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page 52

It is in this way that retaliatory justice is darkness in action, the opposite of love, for, full of the negative power to demand recompense, it is quite unable to give or forgive anything for then it would be untrue to itself. Equally, love is quite unable to deny anything for then it would be untrue to itself - no longer giving.

The question for me is: "Are these two opposites - 'love' and 'retaliatory justice' - only misused by us because of our lack of deep spiritual understanding"?

The insight I gleaned was in the possibility that love & giving, and hatred & withdrawal, are simply the totality of the All, the Source, Essence or God. God is thus the unified whole containing within itself all the opposites. This we needs fully understand because its implications for religious teachings and dogmas are far-reaching.

For me the Totality, God, in Its infinite goodness and love, gives us, with the understanding in The Testament of Truth, not only a revelation of Itself as the unified whole - both the Light and Dark, Positive and Negative, Masculine and Feminine, Justice and Love - but a choice.

"Choose" it asks, "Choose which aspect of Me you wish to draw upon for My love cannot deny you the freedom of choice but equally, My Justice Demands that your choice will 'Return to you,' be it your freedom in a land of happiness, love and creation, or your confinement in a land of sorrow, hatred and destruction but you need to choose wisely with an understanding of the existing implications, as both Joy and Pain exist in Me."

Now, if the underlying Command of the Light throughout time, and at the core of all spiritual or religious truth, has been the call to Only Love, it follows that we have not been wise in our choice as to which aspect of God we drew on and drew in!

Unbeknown to us, our expressed actions release a flow of energy through us that "is" God in action, positive or negative, and this energy is "absorbed" within our souls. This  Light or dark energy either refines or coarsens the energy vibration in our soul. It is the frequency of this energy vibration which ensures our spiritual destiny, (destination).

The call by man for retributive "Justice" is rampant within every human endeavour because the socially sanctioned "Right" to justice is encoded within all our systems, whether legal, social, secular or religious. Even that system which we claim is built upon Love, the personal relationship, is based upon the "rights" each believes is due from the other and thus 'demanded.'

This shows clearly that our souls have absorbed so much dark, negative energy, that we almost automatically heed the call of the negative aspect, no longer capable of hearing or heeding the call of the Light to "Forgive and only Love."

Whenever a system operates upon the concept of Rights the scales of Love and Justice are tipped in the favour of a Justice which demands Retribution. This always results in negativity because power, always inherent in justice, is used to enforce those Rights.

Since mans justice deems that it has the right to retribution we use negative  power to control, either through punishment or "withholding," or through the act of withdrawal of support. All this is a denial of God's eternal call to but Love.

Of course, in the hands of the Totality, God, retribution is Just, since it is inexorably linked with the Love contained within God's Unified Self and in its negative expression is the fulfilment of the only Law "As you Sow darkness so shall you Reap darkness."

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Conversely, in its positive expression, as we sow love, we are loved, but, "The payback being love or pain is Mine," says God. "Not yours. You are commanded to only love. "

Mans call for justice can always only be retribution when dealt out by man and is arrogance in God's eyes. Anyone demanding retaliatory justice (accountability) is therefore denying the Word of God, being the eternal call to Only Love.

When our demands for justice are met, we in turn must meet with further retaliatory confrontation at the hands of others who are equally arrogant in their demand for justice. Nobody realizing that this is Justice belongs only to God. For the more 'we' mete out retribution, the more it returns to us within the Law of God.

Man believes that he must bring about the fulfilment of God's retributive Law, not knowing that God can bring us to "Payment" for wrong deeds through other means. This 'means' is inevitably  our destination when we leave the flesh, a destination always reflective of our deeds in any lifetime.  This ultimate destination is either a place where there is no end to the brightening light or no end to the depths of the darkness, both opposites, exquisite joy, or excruciating suffering in the after life.

Each time we Mete out the "justice" that has become enshrined in our legal systems and within our mental conditioned makeup, we are denying God's eternal call of "Forgiveness & Love," and thus fall under the negative aspect of the only Law "As you Sow - so shall ye Reap."

It is we who judge ourselves by our own deed for which we must pay in full.
Sow good, and our own deed judges us as we Reap Goodness
Sow evil, and our own deed judges us as we Reap Evil.

That is simply Gods Just Law in action. Any justice or judgment placed by us upon others is therefore in direct contravention of God's only Commandment Love.

The greatest misdeed that we can perpetrate upon others and thus ourselves is the one of "Deception." In God's eyes it is better to destroy another with a knife, and take a life, than to knowingly or unknowingly deceive any soul through the falsity of distorted spiritual teachings.

An ignorant soul, through that act of deceit, may spend an eternity lost in the dark, suffering endlessly as a result of it perpetrating questionable deeds in the eyes of God. We are not excused by our  ignorance of the Truth.

All are God's most treasured and beloved, children and any who deceive God's children  will themselves be deceived "at the end" and not recognise the Truth

We only need to look around the globe to see that we freely mete out retribution to each other. Through this process humanity has lost its grace and loving generosity of Spirit which is now clouded by the negativity we drew in each time we retaliated.  Each time we demand justice we fail in the command to  Forgive and Love and thereby increase the flow of negativity.

When we fail Love, the absorption of dark negative energy into the soul may mean that at some time we feel ourselves to be victims of one or other injustice. In reality we are victims only of our own past deeds.

The Spirit of Truth shows that a "victim" is one who must learn of the Truth by the ceasing to  perpetrate retaliatory deeds.  Only this ensures  that no more negativity is drawn into the soul through the "Sowing" of darkness.

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If all victims could accept that at some stage they themselves were  perpetrators inflicting pain onto those who also saw themselves as their "victims," none would cry out for justice but simply accept that our victim status was a reaping for past actions sown. This would free us to walk  positively.

Of course we may give up on the sorry state of our race but God is God, and God is ever true to Itself. The greater our demand for justice has been the more the Source "allowed" us to steal that dark justice which belongs only to  God. 

However,  even as this darkness now surges through our denial of God's love, the Light expands within us, and God, the Light, gives too of its Love, freely, to unbind us of the darkness we drew in even while we arrogantly used the dark. 

Now we  stand on the precipice of  ultimate choice. We have demanded that we be given the right to retribution and we have received accordingly!

We have stolen God's justice so consistently that the One Law is inevitably "weighted" on the side of "Reaping negativity and pain," hence the escalation in rising insanity however,  the love has also intensified to help us deal with the "Reaping by suffering," hence the Star prayer.

Since the Source is ever true to itself  both the positive and negative sides of it have increased in intensity. The  Love essence flows  through from within us and enables the Reaping to occur more quickly,  but the Dark also flows to tempt us to continue to use it.  The choice is ours. 

The ultimate Proof of the Love is not only the evidence of increasing negativity rising to the surface of our souls to be cleared as we "Reap," but Loves gift of the Revelation of itself - to Itself, "Us."

The Testament of Truth is the "Source" revealing Its totality to every child in the universe, each Divine Spark within us which is part of that Totality. Thus is "The Testament of Truth" the revelation of "Itself to Itself," holding no secrets, revealing both the Light and the Dark, the Masculine and the Feminine, the Wisdom and the Deceiver, the Justice, being the pain of Retribution, or the Joy & Freedom being the rewards of Love.

This is the ultimate gift of the Creator to Its inspired creation. A revelation of Itself in Its fullness, Its Totality, to Itself, Its children. So are we finally set free to truly choose since nothing is hidden from us ~ but ~ do we dare to see?

It seems to me that we no longer have to "See through a glass darkly," but also, that these things will be "hidden from the arrogantly intelligent and revealed only to the humble." You are a humble man, are you not Gonzalo, but are you wise and courageous as well?

So Gonzalo, this is my understanding inspired by the Light from our Star. What will you do with it I wonder?

You are at a seven month course on Ecumenism studying ecclesiology all denominations no doubt represented. What would they do if you presented this and other papers attached for discussion? Dare you give them the opportunity to choose to accept or reject it?

I ask with Love,  you do what is right for you, but please be true to your soul, so very much depends on souls true at this time to lead the lost back to the true light.

Write soon -

Clemencia 3 October 1995

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(Explanatory Treatise 8)

~ Deception posing as a 'Virtue' ~

Since I have been involved with the message in The Testament of Truth I have shared its basic premise with others, namely:

1. There is only one Command - to be loving in all that we do.
2. That
we must not retaliate no matter what any do to us.
Fortify the mind to be able to comply with the above.
4. There is one spiritual law -
"What you sow you will reap."

Sow positive deeds of love, care, and forgiveness and that will return to you.
Sow negative deeds of abuse, deception, criticism or judgment, and that will return to you.

I have found that many individuals accept these principles, in fact most individuals would maintain that these principles govern their lives. Yet, most of us can also admit that when it comes to the crunch we seem unable to put the principles into practice.

Without fail, both in my own life and in the lives of those I meet, there are reasons we use to justify a non-loving or retaliatory action as  acceptable. These reasons are usually justified on the basis of morality or righteous justice, concepts that have in fact made a virtue out of accepting as permissible the exceptions to the Rule but more particularly the rule of the Light to "Only love and always remain non-retaliatory."

What is evident is that increasingly these "exceptions" have become so numerous and varied that we are at a point in history where... Exceptions have become the Rule.

The Testament of Truth allows us to see clearly that any justification of negative expression or retaliatory action is the deception of the dark ,negative universal energy source in action, a deception to which we have been blinded because it presents itself as a virtue.

The "Rule of the Dark" is "Blind, deceive, isolate, abuse and destroy." Nowhere is our blindness to the insight of this Truth more apparent than when we virtuously justify any negative actions "In defense of our rights." The increase in litigation in all areas of the lives of ordinary individuals is the most pertinent example of this.

The injured worker who not only insists on compensation but virtuously believes that "the defaulters should be made to pay".. . the deserted partner who believes  that the "other" should pay dearly for having left them.

Under the guise of pursuing what we see as our inalienable "rights" we are in fact retaliating since retaliation is the act of returning like for like in the form of a reprisal.

Such an act is a blatant denial of the Command to "Only Love" and is therefore the act of using, and being used, by the dark negative energy source to mete out retribution.

If our belief systems, morals, values or ideologies can persuade us that we are perfectly justified in seeking recompense through retaliation, then we have indeed been subtly beguiled by the dark because in reality, this retaliatory action has been transformed into the so-called "virtue" of only standing up for our "rights."

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Many good, even God-fearing individuals, do not hesitate to assert their rights and not only in the obvious situation of protecting the life of someone close to them. The greater evidence that we are deceived by the Dark into believing that retaliatory action is acceptable is apparent in those instances when we return tit-for-tat, a hurt for a hurt, a nasty retort in exchange for a criticism, an ominous silence for a wrong done.

In all these instances of retaliation, we have falsely justified a reason to betray the call of the Light, being "Only Love." We seem to believe and think that we are putting love and non-retaliation into practice, and in many instances we do, that is, until particular Exceptions to the Rule arise.

When these occur, we justify retaliation, not even considering whether the act is Godly or not. We may even believe that the act is sanctioned by God! This is where we succumb to the deception of the dark, for in truth, there is never any exception, justified or otherwise, to deny God's call to "only Love."

We fail to understand that it is just that very exception,  that belief, that value system, that ideology, that indignation or that justified feeling of self righteousness which is the true test of our capacity to live by deed, the truth of God's call to "Only Love."

This is the basis of the message in The Testament of Truth. This message alone helps us to understand why, despite our beliefs, our desires and our longings to remain true to the call to love, we are unable to do so at those times when our justifications allow us to betray that truth.

The vast majority of humanity would maintain that the idea of being loving to others is a virtue to be valued. They also believe that the concept of revenge or retaliation for wrongs done to themselves or others is not a desirable trait. So in fact the idea of love, understanding, forgiveness and compassion are principles most of us believe in, at least in theory.

However, the factual, behavioral reality is that when it comes to the practical application of our expressed deed in every day life, the positive principles are replaced by negative retaliatory expression.

This may well be due to our ignorance that the command to Only love, based upon many religious writings, has inherent within it the requirement of non-retaliation. If we maintain that we live by the command to "Only love," then none of our actions must be retaliatory.

If our actions are retaliatory in any way we are not abiding in the command to love. Love and retaliation are mutually exclusive entities which cannot co-exist since they are opposites.

Light and Dark cannot meet and dialogue since the deeds of the one must of necessity oppose the other.

Despite our logical and often "voiced" acceptance of this Truth, it is a Truth which has not been understood, and not been put into action, for two main reasons:

1. We have allowed ourselves to be deceived into believing that we are following the command to only love even when we retaliate, falsely justifying that there are certain "situations" which give us the "right" to retaliate.

These "situations" are what we term: "The exceptions to the rule."

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2. So many and varied have become these "Exceptions to the rule," that we can no longer identify what in fact constitutes a "retaliatory action," one that contravenes the command "Only Love."

In short, we have been blinded by the Deceiver to the true nature of what constitutes any retaliatory action.

Some of the Circumstances under which we Retaliate, thereby contravening the command of "Only Love" are:

The Blatantly Obvious The Subtly Insidious
Self protection Superior morality
Protection of our loved ones Indignation
Protection of our property Objective criticism
Legal Rights Justifications
Demands for Justice Self righteous anger

If we accept that there is a God, then we need to understand that as we are here to "Learn" to heed God, we must recognise our "Exceptions to the Rule" and rectify them, so that we can heed God when under pressure.

When we take the spiritual aspect of our natures seriously we will be more aware of the consequences of our expressed actions when we find ourselves in any unpleasant situations.

It is in threatening situations that we need to "observe" our intended response before failing our test to heed God's call to love, a failure detrimental to our soul. In becoming more aware of how easily we are deceived by the dark, we become more aware of the consequence of our expressed actions.

This is more particularly so in unpleasant situations where we have been lulled into the false belief that a negative response from us to what we see as a negative situation, is justified.

It is at times when our most cherished "rights" are threatened that we most need to alert ourselves to the ease with which we give-in to  retaliation because the Dark, whose aim is deception, has a vested interest in helping us to retain the 'deceived' belief that 'justified retaliation'  is a "virtue."

Most people are not aware of the Karmic debt they accrue when "justifying" a negative response and expressing it. Again, we have been seduced into believing that certain negative retaliatory deeds are justified because of one or other belief system.

These belief systems range from "we are only human after all" to a belief in the Redemptive Act of Jesus. The latter  allows us to assume that by his  "Act" we can somehow keep abusing others and yet be exempted from the "Karmic Justice" of the Law "As you Sow, so shall you Reap."

All negative expressions  have become an automatic justified response dressed up as "virtue." However, any negative expression is the dark reaper in action through man, and man does "Reap what he does Sow." As darkness flows through our expressed deed, we do, knowingly or not, draw darkness into the soul.

The deception of dark lies in the fact that "it" has trapped us into being it's "Avenging Reapers" in action through the distorted belief that we are somehow exempt from the Law. With this belief we are more easily beguiled into virtuously justifying certain "exceptions" to the command of love, actually believing they are non-retaliatory.

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Our retaliatory deed then makes us agents for the dark since retaliatory deeds ensure that we continue to draw more of that darkness into our souls because that is the consequence of retaliation. In this way we become more and more a part of the darkness.

What is your daily deed, and what are your "Exceptions" to "Only Love."? The betrayal of a trusted friend...self defence or defence of family or friends.....the criticism by a loved one which you defend by producing criticism in kind....a personal insult or questioning of your honesty and integrity which you repay by slandering the "insulter"....

The wanton destruction of your personal property for which you will make somebody pay...or your belief in your right to withhold a loving and forgiving attitude to those whom you deem to be unredeemable. ?

Whatever your "exceptions" to the rule of "Do all only with love and do not retaliate no matter what the provocation or circumstance," ferret them out, observe your actions, for it is the areas of your "exceptions" which are best known by the negative or Dark universal energy source.

If you claim to be a follower of the Light, (Christ like), then it is in these difficult areas that you are daily required, by your deed, to show God that you have chosen the Light. If you allow yourself to be deluded into believing that your "exceptions" are justified, you will continue to allow the Dark to use you as "it's" Reaper, and you will spiritually fall.

Heaven is a real place but heaven also lies here and now in the moment. But only when by your deed love is in action at all times, under all circumstances, with all people, and in all situations.



Contributions by the Spirit of Truth

Friends as the darkness we "diffuse" and unknowingly or "virtuously" others abuse, we are drawing negative energy IN, this is how we become contaminated with inner sin.

AND, this is how to hell we fall. It is there Satan does us maul because we were arrogant fools, using God's children as our footstools. So all I can now say is wisen up today, fortify your mind so that you "become" more kind.

For Satan does destroy all whom his darkness employ, and he gives us many a "very good reason" to deny the call of the light on many a season.

~ Virtue ~

Do you deny God at times because your "virtuous" beliefs are untrue and at times are wrongly used by you. Do you really understand the darkness and its "upper hand" that it does you deploy as you in "virtue" it employ, and thus deny God as you at times abuse His children on this sod.

Are you "aware" how "virtuously" darkness does you ensnare, by giving you a seemingly virtuous reason to deny the call to "Only Love" at "some" particular season.

The season being when you are "put on the spot" as another full of virtuous darkness does you "swat," you then in retaliation respond, forgetting Gods call to "Only wave a friendly Palm frond."

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So you see my children dear, false teachings as well as inner fear allow the darkness to make you "sin," so I say quickly draw truth and light "in" to your sweet mind before another to you is unkind, for at that time I say to you, your false virtuous beliefs will destroy you.

Maybe not your flesh, but darkness will with your soul enmesh, and "IT" does "drag you down" when you leave the flesh and you "then" frown, wishing you had understood why God says:

"At ALL times be good, never ever "believe" you can "virtuously" make another grieve. There is no such thing as "righteous anger," heed not old stories about the man born in a manger.

God says:

"Heed ME, Only I can set you free. And I say you will DIE spiritually if you make others cry. There is never a 'time' you can virtuously soil your hands with grime and get away without having to 'Karmicly' Pay. So at all times heed ME. Only I see what the true way be. Peace unto all at ALL times or you WILL fall."

That is what I say through my messenger Terence today.


Light & Dark & the "babble" of non-understanding

We must understand that at "this" time when negative emotions with our souls entwine, that all "such" cannot comply with the call to "Only love" from up high.

Only when of inner sin free will "all" see God's clear reality, so for "today" we needs understand the "non compromise" of the underhand.

For light and dark do "meet," but in total opposition do "greet," meaning neither hear the others "say," thus total opposition in every way.

Try please and this see until God sets the "sinners" free, for until "this" day they cannot comprehend or agree to "our" way of being loving to any in need.

In any "way" our light we seed that we out of free choice give, so that the other does happier live.

~ Terence ~

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(Explanatory Treatise 9)

~ The Erring "Mandates of man" ~


The Truth & reality

of God's singular Mandatory Command ~ Love one another ~

Throughout society, secular and religious, many claims have been made concerning mandates. Since a mandate is the authority given by one to another, entrusting that other to carry out a specific commission, we can in some measure see to what extent those claiming a mandate have moved way beyond the parameters of what we deem a mandate to be.

When we see the extent to which our lives are controlled by laws, statutes and innumerable regulations, we have a glimpse of how mandates have become a means of controlling the population. Under the guise of "social order," every human endeavour has become subject to either some law to govern that endeavour, or some license required before that endeavour may be undertaken.

When a mandate becomes a demand controlled by force, man usurps the Law of God which is above mans' laws. God has a mandatory command - in all you do be loving and peaceful.

Man has presumed that secular mandatory authority, conferred upon him by man, supersedes God's mandate. The chaos which has ensued attests to the dangers to the human race when it usurps God's mandatory command.

Whilst elected governments may have the "mandate" of a majority, it does not give them the right of control over any human endeavour. When we deny God's command of love and peace, a call which must preclude demand, control and force, we are the darkness in action.

A brief glance at the nature of the negative control that we have accepted as normal will help us to see and understand how pervasive is the deceit of "demand" that covers human life.

Social institutions have become so negatively controlling that before we are able to carry out daily tasks we are forced to have either a license or a certificate "permitting" us to do that task.

We require a license to drive, fish, marry, own pets, carry out trade, live in houses. We may not perform alterations to our homes until we first seek "certification." We need certificates for everything we do from conducting a business to a  certificate which attest that we have died despite clear evidence that we are dead, certificate or not! 

Man has presumed much in this matter of mandate believing himself to have a right to enforce his will upon all of God's children by regulation and law-enforcement. Nothing is further from the reality of God's truth!

God's call is, and has always been, that of love and non-retaliation, and inherent in these is a prohibition against any demand, control or use of force by either "enactment," or "enforcement."

These prohibitions means that man's mandates always usurp God's call even when the usurpation is carried out under the guise of legal justification.  Since all force and control denies the Light, and is the darkness in action through the minds of man, enforcing and following  man's mandates means that all of us are walking deeper and deeper into darkness.

The walk into the darkness becomes apparent when we see how those individuals who have initially been given a mandate by the people, to do something on behalf of those people, utilise the power of those positions to step well beyond the boundaries of the original mandates.

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Anything which is mandatory is compulsory. That which is compulsory becomes a demand, and demands inevitably lead to control by force. Man's mandates have thus become a tool of manipulation through the deception of the "Dark One."

When a "freely given" mandate to "assist and guide" is distorted into an enforced enslavement backed by legislation, the force at play through deception, is none other than the Dark One. This deception is also apparent in the area of religion and religious teaching. Ministers, priests and pastors of all systems of religion have, through the use of dogma, ritual and theological interpretations, enslaved God's children by presuming to make rules & regulations to control their flock.

Ministerial men of "the cloth"  assume that some mandate to control others has been bestowed upon them. By Divine Right.  In this instance, the supposed mandate carries with it a more insidious deception since it falsely presumes some inherent right to not only the interpretation of what constitutes God's truth, but to also assume the sole role of mediator between God and God's children.

They also "forcefully" impose this falsehood upon individual souls. Under the guise of having a "God given" mandate to lead the flock in the matter of this interpretation, the "priesthood" has thwarted and distorted God's command of love and peace contained in the canonical books of religious teachings. This command has been relegated into obscurity under the "weighty" matters of theological interpretation, tradition, dogma and ritual.

Such 'theological interpretation"  has made the erroneous assumption that the priesthood had an authoritative mandate, through successional blessing, to interpret the Word of God to man. This led to the false belief that the "succession appointed priesthood" had a mandate to mediate between man and God.

It is inconceivable that God would base His church upon a man, any man, and history has certainly proven the fallibility of such a presumption! It is also inconceivable that God would give to man a mandate which rightly belongs to God alone.

God's Word and only God's Word is the foundation upon which His church stands and only when we abide in the Word of God does our soul stand on that foundation "of rock," which is God's wisdom, THE WORD.

Jesus revealed to Peter the "content" of God's mandate: "Love one another" which in its fullness is the mandatory "Be merciful, forgiving, compassionate and understanding to all." "Upon this mandate of God does the church of God stand, go and tell the people."

It should be clear that if man, being any man, woman or child, taught this Truth of God solely, then all of us would be abiding in God's mandate.

Since dogma, rituals, theological interpretations, and all religious rules and regulations have their foundation in man's demands upon God's children, and do not follow God's mandatory command - "love one another," there is in no mandate from God in any organized religion.

Currently, biblical scholars, theologians and teachers of religion continue to interpret and reinterpret those very texts which ensure a continuation, by control, the forces of power, greed and politics.

The real unseen problem for priests and God's flocks is that priests "blindly" continue to exercise deceptive control by the very act of setting themselves up as the "required" mediators between God and God's children.

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They have thus put their own souls and that of "their" sheep in deadly mortal and spiritual danger. Thus too, by the act of remaining priests, they continue to meddle in the true affairs of God since this assumption of being "intercessors" between God and man, the basis of priesthood, results in them continuing to superimpose their false perception and understanding of what constitutes God's requirement over the real truth.

Priests need now to relinquish their control and stand aside, "allowing" the individual soul to make a choice about God's Truth. All of God's children must be given a personal individual choice as to the truth of God's Word contained in The Testament of Truth. Any presumptuous enough to assume that it is their responsibility to intercede between God and any other soul in this matter is controlling others, and all control, by any, is contrary to God's mandate - only be loving.

That a priest through his own past programmed learning and indoctrination makes a decision that the Testament of Truth is unacceptable to him because it purports to supersede the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, is his own personal choice and spiritual decision.

To impose that decision upon his flock, by either withholding The Testament of Truth or condemning it upon the basis of his own prejudices and programming, is a deception posing as virtue.

To decide what is Truth for any other soul is not only control but more deceptively, is an abuse by the dark negative power, based upon the spurious assumption that any other has some God given mandate to decide the fate of the individual soul.

In this case, the priest is an impediment to the individual, God given freedom of choice to accept or reject God's Truth...

It is obvious that "men," be they ministers or otherwise, believe that it is a "man" who will somehow save them at "the end." It is time to hear the truth that it is only in "obedience" to, and "abiding in" the true Word of God, that the requirement of God by "deed," IS the fulfilment by man of God's mandatory command.

Ministerial men of all races and creeds have for so long been "taught" and programmed to "look up to" their elders or superiors for direction, that when "faced" with the uncontaminated wisdom in The Testament of Truth, they are incapable it seems of even reading it, let alone "judging" it for themselves. All seek "mandatory permission" from those "men" above them.

It is time now for each soul, be they the wise or the lost, to personally seek the full truth, and to so do, they must turn away from man and look direct unto God their creator.

God's messenger is again on earth, bringing to all the fresh uncontaminated doctrine from God, as contained in the Holiest Bible "The Testament of Truth."

My God given mandate is to help guide you to this fresh uncontaminated wisdom, so that you can choose, for yourself the Truth of this message. It is time for us all, woman, man, or priest, to no longer follow the masses but remember that we each stand "alone" before God.

The journey of each soul is an individual one.


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(Explanatory Treatise 10)

~ Sex and Truth in relationships ~

Myth & Deceit v/s Fact & Truth

The despair and anguish experienced by men and women concerning the increasing conflict in personal relationships has escalated to such an extent that the irreparable break down of families now stands at  one in four. 

The waves of emotions between couples have become more intensely negative. What commences as a togetherness forged by the positive emotion of love, deteriorates into negative confrontation.

Much emotional and mental turmoil centres around issues stemming from three sources, firstly from programmed beliefs and secondly through the power of "negativity" within being the negative emotions of fear and jealousy that cause mistrust and despair. The third  influence stems from "unseen" mental processes taking place within both parties, influences that can "change" their attitudes, expectations and conscious decisions.

The different programmed beliefs of the individuals in the relationship, as well as their hopes, expectations, dreams, demands and assumptions are all firmly embedded in the individual's thoughts and feelings about what constitutes the standard of acceptable behaviour in a personal relationship.

Despite the fact that families programme their children differently, it is remarkable to observe the frequency with which the issue of control by one party over the other emerges, fairly uniformly as the primary source of conflict in relationships.

The common areas of conflict centre predominantly around the issues of values, beliefs, sex, power and gender-role assumptions. In reality the conflict in these areas stem from a universal "Myth" based on mistaken premise being:

The belief in the right to control the actions of the person with whom we are in a relationship.

Whether the individual attempts to wrest this control through manipulation, power, withdrawal, threat, despair or anger is irrelevant. Whether the conflict centres around power or sex, the central issue is still the reality that one tries to, and does, control the other.

This is brought on through the powerful "demands" of inner negative emotions coupled with the programmed false belief of the individual that one has the inherent right to control another.

The distortion of truth  leading to  beliefs that were enforced to control human sexuality, and therefore marital relationships, are the initial source of this belief in the right to control.    This becomes  evident when we look at the many "Myths and Regulatory Laws" laid down by religions and society in order to impose control of the population.

The prohibitive nature of these religious and secular beliefs together with the differing false interpretations concerning the morality of those beliefs, has led to many "Myths and Regulatory Laws" in the areas of sex and female and male behaviour pertaining thereto.

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Myths or beliefs of many men through false religious teachings.

That men are "deceived" by woman
That men are "seduced" by woman to the detriment of their soul.
The belief that celibacy is a moral virtue
Being male and celibate is a prerequisite for teaching God's holy word.
Abstinence from sexual activity is equated with  Godliness and Purity.
That woman is 'unworthy or worth les then'  in God's eyes.
Woman's monthly menstruation as unclean.
Pre-marital sex as sinful.
Masturbation seen as sinful.
Woman as chattels of men. (Bride price)
Non-virginal 'bride' seen as 'tainted or sullied'.
"Barely clad" women seen as "cheap" and unholy.
A child born of out of wedlock seen as a "bastard"
A widow or divorced woman seen as value-less.
Harlots "used" by men then damned as shameful women.
That the blessing by man is a prerequisite to legalizing  sex.
Sex outside of marriage is sinful.
Sex seen as only for procreation, not for pleasure.
"Unfaithful" wife to be stoned to death.

Each of the above is an error of belief firstly inspired by, and then perpetuated by the Dark.

The common thread running through all these alleged spiritually 'moral 'beliefs is the denigration of women and  the suppression of all forms of sexual pleasure. Encompassing all these regulatory myths is the hidden deceit of the right to control, which is the Darkness in action.

In these distorted beliefs the attribute of "virtue" was given to sexual relationships only if sex was performed according to set rules and regulations. The condemnation of "evil" was applied if individuals took it upon themselves to exercise their God given freedom to love according to the Command of the Light which is to love in the freedom given to those who show of mutual respect towards each other.

The background to all the various deceptions concerning sexuality lies in the understanding that the Dark gave "man" many seemingly virtuous reasons to deny the call of the Light to "Only Love" while "convincing" man that the "reasons" it gave were God given. The consequence is that mankind today is unable to "see" the negativity expressed by them  through their belief in this right to control. 

The most salient example of how our programming influences our actions today is detected when we look at the "conjugal rights" clause of the Marriage Act and see to what extent it still controls our actions towards each other.

With the imposition of this act, the creative act of love, the free giving and sharing between two people, was unknowingly legislated into the "Right to sexual demand" as women were legally identified as part and parcel of their husband's property!  

The freedom to openly give was, with the introduction of the Marriage Act, translated into the right by men to take by force if necessary and control the woman through subjugation. It was this legitimisation of control which introduced the concept a man's Right of dictatorial ownership into the arena of human relationships.

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Through this regulation of the physical act of sex by those self appointed to take care of the spiritual welfare of souls, a false control in the guise of morality was imposed on the physical freedom of love. Through this process mankind became programmed into believing that the only morally acceptable sex is that performed within a legally enacted marriage and therefore exclusively with one partner.

Through these legal processes freedom became bound by a form of control that brought with it the programmed belief in the right of ownership or belonging to by one over the other.  Whenever there is any sanction for one to control another there the negative, manipulative inspiration of the darkness is at work.

We recognise the work of this Darkness in such areas as the control of man in slavery, in the control of despotic Governments over its peoples, denouncing the idea that any human being can legally belong to another, but what we fail to recognise is that same control at work in our personal relationships.

Certainly the turmoil, pain, grief, and misunderstanding between men and women resulting from this programming continues to be evident in relationships today, showing to what extent our minds remain "linked" into past beliefs.

If we allow ourselves to look closely at the programming from moral prohibitions imposed upon the sexual act, we see that what they do is to bind, through negativity, that which is positive -  the freedom of love.

We have now arrived at a point in personal relationships where the positive feelings of love end up in pain or isolation caused by either anger, regret, bitterness or recrimination. The causes of this as well as the answers lie in the realm of Spiritual Truth.

Spiritual Truth in Relationships.

Light is the domain of Love in the world of spirit truth. Love contains all that is positive and free and therefore love permits uncontrolled freedom of expression.

Dark is the domain of pain and suffering caused by control through fear, hatred, jealousy and pride.. Darkness forbids freedom of expression because IT demands the right to control.

We are comprised of physical bodies and spirit and are therefore influenced by both the physical and spirit worlds. Over time, what we have done is largely ignore the influence of spirit on our thoughts, emotions and actions, and instead focused primarily on the physical/material world.

We have for eons attempted to "control through regulation" both our positive and negative emotions. We have utilised various means in this attempt either through the process of socialisation, religious prohibitions, psychological insight or the legal system, yet nothing has been capable of affectively controlling our positive or negative emotions.

All that we have done, because we are still very  ignorant in our understanding of  human emotions, is to allow the perpetuation of deception to grow in this area. This has created confusion, uncertainty and mistrust adding to the negative thought processes that occur in our minds.

What then is the reality of emotions in this situation? Simply, we do have powerful emotions, both positive and negative. These do not just "disappear" because society insists we suppress them through enactments of laws aimed at controlling human emotions.  This becomes  most obvious when we enter the marriage relationship.

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What the man-made laws relating to the physical would have us believe is that the range of human emotions concerning love and attraction will cease because legal or moral rules and regulations have deemed that the laws pertaining to "exclusivity" would make it so !

The reality is that our negative emotions will not permit us to "share." It is these emotions which "insist" on exclusivity to the point where we will use "control" of any kind, to ensure that what we think we "own" or "belongs" to us, is not shared with another.

Spiritually, when we are "free" within of inner negativity (darkness) there will be no feelings of pain or loss when a loved one embraces another and  "shares" the love we believe is exclusively ours to own.  However, as we are not yet "free of negative emotions," we need to understand what is taking place within individuals "in relationship." Due to spiritual processes which are daily intensifying, people in any human  relationship will encounter increasing emotional disturbance from, and through, the "demands" of their own inner, often driven negativity.

This is what The Testament of Truth reveals as the subtle Dark controlling individuals by seducing them into denying the positive freedom of the love of the Light and "shrouding" it with the binding Darkness of all that is negative.

If the Dark is silent infiltration, first to deceive and then to control, divide, isolate and ultimately denigrate love, creativity, and all that is pleasurable in relation to the joyous act of sex, the dark has certainly succeeded in infiltrating this aspect of human relationships.

That our negative emotions continue to drive us in our day to day interaction within personal relationships is evident from the escalation of the war for "control" by men over women and women over men.

Most of us espouse a belief in the goodness of love, love which allows and respects thereby encompassing alternatives, opportunity, understanding, difference and acceptance.

What our negative emotions do not permit us to see or consciously comprehend, is that inherent in love is the freedom to express without restriction. If love is freedom then love cannot be controlled by restrictions either from within or without..

Love is Light, positive and freeing. Control is Dark, negative and binding. These are spiritual realities and as such influence thoughts and emotions which are central to relationship. Through our inner negativity however, we remain more concerned about our 'rights' in relationships than we do about our requirement to only "love" in relationships.

The spirit inspiration from the Light and the spirit influence from the Dark continue to "lock horns" in relationships because it is within close relationship that emotions are at the greatest intensity.

Since feelings are both positive and negative and their intensity draws a like intensity to itself from the spirit world, it is easy to see why the war between love and control is so quickly  ignited in relationships.

As long as we remain blind to the fact  that our negative emotions draw the influence of negative thoughts from spirit realms, we will remain blind to our programmed beliefs concerning our right of control over the person we love. Ultimately this means that positive love in relationships is continually blanketed or smothered by the influence of Dark negativity.

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The Reality of today is that the issue is not whether we have or have not been betrayed by the actions of another but whether we can  personally remain true to the Light and express only love in any situation, no matter what we feel.

It is our inability to do this that increases our own misery because whenever we use the Dark's power to control another we partake of "its" negativity, an act which changes our spiritual natures for the worse. To avoid this change it is imperative that we heed the call of the Light to be loving, forgiving and understanding no matter what the circumstances of our angst.

How the negative cycle manifests

Continued control of each other because of the false beliefs maintaining that if we love someone they "belong" to us, means that through controlling the other  we continue to draw more darkness into our souls.  This control creates a heavier negative vibration within us and that heaviness in turn attracts an added heavy negative spirit energy into our minds. 

When this occurs we can sense a feeling of our minds being subjugated by thoughts beyond our personal control and this is true because the negative spiral of negative control is endless as many couples will readily admit.  People often say that they knew they were going too far but that they just couldn't stop.

What is not understood is that this is due to our continued negative expression rather than the action or in-action of the other. Any act of reprisal, demand or withdrawal for what we feel is a betrayal by the other is  fuel for the fire feeding our own  negative despair. This is the Dark in action.

It is the Dark which cannot give or share anything which we think "belongs" to us and therefore believes in our right to demand our partner be accountable for their actions and when they fail to so do our inner negativity is inflamed. Once we fall prey to the darkness within we lose control as we harass, confront, threaten, accuse and abuse the other -  doing anything but what love commands.

What is the spiritual truth concerning our emotions when we deem our partner to be "unfaithful," unfaithfulness ranging from as little as looking at another, a smile or hand touch or sexual contact. When any of these situation arise our misery and despair stem from:

1. The false beliefs of man

2. Religious teachings and enacted laws

3. Negative emotions within the soul of evolving spirits e.g. Fear, greed, jealousy, pride. These  emotions are the cause of any "pain" felt, they are also causing the absolute "non-acceptance" of the situation.

4. The influence of ancestral spirits within the minds of the human race. Ancestors continue to impose "their" false beliefs, likes, dislikes and telepathic demands upon those of us in the flesh.

5. Pain felt by the aggrieved parties leads to an intensification of the negativity they express.

6. Any negative retaliatory action, or continued feelings of anguish left to run on unchecked, "draws in" more dark energy.

7 All the above is the Darkness in action.

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1. Understanding the full implication of God's command to "only love," as found in The Testament of Truth.

2. Understand that the "real" issue is that darkness wishes to "control" and cannot share and as a consequence any darkness in your soul demands exclusivity in any relationship.

3. Any non-compliance of this in the demand for exclusivity leads the Darkness to "react" either "outwardly" in retaliation as in jealousy, or "inwardly" by withdrawal through hurt. In the former the aggrieved is causing another pain and in the latter they are "suffering" pain.

4. Understand that only in "heaven" at this time are there "clear" spirits, free of sin, capable of sharing and not at any time feeling loss or pain at the actions of their loved one. After the time of tribulation spirits on earth will also be clear ( free of sin).

5. Understand that loved ones  are "free" in God's eyes to intermingle with others in any way and must not be "denied" this freedom by us, whatever we feel.

6. Try and understand the full implications of "thought intrusion" for as thoughts of other spirits intrude into our minds (often referred to as possession), they override our own conscious minds which causes  "compulsive" thought processes. It is these compulsive thoughts  which are used by us but which also  "uses" us to enact out its "directive" resulting in us becoming "puppets on another's string" so to speak.

7. Understand that as "both" parties are presently under greater "stress" from spirit influence mentally, (as are those in spirit from other spirits), as well as from "surfacing" dark emotions within, that there will be a greater "intermingling" of people for many different reasons, both positive and negative. The current increase in the break up of relationships is ample proof of this.

8. As more and more individuals leave relationship more and more others will be subjected to suffering as their emotions intensify.

Given these situations it becomes imperative to know and comply with God's directive from the Light being...

a) Only express love.

b) Fortify and cleanse your mind daily with Light activated in saying the Star prayer.

c) Prepare yourself mentally in advance that it is not for you to reason "why" others are doing things, even if this is causing you pain.

d) Prepare yourself by being "ready" and mentally "alert" to the capacity of your "own" feelings to overpower you in that you are prepared to NOT respond verbally or otherwise if you are subjected to any "uncompromising" situation. Such a situation may be self imposed, or imposed by the actions of others around you, causing you mental/emotional disturbance.

9. Understand that any "control" by you, or interfering in the 'actions' of others, is "darkness in action" through your spirit soul. This inhibits your spiritual release by "adding" to your personal karmic debt.

10. Understand that you are helping yourself AND the other party by:

"Seeing no evil - hearing no evil - and saying nothing unkind"

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People do enjoy exclusive love and some go through life having no need or desire for another. This however is not at issue. The question is would that love have remained true if the other had expressed feelings towards someone else for that is what the Light permits of Love.

There is no question that "loving" unions free of negativity are "exclusive" at the time of intimacy. Too frequently however, this exclusivity becomes  "ownership" with its inherent right to demand and control another.

To avoid this we need to understand that it is only - at the time of sharing - that exclusivity exists in reality because that is what we experience. ...(exclusivity)

It is only at that time of oneness, be it for a moment, hour or longer, in the sharing of words, eye contact, in the engagement of physical entwining that may or may not culminate in the act of sexual union or time together for any reason that each knows that their personal expression of love is, in that moment, exclusive to and with the other.

Sadly, both our programming and our negative emotions can demean the grandeur and joy of those "exclusive" times because our thoughts may insist that, should our partner have shared such moments with another, then our exclusive moments have become devalued and can have no "true" meaning.

Why is it not possible for us to see the obvious deceitfulness of our thoughts at this time ? We have known, experienced and treasured "exclusive moments," yet our thoughts may distort, twist and even demean them, not because they were not real, but because our thoughts  demand that they cannot have "true meaning" if our partner shared a similar experience with another. Is this not tantamount to believing that all joyous loving intimacy experienced between couples become null and void if our partner shares even one moment with another?

We do not realise that all experiences with any are unique and Godly. Any belief contrary to this is a denial of truth and is the ultimate deceit projected by the dark using "its" mental subjugation of "our" thoughts to deny the reality as it was experienced by us!

When we realise that a feeling of love for another is the Light of the Source expressing itself through our inner light, then we can begin to understand that this love never diminishes. What diminishes loving feelings within us are our feelings of sorrow, despair, anger or hurt, negative emotions that inhibit our capacity to feel loves fullness.

In this time of intense negative expression we are all going to be "put on the spot" as those "with us," and we ourselves, may be inspired to do things which will trigger inner negativity with "its" inability to concede to anything.

Love simply loves without "conditions," it is therefore the inspiration from the dark's which places the "condition" of exclusivity of ownership before love may be expressed and therefore when this exclusivity is breached, it is the dark within us that demands we withhold love and take retributive action.

To come then to the reasons "why" people reach out to a third party. This is because circumstances, feelings and thoughts - whether positive or negative - drive them to do so. These thoughts and feelings cannot be denied.

We need to try and  see this and then make the effort to not "deny" or retaliate against a returning loved one whose "time" has been engaged elsewhere since true love does not deny.

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If we "think" we have been betrayed we need to have a little understanding of the fuller implications of the work of both the Light and Dark in our own minds and in the minds of others. If we feel betrayed we also need to remember that God has always demanded of us that we remain merciful and forgiving no matter what another has done.

It needs be said that when one person looks to another for any reason, the one who "feels" excluded must endeavour to not try and investigate "what" is happening. Just BE loving and walk in God's light welcoming a beloved when again they meet.

Remember, it is the capacity of the darkness within us that keeps us "focused" on the doings of the other  whilst keeping "us" blind to what we are doing, and, to what is required of us by God.

It is now the time for each to be a little understanding of the needs of others, accepting that they as we can and do at times "meet" other beings who can and do "trigger" our deepest emotions, emotions to which we may respond.

We must show respect towards others and as we do our deeds will be respected, for what we do to others we really do to ourselves.

It is important for us to remember that our beliefs concerning seduction of the flesh with the false attribute of evil associated with it may keep us blinded to the real danger, the evil we are able to perpetrate when we allow a continuation of the 'seduction of our soul.'  This seduction is the "spiritual blindness" to the truth, a blindness by which we are bound through heeding the thoughts of the deceiver who gives us endless and seemingly virtuous reasons to deny the Light.

The new clear wisdom of God's Word is the bread of life needed today as never before by all who have the opportunity to  spread the truth of how the darkness has infiltrated human relationships to mislead us. It is our ignorance of the dark's deceptive capacity which is the real danger to our souls, not some misguided belief concerning our sexuality.

From reading The Testament of Truth it becomes clear that the dark subtly uses our programmed beliefs to ensure that our negative emotions remain fuelled and perhaps in no other area is it so successful as in the area of the sexual relationship.

Now is the time to clearly "see" that we can live with another in a permanent relationship and love them but we do not own them, they do not belong to us and consequently what they feel and think and "DO" must be respected.

In no way must we seek to control or express any negativity as the result of the actions of any other. When a request is refused and we harass, demand or withdraw emotionally to force acquiescence, we are controlling another. When an expectation becomes a demand it is control and therefore the darkness in action.

The meaning of the word "deny" in relationship does not imply that we cannot refuse a request made of us. A refusal is not a denial, it is the exercise of our freedom of expression. It does imply that we do not deny our partner the freedom to act or express in any way they choose to with others.

If any partner chooses to impose themselves upon us or another after a refusal it is an act of force, an invasion of privacy and is darkness in action through the ignorant and arrogant.

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If we refuse as a part of our desire to  'get even' because of some unacceptable behaviour on the part of our partner, then this refusal is retributive denial,  an unloving act on our part. Be aware as to the 'reasoning' behind any refusal on your part.

The meaning of the words be "only loving" in a relationship does not imply that we must acquiesce to any request made of us, for we have freedom of choice.  What it does imply is that whatever action another takes, we remain only expressing positivity and do not question their actions. Our "expression" needs always be kind and caring.

You hold the destiny of your soul and possibly that of others within your own mind.! Observe your thoughts and intended actions.!! Remember, any negative response to any situation is the darkness in action in a soul. You can try to consciously observe this negative process by the following:

1 -- Constant wasted effort in trying to resolve the conflict.

2 -- Note that the dark wants you to remain focussed on the negative aspects of conflict.

3 -- Remember every reason is given in your mind to continue the feelings of "hurt, disillusionment, despair, anger or fear."

4 -- Remember the Dark does not want  a single past "event" to be laid to rest. (no forgetting or forgiving)

5 -- You cannot "see" that non reason prevails.

It is important for us to understand that there is NO necessity for us to try and reason the actions of another. This is already the dark in its critical and judgmental role.

God says: All you have to do, is to comply to MY Command, YOU personally remain true to Love, no matter what the, "when, where, why or how" of others actions.

God says that Love is the divine force expressed through humanity, it refreshes the mind, body and soul, and that love, expressed through "eye contact, a smile, a touch, or the act of sexual union," is both Godly and good.

Any act of loving expression is the "True Marriage," a Godly marriage which is the "joining" with God through the expression of emotional feelings of Love.

A "Godly marriage" is the time spent together by two loving children of God as they entwine in a mutually consenting loving embrace, be it in  thought, word or deed, for they at this moment share God's grace and consummate God's love, being love in action.

Let those who can "see" understand. One day every sexual embrace will be a "virginal" act, meaning, that only love will be "at play," and no darkness will impede the expression. This is divine virtue.

The freedom "to" love does not imply "free love" with its connotations that any can impose themselves sexually upon another. It is not for any man to reason "why" a woman says no, and therefore for him to "press-on," and by guile "seduce," or by force "take" a lady in God's sight.

Feelings of positive desire or negative lust does not give one "licence" to override another's wishes. This act of arrogance places a heavy karmic load on the man, one for which he will pay in God's time.

The freedom "to love" means, that any two who by mutual consent decide to join in any act together are free to so do, and are not to be hindered by any other. Truly, all now in any form of relationship must learn the word "Respect." Love encompasses kindness, caring and a deep respect of all.

We all now must just walk in God's light in every way, especially in the ways of forgiveness, mercy, and understanding of the differences of "others."..... let us now be kind to all, and but educate and not regulate.

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Sex in present relationships, what is the Truth as seen from above ?

The truth that we here do see is that you spend much time in negativity instead of with love that was meant to embrace men and women of your earthly race.

Much have they twisted and torn, the sexual love that in you is born. From an act that leads you to unite, many withdraw in isolation and fright. All of you who wish to love but all are "tethered" say we from above, for none are free to each other enjoy, all conditioned to the dark employ.

As a moment of intimacy and delight becomes a thing of shame in the night, a moment of pleasure so pure, twisted till none recognise it anymore. Recognise it for what it be, seeing not the joy that sets two free to embrace in the light with no shame left to fight.

Love it be that can beautifully flow, love it be that can you all show a glimpse of the light as you embrace, a glimpse of the gift given by grace.

When two do together with love dance
there the darkness has no chance.



"Contributions by the Spirit of Truth"..

Myth & Deceit v/s Fact & Truth

"It all started with Adam & Eve" said robed "men" who today grieve. For "seduction" is not a matter of "flesh" and this reality upon you I now enmesh.

Seduction is of our inner Spirit Mind by "thoughts" devious and unkind, that give us a valid reason to deceive or deny or destroy in any "season." This "seduction" of the mind does our rational sanity "blind" so we deny the God of light and love, who says "Only Love" from above.

Thus we are seduced and deceived by satanic "thoughts" subtly weaved through time, in the minds of man who controlled all "ladies" as they did "span" this realm from East to West, and only now are humans blest with the rising of the sun, being the "return" of the truthful one. Who says, seduction is not of the flesh, God meant his children to daily "enmesh" and thus closely entwine and satiate feelings of desire and love divine

Only Satan spoke thoughts "distorted" and man believed dark "thoughts" and was thus "thwarted," not seeing the real "danger" within, the "sin," through which Satan did mentally reach "him."

And Satan said in man's mind "Make your sister cry," and through her mind said "Your brother you must now deny." So thus each then did "fall" and suffering does now each heart maul.

So children read on, soon your fuller understanding is won, and you'll be happier each day, heed my message I do say.

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~ Sex & Love & Truth ~

Let the "true" now "see" what is expected of thee "sexually" by our "Parents" above, as well as those of "us" who as yet do not "Only Love." For as the light bearers now "project" the call to "Only Love," others will on this reflect.

Thinking that they are now free to "take" and many a "virgin" callously "break." As they through their vanity "demand" that the "lovers" prove their Mother's command that all now must only love, as "told" by her sacred dove.

So Father now through me does say "It is Mother's TRUTH you express by being loving today. By greeting the lost with a smiling hand and "showing them" the way to the summer land.

By instilling them with the wisdom "wise," and in this, hear not their vain insane cries, that a roll in the "hay" is your proof to them of God's say.

Remember the ways of "man" who wants the "sex" before hearing God's plan, and once the "sex" you give, he is no longer "interested" in how you live, and will no longer tarry to hear Mother's song..

He goes away "thinking" that he is very strong, and his vanity will grow and grow, and it will become 'harder' for him to hear the truth you sow.

So I just want you all to understand, the "showing the way" to the summer land IS by passing on the "deep understanding" of the dark and its under handing, and to also your sweet minds "alert," for all any man can "think of" is how to "flirt."

So to assist the prideful and the vain, it is better that from your "flesh" they abstain. Until in all sincerity they can clearly show thee that by their deed they can and will become free.

And then and only then, can they "humbly" ask if they can share the sweet light emanating from your flask in a very personal way as Mother would have it eternally and a day.

So this is to all "lovers" warn, of the danger to men who are lost and forlorn. If they "believe" that they can anything "make," and even if not "offered," they through vanity can take.

You are here to help them on their road
and ONLY pure truth will ease their load."
The wisdom of the holy word

~ Intimacy ~

Intimacy is when I do you see bared and naked before me, in each and every way and I too share this "say." Thus our "souls" do interweave, naught is "hidden" thus no "deceive," for I hold nothing back as I see "you" on an "open track."

Intimacy means I "care" to you my soul bare because I do you trust, that I trust is a must. For this will release in you your deep inner trust too, and you will then 'open up' and on your "delights" can I sup.

Without feeling any guilt, without us hidden under a quilt, but openly so God can see that we both intimate be. Soon we'll hide nothing away for all "fears" will be washed away, then intimacy fully to the fore and pure "loving" will flow in each door.

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