This is an educational document
IN the case of Complaint No: 34483/15 ~
I Terence AM the plenipotentiary of God, my 'pen' is God's. I AM the Judge of the Supreme High Court of God, and any punitive 'judgement' placed upon any person by God through this my pen is FINAL with NO 'reprieve.'
IT, my pen now states that each and every spirit soul, be they existing in realms of spirit outside of the pure light of heaven or within the biological flesh of this world, who by God, on the day of their judgement, are 'found' to be living in a contra manner as that dictated unto them within the precepts of God's Command delivered unto man by this pen, is one found 'guilty' of anarchy and treason and thus a 'worthless' soul to be consigned for eternity into the Abyss. The Command being:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful and compassionate and forgive your perceived enemy as you 'turn the other cheek' if abused, and you do not retaliate when faced by adversity as you remain peaceful, and you obey this edict unto death even if persecuted or killed." |
Only through obedience to THIS Command will a person be saved (Salvation) after they have paid all spiritual dues unto God's destructive ENERGY which they or their servants used against others. (As you did sow so shall ye reap)
It is the TIME for every police person, politician, magistrate or civilian to understand that ANY activity in contravention of the precepts of God's Command (Set 3) below is an ILLEGAL activity leading man into deeper darkness, subjugation and suffering.
The ONLY LEGAL activity is that of absolute pacifism in living in absolute accordance with the principles of God's Command. The punitive 'wrathful' Dark aspect of THE SOURCE God is absolutely merciless in ITS distribution of THE LAW of Return, and IT is now to bring every 'society' undone as swiftly as the falling of an 'axe' and, - - - all mentally unprepared will 'die in their sin' (drown in their negative emotions) and fall into the Abyss.
Man is blind and sees NOT the REASON for the ever increasing extortion of money by fee levies or fines imposed nor the increasing control over their freedom. This all has NO ENDING. It is all imposed by God telepathically via political 'heads' who are inspired (thoughts) by the punitive aspect of God's LAW being imposed upon man because all the controlling activities of man are in TOTAL contravention of God's Command of:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful and compassionate and FORGIVE your enemy."
What the Police are doing is IMPOSING this 'darkness in action' of increasing control, pain and suffering and monetary loss upon all on behalf of the punitive aspect of God. In so doing, the Police service officers are ignoring their own sworn 'duty' to PROTECT man and to UPHOLD THE PEACE and in so doing, it is they who take ON the burden of spiritual debt, and within the immutable Law of Return of God they are 'later' forced to suffer all they imposed.
~ The 'holiness' of text in books ~
Police officers now believe that State rules/laws are HOLIER than their own conscience - this is ERROR.
Police officers now believe that State rules/laws are HOLIER than their own constitutional authority - this is ERROR.
Police officers now believe that State rules/laws are HOLIER than the Command of the Creator - this is ERROR.
Please awaken from your 'error of belief,' the belief you only 'hold' because of your 'license' to use FORCE or a Gun. Be advised, invincibility against the imposition of God's Law is NOT an 'option' available to man nor to the rules/laws or decrees of mortal men.
Since I AM the judge of the Court of God the supreme authority, I will explain 'how' God rules errant man using the three Tiers of Command and LAW He administers and upholds judiciously.
There are two 'natures' of mans ideological 'belief,' or RELIGION, that as mine of absolute pacifism in 'accordance' with God's Command (Peace) and the opposite one, being that of 'defence, subjugation, imposition of terror, absolute control, punishment, causing of harm and killing.' (War)
Using Tier (1) of the Commands and Laws below, man is controlled by god and force of arms using State 'statutes' and man is only permitted 'freedom of the road' by GOD upon payment of a 'levy' or a 'taxing' licence fee payment and any non-conformity is met by ongoing punishment.
It is thus that all adherents to this controlling and punitive 'way' are by God kept in defiance of His Command and they remain ON the wide road to hell for their insubordination.
Man states: "In God we trust," but that is a 'lie' because man relies on force of arms and the GUN for his PROTECTION, whereas the truly PEACEFUL such as myself cannot and do not rely on 'Caesar' (State) and thus we cannot fund that 'system' because our God is our 'leader' and we rely on His protection.
Thus since our ideology is contra that of every 'voter and taxpayer,' we do not pay any licence 'fee' levy before carrying out a business venture and neither do we pay anyone anything before we go fishing for a feed or other. We are only obliged to pay for the benign services we need, want or desire to use.
The PROOF of our chosen FIDELITY to God is that we do not involve ourselves with any immoral activities and we never disturb the peace nor cause harm nor fund others to cause harm on our behalf nor to protect us. Our chosen absolute pacifist IDEOLOGY is a Civil Right granted by God and man's Constitution to anyone seeking SALVATION.
Since I was 'born' into this DARK level I was as 'you' deceived by society and long ago I did fund the 'causing of harm' to others in paying taxes as my 'servants' were operating in my name etc. Hence my past 'loss of God's protection' and suffering at the hands of ignorant state officials.
I am however now free and able to assist you and all to FROM NOW ON WALK TALL and stop causing harm as you now become a truly peaceful Police service who never again disturb the peace of others through upholding political decrees or judicial enforcement and you ONLY haul IN those who DISTURB THE PEACE for their education and rehabilitation. In this way your officers are obedient to God's Command and their 'sworn' duty to UPHOLD THE PEACE.
Community members and the Police must now at all times only be: Non intrusive - Non violent - Non punitive - Non destructive.
All must be obedient to God at all times and in all situations.
~ The three 'tiers' of COMMAND & LAW governing common man ~
As eternal time did pass, man 'forgot' his God and thus FELL into abysmal ways and little by little lost his 'mind' and his 'conscience' as along the road to Hell he slowly progressed due to a 'blinding' SPELL woven by the DARK energy of THE Source which he man could neither see nor 'foretell.'
I give below the three 'tiers' of COMMAND and thereafter the three 'tiers' of LAW which control man punitively either knowingly or unknowingly. I begin with the 'lowest' set of ruling commands of man set (1) and progress to the ULTIMATE Command of THE invisible Sovereign Ruler of all.
I refer now to set (1) the basic STATE COMMAND 'Rules' of the INSTITUTION. The COMMAND is the 'word' of chiefs or kings or politicians who state that their commands must be adhered to. Failure to so do places 'you' within the punitive aspect of their ideological beliefs. The greatest of these beliefs is their belief in their absolute RIGHT to be 'as if they were' God. This leaves those in power the supposed 'right' to govern your activities according to their policies, policies which they enforce using FORCE OF ARMS. (This is an activity forbidden by God) I refer now to set (1) THE basic STATE 'Laws' of the INSTITUTION. It is the governing institution naming itself 'the government' by decree of mortal MAN bearing weapons, to defend their perceived RIGHT to RULE other mortals. Their decrees become the 'thousands' of State 'rules, acts or decrees' named 'the laws.' These laws are invoked endlessly and annually by politicians because it is their desire try their best to 'cover all bases' in reference to controlling everything. Such control covers everything from extorting money, meting out punishment or interfering in every aspect of people's lives. The success of this desire for control is due to the fact that they 'kill off' any internal opposition to their 'enshrined religious ideological beliefs' through forceful punitive suppression. (The Police Army) What people do not see is that these laws are LIMITED in that they cannot LEGALLY 'compete with' or 'conflict with' or 'overrule' the LAW of the CONSTITUTION. If there is any 'difference of opinion' as that relates to the distinction between the State law and the Law of the Constitution, is that the Constitutional AUTHORITY REIGNS SUPREME above State laws. IT the 'text words' of the Constitution, is the sacred WORD of THE earthly Sovereign Power. The Constitution as such is thus the supreme ruler of Tasmania and Australia for Queen Elizabeth as set out below in (2) (Note: Why do these above 'laws' have ZERO% legal validity against set (3) below? Because they are in total contravention of God's Command unto man) |
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I refer now to Tier set (2) the COMMAND 'Rules' of the CONSTITUTION. The COMMAND of the Constitution is the mandate to operate and therefore 'govern' as granted unto man by the earthly Sovereign Power (King or Queen, mandarin, Emperor or Dictator) and IT limits or restricts the activities of officials who are mandated or 'licensed' to 'exist' or establish or administer or operate within the bounds of said ACTS. These Acts stand ABOVE the 'common' rules, laws and decrees of the State Institutions. This means that any person operating as a State official (set - 1) above who exceeds their mandate will at some stage be 'found-out' and will therefore be subjected to the punitive laws of THE constitutional authority. I refer now to set (2) the LAW of the CONSTITUTION. It is the VALID Law standing ABOVE any State rules, decrees or 'laws.' Note: 1 - valid law - The implication being that State law is valid UNLESS it is overruled by THE Constitutional Law such as the ‘Freedom of Religion’ Act. This is an Act that is only 'valid' to those who have not disturbed the peace of the land and who do have their God as head of house rather than mortal man. Those who have God as head of house do not 'vote' for any politician nor do they seek the armed forces protection of man. (Caesar) These people simply rely on God to protect them. In the Annotated Constitution of Australia, Section 330 titled "Its Interpretation," John Quick and Robert Randolph Garran say: "In the exercise of the duty of interpretation and adjudication not only in the High Court, but every court of competent jurisdiction has the right to declare that: A law of the Commonwealth or of a State is void by reason of transgressing the Constitution. This is a duty cast upon the courts by the very nature of the judicial function. The federal Parliament and the State Parliaments are not sovereign bodies; they are legislatures with limited powers; - - - ." In this case it follows that any STATE law which is being used in a Constitutional 'Freedom of religion' matter is a 'law' in excess of those powers and is no law at all, it is simply a nullity, entitled to no obedience especially when a magistrate is trying to overthrow the 'validity' of the Sovereign Constitution. What role do the courts play in Australian governance? Australia's system of courts is the third arm of Australian governance and is known as the Judiciary. The role of the Judiciary is to:
(Note: Why do these above 'laws' have 50% legal validity against set (3) below? Because the individual is granted a choice therein. This choice allows them to either be an ILLEGAL warmonger, thereby operating in contradiction to God's Command or, to be a LEGAL peaceful person in conformity with God's command.) It is now THE time for all mankind to learn that all commands invoked by man (set (1 or 2) above are subject to the below Command set (3) of God. |
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I refer now to Tier set (3) the COMMAND of GOD. God's COMMAND is simply what it is as reiterated here: "Go your way in peace and love one another for all are sister and brother. Be merciful and compassionate and forgive others if they trespass against you and turn the other cheek if abused." When man lives or acts or 'dances' in ACCORD with this Command man is using God's creative, benign and loving LIGHT energy essence. The more one uses God's positive Light energy the more IT grows within man's soul which makes the soul 'brighter' and man is happier as he receives an EQUAL positive, benign and loving RETURN within the SOLO Law: "As you do unto others will be done unto you" I refer now to set (3) the LAW of Return of God's energy used by man. 'God's Law.' Since my task for God is to correct the error of the ways of man, it is incumbent upon me to REMIND everyone wielding God's FORCEFUL POWER that IT, as all of God's energy is a LAW UNTO ITSELF. This means that God's RETURN unto user action cannot be controlled by man at all, and IT, being either the LIGHT benign loving creative energy of God or, the DARK malignant hateful destructive energy of God it simply 'offers' itself to man for man to use as man so chooses. God forbids man to use the destructive forceful aspect because God knows THE RESULT of man's destructiveness. (Pain) This LAW of ENERGY RETURN is THE REAL INVISIBLE SOVEREIGN LAW because it has but ONE 'rule,' that rule being: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction - good for good, cruelty for cruelty. Mankind (you) needs to comprehend that the energy of THE SOURCE is within them. It is what sustains your eternal existence because IT is indestructible. It is what gives you LIFE to live, move, and have your being. It is eternal and everywhere present. All knowing and IT sees all. What mankind needs to now comprehend is that every 'decree' or rule or law of MAN is 'subject to' the spiritual law of return as set out above. Man needs to try and comprehend that in supporting, upholding and funding State commands or punitive 'laws' in set (1) they are illegally operating in the DARK energy essence aspect of set (3) which is in direct defiance of God, and all defiant of He are ON the wide road to Hell. |
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~ My conclusion judgement ~
Commander Bond, using the rules, laws and decrees of the Sovereign Authority of the Constitution of the governing institution you serve, the following 'white collar crime' is exposed by my pen. I trust that your 'office' and that of the Governor of Tasmania now has enough 'ammo' to do what IT is paid to do being: - - - RECTIFY THE SITUATION.
Firstly, I remind your office of the Police 'Oath' words in respect of THE PEOPLE of Tasmania who in this case are Mrs. Clemencia Barnes and myself. The words being:
"I - - - (name of officer) - - - will cause the peace to be kept and prevent all offences against the people - - - - so help me God."
God's guidance via my pen is helping your office and your Police Service to SEE THE ERROR of 'your' way in 'our' cases and I can only 'suggest' what needs to be DONE by your office.
1 - In the case of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) against Clemencia it is obvious that the ATO prosecutor Eddie Storace and the commonwealth prosecutor Katherine Drake backed by ATO 'head' officials are doing their best to use a subordinate Launceston court of petty sessions to 'try' and Judge a Constitutional 'Freedom of Religion' matter. In so doing, they are illegally seeking to set a 'dastardly' precedent.
The illegal precedent they hope to set being, that the individual being 'attacked' lose their guaranteed immunity from persecution and constitutional protection. If this disregard of the Constitutional Freedom of Religion Acts continues it will set a precedent which would enable all people to be forced into funding the 'war' effort, an effort which has the consequence of causing of harm, utter destruction of property and the killing of others, such activities being totally unconscionable to an absolute pacifist.
This attempt to thwart the course of justice whereby the Constitutional authority is voided, nullified and thus deleted and rendered powerless, is a criminal and treasonable activity. This nature of attempt has in fact been 'tried' in prior cases. In these cases punitive judgements have 'succeeded' but with great harm caused ILLEGALLY to the peaceful.
Furthermore, the criminals involved succeeded in their 'tempting' of a lower court magistrate to do their 'bidding' through his ignorance of what he was actually getting involved in and doing.
If the ATO officials and their prosecutors do not withdraw their 'case' on or before the 1st October hearing date, then the Police are failing in their SWORN DUTY to PROTECT the people against 'offences.'
It also follows that the Tasmania Governor has also failed in her 'sworn' DUTY to PROTECT the Sovereign Authority of the CONSTITUTION. The Governor has already received prior letters as well as a copy of this communiqué. It also proves that Tasmania is an un-governed and thus 'anarchist' State. Tasmania has become a place where 'white collar criminals' can do whatever they wish to backed by armed forces. (Police)
2 - In the case of the State of Tasmania v/s myself. If this case is not withdrawn before the 7th October hearing date it proves that the Police Service is CORRUPT and exceeding its mandate by IGNORING its LIMITED powers in respect of the Constitutional authority.
In respect of both of the above cases I do not seek punitive redress, but I do seek all persons involved to be 'collared' and educated as to their errors around the issues in order to try and save them from accruing more spiritual pain debt dues to God for their arrogance and continued denial of THE FACTS OF LIFE according to their own 'rule books.'
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~ The conscience factor ~
It appears to be a reality that no politicians, magistrates or police can use their conscience because they are 'bound' to serve 'unconscious' rules in text books that preclude them from so doing. I have done my very best using your own 'book of rules' to PROVE the cases at hand.
I would however like to get you to understand that all controlling, subjugating or punitive rules or laws are imposed upon man by the unconscionable DARK destructive essence of the Source via vain, arrogant or ignorant 'sinful' mortals.
Indeed it follows that any person of any standing who uses said rules or laws against another and disturbs their peace or causes them harm is a person who is unknowingly walking deeper into darkness and ultimate suffering.
The dark energy essence is 100% inhumane, cruel, retributive and destructive. Its rules, laws and demands imposed via man can now be seen as exposed by my pen.
We must now 'forget' these subjugating strictures that force everyone to be the Dark in action, for each of us now has a single choice. The choice to continue to heed the Dark and enforce ITS strictures or, to heed the Light of God's 'VOICE' to love one another and live in harmony as we use our conscience.
Police need to change their role quickly so that they can be conscionable, because political dictates/rules/laws force the Police service officers to be un-conscionable.
I do believe that the only 'safe' way for Police personnel is for them to revert back to their 'sworn' and TRUE role of upholding the Peace, and to do this, they must 'break' their present allegiance to political and judicial activities and ONLY 'concern' themselves with protecting the Public as they uphold the peace by ONLY hauling IN anyone of any standing who is disturbing the peace or is engaged in immoral activities.
In this way they HALT being used as the tools of the DARK to IMPOSE the punitive or extortionist strictures of other mortals and they become a true PEACE CORPS of honourable citizens.
In respect of the word 'Service' meaning 'provision thereof' in the term "Police Service," I ask: "To whom do the Police give their service"? My answer is that presently, they provide a service to and for the requirements of politicians and their enforcement arm the judiciary. At present their service provision is NOT to THE PEOPLE who fund their wages.
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I am 'happy' to sit and discuss with you the ONLY and BEST way to accomplish positive change but it needs to be done quickly because as all can now see, insanity is escalating globally as revealed by my pen many years ago. Understand that turmoil and disturbance will increase as will political demands for more money and heavier penalties. (Greater trauma then imposed upon the community using the police)
The Police Services must not remain a part of the armed enforcement 'agency' which it presently is.
I give the global Police Services an advisory notice in that soon, every 'border' post with its 'sovereignty' of ownership will fall due to an unstoppable movement of persons globally who will now increase into the millions. Sovereign borders were all 'taken' by force of arms and will all fall due to the Law of Return of God now to be imposed by others using force of arms. God own all lands, not man.
Presently, the mass movement is 'limited,' but already we see the Police services being used overseas 'politically' to control, restrict or deny freedom of movement. This is error, and Police must not interfere in the movement of persons unless they DO disturb the peace of the land.
The global trauma to now intensify is 'simply' the karmic 'Law of Return' of the DARK aspect of God's Law in action, and it will lead to mass confrontation and 'extermination' in every land due to man failing to fortify their minds against the telepathic subjugation of their mind from DARK spirit realms as revealed on my 'National Security Alert.' (Linked at end of document)
Police must now be non-confrontationary ONLY uphold the peace as the 'hordes' soon to be see roaming here and there and everywhere (including Tasmania) are TOLD that they are free to so do unless they do disturb the peace.
Refugees must be told that they do not have a moral Right to expect or demand aid. Government officials do not have a moral Right in using taxpayers funds to either 'fight' other nations or to 'house or feed' the homeless, be they the 'persecuted' or otherwise.
The ONLY requirement by God of man is that citizen INDIVIDUALS do their best to house or feed or give comfort to ANY 'homeless' or impoverished who are in their area. Be they resident or passers-by.
Refugees who do disturb the peace of any land will by God be kept within the punitive aspect of the Law of Return of God in a perpetuity of suffering until they LEARN to OBEY God's Command of: "Ask and you will receive," rather than stating "I DEMAND."
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Commander Bond, I trust that my 'internal' investigation assists you and all of the present 'error of way' as that concerns the Tasmania Police Service so that a benign CORRECTION can take place immediately and that the ongoing illegal court actions and persecution of Clemencia Barnes and myself can be HALTED.
Regrettably, I am unable to 'change' THE LAW of EQUAL Return of God's ENERGY. All the trauma or loss or injury already imposed upon citizens by any Police officer in their line of duty will be suffered by them ahead. This is because no 'badge of office' nor mandate of man can exonerate them, - - - however - - - if Tasmania Police can quickly implement a 'Role' change so that the Police Service becomes BENIGN and no longer a 'threat' to anyone, then the Tasmania Police can lead the world into the NEW AGE to be.
This report of mine and all 60 letters go forth globally to 1000's of police services overseas.
I trust that this report will make it clear to your officers that in arresting a peaceful person who has not disturbed the peace is in fact a violation of the Constitution. If they do not they lead themselves into DANGER for their continued illegal interference into the lives of citizens, a fact which is a contravention of their own Constitutional Policy as well as a contravention of God's command. In reference to your finding:
The officers’ actions in attending your property for the purpose of serving a summons have been determined to be lawful and proper and their actions are therefore exonerated. |
Please understand that as it now stands, the officers in 'question' have been misled and believe in their right to continue disturbing the peace of THE peaceful and to continue in their religious persecution. Please correct this error.
Truth be told, if I were the officer in 'question' I would not leave my personal 'fate' in the minds of others, (political dictates) but would use my own conscience as I did 50 years ago.
Even 'now' Police officers such as Kent Ritchie firmly BELIEVE that they can interfere and cause fear and trepidation to my wife who knows from past experiences that visits from the Police = TROUBLE. All the 'while' Kent does not 'feel' anything my wife feels nor what she is thinking for days after he has left.
The reason 'why' ONLY High Court judges such as myself are 'licensed' to TRY or 'hear' matters of conscience, faith or belief is because neither your investigation department nor any court of petty sessions Magistrate understand the implications of constitutional Law as to the interpretation of the ACTS of the Constitution which are the Authority LIMITING the Powers granted unto Police and all.
Finally, as you can now see there is an escalation of insanity and confrontation GROWING globally. Be advised that neither Clemencia or me can be a 'party' to the 'detention' of persons moving around the planet nor to any destructive activity (retribution) taking place because we are absolute pacifists who do believe in 'a' God and His Command unto man even though others do NOT.
I end my submission stating that anyone seeking to maintain their illegal activities and remain in the DARK so to speak are free to so do. I have done my best to awaken everyone but in THE END it is the choice of the individual.
God Commands 'Peace' - Christ’s Message Commands 'Peace' -
The Constitution of the land commands and demands 'Peace.'My pen is the silent VOICE from Heaven sent to set YOU free.
Sincerely - Terence
The case letters testing the validity of the 'Freedom of Religion Acts of the Australian Constitution' can be found at:
This letter becomes
Update - 17 on Page 3 of the above:Update - 17 - 8th September 2015 - Cdr R J Bond internal investigations response
Link to the National Security Alert:
Note - The Criminal Code Act 1995 states:
(1) A person is not criminally responsible for an offence if, at the time of carrying out the conduct constituting the offence, the person was suffering from a mental impairment that had the effect that: (a) the person did not know the nature and quality of the conduct; or (b) the person did not know that the conduct was wrong (that is, the person could not reason with a moderate degree of sense and composure about whether the conduct, as perceived by reasonable people, was wrong); or (c) the person was unable to control the conduct. |
I have included this Criminal Code Act because within the knowledge 'base' I have in reference to or with the intensification of what I term 'Minds Under Siege' known in the 'old days' as demonic spirit possession, when you read my National Security Alert you will begin to understand that all irrational or criminal acts are the result of an individual's MIND being 'open prised' or control thereof seized temporally or longer by invisible demonic forces.
When this activity takes place, such as was the 'case' of Martin Bryant, the 'possessed one' has NO recollection of what was done unto others via or through his material 'body' because his MIND is actually taken over for a 'time' by the controlling power of invisible dark spirit forces. It follows that the person was unable to control their conduct.
The full nature and expose of this 'factor' is revealed on my web site 'Suicide document' on book 4 of 9 - The escalating global insanity is to be for the reasons given on my web site and ANYONE of ANY standing who fails to fortify their mind will succumb to said dark forces at some stage and they will become LIQUID EVIL in action, and the result of that is their spiritual demise.
An easy example is the 'one punch' killing that takes place in a 'flash' when anger is aroused in a person. The energy vibration of the emotion of anger opens the doorway to the Dark and the damage is done telepathically from distant realms via their mind. The offender is likely to state: I did not mean to do it.
In a 'case' where a Police officer or two confront a man holding a knife, the emotion of fear aroused in a policeman opens the doorway to the Dark equally, and instead of remaining rational they 'fire' to kill.
The means to fortify ones mind is given at:
I am not a deluded soul as so many believe.