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"Statement by submission to mankind."
An educational document

From: Terence
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 7:50 AM
Subject: The error of exceeding the Constitutional 'operatios mandate' & Morgan Aeroworks

~ Open letter to Brian Calder of CASA and all officers ~

Dear Brian, it has come to my 'notice' that for many years now your 'office' staff have been constantly interfering in the life and business of Morgan Aero works (Gary Morgan) to the point now where he finds it 'impossible' to move or make a living and is considering closing down his operation in Australia.

What is of great concern to me is that everyone holding a 'badge of office' today in ANY government office is totally or completely ignorant as to 'from where' their LEGAL MANDATE to operate stems from.

As I am a man having the capacity to comprehend the RESULT of persons actively exceeding their operational mandate through IGNORANCE, - - - I have taken it upon myself to use the 'Morgan' case as an 'example' to awaken your department to the FACT that your operatives have caused an 'innocent' person considerable emotional trauma and loss of income over many years. (Over 10 years)

It is regrettable that 'in the name of' SAFETY, your department officers JUSTIFY 'infinite' demands upon others in the community and are 'happy' to not only disadvantage them, but to inflict 'fine or punishment' in contravention of the 'general' principles of Christianity for and on behalf of RULES in 'text books' that you presume have the right to OVERRULE the ideas or ideals of others.

It is also regrettable that government officials using political interference chose to control and subjugate and punish rather than to simply be an ADVISORY and EDUCATIVE body and thus  'CIVIL' operation. There is nothing civil about your operational ACTIVITIES, they are PROVEN to be warring activities causing harm.

It is also regrettable that IGNORANT petty court magistrates back all 'cases' placed before them even if such cases are matters of faith, conscience and ideological belief and thus can only be heard legally in the High Court.

It is also regrettable that because the activities and 'rules of engagement' with the public as GIVEN by politicians as 'Acts' within your books of 'orders' are all BACKED BY FORCE OF ARMS as well as by treasonable precedents set, that 'your' officers somehow believe in their immunity from prosecution and thus they also believe in their right to DO 'whatever they wish to.'

Since I am a very far sighted man indeed who can 'without radar' see over the 'horizon,' I am aware of the existence of an invisible energy FORCE now swinging into ACTION invisibly, and IT is uncontrollable my man and IT is to now 'set the record straight' as IT brings all arrogant, ignorant, errant and TREASONABLE mortals to ACCOUNT.

I will not go deeper into that aspect here for this missive is simply to alert you and your staff of their error in persecuting Gary Morgan and to ask you to PLEASE pass ON my request that you 'strike off' his name from your books and NEVER AGAIN say anything to him other than "Sorry for what we did to you and yours in ignorance."

Please read the below and try and comprehend its content:

The Civil Aviation ACT only applies to members of the community who 'vote,' support and FUND the INSTITUTION naming itself 'The government of Australia.'

The Civil Aviation Act is of itself 'subject to' and 'secondary to' the Acts of the Constitution and any 'civilian' holding the peaceful, non-intrusive, non-controlling, non-taxing and non-punitive and thus contra ideological policy is not in any way 'bound' or 'subject to' ANY of the rules, decrees, acts of the Civil Aviation Acts or Authority. They are entitled both by God and your constitution to 'live' their life and dreams without interference and ‘irrespective of any safety issues.’

It follows that ANY 'official' employed by CASA who in ANY way interferes into the life or livelihood or manufacturing business of the stated above peaceful individual is ILLEGALLY exceeding their mandate to 'interfere or control or punish' as granted unto THEM by the 'Freedom of Religion' ACTS of the Australian Constitution.

I enclose below a "To whom it may concern" notice and ask that you pass this email to those officers listed below.

  • Dr Allan Hawke AC - Chair

  • Mr Jeff Boyd - Deputy Chair

  • Mr Trevor Danos AM

  • Ms Anita Taylor

  • Mr Ian Smith AM

  • Mr Murray Warfield

  • Mr Mark Skidmore AM - The Director of Aviation Safety

~ To whom it may concern ~
Submission by Gary Morgan - Morgan Aeroworks
This document letter of advice is to advise every person in a position of ‘Authority’ who thus have their activities backed by ‘force of arms’ and who therefore deem their official status as having the right to rule my life and impose their strictures and edicts, laws, rules, acts, decrees upon me that; as far as my God and I am ‘concerned,’ their belief is an error of judgement because my ‘bid’ for freedom I have earned through becoming enlightened to THE TRUTH of the matter.
I am a man of PEACE who for many years now has had to put up with the ‘policing’ forces of ‘government’ who operate from their ‘departments' ILLEGALLY because they DISTURB MY PEACE and this punitive activity factor is:
1 - In contravention of the Command of our Sovereign Lord God THE AUTHORITY.
2 - In contravention of the operational Mandate granted unto government officials within the Constitution of their own institution.
3 - In contravention of the Freedom of Religion Acts of the Constitution they are paid a wage to honour, uphold and serve judiciously.
It has been brought to my ‘notice’ by a judge who has the Right and insight to ‘comment’ upon my ‘case’ because he does ‘see’ and know me ‘Gary Morgan’ personally for what I am, a man of God.
Judge ‘Terence’ has advised me to submit this my ‘testimony’ document to (CASA) the civil aviation safety authority of Australia and to any other ‘taxing’ or taxation authority who in the past assumed their Right to inflict upon me and my family great mental and emotional trauma, loss of business and income, demands and ongoing interference. They also ‘chose’ and presumed their Right to totally ignore my rights as well as their limited authority with the Constitution of their own institution.
I have now ‘sworn’ my allegiance to my own code of conduct policy and to my own belief in God as ‘head’ of my ‘house’ and thus I confirm that I do forgive my persecutors and oppressors who I do believe were/are operating ILLEGALLY due to ignorance of many factors of which some are revealed herein.
Let it be clearly understood by everybody who sees me as their ‘victim’ to be oppressed or persecuted that from this day forth I Gary Morgan do now stand upon my own two feet and ONLY bow to our God as being MY Sovereign overlord and Supreme leader and never again will I ‘vote’ for any man as my preferred ‘political head’ choice and I thus walk apart from any earthly government institution or other punitive organisation.
I believe that if on my ‘road’ I err in any way, that our God will bring me to account so I tread gently and ‘warily’ and never again will I fund any licence ‘fee’ or ‘taxing demand’ to any controlling ‘body’ that IN MY OPINION is operating in a manner which is in contravention of God’s Command.
I will pay my way and I will carry out my affairs as per the dictates of my own GOD-GIVEN conscience in the foreknowledge that our God observes all and deserves all of my trust as I honour Him ~ Her in having given me ‘life’ as they eternally sustain IT.
Never again will I give-in to the rules, decrees, demands or extortion attempts of any other mortals who believe in their right to interfere in the lives of others. Never again will I be complicit to supporting the enslavement or punishment or interference into the lives of others.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: It is my ideological belief that as long as I go my way in peace as commanded by our God and I am not carrying out any immoral activity, that there is NO restriction placed upon my person by the Source, God.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: It is also my belief that any person or armed forces men who make any demands upon me in stating that I must obey their dictates, ritual or rules are deluded persons in need of educative correction and I shall never bow to their demands as is my Right.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: Any person of any station in life or official position in any organisation who tries to force me to conform to their ideals, beliefs, rules or ideology will be ‘rebuffed’ or ignored by me because as far as I am concerned, their activities are ILLEGAL and in contravention of God’s command.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: It is my belief that I am entitled to carry out any business or activity without ‘let or hindrance’ by any other person and any ‘such’ seeking to interfere in my activities will be ignored by me because our God forbids persons from interfering in the lives of others unless the ‘other’ has disturbed the peace or is carrying out an immoral act and in that event their life may be interfered with as they are ‘caught’ and counselled and educated to assist them back to sanity and rationality.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: Since there are organisations in every land that have seized control over every aspect of living I am entitled to support, fund, or participate in any of these activities which are benign and thus are not in conflict with my ideological belief or conscience.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: Since I have been enlightened to the fact that, - - - anyone who supports or funds any person or ‘system’ that uses force of arms to interfere, control, subjugate, enslave, cause harm, extort money, punish, wage war or kill is a person complicit to said anti-god iniquity and they thus place themselves within the punitive aspect of God’s Law of Return to ahead suffer the consequence. I simply request the reader to themselves turn away from supporting controlling, interfering or punitive systems of man and turn direct to God as I now do.
Be advised that from this day forth I am beholden to NO person nor institution of mortal man as I bow in subservience to my God and I go my way in peace as is His command.
Let it be clearly understood by the reader: I 'recognise' NO 'other' person or 'authority' as having the right or legal powers to interfere in my manufacturing business or my general aviation activities other than our God. My business will now 'rise or fall' dependent upon ITS 'values' to the aviation community.
From this day forth;
1 -  I will issue my airmen students my own 'Certificate of flying permit' to those taught by me who have 'passed' my requirements of knowledge and flying competency.
2 - I will build whatever nature of flying machine I choose, be it 'Ultra-Light' or 'Ultra Heavy' to any weight or power or size I wish to for I am no longer 'restricted' other than by my own God-given conscience.
3 - Since I am no longer a 'voter or taxpayer' and thus no longer within the legal jurisdiction of any government I no longer recognise any magistrate as having any jurisdiction over me nor will I recognise any judgement they have or may try and impose upon me for our God is the 'judge' of my ACTIVITIES. Any penalties imposed backed by armed men I will ignore and if I am incarcerated or persecuted then it is they who will be answerable to our God.
4 - I recognise that the 'air space' of the skies as a place needing to be used in a safe manner and I am happy to agree to the codes of conduct policies elevated to educate and assist the safety of all air space users,  being benign guidelines having NO punitive attachments for any non-conformity.
5 - I henceforth am only 'restricted' by the ideas and ideals of my own conscience and I no longer 'wear' the shackles of slavery or enslavement to the ideals of other mortals be they officials or 'kings' because I am a king in my own right as God's Love is my 'crown.'
6 - I am beholden to no other but I welcome 'all-comers' to my door for my motto is 'Peace unto all' as God Commands.
7 - I will pay my own way for the community services I use and I will fund or support any benign community effort I so choose to. If others in the community believe in their right to use force and they 'rob, rape, pillage, steal or cause harm,' then that is their 'choice' and ahead they will 'hear and feel' God's Wrath, but I will simply do my best to 'correct' them through education.
8 - I will never again make any 'pre-operational' taxing or licence fees to any person or 'governing' organisation because that is a factual ACT of extortion that is ERROR according to my ideology and system of belief and, it would be 'improper' of a person of my 'standing' to be complicit to the support of any such dark or negative activity.
I have CERTIFIED myself as a FREE MAN.
For the information of all government servants I give below the Freedom of Religion acts of the Constitution of their own institution so that they can become aware of the ILLEGALITY of their activities in respect of THE PEACEFUL who are entitled to live according to their own conscience and ideological belief without being ‘subjected to’ or ‘subjects of’ ANY latter day rules, acts, decrees or ‘laws’ raised up endlessly by politicians.
This freedom of religion clause LIMITS the mandated powers of government officials and applies to ALL government departments. Any government official or magistrate or enforcer exceeding said mandate is an anarchist guilty of TREASON within the rules of their own organisation.
It is the time now for all politicians, village 'chiefs' and their enforcers to comprehend that they do not 'own' the body, mind or soul of others living on the same lands mass. Neither do they have the right to use threat and coercion and intimidation to force others to 'fund' or belong to their 'club.'
Each child of God is entitled to 'live' their unique ideological doctrine of either Peace or War and all are subjected to God and His Law of equal return irrespective of their beliefs around that issue.
Most 'officials' employed in government departments do 'anything' for their 'age' and they cannot exercise their own conscience as they are duty bound to live by the edicts contained in their rule books. They all need to now look to the constitution as IT limits their powers.
I am a born 'air man' inspired by God and thus permitted by God to elevate the aviation industry as per my own ideas and ideals.
Signed – Gary Morgan, Morgan Aero Works

Note: This 'notice' has been prepared for me by Judge Terence who has placed a copy of it on his web site 'Notices to airmen' as ITEM 2 thereon.

He further recommends that every reader of this notice also read his 'facts of life' article at:

Constitution Acts. Acts which authorise and LIMIT the actions of public servants who work for the institution of government:

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, - and

Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania) - State Constitutions apply to all states

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.


Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.


Below is the letter that accompanied the above sent to Gary Morgan

Dear Gary, I hope that you soon realise that you and your loving wife are God's children who as me have come down to earth from the inner 'sun' being God's LIGHT space for the purpose of elevating the consciousness of 'fallen' man.

I also hope that you do not mind me using our friendship to elevate the consciousness of mankind as I do or 'we' are doing when my correspondence to YOU is elevated 'on high' on my web site for global readers to see.

You and all mankind need to now see that it is God (the dark aspect) who authorises and backs all INTERFERENCE. All interference, control, subjugation, punishment and causing of harm is simply the 'karmic' comeback accrued by people for themselves having either directly or through funding punitive organisations having interfered in the lives of others.

This has been going ON forever outside the Light, and all complicit accrue an equal 'Return due' within THE LAW of return of the DARK aspect of THE SOURCE.

You cannot 'leave' Australia and somehow get away from God and His Law of return 'energetic force' or administrative forces. It is best to simply stay here if you so desire and turn now to the light as you pay no more 'fees'  or taxes, you add no gst to the sales of your products.

Why so? Because you now know that if you so do, and you pass that money ON to the state 'system's' workers, that you are complicit to all the control, interference and punishment that they impose upon others, and as soon as you pay any funds to the 'system' of control you at that moment begin to accrue a further due of 'sorrow' to the DARK aspect of THE SOURCE.

If you have any spare funds you simply obey God and freely GIVE them to the Salvation Army or any other benign community effort or new enterprise seeking funds etc., and you now live by your own conscience. You may be surprised how easy it will be once you have made that decision.

I do believe that you have paid off a lot of past karma, so don't ADD any more and they the 'interferers' will probably now leave you alone and in peace. I have placed a copy of this email and the below 'To whom it may concern' up on my web site as ITEM 2 just below my prior email to you a year or so back which is ITEM 1 at:

I have also sent a copy of the below to CASA as well as to many other air magazines globally.

Please print off copies of the below to have in your 'hanger' so that every visitor or 'inquisitor' can be given one for their own education.  It is the time for all mankind to see that they ONLY become free spiritually (free from suffering and enslavement) when they HALT their monetary support of warmongers who cause harm to others and their own supporters under the guise of 'protection' or 'it is for your own good.'

I wish you well Gary and hope you stay in OZ and be now happy that your 'experiences' with CASA have assisted God and me to enlighten the global community.

Sincerely - Terence

13the June 2015