start the day as a family together, linking hands and saying the star prayer out aloud. This way we are consciously remembering God's message in reminding ourselves of the wisdom of being loving and non-retaliatory in the face of aggression. We are also drawing in God's light and love to fortify our minds as we start the day. This can be repeated at noon and night time. Clemencia ~
LOST SOULS BELOW ~ Throughout this document reference has been made to spirits who exist at different levels of consciousness. The spirits are variously referred to as "beings" or Souls whose existence is largely beyond our conscious awareness. Since much has been said about the influence of these spirits upon our thoughts and emotions, it is important that we obtain a comprehensive understanding not only of their existence, but of the interactive process between them and us, spirits out of the flesh and the spirit in the flesh - us. Some people will be aware from their own experience that spirits out of the flesh do exist. When a person close to us dies (spirit disengaging from the flesh), we may have the experience of that person's presence with us. Other people have reported that they have actually experienced being disembodied. Many are consciously aware of being able to communicate mentally with other beings from invisible realms. There are numerous books on the experiences of the presence and existence of spirit beings or souls. This is pointed out simply to alert the reader to the fact that the existence of spirits is an age old reality. Mankind has at various stages of history attempted to define this reality in order to come to terms with it. At different stages of our intellectual understanding, our attempts to accept the existence of spirits as reality, has altered. Some cultures have no difficulty in accepting the existence of spirits. So called highly "socialised" cultures where there is an emphasis on the physical and "scientifically" provable facts, have been unable to accept the existence of spirits as part of reality, since the idea of 'spirit people' is a concept which cannot be quantified, qualified or measurable, certainly not with the tools currently employed to determine "validity." Be that as it may, in modern-day man, the existence of spirits remains a persistent feature of popular culture. Books, movies, documentaries and an ever increasing number of "healing" arts, continue to emerge on the premise that spirit reality exists. Intellectual sophistication seems to have done little to abate our desire to "know the unknowable," despite scientific validity! The existence of the realms of spirits remains a reality and my aim is to not only share my understanding of this reality, to allow the reader to make a choice as to the validity of that understanding, but to give an understanding as to the interaction that takes place between us and "Lost Souls" who abide in other realms. Souls are drawn to different realms through their past expressed deeds. If their lifetime has been one of love and forgiveness, they are drawn to the Light. When "bound" by the darkness their thoughts are "controlled" by the darkness which in turn "uses" them to manipulate deeds of spirits in the flesh. This manipulation of us is done telepathically through thought that makes us deny the "Light" and abuse others. When we act on these thoughts both the invisible spirits and ourselves draw in more negativity, each becoming more entrapped by the Dark . When we reject the negative thought from lost spirit souls who attempt to "seduce" us into negative expressed deeds, something we do when we suppress the thought and don't act on it, we negate the influence of darkness from flowing through them and us. Each time we do this we unknowingly "save" them from Sowing evil because it is only when their thoughts overpower us, and we "express" them in deed, that "both" are subject to the Law, having to Reap what we sowed. Spirits exist, and if we are consciously aware of this then we may become aware that there is a link between our spirits here in the flesh and other spirits not in the flesh. On this earthly realm we are spirits inhabiting an earthly biological body which we vacate when the body becomes uninhabitable. Given this understanding, it seems logical that other spirits can and do make connections with that inner aspect of us called spirit. This connection is a mental telepathic one which is "thought" that enters our minds. Until now we have assumed all thought to be our own. The understanding I have gained from "The Testament of Truth" is that there is a significant mental interactive process between spirits incarnate (us), and spirits discarnate (not having a fleshly biological body and existing on other levels of consciousness). Earth's reality is only one of many planes in existence. Other levels of reality, or consciousness, range from the place of ultimate Light where there is no negativity, only love and freedom, to ultimate darkness where there is nothing positive, only destruction, limitation and confinement. Between these realms are many other levels of consciousness. Spirits enter these differing levels at the moment of physical death. Which level they enter is determined by the vibration of their soul energy which is determined by deeds they performed during the physical lifetime. We must remember that God asks of us to be merciful and understanding of others. This includes those who have erred before, and who dwell in lower realms. The importance of remembering this each time we are inspired to act negatively cannot be stressed often enough. If souls trapped in darker realms of consciousness were permitted to communicate truthfully with you this is what they might say:- A Lost Soul Speaks "Forget me not though I am far away. Remember me at times in your busy day for you know not the place I now call home, you know not the sorrow in this land I roam. There in your land now no longer mine, there for you the sun does daily shine, but in the place I linger so forlorn, here no golden light by any is worn. I knew not that by Deed would I be known, that I would be judged by what I'd sown, and while on earth by deed was I unkind, deeds that now me sorely bind in a place where all kindness is lost, a place with no Light, Darkness the cost. A cold black darkness now does cover me and allows no Light for me to see. So now be I a soul that is sadly lost, now do I face an eternal frost for failing the Light only to heed when IT asked "please my love only seed" Now it is I who remember you for in your thoughts do I come through, but those thoughts are to you unkind as the darkness insist I make you blind. So please remember me with Gods truth while you can still see. For once in this land far below, you have no choice about what you Sow. Here must I the darkness heed. In you must I the darkness seed by controlling your thoughts for which I pay the cost, but heed my demand and we both are lost. So please now listen to the Word, it flows on earth that we have heard, but our minds here are bound so tight that we rely on You to show us Its might. For truly, we no longer have the choice, we may speak only with the Dark ones voice, and that believe me we daily do each time you let our thoughts flow through. It be in your minds that we do fight, wherein we steal under cover of night. You know us not for what we be, and that be the dark's cunning subtlety. For each time you let me my thought sow, you allow your negativity to grow, then my feelings with yours entwine 'till we both on negativity dine. Your thoughts do we stir and make unsound, but only by your deed is your seed found. That seed being the truth of your way, heed our dark thought and we both must pay. We would have you retaliate and baulk. Control and demand in your mind is our talk, and we have no choice, please believe me. Please make the choice while you can still see. So please remember me in the land of frost. Please show the dark that love is not lost there in your land where the sun shines free, there in the land where you can still see. And I ask that you please remember me with kindness even though I try to harm thee, for that is the Law I failed to know, love only love, no matter what we show. On earth I walked a man of might, fearing nothing within my sight. I stood tall and strong and with many a stride walked my way, head held with pride. For I simply took life by the tail, refused to let any me "nail," and all that got in my way quickly learnt what price they must pay. Successful I was in many mans eyes. Many there were who saw me as wise, and I did the best that I could, making a buck as any man should. And yes, I cheated a bit, gave the odd "Kick," but nothing too great to my conscious prick, all in all I led a good life, broke few of the laws, not too much strife. Then came the day my journey did end, now let me tell you, oh! please listen friend, not one part of it was true, all I did failed to show love coming through. And Love, that be the only measure by which I was judged, neither my pleasure, success, money or achieve, held any sway, that is the deceive. So ask I that you remember me with kindness even though I try to harm thee. For that is the Law I failed to know, no matter what any do, let only love flow." Let us on earth try and remember that it is not for us to judge and condemn spirits of so called "wickedness," for by that very condemnation, we show them and God that we are of the same ilk. Let us now all try to be as God would have us be, respectful and considerate to all our sisters and brothers, whatever their present consciousness may reflect. Clemencia ~~~ An interactive mental exchange is a two-way process, one that influences in both directions. In the interaction between spirits not in the flesh and ourselves, "thought," entering through the vibration of the emotion, is the means of communication. The corresponding thoughts from these spirits will also be of a negative, deceitful nature. We respond to the ingress of these thoughts with increased feelings of negativity, often leading to expressed negative deeds. The telepathic power of invisible spirits has the capacity to override our positive reasoning (freedom of choice of action) and make us deny the light and abuse another. The emphasis on the negative aspect of this thought intrusion throughout this document, is to alert all to the reality that the choice of positive or negative action is ours, but only ours if we can keep out powerful negative thoughts. Spirits out of the flesh who have "fallen" to low dark levels have no choice about their negative influence on us. However, we only have the choice to override the demands of the negative thoughts if we become aware of the reality of spirit intrusion into our minds, and then, build the Ark of the Mind. ~ The UNKIND who are BLIND ~ Contribution by the spirit of Truth Any "expression" of a "thought" unkind means you too are also "blind," for "darkness" binds thee and IT you cannot "see." Otherwise you would "sit" and "contain" the words you "spit" out of your mouth causing pain very "uncouth" to your sweet soul that so blindly does stroll.. So again I do say, please try and "hear" your "own" say before it comes "out" and others "ears" clout. For once you "let out" sound, by "its" effects are you "bound" and you will PAY maybe forever and a day. So from this moment on IF your journey you'd have won, heed God's loving word, never "exude" a verbal sword thus you heed me, thus I set you free. ~ LOST SOULS BELOW ~ The Lost Souls "below" are "spirits" whom God's Truth don't know. They are "spiritual slaves" enslaved by powerful knaves. Washed from "shore to shore" like ocean waves, lost forevermore unless they the truth find, they become eternally blind. They rely on me and you to them to be true, for we needs "them" teach, rather than letting "their" thoughts us breach. For their "access" is our "inner sin" and for the "dark" they try to "us" win, for there is naught they can do other than heed "thoughts" flowing through them through. For deep sin does them bind, the "dark force" very unkind, and IT does them "use" to US mentally abuse. Thus they more darkness Sow, thus deeper below they GO. Until they lose all grace and they fully show God their disgrace, and "the" God that did them "employ" does also them "destroy" by all means fair or foul, as through their minds it did prowl. Visibly unseen, thus "they" did not glean how they were being dragged below. The LOST SOULS needs this now know so that I can set them free, that is IF they believe me and look up to the Morning Star shining for all from afar. As Mother sets them free from within I do see, so that they are lost no more, but are "raised up" to heavens shore. So to you and you, the souls lost or the true, fortify now your mind or all become unkind. For on earth too
are the "lost"
incarnated "up" from the frost The Spirit of Truth Spirits and "Diminished Responsibility" Throughout history, religions have systematically dammed and condemned spirit beings that were considered evil. In the practice of exorcism, ministers attempted to forcibly cast out the possessing spirit and send it into hell and damnation. Erring souls in the flesh are always "castigated" and punished by society. Only the "classified" mentally insane are labeled "Of diminished responsibility," and thus, given a "lesser" sentence and "taken" to be "helped" in a manner differing to normal offenders. ALL offenders today needs be "treated" by you as being of "diminished responsibility," and thus only treated with compassion and respect. They are not to be regulated and punished, only educated and assisted. God will do the punishing, if you do, you too will be answerable to God. Clemencia ~~~ When a person "classified insane" be, we classify them "of diminished responsibility" and thus we do not them abuse for their minds are in a state of "confuse." We needs now more "fully" understand the power of that "other" land that can our minds "employ" and "use us" to deceive or destroy. We must ALL "miscreants" forgive, they were "mentally overpowered" and did give their minds "over" to another, thus they were "used" to abuse sister and brother. But they WILL "pay" spiritually another day, but God says to me and you; "You to the
"lost" be true So this is why I say you needs be compassionate and merciful each day, or Father God will DO unto you what you did do when untrue. ~ The Spirit of Truth ~ ~ SUICIDE ~ Deeper understanding of Suicide. Any Carer or family member who is faced with a potential suicide victim, or approached thereby, needs to have made themselves familiar with the contents of this manual, and then speak to the person concerned about their thoughts, with the full understanding that they are speaking to the many invisible others who present themselves as "Thought intrusion." Both parties, those in the flesh and those in spirit may be given a conscious understanding that all are being interfered with mentally, that is, any soul having negative emotions within can be accessed by negative energy in the form of thoughts. All should be given the Star Prayer to fortify their minds. They must also be told that there will be release from their mental "subjugation" some time in the future as the rising emotion is cleared spiritually out from their soul. The information available in this book is in fact salient for all situations involving any mental or emotional trauma since the source of all mental/emotional problems are inextricably linked. Make yourself fully conversant with all the facts presented, this way you can assist those in distress with the full truth, because only this truth will help any in the times we are now facing. Clemencia Refer Testament pages and the 12
page: The SUICIDE
~~~ ~
Deliverance ~ ~
Contribution by The Spirit of Truth ~ Deliverance from the "Evil
one" is by heeding the wisdom of the "Son." The
wisdom of the Word. peace not the sword. By fortifying the mind
with the Morning Star and staying thus kind to each other, all
being sister and brother. It is but the power of the Light
that suppresses "thoughts" of the "Dark Knight"
who lives far far below, and telepathically does evil thoughts
sow into the minds of the "blind" who become daily more
unkind, these thoughts we needs keep "out" if not we
others "clout." So the light from the Morning
Star cleanses the mind with its power from afar when the prayer
words we say thrice each day, the light of love is released
"within" our soul and suppresses thoughts from coming
in, thus, I say to thee you are "delivered" only when
heeding me. You can try and "twist and
weave" but deny me and you grieve, not but for one day, but
for eternity I do say. Please lean on my "Staff," God's
Wisdom, do not Sisters and brothers too, try and believe what I say to you. Keep your hands by your side IF in heaven you'd abide. Keep your mouth shut like a helpless mutt in any confrontation by a stranger or a relation, any retaliation you will cry, any retaliation your soul will die. I bless you
today, heed my "Morning Star" pray. page 51 (Explanatory Treatise 7) ~ JUSTICE & VICTIMS ~ Gonzalo Munoz Dearest Gonzalo, So, Ireland is enriched by your presence whilst we are impoverished by your absence. Ireland is blessed, how deeply, may depend on how your truth flows, and once again I am knocking on the door to share some deeper insight into The Testament of Truth! I awoke this morning with probing questions regarding the implications of the positive and negative attributes that exist in the universe. I would like to share the results of my probe with you as it may throw a little "light" (from the Star naturally!) on the duality or inherent opposites of the "essence" of all which remain such a source of frustration for us mortals. You are no doubt aware that in relationships these opposites centre around the masculine and feminine "closeness/ bonds" around which battles are often fought in the name of love! This "love relationship" seems to call forth such contradictory emotions that we sometimes begin to question its meaning. So I began to question this thing called love, its positive power of freedom, giving and creativity, and wondered about the opposite of love. As I understand it, the opposite of love is hatred, the negative energy of demand, control, withdrawal and destruction. Due to the concept of justice, which we see as such a virtue, we shout "What about me and my rights," as we demand that our partners, children, parents, boss and even God, be fair and just. We fail to see that whenever we demand we are actually exerting control over another, and control is negative. This control is in fact the darkness calling through us for some sort of "Retribution," a retribution which causes us to use God's negative power, a power which is destructive, a power of which God says: "This is mine alone, use it, and I shall destroy you." In this way is control the opposite of the creative power of love. We seem not to know that whenever we demand anything we deny love, which is giving, and seek retribution which can only take through the act of control. Mans concept of justice is a concept of retaliatory "demand" which insists, with negative power, upon its right to fairness, righteousness, retribution and punishment, for all it deems to be an injustice. It is when we demand anything, that we use power to control, a control which results in the loss of the freedom of the personal choice of others. Of course where there is denial of another's freedom to choose, there love is not, for we express not love. Unlike retributive justice (accountability) which is negatively powerful and is full of the power to demand, love is positively powerful, that is filled with mercy and the power to give and forgive. The power of this love is filled with the desire to all do, all give, all embrace and nothing deny. ~~~~ Click here for Next Page