This document is in 19 sections
~ The 'other letters' document ~
By Terence
This document is a 'folder' that holds some of the letters written by me, so that you may have access to its content.
![]() ~ Tasmania Police Minister ~ Dear Minister, for some time now have I been "knocking" at earth's 'door' in an attempt to awaken all whom are "asleep" and see not what is in store. For the police "arm" has for so long now been used as the 'arm' of the political "force" to enforce their laws rather than to uphold the peace of God, that both the police and politicians have "forgotten" that they both/all are servants of the people "elected/appointed" to protect the interest of the people. In fact the politicians now use this "policing force" to extract/extort monies off the people in the "guise" of: "It's for your own good," and none of 'you' can see the thoughts that now brood in the psyche of the community who are impoverished more and more each day. Also what none see other than me is that God's one Law reigns supreme on every shore and stands above man's laws for sure. As said, for so "long" now have political "legislators" been allowed to "run free" and enact regulations that affect you and me and then 'use' the police force to enforce them (the rules,) that they forgot that "common" man has the God given freedom of choice to heed God rather than the legislators "voice." And the financial "steal" off God's children has become so "legitimate" in the eyes of the "servants" you and your "Judiciary," that none see what God is now about to do, other than I who is inspired "mentally" direct by our God up high. It is God's "intent" to via me implement changes planetarily so that sanity can again "prevail" before every "heart" does quail at what is to be. Please visit my web site < > and read my 'Offender document' and then help me to implement the 'Feeling easier seminar' so that real "offenders" in God's eyes being those unwise who steal and abuse others can be educated and then set free. "The present method of fine and punishment must cease," says our God to you via me.
The NO-debate War ~ Dear prime minister John Howard, you are in a 'deadly' position if you believe that your 'mandate' to guide the welfare of the Australian community extends to the 'morals' of mankind wherein defiance of God's Commandment to "Only love & forgive thine enemy" leads all 'supporters of war' into the Abyss. You believe falsely that you are a "staunch" Christian, but in fact you have no spiritual morals for you have already shown God that you rely on the strength of the American mace and you support this disgrace by sending 'our' navy to war in the Gulf. Yes it is war, for by the very acts of piracy carried out whereby much needed funds from oil are stolen by you, the 'poor' do suffer in Iraq and you also are responsible for acts of 'invasion' and more, that as yet you cannot see. All you can 'see' is the man 'Saddam' and in your 'fear' of what he might do, you are prepared to 'callously' follow through causing great suffering to many of Allah's children due to the silly 'Treaty' with insane men. Can you not see that due to your present 'dark' acts that Saddam or others will be incited to respond to your present and future uninvited attack upon Iraq bringing much pain to Australians?. (God's law - As you do is done unto you - ) Believe you me, God is real as is the Devil who will from this moment on seal the 'fate' of every "idiot" who continues to talk of war and who funds the war movement fiscally or who actively participates in war. It is now the time for humanity to 'see' the final message sent from Heaven that has been placed up on air by ME the returned Messiah. I can only 'advise' each person that they all from this moment on stand under the spotlight of God who is to now 'Judge' all and all will be separated. The wolves from the sheep. The wolves are the ones who find a justifiable reason to defy God's Holy Commandment. They will be consigned into the Abyss where for an eternity or two they will continue on fighting their perceived enemy and their pain will grow as will their discomfort for there it is colder than snow. These 'arrogant' ones are from every race and creed on earth. The sheep are the meek and mild who have heard the call to be mild and forgiving and merciful to those as you and Saddam & Bush too who all are mercenaries that terrorise others. These meek will follow me as they see the wisdom from my pen and only they will reach heaven. You and all have now a few 'moments' yet left to seek my truth and come to an informed decision as to either hold me in 'derision' or to make amends with God. Soon invisible dark forces will bind every 'open' mind telepathically and as they "possess" the minds of the ignorant their 'foul' deeds will be seen by all. Yes 'brother,' what none see is that all 'demons' below were once 'men' as you and me and they 'fell' into dark ways through pride and vanity and it is they now who work for the Devil who will gain your soul too if you continue to be untrue to the Light. Yes, all whom place the 'Ring' of power upon their finger are overpowered mentally by the satanic force which then does divorce their mind from reason and their spirit soul from heaven. Wake up 'son,' the only ones who will become spiritually free are those whom Only do good yes, even to those whom do bad. There needs be NO debate, each will choose to win or lose. Sincerely - Terence To Police Commissioner McCreadie - Hobart Dear Richard, Re: End times insanity I wish to advise you that the 'biblically' prophesied 'end time' Armageddon is now 'poised' in that God's retributive 'axe' will shortly drop upon the ''neck" of every person whom defied the "Only be loving and only walk in peace" Commandment. You may be aware that your "prosecutions" department in Launceston is presently engaged in 'open' warfare against the risen Messiah (me) in an attempt to have me put 'away' due to what I say. Being that I do not have to comply with the 'edicts' of any man that contravene God's Plan. I can but do what I do as 'for and on behalf of' the Police force I am truly true sending God's directives to you, and thus I send you my newly updated and completed CD. This CD clearly states my 'reasoning' and if you would be 'good' enough to read the full script on the front index page that I attach and then also read the first 3 items thereon from the CD and item 10, it will give you an 'idea' as to the terrifying reality and what is soon to be 'imposed' upon all or any whom defy God's ask via me.
I also ask that you read the 'Offender' document, for within it is my response to the escalating 'offensive' behaviour of citizens, and that includes everyone as all now will be finding that their minds are more 'troubled' and pressured by negative thoughts. (This will soon intensify 100 fold) None will be 'free' from the final 'battle' for the soul of man that will soon become a devastating attack within the mind of all from within, being the Devil's thoughts erupting through man's inner 'sin,' being the negative emotions. The Devil's 'intent' being to overpower the 'sensible' reasoning capacity of man so that they become 'numb' to God's call, and thus they will 'dumbly' become the Devil's weapon of mass destruction as they 'robotically' mete out pain and suffering to others, and then themselves fall into the Abyss for their defiance of God. What you must try and see is that the coming attack upon the psyche of man by the invisible dark alien force is of such propensity that in every 'city' there will be a huge percentage of REAL offenders disturbing the peace and a huge percentage of abused 'victims' who are homeless with nowhere to go nor available help for their mental and physical 'wounds,' and unless we quickly implement the needed changes to the positive there will be a great disaster. The 'eruption' of insanity will be as a 'chain reaction' and the whole 'house of cards' will fall into disarray and there will be a 'free fall' into the Abyss with no 'bungee' rope around any ankle to bounce one 'up' again. The only thing between the Abyss and you and you and all, is my soul tall and the message of hope from our God of love that I have raised up for humanity. Please try and see the present perspective of 'humans' on earth from God's elevated viewpoint. On the one hand we have people in a room in a 'house' of which one or more are saying something negative to the other, this 'saying' leads to one demanding compliance to their way, and as it has not been 'done,' be it merely the bacon and eggs for breakfast being served 'cold,' then there is the justification for the perceived 'offender' to be aggressively attacked and it results in home violence that is wrong and punishable. On the other hand we have people in another room in a 'house,' in this instance it is called a 'Court room' and similarly someone is saying: "As you did not comply to our demand you were 'offensive' to us and we are justified in abusing you by disturbing your peace and restricting your freedom of movement and causing a 'hell of a lot' of problems for your family and it is all your fault as we now lock you up in a vault." In the eyes of God, all participants are equally wrong, be they 'common' man or 'common' judiciary, all are God's children and God is to now set it right as given through my deep insight. So let us begin to implement the rehabilitation of all offenders using my 'Seminar' and now change the 'sign' outside all Tasmanian Police stations to read "Tasmania Peace Station" or "Tasmania peace department." Being a true community Peace Corps that elevates the consciousness of the community. No more political 'policing' force that wages war against the community as it is used by politicians to steal every penny. I but seek to quickly implement the 'Feeling Easier' Seminars so that together we can assist humanity. As for the 'attack' upon my 'person' by your department 'for and on behalf' of the politicians 'rule book,' it is now in the hands of God, for I rely solely on God to do what God will do as His 'thoughts' inspire someone, maybe you. At 'present' the 'Policing' force is involved in 3 'major' activities, two are negative and one is positive. The two negatives must be 'turned' into a single positive so that the 'three' end up as 2 positives. 1 Negative: The 'policing' and punishing role of those who do not comply with 'rules' that are not within the 'disturbing the peace' conduct code. This penalising is a negative act in God's eyes. 1 Positive: The 'arrest of' and hauling in those real offenders who do disturb the peace of the land. This act is seen as positive in God's eyes. 1 negative: The punishment meted out to the above real offenders. This act is seen by God as itself being an offensive and negative act. God would have it that only 'real' offenders are arrested, and they are taken to a place to be 'judged' in accordance with God's command and sent to attend a rehabilitation program as given by me All 'persecutors' need to read the 'Fine print' at the bottom of my web site front page that is marked in 'red' on the attached print out enclosed. I can but 'try' to counsel arrogant men, for they see not 'how' God can make them cry on a later day Sincerely - Terence Ref - 9025 - To Michael
Bond Dear Michael, Ref - Persecution of Terence the Messiah I have just sent another letter to Judge Crawford with copy attached for your office and specifically you. I am asking him to 'review' his 'findings' in my 'appeal' case. This is due to a perceived error of 'Fact & Law' that has come to 'light,' thus this note to assist you too. I also wish to say that I was 'impressed' by your steady manner in the Supreme Court and your 'obvious' depth of preparation for your case. It is because I am more 'meticulous' as many a soul is at 'stake' that I do what I do and stay steady and true, as I face you even now trying to assist you and every persecutor. For what you do not see is that as a 'prosecutor,' you are one of a 'number' of people who 'collectively' do all in their 'means' to bring a man down, and God says: "Lift My children up with good counsel so that they can with me sup and in Heaven drink from My cup." I again today seek to give you 'said' good counsel, for I can assure you that at Judgement day or earlier you will be shown your 'error,' and under God's Law you bring 'terror' to your own being, and as I am who I say I be, I can see it all clearly. I seek not to any 'debt to God' avoid, I seek to but save you and 'punitive' humanity from 'entering' the void. Thus I yet try and get the Tasmania community to make change, and implement a kind way that may seem strange, but it needs be done before the whole planet does derange. I believe that if you 'merely' follow 'rules' and aid 'judges' etc, that if they 'condemn' anyone, then that means that you are and were complicit to persecution. This act is antichrist and contra God's Commandment, and brings an equal 'persecution' due to you under God's One immutable Law. God says: "Peace and goodwill unto all mankind." Anyhow, you can follow your own 'belief,' I now 'simply' point the Judge and you to the Constitution of this land as within its 'say,' I am free to do as I do each day. (As does our God so say.) Thus I ask that you look deeply at whether or not you wish to continue to be a part of the 'plot' to bring me down again when I 'face' Peter Wilson in June. I believe you could and should rescind your 'persecution' even if the Judge does not make amends with his prior findings. Your 'Court' tells many entering it: "Render unto Caesar." I ask if you know the meaning of "Render unto God that which is God's"? - - - It is: Obedience to God's Code of Conduct: "Extend peace and goodwill unto all," and Obedience to God's Commandment: "Love one another, be merciful & compassionate & forgiving, and assist errants to find their way back to the land of the living with MY Holy Word. It is the Devil that via the 'System' of man's 'rules' that 'punitively' says: "Seek out and destroy any that seek to avoid being in my employ." Any who fail my 'ask' to heed my 'pen' that by God is guided, will be smitten by the Serpent, and as they fall below they will find: NOT life without God, but life without LIGHT For the Dark aspect is also GOD, but it is not the 'loving' side. IT is the 'Authoritarian' punisher and the destroyer of all who defied the Command of ITS Light. What I would like to do for you, is to help you to see that the day you set me free, then you will stop 'accruing' dark 'karma' upon yourself, and then when you see the difference between a thief and one not wearing an automobile seat belt, you will see the difference between an offender in God's eyes, and one being used by the 'System' to extort money. One to bring the offender to my Seminars for the purpose of rehabilitation, then and only then are you in compliance with God's Decree and Code of Conduct and safely can you walk forwards. Certainly all 'accrued' spiritual debts will needs be 'met,' but at least your journey of return to the Light begins. Please try and see reality, all mankind has erred. I am in the disguise of a simple man, but I AM the Source of Wisdom and only those who heed me will by GOD be set free. I wish you well. Please seek deep and you are welcome to call by anytime to speak with me 'as' a brother over a cup of tea. For it truly is the time to make change and implement the 'Feeling easier Seminars' to assist those who really err in God's eyes. ~ African Traditional healers ~ Dear Conrad, it was with interest that I came across your web site as I was sending out my 2 circulars to 'healers & counsellors' that I could find on the internet. I enclose the (2) circulars below, but as I read your site content, I felt that you were a sincere man seeking to show people the 'hidden' spirit forces operating as 'guides' behind the healers, and thus this 'additional' letter I write as there is nothing hidden from my sight. I am a 'white' born in Tanzania in 1939, and presently reside in Tasmania, Australia. My life's work is in the area of the influence of ancestral and other spirits that daily interfere in the minds and lives of those of us in the flesh. I also teach how the Dark Power (shetani) the deceiver can also work through the mind of man via the vibration of one's dark negative emotions (the sin). For as you can see, if you rely on the telepathic thoughts from ancestors to guide you in your work or play, then as they have emotions of greed or hatred or jealousy etc, then via those emotions within them, their minds can be 'distracted' from the truth and used by the darkness via their negative emotions to deceive or misguide you. This can happen if you have any bad spiritual debts to pay, or even if the one coming for your help was bad in his past, then the deceiver via your ancestors and you will try and make them suffer for their past way. If the 'dark one' is successful, then you ahead have to suffer the consequence of your action also! Do you see? You may see that ancestral spirits use 'fear' of their invisible powers to control you for their 'amusement' or their 'work' or for their 'payback' to those who they feel wronged them when they walked in flesh. These spirits justify interference, control, and punishment. Did you not 'say' that some 'healers' succumb to $$ through greed or need and cause suffering or 'death' by having 'succumbed' to the temptation to give 'bad medicine' or to place a 'spell' on someone? Maybe the 'mind' of the fleshly one that asked them to be 'bad' was inspired by his ancestors? Maybe what you 'spirit mediums' do not see is that there are many spirits out 'there,' and some may be 'benign,' but others may just be 'posing' as good spirits but in fact are false and evil seeking to cause others and thus you misery. So we have a great 'dilemma,' for most Westerners assume that incoming thoughts are simply 'their own intuition', and those as you who are aware of the capacity for ancestral spirits to connect 'telepathically,' may not in fact be aware as to the full extent of the control over their lives by these spirits that goes on each and every day, and for every 'error' or anti-God deed (any deed that is bad) we have to pay, for God says: "I have only ONE Law that says "As you do is done unto you - therefore do only good, for any bad you do will return and 'burn' you later." More to the point is, that the ancestors do also not realise that as they control the minds of earthlings, that this control is also bad in God's eyes, for we are not 'robots,' and thus ancestral spirits get 'stuck' in dark worlds and never find their way to the pure Light, for under God's law, as they control others, so are they controlled by others in the other-world. I tell all of them to go their way and not interfere in our lives, as God can also inspire us direct. It is my wish that all men become now free from the escalating insanity that is caused by unkind and irrational & disrespectful thoughts in man's minds that are now more 'open' to unforgiving and vengeful thoughts. Soon every governing Institution collapses and every person will stand 'alone' with God, and any person who permits their mind to lead them astray and fight or deceive, will fall into the abyss in the afterlife. Please visit my web site. Please also listen to my 'Drummers of Africa' narration that is a story told to me by 'Mulimo' an 'witchdoctor' in 1945! - You will find it and another 12 Audio tracks listed at the end of the Index on my web site given. Please also tell all your friends that the PURE spirit free of negative emotions is again in the flesh with a final TRUE message from our Creator Mother God to all humanity - Best wishes Conrad - Terence Circular 1 ~ Healing the soul & clement spiritual guidance ~ Every 'healer' is aware that via them there is a flow of light energy that does flow through into the recipient. What all 'counsellors' true needs see is that together with this essence of God flowing freely there needs be counsel true to fortify the 'love' flowing through. For what none do see or know is the fresh truth that from the heavens did flow via the spirit from eternity who again in the flesh be. Yes he is the one to 'expose' the depth of the dark black rose that did impose its negative energy within the soul of mankind who of its 'presence' and nature were blind. What none see is that this dark essence is the 'forces' of sin within, being the negative emotions of fear & hatred & greed and vanity etc through which the dark 'impostor' takes all for a deadly ride. What none yet see is that it is their healing 'light' energy flowing through that 'dispels' or 'suppresses' the misery of irrational thought and anxious feelings for a time, does not make the 'seed' of the dark emotion go away, and it stays within forever and a day unless each person listens now to 'me' the risen Messiah who knows all that be. If you would care to 'share' the truth with those that come unto you so that they learn how & what to do to halt the ingress of dark energy within, and to 'permit' their spirit to be purified by Mother's essence so they 'win,' then visit my web site and within it you will see what is to be and what your Creator expects of each of thee. True spiritual counsel is the pathway to inner peace, and inner peace is only attained when the dark within is cleared so that only the core of light remains. Thus if 'as me' free of sin you would become and a Christed soul of pure light be, then please now heed me. The 'answer' lies within my Testament of Truth for I am God's 'proof,' and I have now my message 'raised' for all to view, and for all to comply with its requirement as its content is God's pure salvationary wisdom flowing through. For what none of you 'earthlings' yet see is that no 'spirit' having dark energy within can enter the realm of pure light above and experience eternal bliss and true never-ending love. No, none 'with sin' can enter therein, and the vibration of your soul is what keeps you 'lower' as through the universe you stroll. Any 'dark' energy within you keeps you outside the promised land. Try and understand that none enter therein until and unless they learn from ME 'how' to purify the dark energy that over time you drew in to your own spirit soul. You can talk of love & peace & truth, but the PROOF is that only the PURE of spirit enter God's Light. (No negative emotions within your soul). 2 Dear reader, I write to you ref 'cult or mind control.' I wish to draw your attention to my web site and advise that the 'Source' of all telepathic subjugation of the mind of man is now exposed thereon. For this 'minds under siege' from negative thoughts that is the cause of all mental turmoil or 'bad' deeds is now to escalate at an alarming rate. Please read my suicide document that begins: Spiritual insight in antithesis to current understanding. "There is a negative universal Force that has the power to totally override the rational thought processes of any individual for a moment, an hour, a day or for weeks. When "that" force is in control, negative action in the form of abuse to self or others is carried out despite any "Cognitive or Religious belief." The moment of suicide is only one manifestation of this reality. This force is unstoppable by any means other than through the protection of the mind. This is only achieved by building the ARK of the mind. - - - and then please go to my 'Offender document' page 2 "The criminal Mastermind' paper. < > For it is I to now expose the true nature of the invisible dark essence that intrudes into the minds of the unwary via the 'vibration' of the energy contained within the negative emotions within the soul of man. Man has presumed falsely that these emotions were 'normal,' they are not. They 'grow' over time and time as a 'cancer' within those that use 'darkness' (negative energy) in their interaction with others. The 'manner' or 'way' to clear or remove this darkness within is revealed on my web site, and the 'way' to lessen the 'impact' of thoughts that revolve within that 'subjugate' the consciousness is also revealed. Sincerely - Terence PS Conrad - you will also enjoy to read my 'The visions of the last prophet' on line
The 'shark' attack ~ Dear Steve - There are 'some' men living in Australia who are 'possessed' with a mania. The mania to destroy and their weapons of destruction deploy. Yes, policymakers in Australia falsely believe that they 'on behalf of' all Australians are empowered by 'someone' to attack Iraq and others and make hundreds of thousands of God's children grieve (And get away with it scott free!). Policymakers in Australia falsely believe that they are empowered by their own rules 'on behalf of' all Australians to imprison Indonesian fishermen found fishing in seas adjacent to the landmass call Australia, and to burn their fishing vessels. No Institution or 'race' own the seas, nor do the 'officers' of this or any 'State' operate on behalf of the people of the land. They are 'punishing' others because 'rules' raised by the arrogant tell them to so do. In the first instance they have NO mandate to do this 'on behalf of' us the citizen of the land because the Australian 'Constitution' is a farce as you will see if you read the revelation given by me in the 'Judgement Papers.' Secondly, all men believe 'justly' that offenders must be made to bleed, so if we 'offend' Saddam's 'innocents' or any other 'innocents,' or if we offend GOD by abusing ANY of HIS children of other races or creeds then 'someone' will 'justifiably' visit us here and 'swat' our 'sons and sisters and mothers.' Wake up Australia, politicians will bring terrorism and liquid pain & terror our way. It's time to 'sack them all' and heed what God did say "Love one another and walk in peace." I do not need to 'wonder' how the USA or British or Australian psyche would respond if Saddam demanded that 'we' permit him access to our lands with the 'authority' to destroy all our weapons. (We should be destroying all weapons anyway). How would 'we' respond if Saddam or any other 'lobbed' bombs on our homes? All men have 'forgotten' God's Command to walk in peace, and 'on our behalf' politicians lead all 'taxpayers' deep 'up and into' Satan's 'arse' to sup on blood & guts and destroy their own souls and that of every taxpayer at the same time. Have none 'heard' God's Holy Word that says: 'Walk only in peace, because under MY one law if you use darkness it will return to you under its own Law that is mandated from MY shore, being "As you do is done unto you." Steve, I believe that the 'Today show' is the most respected and prominent 'show' of the day. I do also believe that you need to become 'educated' as to the harsh reality that Heaven & Hell do exist, even though both are 'shrouded' from biological man by a veil of 'mist.' I believe that if you read a 'little' from my web site then you are in the RIGHT spot to put more than a little 'informed' pressure upon politicians and others who have already and yet are subjecting you and every taxpayer to very 'painful' karmic dues due to 'our' forces abusing God's other children every day. I am yes 'clairvoyant,' and do see the impending calamity wherein nearly every person living on 'this' land will be subjected to the very same 'satanic' hand that destroyed lives and homes and businesses by 'sanction' and by open warfare over the sea. I see so much misery coming that it would be incomprehensible to you or any other mortal man. Why not assist the 'common' Australian by pointing them to my web site (God's) so that they can make a personally informed decision as to its validity as well as to whether they wish to 'permit' politicians to send their sons and daughters to war on a distant shore in the foreknowledge that every 'drop' of blood they spill will be 'taken' from those as you and them ruled by Capitol Hill. What simple man does not see is what they actually 'get' for their 'taxes paid' money. It is a 'ball of fire' in their belly, for even as they sit quietly at night watching 'telly' their servants the 'bully boys' the armed forces are all causing 'confusion & contusion & pain' as they 'blow away' others wives and lives or impose sanctions that destroy lives and businesses. God did say: "Never 'hire' gunmen to protect you or MY 'firepower' will return your way." I repeat, God said: "Rely not on the strength of the 'arm' or you will fall, only rely on the strength of MY Word, 'peace unto all.' Man has 'forgotten' God and man must 'pay,' for that is the ONE immutable Law forever and a day. Man kneels and 'prays' for forgiveness that will never 'come,' for one is only 'received into heaven' when one has 'felt' the same 'numbness' imposed upon the other due to man being dumb. God's Law says: "As you do is done unto you" Terence
~ The
Atheist ~ Dear David, thank you for your 'considerate' reply. As my 'outreach to humanity is of such magnitude in importance I have been sending out 'many different 'missives' over the years to 'attract' seekers of salvation to my web site. I thus was pleased to hear back from someone 'professing' to be and Atheist and thus a 'supposed' non-believer. I would like to question this 'infidel' faith and thus have taken the time to write this epistle to your dear soul and ask that you forward it to others if you think it of 'worth.' Sincerely - Terence. Atheist Epistle There is a 'belief' within some children of God that there is no other 'proven' existence beyond the 'sight' of mortal man and thus in their 'creed' of belief is written a 'deed' of statement that stipulates that the 'followers' and 'fellowshippers' of this 'belief' have as their foundation stone the 'faith' that there is no God and no 'life' after mortal death as 'such' is not possible. It is I the 'most high' son of God who can see through the 'spell' binding the faithless to now attempt to write something that may be of 'some' consequence to assist the 'unseeing' to see reason at this 'end time' season. For it was written a long time ago that 'ahead' each would get to know the result of their daily deed, and that the invisible God would 'weed' His garden and any 'dark' seed would be cast down below and the others would upwards go. It is I to advise all 'why & how & what & when' all this is to be, yea verily even to the blind to assist them to clearer see. So what I now say to you is 'how would you 'convince' a blind man self-locked in a 'cell' that there is a brilliant sun shining 'somewhere,' and thus break the spell binding his mind so that he could at least leave his cell and feel the warmth of the sun? You do know that thoughts and emotions are not 'biological'? That they are energy based? That when aroused the emotions can 'hum' and strum like a wire drawn taught and struck, maybe with love and maybe with a feeling numb? Have you never 'wondered' from 'whence' came some thoughts that did not seem to be your own? Thoughts that drive you endlessly and that are beyond your control to stop as they revolve on and on? If you would like to know then read on. For what you do know is that it is proven scientifically that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe you also know that 'electronically there is an equal positive and negative energy flow needed to 'light' up an object? Maybe then you can equate to the one 'written' Law of the invisible 'superpower' that says: "As you do is done unto you." This means and implies that if you 'lie' then you will be subjected to lies? This I presume, for if the Superpower is Just in His 'return due' of love for love or pain for pain then it follows that it is applicable in every other 'game' of man. What you can also see quite clearly is that the 'others' that call themselves 'believers in God' or 'followers of religion A or B or C is that they all 'defy' their belief. For the 'known' and supposed belief behind every known religious teaching is 'Peace unto all and love one another and be forgiving and merciful." And none today are 'such' thus all have fallen from their stated 'faith' and all now believe that the GUN is their savior and, - - - all of them including you 'fellowship' with an unnamed religion exposed and named by me as 'The Church of Hell.' This is why there is more war and confrontation and unforgiving 'extortion' of funds from others via the court of man (Caesar) and thus too all are proven liars as to their 'belief,' and all seek to bring others to grief. So I now ask you 'Atheists' "Why do you 'fellowship' with the religion of DEATH"? For under the 'obvious' return due of 'equality' seen to be scientifically true, surely if you condone and support by vote and fiscally a system of belief that is 'controlling, regulatory, extortionist, punitive, abusive & destructive of others, that by this very 'support' of IT, your way of life has an inbuilt return of pain & strife? This 'deadly' religion is the one controlling every land on earth that names itself 'The state government,' it poses as 'secular' but in fact is a religious 'order,' having its 'book of rules as its BIBLE and its commandments are the RULES therein, and its CREED is its daily deed of 'extortion, taxation, coercion, fine, punishment, destruction,' and it and its 'high priests' the office 'bearers' believe that it owns you and everything on the land and under the sea. It is proven to be 'dark & deadly':
Thus every person, even those of you 'professing' by mouth to be of a 'particular' non-believing 'faith' are also 'liars,' as you all support and thus belong to this 'Church of Hell,' and I say that our deed is what results in our next destination when God rings the last bell. Of course if you cannot even see the 'possibility' that your inner 'energy' essence 'being' could exit your biological flesh to move to another realm, then you are not concerned that you have 'earned' pain and suffering for being 'supportive' of your servants that were destroyers of others. I can but 'ask' that you visit my web site and at least read the full 'The Slave citizen document,' for then you can 'place your bets' by coming to the decision to stay 'fellowshipping' with Dr. Death, or take a fresh breath and stand aside by not supporting 'whoremongers,' and just support your local community as best you can as is God's plan. As I see it, every person on earth professing by word to be a 'believer' is a liar as all defy the "Only love" command of God and, that all humanity are presently 'Atheists.' Added notes: How could you explain to someone who has never heard of 'electricity' that the power cable extension 'lead' that they can see and hold, has within it an invisible 'current' that can enlighten or destroy? For even as the 'cutting open' of a biological 'spacesuit' does not 'show' the emotional energy within, neither can one see the electricity if one 'cuts' through the wire. There is naught to prove reference our invisible God, there is only the need to pass on His statement of fact that He says is backed by His Will, being that any that abuse others will go for a 'spill.' Be it here in this world or there in the afterlife. We can and do see people 'going for a spill' here, - - - so maybe our spiritual energy body does go on with its unique consciousness when life's journey is 'won.' I know it is so. So if you seek peace, then be peaceful.