"Statement by submission to mankind."
An educational document
~ Open letter 1 - to Mr. Gary Morgan ~
CEO & head designer of 'Morgan aero-works'
Dear Gary,
Reference: The 'God' linked v/s the 'slave' citizen
It was so nice speaking with you and Kristine yesterday and 'sad' to hear that the aviation 'authority' of Australia was being so intrusive and controlling of your business (and others) that it was now becoming impossible to make 'headway' and that you might relocate back to New Zealand your birthplace.
I will never forget the day you gave me for 'free' so many years ago. A day and a night with your loving family and the 'super' flight we took in your 'Joey' (timber) aircraft you had built in the driveway of your home.
I can but say that the aircraft you build are the 'sweetest' on the eye as well as in their performance and ease of handling. It shows me that you have a brilliant mind having wonderful inspiration. From childhood to manhood you had the innate capacity to 'dream' and design and simply make 'toys' but later, then build and fly 'in' your dream that was now a reality, - - - all accomplished by your own 'intellect' and hand without a 'hundred man' design team.
You are the 'education' instructor and do not need any aviation 'officials' telling you to amend your designs with their forcefully imposed ideas or ideals or demands. Gary, you have the God-given entitlement to build and fly and to live or die without their interference. Try and see this please.
I say: I do see myself as a 'close' friend to you and Kristine and thus my 'pen' takes flight at 5.10 am today as I do my very 'best for you' in the hope that what I write will assist you to uplift yourself out of SLAVERY to man and Caesar's 'system of control and subjugation.'
I add: Gary, I believe that for you to 'step-up' a 'plane' into 'clear rarified air' beyond the control of other mortal men that the time has come for you to be brave and 'cement' your God-Link which exists already but, - - - it is 'weak' due to the pressures exerted upon you by the coercion of 'officialdom' over time and time as well as by the earthly programming. Programming wherein we are taught that we must bow down to the edicts of other mortals or suffer the consequence as they defy God and use 'force of arms' to punish us.
Gary, to become 'free to fly' in an unrestricted manner one must simply look to God and OBEY Him and Her decree to:
"Go your way in peace & love one another and be merciful and compassionate and forgive those who persecute you."
Brother, our God has but ONE Law or 'ruling' being:
"The equal and opposite energetic return to us from our actions. Actions which cause others either Joy or Sorrow."
Your personal actions or interaction with others causes others great JOY as they fly 'high' in your lovely machines but, - - - "why then your sorrow due to being constantly interfered with by THE AUTHORITY"?
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It is because you ARE A SLAVE to their System through either 'voting' for IT or funding IT and its interference in the lives of OTHERS and control over, subjugation of, or punishment of OTHERS in the community. Due to all this being done in your name and on your behalf, it is the ACTION OF YOUR SERVANTS which accrue you a 'due' of sorrow within God's Law of return. (As you or your servants do unto others will be done unto you)
IF you are a simple man of peace as am I, then you do NOT have to support, condone nor fund others who are warmongers. (Caesar) This is why I strive daily to open the eyes of the 'lost' so that they can help themselves 'awaken' and BE obedient to their CREATOR. Please now:
It is thus that you are no longer supporting, condoning or funding the interference in the lives of others, nor any injury they are forced to suffer.
As you now can see, the never-ending rules and regulations are now bringing the aviation industry to its knees. Arrogance, insanity and vanity now encompasses all 'officialdom' and everyone is exceeding their mandate as granted unto them by their OWN institution and YOU now need to show them their error as you educate yourself and them to the existence of the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of THEIR Constitution.
If you now stop funding their 'ORG' and walk alone with God, then the 'Certificate of Airworthiness' and the 'Constitution of Australia' does NOT apply to you but it does apply to them as they still walk with 'Caesar' rather than God.
Please seek refuge in your God-Link fully from now on. Clemencia's 'tax' case has paved the 'precedent' way for the 'remembrance' of God and the Freedom of religion' clause of the Constitution, as is the content of the letter below to the ATO Commissioner and magistrate.
Gary, the system of man 'grows' in power because IT offers 'protection' to the 'weak-minded' - - - the IGNORANT. We are here (on earth) to EDUCATE and teach humanity PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
If people have 'accidents,' they simply need to suffer it and/or have their own 'personal accident' Policy of Insurance and NEVER 'claim' from any other. To be 'godly' we can 'yes' ask for compensation if they were at fault but, - - - NEVER make demands imposed by others bearing force of arms. (The court of Caesar)
If 'Caesar's court' demands that we 'cough up' then we simply refuse as we go our way in peace because, - - - IF we paid any 'fine or compensation' due to threat or coercion we are simply funding DARKNESS IN ACTION and become COMPLICIT and ahead we suffer. If we are 'jailed' then we simply suffer it in the foreknowledge that it is simply the punitive Law of Return of God in action via the ignorant, and one is imply paying off some 'dues to God.'
All we now 'do' must be 'at our own risk' and never 'claim' from any other. Personal responsibility having ones own 'policy' of insurance if we so require. If an aircraft 'breaks up' then so be it, that was our 'fate' and we simply 'exit' the flesh and more onwards and upwards. If your 'family' makes forceful demands or claims they will exit the flesh one-day and fall downwards.
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If any person ever makes any 'claim' upon your 'business' or 'self' you must never employ a 'solicitor' but simply state to the other or the court A or B or C:
A - It was my fault and I am sorry and if I am able, I will make restitution as I do my best to compensate the 'loser,' but I can never pay any 'fine.'
B - It was your own error and thus not my fault and I cannot pay any compensation to you even if I am commanded to so do.
Gary, please now consider the following: Just get on with your life with God and His Command as your 'wife' and thus treat IT (The Command) with respect and love and if any aviation authority official steps into your 'hanger' say: "Please sit and have a cup of tea or go away for I am very busy and have naught to say," - - - and just get on with your day.
Gary, you do not require a 'Certificate of airworthiness' issued by an 'authority, for you are THE competent authority as God's inspiration flows through your mind and hand. Thus you are the I AM of God. Just make up your own 'stamp of approval' and you stamp your own 'sales docket' with it over the words: "Passed and approved by Gary Morgan."
Simply just keep making your beautiful aircraft to any weight or size you choose and sell them with a 'note' saying: "Designed by God via me and built by me for you and sold 'as is ~ where is' and please take personal responsibility for your own safety."
Brother, you are a 'natural' pilot and you need NO 'permits' to 'fly' issued by or from others. Just 'come and go' as you please because as said, you now are linked to God and are NO longer a 'slave citizen.'
If you are ever 'clamped' in jail by armed men then go 'happily' as advised by this 'pen' that it is simply the command of our God via the ignorant freeing you of your past 'Karma' when your servants did the same unto others.
If any other is foolish enough to write you a 'letter of demand' please forward it to me for my comment. You are a 'gift from God to man brother. Every person has the God-given right to manufacture fish hooks to their own design and they either 'catch' or they don't, - - - they either 'sell' or they don't. The controls over man by man will soon cease as those 'left' in the flesh after the spiritual purging will ALL be 'God-linked' and utterly respectful of the ways of others.
You are being subjected to and subjugated by very 'ignorant' and illiterate people who hold the religious ideological BELIEF that they have the RIGHT to interfere, control and manipulate your 'way of living' and to cause you and your family harm in one form or another. This false ideological BELIEF is in direct 'conflict' to your ideology of absolute pacifism wherein you never 'disturb the peace.'
Their false doctrine is backed by rules enshrined as text in books and IF you 'bow' to their demands it simply means that you have turned your back to God and taken UP the 'cudgel' of the false doctrine and become complicit to the interference in the lives of others. I hope you can see this clearly and show the 'errant' ones the TRUE PATH.
Caesar's officials need to LEARN that their demands imposed forcefully are in fact their 'ideas' being imposed upon your aircraft 'design.' You are the designer, not them, nor their rules nor their dictates.
They need to now LEARN that their 'authority mandate' is LIMITED and governed by the Constitution of THEIR institution and this needs to be seen by them. It is my pen to now break the 'mould' of their false belief through EDUCATION. You Gary are the enlightened who leads mankind with new 'innovation' and design factors. Let no 'other' impede your inspiration.
Everyone needs to see the 'closeness' of God 'everywhere,' and they need to now understand that the more they fund and condone interference, destruction and injury or loss using SERVANTS, the more 'rule by control' and regulation and PUNISHMENT is imposed upon them telepathically by GOD operating through the 'heads' of punitive system enforcers.
CUT yourself FREE Gary.
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I include my letter to the Taxation office commissioner which is letter 29 of Clemencia's court case for IT clarifies the true meaning of the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the constitution in reference to IT limiting the 'latter day' rules of engagement statutes being used against you in an illegal and thus criminal manner.
From: Terence
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 2:31 PM
To: chris.jordan@ato.gov.au
Cc: imagemaker ; Magistrates Launceston ; Mercury ED ; Police association - Ron Iddles ; Police Tasmania ; St james ethics ; The Editor, Examiner
Subject: Constitutional Truth
~ Christopher Jordan - Taxation Commissioner ~
The truly 'Christian' name
Dear 'Christopher' - this is an 'official' document so I hope you do not mind me addressing you by your 'Christian' name. I use this terminology because we are either 'Christian' believers or we are NOT.
It seems to me that if you were 'baptised' into the Christian FAITH then you are denying that fact and, - - - you need to be awoken by my 'pen.'
My beloved brother, true Christian followers of God's Word and His Command to mankind sent via Jesus, do their 'best' even unto 'crucifixion' to ABIDE IN IT (Conform with ITS Policy). As a consequence of this fact followers of God's Word cannot FUND the control, subjugation, intimidation, causing of harm or killing of OTHER children of God - FOR ANY REASON.
True Christians (The peaceful) are in fact given an 'out' so to speak and this FACT is 'officially' based for said believers within the Freedom of Religion Clause as set out within the Constitution of the institution you are 'sworn' to serve and uphold, particularly since you are sworn to so do as evidenced by your accepting a wage to so do. The 'acts' I refer to at the end of this letter clearly gives EACH individual the choice to either:
1 - Rely on God's Holy Word & Command as ones protection. OR: |
Naturally, if one chooses to use the protection of armed men (Caesar's police or army) then we have accrued a 'debt to Caesar' and we must pay, being that we must 'Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's' and namely, THE WAGES of Caesar's armed forces and the costs of weapons and all required to maintain his forces against the 'other' people.
However, if we, as 'absolute pacifists' do not seek nor have any desire to have armed forces causing harm to others in our name, or on our behalf, because it would be unconscionable to us and in direct defiance to the Command of God to be peaceful at all times, then as GIVEN within said Freedom of Religion acts, we are granted IMMUNITY from persecution and prosecution because we can rely upon the promised PROTECTION of said Constitutional AUTHORITY.
Why are we granted this IMMUNITY? Because we are peaceful and we do NOT fund nor support terrorist activities or any armed personnel and thus we do not 'disturb the peace of this or any land,' being the 'proviso' within the Constitutional Freedom of Religion acts.
If you or the 'courts' believe that 'Christians' do NOT have the RIGHT to be true to God and His Command based upon any latter day edicts, demands and legislation invoked, - - - then - - - please advise me 'how and why' this contradiction is upheld when the Constitution specifically prohibits the use of force to deny others their right to live by a peaceful doctrine.
Please also advise me 'who' the Australian Taxation Office uses as their constitutional advisors and, - - - 'which' if any spiritual leaders are condoning your demands that everyone MUST BE FORCED to fund terrorist warmongers when we have consistently made it clear that we cannot support your warring doctrine AND God's truth because they are mutually exclusive systems. One is the system of forgiveness and the other, yours, is the system of retribution.
Sir, I believe that my ROLE for God is to enlighten everyone as to the ERROR of the present way so that a FEW can be SAVED from a hellish FATE forever and a DAY.
TRUE Christians who DO follow God's message via Jesus cannot continue to fund INIQUITY. True Christians MUST now ONLY fund benign community effort or, - - - My pen STATES for God that: "They WILL ALL DIE IN THEIR SIN."
The use of God's destructive force is ILLEGAL and Treason against the State of Heaven.
It needs to BE clearly understood that anyone who defies God's Command and tries to FORCE the peaceful, by threat or coercion or other means, to fund terror or warfare, - - - that they have sealed their own FATE in the underworld.
Who is the advisor who states that the ATO can LEGALLY defy the Sovereign Constitution of the land and God?
Let us now BE respectful of God.
Let us now BE respectful of others.
Let us now BE respectful to our own eternal spirit soul.
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Constitution Acts. Acts which authorise and LIMIT the actions of public servants: Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116 "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania) This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act. Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom 46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen. (2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief. |
Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version) Religion - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship. Any fine or punishment imposed by a magistrate upon an absolute pacifist who was not disturbing the peace is a coercive attempt into forcing a person into changing their ideology (religion) by funding a contra 'punitive' doctrine and is an unlawful activity within the Constitution. |
You are not only a very enlightened man Gary but you also have a great heart, so please have some compassion and mercy towards your 'oppressors' for they know NOT what they do unto themselves.
In the event you are ever involved in any court case brought on by the 'authority' then please submit a copy of this entire document in triplicate to the court as a part of your defence as IT is my 'offering' to the 'Judge' for his considered opinion before passing sentence. This is why I have 'headed' the document-letter "Statement by submission to mankind."
God and the 'Constitution of man' grants us the freedom to 'live as we wish' and to 'do as we wish' as long as we do NOT disturb the peace of others.
I wish you both 'well' in the future - Terence
There is a copy of the ATO letter on line as ITEM 29 on page 2 at: