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 page 8

~ Unwise Judgment ~

Dear Editor - The Examiner

~ 'Judge' Szramka - Judgement of Atherton - 25 June ~

I refer to the 'summing up' that was used to 'convict' Mr. Atherton - -

Szramka's words - Quote - - I note in particular that the Road safety alcohol and drugs act is designed to rid the state of the scourge of drink driving with all its consequences. As therefore a law that must.. the defendant must exceed to in the practice of his religion as he must comply with the law. Considering all the evidence I find that the charge proved.

It appears that the 'unwise' Judge failed to see that Mr. Atherton was in compliance with the 'base' rule of the Code of Conduct of M. Szramka's 'Institution,' in that Atherton had not been 'drinking' alcohol and was driving in a safe manner, and did not show 'cause' as to have been imbibing any alcohol and, - - -

that to 'sum up' the case as proven 'guilty' merely because he refused the 'test' to prove his innocence, shows that the State 'religion' is in fact as Atherton stated, as being one with a contra nature of ideology to his, as the 'judge' was being vindictive, controlling, perverse, and unforgivingly punitive.

For to use the threat of 'imprisonment' to coerce payment of a 'ransom' in the form of a $850 fine is pure arrogance. For if the ransom 'note' is not met in the time frame given, then no doubt a prison 'time' will be forcefully imposed as that is the 'law' of said false Institution.

To also impose a driving 'disqualification' that results either in severe restriction of movement, or a further prison sentence if Atherton drives his automobile, also clearly shows that 'said' magistrate has no 'conscience,' nor does he believe that the 'freedom' to practice ones 'religion of peace'* as given within the Constitution* of his 'own' Company regulations as being valid.

This 'sentence' imposed should show the 'public' that even if they heed their God of Love and go their way in peace, that there are 'others' on the land who hold the 'upper' hand using the 'gun' and paid mercenaries to enforce extortion, control, regulation, and incarceration if they so wish to.

For the magistrate to demand 'observance' by Atherton to his 'opposing' religious 'belief' views, means that this demand contravenes the 'foundation stone' of the Australian Constitution. Quote:

Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion

The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, - - -

I ask 'each' of you: "Why do you the taxpayer subscribe to the wages of 'perverse' judges and police prosecutors who 'flout' their disregard to their own rules as they 'shout' loudly that as they are 'gunmen' who see no God, that they can 'per' magistrate's 'pen' force the 'simple' children of God to 'cough up' or suffer and, - - - are you aware that your 'complicity' to the actions of the 'judge' become your 'due' too under God's law, for the judge is your employee"?

Note 1 - 'religion of peace'* - Those that fellowship with this ideological 'belief' do not drink and drive, because they 'fear' to cause grief to others, for they know that any pain & suffering imposed comes back to them under God's 'eye for an eye' Law, and for sure they would never seek to impose pain upon any other sister or brother.

Those of the 'opposing' State religion' do not believe in God's power or God's Law, thus they feel 'secure' and 'immune' to it as they do impose pain and suffering each day, as they 'callously' and ignorantly go their way.

Note 2 - Constitution* - It clearly states within the Constitution that 'within' the framework of said Constitution that if one is of an 'opposing' ideology, that one is free to walk 'outside' and apart from an opposing one. Thus if one is walking peacefully as asked by God then one is not within the jurisdiction of the 'rules' of any other Institution or religion.

Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion

The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

Constitution Act 1934 (Tas)
Religious freedom - sect 46

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act. Section 46(2) declares that no person is required to take any oath on religion or religious belief, and that no religious test is required for any public office.

To top page 9

~ Letter to TV - 7.30 Report ~
'Violence & explicit sex movies'

Dear Maxine, people like Larry Clark and Margaret Pomeranz need to ask themselves: "What is sensible in making a 'sick' movie that is unsuitable for our '12 years olds" - - - For they all should know that ANY movie made that is unsuitable for children is also unsuitable for adults.

There is enough 'sodomy' here there and everywhere without adding to it merely because it 'sells.' Can none 'hear' the ringing of BELLS signalling that all with 'porno' minds will soon be BOUND in a land below where all 'sickies' go.

It is certainly the 'end' time when people believe that 'corruption' born of vanity 'paints' a 'fine art' picture. Its truly the time for the 'end days' bonfire to dispose of all the 'rubbish' born from mentally disturbed minds.

Crime and lack of respect and violence 'accepted' as the 'norm' reflects the mentality of very 'sick' people who all need good counsel. Please pass this note ON so that they find 'IT' the good counsel at MY web site.

< >

Terence - the 'friendly' Messiah
sent to elevate the consciousness of 'idiots' higher.

To top page 10

~ The Cosmic Conspiracy ~

Dear Ernest L. and Ruth E. Norman,

I refer to your promise 'quote: "This 'course of transformation' will liberate one from the psychic bonds of past negative lifetimes and will result in the attainment of peace of mind and 'mastery' over oneself."

It is my 'intent' to 'awaken' others and yourselves, for you see not that it is you whom are the 'deluded' possessed who perceive yourselves as the saviours of mankind. You 'bandy around' words such as 'cosmic intelligence, fountainhead, science, enlightenment,' and many more. This is my 'reading' of your 'truth.'


It is regrettable that these seemingly 'innocuous' mortals have placed themselves into the category of 'great' personages in prior incarnations. In reality, only ignorant humans search for 'extraterrestrial' superior intelligence.

The enlightened ones already know that there are over 1001 Realms of spiritual consciousness outside the pure Light of Heaven, where spirit beings have existed for eternity, and these realms or 'worlds' vary from levels of light down to the dark and forbidding depths of insanity.

Telepathic communication exists between these levels, as well as between these 'outside heaven' realms and this material biological one, where incarnate spirits can become 'possessed' mentally by 'thoughts' emanating from the spirit worlds.

Thus the fleshly 'body' of many in the flesh is used momentarily by these 'intruding' spirits to carry out many a 'dark' deed. It is apparent to me that neither Ruth nor Ernest are aware of 'how' telepathic 'signals' from other realms travel via the vibration of the positive or negative emotions within a person.

Example: Divine inspiration travels from the Source of Light to the mind of the recipient via their core of Light 'love' energy within. Equally a negative emotion of fear or jealousy or hatred would permit thoughts to intrude from the Dark Sovereign Power Source below where 'evil' and deceptive and retributive spirits abide, and these thoughts can override the consciousness of the recipient and make them say or do something negative.

It is apparent to me that both Ruth and Edward have 'large' Ego* emotions which have permitted their minds to be possessed by very arrogant spirits - - - who have impressed upon their minds the belief that they were a 'variety' of people in their past 'earthly' lifetimes. (Ernest claims to have been Jesus, Ruth claims to have been Queen Elizabeth 1, Queen Maria Teresa and many more).

Note: Ego* - This 'dark' emotion of the 'I am' in its 'fullness,' is the belief that one is as great 'as' God.

Thus these 'founders' of the Unarius Academy have also been 'led' to believe that they are the 'sacred' link to a certain 'brotherhood' (The space brothers) that have the purpose of teaching 'enlightenment' or 'something.'

Quote: 'corrective & preventive psychotherapy that prevents the 'repetition' of negative experiences from recurring,' - - - and contrary to their belief, the knowledge of reincarnation is not the cure. It is in heeding God's command of 'forgive thine enemy' that halts the repetition of confrontation.

Quote: 'the teaching of the Unarius science of life is the basis of galactic intelligence' - - - and contrary to their belief, the wisdom and divine inspiration of God the Source is the basis of all intelligence.

Quote: 'to advance the knowledge & principles of life,' - - - I can categorically state that these are mere 'words' to blind the ignorant, and that both Ruth and Ernest are deluded and living in a fantasy forged by lost souls (spirits) who themselves are trapped by and backed by the 'super' intelligence of the Dark Sovereign Power. (The ultimate deceiver).

All are being 'cunningly' used to interpolate science 'stories' of Mars with the reality of telepathy, reincarnation, life after death, astral travel, etc. - - - with the spiritual enlightenment of man (be it spirits incarnate or discarnate).

I can categorically state that neither Ruth or Ernest or their 'spirit guide' are angels or archangels, and none of them have any understanding of what is required by God of man in respect of their spiritual 'enlightenment' or Salvation.

It is God to teach the simple reality that negative experiences stop repeating themselves when man learns to turn the other cheek, and thus not retaliate in the face of adversity. - - - It is God to teach man of God's ONE Law "As you do is done unto you" - - - on an 'eye for an eye' basis. Good for good & bad for bad.

The teaching of 'Unarius' that man is born again and again in never-ending cycles is false. Man can reincarnate, but spends infinitely more time in realms of spirit.

The 'key' as taught by God through me, is how to attain the purest realm of Light so that one remains there for eternity and, - - - to so do, one first needs to know how to become free of the burden of 'sin' within, being the dark negative emotions of greed & jealousy & criticism & fear & anger etc, all 'of' the dark 'energy' aspect of the Source that one draws in over time due to being 'swine' - - - for NONE enter Heaven with even ONE speck of darkness within.

It is my considered opinion that 'yes,' those that lived on earth before do telepathically interfere in the psyche of man, and they do use man to fulfil their needs, desires, and wants as they telepathically impose upon unsuspecting mortals.

None of them nor the mortals are aware that this 'Subjugation of the Mind' is CONTROL of man over man, and all control is of the 'dark' as we are not 'robots' and, - - - it is this invisible control that is the cause of the escalation confrontation, terrorism, and insanity soon to bring the world to its knees.

It is also most 'regrettable' that due to the attractive 'offer' of enlightenment - or - higher intelligence - or - reaching a higher consciousness, by Ruth and Ernest that quote: 'inspiration' as being from 'an advanced race,' that many on this level turn away from God's pure Salvation teachings.

There are also multitudes of 'lost' spirits in other realms that also link in to the 'fleshly' ones, thus they too are being misdirected away from the pure and simple truth as to how they can rise up into the Light.

The whole 'purpose' of this material world we inhabit is, - - - so that at this END time when God's clear Salvationary Truth is raised up in the 'sky,' and is read by mortals, every spirit linking-in to their minds have access to its Truth and thus 'find' out how they can aspire and be released from their bondage. The Truth is on line at < >

Ruth and Ernest are 'false prophets,' and I urge them and all God's children in their 'college' to quickly access this wisdom and become truly enlightened, - - - and I would also suggest that Ruth and Ernest climb down from their 'thrones' and visit me the 'Spirit of truth' who is the only one who can 'dispossess' them and set them free from their insanity.

It is the time to see that the 'super consciousness' of the Dark Sovereign Power is 'conspiring' to 'cosmically' hold all 'sinners' spell-bound so that they see not the way 'home' to the Light and 'instead,' they all justifiably fight and fall.

It is God the Source that is the 'super intelligence' that all needs now heed or bleed, not 'man' or any other supposed superior race. What superior race would live in caves underground with 'fluoro' lights when, if they had minds sound, they could 'transfer' to earth and walk in the sunshine?

To top page 11

~ The 'safe at home' response ~

Introduction: This article was written as the result of the Tasmanian government seeking to 'resolve' the escalation of violence within the community. It is given here as it applies to all people on earth and as one can see, the present 'punitive' way of man that I say leads to disaster, is 'apparently' being promoted planetarily by 'enforcement' agencies.

This article is a response to a 60 page 'projection,' being "A Criminal Justice Framework for Responding to Family Violence in Tasmania’ that has been developed by the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Industrial Relations (DJIR) in response to the announcement by the Attorney-General, the Hon. Judy Jackson MHA, in September 2002, of the establishment of separate Family Violence restraint order legislation to be introduced into Parliament in 2003.

My 'five' page 'open' response to the sixty page "Safe at Home" Options Paper document issued by the Tasmanian Criminal Justice system begins with my 'summary' of their own words stating that:

'It is built on the premise that family violence is a crime and should be treated as such' and, - - - 'stopping family violence is a job for everyone' and, - - - 'we all have a role to play in giving support to victims' and, - - - 'this Paper seeks to achieve safety for victims with strong pro-arrest and pro-prosecution responses' and, - - - 'also proposes strategies to better manage family violence offenders within the criminal justice system' and, - - -

The policy outcomes that the Attorney-General wishes to achieve through this reform process are: 'The increased criminalisation of family violence and enhanced criminal justice system responses so that people can feel safe at home.'

In the medium to long term this strategy underpins an effort to 'ensure the safety and protection of all persons who experience family violence in Tasmania' and - - - 'reduce and prevent violence between persons.'

This is to be accomplished by 'providing civil law remedies and more effective sanctions and enforcement in the event that restraint orders are breached' and - - - that a broader definition of violence is utilised so that new crimes can be created under the new legislation' and, - - - 'requiring respondents to attend programs that have the primary objective of stopping or preventing family violence' and - - - by a signal to the community that it does not accept domestic violence in any form.

The central tenet of this proposed paper is the need for a 'pro-arrest policy' and, - - - the key aspects of a Police response in an integrated approach would be quote:

'Where there is sufficient evidence to warrant it, the alleged offender would be arrested and charged, or if they are absent from the scene, a summons would be issued' and - - - 'The offender would be held in custody until the police and Courts were satisfied that they were no longer a risk to the victim or the victim’s family' and, - - -

'Bring domestic violence into the Court system for resolution to deter, punish and rehabilitate abusers, accomplished by a firm pro-arrest policy by police' and - - - 'strong guidelines and procedures to increase prosecution convictions, pre-sentencing' and, - - -

'post-conviction probation guidelines, enforcement of civil protection orders, and co-ordination of the flow of interagency information' and - - - 'impose and enforce legal sanctions through the Courts with increasingly harsh penalties for repeat offenders' and - - -

It is further stated that the 'principal' need for such a program is that: 'Tasmania can no longer afford the economic or social costs of family violence' and, - - - the 'secondary' stated as: ‘Have a community where people feel safe and are safe in all aspects of their lives.’

I continue on with your recommendation: "The Recommended way forward, being that the term ‘family violence' be used instead of the term ‘domestic violence,’ in order to take into account the diverse range of relationships that should be covered under the new legislation."

I can but state that all 'true blue' men abhor the use of violence against women and children, and maybe the quotation you give reference to the definition of violence against women is for a reason? - - - Quote:

'Behaviour by a man, adopted to control his victim, which results in physical, sexual, and-or psychological damage, forced social isolation or economic deprivation, or behaviour which leaves a woman living in fear.'

My main 'response' to the 'Safe at home' submission.

I do believe that words such as 'domestic violence' or 'family violence' are merely that, words - words - words, that hide a truer and deeper reality that now confronts all humanity, being the fact that every 'contact' between 'persons' is a 'relationship' of some kind and, - - - all violence is quote:

'Person to person' violence. Be it at home, on the street, or international war, or sanction, or invasion, or high seas piracy, etc., by a 'civilian' or any form of abuse by a 'supposed' mandated authority.

TRY and see the 'bigger picture' being, - - - that any violence perpetrated by 'man' in man's eyes v/s God's eyes, as being any man or woman against man or woman or child.

I state 'any' man, for what none of the public 'perceive' is that in their name, and on their behalf, the 'policing' force in the course of their 'duty,' are by 'mandate' allowed to commit all the acts of violence quoted in your 'Options paper' as criminal acts, quote:

  • Causing or threatening to cause a personal injury to a person, or the abduction or confinement of a person; (jailing is abduction or confinement)


  • Causing or threatening to cause damage to a person’s property; (forced entry & seizure or confiscation)


  • Behaving in an harassing or offensive way towards the person; (Detainment is harassing and offensive)


  • Stalking; (Phone tapping, literal stalking, 'set ups' and any 'subterfuge' the police need to 'entrap' or detain for the sole purpose of inflicting punitive abuse against a person they 'deem' as so deserving)


  • Economic abuse (e.g. such as the controlling the family finances or property in a manner which renders the other person unreasonably dependent on the other); (fines or seizure = 'theft by servant' and it impoverishes the community)


  • Abduction or confinement; (Abduction or confinement)

  • Intimidation or harassment; (Intimidation or harassment)

Provisions for offences occurring if a person counsels or procures someone else to commit an act of domestic violence;" (procures a policeman to commit an act of domestic violence)

All the above 'acts' (placed within brackets by me) are criminal acts perpetrated daily by policing forces and, - - - the policing forces are 'procured' by pieces of silver and 'forced' to operate 'above' the law of man in the course of their duty and, they 'openly' defy their God.

For all the above 'crimes' of which you refer to are daily carried out by policing forces who believe that they are 'somehow' above man's 'rule of law' and God's Law. None seeing that all men are 'subject to' God's Law that is the law of this and every land:

"As you do is done unto you - be it good or bad."

In fact, the only positive points noted in your paper that were of 'aid' to the 'battered' section of the community was your: 'Provide victims of abuse - - - the provision of emergency shelter, advocacy and education for victims.'

It is now time to see that any abuse of one by another has a 'cause' and a positive resolution but, - - - no forceful, retributive reaction that uses fine or punishment will have any resolution, for that 'way' is the reason for the escalation of violence within the community.

Man must now try and see that any 'rule' of man that aids or 'permits' any 'authoritative' person to disturb the peace of the land is as much an offence in God's eyes as the 'civilian' causing a disturbance of the peace by raising 'his or her' voice or hand against another.

At present, man only sees the 'end' result, being the suffering imposed upon 'a' person, and the response has always been a negative and punitive one. The imposition of a punishment by fine and incarceration has been perceived as the 'corrective' way to rehabilitation, but it is not.

For the principal causal 'factor' has remained 'invisible,' being the reasons for the 'dark' thoughts that inspired the 'raised' voice or 'hand' in the first instance and, - - - "Forgiveness is the way" our God did say.

The 'Systems' workers believe that they can defy God and their own civil Code of Conduct 'rules' and use force to 'smash' any opposition into submission in the guise of 'correction,' seeing not that their 'acts' are no 'better' than the 'acts' of the offenders, nor do they see that both 'parties,' being the offensive offender and the offensive 'corrector' were 'used' by the invisible Dark Sovereign Power.

Man has always 'assumed' that anger and all other negative emotions were 'normal' and, - - - that the 'violent' actions perpetrated due to aroused emotions was a 'controllable' element, one that was 'altered' or 'deterred' by some other 'mandated' authority imposing a greater 'violent' or 'restrictive' punitive element of 'payback.'

If 'Judy Jackson' the State Attorney General wishes to truly 'aid' the community for the right reasons, - - - being the alleviation of suffering, rather that the 'cost' factor, then she had better change her point of view and become "God's wife" and, - - - every other person in the State had also so be, (Married to the Light of God) - - - being that we all now look to the "Light" of God and stop holding the 'dark' Devilish 'hand' that all do, when they punish and regulate and berate.

Punitive Court action is not the 'answer,' for the use of 'force of arms' in the street in a Tasmanian town or in the city of 'Basra' by Bush's 'clowns' is error. The only 'answer' is the education of humanity using unarmed peaceful means. We need an enlightened and dedicated 'Peace Corps,' not a political 'policing' force.

My 'proposal' is the only one that will 'lead' Tasmanians and every person on earth into 'recovery' from their suffering 'due' as well as their present suffering. For no 'punishment' on earth will halt the mental 'invasion' of the psyche of this 'inhuman' race until they individually find out the "how & why & what to do" to remain true to themselves and God too.

There are not enough 'jails' nor 'police' to stem the 'torrid' tide of emotions that will now rise up within every woman, man, and child and, - - - as these 'dark' emotions rise, the world will be naught but the cries of the 'wounded' and, - - - their minds will be naught but an 'open' door through which satanic thoughts outpour.

Man 'saw' not that - - - the 'actions' of his 'armed forces' that were his 'paid' mercenaries who daily walk deeper into darkness for and on behalf of the community they serve, - - - would return as a 'personal' due to be suffered by me and you under God's ONE Law. For God said:

"Do not berate or punish or use force to steal by fine from those that are mentally disturbed and acting as swine, for if you do, then you are swine too and, - - - my command to you is that you remain loving and true and mercifully and compassionately you forgive them and teach them all I have given you."

Try and see that the real 'victim' needing good counsel and rehabilitation is the 'avenging' imposer or 'abuser,' for they were the victim of the darkness that invaded their mind and used them to mete out its retribution.

So again the 'teacher' is here and my response to your 'paper' of DEATH is that you quickly come to me and together we will elevate my 'Feeling Easier Seminar' so that 'offenders' that are: "ANY person that abuses another" may be counselled and set free and, - - - my 'Brief Summary' of God's message of the day needs quickly be given to all in the community.

For no person is safe from 'attack' until they or their 'servants' stop 'attacking' others. It is the time to see the 'bigger picture,' and only when each individual stops 'funding' darkness in action, will they personally become free from being subjected to darkness at the hands of others.

For the 'dark' energy that is used by you or your servants in any 'negative' anti-God process returns through the 'hands or voice' of any person that has an 'open' mind through which the 'darkness' speaks telepathically.

Soon, very soon, no person will feel safe any place, for there is now to be no 'escape' from the Beast that will 'rape' all that defied the God of Light, being any person that either personally or 'per servant' used force to steal, control, evict, seize, or punish any of God's children and, - - - that applies also to those 'in charge' who feel justified in 'barging' around and interfering in the lives of others due to their having a 'mandate' to so do. Read my Item'

33 - Suburban TERRORISM document 10 p. Community Safety Plan

~ Summary ~

It is 'obvious' from my 'summary' of the 'Framework for responding to family violence in Tasmania' article presented by your 'office' to the people of Tasmania that, - - - it is your intent to use all the 'forceful' power at your disposal to maximise the punishment of any person 'deemed' by new legislation as having committed a 'crime' against another and, - - -

You see not that this punishment is itself abuse of another and itself a 'crime' due to its abusive nature and, - - - you 'justify' this punishment and abuse of another's 'liberty' and imposed mental and emotional trauma upon them because, - - - you see it as a 'deterrent' and, - - - as a 'corrective' service to the community and, - - - you perceive it as a corrective 'rehabilitation' of the offensive one and, - - - you 'vengefully' feel 'satisfied' that they paid for their 'sins.'

Try and see that all 'abuse' is an offence in God's eyes and, - - - try and see that as you 'despise' the use of criminal violence, that it is 'madness' for you to use it by disguising your use of it through legislation.

If you read my 'The Slave citizen' document you will realise that there are 'greater' forces and powers at 'play' than is visible to man and, - - - you will realise why one should not use 'darkness' to stem darkness for, - - -

All the 'avengers' become 'as one' with the Dark and, - - - there are no 'winners,' - - - for the vain believe falsely that the use of darkness alleviates pain. It does not, it only 'adds' to the sorrows of all and to the imposition of greater rules and regulations upon all.

If Tasmanians seek to be the 'showcase' of the world with 'reform' to their 'archaic' penal and criminally 'unjust' and 'corrupt' justice system, then the 'revival' will needs take place using 'grace & love & forgiveness' as its 'foundation,' as it educates the whole community under the 'direction' of God's dove, not by the legislation of man that defies God's great Salvation Plan.

None 'today' can see that retribution and punishment is the wrong way, as it 'defies' the Light of God and 'paves' the way for more 'sorrow' to return 'earth's' way.

Punishment is when 'man' calls on the Devil's Might to regulate & control & fight, and is the moment that 'he' man denies his inner Light and, - - - he 'awakens' the dark genie that 'gleefully' delights in 'granting' the forceful & imposing 'wish,' for the genie knows that he then 'commands' the 'stage' and later in a 'rage' returns to 'smite' those that arrogantly used his Might.

I submit this 'response' so that those 'true' in the community have the opportunity to see a 'way' free from the eternal 'suffering to be' for any that do not 'conform' to the dictates of their God of Light and Love.

It is now imperative for all to fortify their mind and strengthen it against the escalation of the telepathic attack from a dark alien race that has the sole purpose of turning man aganist man and destroying all. It is called 'Minds Under Siege' and explained more within Items 15 & 16 on my web site given below.

Item 15 & 16 are submitted by Mrs. 'Clemencia' Barnes a Tasmanian Spiritual Consultant and myself on matters of Mental Health and 'Subjugation of the mind' by spirit interference:

15 - The TREATISE of Truth 85 p. Mental Health Carers Manual
16 - The I.S.I.S. SUICIDE document 55 p. For all to read

It is the time to now provide good counsel and education to the 'victims of the dark' that were mentally 'possessed' as they 'dealt' a dark 'body blow' to another. All are but ignorant and all the abusers and the abused are thus 'victims' that need my good counsel.

Notes: - Devil's Might* - The 'Might' of the Devil is its thoughts that 'incite' or inspire man's mind when man seeks to use force. Thus the 'causal' factor for ongoing suffering is the mind of the legislator who is seeking a solution, - - - for the legislator is seeking to resolve the 'problem' of non-conformity to 'rules' by using thoughts that enter 'his' mind from the land of darkness.

For Darkness is an 'energy' that has the sole purpose of invasion, intrusion, regulation, control, abuse, punishment, and ultimately destruction, if its 'demands' are not met and, - - - as the legislator is seeking retribution, it follows that his thoughts are inspired by the Devil. (The Dark Sovereign Power).

It matters not that the legislator 'couches' his punishment as 'correction' using words such as 'rehabilitation,' etc., the fact of the matter is that the legislated punitive RULE that is attached to the 'crime' is anti-god as it is merciless, dispassionate, cruel, unkind, unforgiving, and abusive.

All must now 'look' to the Light of God and educate, for the 'resolution' that the Devil seeks is more 'control' and punishment upon the 'lost race' who all defy their God. This is a 'just' return due upon the whole community for supporting such dark policies.

The 'causal' factor for the 'entry' of negative thoughts into the psyche of man in the first instance, be they the 'civilian' abuser or the legislative and enforcer abuser has remained 'invisible' - - - and is only revealed to you when you read my Testament. For my 'wisdom' reveals the reasons for the 'raised' hands as man abuses man on a 'person to person' basis.

For so long has man lived under 'rules' that enforced taxation extortion, be it 'levy' by stamp duty or licence fee, or sales or land taxes etc, that he sees not that in the first instance, the 'Chiefs' of long ago using force of arms imposed 'such' and, - - - they also 'raised up' rules that made people into criminals for non-conformity, and the same rules 'permitted' the extortionists to punish, and thus maintain their extortionist policies and, - - -

These 'ruling' class 'emperors, kings, queens' and other 'style' dictators, assumed that they had a divine 'right' to enslave others perceived as 'commoners,' so that they and their 'officers' could live off the 'fat' of the land, as every other 'hand' worked in servitude for their profit and, - - - they took 'control' of every acre of land and all flora & fauna and fish in the sea, - - - initially by pure 'force of arms,' and later by legislation backed by force of arms.

None of the 'legislators' nor the people seeing the implementation of God's retributionary LAW - - - being the painful return due to those that 'thought' that they and their nefarious deeds were above the LAW of God.

The 'end' result of this will now be seen, and any 'legislators' or enforcers that continue to 'dream' will awake with a terrifying scream. Yes, they will live in terror and be with terror forever unless they implement positive reform to their own deeds.

There is not 'much' I can do other than be true and give you all God's guidance, as I 'hope' that you will all soon see the depth of your 'punitive' enforcement iniquity and then - - - suddenly you will 'wish' that the 'rules' that you placed into your 'unholy' books of statutes would dissipate like invisible ink.

For it is the very rules in these 'unholy' texts that force man to wield a punitive mace against his own mother or father or sister or brother mercilessly and unforgivingly and, - - - 'as long as' these rules therein remain, all the legislative enforcers and their policing 'judiciary' that 'bow & kneel' to these rules and thus abuse their sisters and brothers, will continue to accrue a similar painful return due ON and EYE FOR AN EYE basis to be 'suffered' at a God appointed time.

That is FACT backed by God's Holy Word, for God said: "Wield no sword, for MY Word is immutable, and - - - MY Law has a very long arm thus, - - - I command you to be merciful & compassionate and forgive any that you perceive as offensive for, - - - no man is above MY 'Just' and equitable 'eye for an eye' Law."

Note: There is no 'safety' guarantee that can be provided by any 'enforcement' agency, for God said: "Rely on the strength of my word" (wield no sword), for any reliance on protection that uses force means, that one has relied on 'said' protector to abuse another as they 'force' them into submission, and under God's one law there is a return 'penance' of similar suffering to be met by any that relied on mercenaries to protect them, and every 'enforcer' is a mercenary paid a 'sum' to defy their God and abuse another. No mandate of man 'voids' God's law.

Thus every 'temporary' relief using forceful means is but temporary, and it is also accruing a further 'suffering' due to be met on another day. For all whom defy God are 'forced' to pay.

The only way 'forwards' to true peace is by ensuring that from this moment on one is only abiding within God's commandment to educate, for those that now continue to berate and punish the 'mentally disturbed' become mentally disturbed, and they too will be late for Heaven's Gate.

The 'enemy' is within, being the darkness that uses you to attack or punish or fight back. Thus to become free from persecution, one needs be peaceful and never 'fight back.' Those that cannot see that 'terror' breeds terror, will end up in a 'worse' situation than the Israel v/s Palestinian fracas that will only 'cease' when all is destroyed or, - - - this message of Light finds its 'way' into the minds of the remaining few.

As for 'this' place or any land, mankind needs now try and understand that their punishment of 'offenders' is the imposition of terror upon the minds and emotions and 'person' of the one being confronted and, - - - it also 'terrorises' their families that suffer in many a way, as 'System' enforcers steal their pay and keep their 'men' locked away.

In God's eyes, any abuse by a person against a person is a criminal and offensive act. Ask yourself: "Who is the 'worst' criminal, the person that abuses another in an emotional outburst, or the person that 'pre-meditates' their actions of criminal abuse?

For man sees not that all 'punishment' in any form is person to person abuse. Thus a 'legislator' that 'criminalises' actions for the purpose of punishment is an offender in God's eyes and a person very unwise.

For as they 'meditate' on the Devil's thoughts of 'how much' pain they can punitively inflict and forcefully impose, they 'sully' their own spiritual 'rose.' Better to pre-meditate on how to 'disarm' the abuser with charm, and forgivingly educate them using love and God's wisdom.

Man sees not that the use of his 'rules' are an 'injustice' to himself, for God would require a stolen 'apple' to be returned for the theft of an apple. (An eye for an eye).

But vain and vengeful man would 'justify' and steal money per 'fine' from the errant and, - - - for a second offence he would incarcerate the offender, thus man's 'perceptions' of 'just' recompense is 1000 times more than God's for sure and, - - - in the 'first' instance, God forbids man to punish, as any 'expression' of man has a return 'due' upon man under God's immutable law.

"Wake up" Tasmania, let us 'together' implement a Strategy true as is commanded by God, and thus begin the road home before the world does 'groan' from God's JUST & EQUITABLE return due upon all via the minds of 'others' as ignorant as you.

Issued by Terence

To top page 12

To: Kate Warner
cc: 'Sentencing Policy' Forum speakers.

Dear Kate, It is with interest that I received the registration form detailing the 'intent' of the 'Liberals' to obtain quote: - - - fresh, new approach to Tasmanian Politics. Presumably that 'approach' has something to do with Justice, and the 'sentencing' of errant community members.

Man has 'always' been 'incensed' by others non-conformity to 'certain' policies or 'ways of living.' Man has also deemed it 'his' right to 'govern' other children of God. Unfortunately, what 'foolish' man did not see was that God is 'real' and, is also 'capable' of maintaining HIS own Law that is eternally applicable to all.

What 'man' calls 'Justice' is not 'Just,' for the dark vindictive emotions within man, coupled with the 'rulers' need to 'show cause' to the public that 'he' is 'in control,' - - - man metes out 1000 times more than the 'Just Law' of God that 'merely' demands recompense on an equal 'eye for an eye' return. E.g.:

God says: 'Steal a chicken egg - return an egg,' not as man: 'transporting' the offender to a penal institution in Tasmania for a life sentence. Alternatively the positive 'eye for an eye' return of God within the Law of God is - - - that when you in kindness 'restore' an 'errant' man's mind to sanity & respect with good counsel, and forgivingly let him go, then God will lovingly reward you on another day.

This retributionary 'Payback' or positive 'Tribute' for deeds both good or bad is a known Law of God: "As you do is done unto you." Unfortunately, neither society nor the Legislators who raise up 'rules' named 'The law,' can see that whatever punitive 'factor' is placed upon any person for 'contravention' of said 'rule,' has a return due within the REAL LAW. Being God's supreme Law.

The 'sentence' imposed as well as all suffering 'endured' by the convict or his family, and any loss of business or home etc, resulting from the fine or incarceration, has its 'default' penalty added to the original 'conviction' by GOD, and later imposed upon the 'prosecutors' and the 'voters' for their complicity in the 'punishment.' For God's Law is immutable and JUST for sure.

Man has 'presumed' that his 'badge of office' will protect his bad deeds from his 'own' rules of 'law,' and presumably also assumed that as he was 'mandated' to 'punish,' that he was also 'above' the law of God, and thus would 'avoid' God's 'payback.' - A FALSE presumption.

For in order to 'fulfil' his duty to the 'rules,' the rules force policing enforcers to defy their own 'society' rules and 'invade, seize goods (steal), disturb the peace, kidnap, hold hostage in prison' etc. All 'antisocial' activities both in the eyes of man and God.

Man 'thinks' he has a democratic society with 'freedom,' but he has not. For his every 'way' of living and his code of conduct is dictated by a 'cruel & merciless' and unconscionable Autocratic set of 'Rules' that Rule him by 'edict' style Statutes that are extortionist & punitive and merciless in their dictates that are Anti-God.

These rules 'enslave' mankind in every land, and turn the 'administrators' into 'beastly' antisocial mini-gods, that have been 'authorised' by the rules to do and be wrong in their attitude and actions against the community they are supposed to serve.

I write this to you all for I am the 'soul' true returned to elevate the consciousness of mankind in every land. If any 'person' seeks to implement a new 'sentencing' code that will 'fall' within the positive 'aspect' of God's Law, then it is required that 'errant offenders' be educated not 'convicted.'

I have spent 'years' laying out the parameters for this process that is the only 'way' to stay within the 'bounds' of the Command of God to "Extend peace & goodwill unto all," for any that now continue on with the 'flaying' of others that 'fail' to comply with 'edicts' of legislators, will most certainly be confined to the Abyss for eternity.

Yes, let 'us' Tasmanians show the world that there is a better way before the LAST day appointed by ME* that will 'herald' total insanity due to man's vanity, and the resulting chaos will show all the 'end result' of complicity to arrogant madness.

I enclose below my letter to Michael Hodgman and ask also that you read my 'The legislative terror' document found at: < terror2.htm > as well as my 'The Suburban terror' document found at < suburb.htm >

It is truly the time to implement my new 'Feeling Easier Seminar' program and empty the jails. It is also the time to 'amend' the book of RULES that 'dictate' every 'facet' of man's living way with its own 'anti-god' ideology.


Note: ME*- Refers to the Father (God) for whom I write, as HIS mind inspires mine.

Letter to: Michael Hodgman MHA

Dear Michael,

Ref: Sentencing, justice & the community.

I received a note advising of the coming Forum, and having read your 'Beliefs' for and on behalf of the State Liberals and, - - - as you are the Convenor, I felt that you might like to look a little deeper at the reality behind the words 'Law' as well as 'Order,' as well as the implications of 'enforcing' or 'forcing' your ideals or ideology upon others whom may have a different belief.

You may also not be aware that under the Constitution of Australia, as well as the TAS Constitution that there is a 'provision' that is being usurped by the police & judiciary, as they too are of the ideological belief that the ideological 'belief' of the RULES that they uphold, are 'above' and 'supersede' this basic Right of man to follow his God and his own ideology, as long as he remains peaceful and does not disturb the peace of the land.

Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania)

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

I suggest that you visit my web site and read my letter to Richard Butler the Governor that is found on page 13 of this document:

< >

For so long now have 'legislators' believed that they have a 'Divine Right' to enforce their own legislation, that they now have raised up a 'dictatorship' that hides behind a façade of 'Its for the good of the community.'

This Autocratic Dictator that RULES with a cold, merciless, unforgiving iron 'fist' is in fact the book of 'Rules' that has no 'conscience,' for it is but 'script' in a book, and all men now 'bow' to its 'dictates' rather than the Command of God to "Extend peace & goodwill unto all men, & be merciful, & forgiving' etc.

So we 'all' now live in the 'delusion' that we are in a 'free' Country that is a 'democracy'! - What a delusion. We can 'vote' in a person, but it matters not 'who,' for the 'standing' RULES stand supreme, and they 'dictate' the 'terms' of engagement, and all men 'bow' fearfully to this satanic demigod.

For it permits no 'leeway,' any that defy its dictates are punished by its dictates. Thus the 'enforcers' are forced to themselves defy their own God as they uphold the RULES, and in so doing, the rules 'permit' them to 'seize goods, (theft by servant) invade, disturb the peace, kidnap citizens off the street, hold them incarcerated as hostages, and to even KILL the citizens they were 'supposed' to protect.

So in fact, the 'rules' permit extortion of money off the community, and whether you or any other like it or not, the full WRATH of our God is now to descend on the whole planet, for ALL being so 'arrogant' and vain, and foolish as to defy the TRUE God.

I have spent many years 'forming' a positive and constructive rehabilitation program for 'real' offenders. That is those that do disturb the peace of the land. It is now the time for all to make change and begin to implement my 'Feeling Easier Seminars' so as to help people, rather than incarcerate them.

Please visit my web site and after reading the 'full' - The SLAVE citizen document. Then read my - The OFFENDER document. For no 'citizen' has any 'rights' within the 'book of rules,' and the rules force the entire community to become 'criminals' for funding, condoning, and supporting the punitive Anti-God BOOK OF RULES.

Sincerely - Terence

To top page 13

~ ABC TV - Compass - Asylum ~

"Boat people" seeking 'asylumatic' entry into Australia

Dear Geraldine, the 'parliamentary' quote of "I believe it is crucial that all persons who come to Australia without prior authorisation not to be released into the community" is 'typical' of the mentality of the day, wherein 'controllers' of 'Countries' have 'learnt' from their childhood years to believe that they are 'mandated' to ensure by force that they 'control' entry into 'this' place space.

This common false belief is also believed by you and you and you, being all the public too. For so long has man believed that 'he' owns the land that he lives on, that he cannot see that it belongs to ANY of God's children from over the sea.

This false belief is 'held' due to the bad Policy of bad anti-god policies that have 'arisen' through the mind of vain men, as they in defiance of God strode forth and 'took' by force of arms lands o'er which they trod. Yes, they also 'claimed' these lands as theirs and enslaved all thereon.

So all 'men' are now dictated to by the books of RULES that force them and you to be 'anti-god' daily. For the punitive 'attitude' and punishment meted out to all 'offenders' as demanded by the RULES brings forth an 'equal & opposite' RETURN under the ONE Law of God upon ALL.

For you and all the 'visitors' to your Forum may 'buck & squeal' at the criminal injustice meted out to other human beings, but you are equally guilty, guilty, GUILTY of offensive behaviour in God's eyes.

For the 'actions' of the 'detaining' policers are your actions too - - - for you pay their wages by your 'taxes' and thus support what they for you do. Yes, these 'criminals' are your paid servants and you 'vote' them into power to 'shower' all with satanic darkness. Oh what a 'mess' the world will soon be in!

People that 'gain' a position of 'authority & power' that 'raise up' Policy that is 'backed' by 'force of arms,' are in fact 'teachers' that impose their 'beliefs' upon the community.

If their 'teaching' breaches God's Code of Conduct Command, then they are false teachers that mislead, misguide, and deceive God's children. This false way is now the 'order' of the day in every land.

It is the time to 'open' all borders so that all people can travel freely without 'passports' and without hindrance. This is the 'godly' humane way. Those that continue to 'bar' entry to God's children automatically 'bar' their own entry into heaven for their defiance of God's sacred leaven.

Soon every 'system' of government will collapse as 'fearful' man surges back & forth o'er land and sea killing ANY that try and hinder their path. For sure none will 'laugh' and only those that rely on MY 'Staff' will survive.

These are the ones that open their 'doors & hearts' to any coming their way. The others that 'deny' will be swept away by a tide of hatred that is inconceivable to the psyche of man today.

If you truly 'detest' the dark actions of placing children and mothers and fathers 'visiting' this earthly place behind barbed wire, then stop funding the 'system.' Now you see your 'options' are few. For if you 'so' do, then you incur the wrath of insane vain men 'backed' by their own legislation that will place YOU behind bars and, - - -

If you continue to fund, condone, and thus support their iniquity, then you invoke the WRATH of God and will be eternally placed behind 'bars' below as your soul is 'barred' from the Promised Land.

It is now truly the time to tell all that the Messiah is here with a 'foreboding' message to 'any' that to heaven would come near. For NONE today walk the correct and RIGHT way. All 'slide' deeper into the Abyss as they 'verbally' praise God or God's messengers by deed, for all go the wrong way.

Please tell your 'visitors' that they needs read my 'The Legislative terror' document. For you may 'believe' that you live in a 'democracy,' but in fact all live in an autocratic dictatorship.

For all our daily living 'ways' and actions are dictated by RULES that have a 'punishment factor' attachment for any that defy 'their' dark 'religious' ideology of 'extortion, control, intrusion, invasion, abuse, theft by seizure, punishment, and killing.' The rules are the 'ultimate' Dictator. Go to:

< terror2.htm >

Sincerely - Terence

To top page 14

~ Police & 'murderous' intent ~

Ch 9 TV - Dear Steve & Tracy, I refer to the 'road rage' attack by a police officer that intentionally drove his vehicle onto the 'lawn' and struck down a civilian he was 'supposed' to protect.

Maybe it’s the time to 'reflect' on who was more 'mentally & emotionally' disturbed. The 'troubled' pedestrian 'holding' a knife, or the arrogant 'madman' in a police car seeking to 'murder' his 'opponent.'

It seems to me that the word 'humanity' is a 'lost' name, for all are inhuman and vain, as they hold God's 'other' children in disdain. Police today have no understanding as to the reason 'why' others wield knives and, - - -

If the police are called to 'serve' but are 'patrolling' the streets unaware that they 'share' the same negative 'unsound' minds as their 'victims,' then they will not understand how their own minds become 'temporally' possessed by intruding thoughts due to their 'anger' being 'incensed' by the situation.

Every person 'out of control' and 'offensive' is merely a person that is being mentally 'broached' by demonic thoughts that lead to despair, suicide, disturbing the peace, and very irrational acts, be they callous, merciless ones or other, carried out by police or any other.

I 'wonder' when the police will realise that any person with 'offensive' behaviour is 'mentally disturbed'* at that moment and needs to be 'treated' with respect and carefully 'handled' with the foreknowledge that as their mind is 'disturbed & troubled,' they need a counsellor rather than an ignorant 'idiot'* commanding them to 'listen' to orders that are 'unheard' and thus cannot be complied with.

Note: 'mentally disturbed'* - The civilian was a person with their 'mind under siege' from invading thoughts that were irrational, thus the person became even more 'disturbed' through his fear when confronted by police and was unable to comply to their directives to put his knife down.

For the invading and 'possessively' intruding thoughts 'filled' his mind to the point that his own consciousness was overridden by said thoughts, - - - and he 'irrationally' continued to wield a knife in the face of a very large force of 'armed' men instead of surrendering peacefully.

Note: 'idiot'* - The 'attacking' policeman was a person with their 'mind under siege' from invading thoughts that were irrational, thus the person became even more 'disturbed' through his anger when confronted by a man that was unable to comply to the directives to put his knife down.

For the invading and 'possessively' intruding thoughts 'filled' his mind to the point that his own consciousness was overridden by said thoughts - - - and he 'irrationally' decided to wield his 'vehicle' as a mace in the face of a very small force of a single poorly 'armed' man instead of peacefully calling in an unarmed counsellor to speak with the 'temporary' insane.

So now all can see 'why' people do 'darkly' what they do. They are momentarily possessed via their 'sin' (negative emotions) and at this moment their own 'rationality' is overridden by dark spirit intruders that use their flesh to mete out pain and suffering and, - - -

What none see, especially the 'confronting' policeman, is that due to his ignorance and 'empowered' arrogance, that all the pain he caused to his 'victim' will be bestowed upon him and his 'supporters' at a later date in order to fulfil the immutable Law of God - 'As you do is done unto you.'

Both the police officer and his 'victim' of the day need my good counsel. For only by attending one of my 'Feeling Easier' Seminars will both be set free from their ignorance, and both learn how to protect their minds from being 'possessed' to their detriment.

Perchance you could advise your viewers that the Messiah is here and, that he says that insanity will erupt more and more, and destruction will outpour through every 'ignorant' mind. So please visit my web site and share my fresh wisdom before all does fall into disarray as more and more 'invading' thoughts are telepathically projected earth's way.

To top page 15

Open letter to

~ The Australian Vaccination Network ~
Informed Choice Magazine.

Dear AVN 'management.' It is regrettable that you mislead so many people with your 'unbalanced' statements. I do feel that 'deceivers' need to know that they are responsible for the suffering that they 'inflict' through their deception.

You may 'think' that your 'promotion' is 'balanced & informed' and of good intent, but you see not that you 'invent' reasons to 'back up' your 'claims' that vaccines are in some way 'unnecessary'? And maybe not needed? And maybe 'dangerous'? And you also use 'fear' tactics to 'link' Autism and other 'imbalances' to vaccination.

What you FAIL to see, is that when 'unprotected' sexual contact is made with 'diseased' others, then death does follow and, - - - equally, when the 'fearful' and misinformed and unvaccinated come into contact with some diseases, death and/or disfigurement does also follow in the majority of cases and, - - -

It is proven that vaccination can lessen or 'stamp out' dangerous diseases and, - - - the 'fear' factor that you 'promote' by giving the public your 'style' of 'informed' information is, that they assume that their child will or may become a sufferer 'statistic' if vaccinated, and thus they 'prefer' to not vaccinate or to seek some other 'sort of' immunisation from more than dubious sources and, - - -

In your 'promotion' you also sell the 'idea' that children will become Autistic as you openly use your site for monetary gain. I believe that freedom of choice is what life is about but, - - - there is a consequence as said for deception.

Why not give the people a truly well informed and balanced input of information by linking your site to mine and directing 'seekers' to the other side of the coin?

This way you might then 'alter' your 'advertising' of NON vaccination to a true 'advisory' perspective that 'permits' the individual to be able to make a truly 'personally' informed decision. For you say: "Ask questions, read as much as you can and above all, investigate before you vaccinate."

I say : "Ask questions, read as much as you can and above all, investigate before you do not vaccinate." For as I see it, vaccination is important in this day and age.

And as I see it, you are in fact aiding them into a NO vaccine decision that in my opinion is a dangerous one for them and you also. For 'spiritually,' we do 'reap' what we sow. You lead the reader into 'questioning' the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Maybe they need to realise that there is neither 'safety' nor effectiveness in being unvaccinated when disease strikes. Surely if your child lived in a snake infested area and an antivenin was not available but a vaccine was, you would advise them in being vaccinated?

Certainly the freedom to choose is a person's right, but we need to see that if none of us 'eat' we ALL starve, it is better to eat and live for a time than 'fear' imbibing anything just because 'some' may or do suffer food poisoning when eating?

Many people are 'choosing' to not vaccinate through FEAR as well as the false belief that their child will 'somehow' avoid infection when 'disaster' strikes. Infection can and will become more prevalent. My 'ask' of all is "Please help your children by giving them vaccine immunisation. For as the planet now 'cycles' into INSANITY, disease will become rampant."

For many 'subtly' promote non vaccination and thus promote no immunity, as you do when you go on to say: "There is an 'unlikely' chance of your child becoming infected" - - - seeing not that the past and present vaccination program has 'halted' or slowed infections and, - - -

Once there becomes a greater percentage of people 'avoiding' vaccination and not protected by proven vaccines, then there will be a sharp rise in the occurrence of communicable and other disease. For the 'move' to avoid imbibing 'things' that some see as 'dangerous,' will begin to extend to 'simpler' illnesses such as Malaria as 'some' fear to even imbibe anti Malaria drugs etc.

As an 'African' man of 65 years of age who has been exposed to a multitude of vaccinations and 'drugs' from anti-Cholera, anti-Malaria, Bilharzia medication and many other 'drugs,' I can safely say that even when at boarding school where every person was 'injected' or vaccinated, and in later years, I never 'heard' or saw anything that would have deterred me from seeking 'biological' protection and, - - -

What I can say, is that due to my personal exposure to dangerous diseases over the years, that without the 'marvel' of vaccines and medicines I would not have lived beyond 35 years of age.

Terence -

To top page 16

~ Golden Circle employee circular ~

~ Financial Suicide ~

Dear 'unmet' friends - I am a Tanzanian living in Tasmania over the sea, and this note via your 'company' I send to help and guide thee. For the road ahead is rocky and many soon lose all their 'wine & bread.'

I place my 'bet' on the fact that your coming 28-day 'strike' action is 'backed' by ignorance of certain facts. The 'principle' one being that none of you can see the impending planetary catastrophe.

Yes it will be unreal - Yes it will your fate seal
Yes it will be 'swift' and yes you will all
'suffer & cry' for sure.

Because of your blind greed - because of your 'suicidal' deed. For you do not 'work' for your own 'interest,' you work in a 'dream' state and seek that elusive 'pot of gold' at the rainbow's end. It is a delusion, a false dream.

And to 'succeed' in your 'extortion' attempt you use force. This act will seal your fate as you destroy your own 'Company' that is your own 'livelihood,' and you 'treat' both with contempt and disdain and you will cause your own families much PAIN as you 'act' like a spoilt 'brat' as you 'gleefully' give your own 'back' a pat.

The 'Golden Circle' Company is your 'tool' of survival, but if you 'think' that 'reprisal' will ensure your 'well-being' ahead, then you needs awaken before you fall out of your bed. Because what you do not see, is that a 'business' like Golden Circle can collapse due to your INSANITY.

They do not have 'endless' pots of gold to 'dole' out like liquid honey. Neither will the government give you the 'dole' handout when poverty does you 'clout.' Because they too will soon fall, and every 'greedy' sucker will PALL, for the 'end' is nigh and the reasons 'why' are written by me in the 'sky.'

So please now be 'demure'
So please now be 'secure'

By helping Golden Circle to survive. For if you seek to forcibly take more, then into its 'heart' you drive a 'wooden' stake and, you also do it unto yourself by your own 'foolish' deed.

Please tell the 'Unions' that they 'sow' disunion, and that you now seek to protect your own Company and your own home and your own job. This you can do by 'dropping' your present pay packet each week by 'five bob.'

Visit me at < >
And make a truly 'well' informed decision
I AM the Messiah - returned to elevate your consciousness higher.


To top page 17

Tracy & Steve - 'Today' at channel 9

Peter Breen MP - and his 'travesty'

Dear Tracy, how 'unfortunate' a 'spirit soul' you 'appear' to God and those of the Light as me that do have inner sight. As you 'clap' your hands together as though to say "Wake up Mr Breen - can you not see that you live in a dream if you believe that 'murderers' are human beings" - - -

For what neither you nor other 'ignorants' do see is that ANY person can 'murder' IF their mind is 'possessed' momentarily due to 'bad' thoughts or emotions overpowering their reason and, - - -

Other members of society in positions of 'power & authority' can and do also 'rape, abuse, kidnap, transport, incarcerate, and hold people hostage in jails or even KILL others' 'legally' using flame-throwers etc, as DO the Australian judiciary and armed forces paid for by YOU.

But of course, they too are ignorant as to the reality of God and God's COMMAND to "Only walk in peace and be forgiving and compassionate and merciful' because, - - - no 'idiot' or 'ignorant' mandated authority are above God's ONE supreme law - - As you do is done unto you - - - they only so 'assume' because they see no God and, - their arrogance keeps them living in a dream as they are 'trapped' by precedents, being the 'sinful' false beliefs of their forefathers.

So nice for God and I to SEE that there IS a man called 'Breen' that does try and assist the families of prisoners that IS a part of his 'paid' duty. And I believe that your 'placing' him 'on the spot' with your ignorant questions such as: Will they EVER hurt others again - - - will they EVER pose a threat"? Shows your total disregard of other human beings, and the causes of temporary 'insanity' that leads to cruel actions.

Believe your me, I do know that any 'mind' in ANY person that 'permits' dark avenging spirits to 'possess' their minds for a moment ARE capable of doing ANYTHING, and this ALSO applies to you.

If you 'believe' that the cruel actions of others means that they must be held 'captive' forever, then under God's Law, you too will suffer the same fate, for your 'captivity' deeds carried out on your behalf by your paid servants the prison officials.

Yes - - - as I AM God's 'judge' I can categorically STATE that for a 'time' it will become your fate too. Yes 'dear,' all are 'liable' and 'within' the Jurisdiction of the immutable Law of God and, - - -

This 'supposed' Christian 'land' is in fact inhabited by 'infidels,' being NON-believers, for they ALL fund, condone, support, and pay the wages of avengers as ALL defy their 'supposed' God and unforgivingly and mercilessly abuse HIS 'lost' children, none seeing that their 'actions' are EQUALLY despicable and iniquitous in the eyes of their Creator and, - - -

It's about time earthlings 'listened' to the words of God's messenger ME as I wave my 'palm frond' - - - For soon closes the GATE and I CAN assure you that there are VERY few whom will avoid Hell's gate.

Please thank Mr Breen on 'air' for his 'attempt' at changing the 'rulers' of the RULES so that mankind can begin to divorce itself from vanity, insanity, and HELL as they read my insight as I 'clap' MY hands and 'ring' the FINAL bell.

Offenders, needs be treated with respect and educated as given by GOD on my web site. Read the 'offender' doc.

Go to page 18



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