page 74 ~ Marriage ~ Marriage is a word we "use" that man did upon man diffuse, for a true Godly marriage be a "togetherness" that "open" be. One that is "emotional love" expressed only from the light above between two at a particular time, when together they entwine by thought or vision or sound, or by arms that each other surround. This is the marriage of love "directed" by the light above, and IT can be for a moment of time, or daily or weekly or a lifetime, whatever the "two" do choose. So true marriage is when we don't "abuse," and this marriage can be between any two who later can entwine with others too, IF they each so choose, for in "love" we have naught to lose. So "Infidelity" is a word of man, not a part of God's "marriage" plan. For infidelity in God's eyes does mean that the purity of God's Word you did not glean. So infidelity is but to God's "Word," meaning you yet raise your voice or "Sword," so we must also the "Celibate" bit only to the call "Only Love" also sit. So when we are truly but children of Love we abide in God's Word from above, thus we celibate be, thus we fall not into infidelity. For we "love" in all we do, meaning we are respectful too, and intimate in every way to any we meet each day. With open eyes we them see, with a pure heart we say "I greet thee," and the other does truly know that God's word the other does "Sow." ~ Denial ~ Denial
when we deny a person who does "Cry out " in distress
and their soul must we bless. It is not when we deny to something "give," when the other does try to take our "breath" away because of the truth of our say. Being that we "freely" give of our Compassion and Time so others live in a happier and easier way, this to you all I say. When God says "None deny, be true to me up high" it means just be true and only let Compassion & Mercy through. It does not mean any can "take," it does not mean any can "partake" anything from you, unless they are truly untrue. So if any "demand" with a powerful "command" for any of your time, or even with you to entwine, you decide their "need," you decide if its but lust or greed, you decide what to "give" so their soul does quicker in truth live If they want "more" you can say NO for sure. If they persist with "force" you acquiesce, they their souls "divorce" from our God of love who says "Respect all" from above. So please do not deny me, pass-on God's Light and Truth I bequeath thee. The Spirit of Truth The
Treatise of Truth Over you the
individual "Use" the essence of Light in any positive deed, and pure light fills your soul. It is only because your spirit core within is "Light," that you are able to "receive" positive thoughts from the Source of Light. The Light fills our minds with its loving creative inspirational "transmissions." The Light does not forcefully intrude, but permits you freedom of choice in your actions. It inspires, you choose to act. It only assists you with clear positive direction. "Use" the essence of Dark in any negative deed, and you "supp on" and "draw in" darkness. "If" over time you have "listened" to the telepathic transmissions from the "Serpent" and have "expressed" by word or deed its negativity, you have "energised" the seeds of darkness within you by that deed. It is only because you have "seeds" of darkness within you, (the "sin,") that you are able to "receive" negative thoughts from "It" the Source of Dark, with its hateful destructive demanding "transmissions." It is the capacity of this power which "permits" the seemingly never ending "invasion" of provocative transmissions from the "dark station" to intrude upon your consciousness and "control" you. Once you have "become" a frequent "user" of this Dark "channel," its power within you becomes "absolute," and you are unable to "shut it down." This results in you becoming its enslaved servant, doing its dark bidding to "deceive, abuse and destroy, self or others." The more frequently you use the Dark, the more your divine inner Light is dimmed by it. The more this Light is dimmed, the greater your feelings of despair, frustration, anguish or anger. By allowing negative emotions to intensify, you permit a greater intrusion from the dark into your consciousness, making it easier for you to once again give in to it. In order to halt the ingress of its dark "energy" into your soul, you have to somehow "override" the "intent" of these dark thoughts, and not express their demand through any action on your part. As long as there is even one "speck" of dark energy within you, It the Dark has the capacity to, and will access your mind "telepathically." The Dark also has the capacity to keep you locked into the mode of "negative expression" with such subtleness, that you are consciously unobservant of what you are doing to others or yourself. Only when the power of the Light intensifies every few millions of years, as it is now, is the "essence" of darkness that was drawn into you by your deed, "forced out," by the power of the Light. Only if you "halt" further ingress of darkness within you by "tuning off" its station mentally, are you able to be fully cleansed of darkness. This is only accomplished by building the ARK of the Mind, using the Star of Bethlehem prayer that "exudes" God's Love energy. This Love energy has the capacity to "suppress" the dark thoughts with the power of the Light. This gives you a momentary "space" to reassert and bring forth your own consciousness (think clearly). If you have only "Light" energy within, then your personal consciousness is "tuned in" only to the Source of Light (positive expression). Thus are you IT in action. If you have allowed your dark seeds to be energised by the Dark, then you gave "It" the power to "override" your personal positive consciousness. Once so empowered by you, the Dark" imposes" its "thought" upon you at will. Thus are you IT in action. Depending upon the present "volume" of both Light and Dark energy within you, as well as your "mental programming," you will have to use your "reasoning" powers to a greater or lesser degree to maintain the "capacity" to not only "observe" your deeds, but to be able to halt any negative expression through you. That both Light and Dark energy exist eternally is the truth. Both being the Source, and both being indestructible. Do not try and destroy darkness or others bound by it, if you try, you personally are being "used by" IT, and are thus IT in action, and IT will one day destroy you. Only in heeding the wisdom now flowing forth from the Source of Light will any soul "make it" to the promised land. Our spirit soul over time "forms" its "own" unique individual consciousness. Within and through this consciousness, we can "think and reason," thereby giving us the capacity to Act. Through our divine core of Light the Source gives us positive inspiration but does not "intrude" on our freedom of choice or decision. Conversely, through our "seeds" of negativity, the Dark Source intrudes constantly and leaves us no peace. It has an insatiable need to fulfil its purpose. In this it is indefatigable and unremitting in its demand for vengeance through dissension, disunity, isolation and destruction. The darkness eternally attempts to overpower your inner consciousness in order to gain strength within you, to ultimately draw you away from the Light into its domain that is filled with abject despair. There is no past memory, hurt, injustice, abuse or situation with which the darkness is not familiar. It creates situations through which "its" feelings of vulnerability, despair, hopelessness, futility or absolute disgust flow through you, as it attempts to "tempt" you into denying the call of "stay true to love." If you are foolish enough to permit the dark to "play" in your mind with "its" thoughts, it will twist your heart in an instant. All that is beautiful and joyful will become distorted into a grotesque parody of all, that only a moment before, you found joyful. It will toy with you, and gloat at your despair and confusion, belittling you in your attempts to stay calm and loving. Even in these moments of inner struggle, it can taunt you with its knowledge that can make you "sup on it" and retaliate, for you are not yet "pure love." Before it totally overpowers you, use your God given "reason" to heed the call of the Light. Only by so doing will you halt the ingress of darkness into your soul. The moment you give in to "it" you increase your own inner negativity. Once it has gained "power" within you, you no longer have the "choice" to override its "demands" of you. Remember, the moment you abuse another, you have "lost" your divine right to live, love, and enjoy freedom, until, you have "paid your dues." You will Reap what you do Sow. ~ The 'exclusive' experience ~ One "experiences" no "exclusivity" if "within" is any negativity, for through "it" the dark flow in thoughts from the "shark" with its "other" demand, being "criticism or reprimand," that what "one" or the "other" does do, is in "some way" untrue. So to love exclusively one needs to within be of sin free, thus one's "partner" one can "see" and "be with" exclusively. Wondering not what went on "before" they entered your door, you accept them for what they "be," seeing only them exclusively. Which as said you can only "do" if your mind is clear and true. Truly full of inner peace of mind with no troubled thoughts to you bind, and you cannot be "at peace" within ever, until free of inner sin, and the sooner this you "see" the sooner released of sin you'll be. "As one" with the Light, your mind clear and sealed up tight with no intrusion from the dark knight., an "exclusive" relationship with the God of Light. God's ask that daily we from 'our' past move ON. This means that any "relationship" we had yesterday is past, and a new one in the present today is daily begun. That is the fact of the matter. So a personal "friendship" relationship, or "loving" relationship is at this present moment of time and we have our own personal feelings & memories too of any past time when to God we were true to any other. Never allow "painful" memories from the past to intrude upon the present moment or you will be unable to remain "silent," and if you "speak" for "it" the dark retributive one your own sanity falls undone. No person is ever in any way a "spare" part to any others "life." We are all individuals even though some are called husband or wife. To be lovingly true means; "Whatever the past, in the present moment you only let positivity flow through." ~ The 'overriding' Factor ~ There is an overriding factor that is PURE FACT, that every "dark" thought is by the "Devil" backed, and IT being the "Power and Force" can any "recipient" of IT from reason and sanity divorce. And this Force does never "slow" until the recipient gets to "Hear" and "Sow" the reality of "Its" other side, heaven where only the Pure abide. Those who only heed "pure" thought, not the "ones" from the darkness fraught with living danger to any who "heed" the call of the Serpents seed. So on this pure FACT please sup, for only when you me heed are you lifted UP. All
are arrogant before they "fall" For into the Lions "pit" they cannot see, this is why so may "pure arrogance" be. They falsely believe that they can personally DENY God's Command to "Only Love" from the sky. ~ Why are you not in heaven ~ Some do ask "How and why we 'fall' from the Light, and suffer in misery away from God's sight. How is it that we fall down 'below' if the pure Light of Heaven we once did know."? Please dear Mother of all, tell me this truth so all can it see. "Son, out of My womb do I all children express, but Father's seeds did He in my womb impress, thus my children are of Light and Dark, for Father is the dark, the negative spark. And I the Mother AM the Light, the positive spark that shines so bright that Father's face that you did see was lit by the brilliance of light that I BE. So all children are expressed out of me into the next level of divinity, one that is not in my sight. You see me not, but I see all with my light, and within you the seeds of darkness grow when my call to 'Only Love' you do not Sow, thus the darkness grows larger within, as you give in to the inner sin. And truly, your journey can be far and wide, an eternity or two before you sit beside us in the level above having been cleansed of sin by expressing only love. And once the ultimate heaven you get to know, where only purity exists and pure love does flow, can your soul decide to go to earth and teach all of the time of no mirth. Thus any spirit not in my sight can incarnate into flesh as day turns to night, endlessly, until they do learn that they suffer because others they burn. And as for the others as you from the Light, who walk on earth with me not in their sight, Father too does burden their rose with dark seeds so HE can impose his negative thoughts upon their 'will,' so their earth consciousness can feel the 'spill,' the pain and suffering that ceaseless be, until all heed ME through thee. For only from suffering will any be compassionate, for to suffering can they relate. Tell all to now but heed your Word, all heeding not, fall to Father's sword." ~ The 'Impunity' of God ~ It is God who reigns above expressing naught but Love. It is God who Reigns "below" and in the "guise" of a serpent does "bestow" suffering on all who do not heed the call to make none bleed. So the power of God is ONE, say I the son of the Sun. And with impunity does our God reign, holding all foolish sinners in disdain, and this is what you needs see, before "God" sets you free to roam in the heavens above "as" God, only expressing pure love. But if you go "below" then the other reality you get to know, that you have no love to express for the darkness does itself upon you impress. Because you could not let others freely live, and "flack" to them you did "give," because the Serpent did you deceive saying "With impunity "you" can make others grieve," and at the very same "time" using you to soil your hands with its grime. Knowing full well "your" impunity against its "spell," for it has the power of God against any arrogant who in the universe plod. So as said, hold not God in disdain, if you do you are very vain. So please now try and "see" that the serpent inspired by God be. And "brilliant" is its disguise, and "brilliantly" is it very wise as it cunningly uses every which way to entrap you so for your past you pay. And also it does you "seduce" as it uses your vanity to others abuse, for in truth, its intent is to you "crush" and turn you into pulp and bloody mush for being so arrogant and untrue to the Source who created you. For the Source said: "Those who let not others in freedom live, their freedom to roam I cannot give" So sisters and brothers "try" and be wise, and open a little your eyes to the nastiness flowing through thee. For it "Is" the Serpent that hides itself cunningly, and as you its filth do use, your own soul you silently abuse. For you see not the darkness you "draw in" when you abuse others through the arrogance of your sin, and little by little you "darker" become within, until the Serpent its "battle of impunity" it has won. For as you "pass over" it draws you "down" to its Lair and you forever frown. This IT does with impunity, for IT within you, you cannot see, for "darkness" is its disguise, invisible to your foolish eyes. As in the "dark" you cannot see what is being expressed through thee, so listen now to my "bell" its tolling saying you are on the way to hell. And this I'd have you know before you that way GO. Treat God not with arrogant "impunity," for with true impunity God sees and destroys thee. Show God now your deep inner grace if one day you'd see Gods face, the One shining in the Light, not the One bearing a mace in the Night. ~ God in action ~ God can anything do, be it true or untrue. God says: "I the Source be, thus My essence flows free. Be it the light or the dark, the love or the "shark." Thus you and all must see how "as God" we also be. Thus we too can "express" the criticism, or the love that does "bless" all upon whom it does fall, both the "short" and the "tall." God says: As I can anything do, it is not your business what I do, other than shower upon Me love, as is asked by your Mother above. And as you are as I, meaning, you are free to fall or fly, no one must you judge or condemn, except My sacred pen, that is ME showing you how you permit Me through. So that you can try and see whether Light or Dark flows through thee. And also, if any other sister or brother is loving, mean, or untrue, IT has nothing to do with you, for they are expressing ME, the Source that none of you can see, and they are free to so do, as said, being true or untrue. You must just endeavour to be the LIGHT in action, or you will FIGHT if in any way you disapprove of the way I do move, as I "move" through another soul whom in front of you does stroll. Can you now see what it is expected of thee, to only My actions observe, as I through all do "swerve." It is your own action that you take, that you needs control with a brake, if in any way you do see that My darkness flows through thee. For if My darkness you use, your freedom to "fly" you do lose. So for any of you who can read, let My wisdom your "consciousness" seed. ONLY express Love I say to you, give me no chance through you to say that the other is untrue. For I AM true, whatever I do. But you to self are untrue if I THE Dark flow through. For My demand is that I you reprimand if to My LIGHT you are untrue by allowing My dark through. Be loving, be kind, or for eternity will I you bind, for My Light is within each of you, and I destroy all who show disrespect to the love so true in those who stand before you." ~ The God within ~ I AM the God within, thus I know when you "sin." Thus I know when you love, as asked by your Mother above. For your essence is a part of ME, vibrating on all levels of frequency, of which I AM a part, thus I say, make a fresh start. For I demand that you love as is asked by your Mother above, for when you any abuse, upon ME do you darkness diffuse. And I AM God, not a toy. It is thus that I do destroy any whom would ME abuse, upon them do I MY darkness diffuse via the hand of another ignorant sister or brother. Thus I now say, only express love forever and a day. For I AM who I AM, this you needs see, and your spirit energy is a part of ME. Thus does a "bit" of God within you abide, thus be respectful to ME in others as you stride. For I AM HE, your Father of invincibility. To ME and your Mother be true, or I will destroy you. You are a bit of your Mother too, for SHE is the Light, eternally true. So your light within is pure and free of sin. And oneday when of sin you are free, then only Mother's essence is within thee. Then you can only express love, and then you can abide above. For then I am happy to see your face, free of darkness that is a disgrace, and then to me you are fully true, for as asked, you only let love through. So children, until that day, heed MY pen that does sway, for IT is guided by ME, your Mother and Father you cannot see." LIGHT Energy - DARK Energy The Light's
expressiveness - The Dark's Possessiveness Light
forth through all in its sight - in its sight is
the dark night It the
dark owns all the light that there be If
you as
an individual stand in its way If you
allow the light to flow freely through thee Thus
dark will let you go BUT -- the dark deceiver uses LOVE as its ploy, it uses love to you destroy, saying: "IF you love ME, I demand total possession of thee. IF you at another look, then of my love are you forsook and I will you destroy, because with another you "toy." I
demand all your love AND -- IF your love you cannot share, that is how I you snare. Can you now see what I say to thee. IF all your love comes my way, then for your own soul you needs pray, for it means: "You another deny," and I then make you cry. For if you deny, you deny the LIGHT, the Light I behold in my sight, and I must you then destroy because denial IS my deploy. I cannot stand seeing any darkness in my sight, it obscures the beautiful light, thus I drag you down, thus you more frown, for I would not see you standing between the light and me. If I totally possess you, I am "happy" that you are untrue to another sister or brother, whom you'd "take" as a "lover," but, "that" is the only way you heed your Mother today, so in heeding Her, you become free, free of "possession" by me, the LORD of the Sword, for the Truth of "loving" you have heard. Then,
only then, your love "unconditional" be, What I have written is written for humanity. It is written to set each soul free, not "free" from each other, but free to be a lover, meaning, "free to help others who cry," not meaning, "free to their 'love' deny." A "lover" means: A kind soul of the light. Only when you can "impartially" it see, do you "follow me" your Mother of Light above who daily inspires her dove, "Unconditionally," he does say "Must Mother's love flow your way, 'It' you must be, before of the dark are you free." I the True Light speak ~~~
The naked reality The "Light"
within you seeks to smile and be loving and kind unto all. When in "togetherness" with any you lovingly entwine, the dark for a 'moment' cannot on your soul dine. But as soon as you then stand apart, the dark begins its "commands" start. For if you to any 'other' do any light give, it the dark within the 'principle' lover becomes unhappy that it did/does not get all your light and thus it can never you forgive. It matters not then if you do only to the 'principle' love your love light give. It matters not that no other ever comes your way again. It matters not that you never again say a kind word to any who pass your way, for it the dark will not and cannot forget or forgive that way back in the past you gave a little light away so that "another" could happier live. Once this "reality" you do see then you must try hard to of its "unforgiveness" set yourself free so that you personally never become an 'unforgiving' one. This you can only do if its "lack" within you you confront and say to yourself: "If my friend or lover or companion does want or need to her/his love seed with any other then I shall bless them each day and aid them to share their light with each other and me every day." This way the dark cannot "set you apart" and isolate you, for that is all it needs to do to be true to its "selfishness." Once you relinquish "ownership" of any other but still love them unconditionally, then and only then of darkness do you set yourself free. Its power over you or you is that it can stop your love for another flowing through. Then it uses you to become unwise and then you despise the others actions or them criticise, and this act to the dark itself is untrue and thus deeper it binds you. If you love "someone" then let your love be unconditional. Only let your light be seen by them. Send all "feelings" of dread back to Satan's den by heeding this call from God's sacred pen. This way you will be set free of 'dreadful' feelings within thee and true happiness will flow through thee. ~~~
~ Undying Love ~
"Undying love is created by ME. I demand ALL the love that be flowing forth from the realms above, out of the heart of your Mother of Love. Undying love is My Demand, undying love is Mother's Command, any who "less than" love give deserve to die and shall not live. It is I to them destroy, it is I who does them employ in a devious dark way because they believe not My "Say." Thus they their Creator deny, thus I the Creator make them cry, thus their emotions do pall because "within" they begin to "fall." Deeper into My "sight," deeper into the dark night, deeper into the place where all wield a heavy mace. Give NOW your undying love to ME, or you WILL be lost for an eternity. This is what I your Father do say as MY sacred pen on earth does sway." ~~~
~ Letter to Clemencia ~ My thanks to you a soul kind and true, that you the truth see, and with compassion and courage face society. May your "direction" and deep inner "reflection" many other "light bearers" inspire, and uplift the needy higher and higher. Truly blessed shall each be who follow the path set by thee, to the truth sincerely seek, showing God they are truly meek. Only those who the "Word" read, will know the "intensity" the Light does seed, for thoughts begin to "slow" as insanity does daily "grow." And the "deed" is the "seed" of the "read" done by each in their "time," only then with the Truth can they "entwine." As each the Truth can "see," in each is their Divine Light "set free" and their inner flower does "unfold" and they too for God become bold. So as we now
light the way, all for courage needs pray, The Spirit of Truth.