The As written by Terence
people of Item - 8 - The 'Lord's prayer' - Trespass & the King's Ransom ~ Foreword ~ This document has been formulated to assist peoples of all races and countries who have or will become displaced persons in the times at hand. It also applies to past ancestors who themselves were displaced from their "natural" habitat by the intrusion of other races into lands they had freely and solely occupied for a period of time. It needs be remembered that in all countries there have existed many different tribes who at all times over the ages were "habitual" in their ways, in that none were able to "co-exist" in a Godly manner, and thus, at varying times they "raided" and took by force other's lands, folk and property. Due to this "way" of living, many people were of no fixed abode but roamed freely. Others who were "stationary" were at times subjected to the law of God that says "You all Reap what you Sow" and thus themselves lost their "place" to others who took it by force of arms. We are now at the "End" times when all pay their spiritual dues, thus we needs reflect as to what we "own," what we "demand" as our right, and for what we are prepared to "die" as we fight. This document has been formulated mainly "around" the Australian land as the writer resides there, but as said, it applies to all races in all lands today. All are seeking redress for the ways of past ancestors of "others" deemed as the "defaulters." The main thrust of this document is a series of letters written to various people who are active participants in the "struggle" for supremacy of Lands within the Australian Continent, reading these letters will "reprogram" your consciousness with truth and reality. I give you now these letters, and add what I believe is pertinent information to assist all. It is truly the time to be "forgiving," as all who are arrogant will soon pass over out of the flesh and join many in the "dark" worlds below, the truly "non living." Blessed Light, awaken us from the dark night.
CIRCULAR ~ I now write to all "Elders" and ask you of your intent. For our loving God up high does now heave a great sigh, wondering why you do what you do, in being so untrue. For it appears that your intent is mainly to collect monies to be spent, rather than gathering your people around and teaching them to till their own ground. So I personally now to you all write, inspired by our Creator of Light, and SHE to you now does say:
Thank you Mother divine for revealing through me about the swine, the devilish dark forces way below who by "spells" their deviousness sow. That is why so many Aborigines die when they are "locked up" I do espy, for from the darkness thoughts do arise, and in the minds of many they 'themselves' do despise, and thus their own life take. I say its time to put on the brake and quickly all your people teach how dark thoughts our minds do breach.
intent is true Please now come my way, Ill teach the "time of day" before your people suffer more, for they are all "goaded on" for sure by many solicitous men now revealed by my sacred pen. They sell their souls to become rich, all soon fall into the ditch, so before then please heed me, for only my spirit can pure truth see. "Mercy" my pen
~ Evelyn
Scott ~
are using "Race" The word "reconciliation" is misplaced because their "demand" for land is laced with a reprimand that does imply that Aborigines suffer and cry because no vast lands they own, thus they sit around and moan. They needs now "awaken" from their sleep for "laziness" has become their "keep," and they now believe that "white man" must them daily pay, because white ancestors came this way. Let us now all wake up and on Gods wisdom sup. All of us are just people who "live" on earths loam, all are now for "self" responsible, so at others lets not moan. Much have I written up to today, let's give out shovels & buckets & seeds before we run out of "pay." That applies to you and you, black or white or coloured too. For all soon will pall as the country into disarray does fall. Yes, all will succumb to hunger and become numb with fear. So "Wake up Australia" I say to you. Stop demanding reconciliation and just be true. So Evelyn, can you "see" what this "spirit" does say unto you, for your ancestors are amazed at what their descendants today "dont" do. For primarily in the days of old, all fed themselves, this I am by them told. For I am an instrument of God above and can be inspired by your ancestors who abide way up in the land of love. They would now set you all free, thus today they say to thee through me: "Sister, be now with us, tell all the silly men to stop the fuss, as we see it they all clown around, all by unforgiveness and greed are bound. They lead our children into the dust, so upon your "judgment" of this pen we our light and love entrust." Terence 7.11.001 (97)
Commonwealth funds ~ ATSIC, If "Self determination" you would BE, then let it so be. You must not on "others" survive, you needs survive on your own "inner" drive, the "Spiritual" way, that you "claim" today that is your "true" mood, by the Westerners misunderstood. I see the "Ladies" at Hermansberg have a wonderful "gift," so why do they frown.? Because I see they "rely" on two x $25,000 "helpers" who now "cry" because their "love" they only "lent" to Hermansberg, because of the $$ there sent. Surely the "profit" they "teach" could their pockets with some $ reach. All must now "tighten up" their belts, because lack of funds leave now "swollen welts" in the minds of so many who in the past relied on another's "penny." So let's all now "self determined" be to set the "payer" free, and not "from" any demand, for that is NOT a spiritual command. Let's all now "take" less pay and let love and giving have its day, and not to expect gifts given "free" because we "believe" its owed to "we." In the "Past" many a man did "take," God will them "Break." But the people on earth "today" must not for "past deeds" be expected to pay, for none of "us" were "around" when insanity in Australia was "found." So let's now all just "prepare" or insanity will again us all ensnare. let's all "let the other fella GO" and ONLY our "OWN" business now Sow. Then we truly "self sufficient" be, and maybe to the "other" can "give" I see. Funds "given" too freely simply ADD to the SICKNESS that be rampant under the Australian skies. In the guise of:
were morally unwise
So let's
now link in with a helping hand ~ Aborigine abode ~ If you want to live in the "Bush" you cannot expect a toilet "Flush," and, you need to dig your "own" ditch to accommodate your excrement, not wield a switch and loudly "berate" that others must do what you are "personally" to lazy to. If you want to live in the bush and "lie" around then for sure you need a mind "sound," for water does not fall out of the sky every day, so dont wonder "why" you become thirsty as funds run out, its too late to sit around and "shout." If you take not the trouble to build a rain tank and grow your own "corn" with a long green shank then for sure you no "true" bushy be, but are a poor deluded soul "let down" by society. One that in the past "too much" money gave and by this "incentive" you dug your own grave. Because the "ways" of the past you forgot where daily in the bush you did "trot" and gather up wood and looked for food. Today, all just sit around and brood "thinking" of new ways to demand more funds with an "you owe us" command. And "what" do our foolish Politicians "do," instead of giving "shovels" to me and you so that we can our own sewers dig, they send in "soldiers" who dont care a "fig" for this lowly way to work, so soon in their minds too will dark thoughts lurk. So wake up Australia I ask of thee, lets forget the past and clearly now see. There is no more money to hand "out," soon poverty will the whole world clout, so lets just give implements, buckets and seed, and every "layabout" can sow their own "deed." None expecting or demanding "off" another already overburdened sister or brother. Its truly the time for "self determination" to begin, not wave a stick saying "In the past you did sin."
Madeline Albright USA ~ Madeline Albright wields the Devils might, and she too will soon sit on the fire of the worlds biggest funeral pyre, as her government comes to a "stop," and America does a final belly flop. For too long did they everyone control as in pure arrogance over the planet they did stroll, as they do even today as they criticise the Australian way, saying that there are no human rights seen in Australia over their gun sights. Surely the Australian "Black" has the right to grovel in the dust day and night if they so wish, as they hold out their bottomless begging dish. Surely they have a right to sit around all day, shouting to the others for more free pay. This is a free world I see, and our personal living conditions that be, are no business of others over the sea. And what I ask, is this "Native" Title all about. Why do "natives" so loudly shout that the land they must own before they feel at peace, and before they can truly "grease" their hands with more money from the miners, who work earnestly to earn their pot of honey. I say that white or black equal be, we are all "born" on earth this way I see, so why do the blacks now say "WE own the land," that their forefathers did disown. For Gods Law I do know, "We reap what we sow," so every black that was dispossessed was but by Gods law impressed. So foolish I see are those today who must "take" another's land and go the same way. Certainly each "family" needs an acre of land, for that was as God planned. But none white or black should any other "dispossess," and thus make a planetary mess. It seems that the "Legal" hawks cause all the trouble, as they "take" the black mans "rouble," saying, "For your right we will fight, for as long as you pay, using funds donated your way, we are ready to it take, and a bigger mess make." So as said, no one should get any "free pay," especially if theyd use it to "bite" the giver in another way. I say, give every "loafer" a shovel and pick, tell them all to their own seeds in the ground stick, for soon, "Mucha bigga trouble thisa way, when the giva runa outa money to pay." ~ Solicitors ~ To: Beeton & Mansell Mr. Mansell, in the Launceston "Examiner" (Sat April 19. 97) you "solicit" for the services of a lawyer so as to "pit" their capacity to legally "Take" land off others and thus a mess make. Not only of their own souls I see, but they "break ground" for a massive calamity, and this "break" they do solely for money, using their adversaries money. Yes, it is the taxpayers funds they use in order to the taxpayer abuse, and people such as you believe that what they do must be "equitable" in Gods eyes because legal men "appear" to be wise, and, as it is done under a legal mandate it follows that it must be legal to berate other sisters and brothers of this land whose "ancestors" took through a greed demand. And, what it is that you cannot see is that God says:
destroy all who believe not ME, for I say forgiveness and
love So "why" I do ask "do you deny the Light from Gods flask." ? Its now the time to see that ALL, Australians be. None can "hold" free Title to any land that they "take" by "legal" means underhand. For in Gods eyes, I do see, all using "legality" truly blinded be. For as said, "Paying $$$ to employ men unwise who deny God, shows God you too do God despise." My brother, the past we must forget, reference ancestral lands do not fret. For in the past, the land was "free," any spirit walked on it freely. So why now would you it own? is it because you would heaven disown? Its time now to see that ancestral spirits are controlling thee, and they say: "The land you must take and it matters not if your future you forsake, for you are an aborigine true, and your ancestors rely on you." So as said, why not be content with this land God has you lent for the time in the flesh you walk, why waste money and others "stalk." For this is what you do as you "say" the other is untrue. Surely an acre of ground is enough on which to fool around personally, and a cabbage grow, why seek more, do you know, or is it a matter of money, that elusive pot of gold? Like honey it can bear a hidden "sting" as one's spiritual freedom one does away fling. My brother, please listen to me for my "spirit" is the one from eternity, and I say its nearly too late to turn back, for already devious thoughts do minds smack And even "solicitors" do the people "on goad" for they too partake of the golden lode, being the seemingly endless $$$$$$$ they "extract" whilst wearing "wig and collar."
all are very untrue
Let us
now make peace, be
forgiving, thus our
release. Terence ~ The Spirit of Truth ~ ~ Noel Pearson ~ Noel, it is time for me to write to you my brother in Gods sight, for ancestral spirits now more "begin" to drive our sisters and brothers to "sin." Meaning, to "off" others try and take, and its time to put on the brake because "All "takers" do die" I hear from God the most high. What it is that "your people" cannot see is that their ancestral spirits very powerful be, not necessarily in a manner kind, but by "thoughts" they telepathically many bind. Because in unforgiveness they demand compensation as a form of reprimand, and they cannot let the other fella go, they make demands and thus soon much pain will flow. For your people are now used to sitting around, and with free food and drink are they "immorally" bound, its a "habit" a little like a drug, free anything is hard to "off shrug." We begin to on it rely and when it stops, in pain we cry. So brother, please come to me, is what I now ask of thee. For your ancestors way up in the light abhor the "today" aboriginal plight where everyone is a beggar for sure, demanding money as they sit on the floor. And I the "greatest" spirit be, the oldest soul resides in me. I am the "one" who came before, and again I knock on earths door, hoping a few will come near, hoping some will my message hear, for it is direct from God to you all who on earth plod. And "spirits" I do see and hear, I call all your ancestors near as well as those of yellow or white, for all spirits are but spirits in Gods sight. Its only here we have the "flesh," different races and colours in which spirits enmesh, and truly, now is the time many will succumb to the "pull" of the swine. Being dark spirits way way below who the real truth of love and forgiveness do not know, and tis they who "speak" through earthly MEN, as is now revealed through this my pen. "All Abos are in deadly danger" says this man an "African" stranger. Yes, I come from Tanzania and again I say "Please come near, bring along an elder or two, or a "psychic" who is truly true, and then together well walk hand in hand and take many back to our sweet summer land."
man your face Id see ~ The Spirit of Truth ~
~ Pat
Dodson ~ Elder Pat, its time to put on a "smile" and prepare to walk the last mile, for if reconciliation is your theme, then its time to more than "dream." For truly its time to reconcile with "Mother God," and to do this, we needs help each other to try and clearly see that reconciliation is a matter of spirituality, and a true spirit does naught but "Love even their oppressor" I hear from God above. And "How" you may ask "Do you reconcile with others who do not even smile" ? You just ignore them for sure, and just sweep up your own "floor," meaning, watch what you express verbally, and otherwise just everyone bless, and quietly go your own way, earning your own pay, somehow trying not to beg, even if needing help to stand on one leg. For we must reconcile our souls to God, not to "others" as on earth we plod, and the "inner" reconciliation with God means, we "smile" at all on this sod. Too much has already been "said," its time for all to make a fresh bed beside their own campfire, helping all who call by, and uplifting them thus higher. Too many today demand, too many today do others reprimand, too many want to "take" control of everything and a mess make. I say "enough is enough," God, my brother, will all takers "out snuff," yes, soon you will see a swiftly erupting calamity. Please read my message on Suicide that does on my "web" page abide, then youll help many a lost brother to live as you pass on the wisdom I give. And tell all your people that the word "Reconcile" means: "Climb over your own style," do not expect to freely sup out of another's fast emptying cup.
Soon all
funds run dry I believe you are a stalwart man, I believe you too are a part of Gods plan, so why dont you also come to me and well talk oer a cup of tea. There is more at stake than this land, there is a spiritual summer land. Some of your people have it seen as they "prayed" and did dream, and that place is very near, as is the "other" of coldness and fear. We my brother do choose the one we go to, the win, or the lose. We lose if we hide our face, and we lose if we show lack of grace in our daily deed, any expressed "foulness" and we bleed. For above is the Light, none get there who demand and fight, only the lovers who forgive as they "pass over" in heaven live. The others fall into the dark night, yes they join the foolish ones who are white, who also in ignorance do fight, thus both do entwine forever in a deep dark plight. Friend, I await you, friend, I believe you are true.
~ Rob
Borbidge ~
time to stop calling
people "Aboriginal." No Black or "part black" can any land claim, for no land bears a titled name just because their ancestors "roamed" in the past.... this means, any claim today is a "farce." For my daddy roamed across Tanganyika too in Africa, so Im an "African true blue." But I can lay no claim in "Tanzania" for any "piece," just because someone wants to my hands grease ! If I do off them demand, it is an "historic" reprimand with a "shared" Title deed inspired by my inner greed. Lay the past to rest. All with the present time name of "Australians" are blest. This is what all must now see, or, an escalating calamity brought on by "Solicitous" men, all "whores" says this my pen. For they sell "our" souls for pieces of eight, and they too then will for heaven be late. IF any "Australian black or white" wants land let him earn it as was by God planned. Any who today want to "another's" take, will for sure a "heapa bloody trouble" make. I hope Rob you have a clear mind. I believe your soul is kind. Tell some "Media fella" to do a story about the present day Queensland "glory." That Queenslanders can clearly see that legal men at times iniquitous be, and are forever on the "take," and you say they needs put on the brake and see the reason why we must now be ONE Australian CLAN under this sun. None in any way better blessed, thus none with free land impressed. Tell every man he can into the "State forest" go and on a God given acre his beans grow, but that none can have a free square mile or dead bodies soon will "up pile." SOON I do see that many will be looking "at" me, for SOON the whole world goes into relapse and into insanity does collapse. BEFORE that time, the truly decent souls true needs look at my message from our creator. YES, it is true. I AM the returned soul sent to awaken all of you. My unmet friend, there are a multitude of problems surfacing that appear to have no solution today, other than "The other fella for his past will pay." I write this little note to you in the "expectancy" that ahead when "fully informed" on some issues you will be truly true to those whom did you elect, as well as to God our Creator, showing a deep respect. For trouble times are soon at hand, and much blood will be spilt on this earthly land. Only I know truly why, and thus to you a few pages send, hoping to inspire you to a greater sincerity your end. You are a man of spiritual might, also a man with a deep insight, but as yet a little blind as to the reasons why confrontation now unwinds. If you can read what I send, and further enlighten yourself your end, you will see that there is but one way out ref: Land, that is to all "Past references" to ancestral title disband. All present and future leases are to STAND. Otherwise every "sucker" will try and place his "foot" on another's land. The result of this we will see, as the inland waters of Australia run red with blood belonging to those whod "Take" freely.
Any who
would any land acquire must
for it pay.
~ John
Howard ~
The Land
- WIK -
you and me All for ONE and ONE for all, favour ONE and ALL will fall. The LAW must as it IS stand, none must be ABLE to CLAIM the upperhand. The PAST all must forget, talk about "ancestral lineage" and all will fret. NONE of us were here "yesteryear," and to "Truth" its time to draw near. The Land belongs to ALL today, all wanting others land must for it PAY, all in equality, NO other way ends in positivity. Those "claiming" descent seek for FREE compensation monetarily, any who this cannot see are blinded, I say to thee.
Every "Lease"
must stand "as is" upon
this fair land. Let NONE for any land claim ahead of another, these fools are Vain. If ANY makes a "free" claim on any land it is an arrogant foolish demand. All who "demand" have today shown their "acceptance" of today's way. All have as "others" been paid freely in cash, not bucket and spade, when on "their" land they did "lurk," showing their spiritual contempt of their ancestral ways with hair unkempt. For the truth can be seen by all, that no "Aboriginals" walk tall, all on the "white fella" rely, all shout "Foul" as they try to prospectors or miners evict for no reason other than its the "free season." Each Australian owns the land, matters not their colour or "band," we stand an equal race uplifting all or falling to the mace. John, be a leader of LIGHT, let all the country see ITS plight, tell all: "Its all for one, and one for all." This must be done openly so all can see that all land today is free. Meaning, that any can it buy off a seller. And "why" I do you ask, do you not sup deeper on my flask? For much danger is ahead for sure because all minds are "possessed" and more. It to me is utter nonsense that "claimants" seek financial recompense because they are too lazy to work, and behind "foul play" they daily lurk. Give out "food rations" only I say, to any unemployed today, and a bucket and a spade until their own vege patch they have made. IT John is the ONLY WAY to help all the forlorn I say, for all have nothing to do except make trouble I say to you. That goes for all, black or white. Its time for each their own meal ticket to write, not on the other rely, not demanding to off others $ "pry." All the best brother John, spiritually soon much to be done, for all earthlings are "niggers on the road," all carrying a dark spiritual lode. Please one day call on me and read what God says to thee and every white or black for soon "someone" will every face smack.
~ J.
Howard ~ ref: National Speech on Land Rights ( 30.11.97) Dear Prime Minister, no doubt you did a speech already prepare ref: Land & Title, but I would my wisdom with you share for if your plan does go ahead it leaves an "opening" for future dread. For none must have "legal" opportunity to "shared title" or "title take" discuss, for all discussion leads to fuss. You should NOW say: "I have decided to revert back to the old way where every land seeker must for their land pay, for only this way do all have equal opportunity and all must try and now this see. So as your Prime Minister, who cannot you all "reach," I can only say that from today my truth I will to you preach, being that the "contentious" 10 point plan I lay aside. I will now make a more fully advised plan that I did decide was more appropriate for today, and as said, I have decided that any seeking any land must for it pay. That is in respect of any lands held by others, be it leasehold or freehold, none must have even the slightest opportunity of being "given" the opportunity to it take by legal means, or all Australia will into two halves break. Certainly "black" Australians have been 'bound' by false beliefs that their ancestors held legal tenure to all Australian ground. Thus all have assumed that their descendants walking on it today could claim it and not for it pay. I your Prime Minister do now see how all of you wronged be by permitting any to believe that they can any land take and make the present land holders grieve. Thus I do say that my personal decision today is to advise all that the Godly legal way is for all to have the opportunity to purchase land in the usual way. All those of ancestral lineage have no land "Right" over any others and if you wish to demand and fight then that is your choice to so do and thus to God are untrue. I your Prime Minister can only to all say today that in my opinion, we must all stand equal and to God for sanity pray. Be you of aboriginal "descent" or indigenous by "birth," or an Australian by deed of "settlement" through emigration, you are all "Natives of Australia," called Australians." If any person of any "lineage" is not in possession of freehold title, I shall "move" to open the door to Crown Lands and enable all people of Australia to obtain a free God given acre that at present "personally untitled" be. This is my wish, that we "close the door" to any "opportunism" that does breech God's law, for NO land holder today must be compromised in any way, I hope that you can see my reasoning, it is the only sane way." Dear Prime Minister, if you think that the only way to reconciliation is by either:
A - Using taxpayers
hard earned money to "compensate"
Australians of ancestral B - By "permitting" legal "wrangle" by stating that community members can "stake a claim" on another's land. Then this will lead to uncertainty and certain "death" to many takers. Terence 30.11.001
Aboriginal "stolen"
generation ~ Can none see the escalating of strife? Can none see that it was the Aboriginal men who stole the other 'fellas' daughter or wife and killed the other "Clan's" men? Can none see that it was Aboriginal women who stole other's children in a long past day? Can none see the pure spiritual reality that now is being enacted planetarily? Yes, it is the reaper in action, and it is all those who with the dark retributionary force seek interaction as they say: "In the past you did our children abuse, thus your freedom you must lose as we the "Aborigine" shout daily "louder" and we will never stop until you "admit" and pay compensation for more than a day before we do you forgive." This earthly place is not the Promised Land. It is the place where all in "unforgiveness" wield a mace and are a disgrace in God's eyes, whatever their "race." None can see that God's "invisible" LAW is immutable and "operates" eternally. It says : As you sow - so shall ye reap. So I the returned Messiah say today: In the long past days as well as today there were/are people who abduct others, destroy others, enslave others, deceive others, and as we "presently" are in the "Abo" mode as they "bare" their past dark road, I shall comment as follows. In the past centuries and "millennia" there were many different tribes of blacks in Australia who for 'sport' did wander around and "attack" other tribal members and abduct their wives and children for their own personal satisfaction. The "spirits" of these "thieves" of the past are again in the flesh of this land and they under God's Law were 'required' to suffer the same "heavy" fate that God planned under God's Law. Thus any suffering of any person in the flesh today is but the way they pay for their past "heyday" when they abducted others etc. In this or a past lifetime. The "fools," in this instance being the "whites" who were the ones "inspired by darkness" to do the reaper's work and mete out divine justice as 'abductors' do themselves take on the karmic spiritual "debt," and they too later suffer the same ignominious fate. All who "continue" to berate "us" or "any" are foolish ignorant souls 'heading' for the frozen wastelands below. This I do know. Forgiveness is the way, not "Say 'sorry' and us pay."
For a "supposed"
Nation I
see that all
have gone
~ Ray
Martin ~ Ray, I see you more and more move into the "plight" facing the "first" Australians on this land. I see that you too would take the 'hand' of the 'second' arrivals and attempt to join up the two "parties," one of which does grieve. I do believe that the "Aborigine" have forsaken their spirituality as none do see what their Creator did say, being: "You forgive the other "fella" and not demand them to say "sorry," like an 'airplane' that has lost its propeller." It is too late now as all can see, for those of "lost" spirituality cannot see that reconciliation comes not from any demand meted out as a "pay us more" reprimand. Planetarily every man now seeks land re-distribution as the only solution to past incursive 'takes' by political men. Much has been written by me in an "attempt" to get all to see the hidden reality and the way of TRUE spirituality. Where we only get a reprieve from our thoughts "grieve" when we heed the Word of God and do ourselves forgive and forget the past when we or our ancestors did fret. All "unforgiveness" is leading to mass confrontation and soon on every land there will be mass "deportation" as men kill men and all killers will go below. This fact I also try and bestow upon all. Please then try and get some "Elders" to pass on my "single page" Brief Summary that is on the web site so that the "lost" can again find their way, which is not: For your folly you must say sorry and pay. It is : Let us plant our own veges today and forgo the "drink" which does sink our souls into dark oblivion. All the best Ray, I hope you do call around one day ~ Sorry ~ Now the world does see the intensity of the rising insanity that has "claimed" Fiji and soon even "we." For it is insanity to me that the "Aborigine" race keeps itself locked into misery and un-forgiveness because its "mass psyche" is spellbound. Yes, it is "focused" on our poor PM who rightly does not need to say "Sorry" before reconciliation takes place. I have already written much to this "inhuman" earthly race about the "hold" of the dark over any mind that is blind to God's call of: "YOU forgive and then I will permit you to happier live." So all the "Indigene" of any land need to understand that it is they who needs reconcile with a forgiving smile. For what they need to see is that any pain is a "karmic" debt of which they have been set free if they can "let go" the "fella" whom did the pain "sow." (Its called 'payback') As for our PM, I do believe he is a man of God who is trying hard on this "sod," so any of you "others" who join in the "point the bone" foray will join the "unforgiving" blacks in Hell one day. Yes, I can say "I am very sorry for the "misled" Aborigine people because they are blind and cannot yet see the true way." Being that they should now say: "Sorry for the 'self pitiful' way that we have been projecting ourselves for many an unforgiving day. We now as God expects go our way 'forgivingly' and start afresh from today. No more will we any other Australians reprimand. No more will we off any other Australians make any financial demand. No more will I expect to 'gain' any land 'differently' from any other Australians. No, I now do understand that it is an 'underhand' move to by proof of 'ancestry' gain an 'upper' hand over others who as "we" were born equal on this land. Not only do we Aborigines now ourselves say "sorry," but we also will try very hard to abide in the fresh message from heaven given by the risen Messiah today. For he has convinced "us" that all who continue to demand and fight for any perceived "right" will now fall into darkness and suffer and pall." Let any TRUE "dweller" on this Australian land now try and understand that it truly is "decision" time for all abiding 'outside' heaven. For it is GOD to now separate the chaff from the "leaven." Any who show 'disrespect' have a 'mind' open to the darkness, on this reflect. If you do not protect your mind then Satan will you 'via it' eternally bind. I AM the Messiah ~ The Aborigine 'default' ~ "We suffer and are 'backward' because of you" is the 'cry' of the Elders of this race of people who are untrue. Yes, and what they cannot see is that they are 'free' to go on their way and elevate themselves materially and spiritually as others do each day. Their 'fault' is their mental 'default.' Being that thoughts sting their minds and keep them locked into the mode of: "Let the other Australian fella pay for the past and let us sit around and remain bound as we deserve more and more in every way." So you see "black" man, you keep yourselves locked into perpetual misery for you "classify" yourselves as impoverished and until this you see then there is only misery continuing for thee. The "white" fella pays you 'over' some two thousand million dollars annually to aid you. You "now" demand that every mining company pay you a "royalty" and you demand ownership of the fish and oceans too. "Wake-up" fellas, soon we all have NO "umbrella of $ protection" and I say you and all needs a little reflection on your personal way. You "Elders" misguide your 'part' of the inhabitants of this Australian land in an underhand manner. It's time to be "as one" with the other part of the population who also live on this land. Thus it's time for each of you to pick up your own "spanner" and earn your own pay. No more "free" pay. You are owed naught by any other man. If you were personally "aggrieved" in any way by any other fella "black or white" on a past day it was payback being your spiritual due for a past 'folly' untrue on your part. Wake-up! Begin to see that 'freedom' and true spirituality must come from within. You all commit 'sin' each day by the factual deed of unforgiveness on your part and the retributionary demand that the other for your demise pay. ~ The Aborigine 'Nation' ~ In order to be "classified" as one who was/is a part of the aggrieved Aborigine Nation and thus set themselves 'apart & above' other Australians by virtue of needing more funding and needing 'looking after' and needing certain 'set-apart' areas of "National Heritage," many "men" of 'part-blood' who were in fact more "white" than "black" did for greed 'side with' becoming "as-one" with those claiming "full-blood" Aborigine descendency as they disowned their 'other' blood-lines. Apart from this fact, one cannot have a 'nation' within a nation. One can have 'groups' of people who look different to others, or who eat different foods, or who dress in a different manner, or who dance to a different tune. This is all a cultural difference. Any whom today claim an 'elevated' status above any other culture due to some "ancestral" heritage are living in a delusion. For any person of any culture born on or living on this or any land on earth is a child of God and equal to any other. It is only ancestral spirits interfering in peoples minds telepathically who continue on the bother, be they Serbs or Brits or Slavs or Yanks or the multitudes of tribes and sects that have existed over time on this planet. All from realms of spirit seek to "dominate & control" others. That is why God is now to reduce all men to "common" people who behave rationally and respectfully towards others. None demanding anything for free or seeking retribution either nationally or individually. Prior to that time the 'angry' face of God will be seen and man consumed by hatred and greed inspired by ancestral spirits will make other ignorants bleed. Being those other ignorant people who did in their past 'commit' foul deeds. So let any of us who yet 'humane' humans be, become more rational and prepare for the new way to be by educating all swiftly. No more "I'm this - you're that, I expect and demand that you pay me back." No, only "Can you please help me today for I am hungry and have no pay." Today all "aid" is currency enforceably stolen off the greater community via System's men. This mode is by God to now be broken. Be advised, for there are men and men, in this I include women, who have designated labels to your name that 'elevate' you, and you gain power over others through this 'label,' be it 'politician, police-man, army officer, your highness, your worship, lord, king, bishop, elder, chief' etc. ALL shall be reduced to ONE common denominator - simple man, for all of you use your label to control, extort from, manipulate, punish and abuse God's children in some way. ~ Belonging ~ People believe or are taught that they have to "belong to" something. Be it a race, a nation, a culture, a political party, a religious belief, a tribe, etc. This type of 'fellowshipping with' or 'belonging to' sets one apart from others. Your colour, size, shape, language, and cultural habits show others that you were either 'born' in a different part of the planet, or that your parents had a different 'lineage' to theirs. You do not have to 'disassociate' yourself as being superior to or lesser than others because of this difference. Look at your 'person' and the 'personage' of others in a positive way only. Be thankful that the 'rainbow' has many colours and that every hill and valley is different. The only groups worthy of belonging to are recreational clubs, be it the yacht club, the football club, or the bird watching club etc. In which people of any cultural background can participate in together. God says:
Father God ~ Australia Race day ~ IF we all turned into people with pink eyes and body colour green, then none could say My ancestors here before yours have been, that is the issue now at stake, and any takers on darkness partake.
We are all
Australians today, and pink & green
is the only way. Every pinkeye has a mattress to sleep on today, so presumably that is his home. I say: If it you do not own, then read the truth I have sown and seek an acre or two of free land now deeded by our God to you in my Land Title document shining bright. Any who take off others or demand more will fall into the darkness as they fight. Let no greenie say that others cannot Mine land without giving away some of their pay. All miners can also do what they wish to on land that is freehold, and none is owned by you. None of us greenies any other land own other than the acre on which our corn plot is grown. That is the conciliatory way that God says is to be today. So if you are anything other than green and pink eyed too, then you had better heed this pen true. For none of your ancestors were true, and it is they who telepathically inspire you. If you heed them rather than me, then the Light of paradise and dreaming youll not get to see. There is no Land Title to ACT, just tell all the people of my fact. Being that for any land we must pay, that is what God says today. None must another's land demand, that breaks Gods loving Command. Its only that by our colour we can prove our ancestors were here before, and thus we foolishly demand more. None of us were here before, we were all born recently for sure, and even most darkies have ancestors from the white shore.
Lets all
become green Let us together make this the last say of the Australian race day. ![]() ~ Mixed Blood ~ Why do people "choose" to belong to a particular "race" ? Is it that they are unhappy with their face? Or is it that they think that the other lacks inner grace? For in reality when I meet you, you are not "interested" in whether I am a Tanzanian from black Africa with a white face no, you are hopefully meeting me and my personal psyche. I am not my "ancestors" no, I am me, and I am happy that it so be, and it matters not to me that my "ancestral lineage" includes the known "blood" of ten other races. And, if I go "back" to any of those other ten places I should not "expect" or demand or issue any "reprimand" against any of the others whose parents or "ancestors" may have stolen land off my ancestral sisters or brothers. Just because "yesterday" a particular "race" stood on the land where we stand today, means not that "we" or "some" of us can expect either "free pay" or to be given back what was stolen off others on a long past day. For ultimately our Creator made all and owns all. It is us and our "precedents" who enter onto this earthly land for a very limited time, and God expects us to share it and walk together hand in hand. Let us for "peace sake" now forget the past and look to the sunrise and the Star in the East. Let us all just children of God be, and let us all "forgo" our "supposed" ancestry. For if we choose to be "this or that" it means that as we our own back "pat," we are saying to the other that they are a lower sister or brother. Why hide your face behind a flag? Surely we are freer or better off if we carry our own "swag" and just be our own "personality." This way when we others greet on earth's street we are not "carrying" excess "baggage" from other's past ways and days. They roamed free and claimed no "ownership" of the land, so why do we? For we of every "colour" are God's children who should be able to roam unhindered from East to West and South to North. I say that I am "of" African birth, but I am just a being of Light, kind and merciful and I will never make demands or fight. Togetherness as one is
the way ~ Land division or subdivision ~ I find it quite 'disturbing' to find that in this modern day a new 'Title' cannot be 'lodged' with the Lands 'recording' office without prior 'foreplay' by the local Council. I also find it quite disturbing that a surveyor cannot carry out his business and delineate a line 'mark' across a section of land for and on behalf of a landowner without a local Council demanding that they have a slice of the 'cake' and earn a dollar 'pay' in some way. I find it a contrary indisposition upon the public as well as an 'extortion' of funds if any Council requires a 'form' of taxation hidden in the guise of a development 'planning' submission. Why does a Council deem it necessary to demand that a landholder comply with any 'development' to their property when such is not the intent of the landholder? Water and sewerage and other 'works' may not be required. Why cannot a landholder simply survey their land and separate it into separate Titles without any development taking place? Surely they have the capacity to make any development plans at a later stage, if and when it suits them to so do? It appears to me that Councils are using the surveyors 'work' as a means whereby they can instigate their own revenue, by forcing work to be carried out when it is not needed, and to do this they wield a 'stick' over the surveyors do they not by saying: "If you do not submit a 'request,' and if your client does not submit to our demands, then neither of you can anything do. Thus 'we' the Council suggest that you 'pay up' and comply or you will be unable to move." I suggest that surveyors make a move to be 'honest' to themselves and their 'employer' that seeks their aid, and just get on with the job and issue the Title deeds as requested and earn an honest 'bob' without colluding with the Council 'mob.' Maybe one needs 'rescind' any 'act' that stipulates that titles cannot be drawn up by surveyors unless and until Council has approved it by enforcing 'works' to be done first. Maybe citizens of the land needs just 'draw' their own line in the sand and 'sell' the 'section' that they have demarcated by the placement of a few stones. This way there is nil cost for the day and all 'thieves' can go elsewhere to earn their false pay. Let this here written be now planetarily sown that God does all man’s regulations reference Land “division” disown. God does now this say:
Let no “Council” or “Lands department” say to any man that they cannot a “portion” of their land sell or give by “deed” or subdivision. There is to be no more regulation. Let no community “body” tell a man on what size of land he needs before he can on it live. God did all land create, and God says that all whom others control HE will berate. If any of you did God’s LAW “abuse” then prepare now to your own land to others lose. Children, whether you are an Aborigine seeking your "lost" spirituality, or be you a white "fella" seeking freedom and "originality," there is only one way to go, and I the "messenger" of God do this know. You cannot find "it" by demanding that others see your "way." You cannot "find it" by demanding that others say, "Sorry, please forgive us," and then ask them for money to be given your way. You cannot "find it" by asking any "System" to permit you to become free. You can only attain spiritual freedom if you listen to me. For all "control" is by the Devil "found," and in reality, it is the Devil via the System of man that has you bound. So if you would of "IT" the dark force become free then my truth and light you must first see. You also must only now heed the Commandment from above and abide in it daily. For I the dove say that if you decide to enact your own "Law" then the Devil will destroy you for sure. You must not demand or "take" or "control" any land or seek title "en masse" over land, that is the way of man and in God's eyes is underhand. Just daily be loving and as said, heed me. You cannot the "earth" own. Just "own" an acre or two and on it you can "seed" your personal deed true. As for the "rest," well you can "walk" on it and be blessed by its beauty as you try not to denude it of its "booty" that may be water or minerals or trees that keep bees busy making your honey. It is now the time to stop demanding money. Ask no man to set you free. All political men are dictators and are the Devil's force on earth. Try and this see. Just be of the "Light." Be forgiving and caring and do not fight. Just go your own way. This is the “pen” of God
~ 'Who' - owns Australia - you or
the 'tourist' ? ~ Soon all will see the coming mania that is due to "someone" thinking that they own the 'land mass' called Australia. "Is it a 'king' or a 'man' or a 'system' untrue?" Is what my pen asks of you. For if it is not then truly "we" are on a 'spot.' For if we use force to keep others away, then for this folly each taxpayer must pay. For God's Law says "As you sow you reap." Every seeker of this land sees it as "The promised land." So if you or I via "our men" keep others out then any of "us" who try and enter THE Promised Land by God will be shut out ! I hope some of you will this see and then of the iniquitous system of man set yourselves free. For "Australia" cannot "itself" own, only God does all own. I did not this "land" as mine 'claim.' No, this was done by a man for a king who was vain. We did just all "follow on" and as all now see this "way" is to fall undone. So please "Mr Ruddock" open the gate or you son will for heaven be late. It's not for 'men' to impose rules upon others for all whom so do sully their own spiritual rose. Any coming here by air or sea must be welcomed by you or me. No, we do not "have to" give any material support. That is a "welfare rort." We just have to permit them to here "stride" and they will decide how & where they will seek to abide. The "flood tide" of humanity will come our way with or without your blessing 'Sir,' and if you place them "in the stir" on behalf of other vain men then "Every 'taxpayer' will suffer the same fate," says God's voice behind this pen. "All are my children who are to be set free to roam by ME. All who continue to 'try' and control the free movement by others will be cast into purgatory by ME. I your God have spoken." Its time for you Philip and all to seed your 'lost' reason with the fresh truth now raised up by me the 'returned to earth' spirit from eternity. Let all men now see that all earthly places are but 'earth' that is owned by God, and that all men are but temporary 'visitors' to planet earth, and I now add a few words on the 'legitimate' or illegitimate ownership of a nation using the example of a 'visitor' arriving on our shore. A 'tourist' is not a member of the governing 'Institution' controlling the land mass they visit, and the Institution controlling the 'borders' of the land does not 'own' the land mass named 'Australia.' ( or any other) It follows that it is 'irregular' and 'out of order' to force or 'subject' the visitor to conform to the ruling Decrees (legislation) of the Institution that is controlling the land they are visiting. It follows that in the eyes of God, any visitor is free to 'come or go' without 'let or hindrance' from any person or any Institution of man. It follows that any 'person' working for any Institution that uses coercion, legislation, force of arms, or any other 'controlling' or punitive means to prohibit, inhibit, control, subjugate, punish, or restrict the freedom of movement of a visitor to the land is a person deemed by God as an 'offensive' person, a person to be cast into the 'Pit' for a time and a time for their defiance of God and His "Go in peace" code of conduct Command. It follows that no 'body of men' using force of arms 'backup' has the legitimate control or ownership of any land on earth as all are owned by God. It follows that no 'body of men' or institution using 'workers' that maintain their 'control' own any of the people living on the land mass and, it follows that no person on any land mass requires any 'identity' (ID) pass to depart from or arrive at any international boundary, for these named places are simply so named so as to be an 'address' to 'mark' their situation on the face of the earth. Foolish are those that presume 'ownership' and fund, and support Warlords, or condone the use of force of arms to regulate others and themselves. Set yourselves free by burning the 'books' of rules, for they are the unholy texts that enslave you and force you to enslave and abuse others. Let it here be known that no man or 'system' or 'club' own any land mass or 'nation.' Any child of God residing on any place on earth may call it 'home' or, they may state that they are a citizen or 'resident' of the place upon which they live. They need no 'permit' from any other to so prove. Free and unhindered movement for all I AM the Messiah
~ Aborigine 'race' classification ~ People are people, whatever their race or "shape of face." Original "primary" groups are pure ethnic stock. Once there is any mix of these "original" races or "colour," the offspring are "classified" as half-breeds. Descendants of half-breeds are classified as half-castes. So any half-caste descendants of half-breeds seeking the "ethnicity" of one or another of their original primary "tribes" be it the 'Irish' or 'Australian Aborigine' race are living in an "ignorant" state. For "black is black and white is white," and thus any person of any half-caste "mix" belongs to a "fresh" indigenous race or "group" of mixed bloods. This race then becomes a new primary ethnic group who can either call themselves half-castes or they can "raise up" a classy new name to describe themselves such as the "Blue Tango" race or tribe. When you are a half-breed, you can "legitimately" say e.g: "My mother is an Australian Aborigine and my father is an Irishman." But if you are the daughter or son of the above half-breed, you can only "claim" the status of half-caste whose ancestors were of Irish or Aborigine stock. No "half-caste" can ever be or become an Australian Aborigine, nor can they "claim" that status for it the "name" of that race applied only to the original "primitive" inhabitants of Australia. The South African "black and white" mix raised up a new "breed" called the "Cape coloreds." The Indian sub-continent Indian and European "mix" raised up a new breed called "Anglo-Indian." No half-caste or half-breed person can be classified "as" being a 'part of' or 'belonging to' either one of the original "unique" races from which they originated because their "ancestry" lines return to both "parties." One can claim to be a Tasmanian or an Australian or an Irish "Irelander," but a half-caste of Irish - Aborigine descent or half-castes from this new 'breed' cannot honestly "claim" to be a Tasmanian "Aborigine" any more than they can claim to be of pure Irish "stock." No descendants of 'Australian Aborigine' or 'Irish Aborigine' mixed blood can claim "Aborigine" status of either land for they are not. They can only claim their birth right or right by emigration to be a "citizen" of any land mass and "retain" their personal 'race' details of Australian half-caste or "Blue Tango" etc. Regrettably those who so seek to "belong" to a particular past ethnic group as do 'some' in Australia today are motivated by greed, and this greed blinds them to its power as it seeks to gain "something" from the classification. Be it land control or financial benefit from the "greater" community via taxation extortion. "Who am I"? - If I needed to have a classification "label" then it would read: Half-caste "Caucasoid" stemming from many "races," for my known "recent" ancestors are Basque, Danish, German, Jewish, and Scots, thus I am of mixed blood. The reality is that I am a "free" spirit presently visiting this earthly realm. Born in Tanzania into the "above" labelled biological flesh and presently residing in an earthly land named Tasmania, and due to the present "nature" of the control over the "movement" of man on earth I am "designated" a citizen of Australia. Do I "care" as to my biological "ancestry"? No, for I know that God could have sent my spirit into any fleshly race on earth, be it Arab or Chinese or other, and I do know that my spirit be what it be, a child of God who walks on earth peacefully, and one who protects his inner "Sacred site" with all his might. Not physical might but mental strength, using Light and wisdom, thus I do not contaminate my soul with any darkness that so many do as they know not "how & why" they fall spiritually into the darkness in the afterlife. For it is only when we can and do walk kindly and mercifully and in forgiveness of others that we keep our souls free from bondage to the dark force below. Sacred site - Divine Holy Place - Holy Grail. Your "Inner divine spiritual Light," is the only sacred site. If you try and protect it with negative "Might," one day you will fall into the dark night. Your sacred divine light becomes "clouded" when you deny God's call to "Only Love," and thus you "employ" darkness as you others abuse or destroy, clouding your light with more negative energy, "sin" drawn in. Hopefully the world will begin to see that spiritually we all have the same unique "Source" as our "common" ancestor, God. Thus we will all "treat" each other civilly and be kind and helpful to all, none will be 'above or beneath' any other. Thus we will "forget" colour, race, and creed and just see ourselves for what we are, children of God "living" on different "lands" of God's earth, that we have named for convenience, not national pride that has become our downfall as "we" try and control others whom on "our" land would stroll. Let all of "us" now living in Tasmania be simply that, Tasmanians. Forget your "colour" and "forget" that yesterday you were "seen" as "disadvantaged persons" and become free of that "stigma." Just become an "honest" person, for any half-caste who seeks to fight their sister or brother or any other to prove "something" has already "lost" the last battle of their soul to the devious forces of darkness that through their mind do telepathically lurk and work.
~ The Secession
of Tasmania ~ For Tasmania to succeed in the times of change at hand "we" need to secede from the Australian System and become a country in our own God given right. This way we will remain "at peace" with all our neighbours and not fight. We need not on the "Australian" constitutional "problem" gamble; we will but follow the Constitution of God and adhere to its preamble. (Pages 212/213 of The Testament of Truth). We shall be a land called Tasmania that suffers not the usual "ownership" mania. None shall hold the "crown" and thus none shall frown over "acts" that drown out the freedom of man. No, we shall be "governed" by God and thus we will peacefully go our individual way as we daily do our own thing and not "sting" others with any demand or reprimand. There will be no "immigration" to any visitor "tax" and there will be no tax demanded by phone or writ or fax. No, we shall a "free entry" port be that permits any to land here freely and here abide if they so decide. We shall "own" all the money we make and not partake in the ways of the past as we see clearly that it cannot last. From our profit we will give aid to the less fortunate in the community who we will teach to survive as they wield shovel and spade. We will heed the message of God as on this land we plod and will abide in the "Blueprint document" that does guide us all as given by the soul of the fisher of men who walks tall on this place. We will employ no armed men to us protect and will but reflect on what God did say, that all will pay for any negative expression on any day. So "unarmed" we will be and thus free of our past "protective" way, and if any others do us invade and us abuse then we understand that if our "life" we lose it is because we it to God do 'owe' and HE can take away what HE did bestow. We will but civil civilians be and thus a 'showcase' for all humanity. Let us each personally now "Secede" from the System of man that does iniquity daily seed. Other men in other places will follow our way. Let it here be known that I do stand above the law of this land. But I am subject to the Law of God as are all men. Any man who "wishes" to make his own laws is free to so do, and he can comply to them too. But if he expects or demands that others must comply with them then he is being untrue to his own soul. All men are to be allowed to be free to impolite or polite be. It is only God to reprimand the blind who cannot see. We are but to educate them compassionately. That is my "say" for God today. M. V. Tampa - the 'Castaways' Dear reader - I wish to thank Senators John Tierney, Brian Gibson, and Kim Beazely MP for taking the trouble to respond to my M.V. Tampa circular 'Castaways.' As for the 'others' who 'feel & think' my 'outreach' is either insane or trash, I can but say that my intent is but to 'warn' and prepare you all for the very soon coming day when change on earth will be swift, and very, very violent. It will affect all who 'fell' from grace and whom as yet walk unknowingly in 'disgrace' in the eyes of God because they have since 'birth' been programmed to believe what they falsely believe. Being : 1 -
That 'someone' has Sovereign ownership of countries All the above are 'seen' as justifiable in order to maintain peace and order. None seeing that all 'users of force' walk in the dark shadow under God's 'hand' and progressively walk backwards into the dark spiritual land. People are classified as - asylum seekers - refugees - illegal immigrants - boat people - by systems of governments of the various 'lands of earth,' and these 'unfortunates' seeking to travel to better places are forced to use 'guile' and 'lies' etc, and be subjected to the 'wiles' of thieves en route in their efforts to do what GOD says they are 'legitimately' free to do, because of the restrictions imposed upon them by Systems of man. The reality is that we should be free to travel anywhere on earth without having to have any 'passport' and without having to report the departure or arrival to any-ONE. What I 'further' say, that I AM HE the returned Messiah, must I agree seem 'preposterous' and 'laughable.' Please try and see my 'difficulty.' Being to 'awaken' a sleeping "earthly race" of in-humans being the total earthly population as to 'How & What & Why' is to be imposed upon them by their invisible God. Those of you who 'decide' to just 'delete' my mail will unfortunately be un-prepared mentally when the 'axe' falls and thus will be sucked-in to the cyclonic emotional vortex of retribution and hatred to soon sweep the planet. As this they do they will draw-in much darkness into their souls and pave their OWN destiny in the lost world below where only pain and sorrow does daily grow. Any of you who would be true to not only your own soul but to the 'general' public around need to at least give yourself an 'educated' chance by glancing at my message that stands 'free on air' in God's sight on God's sacred web site. I am the 'spirit of truth' and the content of my message is my 'proof.' God is real and all who are now less than kind & compassionate & forgiving will end up in the land of the 'non-living.' Hundreds of millions of people will soon be flowing over the face of this planet as 'ants' and bloodshed and terror will be the order of the day. Please now 'begin' to see the 'depth' of your 'sin' and prepare for your 'hearts & love' to share, for those who cannot will succumb to the invisible dark 'snare.' "Arrivals" into any country are all 'legal' in God's eyes and no, arrivals do not have to be 'accommodated or cared for' by any system of man. Let 'free' to go their way and seek their own destiny aided where possible by you and me. Terence