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~ Open letter to police officer Kent Ritchie. Tasmania Police ~

Hi again Kent, I do not know 'what' your present official position now is but I need to state that our God sees NO 'mandate, badge of office, official position or uniform worn,' and all His children you and I stand before Him 'naked' and He is the one to judge our conduct, be IT true or untrue in reference to/with His Command unto man and, - - - the result of this is the return factor of His 'energy' Law. Be it benign positive or malignant negative within said 'eye for an eye' immutable LAW. (Absolute Justice in action)

If you can see the possibility that you are in fact the ONE disturbing my peace and causing me (and others) harm, albeit on behalf of the rules/laws or decrees of other mortal men - - - politicians, then your conscience may be pricked and you may need to do what I did so many years ago - - - hang up the GUN BELT and become a civil civilian obedient to THE CREATOR.

I began to search for and find THE TRUTH which I now have and I have placed all my 'findings' on line for everyone.

From now on as society collapses more and more we will need a true PEACE corps. It will not be an armed 'security guard' system but a true community effort of unarmed men who become KNOWN as unarmed and peaceful with the INTENT of educating and thus ONLY assisting people to learn to control their thoughts and emotions so that THEY stay safe within the bounds of God's 'Law of Return.'

Maybe you could be the ONE to begin to consider that role and work towards that 'end' and NOT just be a 'tool' for arrogant political and judicial THIEVES who TAKE $$ forcefully using YOU !

I feel that the 'Police service' needs to ITSELF now take a stand and maybe instigate the privatisation of said 'service' paid for directly by donations from citizens so that we can be 'ready and prepared' for the insane calamity coming to Tasmania as well as globally.

This could ONLY be done if or when 'officers' such as yourself find that your conscience can no longer support the present ideology of waging war on the people you were elected to SERVE. You presently serve the political aspect in their 'war' of extortion that has no $$$ ending.

As things stand today, - - - if one works for 40 years, the 'system' takes close to 30 years of ones income one way of the other - - - in taxes, licence fees, gst, stamp duty, levies, permits etc. It IS insanity and we need to 'cut out' any middle-men who simply invoke 'whatever' law VIA decree to add to their take FORCEFULLY using YOU. This in NOT 'legal' and this way of the day LEADS everyone supporting IT directly to THE ABYSS.

I do also believe that our God is using YOU as the instrument to reach and teach humanity of the way FORWARDS to the New Age, so this letter has been placed on line as letter ITEM 231 at: so that others can access IT easily.

Kent, you might like to also read the below extract from my article on line:

It would be best to read the entire 10 page article at

From: Terence
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 12:39 PM
To: Examiner - Chris Clarke
Subject: domestic violence, insanity, suicide - The telepathic subjugation of the mind of man by demonic forces.

Chris, I have not yet found Barbara’s email contact so I send this to you first – the examiner did an article on me 15 + years ago but since then I have written much more that is on line here: -

Regards - Terence 

Dear Barbara-Anne,

~ Reference escalating domestic violence ~

I read your article in today's Examiner January 20th 2016 and commend your 'task' as you try and stem the 'tide of darkness' intensifying globally as 'man' now more and more raises his 'voice and hand' against some other, be they sister, brother, mother, father or neighbour.

Regrettably no 'Rally' will bring this to a halt because mankind does as yet not understand the invisible POWERS that exist in the 'under land' being the lower worlds from where invisible demonic spirit forces can and do telepathically invade and subjugate the minds of the unwary and in their mind (the earthly one) they JUSTIFY the use of destructive forceful energy that causes PAIN.

There is a REASON for this global escalation of insanity and confrontation that will encompass everyone who FAILS to learn 'how' to protect their minds from the invisible 'assault' and they also need to learn the 'why' it is so as is revealed on my web site.

I have spent 24 years at Pyengana writing my Testament of Truth to humanity completed this very week and I suggest that you begin by reading some of the links at the end of the email content sent to others enclosed.

A global teaching program is needed for 'offenders' and I have such a 'Feeling Easier' Seminar in place on my web site. Feel free to visit me at my home in Pyengana or at a friends home in Evandale where I stop-over twice a month for a day or two.

Sincerely - Terence

Read my 'National Security Alert' ; -

Other emails content included:
Dear friends, I write this to you as I live in Tasmania and became aware of the recent gathering in Hobart around the issue of mental health and suicide prevention to the fore.
I am an 77 year old man from Tanzania and have spent two thirds of my life dealing with sorcery, witchcraft, demonic possession, family violence, other offensive behaviour and suicide and, - - - because I am also a spirit 'medium' with insight into other levels of consciousness, (spirit realms) I am aware that they are 'limitless' as such and they exist between the level of ultimate Light deemed 'heaven' or paradise and the lowest of Dark levels deemed as hell.
I do know that there are many caring souls doing their very best to stem the tide of escalating family violence, aggression and suicide, but as I see IT, the main FACTOR permitting this 'darkness in action' to flourish has been missing to those caring helpers but is 'seen' and understood by me.
I can but make IT available to anyone interested, as I have been trying to do for many years now but to no 'avail' because it appears that 'psychiatry' is now in vogue and spirit possession is OUT. I can but state that EVERY mental health issue stems for the same CAUSE, being the telepathic subjugation of the mind of man from 'lower' or dark spirit realms.
I name it MINDS UNDER SIEGE because the earthly 'victim' is bombarded telepathically by intrusive thoughts which they cannot bring to a HALT. Surely everyone can understand that if one cannot control ones 'own' thoughts, then these thoughts are NOT theirs !
I can confirm that there are many people living in the 'after life' or 'pre-birth' realms of consciousness who DO link in telepathically, and they USE the mind of their ‘embodied’ victim to do whatever they drive them to do to others or self..
This 'attack' upon the psyche of the human race is intensifying and will increase so even more rapidly to the point that insanity will 'flood' the globe and chaos, confrontation, pain and destruction will be the result for a time.
Is there a REASON for this? - YES
Can one STEM these thoughts and stay sane? YES

Regrettably the growth of the supposedly enlightened age and psychiatry has removed the spiritual aspect out of the equation, and it is thus that liquid ignorance coupled to pride and vanity have shrouded the process.

I CAN ASSURE EVERYONE involved in mental health issues that they will get NOWHERE unless or until they begin to understand the power of invisible dark forces which exist. These people can and do control the psyche of millions upon millions of earthlings from far distant levels of consciousness every day.

The DARK negative EMOTIONS in man of anger, pride, greed, hatred, vanity, fear, lust, avarice and more are the ACCESS POINT to the mind of the individual from levels of darkness. How so? These dark emotions vibrate at a particular frequency DOWNWARDS into dark realms and open a 'channel' enabling thought intrusion from very powerful demonic forces.

If you took a 'look' inside the soul of 1 million people, you would find that they did not all have the same negative emotions within, some might have no fear emotion nor emotion of greed etc. But if we looked at everyone having an emotion of fear within, we would find that the 'mass' energy volume of said emotion would be different in each. This means that:

The variation in mass could be from a low mass 'factor - 1' - up to a 'factor' - 1,000,000 or even more. (There is no limit the the depth of darkness) The greater the mass the coarser the vibration frequency. The coarser the frequency the deeper into the dark realms of spirit the 'doorway' to the mind of the person is OPEN. The greater the depths the more forceful the POWER of control over their mind, and the MORE 'evil' or destructive their intent and 'manner.'

The dark energy (emotions) in man is their INNER SIN. Being the dark energy of the Source they have drawn INTO their souls over the eternal time of the existence of their soul. The more sin within the person, the further from the Light of the Source they 'fall,' and it is ONLY those having NO 'sin' within who can enter the pure Light in the after-life.

Children ‘born’ in this realm appear to be NEW ‘babies,’ but their flesh is but a temporary biological ‘spacesuit’ so to speak and their spirit SOUL is unique and has existed for aeons of times and enters the biological flesh when the heart begins to beat. Their soul is an ADULT SPIRIT and its ‘hard-drive’ of consciousness remains ‘hidden’ until it departs the flesh. Its ‘fresh floppy disc (earthly mind/memory) commences to absorb info in the womb and this filters back into the spirit mind but the spirit ‘hard-drive’ cannot be accessed until the soul departs.

As man will now begin to see, there is more mental disturbance leading to more interference, control, subjugation, confrontation, aggression, destruction of others or self. There is a reason for this and I suggest that you advise everyone to visit my web site, for NO person will be able to stem the tide of intrusive thoughts unless they learn HOW and WHY.

My Tasmanian associate Mrs. Clemencia Barnes who is a mental health carer has not only made use of my findings, but she has raised up a 'Mental Health Carer's Manual' that will assist all mental health workers and the general community.

Read Clemencia's ‘Treatise of Truth' -

Read my 'The inner energy of the Source' -

Read the 'Synopsis' of my 200 + document message to humanity -

New International Suicide Implementation Strategy

The reason for the escalation of 'darkness' and subjugation of the mind of man is due to a spiritual purging of the dark energy in mankind in the manner revealed on my web site. Everyone seeking to fortify their mind must use the information given on my web site 'Star prayer' : -

This includes children because they are all subject to the telepathic intrusion and they will also become dangerous and very destructive.

I ask of you all to please pass this paper onwards globally so that everyone has the opportunity of examining IT and coming to a personally informed decision to treat IT with respect or derision.

I can but ADD that, - - - anyone failing to fortify their mind in the manner given by my pen will at some stage ahead when confronted by others, lose control of their thoughts and cause great harm and in so doing, draw IN more ‘Sin’ – negative energy’ and FAIL their final spiritual test as well as accruing very painful spiritual dues.

Added Note: I have examined every strategy elevated in Australia since 1995, and none of them contain anything of substance to assist in the halting of the telepathic subjugation of the mind of man by invisible dark spirit influence that is the factual cause of suicide, adhd, schizophrenia, psychosis etc.,  and all mental disturbance leading to irrationality and insanity.
Regrettably every government suicide 'strategy' is 'modelled' on the various beliefs of people, and the 'treatment' is given by psychiatrists who are ignorant of the 'energetic' nature and spiritual reality of man, and unless/until the community have access to my own strategy there will simply be an acceleration of mental disturbance* over the world for reasons known by only a few, and everyone will become 'unbalanced,' and only my 'psychic' insight gives the individual the means to assist themselves.
It needs to be clearly understood that similarly to 'priests' believing that they have the correct 'model' for the salvation of ones soul, psychiatrists believe that they have the understanding and 'model' for the 'saving' of the psyche, and nothing can be further from the TRUTH. Only by educating everyone to the reality of their spiritual nature and the reasons 'why' and how the mind of man is 'subjugated' telepathically, and giving everyone  the 'means' to stem that tide of thought intrusion will assist mankind, for there is NO 'solution' unless one understands the 'root' of the problem..
Note: mental disturbance* - Mental disturbance is not only the cause of suicide and other 'obvious' irrational behaviour, for in reality every person living outside the ultimate spiritual realm of pure Light (heaven) is a person being 'influenced' mentally and emotionally by the Dark malignant energy of the Source, and at times they become aggressive, unkind, controlling, vindictive, critical, merciless, abusive, unforgiving, disrespectful, punitive, fearful, angry, jealous, vain etc.
These 'tendencies' are what permit negative thought intrusion that blinds them to the reality of the Light benign energy of the Source, being peaceful, kind, merciful, caring, respectful and the purity of love.  The telepathic mental interference in the mind of man is from 'hell' and is the cause of all travail, desolation and destruction imposed by 'some' upon others, be it by 'common' individuals or by government ministers and their forces, and all 'injury, control or restriction' imposed is 'justified' in the mind of man by the Dark Source imposing ITS destructive ways upon mankind.

~ Jekyll & Hyde ~
The multiple personality disorder (MPD)

This article is to alert everyone to the FACT that any person having any negative emotions within their soul IS suffering from the 'Jekyll & Hyde' syndrome because, when faced by situations which cause them to be confronted or inconvenienced in any way they become critical, vindictive, angry, retributive etc., and their interaction with others is negative or cruel or injurious and in contravention of the precepts of God's Command to:

"Love one another and go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."

Try and comprehend that the Dark energy of God IS 'intrusive' and destructive and, it is in 'opposition' to God's Light energy which is non intrusive and creative.

Try and comprehend that a person who in their eternally long 'life' in spirit realms did defy God and thus did draw IN some dark energy (Sin - - - negative emotions) can thus at times be a 'danger' unto themself, for there is a 'comeback' for our interaction with others so, - - - whatever we DO unto others in FACT we are doing unto ourselves.

What IS the multiple personality disorder which has 'troubled' psychiatrists and others for so long? It simply means that our unique 'godly' benign inner Light personality can BE overridden by the 'personalities' of powerful spirit forces (people) in the underworld for a moment in time or for a very long time. How or why is this a multiple personal disorder rather than simply ONE other 'spirit' personality interfering in ones mind?

It is due to the varying combinations and energy mass of our unique mixture of negative emotions. Each has its own frequency 'channel,' and similarly to tuning in a radio frequency, as each emotion vibrates, then IT links our mind to the minds of many others with the same frequency, and they can all have some input as they have the intrusive POWER to invade our psyche and manipulate our thoughts to meet their demands or requirements which are ALWAYS vindictive and thus detrimental to our spiritual well-being.

And why is it a 'disorder' as such? Because every verbal or physical interaction with others which is negative or critical etc., triggers the dark energy within the other and as we all 'Reap what we sow,' there is an ongoing vendetta of unforgiving interaction between the parties. This negative interaction IS 'disorderly' leading to more disorder.

Many people 'possessed' by intrusive thoughts are unaware of this intrusion. Their negative interaction IS within their mind always JUSTIFIED and 'reasonable' for the DARK is so cunning and 'hidden' that they cannot see IT operating through them. Neither do they understand or realise that as they are used BY it, that some dark energy contaminates their soul and, - - - neither are they aware that ahead, they will be the ONE being 'victimised' by others doing the same to them.

People who are suffering at the hands of others are NOT 'victims,' they are simply people receiving their 'Just' comeback for negative deeds they perpetrated previously in this life time or a pre-birth time. The REAL victim is the silly 'fool' meting OUT the punishment, for they see not that they have simply 'relieved' the injured one of a spiritual debt which ahead they will also be forced to suffer.

The other 'fool' is the one who retaliates as they are imposed upon, and they also simply accrue a further spiritual DUE. NON-retaliation is the only way to become free spiritually. (Turn the other cheek and 'go' as a lamb to the slaughter)

So any person 'crying' "FOUL - - - I have been sodomised" or sold up or injured by 'John or Mary or Freddy' is simply telling the WORLD what they did to others before and, - - - as they seek the punishment of 'John or Mary or Freddy' they simply defy their God and as they punish the other, or are complicit to IT, they simply accrue a further DUE to God's ENERGY which ALWAYS balances ITS 'books' when IT so chooses.

Mercy, compassion and the EDUCATION of offenders is the ONLY way forwards to the LIGHT

page - 234

From: Terence
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 5:39 PM
To: Examiner - Chris Clarke
Subject: domestic violence, insanity, suicide - send 2

Dear Chris, you and the 'Examiner' are in fact sitting on the biggest 'story' ever to be told to humanity that is only recently fully completed on my web site. I did finally get to speak with 'Barbara-Anne' who did ask me to send a copy of my outreach note to you to her husband 'Craig' and I added the below words:

Hi Craig, I just spoke with Barbara who asked me to send my letter to you ref the coming ‘Rally.’ There is only ONE speaker (Lady) other than myself who has the same deep insight into the causes of mental disturbance who may be able to be a speaker at the Rally, and if Barbara so wishes I will ask her if she is willing to speak.

Either way she would happily visit the young man who caused the harm to your grandchildren and assist him back to sanity and rationality.

One needs to understand that many people will now become very ‘offensive’ as their insanity erupts within and it can happen to anyone as you will begin to understand once you have read my below info – it is thus important for the rally to be EDUCATIVE rather than leading people into retribution etc.

Chris, I had initially thought that I could also attend the rally and give out some information sheets to participants so that they could look at my words and find my web site and this I may yet do, but the matter is of such importance for everyone that I felt obliged to ask YOU if the Examiner could do an article using some of the information given in this letter and that of yesterday's letter with appropriate links so that every 'reader' can come to their own personally informed decision around the need or otherwise to fortify their minds as given by me.

I was a policeman in Africa over 50 years ago and am very aware what 'they' police and magistrates 'do unto others' (punitively) on behalf of RULES. I am also aware that they are UNAWARE that no official position or badge of office or imposition of a punitive 'order' given in a book of rules nullifies or 'voids' or avoids the IMPOSITION of the 'Law of God' return aspect - - - for every benign or malignant action there IS an equal or opposite reaction - - - at the time and in the place so decided by the infinitely intelligent ENERGY of God used by the person.

So all the pain and suffering or monetary fines extortion or jail time 'agony' imposed by magistrates BECOMES a spiritual DUE to be 'suffered' by them AS WELL AS the community who are complicit through paying their wages. (The wages of sin)

For 'years' I have been trying to get the Police services to SEE that they are NOT doing their 'sole' duty being, to 'Uphold the peace' because they are being used as political 'lackeys' to extort licence fees, taxes, fines etc., and to evict people, and all this is NOT in the best interest of their employer THE PEOPLE.

Due to the escalation of insanity the Police will soon be over-extended by the 'on call' to attend the causing of pain by someone to another, and they need to comprehend that ANY imposition of punishment is in contravention of God's Command and that they will simply continue to accrue a very painful spiritual DUE to be met and suffered ahead in this life or the next realm their spirit goes to.

I have an 'Offender' document and a 'Feeling easier Seminar' program given thereon needing to now be quickly implemented so that Tasmania can lead the world in getting ahead with REHABILITATION so that those who DO disturb the peace can BE educated and assisted back to sanity.

Man has been vindictively supporting the DARK energy of God and falling further from the LIGHT. When suffering is imposed via the arrogant or ignorant it IS 'Justice in action' but the 'fools' meting it out see NOT that they will ALSO receive a similar return.

Not only this, but as one uses darkness in action (punishment) some of IT (dark energy) stays within their soul and their soul's vibration gets coarser and IT falls further from the Light until they are literally 'dumb swinish demons' who have NO way of seeing any REASON as they fall deeper into the dark over endless time to ultimately BURN.

Negative emotions growing within man cloud the mind until the person sees NO 'reason' and cannot even be told anything because their own thoughts are debating within and they hear NOT what one says - - - sad indeed when one is in this situation and when rationality is lost to the point that doing WRONG appears to be the right action.

Chris, it is my 'intent' for the Launceston remand centre to be used to hold educative seminars for those 'classified' by the magistrates as persons who have disturbed the peace and requiring to be detained overnight so as to attend a seminar the next day prior to being released.

Clemencia Barnes of Evandale who is a qualified mental health carer is just preparing a private facility at Evandale where female offenders, juveniles or families in crisis will be able to attend seminars to assist them to becoming rational. Clemencia was a counsellor with the Launceston Rural Youth group for many years and is to be assisted at Evandale by Mr. Charles Wudy who worked for many years at Ashley home for juveniles.

Sincerely- Terence

page 235

~ The TRUE Global Village ~ The NEW Dawn ~

 The 'Paradigm of Peace' & the DE-criminalisation of all 'ACTIVITY'

~ The benevolent peace force corps ~

Since I am ONLY an EDUCATOR it follows that I cannot use FORCE to back up my 'projections' to everyone. There are many who will simply reject what I say BUT, - - - I do know that everyone who denies my LIGHT being what I say will end up 'sorry' forever and a day and in perpetual agony.

The reality is that every society is now to stumble and crumble because of the mass migration movement globally as well as the intensifying INSANITY, confrontation and destruction now to take place in every village and town - - - so, - - -

All I can do is to try and prepare a 'few' to lead the way forwards into the NEW AGE of peace and freedom to be after the darkness has 'destroyed' ITSELF and swept ITS followers onto ITS 'shelf' in the lower 'bad' lands of eternal terror, vendetta, merciless persecution and suffering. In the NEW AGE there will be NO 'person' or politician or emperor or king or mandarin or dictator to say:

"YOU must obey me and my decrees or you will be persecuted, controlled, subjugated, punished, jailed, evicted or banished or exterminated by my armed forces."

This 'nature' of people are always backed by a 'private army' of SOLDIERS, and presently, the community Peace corps (Police) are the mercenary private army enforcing every political decree of politicians and the judiciary FORCEFULLY.

You need to understand that since your taxes or gst etc., are being used to pay the wages of Police who presently are causing harm to others and interfering in their lives IN YOUR NAME, that you are accruing a painful karmic debt each day and to rectify this situation, you must only fund an unarmed BENIGN benevolent peace force corps who educate rather than punish or extort money.

The COMMUNITY Police PEACE force needs to see that its wages are funded by THE PEOPLE but Police need to realise that they are being used to steal endless sums of money from THE PEOPLE who they were elected to SERVE.

This 'sorry' state of affairs will soon come to a halt once THE PEOPLE awaken to the 'truth' as their negative emotions begin to 'strum' due to the dark invisible forces inspiring their minds telepathically. However, - - - every village and town on earth will still need a TRUE 'sector' of honest, courageous and helpful citizens to assist in maintaining civility and orderliness.

This will be a benevolent unarmed peace force corps who will go forth to maintain 'order' as they haul in any who disturb the peace or who are engaged in immoral and thus criminal activities. These persons will be treated humanely and EDUCATED using the 'Feeling easier Seminar' program.

The benevolent peace corps people will need to be paid directly from the purses of THE PEOPLE as the 'service' will simply be another 'benign service provision' such as that of the 'butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.'

If you the individual cannot see that you are all defiant of God and His Command in funding the punitive ACTIVITIES of the merciless V for Vendetta retributive 'justice' regimes on earth, and you thus FAIL to amend your ways by following my 'lead' of total obedience to God you are eternally DOOMED.

To be saved by God's purging Light 'grace,' you must from now on respect your fellow man and HALT the funding of warmongers and the causing of HARM as you OBEY the Command of God 100%.

Once God has purged the earth of all who control or who cause harm to others, peace will flow IN, and never again will man defy God and never again will man raise up commands or rules which conflict with God's Command because everyone will be loving, kind and OBEDIENT.

From: Terence
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:19 AM

Subject: the POLICY of insurance


Dear RACT management,

I refer to my Policy number P00042659 (Client number 797874 – Malaher & Hay)

The above Policy renewal is due on 2 Feb 2016 and I do not wish to renew it unless you can amend your ‘policy’ as given below.

I no longer ‘agree’ to fund any organisation, institution or government or individual whose ideological POLICY is in variance with the Command of God unto man or that goes against my conscience to so do.

You are in THE BUSINESS of offering ‘insurance’ for home loss or damage and more and I as an individual can no longer agree with your policy of being TAX COLLECTORS for the government of Australia.

Your personal PREMIUM to insure our premises is $ 588.82 which I would be happy to pay but I cannot agree to YOUR additional GST & stamp duty totalling $122 being IMPOSED.

Please ask yourselves: “Are we in the tax collection business or not”? The answer should be ‘NO.’

Since ‘we’ here are absolute pacifists we can no longer fund the coffers of the taxation office because we cannot agree to the paying of the wages of those who go forth causing harm to others, killing and destroying IN OUR NAME OR ON OUR BEHALF.

I believe it is the time for your organisation to look deeply at the freedom of religion acts of THE CONSTITUTION:

A civil society also demands and requires peace and sanity as does the words of written Text of the Sovereign Powers who raised up the Constitution ref:

The Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania) states:

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.

Note: What is or is not ones religion?

Ones religion is not any of the 'named' organisations such as Islam or Christianity or Buddhism, nor is it the named individuals such as Buddha, Muhammad or Jesus espousing the Policy purportedly ordained by the invisible God.

Ones religion is ones specific ideological code of conduct Policy. A doctrinal Policy followed with great devotion in relation to a ‘way or order’ of existence. Ones religion is espoused by ones 'faith or belief' in the requirements of a supernatural being (God) or other Force. An example of this is evidenced by whether individuals choose to 'follow or engage in' WAR or PEACE.

For your interest there has been an ongoing taxation case in Tasmania wherein I have been representing Clemencia Barnes against the ATO and this case finalises in Launceston on 9th Feb before magistrate Marron.
The whole case history of some 52 letters over 15+ years is on line at:
The HONEST ‘way’ for you to go is to ADVISE your clients of the stamp duty and GST demands for their policies and leave it up to THEM as to what they wish to do since you now will no longer make IT a part of your ‘policies.’ The onus to ‘pay or otherwise’ must be left to the policy holders.
You should also advise the ATO that you are going BACK to your primary role of issuing insurance policies and can no longer BE tax collectors as IT is in your opinion unethical to so do and within the precepts of the Constitution you ARE entitled to so believe and to live accordingly. 
Gillian Hay and myself are happy to continue being insured by your company AS LONG AS you remove the GST and stamp duty aspect.
From: Terence
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: the POLICY of insurance - P000426859- response 3
Dear Larissa, reference your words < please confirm if you want us to cancel the policy effective this date? > I have stated that I do NOT wish to cancel the POLICY of Insurance but I do NOT wish to have YOU include taxes with your ‘premium’ requirement.

Your letter headed ‘paper’ states: INSURANCE by RACT

Why do you NOT also state: TAXATION by RACT ? – because it is what you are doing.

I ask: Is the POLICY OF INSURANCE granted and agreed to by ‘us’ incumbent upon an annual $ Premium or is it only agreed to if we agree to pay YOU an additional ‘tax’ demanded by others who are NOT a part of the ‘Policy’ nor a part of your organisation ?

I believe that it is the time for ‘businesses’ to STOP being tax collectors because some of ‘us’ members of the public are PACIFISTS who have decided to HALT their support of the war machine that is causing harm to other children of God here, there or anywhere as is our RIGHT.

I ask, is the RACT in the business of taxation collection or is it in the business of insurance?

IF your insurance  policy agreement is incumbent upon us also making payment to you of taxes $ 122 then we decline insurance with you.

I believe that your organisation needs to make a stand and BE insurers and NOT ‘tax collectors’ because, soon the whole world will be in ‘disarray’ as man realises that ‘he’ has the choice and right to be obedient to God ONLY and NOT fund warmonger's.

My first letter to your organisation ( Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2016 10:19 AM ) at the end of this email page is quite clear in that I seek ‘insurance’ but only on ‘terms’ with Insurers and that excludes the ATO as IS MY RIGHT within the Constitution that YOU are personally ignoring.

Note: ‘Seek insurance’ – I only seek insurance so as to educate the masses to NOT support warmongers through their insurance ‘policies’ as that is ‘error of policy in God’s eyes.’

If the RACT MANAGEMENT wishes to continue being ‘tax collectors’ or defying the Constitutional ‘rules’ given in my first email to you at the end of this letter, then so be it and ahead, their ‘business’ will no longer be used by BELIEVERS who become obedient to God and His ‘policy’ of ONLY funding benign community effort rather than the ‘war machine.’

 Sincerely - Terence

From: Terence
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: the POLICY of insurance - P000426859- response 4
Dear Larissa,

In reference to my email of today I wish to ADD - The insurance agreement must NOT be 'conditional' upon the payment of TAXES but ONLY conditional to the paying of the insurance PREMIUM.

In my 'case' and all others you can simply advise the ATO that within the 'Freedom of religion' Acts of THE Constitution there is a clause stipulating that 'some' have the legal RIGHT to NOT fund any punitive system, and therefore it is NOT 'incumbent' upon insurers to assume otherwise and thus demand the policy applicant to pay any taxes prior to being insured. Thus any or ‘stated’ pacifists must be given 'cover' without the additional gst or duty component and the ATO can take up the matter directly with the insured if they so wish.

Further to this I wish to advise you that there has been an ongoing 'testing' of the Freedom of Religion (ideology) Acts of the Constitution by a Tasmanian lady (Clemencia Barnes) whom I have been representing over the last fifteen years, and her 52 letters of defence written by me ref this ongoing (ATO) trial are all on line at:

Further to this, the final 'judgement' is to be given by magistrate Reg. Marron in the local magistrates court in Launceston on 9th February 2016.

Further to this I have written article (The 'Policy' of INSURANCE) found at:

Sincerely - Terence

From: Terence
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:58 AM
To: ; ;
Subject: THE END times are now HERE - Copts et al

~ Open letter to Jack Zavada - reference the Coptic faith ~

Dear Jack and Coptic faith believers in Jesus and rituals as 'redeemer.'

I was searching for the Coptic web site when I came across your interpretation of their beliefs on this link of yours;

Since your own 'Lutheran' congregation and Copts as well as ALL other supposedly 'Christian' believers have the same IDEOLOGY, I decided to make a few comments on your 'appraisal' of the Copts and then ADD some of my own insight. Your words:

Jack states - Members of the Coptic Christian Church believe both God and man play roles in salvation, God through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and humans through works of merit, such as fasting, almsgiving, and receiving the sacraments and through good works, which are the fruits of faith. Sacraments are considered a way to receive God's grace, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and remission of sins.

I Terence the returned Spirit of Truth state:

The reason 'why' I return to earth is to reinstate THE Command of God because absolute adherence to IT (obedience) is the ONLY guarantee that the individual will BE 'saved' by the grace of God as well as by their own efforts in remaining in TOTAL obedience to said Command as God's REAPING forces of darkness sweep across the face of this globe.

THE OBEDIENCE being that:

1 - They BOW in SUBMISSION to THE Command and: Go their way in peace and love one another and remain merciful and compassionate and they forgive their perceived enemy as commanded by THE Sovereign Lord God.

2 - They cause NO harm to anyone.

3 -They 'turn the other cheek' in NON-retaliation as they PAY their spiritual dues to GOD as God's 'eye for an eye' LAW balances ITS 'Scales of Justice.'

4 - They cease funding the 'governing 'systems' of the land (Caesar) and they cease relying on the protection of man as they LEARN from MY 'pen' that every person funding the 'wages' of SIN become complicit to all the harm, injury, suffering and loss imposed ON their behalf and IN their name by their SERVANTS being officials of state and their officers and forces personnel.

5 - The TRUE believer ONLY supports, condones and funds benign community services provision and the education of those who disturb the peace.

I now return to your words (Jack states) as I state:

Since I have stated 'how' one redeems ones OWN soul and thus attains SALVATION through the total adherence in God's command as God's Reapers impose HIS 'Law of equal return," (As you or your servants did do punitively unto others will be done unto you) - - - it follows that your words: (Jack's)

< the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and through works of merit such as fasting, almsgiving, and receiving the sacraments and through good works, which are the fruits of faith. Sacraments are considered a way to receive God's grace, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and remission of sins. > - - - are INVALID, and are what has kept mankind living in a delusion.

The delusion being that the crucifixion of Jesus somehow VOIDED or avoided the return aspect of the imposition of God's LAW and, - - - that in supporting religious teachers and participating in their rituals was the receiving of God's grace when in FACT, God's 'grace' was and yet is THE COMMAND given unto man by God through his son Jesus and other prophets.

Man misunderstood the words: "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God - - - -"

IF you the individual WISH the protection of Caesar then unto Caesar you 'render' MONEY being the coin of the realm to pay for his armed forces. - - - BUT - - - within THE LAW of this and every realm the LAW of energy applies - - - for every action benign or malignant there IS an EQUAL and opposite reaction at the time and in the place so ordained BY said intelligent energy of God THE SOURCE.

IF you the individual WISH the protection of GOD then you remain in obedience to THE Command of God and NEVER 'sway' from IT even unto DEATH. Once you have paid all your past ‘painful’ dues unto God, then HE extends HIS protection in that HE no longer sees you as needing HIS 'correction,' and HE leaves YOU in PEACE for living IN obedience to HIM.

All 'religions' presently 'side' with Caesar, (State) and men of the 'cloth' openly walk hand in hand with armed men of war and promote the killing of 'the enemy' and they thus all mislead God's precious children by teaching them to support Caesar and DEATH.

All of any race, colour or creed who carry 'guns' or who rely on armed forces for protection ARE infidel non-believers living in a delusion, and UNLESS they now obey MY 'pen' they will fight ON forever in the darkness below before they FRY for another eternity.

The TRUTH of the matter is that we need NO 'rituals' and NO 'religions' nor ministers of religion, we ONLY need to OBEY the Command of God in order to BE saved by God's grace.

I can state quite categorically that EVERY minister of religion IS presently walking the wide road to Hell along with their constituents and ONLY those who now give MY pen 'credence' and support MY ministry will by GOD be seen as one 'worthy' of being saved.

Please pass THIS communiqué far and wide because the separation of souls TIME is now here and ONLY those who 'die' in NON-retaliation as they are imposed upon by the vain, arrogant INFIDELS will be saved through their own obedience to God.


Be advised, the REAL 'key' to Salvation REVEALED

Being the knowledge of what is to BE - of how it is to BE - of how we protect our soul and become SAVED

In His name - by His Word
The Star of Bethlehem returns to every part of the world


Dear recipient, be advised that the 'awaited' Messiah being the messenger of God walks this earth and, over the last few years has been formulating a message to humanity from the Source. It is imperative that every person find their way to IT because all prior biblical and other supposedly sacred teachings were and are yet contaminated by untruth & deception and are of NO 'Salvation' value.

All TAXPAYERS on this earth are as yet sliding downwards and backwards towards the Abyss of eternal suffering through condoning, supporting and funding the ANTI-God doctrine of control, subjugation, extortion, punishment, war and killing of others.

TRUE BELIEVERS must now turn to GOD as ‘head of house’ and stop supporting warmonger politicians.
TRUE BELIEVERS must now ‘bow’ in TOTAL obedience to God and His Command.

The past 'The OLD Testament' and 'The NEW Testament' are now OBSOLETE and superseded by this 'The Testament of TRUTH' which has been written by my personal 'hand' and soul of pure Light uncontaminated by 'Sin.' (Negative emotions)

Know ye that what is perfect is now come and, that which is 'in part'* will be done away. (* Old scripture)
Show your Creator that you do now abide in TRUE faith and be merciful, forgiving and charitable unto all.

Sup from my wellspring of living water and attain eternal life of pure bliss.

  If you ‘pay’ for an ‘operational licence fee’ to any ‘system of man’ prior to operating your business you are funding iniquity.

Only condone, support and fund benign community effort and services provision.
Please forward this ON to others so they can come to their OWN personally informed decision as to its validity.

BE ADVISED – Any person FAILING to fortify (protect) their MIND (in the manner as given by my ‘pen’) from incoming telepathic thoughts from THE DARK spirit realms will become ‘possessed’ and USED to cause harm and the CONSEQUENCES will BE that they will be forced to suffer the same ‘fate’ and they will FAIL their final spiritual test.

BE ADVISEDThe TRUTH of the matter is that when your armed forces gather 'momentum' in their attempt to either defend YOU or to simply BE invasive or retributive, and they KILL or injure or maim or destroy the other INFIDEL forces, they themselves ARE infidels defiant of God, and all they DO unto others is to 'relieve' them of their DEBTS to the destructive dark aspect of God and take ON said debts of suffering and agony upon their own 'heads' as do YOU if YOU are supporting and funding their punitive and destructive interaction.

BE ADVISEDThe ONLY way forwards for YOU the individual is to lay down your weapons and bravely stand unarmed as you 'face' your oppressor and you SUFFER your karmic 'fate' in the knowledge that your oppressor is SENT and inspired by the Dark energy essence of God to set you FREE from your past.

BE ADVISEDIf you cannot comprehend that our God and His benign creative or malignant destructive ENERGY is 'behind' every ACTIVITY, then you are a 'lost cause.' God's energy essence is what drives mankind. The believers BELIEVE and stand fast in their belief of mercy and non-retaliation (Light energy in action) and the disbelievers DISBELIEVE and stand fast in their belief of merciless retribution. (Dark energy in action)

BE ADVISEDGod uses the the disobedient to mete out retribution (restorative justice, correction) to OTHERS who are ALSO disobedient to His Command. God is both the Light and the Dark energy essence.

BE ADVISED – Each aspect of God’s ENERGY fulfils ITS promise being: “What you DO comes back to YOU equally.”

BE ADVISED – The 'living' DEAD are the vain or arrogant who defy the Command of their God and cause HARM, deceive or steal. Jesus came to show everyone that to rise UP from the 'dead' one must suffer and PAY ones outstanding dues to God in NON-retaliation and thus become FREE to rise UP to the LIGHT. As you suffer, the Dark SIN within you is drawn OUT and your enlightened spirit is then able to return to its 'birthplace' land of HEAVEN, Paradise.

BE ADVISEDThe crucifixion of Jesus was NOT the 'removal' of your sin or the atonement for your sinning ways. The crucifixion was the act of a dutiful son of God (Jesus) permitting himself to BE crucified for God as a DEMONSTRATION unto mankind. (you)

This demonstration was required so that you would comprehend that the "Go as a lamb to the slaughter in non-retaliation as you turn the other cheek when faced by your persecutors" applies, even if one is crucified and put to DEATH as you PAY your spiritual dues to God that you accrued in the past and you become spiritually FREE and thus attain SALVATION.

The 'Road to eternal Paradise' is NOT easy because the Justice of God's ENERGY is ABSOLUTE.

ALL 'suffering' is IMPOSED by God and is ones karmic fate.

Submission to and obedience to The Holy Word of God's Command is THE SAVIOUR.

For God's sake and your own obey IT and ONLY IT.

God's Judge Terence de Malaherre
Centre of Enlightenment
Lalapanzi - Anchor road
Pyengana - Tasmania 7216

With reference to : Autism - Adhd - Suicide and/or family violence

As mankind can now see there is an accelerating increase in every aspect of MENTAL DISTURBANCE taking place that is leading man into the causing of harm to self or others as well as attention deficiency or unstoppable thoughts with very irrational behaviour, confrontation, aggression with the resultant escalation of INSANITY, chaos and destruction.

Since I am the spirit of truth with a very deep insight into spiritual realms I am aware that there is an escalation of a psychic attack taking place which will affect everyone globally including children, because everyone is in total ignorance of the reasons for and 'how' this telepathic subjugation of the mind of man occurs.

I term it "Minds under siege" from unstoppable thought intrusion. Unless or until an individual (or everyone) LEARNS how or why it takes place and decides to fortify their minds against this INTRUSION, they will eventually succumb to the 'directive' being imposed forcefully from far distant realms in lower dark (malevolent) spirit worlds that exist, and they will be unable to HALT said thoughts which will force them to become destructive. (Self-harm or expressed violence against others)

I have 'designed' a "Feeling Easier" Seminar (3 hour duration) that needs be attended by anyone disturbing the peace as well as anyone who is finding it difficult to halt their thought processes.

If you are unable to stop 'thinking' of ‘something’ then said thoughts are obviously NOT yours but are being IMPOSED telepathically. Please read the below and links because I DO know that irrespective of 'who' you are, unless you fortify your mind you will BECOME destructive at some stage ahead due to reasons delineated on my web site.

Read my National Security Alert to LEARN the ‘invisible’ dangers now seizing control of the mind of man globally as man ‘arms’ himself to the ‘teeth’ in preparation to KILL any intruder or adversary, being an ACTIVITY in TOTAL defiance of God and guaranteeing that the ‘infidel’ errant is ON the wide road to HEL. (Alliance with the Devil)

~ Morgan Freeman on God and 'why' EVIL exists ~
The error of mans 'thinking' and the truth of the matter.

The term 'evil' simply means that the use of 'something' named 'evil' results in the causing of harm. The evil spoken of in reference to religion or salvation is in FACT the DARK energy essence of THE SOURCE, God the Father.

Man sees NOT that the Source named 'God' has two polarities, benign and creative 'joyful' LIGHT of the heavens, (Mother) having loving, kind, merciful, compassionate and forgiving attributes or warm positive emotions and IT is truthful.

The attributes of the other (Dark) are utterly ruthless, malignant, destructive, wrathful, vengeful, hateful, callous, hard, uncompromising, dispassionate, merciless and non-forgiving, with cold negative emotions and IT is utterly deceptive. Both aspects of this divine source of invisible spiritual energy are imbued with infinite intelligence.

What man does not see is that the 'evil' aspect is not actually 'evil' because it simply IS what it IS, a very destructive DARK energy force having a similar immutable LAW of equal return for ones use of IT as has the LIGHT energy essence.

Firewood burning in an open fireplace at home is emitting light and warming the house, but we do not term IT as being 'evil,' even though if we were to put our hand into the flames we would suffer excruciating agony. Similarly, the DARK energy of the Source 'burns' as it causes pain or loss to the person to whom it is directed because that is its nature. Since it is ENERGY it is 'bound' as is the LIGHT energy by the law of energy in motion. (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction)

It follows that IF you use ITS power against some other as you control them or cause them to suffer, then by your OWN actions you are also putting your own hand into ITS 'fire' because said painful, forceful and destructive energy HAS TO RETURN TO YOU within the immutable Law of energy. (In this case the invisible spiritual energy of the Source)

This energy EXISTS as a part of God and HE forbids His creation - - YOU - - - to use IT - - - because He knows you will suffer the eternal consequence because He also knows that once some of IT is within your soul, that IT will continue to tempt you to use ITS 'god' power. Do NOT use it personally and do NOT fund the wages of others to use IT on your behalf or in your name.

This Dark energy is compressed by its infinite 'weight' and at its 'base' has permanent ignition, being 'The fires of hell' so to speak, from which the LIGHT of the heavens is created or emitted and there is a miraculous transformation of the energy from negative to positive.

A person termed as 'sinful' is simply a person who when long ago in spiritual realms defied God and they supped on (used) the DARK energy essence in their interaction with some other. The dark energy being the forbidden to use or 'eat' fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Dark destructive energy of God)

In so doing, as this dark energy flowed through their soul and 'hand' it caused pain or loss or other suffering to another person, and also as Dark energy flowed through the soul of the individual who used it, some of IT remained within their spiritual 'heart' and the contamination of their soul with 'inner sin' began and that person began to FEEL negative emotions within.

In the 'instance' they drew IN said dark energy their spirit 'fell' from grace and exited the pure realm and became an errant 'lost soul' who NEVER AGAIN would enter the pure delight of the Light until they had not only paid all their dues to IT the DARK for their trespass into ITS domain, but having 'sin' or dark energy within precludes entry into pure Light and as also herein said, unless or until said dark energy is drawn OUT of their soul there is NO going 'home.'

It is the weight or lower vibration of dark energy that draws the spirit soul downwards. The more dark energy drawn IN over endless time the lower the vibration, and the more 'evil' the person becomes because their minds become controlled telepathically from the dark and they cannot halt their further trespass as they either feel justified in causing harm or they feel no remorse in so doing.

As for Osiris, you cannot 'weigh' the dark negative energy within the 'heart or soul' of man any more than one can use physical brain imagery to calculate the 'callousness' or apparent lack of emotional empathy in a criminal mind. Neither can one ameliorate or remove said inner SIN by water baptism or ANY other rituals devised by man, because the inner energy is what it IS.

The Dark aspect can ONLY be purged out of ones soul by the outpouring Light from within the core of ones inner rose once the individual HAS 'paid' his/her DUES to THE ENERGY and thus balanced ITS 'Scales of Justice.' This is ONLY accomplished when suffering in NON-retaliation as Commanded by God.

Every person living outside of the pure Light except for myself have 'inner sin' within, and are thus capable of not only causing harm to others, but they see NOT that the result of said activity has a comeback and it is they to suffer the EXACT same mental, emotional or physical trauma as they imposed through their arrogance or ignorance.

You cannot destroy the evil energy flowing through others, if you so 'try' then it is YOU deploying said dark energy and you place yourself within ITS immutable Law of equal return. (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction).

As for men of official status who are mandated to control, interfere, punish or cause harm, they see NOT that they are NOT above God's law of equal return. Neither are YOU if you are funding the 'war' effort that is causing harm to others here or over the seas.

All 'mentally disturbed' people require good counsel (The Feeling Easier Seminar) so that they will LEARN 'why' their minds are under siege by dark thoughts and they will learn to control themselves and they can become free of their inner sin as can YOU if you begin to obey God and BOW to His "Only love" Command. Those who continue to defy God WILL 'die in their sin' because as they continue to USE dark energy, IT will continue to grow 'heavier' within their soul and most definitely IT will drag them down, down, down into THE PIT of NO return and their further destiny will BE as 'fuel for the fire.'

Further reference LINKS:

~ The INNER 'energy essence’ of God the Source ~


The Tree of Evil & the knowledge thereof
The forbidden fruit


 The Dark Secret


The coercion of the DARK energy of God


The 'Suicide' document
Telepathic Subjugation of the MIND


The National Security Alert


Public Notice


The Feeling easier Seminar



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