Page 31 What are the realities pertaining to God’s energy?
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![]() What are the true principles to live by? Having arrived here let me now turn to the basic principles of my understanding of God’s requirement of us. These principles are set out as follows: Bow in submission to God and His command. This implies;
Remain within the bounds of the Positive aspect of God’s Law so that you always accrue a positive and beneficent spiritual return - being the ‘karmic’ Tribute due from God that is joyful, peaceful and loving. Never enslave others nor tax them, and only condone, support or fund positive and beneficial community effort. Raise up guidelines for codes of conduct that will assist people to help themselves, so for example if you are a ‘builder’ you will give of your wisdom as guidelines only, but you never force others to conform to them, for anyone can live in a leaky ‘hut’ if they so choose to. Be caring to everyone, and if you are ever confronted then remain at ‘peace’ and never respond in a negative manner either verbally or physically. An enlightened person understands that those who are vindictive, cruel, merciless or warlike are simply the ignorant bound within themselves by God’s dark energy or they have been misled by their superiors. Whatever the case they need good counsel and redirection that you show by your own positive deeds. If another abuses you then ‘turn the other cheek’ and remain meek and do not retaliate. In this way you suffer your ‘karmic’ dues to God as dealt out to you via the as yet vain, arrogant or ignorant person doing the abusing. When turning the other cheek you are becoming free spiritually, for in non-retaliation you are accruing no further painful karmic dues. Finally, maintain respect for others, and do not interfere in their life - only offer good counsel if you perceive the other straying from the True Path.
![]() Why are we here on Earth and what is Suffering really about? Earth is seen as a place where our spirits can incarnate to facilitate the opportunity for us to learn. This learning is predominantly about universal truths that have been known for millennium. These truths are simply as follows:
Earth is the only place where individuals with varying energy frequencies can mix together. On other levels of consciousness other than earth all individuals on any given level have the same vibration of energy as each other. When I refer to ‘levels’ I am limited by language but what I am attempting to explain is that on earth, no two people hum at the same vibration of energy but, on other levels of consciousness outside of the pure Light, all the souls on any one given level of consciousness, hum at the same level of inner energy frequency. As you can imagine this ‘sameness,’ particularly when we are talking about negative energy, does nothing to facilitate learning, because all people at that given level vibrate at the same energy frequency. The consequence of this is that no one can learn any ‘fresh’ truth and all are bound in their ignorant state, and they are quite unable to see the error of their way because all are justified in doing what they ‘negatively’ do. The situations within which individual spirits find themselves on their eternal journey is God determined, but all spirits, no matter at what level of energy they exist, contain within them unique qualities of energy in varying degrees on both the positive or negative scale until they become finally purified and released from dark energy within. This happens when they ‘bow’ to and conform to God’s Command. Page 35 Earth is conceived of as the place where souls can mix freely with other individuals whose energy may be predominantly positive or predominantly negative or anywhere in between because their spirits have incarnated from many different levels of consciousness. As a rule of thumb we have varying degrees of positive and negative energy but the ascendancy of one over the other is always a direct consequence of our own actions. The negative action of others imposed upon us is simply the consequential cause of our suffering, but the increase in negative energy within our own souls is the direct result of our own negative interaction. While others may do things that we don’t like or don’t want them to do; while we may feel loss, sorrow, pain or fear at their action, it is always only our negative response to any situation that increases the volume of negative energy within us. We do not feel any pain that we have not earned as a consequence of using negative energy therefore, it doesn’t matters from whose hands we receive the pain, or by what process that pain is delivered, whether from friend or foe, because the pain we feel is always only God’s Justice in action meted out according to the energy we used when causing some other to feel pain. What does increase our feelings of despair and fear is the negative energy we use in our reactions when God’s just process is being administered in our lives. If, when we are experiencing pain, we presume to have a right to retaliate, we will remain on the eternal cycle of suffering because that retaliation, that action, is the very thing that will create part of our future suffering. In this way what we do to others is what we ultimately do to ourselves and, as already highlighted, it is not the positive things we do that need our focus because our pain comes only through our negative actions. Our positive actions draw all the positive love, joy, peace and fulfillment into our being and we feel ourselves blest, happy and content. Also when we are mostly positive we are more able to resist the temptation to retaliate if we find ourselves under some form of abuse or attack. However, if we live predominantly utilizing negative energy we find ourselves constantly thinking negative thoughts either about ourselves or others. These thoughts inevitably lead to fear frustration and anger because the energy we are using to keep these thoughts going is dark energy, and dark energy must always attract dark energy to itself just as light energy must always attract Light energy to the user of either. Page 36 Once I make the choice to let negative thoughts roam in my mind at will, either because I am upset with someone or for a multitude of other reasons, I end up either denigrating myself with down-putting self talk or focusing all my negative energy towards others by pointing out their faults. When this cycle is completed I have clouded the light within my soul with exactly the amount of dark energy I used whether the process that triggered me to use it was continued negative thought, a spoken word or a negative action. We just have to remember that the more negative energy we use in our thoughts, feelings and actions the more absent our light energy feels because the light energy is covered over with something like a very dark screen, one that does not allow our inner Light to shine through it. Here it is important to grasp that the energy we use does not cease to exist, neither does it change form as it remains the ‘type’ of energy we used. If the energy we use is positive it will be accounted for by us receiving positive feelings and if negative it will be accounted for by us receiving negative feelings! Just as the dark energy is increased in our souls with as much dark energy as we have used, so too is the light energy increased in our souls with as much light energy as we have used. The thing we need to take hold of is that nothing we believe or do takes us away from the reality that the ‘energy of’ God does hold us accountable for the energy we use in our interaction with others. God‘s energy judges us according to His Law by returning like for like, pain and suffering for pain and suffering, happiness and joy for forgiveness and love. God’s outpouring Light energy saves us, but its ‘grace’ that purges the darkness out of us can only ‘complete’ this action if we stop drawing more darkness in through negative interaction. How we interact with others and how we feel will always be a reflection, an indication, of which end of the energy spectrum we are utilizing most frequently Page 37 The greatest danger of our use of dark energy is that in so doing we are contaminating our soul with IT and ultimately we become a ‘full’ part of IT and then our spirit will exist eternally in that ‘spectrum’ of darkness. We show God our arrogance by defying Him because by so doing we presume to act as if we are God, and that presumption immediately marks us as a soul who is now subject ‘to’ the Dark and a subject ‘of’ the Dark. What this means is that we have opened ourselves to being seduced by the Dark to be used by and to thus use the dark again and again. An example of this can be seen at those times when we have been offended or hurt in some way. We start off by feeling the hurt of just that single action, that hurtful word or that emotionally careless response to a deep need of ours or some other injustice. Why things don’t just stay with that one single event is what we need to understand, being that our mind gets ‘carried away’ by the Dark, and what occurs is that instead of a hurt being the one just felt it becomes a litany of past hurts that travel, with the speed of thought, to numerous ‘memories’ for which we now hold the other to account. When that ‘cloud’ of venomous memories, seemingly appearing out of nowhere lifts, when we can think rationally again, we wonder where all that emotion came from more particularly since we then become aware of how ‘over-the-top’ our reaction to the initial stimulus was! Understanding this phenomenon gives us vast insight when trying to grasp the implication of the fact that, where we draw our energy from not only directs the outcome of our thoughts, feelings and action - positively or negatively - but it also results in the same energy returning to us via others and, in direct proportion to the amount of the energy we used in any ‘responsive’ interaction. In the example given above we need to understand that the energy rising in us when a hurt is ‘triggered’, is the energy we used to keep that hurt alive when we allowed it to be ‘triggered’ by our thoughts. All those times when we spent thinking over and over the things pertaining to the hurt or disappointment of the past will ensure that these thoughts:-
Page 38 Times like these are when we become the Dark in action not just because we presume to mete out God’s just judgment, but because now we have allowed ourselves to be seduced into being God’s retaliatory arm in action. In our hands God’s Justice becomes a weapon against ourselves because by using God’s energy to judge we shape our future suffering! When the dark feelings within us presume to lock horns with God’s just judging force we are overcome with feelings of ‘justifiable’ negativity that are hard to shed. More of the same always leads to more of the same. The simple but difficult truth is that the moment we presume to use judgments of any kind we appropriate God’s domain, the Just Justice. For only the source/God is capable of utilizing the Dark for the purpose of Its existence, which is Righteous Retribution, without IT suffering any consequence. Once used by us this energy multiplies within us, because it grows within us and the more we use it the easier it becomes to use and, nothing is surer than when the negative energy returns to be felt as Karma, and the dark will give us absolutely "just" reasons to use it again and again, thereby feeding the negative spiral of despair. The emphasis on understanding the negative energy we use is very important, because we all daily use it without even being aware that this is what we are doing or that what we are doing shapes future feelings, thoughts and actions. Knowing the energy we use is the energy we are going to feel in the future will surely make us more vigilant about ensuring a peaceful and loving future but, only if we use no more negative energy. Knowing that if we cause pain to another child of God matters not what way we do that, whether by cruel or nasty words or by wounding deeds or physical harm, leads to us having to feel the same measure of pain; knowing that must surely start to make a difference to the way we think about the true meaning of forgiveness.
![]() God’s Law is absolute, without exception, without negotiation – what you do to others you do to yourself, because you must get back that which you give out. That is the 'Karmic' Law of 'return.' To make an understanding of the Law of Karma more unambiguous we need to understand the following rather difficult realities:
![]() How Negative Energy works in our Lives When negative thoughts flow in our minds we are automatically filled with hurtful and vengeful memories, a ‘remembering’ often from so long ago that sometimes we feel as if we are not in our right minds as we hurl abuse at someone for things that happened so long ago that the other has genuinely forgotten them. At these times we are quite incapable of letting go of hurtful memories from past events as we find ourselves in the grip of a flow of negative energy that drains us and makes us quite incapable of putting a halt to this madness. The reason this occurs is that we allowed ourselves to swim in the ‘darkness’ of those memories, usually because of some reminder from an event in the present which sets us on the pathway of ‘remembrance!’ As soon as we allow ourselves to indulge in recalling past hurts we begin to feed the actual hurtful deed by recalling all prior negative deeds. As we do this our negative energy is vibrating and linking to greater depths in the dark energy essence. Because there are millions of lost souls not in the ultimate light but on different levels of consciousness where the particular vibration of your negative energy predominates, this soul or those souls hook into the wave length of your negative vibration and whammy… before you know it your thoughts are racing at a million miles per second. These souls want to attach themselves to you because they believe they can assist you to ‘sort’ things out by helping you to remember everything pertinent to the current misunderstanding. The problem is that in recalling everything from the past we are assisted in putting together a magnificent case in defence of our negative ‘action’ or reaction to an event, full justification for behaviour even you are not comfortable with it! This is the reason why an initially small negative encounter with a dear one or a friend in the present blows out of all proportion into an episode of destructive vilification of the past. Page 41 I trust you may come to understand that when we go over and over past hurts in our minds, the vibrations of the feelings accompanying those ‘thoughts’ attract the negative energy of all those souls linking in, concurrently feeling the feelings we are experiencing, to come and join us in our misery. The more other spirits link in, the more their participation brings about more suffering to them within God’s Law, for their imposition of dark thoughts into our mind is an ‘imposition’ and ‘control’ of our actions. Of course the stronger our negative emotions ‘hum,’ the greater the increase in our memories of past hurts will be and also the greater our negative response! The outcome is inevitable - deep feelings of despair followed by an anger that leads to a desire to make the other suffer for what they are ‘supposed’ to have done. This is the revenge the dark tempts us to seek, in the first instance because we have failed to obey God’s Command – "Remain peaceful, loving and forgiving no matter who is doing what to you," and secondly, because in letting our thoughts roam through the cesspit of negative memories we have not only fed our minds on negative thoughts, but we have facilitated more negative Karma for those souls who think they have been assisting us if we act on those thoughts. Because our emotions link us with souls who are drawn to our particular level of emotional vibration, it is our role to assist those souls as we become aware of what is actually happening. Just as you are now reading this information so too are the souls linked to you, that is why it is important to treat those souls with respect and to invite them to learn the truth of what is now happening to them. In the past the way we dealt with lost souls, demons or spirits was to have them ‘exorcised,’ usually meaning that they were dammed to hell! This is a negative thing to do to souls of God’s creation. The souls linked to you are there because they need your help but, to give them this help, you first need to let them know that you want no more negative ‘inspiration’ from them because all of us only need positive inspiration from the Light of God. What you can do is show them by your example that, no matter what anyone is doing to you, no matter how negative you feel, you are not going to give in to those thoughts but will instead show God, and them, that you are serious about obeying the Command to remain loving and forgiving no matter what the circumstance. Page 42 All of us need to show these souls that we are fully aware of God’s One Law and therefore we don’t intend to place ourselves under the Dark, punitive aspect of that Law by failing to control thought memories of past wrongs because, that would mean we are failing to live the Command in action – putting a halt to any negative expression by being loving and forgiving. ** **( Read - The 'STAR' Prayer to assist
yourself and other spirits to halt the intrusion of negative thought
into your mind) The reason why we respond almost automatically in a negative way to feeling ‘put out’ by someone is due to the fact that, all of us make the same mistake of going over and over again in our minds trying to reason the negative feelings away". If only I understood, if only I knew why"… we cry! - but the more we probe the more those negative feelings that are already rising in us are being fed with more negativity!. When we are experiencing our Karmic process under God’s direction we need to keep negative thoughts firmly in check. Discussion, no matter how well meaning really does lead to a great deal more fuss as often in the heat of such discussion we say much more than we meant to. Another thing that is universal to mankind is that when we are hurt we want the other person to know how deeply they have wounded us, we need them to understand what they have done, and often insist that they acknowledge how wrong their behaviour has been. The problem with these desires is that another person can never feel what you feel, and certainly not when they are being accused of causing your anguish because such accusation either leads them to counter-accuse or to defend their actions, both being actions that usually set you off again! The desire to have another understand how their actions wound you also flies in the face of God’s requirement which is to accept that, if we did not need to feel what we are feeling we would not be feeling it!! Page 43 In a nut shell we are feeling what God in his infinitely Just Judgment knows we must feel if He is to fulfill His one Law "What you put out to others will come back to you - What you Sow you will Reap." If we remain unable to stop believing that if only we could make the other person see events as we feel them then all would be well, we become lost because the only person we need to focus on is us. Equally, the only thoughts we need to focus on is what God requires of us in any given moment of stress, fear, uncertainty or hurt. Even if the other person is way out of line, even guilty - just remember that all of us have to feel the exact depth of feelings our actions have caused others to feel but, whatever the person in front of you has to feel is not your business. Your business is your reaction to what I term "God’s Time," the time when your Karmic due is being felt by you because in that moment you have one of two choices – either you bow your head knowing it is God ordained that you feel what you are feeling or - you decide it is more important to make the other person responsible by making them pay for what they have done. Once you do the latter you not only lose the opportunity to pay a karmic debt but, by retaliating, you take more dark energy into yourself and thereby create more future suffering for yourself.
![]() Punishment by Secular or Religious Systems of Belief – A Direct Contravention of God’s Command All nations have a system of rules with the power to enforce these rules through legal systems. These rules are seen as ‘good, righteous and always for the good of the people.’ When individuals do not comply with the rules violence takes the form of denying freedom through incarceration. No one seems interested in discussing what the negative consequences of incarceration, prisoner to prisoners violence, rape, drug addiction or system abuse does to the emotional state of the ‘incarcerated’. These ‘side-effects ’to our legal processes of punishment of offenders are surely not interpretable as for anyone’s good! If we accept that there is a God we need to ask "How" does God view the violent act via the ‘stroke’ of a judicial or magisterial pen when that pen leads to the incarceration of offenders whether for theft, abuse or a traffic offence? Does God really see this as a kind, loving or caring act to redeem, or as a gross presumption? If there is a Command to ‘forgive’ and we ‘punish,’ if God has said in many ways that He alone is the only Judge, and we continue to judge, then we are walking in error. What we need to come to terms with is that things are very wrong in our man-made systems, and that what daily occurs in ‘our name’ when the legal system of our nation is enforced, is something that God holds us personally accountable for. While we all think that the ‘crime’ the offender has committed is the reason the person is before the local magistrate, God knows exactly why that offender is there and often God’s reason has nothing to do with a breach of the laws of man. When we hear of the disparity between sentences meted out in our courts for offences that are similar in nature, but whose outcomes are so different, we are often outraged. We can see this disparity as unjust but what we can’t see is that it is God who decides when any of us will pay our Karmic debt under His Law "As you do will be done unto you," and it is God who also decides in what manner that Justice will be delivered. So when an offender comes before a man-made system of justice it is because God has determined it is time for that offender to pay a ‘karmic’ debt under God’s Law that may have nothing to do with the ‘case’ at hand. Next time you feel that the perpetrator of a crime is not being punished in accordance with what they have done, remember that the system of justice put in place by man is just being used by God as a method of dealing with His Karmic process. The sad thing is not whether we understand why one person is judged more harshly than another for the same ‘crime,’ but that the thousands of people, employed by our taxes to deal with punishment on our behalf, are being used by the Dark to foolishly carry out God’s judgment. Another reality is that when they do this work on our behalf, we are not exempt from the ‘Karma’ their negative deeds attract. The judiciary and their staff naturally believe that their system of judgment is just and therefore cannot accept that the moment man presumes to ‘judge’ any of God’s children they put themselves under God’s Law, and by so doing set into motion their own future suffering - the same negative feelings that they imposed on the offenders they condemned to punishment which must be felt my them. Page 45 To date I have found no one willing to see even the possibility that the people in the legal system are being ‘used’ by the Dark Judging side of God, and that when they act out that judgment, because they are acting on our behalf, it is not only they but also we who become subject to God’s Law of retribution. Where do we personally fit in this quagmire of ‘judicial’ retribution carried out on our behalf? Firstly, if there is a war being fought by our nation and we have supported that war or enabled it through finances garnered via taxes, we are right on the front line! This is simply due to the fact that when we continue to pay the wages to create a war machine we place ourselves under God’s Law and must therefore feel the pain that has been inflicted on others because our financial assistance facilitates the warring process. In summary, if we continue to support a political and legal system where we ‘hire’ others such as politicians, police, lawyers, magistrates or judges to mete out punishment on our behalf, then we are not exonerated from the consequences of the punitive actions these people impose because they are employed by us! Offenders need to be educated not incarcerated about what they are doing to themselves when they presume to transgress against one of God’s children. For this they may need to attend seminars to learn about the reality of Karma, that what they do to others comes back to them and that this is God’s Law, a law that comes into action if they have failed to obey the Command of peace, compassion, forgiveness and love.
![]() God’s view of the Personal Retribution We impose on Others One of the most difficult forms of retribution to come to grips with are the daily acts of criticism and judgments we condone in ourselves because we justify them as – ‘caring enough to put others right’ – or, because we see it as being for the person’s ‘ own good’ – or because we want to ‘educate’ others about the error of their ways’! These acts are no more exempt under God’s Law than the act of war by a nation perceiving itself as ‘righteously’ fighting an ‘unjust’ regime! Negative criticism is a negative and punitive act towards someone we perceive has ‘wronged’ us in some way. While we may argue that we are simply criticizing others for failing in their consideration of us - is it not equally true to say that what we are in fact saying to them is …"I accuse you of not caring enough for me to do what I ask?" This is not ‘for their own good’ but for ours since it is a subtle way of forcing the other into accepting our view. In this instance, the justification used for contravening God’s Command by being critical is usually that we point these things out to others so they will be ‘aware’ of their action and therefore will not do the same thing again. We call this education but I have yet to meet someone who responds ‘positively’ to ‘negative’ criticism whether we call it condemnation or education!! Criticism always causes a negative feeling in the person being criticized, and since we are only to obey the command to be forgiving and loving, the most loving thing we can do, both for the other person and for ourselves, is stop all criticism. One of the things we also to need to see about negative criticism concerns the deception we allow ourselves to frame around it. When I look with honesty at criticisms I have imposed on others I understand criticism to have more to do with likes and dislikes, with what we can or cannot accept, with what we judge as being correct or incorrect or, with what is simply a judgment about behaviour that goes against our belief of how things should be done, said, valued or believed, rather than a belief that we are actually criticizing because we are ‘caring enough’ to educate the other person! The reality about criticism is that our negative emotional response to negative behaviour from others creates conflict not only within us but also within them. This conflict acts as a fuel that feeds the fire of a negative cycle - a cycle that always leads to emotional chaos within one or other or both the parties involved. Page 47 Have we really been so blinded that we actually believe the ‘slight of hand’ sophistry in the argument that any act of retribution, whether that of personal criticism, the act of system punishment or national violence in war, can ever be anything but violence? The truth is yes; yes we have allowed ourselves to be so deceived because we forgot that there is a God and that God has a Law and a Command. This Law bears no resemblance to mans’ law because God’s Law is just while mans Law is unjust, and frequently contradicts its own standards of ‘justice’ when sentencing offenders. Under God’s Light the only way to ‘educate’ or help others is to give people the wisdom about the Command to be peaceful, loving and forgiving in all circumstances, and to teach them the reality of God’s ONE immutable Law. Obeying this Command is evidenced through our deeds but when we are not peaceful, forgiving and loving we fall into acts of critical judgments thereby using the power of the Dark. If over time we continue to allow ourselves to ‘listen’ to telepathic transmission from spirit others in our mind by giving them lots of attention and then ‘express,’ by word or deed, the negativity those thoughts engendered, we have energized the seeds of darkness within ourselves. As long as we allow those thoughts to continue we are in fact jeopardizing ourselves (and the spirits linking into our emotions) because inevitably, those thoughts that become more and more negative may lead us to ‘explode’ in rage. It is not all intrusive thoughts in themselves that are dark, for some are simply confusing or frustrating or, they may simply revolve around an issue that needs ‘fixing,’ but it is certainly true that when we play around with those negative thoughts for long enough by not putting a stop to them, it allows the Dark to permit a never ending invasive stream of angry justification to be transmitted from those souls upon our consciousness. This is what is described as an unending litany of negative thought after negative thought which soon becomes an unstoppable force leading one towards action! Ultimately this interference in our minds makes it almost impossible to see anything positive in our lives because, the Light in our souls has become so clouded over with dark through these ‘thought’ processes, that often the Dark energy ends up being in control of our actions. If we act upon these thoughts by becoming negative towards any other, we are held accountable under the Law for that deed.
![]() The Nature of Souls All of us need to understand that everyone is created with Light and seeds of Darkness within their souls. It doesn’t matter how evil we perceive another person to be, that person has the Light of God as well as the seeds of dark within them as have all of us in greater or smaller measure according to which energy we have used most frequently. That being understood the next step is to see that it is through these seeds of darkness that we are able to ‘receive’ telepathically induced negative thoughts from the Dark Source. This aspect of the Source is absolute in Its justice and will smooth the progress of destructive and demanding ‘transmission’ to your thoughts by telling you that to seek revenge is the only option when you are in an emotional situation. It is also important to understand that when we become frequent users of God’s dark energy, the power of that Dark energy becomes more ‘absolute’ within us, and by that I mean that ultimately we will be quite unable to ‘shut down’ the never ending cycle of negative anger, hatred and despair. The consequence of using dark energy results in us becoming an enslaved servant of the Dark, doing Its dark bidding to deceive, abuse and destroy others but this state has only been made possible because we continued to use the Dark. The more frequently we use the dark the more that dark imposes Its thought on us, and as we act on those negative thoughts we dim our divine inner Light even further. The more we dim this Light the greater our feelings of despair, frustration and anguish until we give up and ultimately become the Dark in action in perpetuity. By allowing our negative emotions to intensify we therefore permit a greater intrusion from the Dark into our consciousness, making it easier for us to once again give in to the Dark, and so the cycle continues to escalate. In order to halt this ‘ingress’ of dark ‘energy’ into our souls we have to somehow override the intent of these dark thoughts and the way to do that is:-
Let the spirits know that while they think they may be helping you they are interfering and controlling your mind, and if you give in to their ‘inspirations’ both you and them will have to pay the ‘painful’ Karma invoked by the negative actions you take. Also let them know that you need only God’s inspiration, and that God has no need of any intermediaries between you and Him. If you do not do this, if you allow your dark seed to be energized by the Dark, then you give ‘It’ the power to ‘override’ your personal positive consciousness. Once so empowered by us the dark ‘imposes’ Its thoughts upon our will as said, in perpetuity and great becomes our travail.
![]() How this Era Facilitates Understanding of the Light and Dark of God With the inspired information in the Testament of Truth we have been given an understanding of the nature of God namely that God is all, Light and Dark. This will be a major stumbling block for many people for the reasons already given. That Dark exists is known to all of us because we experience it in our lives, in our work and in our world. Whether we accept that Darkness is an aspect to God or not does not alter the fact that the Dark exists, and that it has the capacity to keep us locked into a mode of such ‘negative expression’ that we become consciously unobservant of what we are doing as nations, as communities, as families and as individuals. What is objectively observable is the negative aspect of the Dark as an increasing percentage of the worlds population, for most do not live in peace but in war and disharmony, not in plenty but in famine, and not with hope but in despair. Individuals really have to decide for themselves what they will choose to believe because no one can do that for or on behalf of anyone else. If what you have read so far strikes you as utter nonsense perhaps at some time in the future, when chaos rules most nations and negativity increases, you may recall some of it as you watch the Dark unfold itself more deeply into the lives of humanity. From the inspired information I have read I understand that it is only when the power of the Light intensifies, every few million years that the essence of darkness, drawn into each soul by our deeds, can be forced out of souls by the power of that Light. That is the grace of God so many religions speak about. This time has begun and the escalation of negative happenings around the globe, the explosion of anger, increased violence, frustration and despair in more and more people is part of the process of an intensification of the Light. As the Light intensifies it draws more and more of the negativity in each of us to the surface of ones soul, which corresponds with the forcing out of the essence of the darkness in each soul. It is the increase in this flow of Light that has given us the inspired writing in the Testament of Truth allowing us to learn about the nature of God – Light and Dark - and to help us understand God’s Law, God’s Command and, how it is that we are judged by our actions alone. Right now the Light of God is at work drawing more and more of the essence of the darkness taken into souls up to the surface to be cleared. Grasp hold of that because now is the opportunity to determine your future, whether on this level or on the level your soul will step into when you leave this body. Page 50 When the essence of the darkness is being drawn out of millions of souls it is not difficult to see that there is bound to be an escalation in the negativity felt by everyone. If we can imagine ourselves feeling the emotions associated with all the negative deeds we performed rising up, in not only in us but in all the souls around us, then can you imagine what intensity of feelings there will be? While many will react by retaliating against the cause of their suffering there will also be those who remain peaceful, loving and forgiving no matter what is done to them. However, there will also be many who, when the essence of their darkness is being drawn to the surface, will not remain true to the Command. These sadly will retaliate, thereby using the Dark which sadly is the reason why the dark can keep using them in an endless cycle. These times we are now in are about making a conscious choice as to which side of God we will use in our daily interactions with each other. The choice is to use either the side of the Light or on the side of the Dark. Ultimately our eternal abode will become that which we chose to support in our interaction, Light energy or Dark energy. Heaven or Hell. The good news is that if we understand that rising negativity is a ‘good’ sign, because it gives us the opportunity to put into practice the Command ‘Be peaceful, loving and forgiving’ no matter how negative we feel, we will stop any further taking in of darkness, even if we are incensed about what is taking place around us. Depending upon the present ‘volume’ of both Light and Dark energy within us, as well as depending upon our ‘mental programming’ this life time, we will need to use all our power of ‘reason’ to try and accept that the feelings we are feeling are firstly our due, and secondly are a release from negativity as we pay a karmic debt. A conscious decision to make a firm commitment to keeping negative thoughts out of your head is a major step to being able to remain forgiving and peaceful. The more you take conscious control of your inner negative thoughts the better your capacity to observe your deeds, and therefore the better your ability to halt any negative expression that you may otherwise have let ‘out’ through thoughts and actions. You are asked to speak with the spirits who may be inspiring you - share with them what you know about forgiveness and retaliation, God’s Light and Dark Energy, and positive and negative thoughts. Also tell these spirits that it is against God’s Command for anyone to intrude into the minds of anyone else, and tell them that control and manipulation of others is in contravention of the Command and places them within the punitive aspect of God’s Law.
![]() Summary of Basic Facts concerning the Light and Dark energy of God Light and Dark energy exist eternally both being the Source and both being indestructible. Never attempt to try and destroy darkness or anyone you observe may be bound by darkness because, if you try this you are personally being "used by" IT, the Dark, and then you become the Dark in action. Through our seeds of negativity, the Dark Source intrudes constantly in our minds and leaves us no peace. It has an insatiable need to fulfill its purpose which is to judge any who have presumed to ‘usurp’ Its forceful and destructive energy to judge and punish others. In Its purpose to ‘judge and punish’ the Dark is indefatigable and unremitting in its demand to ensure just retribution. It does this through dissension, disunity, isolation, forcefulness and destruction. If you have used the Dark at any time the darkness will eternally attempt to overpower your inner consciousness in order to gain strength within you, to ultimately draw you away from the Light into its domain, a domain filled with abject despair because you defied God, and you do not deserve to ‘live in peace nor Paradise.’ There is no past memory, hurt, injustice, abuse or situation in your life with which the darkness is not familiar. It creates situations through which your feelings of vulnerability, despair, hopelessness, futility, disgust or rage tempt you into denying the Command to stay true to love, peace and forgiveness. If you are foolish enough to permit the dark to "play" in your mind with its thoughts, it will twist your heart in an instant. All that is beautiful and joyful will become distorted into a grotesque parody of all, that only a moment before, you found joyful. The dark will toy with you, and gloat at your despair and confusion, belittling you in your attempts to stay calm and loving. Even in these moments of inner struggle, it can taunt you with its knowledge of you that can make you use the Dark to retaliate. This temptation halts when your spirit is purified and made up of only "pure love." The sole aim of your journey of existence is to become pure love, and when that is achieved, an achievement reached through a determination to obey God’s Command, then and only then will you receive the ultimate joy of life in the Light as pure love. IT has been foretold that some spirits who have been in the ultimate light and have been around for a long time did agree to take on the task of ‘incarnating’ and coming to earth to help humanity in the traumatic times to come.
![]() Summary of Important Information to Assist with Obedience to the Command The following articles are written in the Testament of Truth. They have been set out here for anyone not able to readily access the internet. While much has been about the need to remain obedient to God’s One Command; "go your way in peace and be forgiving, compassionate and understanding," the information that will assist everyone to keep this Command has not yet been included. Set out below is the information needed to help everyone to stay within the positive Light side of God, and it is written by Terence the author of the on line articles contained within the Testament of Truth. ~ The STAR OF BETHLEHEM ~ Children can say: I see the Star of Bethlehem high up above Adults can say: Jesus, I see your shining Star, Jesus be with me People of any race or creed may use either of the above prayers or say: Creator of the Heavens - Mother of love* Note: 'Mother of love'* - you may choose to say: 'Father of love' Principally the reason for the Star Prayer is because it is God sent to all on earth and to all spirit people in spiritual Realms beneath Heaven, and it accompanies the God sent 'leaven,' being the fresh revelation of pure truth by God's dove. As we say the Star prayer it releases Light from within our souls and it lessens the 'mental & emotional' impact upon our being from 'dark' spirit realms below because negative thoughts are thrust 'up' into our minds from below, and cause negative emotions to compound within us. When you say: 'Jesus or Mother or Father - - - I see your shining Star,’ you are acknowledging the fresh wisdom sent from afar and contained in the web site and 'basically' within the 'Brief Summary' of the message It is vitally important that you forget past 'injustices' that offended you and understanding that forgiveness and peace is the personal 'attribute' needed by you to pass your final test. If you retaliate verbally or physically in the face of adversity, you 'may or will' be late for Heaven so the Star prayer is a way of lessening that possible for a time or at least until you become totally aware that you must never retaliate. When you say the Star prayer it reminds you of the singular Law of God: "As you sow so shall ye reap - or - as you do is done unto you," (Good or bad) and that if you say or do anything negative, that it will be ahead done to you, and that if you 'presently' suffer at the hands of others then it is your due, and all that is required of you to 'clear' that due is to stay calm and thus true to God and your own soul. When you say the Star prayer it impacts upon every invisible lost spirit in other realms linking-in to your vibration, and it helps them to be steadier and thus true to themselves, and it assists them to resist the 'tempting' thoughts that incite them to fight or interfere telepathically in your mind. When you say the Star prayer you are acknowledging that I am God's messenger and that my message is true for you, and you 'hope' that its meditation power will pull you safely through the valley of the shadow of death into the Light of Heaven.
![]() ~ The 'ARK' of the Mind ~
I write a few words to assist you in seeing a spiritual reality that is similar to the materiality that exists on this realm, for an 'Ark' is a 'vessel' in which one shelters something, and in the earthly sense, Noah's Ark sheltered its occupants against turbulent waters. Had the Ark been poorly built, and its 'timbers' not caulked properly, the pressure of the seas beneath would have entered into the Ark and slowly but surely, and 'quicker & quicker' it would have been dragged down into the depths to disappear, as did the supposed 'invincible' Titanic. I now show you that your minds are also subjected to invisible pressure from below, being the ingress of dark deceptive telepathic thoughts that seek to flow in your mind to overpower your reason so that slowly but surely and 'quicker & quicker' you give in to them, and either abuse others or yourself. Either way results in your spirit soul being dragged into the darkness in the after life. The 'caulking' of the timbers of the Mind is done with Light, and as you thrice daily say the Star prayer, and also fortify your mind with the sacred wisdom from my pen, you become less 'controlled' by the overpowering thoughts and emotions that make you 'sin,' being the abuse of others in some way. There are very turbulent times soon to be seen in every land and only those with strong minds will be able to remain peaceful and respectful towards the 'insane' that will be arrogant and vain. Do not give in and 'sin.' Caulk your mind with truth and love this way your spiritual 'ship' will survive and you will live in Paradise. Please remember that this prayer is for all mankind of any race or past religion. The new code of conduct soon to replace all 'old' religions is the way of peace and love as exists in Heaven above. I write a few more words, being that any person that fails to fortify their mind as given by me will become 'bound' mentally by invisible dark forces, and once 'possessed,' they will cause an immense amount of destruction that will become their painful return due and, - - - they will then fall into the Abyss for being untrue. Faith is not a 'weapon,' it is the inner spiritual strength that enables true believers to stay steady and calm within the 'bounds' of the "Peace" code of conduct commanded by the Creator when faced by adversity or death. It is I to now ring the final bell as the last 'battle of the mind' begins. Remember Christ’s truth: "Go in peace," it is the only way. FORGIVENESS - COMPASSION - COURAGE - MERCY - FAITH ~ End of article ~