To: Australian
office Dear "officer," I refer to your advertisement in the Multi Hull magazine that "offers" a CD for $ 250. I wish to "unmask" the "thief" who would steal such a vast "sum" off the very community that pays "his" wage. Who I ask is the "sage" who decided to "charge" $ 250 for a CD that costs less than $ 1 (one) to mint? I "print" a similar "product" so I know, and I would "bestow" the fact upon all that it is time for community "departments" such as yours, that are funded by the taxpayer, that you thus do not have to make a "business" out of making available the fruits of your "staff" labours. It is sad that every planetary government department has become "bad" and seeks to "leech" every cent off the community it was "raised up" to serve. I see your "Australia Pack" CD costs $1500! With an annual "update" of $500 called for. Surely "someone" is living in a dream world. FREE information via the internet is soon to be the way for any enlightened society whose "workers" receive their pay from the very taxpayer upon whom they "prey." Are your annual web site costs not already paid for by your community? It can be updated daily or monthly by you for free as fresh information "enlightens" the standing input. I suggest that every planetary community "subsidised" endeavour be placed "free on air" as is the information on this web site for the benefit of all. This is the way that God would have it be. The "sooner" we see that people of every country our sisters and brothers be, the sooner are we set free. Let us give out our wisdom and they will set us of our ignorance free. The "skyway" will be the "information" highway. Once we no longer have to "slave" to earn "bread" to daily survive, the sooner will our "toast" and beef roast be free, and we all can then have a lifelong earthly holiday with much to give away.
Workplace advertising ~ This female v/s male Act is by discrimination backed. For if I cannot choose who I wish to hire, then the word discrimination has fuelled the funeral pyre. Yes, it has been lost to those who would discriminate as to the gender of one with which I would choose to mate. For if I cannot say : I seek a lass with whom to
Oh the insanity of this world that be the result of those vain who seek equality. Not equality of sex, but seek to place upon the freedom of choice a hex. Let it here be known that God has on earth much truth sown. The truth that all needs now see. Being that women and men are free to advertise what they seek; be it short, tall, aggressive or meek. Be it any colour or age. Be it a young girl or a man of old age. You may all silly Acts now ignore. I shall personally confine all the vain to lands far from earths shore. Be advised by me that all are free to choose their own destiny. It is discrimination when we cannot choose to employ a relation.
~ The
'arresting' officer ~ Dear Officer. I ask that you 'ponder' on this letter before you act in a negative way in God's sight, as God views your actions today and every day. I hereby tell you that I do not freely go with you. You are an 'armed' man who stands before me because you are employed as a "hired gun" by someone. In view of the fact that I do not wish to accompany you it implies therefore that if you take me by force of arms then you are an abductor, a "kidnapper" who in God's eyes is perpetrating a deed that is seeding darkness as you deny the call of the Light to only be loving and kind, and never fight or control or demand aught of any who on earth stroll. It is you who are bound by the laws of man that are man's, not God's. Thus I ask that you upon this reflect, for if you carry out your "duty" as a "paid up" servant of the System then you are walking into the darkness, and you will PAY, for God says: "What you do will be done unto you." This also applies to the mental/emotional anguish people do suffer when you "carry them off" to jail or court. Thus I suggest that you now come to a decision. Choose, whether you will heed man or heed God. Just because you wear a "uniform" and work for a System of man it does not imply that you are "above" God's Law or that you can avoid the fullness of God's Law. Are you even aware of how much "negative" karmic debt you did already accrue for being a "lackey" for the System? No, I can only suggest that from this day on you go back "empty handed" to your employer and say: "I hereby hand in my "gun" and can no longer receive pay for any negative duty you ask of me. I see that I only now will work for you as a TRUE community helper and thus counsel those whom you see as untrue. This is all I am prepared to do. Do not expect me to "protect" the community by dragging them to the court of man, and do not expect me to shoot any member of the community for any reason. I do see that these acts are not a part of God's "only love" plan. If you cannot find me a 'role' as a counsellor and public helper then I need resign. I from today am a "benign" community helper, be it as a public servant or as a simple man in the street." Thus I suggest that you return to the police station and hand in this letter to your "Commander" and wait his judgment upon you. I hope that you are a real man "true blue" and see the truth that is today given to you. ~ The Free man ~ The man who is free is not one "bound" by any society. He is not one who is a slave, he is a man to whom God gave wisdom and the man could it see and thus the man set himself free. Man believes that he is free when he is a "party to" and thus "owned" by a system of democracy. He believes he is free when he can vote-in another man who "thinks" he wiser be. Man believes he is free when he "holds" a passport and can travel o'er land or sea. Man believes he is free when he pays his taxes and assumes "diplomatic" immunity. This type of "free man" is but a man bound by the Devil who is invisible "underground." So in fact he is not free for he has to comply to the demands of the System that are made upon his sanity. A free man belongs to no religious "creed," he walks under no earthly "banner" and daily shows God his belief as only goodness he does seed. A free man knows that he is not "above" the Law of God, and knows that he is personally responsible for his deeds on this earthly sod. The real free man is one who does say: "I stand alone and unarmed before my God today and every day. I fear no man and I heed not what others "plan." No, I go my way "wise," as I already understand that it is God my "overlord," not the dark one who holds a sword over those yet "democratically" bound. I fear not the dark, for those who are by it bound do within them have loves "spark," and as I remain true I will aid them and guide them too, so they one day do see that it is OK to walk outside the systems of impropriety. I will only comply to the directive from up high that does say : Be loving and kind as you walk your way. I will also remember the ONE Law true that says : "As you do shall be done unto you." Thus my "expression" will only be true and I will never be a threat to you. And I shall "happily" pay any past due to God even if it is "meted out" by the ignorant on this earthly sod. I shall remain humble and meek in the knowledge that this "life" is but temporary" and it is eternal freedom that our souls seek." I hope that any of you who are bound by the Devil as you see not what you do, will come to my "party" and join my plan that soon will the very heavens and all realms span. If you would become a man totally free, and free from all 'darkness' within thee, then heed and follow me. - Terence
Census - 1 Derived from the past in which the 'Chief or King' ensured that he knew how many adults there were of workable and thus taxable age, and also how many men there were to be impressed into active 'war' service duties to protect his fiefdom, and how many people 'lived' on his** lands, as all 'tenants' had to pay 'hut' tax. Any who sought to 'evade' the 'head-count' were punished by imprisonment or worse. Thus the very act of holding an 'official' census that is 'backed' by threat of fine & incarceration for non-compliance in any way i.e. failing to answer any question is the 'ultimate' undemocratic Autocratic Totalitarian imposition of a 'master' imposing his demands upon his slaves. The past and present 'system' of man 'holds' the view that it owns the lives of its subjects. Its 'workers' see not that they work for a dark overlord that is in fact no person in the flesh. The dark overlord is the actual book of 'regulations' that is upheld by the judicial force. None seeing that the 'acts' within this book were the dark inspiration of the satanic force working through the mind of vain man employed by the system thought 'the norm.' Thus all who 'enforce' these regulations are unknowingly the Devil's workers in the flesh. The 'present' day Census does yes enable the various departments to gather 'data' in many ways, but it is backed by deceitful non-disclosure in that it will and does use the 'gathered' information as a means whereby it entraps those it feels justified in bringing to account in many a way unseen by most today. If this was not the 'case' then it would not need to use the words 'guarantee of privacy,' or 'names to be withheld/deleted,' or 'documents to be shredded.' Neither would there be the threat of fine and imprisonment for any who either failed to submit a form or failed to fill in all the questions. 'Democracy' is a mere word that is used by the Western world. For in truth there is no freedom of choice in any country on this planet. All yet are 'subjected' to the darkness that controls all its subjects by force of arms via the systems of man that 'permit' no freedom of choice. All must 'obey' the dictates of the day. A true Census is one which requires either no name at the top of the form, or a form that can be partially answered according to the wishes of the person to give freely any information that they wish to so give. It contains no compulsion order to fill in a form. Any 'old' or new 'dictate' of the day such as any Census being issued to the populace today does 'bring-forth' a new requirement and imposition upon the judiciary. For many, for many reasons will fail the 'compliance test' and thus the police and prosecutors and courts will be burdened with not only a lot of extra work, but for every person they 'bring to account' their own personal spiritual debts do mount, as do the debts of the populace for supporting a negative system. What a 'sad' and sorry state of 'affairs' the world now is, and what a sad day it is soon to be as every 'one' who heeds not the Commandment of God via 'this' one will be subjected to a very heavy penalty, for God's ONE 'clause' that all 'reap what they sow' is to now be imposed in the manner given by me. If you do not "wish" to be 'enumerated' as "one" living on this land then simply put the 'form' into the disposal bin. It is your personal property paid for by your own funds taken off you via taxation on a past day. You may fill out the form in whole or part if you so wish to. Do not 'comply' through fear of reprisal or you will 'die' for giving-in to the wolves yet full of sin. You may if you so wish just place your name at the 'top' of the form and add: This demand is not normal and thus my name given with this note states that; I do not consent to the manner this Census form is to the community sent. Note** - Every King or 'System' believes falsely that they/it own the land, the sea, the air, the forests, the water, the fish, the animals and the populace. I place below on page 47 my 'sample' Census reply to the official demand made by the Australian Census Bureau of me.
Census - 2 Dear Sir/Madam, returning officer, comptroller, compliance enforcer. If you believe that it is a civil 'act' to send forth a Census Form within which is attached a coercive notice and demand of compliance with punitive 'fine' threat to members of the community, then you are a disrespectful 'member' of a very miserable and dishonourable institution that shows that its 'mentality' is overshadowed by the BEAST. You come to me as a representative of an institution. You come with a demand and your ‘office’ has made the threat of a $100 a day ‘perpetual’ fine as a ‘punitive’ reprimand for every day that passes if I fail to conform to your requirements, or that of the ‘dictator’ of your institution. This demand is not normal and thus my name given with this note states that; I do not consent to the manner this Census form is to the community sent. What you need to try and understand is, that any 'rule' or 'act' that quote: "Provides for penalties for non-conformity" is in fact the threat backed by the 'gun' held to my head by your 'officers,' and I am not a community member that does anything * when a gun is held to my head.
Note: anything * - Non
action = non use of God's energy = no response from God upon me
within the 'eye for an eye' Law of God. If I was a 'fearful' person and thus paid your institution any tax or other 'levy' monies out of my purse, then it follows that I am paying your enforcers a wage to hold a 'gun' to the head of others in the community, and thus I am also 'Guilty' of coercion and extortion in God's eyes. In the FIRST instance I reserve my God given right to NOT submit to the demands of others, and this is also my democratic right. Thus your demand that I fill out a form cannot be considered by me due to the arrogant manner with which you 'engage' me. You seek to use Force, I choose to simply do nothing, but I extend God's Wisdom to you as God would have it be. You seem to have forgotten that you are supposed to be a servant of the people that pay your wage. You seem to have forgotten that there is an Almighty God that forbids the use of force or coercive tactics when dealing with His other children. The activities of the elders of your institution have become so arrogant over the years that both they and you are unaware that your own invasive, demanding and punitive activities exceed the mandate granted to you within your own organization’s Constitution. Not only this, but you assume that every person on the land is an ‘automatic’ member of your organization and thus within your jurisdiction. This is a false belief backed by the "Free will choice" granted by God, as well as the primary wording within your Constitution (refer below) that clearly states that persons adhering to a different belief system (religion) are free to go their way showing their allegiance to their God as they live in accordance to the ‘Only love’ Command of their God. page 48 Before you consider any punitive action against me and treasonable action against God and your own Constitution, I remind you of the right granted to me within your own Constitution and State Constitution Act (refer below). Australian
CONSTITUTION Section 116 The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth. I refer to the above < or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, > and state that: "It is my religious belief that I do not have to belong to any institution of man that has an "opposing" religious belief to mine, and that I am free to go my way without 'let or hindrance' from officers of any institution of man that by God and I is seen to be in defiance of, and in contravention of God's commanded 'peace unto all' code of conduct." Constitution
Act 1934 (Tasmania) Rule 46(1) provides in "your" rules, a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion. (Dictionary: Religion – "A system of belief in the 'worship of' a supernatural power or God." ) (The qualifications of "public order" being about living in peaceful co-existence, and morality about living righteously according to God's Commanded Code of Conduct) Rule 46 (2) provides in "your" rules that: "No person shall be subject to any disability - - - on account of his religion or religious belief," and yet through my religious belief in only living in peaceful co-existence and thus choose to not be supportive of your and your employer's contra doctrinal beliefs, you would have me comply to your demands or suffer the disability of fine or theft of goods or more. As your institution proves that its 'doctrinal' belief is one of 'inquisitiveness, coercion, control, threat and punishment’ that is in direct ‘opposition’ to my belief in peace, mercy, and forgiveness, it follows that within the 'act' above of your own Constitution that I am not a person 'liable' to be considered as 'automatically' belonging to your institution, nor a person able to be 'judged' by your system as I am obviously not within its jurisdiction through my ‘contra’ belief. You seem to have also forgotten that both you and I and all persons on this planet are subjects of the Almighty, subject to His Command to: ‘Go your way in peace,’ and subject to His superior: ‘As you sow so shall ye reap’ Law. Your ‘office’ seeks my assistance in formulating a statistical register so as to be able to ‘measure’ the living conditions and lifestyles of people residing on the Australian land mass. As you can see, if persons living on the land mass are forced or coerced or punished for any non conformity to the demands of your officials, then the conditions and lifestyle of said residents is abysmal. If your office in any way seeks retribution from me then that is their God given freedom of choice to so do but, in that event I ask that you then place my name in your register under the section: "Those persecuted by our organization for non-conformity to our ‘intrusive’ and punitive way of living, being a person seeking to follow their own ‘peaceful’ belief system (religion) and their own God." Your circular guarantees ‘confidentiality’ but that is also a living lie, for in the event of persecution or prosecution, my name will be sullied in the Court of man (Caesar) and I will be listed as an ‘offender’ by your organization and its ‘inquisition’ department. I clearly state that I am of a differing RELIGIOUS BELIEF to that of yourself and the system that employs you as I choose the Religion of PEACE, whereas your institution and its employees being yourself by its (your) deeds show that you are members of the Religion of WAR. (Refer to http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/web/hell.htm document.) page 49 As a kind and considerate person I bring to your personal attention and to others in your Regional office that there is error in your invasion of privacy way, and that you place your own souls in jeopardy when your demands ‘invade’ the space of others. If it is in ‘order’ for anonymity then that fact needs be a reality, and there is no anonymity at all if even one other person such as yourself is ‘privy’ to my way of life or living conditions. You as an individual or as a representative of any institution have NO ‘right’ to enter the premises of any other person and make any demands. To do so is a ‘mark’ of total disrespect, total vanity, total arrogance, are acts that "deed" yourself as a believer in the: "Do what thou wilt - shall be the whole of the Law." Being the Doctrine of the Beast that leads to your own spiritual demise. As for any ‘survey’ they should all be voluntary, and any coercion or punishment ‘factored’ into the equation is an abomination, and shows God and humanity the vanity and insanity of those purporting to be wise community elders. If you as an individual take it upon yourself to ‘report’ me as a non-conformant and I am punished, then our God sees that it is you that has personally raised up a ‘sword’ over my head, and He sees your complicity in any punishment that will return upon your own household at the time and in the place so ordained by God within His immutable and ‘Just’ Law. I suggest that you bless your own soul by first reading the words of your own ‘Club’ Constitution, and come to a self informed decision as to its meaning and relevance to you personally, and to your own authority or otherwise over others within or without its influence and, I also suggest you read the message from God to humanity on the Testament of Truth web site at: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.ukI also ask you to ask yourself this: "When and how did the institution named 'the government' seize the power and authority to not only treat all persons residing on the land as its 'slaves' to be forced into slave labour, (endless taxation) but when and how did these 'slaves' abrogate or cede their right to live as 'free men' as God would have it be without hindrance or coercion from persons employed as 'officers' of your institution? Note: What enforcers need to try and see is that of all the 'forms' delivered to community members that there may be one or two or 1000 or more that do fail to conform or, that are found later to have lied and, - - - The resultant punitive measures taken by the 'system' that causes any such person material loss, fiscal loss, mental or emotional trauma comes back upon the 'deliverer,' * (that sent the forms out) and the enforcer, the prosecutor and magistrate and jailer and any tax payer that funded the wages of any of these persons. The moment such a document is delivered, then the deliverer and all complicit to enforcement and the taxpayer that funds their services have 'set' the 'snare' when one day ahead they will have to endure any suffering * that others were forced to endure. People speak of ones commitment to the community, and I say that one thing is for sure, being that we do not have to do anything to or for the community unless we so wish to (freedom of choice) but - - - We do have to conform to the "Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate, forgiving and loving unto all" Command of God, for that is the primary commitment to God, self, and the community. Note: endure any suffering * - the spoken of 'collateral damage or decimation of the 'innocent' is in fact the Just judgement of God imposed upon all that fund, condone, and support iniquity (the support of punitive & warring governments.) Note: the 'deliverer,' * - the suffering returns at the time and in the place so ordained by God and it may be years ahead or even in the afterlife. Peace
and goodwill unto all mankind None stand 'above' God's One Law - "As you do will be done unto you.
~ Sample
'Court' letter ~ Dear "Court reader," Ref: Complaint & Summons I refer to your 'Complaint' that states that I failed to comply with the directive of a man 'posing' as a police officer, or failed to comply to man's book of rules. (i.e. If directed to breathe into a breathalyser and said "No," or failed to have a valid driving licence, or charged with any other 'offence'). I wish to state that our God above states that it is not a requirement for any man to conform to the dictates of other men, whoever they be, and whatever they believe ref any mandate given them to impose any demands or restrictions. You may believe that "simply" because there "exists" a System that imposes rules & regulations that it the "rule book" somehow annuls God's Commandment. In my opinion it does not. God "simply" states that each person in "whatever guise" they walk must all comply to the Commandment: "Only be loving and do not disturb the peace in any way." Therefore in the matter "at hand" I am not in breach of God's Commandment, and it is I to this fact teach as I do each day as I now to you and 'yours' say: "At the moment of my 'apprehension' by you it was your 'men' in breach of God's Command as you disturbed my peace." Thus it is you who is an "Offender" in God's eyes and it is you under God's Law of "As you do will be done unto you" who will be later "apprehended." As I am a peaceful man I shall as God expects of me just continue to go about my business each day and if perchance you or any others come my way to drag me to a 'den' of iniquity then that is the way it be and accepted "quietly" by me. I would just "add" that all/any who mete out such 'foolish' punishment will themselves be "barred" from Heaven's Gate and they will also suffer the same fate in the after-life as their spirit soul is by God sent below. I also add that all "mental/emotional trauma or loss of income" imposed upon my wife and family by your actions comes back to you at a later date. All this you "unknowingly" have been doing to yourself for a long time and God did say that all are "subject to" His Law Divine. Foolish is any man who "thinks" that a mandate by man that defies God's Command can in any way supersede God's LAW. Foolish is any man who "upholds" the rules/laws of man, for these rules imply that others become or are criminals for any non-compliance, thus a good man walking his road in peace as is Commanded by God above is in man's eyes a criminal if he defies the controlling edicts of other men who themselves defy God, and it is thus the 'upholders' of man's laws consign themselves to Satan's den. Man has been deceived into believing that he must conform to the rules of man because they "appear" to be "for the good of all," but any rule or edict that is in any way "regulatory"** and thus accompanied by punishment is itself contra the Command of God. For it the "rule" and its "upholders" intrude into your "space" and "disturb your peace" and thus the rule and the enforcer are both contra the Command "Do not disturb the peace of God," and any who support these rules or their enforcers are themselves a "party to" defying God. Note: "regulatory"** - God Demands & Commands us to walk our road in peace and to not control or punish or disturb the peace of others. Thus any regulatory act is "Of the Dark" and all now must heed the Light and only Educate.
~ The
Taxation Commissioner ~ 1 - Dear Sir, in relation to the enforced "take" of myself by way of GST, Customs duty and the like, I wish to state very clearly that I do not agree to your "take" off me, and I hereby advise you that any funds that are taken that are used for any retributionary or punitive measures against others are done so against my will. This also applies to the funding of any armed forces personnel wages or equipment, or any munitions manufactured. I am categorically stating that any funds taken off me or donated by me are to be used solely as Community Welfare support payments as my financial "commitment" is solely in support of my community needs, but not for "protection from" or "aggression towards" others that you or others perceive as needed. I do not. 2 - To your employer. Dear Sir/Madam Re: Wages 'tax' deduction I wish to advise you that I do not 'agree' to my wages being taxed by any person, either 'for and on behalf' of myself, or 'for and behalf' of an organisation naming itself 'The taxation department' of the 'governing' system. This being due to the fact that my belief is such that I do not condone the taxation 'extortion' or 'enforcement' or open 'warfare' carried out by said institution, and thus I cannot fund it. If you wish to work as a tax collector for and on behalf of any institution due to your fear of being 'punished' by them for non compliance, then that is your prerogative. However I see my wages being 'lessened' by you as 'theft.' If you wish to continue to 'deplete' my earnings and send the 'take' to the taxation department, then that is your choice and beyond my control. However I can but suggest that you consider the spiritual implications for yourself, and ask yourself: "What does God think about enforced extortion from an employee's wages and,- - - what does God 'think' of my complicity to this extortion"?
Driver's 'C of C' ~ If any "service man" stops you on the road and asks you to "show" a 'valid' drivers licence then this is what you need to say: I do not have to give you or any man a "reason" as to why I do not comply to the demands of your system of government. I did in the past receive a certificate of competency from a driving testing unit that was to show me that I was "of age" and could drive safely. I do not believe that God expects me to pay any person a "royalty" bounty annually for this certificate to remain true. I do belong to this community of people, but the head of my house is God, not some system devised and weekly "revised" by man. For your personal spiritual direction I tell you this and also advise you that it is very unwise to make any demands, or to in any way reprimand God's children who are free to go about their business. If you think that because a "system" has mandated your "position" by the imposition of "acts" and thus you can walk outside the Commandment of God with impunity, then that is a false supposition and you lead your own soul into darkness. If you feel "justified" to bring me to court just because you "bear arms" and have the "earthly" power to so do, then so be it. I did advise you that your act in God's eyes would be unwise and that you for your folly will pay at a later day. Kindly permit me to pass on my way, as I have committed no offence in the eyes of God today. I would further advise you that your "committed" act of control by the hindering my free passage has already been deemed an "offence" in the eyes of God. Note: Let it here be known that any person who causes pain or injury, or damage to property, whilst driving a vehicle, is always subject to the law of God "You will reap what you sow." Meaning, that whether you are driving within the limits of speed set by man, or "with" a valid "permit" of man or not, you will still receive what you put out at the "hands" of another equally "foolish/arrogant" person on another day. "Be hereby cautioned by me." ~ I.D. -- Identity card ~ I.D. Identity. No more "Cards" will there be. No more "passports" required. All the above by the very Devil "Sired." Being that, "Someone" wants to "know" who you be, and which way you go. God says: "Now is the time, My children on My truth will dine, and My children will walk free on earth I say to thee. No one will ask or demand, or give another any reprimand." So I say prepare to in the very devil's eyes stare, because he wishes not to you release. He likes it when you his "palms" grease, which you do when in his control, when you are bound as on earth you stroll. So as you now him "deny," he will make you "cry," for the time you did "him" use, and with his "force" others abuse. Set yourselves now free. Soon no I.D. cards will there be. It is but the "force" behind the System of which we "dispose," as we now heed God's sacred rose. Only thus are you individually set free from the heavy chains that bind thee. Terence
For those of you that are being hounded by Local Councils for any reason, be it for not paying up all fiscal demands or for being forced into conformity to unacceptable demands, you may wish to read the "Dismissal of Council" document HERE Document ends