~ MURDER & the 'kill' factor ~
There is always a 'reason' why men or women defy their Allah and disobey the: "Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful and compassionate, and forgive your perceived enemy" Command of Allah. I now clear 'UP' this matter as I reveal a hidden 'factor' that has the capacity and audacity to overrule the mind of man and telepathically subjugate their consciousness for a moment in time. During that time they become mere 'robots' so to speak, and simply 'unconscionably' carry out the directives of 'possessive' thoughts that control them in an instant and for an instant in time or longer. * (See Note at end) A person such as Martin Bryant of Tasmania was regrettably unable to rid his mind of 'interfering' and subjugating thoughts, and he (his mind) became possessed by a very powerful demonic force (spirit person) who took over his mind totally for a time and, during that 'time' frame made use of Martin's biological body and, when IT the 'possessor' withdrew, and Martin recovered his mental faculties, he had NO 'recollection' of having personally done the horrendous deeds perpetrated. I do not wish to confuse the issue of the 'average' actions of aggressive people because the overriding factor I wish to 'expose' today is not only the result of invisible possessive demonic forces, but is also due to the power of a person's inner Dark energy essence (The SIN within, negative emotions) which is what 'permits' and thus enables their anti-Allah deeds AS WELL AS what I term "Minds under siege," being unstoppable intrusive thoughts that now 'haunt' everyone in society to varying degrees. There is never a 'reasonable' or conscionable reason to defy the Command of Allah and thus receive a return 'due' of suffering within His immutable: "Eye for an eye ~ as you sow so shall ye reap" Law because, - - - IF you had or have the 'comprehension' of the context of Allah's Law and the understanding of 'How & Why' HE is able to invoke IT, THE LAW OF Allah, then you would NEVER let any 'provocation' or 'justification' to override your inner Light and commit a 'criminal' deed with ITS consequences. So "Why does man end up killing or being killed"? MURDER is seen by man as the 'ultimate' criminal deed if it is carried out by a 'civilian' who is not mandated or 'authorised' to kill in their 'line of duty.' But NONE seem to realise that ANY contravention of Allah's Command by ANY person is forbidden by Allah. It is I to now expose the REASON. Being, that any use of Allah's DARK ENERGY (forceful & destructive) by man for the purpose of intimidation, coercion, control, subjugation, extortion, vengeance, punishment OR killing or, for any other negative reason, has a 'dire' consequence for the individual indeed, being:
page 2 This DARK energy IS a 'law' unto ITSELF, and IS the 'overriding' Allah FACTOR in every negative interaction of 'errant' man, and IT has the 'power' to RULE and BE 'The Law' (Allah's law) in action at any 'moment that IT so chooses. The greater the 'mass' of dark energy you have drawn into your soul over eternal time 'pre birth' or, even when incarnate, the easier it is for IT to override your consciousness and simply DO unto others whatever IT so wishes to using YOU. (Balancing ITS Scales of Justice) Thus every person 'living' who has a contaminated soul is a 'carrier' of this DEADLY dis-ease within and is thus capable of being mentally overpowered and emotionally 'justified' and DRIVEN by said "Allah force" to be IT in action if IT so chooses. In the 'case' of Murder, IT (The Dark energy) does so choose when the one to be 'killed' is deserving of that 'fate,' * for IT then IS absolutely 'justified' to RETALIATE and KILL because THAT IS ITS NATURE and, IT is simply balancing ITS 'Scales of Justice' at the time and in the place that IT so chooses and, IT 'justifies' the action within or 'through' the OPEN mind of the ignorant mortal IT uses because, IT can and does OVERRIDE the consciousness of the person IT is 'inhabiting.'
You now may begin to see that the moment you defy Allah's Command and use some of HIS destructive ENERGY, then this energy drawn INTO your soul becomes a 'part' of YOU, and the more IT then uses YOU the unhappier you become ahead when IT fills you with dread, and you are less able to control yourself when adversity comes to your door. Sinners who continue to defy Allah all end up in the PIT because, you cannot 'cut out' the Dark energy you drew IN, and IT is absolutely JUSTIFIED in forcing you to do 'negatively' what you DO and, - - - as IT also 'lives' within others they also feel justified in being RETRIBUTIVE and PUNITIVE towards YOU. All mankind is entangled within a GIANT 'spider's' web and only my 'pen' can untangle IT for YOU but, - - - you have to do it for yourself by 'correcting' your behavioural interaction with others, I cannot do it for you. The whole 'system' of restorative or punitive JUSTICE is simply the DARK ENERGY in ACTION 'justifiably' through EVERYONE, and ALL are simply 'revolving' in the DARK which daily grows 'literally' stronger within the user as well as the 'retaliator,' who also becomes a 'user.' (Any user of dark energy is an 'adjuster' for Allah's DARK energy) This Dark ENERGY is a trillion times more powerful than any known 'drug' for IT is the power of Allah and is 'Allah in action' in ITS punitive interaction. It is not only 'All powerful,' but it also has infinite 'divine intelligence' backing IT. Thus the 'poor' individual using IT or I should say: "Being USED by IT," is by IT so 'justified,' that one BELIEVES in the continued USE OF IT as being 'honourable,' especially when faced by adversity or when seeking to invade, control or protect etc. A very grave error of ideological belief and judgement indeed. NONE seeing that the 'adversity' is simply IT operating 'clandestinely' through another also 'blinded' by ITS power, one who is also being used by IT. Man sees NOT that one only becomes FREE from IT continuing to inflict injury upon 'us' when IT has been 'permitted' to set one FREE in balancing ITS 'Scales of Justice.' Those who punish the ones being used by IT are in fact IT in action and, they accrue a similar spiritual DUE. page 3 Thus 'man' is in a 'lose - lose' situation because the 'criminal' perpetrator OR the police and judiciary meting out punishment (or complicit to the punishment factor) are all in the same 'boat.' For all enforcers believe falsely that their book of rules, badge of office or 'mandate' entitles them to use IT (Dark energy) and BE IT IN ACTION 'honourably' and thus avoid or 'nullify' ITS Law. None seeing that no mandate nor official position has ANY 'significance' whatsoever to the ALL POWERFUL Allah FORCE which is what it IS, and IS simply getting ON with ITS 'job' of deceiving and destroying EVERYONE for their continued defiance of Allah's Command. The spiritual PUNISHMENT for anyone defiant of Allah and thus using His 'forbidden to use' Dark punitive and destructive energy against any of His children is spiritual DEATH. All 'aggressors' and all enforcers & judiciary bringing others to punitive 'account' for their misdeeds are all 'ignorant,' and all ARE the DARK ENERGY IN ACTION. By this 'means' they are killing their own spirit soul. YES, you are 'murdering' yourself as you 'commit' spiritual SUICIDE. The 'Sin' in man (negative emotions) has now grown exponentially, as has the control over man and the increased punitive attachments to political decrees, and there is now to BE a faster 'balancing' of the 'Scales of Justice' of the DARK and confrontation, aggression and violence will intensify and EVERYONE will FIND the 'justification' to be IT (the dark) in action. Grave indeed is the consequence, being banishment to the underworld of eternal suffering for ANY continuing to BE IT IN ACTION. As individual man begins to ONLY be IT THE LIGHT in action, and thus extending kindness, mercy, love and compassion towards the 'lost,' then that individual being will begin to RECEIVE a similar benign return through the hands of others as the LIGHT shines to 'her or him' VIA the others. The DARK being THE overriding factor NEVER SLEEPS, and is operating 'clandestinely' 24/7, so IF you are the recipient of unstoppable thoughts seeking to use YOU in any coercive or vengeful or retributive or other way then BEWARE, you are permitting IT to snare your soul. Man has been 'brainwashed' for centuries into believing that he can use dark forceful energy in self-defence or for other reasons and NOT 'pay the ultimate price' for his defiance of Allah. All I can state is that Allah is Allah, not any dictatorial man or rule in a book. NO 'murderer' ever gets off 'lightly,' for Allah balances His
books JUDICIOUSLY be IT in this life or in the next realm.
~ Provocation v/s Retribution ~ The ONE to be 'blamed' for EVERY criminal offensive is the ONE who: Casts the first
stone - throws the first 'punch' - throws down the 'gauntlet' - shouts the first
abuse - fires the first 'shot' Why is this so? Because the "Provocateur' is INSTIGATING the CONFLICT, and as this they do, they are provoking the other and TEMPTING the other to respond in a punitive way as they invite a FIGHT in defiance of the "Go your way in peace" Command of Allah and, the 'Responder' is also in defiance of the "Go your way in peace" Command of Allah. So in 'fact,' in a Court of 'Caesar,' it 'looks' as though one should be able to 'reasonably' use 'provocation' to mitigate ones defense even if it is proven that the END result of the 'invited' FIGHT ended with the 'Responder' killing the Provocateur. After all, the 'word' provocation means 'to CAUSE.' So if someone 'provoked' and thus caused a fearful or angry response from their 'victim,' resulting in injurious or destructive offensive activity by the victim, why should the responding victim become so 'totally' accountable for the outcome? It does not appear to be a reasonable conclusion. Man has spent 'ages' arguing back and forth, trying to find a 'reasonable and 'JUST & honourable' legal punitive response for all offensive activities so as to 'satisfy' the demands of the combatants and their families as well as the 'Crown.' Precedents have been set with NO 'finite' Justice available to anyone. I ask: "If 'provocation' is NOT a 'defence,' then why is 'provocation' not THE OFFENCE"? It is an OFFENSIVE 'ACT' to 'taunt, threaten, bully, coerce, extort, cast the first stone' etc., and the word 'offensive' MEANS, - - - 'an attack or intrusion or invasion.' So IF a person is arrogant or vain enough to become a 'provocateur,' then it is they who in FACT is the one TEMPTING the other to LOSE mental, emotional and physical CONTROL and, - - - By the ACT of tempting the other to lose control, it is PROOF that the instigator, provocateur, tempter has already LOST CONTROL of their own faculties. The 'header' question is: "Who is the
most guilty in the eyes of Allah"? In the Light of Wisdom the reply is very simple. Both 'Provocateur and 'Responder' are equally guilty of defying Allah in using His 'forbidden to use' DARK forceful and destructive ENERGY, and BOTH placed themselves 'equally' within the punitive aspect of His immutable Law: "As you did unto the other will be done unto you as that is the Law of My energy as IT 'balances' ITS scales of Justice." BUT, - - - in answer to my second question: It is NOT for man to impose any form of punishment, for not only can Allah do it, but in order to remain within the precepts of Allah's "Love one another and be merciful, compassionate & forgiving" Command, man must ONLY haul in offenders and EDUCATE them, so that offenders who 'disturb the peace' comprehend the issues of using Allah's benign or destructive energy, and thus mankind becomes enlightened and more able to control themselves. It must be CLEARLY understood, any individual, be they civilian or 'officials' mandated by rules is ALWAYS operating within the RULE of Allah's LAW. For in every 'action' there is an equal and opposite reaction that takes place when either: The LIGHT energy returns
ITS 'merciful and loving bounty' to a 'lover' or, Both these aspects of Allah's Energy are in operation at all times, and they 'respond' with their response at the time and in the place they so choose. Be it instantly or years ahead cumulatively. Allah did say: "IF you choose to defy ME and you eat of the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil then you will die in your SIN." How does this 'equate' to today? Every person other than myself in this world has 'sin' within, being DARK energy that they drew IN to their souls prior to entry to this realm from another. The Dark energy is THE SIN, being ones negative emotions of fear, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, vanity, pride etc., and this emotional energy is what causes ALL confrontation and all tribulation because, man has as yet not learnt how to either control IT or how to HALT drawing more of IT into his soul or how to assist in ITS removal from his soul, which is why I am incarnate today with my revelations. page 5 Try and UNDERSTAND, man can NEVER control IT the DARK energy of Allah. Man can only 'recognise' IT as I expose IT and ITS power, and then do ones best to not let IT flow through them or use them in their interaction with others. The benign and positive EMOTIONS within us are the 'channel' for Allah's Light energy to flow through us in our interaction with others. The 'brighter' our inner core the more Light we can express and the more benign and kind we are. The malignant and negative EMOTIONS within us are the 'channel' for Allah's Dark energy to flow through us in our interaction with others. The 'darker' our inner core the more Dark we can express and the more malignant and cruel we are. We are all 'operatives' for the LIGHT at times and receive a return 'smile' and kindness from others being our due as we 'bow' to Allah's Command but, when we reprimand others or invade their 'space' then we set a PRE-DATE with the ultimate Predator, Allah's DARK energy, which is infinitely cunning and most surely will keep all the unwary trapped in ITS web of deceit and DESTROY their vain, arrogant and ignorant souls AS Allah SO STATED. In EVERY 'case' of conflict it is CAUSED by the DARK energy (emotional energy) contained within the soul of a 'sinner' RECOGNISING the same DARK energy within another. Try and comprehend that Allah'S DARK essence is the infinite purity of absoluteness and uniqueness of BEING "All - Powerful" and in ABSOLUTE CONTROL of EVERYTHING. For in FACT it IS Allah, although Allah is comprised of both Light and Dark energies. To the POINT now being, that any person having ANY 'speck' of darkness within their soul is in FACT a 'pretender' to the Throne of Allah. Thus when two 'sinners' meet and love or greet or live together or share the same street or live over the border, the Dark ENERGY within the one seeks to become 'superior' to the other through arrogance or vanity or FEAR, because IT recognises the other as an ENEMY in some way, and needing to be controlled or subjugated or taught a 'lesson' as IT balances ITS 'Scales of justice.' Over time, IT the dark energy within man becomes 'troubled,' and family conflict and international conflict erupts. All due to total IGNORANCE of the POWER of the SIN within by the individuals who give in to 'tempting' thoughts. So it is the DARK energy within the ONE which commences the confrontation as a 'provocateur,' and it is the DARK energy within the other which commences the retributive VENDETTA, or both engage in a frenzy of 'scrapping' with NO ending until ONE apparently 'wins' the particular 'scrap.' In TRUTH, the Dark essence gleefully enjoyed the negative interaction but, the body, mind, emotions, and unique consciousness of both parties suffered in some way and, - - - Both not only accrued a further spiritual 'pain' DEBT to THE ENERGY, but they also drew IN more 'unique' Dark energy into their souls, and IT grew in POWER within BOTH and, - - - as 'judicial' or 'warring' man knows naught of this, everyone becomes involved in imposing more punishment, more regulation, more control etc., and all involved ALSO accrue a heavy DUE to IT the Dark Energy.
This entire inhuman 'race' is sliding backwards and downwards to the PIT of oblivion, and I am sent here for a very brief moment of time IN THE HOPE that even ONE has the capacity to see REALITY, and lay down their 'mace' and become truly FREE of their inner Sin as explained by me, so that they can RISE UP into the Light for eternity. page 6 Man needs to comprehend that NO 'rule or edict' named 'the law' by Kings, Chiefs or their politicians enabling or supposedly legitimising 'killing' by police or armed forces personnel in any way voids or nullifies or avoids the implementation by Allah of His 'RULE of LAW,' for it does NOT. It follows that any injury or punishment or other 'suffering' imposed by ANYONE upon another for ANY has a 'comeback' within THE LAW OF Allah which IS immutable. Once we understand the RULE of Allah's LAW, be it the BENIGN or MALIGNANT aspect, then one ensures that ones personal conduct is always benign, - - - kind, loving, peaceful, giving, merciful, compassionate, educative and FORGIVING. To so be, one is always in CONTROL of ones mind and emotions, and NEVER finds the 'Justification' to defy Allah's Command. Thus one also never takes a 'mercenary' wage or 'badge of office' from any institution which of its own 'rules' habitually forces its 'operatives' to operate in defiance of Allah's Command. Politicians and their police 'enforcers' also need to SEE that in their efforts to PROTECT people, they invoke rules that CAUSE financial loss, as well as mental or emotional suffering and MORE if their 'decrees' are not 'met.' So the coercion & punishment 'factor' is the USE of Allah's Dark energy by the politician, their enforcers and judiciary, which they IMPOSE upon a person who has not actually 'disturbed the peace' nor caused harm to another. Simple Example: Failure to wear a seat belt results in the IMPOSITION of a fine. When imposing a fine for failing to wear a seat belt, the judiciary, politician and enforcers HAVE caused HARM or loss or deprivation of liberty etc. This punishment imposition and suffering which resulted was in FACT an 'ACT of Allah's DARK energy' using the rules of man AND ignorant man to mete out divine retribution for some other infringement of Allah's Command. An infringement that had NAUGHT TO DO with failing to wear a seat belt. However, those imposing the fine and consequential 'suffering' accrue a 'loss & suffering' debt to be met themselves later within the precepts of Allah's LAW. In FACT the punishment 'factor' attachment to the
decree is COERCION. The punishment itself in
FACT is EXTORTION. Regrettably, those paying 'fines' see not that by so doing, they are 'guilty' in Allah's eyes of funding an organisation operating in contravention of Allah's Command, and for their 'complicity' they also carry a percentage of the burden of debt accrued by the 'system's operatives.' No person in any 'capacity' should ever invoke by legislation any ruling which of itself forces others to defy the code of conduct policy of Allah's Command. The vain and arrogant or ignorant who so do, end up 'living' in the darkness to regret IT for a very long time indeed, as do their enforcers. ONLY our Allah can punish without any 'recourse,' - - - NOT YOU. Only our Allah stands above the RULE of His LAW, - - - NOT YOU. Religion has deceived everyone, for FIRST you 'suffer' within the RULE of Allah's LAW and PAY your spiritual dues, and then and only then are you forgiven by Allah for any trespasses against His "Peace, love and mercy" COMMAND. Refer to Item 9 of 'The One true Faith' document that follows this one. Unbeknown to man of 'religion' or 'State,' every ACTION in ones interaction with others IS 'governed' by the overriding POWER and RULE of Allah's LAW. It follows that every rule or decree by men of religion such as their 'threat' of excommunication for non conformity to their 'rules,' simply means that they excommunicate themselves for their own arrogance and disobedience to Allah's Command. It also follows that every decree of 'Caesar' (politicians) which force men into any actions (activities) which are outside the precepts of Allah's Command, has an EQUAL 'Just & honourable' return reprimand and suffering imposed by Allah at a later stage within His 'eye for an eye' Law. Let us now make amends to Allah and ONLY 'haul in' those who DO 'disturb the peace' and rehabilitate these 'Offenders in Allah's sight.' Let it BE clearly understood, ALL are 'GUILTY' in the eyes of Allah for defying HIM and using HIS DARK destructive energy in their interaction with HIS other children of any 'race, colour or creed.' I say : "Please now heed my pen, for IF you continue to defy HIM then your screams of utter agony WILL go on unheard in the dark realms below for an eternity." The rehabilitation of 'offenders' through EDUCATION is the ONLY way to keep your own soul free of drawing in Dark energy (Sin) and remaining within the benign aspect of Allah's Law. Any punitive action is a contravention of Allah's Command and the use of His 'forbidden to use' DARK ENERGY and, is what places YOU within the punitive aspect of His 'eye for an eye' immutable LAW. It is truly the time now for Tasmania to lead the world and implement the 23 page 'Feeling Easier Seminar' for offenders, and ONLY educate offenders, and THUS remain within the precepts of Allah's "Peace, love, mercy & compassion" Command. The 'Feeling Easier Seminar' is Item 1 of the 'Offender document.' Note: Page 1 para 1: longer. *- Spirit possession and "Mind's under siege" is explained in my 'Suicide' and other documents. Important attaching items: The Public Notice PDF The following 5 of 14 audio tracks at CD List
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