~ The 'enlightenment of the lost soul 'Pete
the fisherman' of 'Pyengana' Tasmania ~ Dear reader - this series of emails arose from a difference in the religious ideological belief of two persons, namely, 'Pete' the fisherman recently supposedly 'saved' by a Christian Outreach organisation, and taking it upon himself to 'demonise' a fellow person living in the same 'valley,' the other being myself the 'Master fisher of men' sent by God to earth to 'correct' the Truth around the issue of Salvation - saved or unsaved - I hope the reader finds out the TRUTH of the matter for themselves as they wander through in 'wonder' down these pages that refer to the issue of how a True 'Christian' believer should 'treat' an invisible demonic force. (Lost soul) As I AM God's Plenipotentiary I can categorically state that at the time of writing these emails (July/Aug 2012) that there is not ONE person living outside of the pure Light of Heaven other than myself who is either 'safe or saved,' as all are yet ''sinners' with 'Sin' within, and when placed under 'duress' in coming times all have the capacity to 'justify' their denial of God's Command and cause some other harm. I can also categorically state that no 'priest' or other religious 'official' minister frees anyone of their Sin through 'slaying them' or by any other ritual, and to any person believing that they are safe or saved I can but state: 'Beware,' for if you do not fortify your mind in the manner prescribed by me then IT will let you down ahead, irrespective of your 'belief' that you are already 'saved.'
From: Terence
Friday, July 27, 2012 8:32 AM
RE: greetings
G'day Terence, it was good to see you in Launceston also. Speaking to an African doctor and then the first person we see outside the doctors office was from Africa. ( you ) just confirms the path. There is no organization we are going with. Just going where we are led. Poss and I are staying with a street preacher that we have known for about 5 years. He lived in Lira, up North Uganda so we will be going up there for a week or so but mainly in Kampala. I attached a couple of pics. He wants to build a church and orphanage. So there are a few of our friends getting interested also.
This is
our friend Eric preaching at a pastors
conference in Kenya. We have spoken on
the phone a few times. (UTube video)
He is not with anyone either. Only Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord. -Pete From: TerenceSent: Friday, 27 July 2012 12:26 PM To: fishermanpete Subject: Re: greetings Hi Pete, maybe meeting me was to assist you in a 'change' of path Pete - in all sincerity, having listened to the 'Eric' sermon you sent (Link above) I fear for your 'flesh' as well as for your soul if you get involved in any 'church' elevation program - Listening to Eric from my perspective of 'Africa' indicates a 'mad man' rebel rousing who will MISLEAD those that come to him, and all who assist his 'ministry' and flying under ITS 'banner' will be complicit to the chaos soon to erupt everywhere and especially in Africa -
Pete &
Carolanne, yes there is much assistance
one can give to the needy there, both
material AND spiritual, for 'whites'
have been having their 'say' there for
100 years or so and by naming
'religions' and promoting words to the
effect such as 'Jesus saves' or whatever
has turned tribe against tribe
Christian against
and IT must now be seen by YOU as
if you NOW join IN.
It is NOT
preaching this or that or promoting any
named 'church' - it is simply passing ON
Command that 'each' at all times in
all places simply walks their way
each day WITHIN
the precepts of GOD'S Command:
"Go your way in
peace and love one another and BE
merciful, compassionate AND forgive
thine enemy" - AND :
"If anyone
strikes you then stay MEEK and
the other cheek."
My own
experiences with 'Blacks' and preachers
and the POOR children in need of
assistance is NOT what you or Eric
intends to do - Certainly I believe that
you Pete and Carolanne are beautiful
souls - with much to do in helping the
needy - but if you promote Eric and help
him then truly I fear for your safety as
said - I suggest that you 'Go it alone'
somewhere in Africa maybe with some
other friends, but to get involved in
any 'religious' movement is PURE
Why not come
and share a meal with us here one
evening and have a chat. Maybe it will
assist you - I know that 'Jesus' as you
say is your LORD, but what you FAIL to
understand is that
THE WORD of the Father SENT via
to be OBEYED and, it is NOT elevating
the NAME of Jesus as 'saviour,' for one
is ONLY saved when 'bowing' and OBEYING
the Command of God sent to earth
VIA His SON 'Jesus' and, now it is I to
reveal much more as I also am sent by
God at this END time and ONLY I now on
earth know what is to be and how and why
and when.
Maybe you
could assist in stemming the tide of
darkness soon to erupt everywhere and
ALSO in the minds of ministers and their
followers. But to 'advance' on any
'enemy' in the name of 'Jesus' will
be perceived by SIMPLE AFRICANS as
meaning that JESUS is on their
side as THEY go 'crazy' and try and
OTHERS of other 'beliefs' and THAT is a
sentence to all going down that
'thrive' on rabble rousers like Eric for
they LOVE 'theatrical' sermons but I
also know their simplicity can be
twisted in a moment by
rabble rousers
and they actually NEED a VERY peaceful
talking person to guide them
any perceived
enemy - religious FERVOUR leads
to abominable
acts when 'troubles' arise.
If you would
like to have a meal with us drop me a
note back and I'll phone you to make a
time - all the best - Terence
Friday, July 27, 2012 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: greetings
I am so looking forward to some rebel rousing as you call it myself Terence. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
From: Terence
Sent: Friday,
27 July 2012 7:00 PM
To: fishermanpete Subject: Re: 3
'Pete' - God commands
and HE is 'ready' to greet
rousers' anytime within HIS
'eye for an eye' Law - I AM
'concerned' that the 'Light' burning
within you that seeks to
is being 'turned' by 'something'
that may end up being
The fruit of the Tree of EVIL)
and, as I AM a man of Africa I AM
aware very much so of the turbulent
past times in Uganda as Idi Amin a
'professed' man of 'Islam' tortured
and killed possibly up to 500,000
persons of OTHER TRIBES, for
tribalism is yet RIFE there and
his 'cause' was to RID the scourge
of the upper classes, be they
doctors, teachers etc., and his
mind drove him to
'rebel rouse'
and cause terrible
- so -
It is not
only Islam v/s Christian in Africa
but in that place a greater factor
is yet tribalism, so when you 'mix'
one with the other, problems arise
for the spiritually UNWARY - I was a
'pilot' as well as a fisherman and
spent much time in Uganda in the
70's, and for sure am aware
of the ways of men of religion. Some
of whom are
quiet, kindly,
helper nuns who minister
to the needy and do not stand
on platforms 'bellowing' out their
rhetoric. They simply try and
educate and
help the impoverished - Many
of these 'missionaries' have been
slaughtered en mass in Africa.
'concern' is not only for you but
also your very dear wife, a daughter
of God who it seems is happy to
follow you. That is OK and her
'choice,' but also you are yet
'bound' by the 'book' even as you
'quote' things to me the
soul from eternity.
Pete, the
in Africa are 'genuine' in general
and very 'poor' materially but the
city 'slicker' may be 'found' to BE
out for a quick 'buck' and not
necessarily as trustworthy as one
would hope. I simply hope that you
do not get 'carried away' by your
own 'fervour as they seek to extract
money from you. I HAVE seen it ALL
before brother - I simply 'caution'
you and advise you to NOT make any
instant 'promise' but to advise any
'asking' for funds that you will
certainly consider IT ONLY once you
arrived back in Australia.
mankind is soon to LEARN that texts
written and adored as by you are NOT
the absolute truth NOR were they
written by the HAND of Jesus
and everyone believes that they
contain THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, seeing
NOT the 'true words' written therein
that MAN
would 'wrest' the scriptures unto
his OWN destruction.
Son, I
have NO doubt that you seek to 'Save
souls' but I do also UNDERSTAND that
when a 'simple' man of the flesh
(me) states that he is in a
'disguise' so that NONE see through
his SOUL hidden in flesh it would be
difficult to believe that his spirit
SOUL IS the very same one that
walked at Galilee in the biological
flesh of the one named JESUS and, -
- - it is MY spirit that IS the
TRUTH sent back to earth to
FAITHFULLY record by my OWN hand a
FINAL message from GOD the Almighty
so that a 'few' would have
the opportunity of SAVING
"GO your way in peace and love
one another and BE merciful,
compassionate and forgive thine
enemy and turn the other cheek IF
the elevating 'Jesus' into godship
and praising HIM is NOT the 'way' -
also the greatest 'folly' is the
PREACHING that HE (Jesus) can/did
VOID or nullify the
implementation of God's ONE
Law: "As
you did sow so SHALL ye REAP"
through his
'crucifixion' - THAT
'brother' IS the greatest
'contention' of the day strongly
'rebuffed' by MY pen, God's pen.
'evangelists' and others who
DECEPTION as they ALL do
will for SURE pay the ULTIMATE
price, for GOD is
not mortal man NOR 'Jesus' His son.
The saving
'GRACE' of God at this end of days
TIME is the outpouring LIGHT that is
purging DARK energy from the soul of
man, and IF man continues to defy
God as they are persecuted they
simply DRAW IN more dark energy and
that halts their purification
process. ONLY those who fortify
their MIND against the INNER
thoughts and emotions that would
mislead them will BE saved - for the
enemy is NOT 'outside' it is their
OWN dark emotions within that permit
their minds to give IN to demonic
thoughts that force them to cause
harm to others 'justifiably,'
and you for one should understand
how this takes place.
I have
spent 20 years compiling God's FINAL
message to humanity that supersedes
ALL past scriptures of mortal man
and THE MESSAGE was ONLY fully
finalised last week.
Brother -
you are so 'close' to the ABSOLUTE
TRUTH but you may very well wish to
pass me by due to your programming
ref the words
'many will
come in my name' and
they are FALSE etc., seeing NOT that
every preacher 'comes in the name
of Jesus or God etc, and I do
NOT - I state that
the Holy ONE.
What do I
SEE when I have 'removed' the bible
bashers from the scene 'image' you
sent me? - The very simply children
of God relying on ME to elevate
their souls and this I will DO
once our God exposes MY web site for
all humanity, and I CAN ASSURE YOU
that every 'priest' will be
horrified when they REALISE that
praising Jesus etc, was NOT the
Salvation message
- and they ALL have accrued very
dues to GOD for
HIS precious children of all
races and creeds.
We do NOT
need 'religion' we ONLY need
The 'word'
religion is NOT the 'organisation'
it simply means THE DOCTRINE of
'peace or war' we promote by
read my The ONE true faith document:
Please READ my 'The crucifixion of religion' document http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/crucify.htm
ALSO give your dear lady the
opportunity of reading them.
sincerity Pete, and my 'visit us'
offer is open for all time and, you
'could' be the very FIRST
preacher/teacher visiting Africa
now having minted with the complete
message to humanity.
Almighty God
who SENT Jesus and who also sent me
AND you -
Original Message -----
Friday, July 27, 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: 3
Thanks Terence for your concern but
the Almighty we serve has it all
Response from Terence who replies to Pete's lines in Blue He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. ONLY those free of inner sin (negative emotions) presently abide in the PURE LIGHT of Heaven I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. God Almighty is ones 'refuge' ONLY when one HAS no outstanding spiritual debts to PAY, for until THAT day HE will 'permit' His avenging forces to 'deal' with every sinner within HIS immutable Law on an 'eye for an eye' basis ,say I The Plenipotentiary of THE MOST HIGH. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. One is only set 'free' from the snare when one has 'suffered' ones personal 'crucifixion' WITHOUT retaliating. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. His TRUTH is the message of 'Peace & love' AND the knowledge I bring that teaches one HOW to fortify ones mind against overpowering thoughts from WITHIN. (Attached star prayer doc) for Caroline & you that is MY shield to help you protect your minds. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Mere words, for those who ARE fearful at their own shadow ARE terrified by even their OWN thoughts due to the EMOTION OF FEAR within. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. It WILL be the 'case' NOW that everyone will 'feel' Satan's 'breath' as HE metes out divine retribution and ANY retaliating WILL fall into His dark world and suffer ON for eternity say I. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. ONLY the wicked will see the 'reward of the wicked' - for ONLY the wicked will 'fall' and SEE the DARK POWER of HIS MAJESTY God. Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; God and I are the 'Judge' as to 'who' TRULY walks in God's Light and 'who' is arrogant in their defiance of the "Only love" Command. Most of the above ONLY refers to persons who HAVE finished their 'race' because they HAVE passed their 'test' in that AS they 'suffered' their spiritual dues at the hands of their OPPRESSORS in NON-retaliation they PAID their dues to God and became 'free men' who finally UNDERSTOOD the Command AND The Law and OBEYED the message from their Creator God I bring.
Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:15 AM
RE: 4
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. - Pete
From: Terence LET IT BE HERE KNOWN that EVERY 'prophecy' given unto man by man IS open to interpretation by EVERY mortal for EACH 'mind' is UNIQUE AND thus 'each' interprets what is give to the best of their mental capacity - the words above ou gave are NOT 'prophecy.' Pete quotes text from the previous Testaments prior to the Testament of Truth scriptures NOW elevated to the 'Internet web' by the son of God to assist any 'ONE' of the lost race of mankind on the earth or below IT who truly seeks Salvation.
Pete is a man
who cannot use his own personal
to speak, for he has become mentally
'bound' to ONLY give out 'quotes' from
the past scriptures to which he
'clings,' determined to prove his
point that ONLY the 'name of' or only
'promoting' Jesus the man will
save him or anyone and, he 'Pete'
believes that he has already been
'saved' and thus is in some way 'safe'
from the
Wrath of God
soon to unfold upon this earth and IN
every realm outside the pure
and, - - -
'belief' in his personal salvation is so
great that he PRESUMES that he
the 'unique' individual will not
be 'bound over' to the DARK OVERLORD to
suffer his
own personal 'dues to God' - - - already
ACCRUED in his past when he was very
'rude' to other children of God - - -
within the precepts of God's immutable
'eye for an eye' Law because, - -
- he has been taught by
teachers purporting to be 'know
alls' and I say that they are in
'breach' of God's Command and in
grave danger
spiritually as is Pete and - - -
I furthermore
state to 'Pete' that it is HE who has
been 'hooked' by an even bigger
'fisherman' of men's souls and,
this he cannot see due to his own
arrogance and 'fervour' wherein he
now seeks to go forth IN THE NAME OF
JESUS as a
FALSE prophet, and the END result
of this I ALREADY DO SEE for I AM the
Spirit of
Truth not he and, -
As a man of
pure Light having NO negativity within
(Sin - negative emotions) I AM the
only ONE to bring pure truth from
God unto man. So MY prophecies and
various revelations WILL now come to
pass and I can quite categorically STATE
I have done my
'best' for 'Pete' who I did meet in the
street but now I needs turn my 'pen' to
the assistance of other lost
souls as I endeavour to get them
to see that rabble
rousing 'fervour' and loud
'rhetoric' is not the 'way'
forwards, especially in a place where
there are many very young souls
who are very easily
they certainly would NOT be able to
either comprehend, nor understand, nor
interpret the meaning of the words of
the 'Acts' you 'Pete' quoted to ME.
They need
quiet calm counsel, not about the
man Jesus, but the REALITY in the
meaning of
"Peace & love one another & forgiveness
& turn the other cheek when persecuted"
etc. They also need to LEARN how to
fortify their tender minds using
the Star prayer I have given you and
attach again, and to also make
preparation for very difficult times in
the KNOWLEDGE that everyone will
at some stage BE
PERSECUTED and they must NOT
Why is this so
important to know? Because 'fools' like
Pete teach that in praising Jesus
they ARE automatically
'safe & saved'
and, this FALSITY
is to soon be PROVEN by ME when
even those as Pete do SEE that
there is NO
immunity from God's
and, everyone HAS accrued 'some' past
spiritual dues
and, to become
they MUST FIRST pay (suffer) their dues
to God as they
their OWN personal 'crucifixion'
be it a 'smack'
in the chops or MORE.
God son
'awaits' to see 'how' you intend
to 'counsel or direct' those little ones
in the picture above that HE loves.
Those as
'Eric' the Uganda 'fellow' have delusions
of grandeur -
wealth - power, and for SURE are
not 'ready' to listen to their
GOD via ME
I wish you
both 'well' on your journey Pete and
Carolanne - please look deeper at the
message from God that I have raised UP.
fishermanpete I bind the strongman in Terence in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke you and all demonic spirits under your control. I break your power and trample all powers of darkness under my feet. I blind, gag, deafen and bind all demons with chains of darkness and threefold cords so you cannot cry for reinforcements, and I cut off all communication lines. I cover Terence right now with the blood of Jesus and command all deceiving and demonic spirits to go into a cage and remain there bound until the Great White Throne Judgement. I pick up the sword of the Spirit and cut off all witchcraft control and mind control over Terence right now and cancel all assignments that you have. I loose the fire of the Holy Spirit right now to burn out every nest and burn down all demonic plantations that have rooted themselves in Terence life, down to the very roots and tear them out and I loose the whirlwind of the Lord to scatter them as far as the East is from the west. I loose chaos and confusion to the spirits of darkness that control Terence and civil war, strife and debate into the kingdom of darkness that is keeping him bound in deception and delusions. Also I loose the Judgement of God onto all demonic entities, and every spirit that is not of God in Jesus Name, and return all fiery darts, spears and arrows and curses back unto your heads that you have ever thrown out, sevenfold, right now as you are reading this. Also I send in hornets to drive you all out of this area and the terror of the Lord upon you and you will leave this place and go to Tartarus. I cut the heads off Leviathan and off every serpent and the tails off every scorpion and command the waters of the enemy and all marine mind control spirits to dry up and I command it to be replaced with the blood of Jesus Christ. And let this prayer be perpetual, gaining in strength, day by day in Jesus name! I also remit all Terence's sin and loose the goodness of God that leads to Repentance, and loose the Body, Blood, Mind and Spirit of Jesus Christ onto Terence right now, and bind a strong conviction of sin that cannot be covered or removed and a fear of the Lord that will never be shaken. In the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, I loose the Angels of God to go now, swords drawn and begin to smite and sword the wickness that is down Anchor road Pyengana, and to bring peace and Light, Love, hope and charity and to totally dispel and destroy the darkness that is found there.
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
P.S, I
pour the Blood of Jesus Christ down
the throat of all demons, right now
in Jesus name. DRINK IT NOW!!!
- Pete
From: Terence
Sent: Saturday, 28 July 2012 6:52 PM
My 'brother' I
have been dealing with 'wicked' spirits
all my life as there are MANY 'wicked'
sorcerers in AFRICA who put 'spells' on
people, and the difference between my
'process' and that which you
subscribe to as do the 'other'
supposed Christian churches is that THEY
and YOU have absolutely NO
nor understanding that 'demons' ARE
simply the SOULS of man that have
gone the wrong way, and drawn much
DARKNESS into their souls (Sin) - hence
they no longer have the 'capacity' to
be kind or
assist these lost so as to HELP
them in a TRUE Christian manner.
HOWEVER - it is the GRAVEST OF ERRORS to MISTREAT them for they are simply the 'lost' children of GOD needing 'mercy, compassion AND education' so that their SOULS can BECOME purified by the LOVE OF GOD, and then THEY CAN RISE UP TO THE Light -
Do you 'think'
that it is a
merciful or kind or compassionate
ACT to say as you say to ME a brother
and friend who has never mistreated you
or any other in Tasmania? It is
'rudeness' and grave
error, and I comment a 'little'
between YOUR lines so that those
'driving your mind' become
less BLIND:
I blind, gag, deafen and bind all demons
with chains of darkness and threefold
cords >
Terence states:
God's LAW states:
As you Do will BE
done unto you - do YOU wish
to be 'gagged, deafened and blinded'?
go into a cage and
remain there bound until the Great White
Throne Judgement >
Terence states:
God's LAW states:
As you Do will BE
done unto you - do YOU wish
to be bound in a cage until 'judgement'?
I loose the fire of the Holy Spirit
right now to burn out every nest and
burn down
Terence states:
God's LAW
states: As you
Do will BE done unto you -
do you wish to BE 'burnt' and does God
not say
"Love one another"?
tear them out and I loose the whirlwind
of the Lord to scatter them
Terence states:
God's LAW
states: As you
Do will BE done unto you -
do YOU wish to have a whirlwind scatter
I loose chaos and confusion to
the spirits of darkness
Terence states: God's LAW states: As you Do will BE done unto you - Do YOU 'think' YOUR powers are so great that you can 'loose chaos'? You think so, and THAT 'bro' may come to pass on THIS material world UNTO your OWN destruction - God Commands PEACE !
and civil war, strife and debate into
the kingdom of darkness
Also I loose the Judgement of God and
return all fiery darts, spears and
arrows and curses back unto your heads
that you have ever thrown out,
sevenfold, >
I send in hornets to drive you all out
of this area and the terror of the Lord
upon you and you will leave this place
and go to Tartarus
> < I also remit all Terence's sin > Terence states: Do you 'think' son that YOU are God or 'a' mini God with the power to 'remit' sin? Truly you have been deceived by those that taught you 'treasonably,' and I do HOPE that you are not such a 'dope' as to follow THEM to 'Tartarus' and in FACT I believe that YOU may well BE the 'man' sought by God and ME to enlighten them ALL before THEY ALL FALL.
In the Name of
Jesus, the Name above all names, I loose
the Angels of God to go now, swords
drawn and begin to smite and sword the
wickness that is down Anchor road
Terence states:
God's LAW
states: As you
Do will BE done unto you -
Pete, as YOU 'smite or direct others to
so do it is YOU that WILL BE so
'smitten.' God is the
not you. You Pete are NOT 'yet' a
'Christian' but a very confused soul
needing 'correction' and inner
reflection at MY 'table.'
Later this
evening I will call to ME all the dark
forces who are gathered around
YOU, but instead of casting them into
Hell I will simply speak to them as I
extend my love
and compassion and I will
them how to fortify their minds
with the Star prayer.
I can but
TRUST that in FUTURE instead of
'assuming' your RIGHT to try and
'dispossess' me of darkness that your
mind 'perceives' - - is that you FIRST
drop by and say:
"G'day Terence, I
believe that you are acting in a manner
that is a contravention of God's "peace,
love, and mercy" Command and therefore I
ask if I can offer you some spiritual
As I do SEE
from your below letter to me that your
'actions' are indeed a
CONTRAVENTION of God's Command as YOU
try and
'reprimand' invisible forces you
believe 'are' sitting in my 'space' - it
is now my 'prerogative' to respond in a
manner that I can but hope is
quiet, calm,
educative and to THE POINT.
Pete, keep
steady 'bro' and try and SEE the
error of
the supposed 'Christian' WAY that has
been taught to you. You believe FALSELY
that 'demons' or darkness can be
'deposed' or 'disposed of' by your words
- THAT is a 'fable' Pete, and it truly
is now the time to sit at my 'feet' and
LEARN the true spiritual way forwards
BEFORE you 'hit' any African 'village'
street and get yourself into VERY DEEP
TROUBLE. You 'bro' do NOT know how
'dark' the darkest Africa
IS or can BE.
In trust and
sincerity - Terence
From: fishermanpete I break all chains, bands and fetters that you unclean spirits set on Terence and command freedom to his sanity. I render null and void every power of darkness that is deluding and taking Terence to Hell. I put the hammer of the Lord onto all walls that have been built by the enemy and smash down every demonic hiding place and stronghold in the name of Jesus. I loose the stone of Christ that whosoever falls on this stone will be broken but on whom this stone falls, it will grind him to powder. So I command that it fall on you unclean spirits RIGHT NOW!!! I also rain down hailstones from heaven upon all you demons that are reading this and overflowing rains and strong winds and I loose lightnings and thunders to discomfit you all. Once again I bind you all in chains of darkness and three fold cords, and loose civil war and strife and debate into your kingdom, you devils, and command that you all attack each other RIGHT NOW!!! I cover the whole of Anchor road and the house you all inhabit right now, physical and spiritual with the blood of Jesus Christ. And I almost forgot, I pour the blood of Jesus down all your throats. DRINK IT NOW and be weakened by the blood of Jesus. Amen. There you are Terence, you should sleep well tonight. I will keep up this prayer from now on, everyday until you realise who is really God. You will be brought to your knees and realise that you have no power at all. Just like Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
So we will see
you next time.
From: Terence
Sent: Sunday, 29 July 2012 7:47 AM To: fishermanpete Subject: Re: spirit possession & COMPASSION - MERCY - LOVE
I love you
brother !! WOW - you are certainly doing
your very BEST - thanks anyway - we all
need as much HELP as we can GET !!
Please try and NOT promote
for THAT for SURE is the
wrong way -
By the way
Pete - I spoke a few words to those
'lost souls' with YOU last night for 27
minutes and recorded my words spoken - I will call by your
home on the way back from St. Helens
today and drop the CD recording in your
box with a knock on your door also (
10am or so) - I have also placed the
recording on my web site to assist
others - your recording will be no; 14
at the end of the CD list attached for
you interest - I will drop off a CD for
you and Carolanne
for readers of this document - the
'Pete' recording is on line, click on
the link below.
Peter the fisherman
27.47 minutes playing time This audio content shows Pete and all 'preachers' the correct and ONLY way to 'deal' with dark forces in a manner which keeps all within the precepts of God's "Peace, love, mercy, compassionate and forgive" Command. The 'old' way of forceful 'exorcism' promoted by false 'preachers' in their attempts to cast out devious spirit people by condemning them to eternal persecution and damnation in the underworld leads everyone involved to the same hellish place to all suffer together forever. Please pass the CD content to others - All the best bro - love to both - Terence
Sunday, July 29, 2012 8:14 AM
RE: spirit possession & COMPASSION -
Don't bother
Terence, it will go straight in the bin.
And if you do
come to my door then it will be open
spiritual warfare. You need deliverance
and I am after your demons and will
continue until they are defeated and
Sent: Sunday, 29 July 2012 11:19 AM To: fishermanpete Subject: Truth
Dear Pete -
for some reason you do not SEE
that it is YOUR mind being
in reference to ME - My MIND is
as always CLEAR
of any thoughts unless I THINK - I am
not 'possessed' by thoughts incoming
that make one
restless or
tormented as are YOU -
Brother -
Brother -
within ME IS NO SIN
I am very MUCH
AWARE that you seek to ASSIST AILING
you have been taught the WRONG WAY and
are now programmed such.
God 'son' has
placed you in front of ME - not for YOU
to decide to
'torment' me but for me to
IF you throw
my CD (God's) into the bin so be IT -
your choice to NOT let me speak for you
to 'hear' - I at least READ all you send
me -
As for your
words < You need deliverance and
I am after your
demons > Try and UNDERSTAND that
when YOU 'wage
war' upon people YOU perceive as
'demons' or interacting in error then IT
IS YOU who is 'demonic' and
by DARKNESS - for only the DARK
wages war -
simply ELEVATES the consciousness of the
'lost' by
enlightening their minds
with TRUTH
as I seek to do with you.
However, if
you cast my TRUTH into the 'bin' then
there IS NAUGHT I CAN DO TO help you and
you will go forth into the African
'darkness' spreading untruth by
preaching and teaching 'warfare'
deception and there will be
NAUGHT anyone can do for YOU - -
- because, THAT ACTIVITY is your 'free
will' CHOICE and, - - - I can assure
you that you will
'Reap what you
sow' and truly great will be
your travail - THIS I DO KNOW.
Forget about
casting OUT demons by trying to 'pour'
the blood
of someone down their throats, for any
'demon' hearing this will simply laugh
at you IN THE KNOWLEDGE that it is THEY
in fact using YOU to so say
so that YOU are in their eyes
a 'LAUGHING STOCK' to be not only
'scorned,' but to be prepared for
THE DAY that you end up at
their 'doorway' and truly THEN you
will remember me and what I did say - Go
YOUR way in PEACE.
STOP 'trying
to 'throw your unholy 'books' and words
at me, the son of Grace.
It is YOUR
'soul' that GOD is trying to USE so that
IT/YOU can be THE ONE to elevate
the consciousness of your past
'teachers' and help THEM find their way
out of the horrible 'morass' they are
already IN - but YOU and they see it
PS - Thank you
for opening your door to me this morning
and taking the CD I left you - PLEASE do
NOT cast IT aside - at least 'listen'
and then you CAN comment.
Sunday, July 29, 2012 11:47 AM
RE: Truth
From: Terence
Sent: Monday, 30 July 2012 6:14 AM To: fishermanpete Subject: Re: Truth-2
Dear Pete,
there is NO
'battle' as such brother -
only those
defiant of God go forth
to 'battle'
with their perceived
enemy -
workers as myself simply 'channel'
energy to 'purge' darkness
out of others as one counsels them
with God's
As for
you, I asked for healing Light for
you last night and was very much
aware that something 'dark,' maybe a
negative emotion of 'vanity,' cleared
from your soul - so - I do
hope that the 'forces' driving YOU
to see ME as their 'enemy'
have now receded as their 'access
point' is no longer within you - I
believe that you will soon feel very
much better and more able to remain
rational and actually absorb what I
am trying to say to you.
Only when
you so do will you be
and also more able to help
others you meet on your 'quest' road
- Pete, God's 'chosen people' will
be those who follow me
as they 'bow to' and 'abide in'
Command even unto death. Soon
everyone will feel Satan's 'breath'
- some for eternity, being the vain,
arrogant or ignorant who continue
to use force
in their interaction with others.
'strength' is NOT our 'fight'
against others who are
deploying EVIL - it is OUR capacity
to overcome the THOUGHTS from
within 'us' that would give one the
JUSTIFICATION to 'defy' the Command
of God and FIGHT the 'demons' we see
in others.
"WHY so"?
Because when 'we'
to 'destroy'
EVIL in any 'form' it is WE
deploying the same DARK
energy of God. It IS this
destructive -
punitive energy of God
that is our 'enemy,' this energy is
by God to use 'fruit' of the
Tree of Evil.
ARE simply the souls of the ignorant
being USED by this energy that flows
through ANY person IT can or WHO
seeks to use IT - So if we
'oppose' others using IT them
we are also USING IT - - -
the same punitive & destructive
energy of God - the 'forbidden
fruit' -
We must
ONLY reach out with
and compassion
to UPLIFT - we must NOT 'cast
others into the PIT' - Pete -
you WERE still using darkness as you
'tried' to force demons out of my
'soul,' and you WERE the
darkness in action as you
were 'possessed' by their
thoughts - I hope NOW that you can
see this as I have never 'disturbed
the peace' nor harmed anyone,
so it WAS 'irrational' of you to
assume it was I in need of
"Why am I interfering in
Terence's life? Did he abuse me
or any other? Is he rude or is
he a bad man? - - OR - - does
he just believe in
the philosophy of
that opposes my
Brother -
please now 'relax' as your emotions
will settle down and your thoughts
will be more calm.
"Peace & love
& mercy" IS THE WAY - as said
- NEVER again seek to
the perceived enemy.
Go well
Pete - I know you are very sincere,
so from now on please ONLY
use the
Light energy of God
THE SOURCE that IS 'both' the
& the Dark.
Terence -
the Spirit of Truth - the soul
from eternity
From: fishermanpete
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012
7:22 AM
Subject: RE: Truth-2
G'day Terence. I have just been praying for you. Praise the Lord. Pete
From: Terence
Sent: Monday, 30 July 2012 6:55 PM To: fishermanpete Subject: Re: Truth-3 Dear Pete, thank you for your prayers - I do believe you are feeling better today. I am trying to get you to see the differences between our 'opposing' ideological belief - faith and conscious understanding etc. For in fact, every person purporting by word of mouth to be a 'Christian' as you ARE, is a person believing that in praising Jesus etc., as per the below lines from Paul's Romans, is automatically safe and saved and THUS not only 'beyond' the reach of God's ONE immutable Law, but I assume they also believe that ahead, irrespective of their 'sinning' ways of the past - - - where they have caused others to suffer harm or great duress, they also believe that NO harm will ever be done to THEM the 'new born Christian. Is this 'assumption of mine correct?
9 That
confess with your mouth
Jesus as Lord, I find that this text by PAUL above in Romans that I refer to above as GROSS ERROR. Firstly Paul was not a pure soul and he was NOT 'Jesus' the ONE bringing forth God's message. Thus it was NOT God's messenger Jesus preaching to mankind that they must 'praise' him nor did he say that anyone must believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead because, at the time of his ministry he was very much ALIVE and had not been crucified - so in FACT Jesus did not say that a person would be 'saved' due to doing anything in the aforesaid teachings of Paul. IT WAS simply the BELIEF OF PAUL - it was NOT God's Truth nor God's message to humanity. It is again Paul who said:
"Blessed are those whose
lawless deeds have
been forgiven, and
whose sins have been
covered. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, As said previously, Jesus THE MESSENGER did NOT speak any such falsity either. I state quite categorically that the implementation of God's LAW is IMMUTABLE : "As you sow so shall ye reap" What is the 'danger' I see for those who 'profess' that they are safe and saved and 'protected' by the 'blood' of Jesus? It is 'when' God's Wrath flowing through His 'Reapers' in the FLESH (man) inspired telepathically by God's darkness confronts everyone and metes out the 'eye for an eye' fulfillment of the LAW OF GOD, that every 'sinner' who believed they were safe or saved WILL through their fear or anger etc., strike BACK because their minds let them down and they WILL SIN AGAIN and ACCRUE a further spiritual due AND, as they 'fight' their enemy they draw IN more DARK ENERGY (Sin) and IT will drag their soul DOWN into ITS 'Lair' say I the Spirit of Truth.So 'what' do you BELIEVE is to be? Do you believe that you will be 'subjected' to God's LAW or NOT? What will you DO when IT takes place? Will you show GOD (not Jesus) that you still ARE a 'disgrace' as you defy HIM? This is the REASON 'why' I tell everyone to NEVER feel justified to FIGHT - You quote me more 'nonsense' from Paul's pen: Rom 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. You obviously refer to me, but in REALITY, the GOD of Light and Love 'bruises' NOBODY. More to the POINT, it is GOD via MY pen to awaken everyone to the FACT that God is ALL - the Light & the DARK - Yes bro, the devilish Dark energy IS GOD'S energy, hence the REASON why HE forbids US to sup on IT, for in doing so we become IT and are drawn by ITS vibration to ITS 'place' far from the LIGHT. IT is the 'fruit' of the Tree of Evil. IT is totally INDESTRUCTIBLE. But those that USE IT are NOT. I hope you can respond to this communication without using text written by other mortals from the past I pray for you and all those linked to you Pete - Sincerely - Terence
To: 'Terence'
Sent: Monday,
July 30, 2012 11:12 PM
Subject: RE:
always feel good Terence
especially when I am
tormenting demons and driving
them from their territory.
- Pete
----- Original Message -----
From: Terence
To: fishermanpete
Sent: Tuesday,
July 31, 2012 10:25 AM
Subject: Re:
Truth 4
Dear, dear PETE - do you not
yet UNDERSTAND that everyone
meting out
(the justifiable in their
minds use of
& power ) feels
you not yet see that
people and driving them out
or away etc IS THE
FORCE, being THE
you KNOW 'what' a demon IS?
NO - because you see NOT
that in YOUR contra
activity to THAT Commanded
by GOD it is YOU who IS the
Demons as 'such' are simply
'poor' lost spirit people
living in the underworld
because they drew IN dark
energy and thus they
cannot DO
any more than YOU - for they
are in FACT using
force through
you to DO what you do,
- - -
believe are
influencing me.
You see NOT that it is YOU
being USED by the
and it is YOU 'sinning' and
NOT yet 'winning' your
feel Pete that what I WISH
FOR YOU TO SEE is, that if
you go forth as a TRUE
MISSIONARY to a land far
away where the are many
CHILDREN OF GOD who are not
only young souls, but they
also will NOT have the means
to comprehend the sort of
texts you keep throwing MY
way - -
In reality, a TRUE Missionary needs to be ABLE to NOT use any 'text' books, but to be ABLE to simply speak QUIETLY to those whom seek your ADVICE - So if you were to RANT AND RAVE in the same manner as 'Eric' and others then in FACT you are NOT assisting them. Also - FORGET now all the 'old' texts and simply give out the TRUE and VERY BASIC words of ADVICE that EVERYONE needs to HEAR including ERIC, being the WISDOM that the singular LAW of GOD stands inviolate and immutable so that everyone UNDERSTANDS that they MUST only walk within the precepts of God's "Peace & love & mercy & compassion and FORGIVE THINE ENEMY" Command - - - so that at all times they are within the BENIGN return aspect of THE LAW OF GOD. Pete, IF you go forth ranting about 'others' such as me NEEDING their 'demons' to be EXORCISED or whatever, then it shows GOD that YOU are NOT wise, nor merciful nor compassionate etc - Your words < I rebuke you and command that you all attack one another and I pour the blood of Jesus down all your throats. Mind control, loose yourself and leviathan I cut off your 7 heads, > is an ABSOLUTE WASTE OF TIME and clearly shows your ignorance, arrogance, vanity AND insanity, and it shows ME that whoever 'taught' you this 'obnoxious' way is an ABSOLUTE IDIOT - please no longer follow THEM.
Do YOU not see yourself
as a son of God?
- Get a life Pete, I
have a GOD GIVEN mind,
arms, legs, fleshly
body, spirit soul AND my
own unique
consciousness. Are you
telling me and believing
yourself that 'we' can
do naught without the
'intervention' of a
NAME? The name that was
given to some other
mortal 2000 years ago?
Ask yourself - Did Jesus
the man ever tell you or
anyone that the
inhabitants of earth or
above or below earth had
to use his name
in order to live
according to God's
Command? NO buddy - it
was only the foolish
'pride' of latter day
mortals that wrote such
nonsense that is seen by
ME to have made
millions of people
'slaves' to a name
to such an extent that
they are now
'robotically' controlled
by said name -
that the message from
GOD that Jesus
brought to earth was
and yet IS the
code of conduct
COMMANDED by God the
I do
NOT believe
that God the Creator
expects me to raise UP
the name of His
messenger and place IT
above God Himself - so
be it - I AM entitled
to so believe and
any person stating that
MY belief is
error and backed
by DEMONS is a very
foolish and ignorant
person -
PETE - please try and
ahead there is much for
you to do other
that promote
I select a 'few'
extracts from your other
email and comment on a
But the Law of the
Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has
made me free from
the law of sin
and death.
ABSOLUTE TRIPE Pete, Jesus did not say that HE could or would nullify the implementation of God's IMMUTABLE: "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law, and even if he WAS REPORTED TO HAVE SO SAID, I, speaking by my own mouth and 'pen' today would deny IT as being Truth for it IS falsity, and the ones that promote IT and the one that wrote IT do/will suffer the consequence of their own deception.For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Pete - there are fools who believe that God was 'stupid' or in error when HE enabled man and woman to entwine LOVINGLY in sexual embrace, and HE also made this 'facility' so that HE could send other spirit beings INTO the biological flesh of the next generation. ANY 'celibate' priest or believer that sex is sin is a very STUPID dolt CONTROLLED by demons below who have NO sexual activity because in those 'prisons' below, male and female are segregated so there is NO 'fun or love' nor happiness to be had. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can it be. Well, well, WELL Pete, when are you going to AWAKE to the REALITY of the utter nonsense contained in scripture? Carnal 'experiences can BE 'good or bad' dependent upon the people entwining, if they are doing IT consensually and happily then within THE LAW OF GOD they receive a beneficent RETURN of loving happiness - BUT - If ONE is aggressive and imposing themself and/or causing the other HARM or mental emotional trauma, then within the same THE LAW OF GOD they will ahead receive and suffer an EQUAL physical pain and mental and emotional trauma - Pete - EVERY ACTION is subject to the THE LAW OF GOD. So then they who are in the flesh cannot please God.
This final remark by the
'texter of old' REALLY
shows HIM up as
IDIOT, vain,
deluded, arrogant and
a total
who no doubt is
suffering his OWN fate
due to him having
even YOU - for why
'else' would you send
me such rubbish that
civil or civilised or
sensible person
Pete - for goodness sake
man - stop promoting
nonsense - say what you
want to say from your
OWN conscience - this
way even YOU will
understand what
- - - IN the SIGHT OF
Pete - it was written in your own 'text books' that many FALSE prophets would come in the name of Jesus - and YOU ARE ONE are you not? I truly believe that your soul is FULL OF FEAR for otherwise 'why' would you ASSUME that I or others 'with me' would be placing spells upon YOU? Pete - you are NOT 'wearing me down' bro as you state - I simply have not the time to ONLY 'minister' to YOU and the demons INCITING you - For who 'else' would be operating through YOUR mind in a manner that is CONTRARY to God's Peace & love & mercy COMMAND? And here you are about to go to Africa and enlighten God's little 'black' children?? Which 'church' do you 'fellowship with' bro? - Please tell me so that ITS 'minister' can hear from GOD via ME.
Pete, the TRUE
and only
'Salvation' WAY forward for
anyone is through their
by God
via my pen. Mankind must now realise that
'religions' are things of the PAST, for
Truth is TRUTH
and that stands above 'named'
religions. (Sects)
You are already a 'fisherman' Pete, for
through your personal enlightenment
that is on 'public' display on my web site,
many others who walk in error of every tribe
and 'sect' will now have the opportunity of
their own consciousness and become
'saved' as well as moving upwards and
'Christ-consciousness.' (The
pure soul, free from negative emotions)
Pete, I do NOT 'cast out'
I simply trust that as those 'with'
you (linked in to you telepathically)
read what I seed through your eyes what
is written by me, that they become
and set free from their own
programming, so that as
enlightened beings
they can rise UP.
We the 'enlightened' are NOT here or there
to 'cut off -
cast out - wage war - threaten, coerce or
destroy' the lost (demons) or
anyone or anything, all the lost are
our sisters & brothers whom we now
lovingly 'embrace' and
UPLIFT using
LOVE and Truth.
Brother - I have spent
20 years here writing
God's message to
humanity - all I write
to YOU personally is
already written therein
so I cannot do 'more'
than give you herein ONE
of the documents on my
web site, and if IT is
not enough to 'convince'
you of YOUR
continued defiance
of GOD - - then so BE
IT BRO - I have not the
'time' to spend on ONE
individual for I have to
help all humanity
- please read the below
that is a part of my on
line INFO.
Note: (Subsequent to
this email I sent the
----- Original Message
From: Terence
To: Pete
Tuesday, July 31,
2012 8:17 PM
Subject: our
Pete - I always KNOW that there is a reason 'why' I often have discourse with people, and it always seems to because there is something MORE I need to write to clarify something for them and all humanity - I just wish to say that from your ongoing 'persecutive' expressions towards 'demons' that it has in fact inspired me to ADD a few lines to my 'Sin' document and update it with the 'Principalities of Darkness' on p 2 - so a big 'Thank you.' On line at http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/sin.htm
the TRUE
and only
WAY forward for anyone is
through their
enlightenment by
via my pen. Mankind must now
realise that 'religions' are
things of the PAST, for Truth is
and that stands above
'named' religions. (Sects)
are already a 'fisherman' Pete,
for through your personal
enlightenment that is on
'public' display on my web site,
many others who walk in error of
every tribe and 'sect' will
now have the opportunity of
refreshing their
own consciousness and
become truly 'saved' as well as
moving upwards and towards
(The pure soul, free from
negative emotions)
I do NOT 'cast out'
demons, I simply
trust that as those
'with' you (linked in to you
telepathically) read what
I seed through your eyes what is
written by me, that they
wiser and
set free from their own
programming, so that as
enlightened beings
they can rise UP.
We the
'enlightened' are NOT here or
there to
'cut off - cast out - wage war -
threaten, coerce or destroy'
the lost (demons)
or anyone or anything, all the
lost are our sisters &
brothers whom we now
'embrace' and
using LOVE
and Truth.
I trust
and hope that through our
communication that WHEN you from now
on 'minister' to the spiritual needs
of others that you CAN 'deliver the
goods' in the knowledge that God
above SMILES upon YOU for finally
getting it RIGHT and being TRUE to
HIS 'babies.'
Please let
me know when you are intending to
travel as IF you wish I would like
to give you some CD's of my web site
to pass ON to others. - Terence
From: fishermanpete
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:26 AM In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the strongman in Terence and I bind the false Spirit of truth in Terence with chains of darkness. I knock out your teeth demon, break your arms and loose the hornets of Heaven to continually sting you until you are driven out of this land. I also loose perpetual shame and confusion on you false spirit of truth and all your demons under you, and division, civil war and strife and debate and every spear and fiery dart you have sent out to be returned 7 fold back through your necks NOW!!!
From: Terence ~ Pete & the 'hatchet' man ~ Dear, dear, dear Pete, I see that your inner 'demons' are still via your mind and 'pen' walking on earth's streets, for "Why else" would THEY via YOU keep trying to put 'fear' into ME? That 'act' son is coercion but you cannot IT see. Pete: "What to YOU is a 'demon'? What does a demon DO"? I will tell YOU. A demon is simply a spirit soul as are you or I, but one who has for a very long time defied God's "Peace & love & mercy" Command, and thus they have drawn IN a lot of God's Dark energy to the point that all they can in fact DO is:Interfere in the lives of others - terrorise others, persecute them mercilessly, and injure others either personally on their level of consciousness OR in this realm VIA the minds of men like YOU and via those as you write 'nonsense' to me in an attempt to 'shut me up' so to speak - - BUT - - - they can or could also turn your own hand against yourself bro, this I DO KNOW, so I advise YOU to go slow. They could also incite YOU to 'swat' me IF I have any 'karmic' dues to God outstanding. What 'son' is the RESULT of their interaction with others or ME via your mind? 1 - They AND you draw IN much MORE dark energy into your souls. 2 - You all 'accrue' a 'return' debt unto God within HIS Law, but, - - - fortunately for YOU when dealing with ME, when HIS Law is fulfilled by some other arrogant 'prick' you will not have to suffer mentally or emotionally ON MY ACCOUNT because I DID NOT suffer that - - - but - - - what will YOU do or 'respond to' as some other not IF but WHEN they 'threaten' you or the demons they believe are inside YOU?Will you have the mental and emotional capacity as ME to simply wave a friendly 'palm frond' in return? probably NOT 'bro' and it is THIS 'factor' you need to see. I know there are NO demons influencing my mind because I am NOT blind as are YOU, I AM a man of peace - love - mercy and I NEVER 'attack' others even when to them I write.Are YOU as strong as me mentally? NO - - - That fact you proved when I strolled up to your front door recently to find that you had 'changed' from being a friendly 'rabbit' INTO a 'sly fox' who was 'rude' and you repudiated me - so. Let me tell you a little STORY about TRUTH and strong men and God's GLORY. 20 years ago Jilly my wife and I were 'rocking' around Africa for a while on a motor bike, and one weekend we stayed the night at a farm in Swaziland where we were 'alone' because the farmer had taken his wife to look at some other property for a few days. At 1 am I awoke hearing noises in the house, and I got up and opened the bedroom door to see a 'black' taking some clothes out of a cupboard in another room. I said 'HOI' loudly, and as he turned to look at me he pulled a pistol out of his belt and fired at my belly, but his 'shot' just missed me and hit the door. He and five others ran out of the house assuming that I would be armed and ready to fight as most men are in Africa. After 5 minutes or so I walked down the hallway towards the lounge to see the lights on and they had taken out the 'louvers' of the window to gain access and the slight breeze blew the curtains. I assumed they thought the house unoccupied and my bike was parked around the back. I looked down at the kitchen table as I was passing it and saw a long knife on it and a fleeting thought passed by 'suggesting' I pick it UP - I resisted, and as I walked into the lounge I saw the men standing outside and as soon as they saw me unarmed, then one after the other they strode through the open window towards me and I saw they were about 25 years old - - - As the first one entered I saw he had a gleaming new 'hatchet' in his right hand and a long knife in the other, and the second chap had a .303 rifle - - -they were only 5 paces away as I turned and shouted to Jilly "Go back" as she was following a few steps behind me. She just kept coming and said: "I'd rather be with you." I turned to face a very angry and totally 'insane' man as he raised the hatchet screaming: I'm going to kill you you bloody 'f - - -ing white man. Its never ceases to amaze me how time stood still in the next second as the hatchet started to swing - - -I thought of many things, how my work on earth was not yet complete - surely I could not die yet - - - poor Jilly having to suffer at their hands alone - - - and as I started to raise my hand and arm to ward off the blow my mind said: 'Lift it and lose it,' as it would be ME placing my hand/arm directly in its 'flight path' - - - and believing that God was my protector and that I would only need to suffer IF I had a 'karmic' debt to GOD and, that IN that suffering I would be set free from my debts to God - - - I simply kept my arms tight by my side and looked him in the eye. The falling axe swerved slightly to one side and just missing my head and right shoulder, and for a moment there was stillness, and everything seemed to halt - then a few moments later I was struck in the kidneys by the rifle butt from behind and fell to my knees naked, as my 'lap lap' was whipped away - One shouted at Jilly saying 'Lie down and do not look at us or we will kill you' - the rest of the story is irrelevant and I only state the above as I say; "How strong is your mind bro? Would YOU Pete have been mentally and emotionally strong enough to place your trust in God"? I can tell you that compared to me, your mind is yet 'piss weak' in comparison because of the great fear within YOU and, - - - I can also tell you that your mind is already letting you 'down' simply from what you write to me.It is you 'bro' needing to be saved by ME and MY Wisdom - not for me to be saved by you or your 'group' with ITS erroneous teachings. "Please come to MY door sometime as a GENTLE MAN so that we can discuss the road ahead as polite children of God who is the ultimate good counsellor. I add a few notes below for you to ponder on. I wish you well Pete, and simply wish to prepare YOU for when your past karmic dues you meet one day as unexpectedly as was my God stated "Swaziland time of reckoning." Note: What one needs to see and understand is, that the demons (lost souls) operating through the mind of the 'hatchet' man were being controlled by the Dark aspect of the Source, and even though it was the INTENT of the drug crazed aggressor to maim or kill me, as his MIND was being controlled from the Dark, - - - and thus his mental faculties were not his own due to him being 'possessed' by spirit beings, - - -BUT the all-seeing Dark invisible Sovereign power knowing that it was not my 'karmic fate' to suffer or die, his thoughts (ITS) 'swerved' his arm 'precisely' - - - and this is what YOU Pete need to see and understand. For when you become angry at me or any, or fearful of someone, then your mind becomes linked telepathically to the Dark, and it is then controlled from that realm and, - - - if the person who you are angry with HAS some debts to God, then you become the IDIOT who will mete it OUT and, - - - at that precise moment you not only accrue an EQUAL return due within God's Law, but you also draw IN more dark energy. (Sin, that contaminates your soul even more) It was written that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to attain heaven and eternal freedom, so try and understand that, - - - in simply praising the 'name' of a mortal man (Jesus) in the assumption that you are thus somehow free within of dark sinful emotions and, - - - that all you own outstanding dues to God are nullified, - - - is simply absolute non-sense promoted by vain and arrogant IDIOTS who see not their own karmic dues accrued daily. For 'deception' that misleads God's children is the 'worst' offence in God's eyes. You 'bro' believe that you are safe and saved for you have simply be told so. I am the ONE to assist YOU to save yourself using my God given wisdom, and once you are mentally strong enough to STOP threatening other lost spirits who you assume are linked to me, then you have an opportunity to help yourself. If you truly perceive me as being controlled by demons then I ask: "Why"? Am I aggressive, disturbing the peace, interfering, controlling, abusive, destructive, nasty etc., or am I going my way in peace and mercifully reaching out to you as well as the 'demons' operating through YOU as I kindly and compassionately try and UPLIFT them and you through EDUCATION rather than damnation. You are a big man Pete, and if you do not control your mind and emotions then you WILL BE USED again as you were years ago to BE an ABSOLUTE SWINE but worse because, - - - once you have a 'religious' belief that GOD is backing your 'cause,' then you will be even more easily used by the Dark through your vanity and religious fervour. Try and see how 'easily' IT the Dark altered your perception of me, a man to whom you were so friendly UNTIL you 'thought' that I was a lost soul or a 'deceiver,' and then you threw your 'unholy book' at me, and used ITS content and your own new found exorcism 'ideas' as a 'weapon' to harm me as well as other invisible people you thought were controlling me. God warns man to NEVER find the justification to 'wage war' on ANYBODY, because at that very moment they are using HIS 'forbidden to use' Dark ENERGY that contaminates their soul and they THEN become the 'Camel' roaming endlessly over the dry desert FOREVER 'bro,' for the Dark energy now WITHIN their soul is their eternal ENEMY that blinds them and keeps them using IT - - - and one day they become a DEMON so 'dark' within that they cannot ever BE 'nice' because the DARK has them bound by ITS 'vice' and they then can ONLY go ONE way - - - down into the fire of Hell. I can assure you Pete that ONLY when you can face a 'hatchet' man and NOT raise you voice or hand but stand calmly before your God, that you ARE living 'proof' to yourself that you truly ARE 'safe & saved' because, you will NEVER ever find the justification to USE God's Dark energy to defend or fight, as you are always mentally prepared and 'ready' to BE crucified by God's 'reaping' forces if THAT is what is required by God to set you free from your past ways. (The fulfilment of God's LAW) Peter, what you need to SEE is, that if you go around treating others who as I are NOT 'converted' to your 'faith,' in the manner you do to me, that some of them will become VERY fearful of you, and the fear they feel immediately becomes a spiritual due to be met by YOU and, - - - Not only that, but if they are also 'hateful' or angry emotionally, then through their fear of you they might be incited by the DARK to BE the ONE to mete out ITS retribution upon YOU for your own past sinning ways, and THAT 'lead us not into temptation' FACTOR needs to be understood by YOU. When you 'happily' and so justifiably 'wage war' upon others, rest assured that you ARE leading THEM into temptation of killing you. Pete, you might believe that as your life has been this or that and thus you 'know it all, I can assure you that you are yet a 'puppy' reference world affairs, and have absolutely NO 'inkling' of what is out there. I suggest that you get your 'house' in order (mind & emotions) before you go forth to set 'right' what you perceive as 'wrong' as you 'sing' the 'ONLY Jesus saves' song. If you 'think' that praising Jesus is going to 'obliterate' your past sinning ways, well then bro, I can but warn you that, not IF but 'when' you meet that GORILLA on an African street or elsewhere, that HE/IT will not understand a 'word' you are saying as you 'wave' your bible in ITS/HIS face and, he WILL simply DO what HIS mind tells him to. Just be ready to suffer IT without retaliating IF you wish to be 'safe & saved' another day ahead. I have SAID: "No man sees the Father's face unless he believes God's message of 'grace' via ME." Pete, try and see and understand that God is THE ENERGY we use and IT (Light or dark) knows our every INTENT and DEED. Your present
intent is to 'frighten' off
either me or the demons as you put it. I knock out your teeth demon, break your arms and loose the hornets of Heaven to continually sting you until you are driven out of this land. I also loose perpetual shame and confusion on you false spirit of truth and all your demons under you, and division, civil war and strife and debate and every spear and fiery dart you have sent out to be returned 7 fold back through your necks NOW!!! As for your words < I also pour the blood of Jesus down your throats > can you not SEE the insanity of this? Pete if you wish to become a true believer or Christian and follow or ABIDE IN God's Command, you cannot EVER 'fight' - - - you must BE peaceful. Bro, God cares not one 'whit' whether you are a drunkard or smoke 'pot' until you are blinded or whether you just 'sit' in the sun like a lizard and stare in silence at the moon for an eternity AS LONG AS your ACTIONS remain within the precepts of HIS Command. Pete, I ask you: "Who gave you 'permission' to defy God and hunt down, threaten, drive out, wage war etc., on demons"? I do KNOW, it was/is the DARK Sovereign overlord who has been operating for 'centuries' through the minds of the Vain, corrupt, fearful and pompous men of the 'cloth' who are absolutely IGNORANT of the FACT that demons are simply 'lost souls' needing EDUCATION - - - so if YOU impose PUNITIVE 'Justice' then you ARE the 'Reaper' in ACTION and, I cannot even say "God help you" for that is error, for I do KNOW that: "God cannot help you if YOU choose to defy Him and terrorise others." What I CAN state is that our GOD is the ONE who becomes your ENEMY and, I can assure YOU that HE is a far superior consciousness with ALL THE POWER available to HIS disposal of YOU - Wake UP Pete. I NEED someone like you as does GOD to go forth and awaken all the lost brethren who are presently preaching 'bullshit' and deceiving others, for their present DESTINY IS very BLEAK indeed as IS your present track.Terence
fishermanpete You waste a lot of time writing Terence. I have never read any of them. And this one will go straight in the junk too. I rebuke bind and pour the blood of Jesus down your throat you false spirit of Truth in Jesus Name.
From: Terence Thanks you Pete for FINALLY being able to by your own words REVEAL to me that in your mind the FALSE SPIRIT is ME rather than some other 'demon' possessing me.
Pete will 'tell' if I AM a false
spirit, but by your WORDS you
have shown God and me
that YOU are
because, YOU 'claim' to be a
Christian but you are NOT, for a
True Christian
'believing' that some other (me)
was a lost soul would
reach out in a
kind, merciful and compassionate
godly manner and NOT throw a
'spanner full
of blood' down my throat -
- by your DEEDS being your words
you have 'exposed' to God and
me that you ARE a 'possessed' spirit
that has a mind controlled
from the DARK, for ONLY the Dark
arrogant enough to defy God
as IT is a part of God and, -
- - WOW - - - IF you cannot begin to
SEE what I say due to ITS arrogance
within you, then it should
show you how far 'off beam' you
already ARE.
Now you
HAVE declared that your
'attack' IS a personal
against ME, Terence the man you
spirit, - - - all I CAN say is:
IF your mind was 'free' as
is mine, then IT would NOT be
filled with thoughts
rolling around
and around plotting and scheming
'possible' ways of setting me
'right' according to THE
THOUGHTS coming into your
mind from the DARK.
I DID say
BEWARE, for IF you cannot
control those thoughts and, IF I
have 'yet' some karma to 'pay'
to GOD, - - - then bro - I expect to
see you smashing IN my front door.
So, as I do not wish to have to get
IT fixed, I just state now that IT
is never locked by day or night.
So IF you
ARE 'driven' by demons to 'set me
right' then just try to be a
polite and consider
Jilly, and do not also give
her a fright - just step up and say
; Terence,
lets go for a ride," and
I will show YOU 'something' bro,
being that I fear NOT even if you
DID me 'swat,' for if so, then I
would suffer IT as to God I did
say: Father
thanks for setting me free from some
time in the past when I defied thee.
Pete, why
not now SEE if you the man Pete
CAN actually control the
THOUGHTS coming INTO your own
mind from WITHIN your OWN
Nothing to
do with me bro, both our minds are
unique and individual, so forget
about whether or not I am a false
spirit. Lets just get down to the
nitty-gritty which is
I PREACH to the
(that you believe is false)
being, that every MIND that
is NOT fortified is being 'open
prised' by dark forces VIA ones
inner dark emotions and, people's
thoughts are becoming
uncontrollable. Hence my words:
your mind against the INNER
attack that will
lead you to become one of
THEM if you cannot HALT their
over your mind."
Bro - its
called "Minds
under siege" - the telepathic
subjugation of the mind of man.
read about IT on the link I give
below that gives all info around the
mental health issues confronting the
Any person failing to fortify their
mind as prescribed by GOD via me
will be 'as' Martin Bryant, a
'tool' used by the dark powerful
demonic force
that possessed his mind for a
Pete, I
NEVER 'waste my time' writing, for I
BELIEVE that it will assist
you and many to TRUE freedom.
fishermanpete No Terence, it's a demon. You are just it's vehicle.
From: Terence So Pete - Ref your words: "No Terence, its a demon. You are just its vehicle." Can you not see that its all one and the same thing reference 'culpability'? If I am its 'servant' then I am as 'guilty' as IT if I (on its behalf) disturb the peace of the land, deceive others, injure others, or destroy others or their property. Why do you 'think' that there is a demon influencing me when I am not a 'spirit of wickedness or evil by action' as described in the dictionary? Are you aware that even in the Constitution of the land it states clearly within the 'Freedom of religion' clause that a person may live by their ideological belief or conscience as long as they do not disturb the peace of the land. Can you not see that your ideological belief is contra my 'peaceful' one because, you have the ideological belief that you can disturb the peace of the land as you accuse me or the demon you believe is in me of being a 'liar' and thus you feel 'entitled' to wage war upon IT/me? Ask yourself: "Would Jesus the man you state that you are 'promoting' pour his own blood down the throat of a 'lost' soul to punish or 'save' IT" ?
What exactly
is it with reference to my 'teachings'
that is causing your mind to
believe that I
am the 'Devil's advocate'?
Is it not
'written' that the Spirit of Truth would
return as a 'thief in the night'?
(invisible) IF the earthly 'Salvation'
teachings were
then why 'on earth' would he have to
return? Surely he would simply prepare a
'BIG 'party' topside to welcome the true
as they flow through?
Pete, do you
surely believe that he will appear
'literally' in the sky with a 'team' of
angels? At what point in time will you
KNOW that he is not coming that
way? When YOU have 'fallen' due to your
own defiance of God's Command and in
promoting falsity
and probably
retaliating when faced by
Or will you
shout out as you fall:
"Lord, lord, I did you believe"?
When obviously you did NOT, for you
still defy God as your MIND
'plots' at ways to
'crucify' other poor souls in
spirit that your MIND tells you
are demons.
Who was/is your teacher
Bro, I do KNOW
the power of dark forces
for I HAVE been 'dealing' with them for
many long years in Africa as well as in
Pyengana and at the 'base'
memorial 'ruin' of the 'Broad Arrow
Cafe' at Port Arthur.
Yes Pete, my
'block' at Pyengana was a very 'haunted'
place as recorded by the locals when I
purchased it, and the day I brought in
the bulldozer and cut the land and
'swept' the old 'steps' below the pine
trees over the bank to the river my
'problems' started.
I was camped
in a small caravan with a tiny 5 watt
bulb and Jill was not there, and for 3
nights I was aware of six very 'black'
dark spirit people around and they did
their very best to overpower my mind. It
was a tough test for me but eventually I
managed to give them a 'reason' to move
away to a better place.
The experience
was so 'strong' that I went to the
library at St. Helens asking if there
was any records of such a 'haunted'
spot, and they were able to obtain a
book: "Ghost stories of Tasmania."
Being the only
remaining copy I had to read it at the
Library, and the author had many
Tasmanian stories, but in his/her
opinion the worst and most evil haunted
place in Tasmania according to them was
my block that had on it what was
referred to as;
"The three steps to nowhere,"
being the concrete steps of the old
homestead I had bulldozed over the bank
to put in my driveway.
Even Wendy
Rattray comments on how peaceful it now
is when walking past each day for her
exercise, and she said that in the old
days as kids they had to run past.
Pete, some
years ago Chris Munday's boat was stuck
at Port Arthur due to bad weather and
Janet drove me down to assist Chris to
bring it back. We were stuck there for a
couple of days as it was really rough
windy weather, but on the one evening
Chris went up to the new cafe to phone
Janet and he was late returning and it
was a very dark night.
When he
finally got back to the boat he was very
distressed and could hardly speak and
reached for a glass of 'grog,' and after
a while was able to tell me that as he
came back and when adjacent to the spot
where the 'Broad Arrow Cafe' had stood,
he was stopped and confronted by a very
huge and dark and powerful spirit that
was trying to overpower his mind, only
he can remember what took place or how
he managed to escape, but after he had
calmed down it was I who decided to go
for a walk and speak with that dark
force so as to
ASSIST IT to move on and to give
IT some Wisdom.
IT knew I was
coming and I knew that IT knew when
still 200 metres away, for I could sense
IT trying to control my mind as I
approached. The ONLY way that came to my
mind to remain in control and be able to
assist IT was to literally focus my eyes
on a bright star up in the sky and to
commence speaking what came to my mind
to say to IT - as I reached the spot
where IT stood I simply calmly spoke my
truth and gave IT my 'Star Prayer' and
after speaking to IT for 5-7 minutes IT
suddenly was gone.
So, I can
assure YOU* Pete that if YOU had gone
along in the dark with the INTENT to
IT in telling IT that you were
'pouring' Jesus' blood down ITS throat
that IT would simply have
'heard' not A WORD and would
have possessed you totally for as long
as IT decided to, and IT knows NO 'time'
frame and IT 'tires' NOT, and IT could
have possessed you for an eternity bro.
Yes, even into the next realm of
That 'being'
was probably the one to control Martin
Bryant's mind and 'hands,' and I believe
that you Bro would have succumbed
and probably become a 'raving lunatic'
and only God knows what IT would have
made you do to others OR yourself.
The above
happenings were both in respect of
dark spirit people 'trapped'
on this earth plane, but equally
intrusive are those living far below in
lower realms who do link IN with
everyone who has ANY 'sin'
within. (negative emotions) Yes they
silently 'probe' and control and the
recipient simply assumes that the
thoughts they think are their
Any 'thoughts'
that you cannot HALT are proof of
interference. (Subjugation of
your mind that affects EVERYONE on this
planet and every realm outside the pure
Light of heaven
who yet has 'sin' within.)
You Pete have
had some sort of an inner change that
took place at a gathering, and no doubt
what took place put 'fear' into the
spirits that were attaching to you and
they 'retreated' and at the same time
you thus believed that you had been
'saved.' Bro, if ONLY it was that
'easy' but it is NOT.
Certainly you
have become a better person and wish to
have a better life and to also help
others, but maybe it is I to now give
you a deeper understanding so that you
can truly assist others, but NOT in the
manner you presently promote because it
is error. For It is ONLY adherence to
God's Command when faced by
adversity that frees you of your inner
sin, and not the elevation of the
name 'Jesus.'
I just want
you to UNDERSTAND that as far as 'spirit
forces' and spirit 'possession,' that
you are yet a 'pup' who I simply wish to
'guide' so that you do
NOT find yourself in VERY DEEP WATER
from which there may be NO
The 'idiots'
who rant and rave and show apparent
'miracles' are NOT the way bro. IF you
truly believe that I am in error then
just leave IT at that, there is
no need to
persecute the 'demon' you
believe is setting me 'up' as THE
Just try and
stay steady MENTALLY, for if you CANNOT,
then it is your PROOF that one or more
demons ARE in
'part' control of your mind
and, they ARE themselves controlled by
the Dark Sovereign Power
(God) who uses THEM to destroy all that
defy HIM. This you may not
believe nor understand but it is I
THE Spirit of
Truth to lay the FACTS before the
The Dark
'source' IS absolute
'cunning and deception,' and
NO mortal man can 'toy' with IT and
survive. I NEVER doubt that IT has a
mind infinitely superior to mine, so I
ALWAYS approach ITS 'dark forces' with
assisting them, so that
IT the Dark Power knows my
'pure' and
'graceful' INTENT to
those trapped by IT.
If you go
forth with the INTENT to:
I knock
out your
teeth demon, break
your arms
and loose the hornets of Heaven to
continually sting
until you are driven
out of this land. I
also loose - - -
civil war and strife
and debate and every spear and fiery
dart you have sent out to
be returned 7 fold back,
then it IS YOU
Pete, does God Command 'WAR' or - - - 'PEACE, mercy, compassion and forgiveness'?
I can assure
YOU Pete that every 'minister' who rants
and raves and takes in buckets of cash
IS being used by the dark to 'rip
off' and
deceive BUT - - - just
like a 'cut' snake when IT so chooses,
then IT the DARK will
them down, and I truly feel sorry for
the greedy vain ones who HAVE NO IDEA
Pete, a
'Zombie' is a 'dead man walking' in the
flesh of a human. they are a person with
a mind in an altered state of
consciousness because they have become
'possessed' by a spirit. When they are
in this state they cannot relate to you
and neither you to them, and dependent
upon the 'nature' of the spirit 'beast'
within them determines their
interaction with YOU.
It also
follows that if YOU become mentally
possessed then your interaction with
others is beyond your mind to control
and you may not even be aware as to what
you are doing. Martin Bryant has
always stated that he did not shoot
anyone as he had no recollection
of so doing.
Some believe
that the shootings were a 'conspiracy'
because Martin was left handed, and he
was reported to have fired the weapon
from the hip using his right hand, and
managed 19 head shot kills. A seemingly
impossible possibility even for a
trained gunman. He was possessed
by a very powerful spirit who knew
exactly what he was doing.
No person who
is 'full of
Light' and thus 'sin' free
can cause harm to any other.
Every person having 'sin' within who
abuses, controls, injures
etc., is a person with a
mind under
siege from the Dark. Yes bro,
their minds are
by the Dark to go forth
as they simply enjoy what they
So as you go
forth and wage war etc., then you at
that moment are controlled by
'dead men walking' in this realm
using your mind and body. They are
hard, cold,
cruel, callous, merciless and
disrespectful and they hear
NOT the 'pleas' for
by their victims because, their own
souls are controlled by the Dark
Sovereign Power. HE is their 'Overlord'
who is inspiring them to
wield His Sword
against ANY who in their past failed to
uphold His WORD of
I say that any
person in the flesh who becomes a
'Zombie' because of their arrogance or
ignorance will cause
and will pay the ultimate
by falling below and joining the 'dark
mob,' and that 'army' is not
nice, nor does it 'rest,' nor does its
forces have any surcease from suffering
because, they are all revolving
within the
punitive aspect of God's ONE
Soon there
will be millions of Zombies roaming the
face of this earth as you will see. I
hope that every one of them passing your
way will be 'greeted' by you
respectfully and in a
'godly manner,' for if you or anyone
throws a 'spanner' then you are
as they are, - - - possessed by
DARK energy.
Pete, I see
from your web site that you were 'slain'
so to speak and fell to the floor at the
hand of a person purporting to be a
'minister' of the Lord. I bro have lived
a very long and varied life and in the
60's learned the power of 'suggestion'
when I went to see a 'stage show' by Max
Collie one of the world's best
hypnotists in Nairobi.
He invited up
about 45 people from the audience who
all stood around as he spoke to us the
audience, he then suddenly turned around
and swung his arm towards these chaps
and in a very loud voice said "SLEEP," -
- - about half of them literally fell to
the floor and then became the 'subjects'
used in his 3 hour performance. The
others who were not 'hypnotised' were
sent back to their seats.
I am aware
that the 'Jesus saves' world wide groups
use the same 'tactic' as other
hypnotists do, being to place their hand
on 'heads' and this transfer of energy
gathered up from the audience does
'something' as you well know, but what
you need to try and understand is that
in reality it is 'overpowering'
their 'subject' momentarily and at that
time a moment of temporary 'hypnotism'
and its accompanying 'auto suggestion'
that you have been saved by the blood
of Jesus is instilled and
TOTALLY believed by YOU.
I believe that
someone far back must have
decided to use this style of
'hypnotists powers' in the formation of
the earlier 'Jesus saves' movements in
the late 70's that are now
Hypnosis is
thought to work by altering our state of
consciousness in such a way that the
analytical left-hand side of the brain
is turned off, while the non-analytical
right-hand side is made more alert. The
conscious control of the mind is
inhibited, and the
subconscious mind awoken. Since
the subconscious
mind is a deeper-deep seated, more
instinctive force than the
conscious mind, this is the part which
has to change for the patient's
behaviour and physical state to alter.
So here we are
TODAY bro - you a man believing totally
that you ARE saved, and I a man seeing
just how DIFFICULT a task our God has
set ME in setting you and all other
'hypnotised' mortals FREE of your
error of belief
that indeed is deeply and
'hypnotically' rooted.
Now as you
are 'safe and saved' due to IT being
'induced' into your subconscious there
is going to be a difficult process
de-powering that belief. IF you find any
truth in my texts it will result in
inner conflict unless that can BE
resolved in your subconscious.
If the
overpowering belief is so great and that
you 'fear' to read my texts in case they
might deceive you, that too is a
problem. Maybe the only way for all the
millions of deceived 'converted' to in
fact become free of their 'error in
belief' is for them to 'hear' the voice
of a hypnotist who can realign their
mind to the point where they can
BEGIN to 'think for themselves' rather
than believing the ONE who SAID that
they were
'safe & saved.'
I do not
'wish' to
un-save you, I simply
wish for you to KNOW that ONLY through
adherence to
Command can you become
free AFTER having PAID YOUR DUES for
the time in the past when you
were a
'malicious, unkind, disrespectful,
cruel, rascal' as many of
us have been in our youth, and then
purged of your inner SIN (Negative
emotions) by
God's outpouring
I need YOU
Pete, I AND our God needs you, for once
you do AWAKEN to the reality of
the greatest 'con job' perpetrated by
those 'coming' in the name of Jesus
then your task for God will be to
go forth and
ENLIGHTEN them and their
Yes, God even
needs Chris to 'awaken' all the sleeping
'soldiers' of the past and present as
he with a 'joke' and a smile tells
them all 'what to do' as they face their
past - for even they are ALL presently
on the WIDE ROAD TO HELL, and Chris is
the ONE chosen by God and placed before
me to be their 'saviour' as he tells
them of God's Glory and
THE fulfillment
of God's Law story.
I do thank you for your 'input' Pete, for it will show other readers how 'East & West' are poles apart, and that applies to the Light & Dark, as well as to 'War v/s Peace,' as well as to 'Truth v/s Deception,' as well as to 'Sane v/s Insane,' and more to the point, an insane person does not know nor realise that they are so because, to them, their mental state is simply NORMAL. I do hope that ahead you will find a way to THE LIGHT and this may only take place as the spell binding you is dispelled by MY Wisdom. Terence 5.53 pm 20 Aug 2012 Terence writes one last time: Dear Pete, I see that the forces binding you and blinding you to reality are by you 'enabled' due to you having been taught error. If you cannot see that you are incapable of 'flooding' Anchor road with the 'blood' of a 'dead' man, then I regret to say that you are presently INSANE and regrettably it is your right or 'choice' to so be. As I see it, you are now in God's 'hands' so to speak, and unless you can try to NOT 'fight' the demons you believe are in others, then things will get worse for you. I simply now ask that you read my 'The demons document' as in IT is a letter to me from 'Paul,' a man who was in a very 'difficult' state indeed as you will see. http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/demons.htm Other than that I just add a few words before I go on my way, for I truly do not have the time to write any more to you and by your own words you 'throw' my letters into rubbish bin. That also is your choice and either way you do have access to my web site with ALL the Wisdom of God on IT to assist you if or when you so desire. I speak now on the issues below:
exposure of the
unholy 'High Priests' of the
'Safe & Saved by the blood of Jesus'
Sects. The FALSE 'Safe & saved by the blood of Jesus' myth has been propagated over many years now by thousands of mortal men who are not only Vain, arrogant, proud and GREEDY, but their MINDS were 'tapped' by the infinite cunning of the Dark Sovereign Power who gave them the JUSTIFICATION to use the name of God's messenger in order to PROMOTE their business venture that to their MIND appeared to be a good 'debenture' in respect of the Salvation story. These vain men failed to comprehend their own 'biblical' texts wherein it was CLEARLY STATED that those 'coming' in the name of Jesus or God were FALSE, and it is I to state that I personally do NOT come 'in the name of Jesus,' for I state that: I AM HE the Spirit of Truth having the SAME spirit soul within as did the mortal man 'Jesus' of that past time. So here we now are, where men like 'Pete' have been 'led' to believe that when a mortal man 'ministering' his truth performs a 'knock you down' RITUAL, during which he states that as the result of his proven 'powers' over you, that you are now 'saved.' That is pure FALSITY say I. I THE Spirit of TRUTH state: The PROOF to you the individual that you ARE 'Safe' from drawing IN more of God's Dark energy (Sin) into your soul through defiance of God and thus causing harm to another is:
A - When you do NOT
retaliate when faced by an aggressor seeking
to or causing you or your family
HARM. The PROOF to you the individual that you ARE 'Saved' is ONLY when you 'pass through' the PEARLY Gates of Heaven into Paradise. THE PROOF TO YOU the individual that you are NOT 'safe nor saved' nor freed from your inner sin is, that your MIND is becoming more 'irrational' and 'disturbed' by 'possessive' THOUGHTS that you are UNABLE TO HALT. WHAT does this MEAN? It means that your negative emotions (Sin) are becoming STRONGER and thus you will be more critical, angry, vain, fearful, vindictive, vociferous, confrontationary, possessive, demanding, greedy and aggressive etc., and JUSTIFIED in defying God's: "Peace, love, mercy, compassion and forgive" Command as YOU will be incited to disturb the peace of others or retaliate in the face of adversity and, you will be UNABLE to 'turn the other cheek.' WHAT does this MEAN It means that each and every 'time' your interaction with others is NOT within the precepts of God's Command you will ACCRUE a further punitive 'due' within the IMMUTABLE Law of God and, you draw MORE Dark energy of GOD into your soul and are then in greater spiritual DANGER because, the 'bigger' or stronger your negative emotions become, the easier it is for demonic forces to telepathically overpower your MIND from WITHIN. No fellowshipping with ANY religion nor the praising of the name of Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or Krishna or any other will SAVE YOU say I the messenger of the MOST HIGH. You will ONLY become 'safe or saved' when you follow my LEAD as given in this God's FINAL message to humanity. Try and 'reason' that you can simply be an 'attendee' in being a part of a group of people congregating in a hall without having received a 'label' stating that you are safe or saved. So what is it that actually takes place when you are 'invited' to step forward by the 'conductor' of the day? What takes place is that you publicly 'front up' to be a participant in a RITUAL wherein another person submits you to an 'overpowering' ACT, and this act 'formalises' the supposed 'Salvation' of the participant by their own belief that the 'Supreme Power' (God) operated through the 'conductor' of the RITUAL and they were THUS saved. Once this 'formality' is over the new 'acolyte' becomes 'wed' to form a core part of the congregation and presumes that, - - - they are in some way EMPOWERED to also go forth 'spruiking' that Salvation was/is ONLY guaranteed in praising the name 'Jesus' and accepting him as ones personal saviour etc. This is an absolute CONTRADICTION of God's Message. None of the 'newly wed' indoctrinated by the Sect or mainstream religions realise that the thousands of mortals carrying out these RITUALS 'In the name of Jesus' are NOT God, nor did Jesus send them, nor can any 'ritual' free them of their INNER SIN nor 'wash away' their accrued 'Karmic dues.' All that has in FACT taken place during the ritual is that a SPELL has been placed within their subconscious mind by 'wolves in sheep's clothing' operating through the flesh and mind of mortal men purporting to be 'God' with the capacity to 'save' the souls of any person they were 'able' to OVERPOWER and fell to the floor and, - - - as this they do they 'invoke' the name 'Jesus' to give the RITUAL a spiritual significance. Yes, by their actions the 'High Priests' are in fact stating and implying:
I THE returned Spirit of Truth categorically state:
There is NO FREE RIDE TO HEAVEN say I. Terence
From: fishermanpete
To: 'Terence'
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012
7:01 PM
Subject: RE: final
We are working
for God already Terence and He is
sending us to Uganda very soon to
preach the Gospel with our friend
Eric to all who have ears to hear.
Praise God, there will be many born
Jesus answered and
said unto him,
Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God.
Indeed Pete,
ref < Except a man
be born again, > What you and
those that 'taught' you do not
see nor understand is the meaning of
'born again,' and IT is certainly NOT
becoming a 'born again' person in the
manner you believe -
From: Terence
For when
we are 'born' in the
Light of
Heaven created by GOD we
do not have any negative emotions
within us and as such are
'sin free,' but within our souls are
the 'seeds' of these emotions that
are 'of' the Dark and we are 'warned
and FORBIDDEN' by God to sup on Dark
energy because the moment we do, IT
is what 'waters' the seeds of
darkness that then grow within the
soul of man and at the very moment
an individual living in the LIGHT
'sips' but one drop of that 'stuff'
their soul is drawn OUT of the pure
Light and begins ITS downward slide
to the ABYSS - - - UNLESS
It is
'born again' meaning - the
negative emotions are purged out of
the soul - - - and that 'bro'
cannot be done by any 'ritual'
of man say I -
believe you are 'saved' because you
were 'ritualised' by a group and
were TOLD that you were now saved -
I say that THEY the 'performers'
were LIARS for as we both know, you
still have the very same negative
emotions within YOU that you had
prior to the ritual -
I can
state quite categorically that no
person with 'sin' within can
enter Heaven - if you do not agree with
me then SO BE IT.
What GOD
via my pen is stating is that the
great outpouring of LIGHT from
within every spirit be they
incarnate or in spirit realms ARE
being purged of their negative
emotions BUT - - - as these emotions
rise UP to clear they show their
'wolfish' face so to speak and
become very strong and THUS the
person's mind can let them down and
they will SIN AGAIN by doing
something that is NOT within the
precepts of God's Command and AT
that 'counteracts' their purging for
there is now MORE to be drawn out -
- -
More to
the point also is that they THEN also
have to face the consequence of
their negative interaction within
the IMMUTABLE Law of God - - - and
instead of turning the other cheek
they will 'fight back' in
and draw IN MORE DARK ENERGY and
they will still be doing THAT
unto the time of the GREAT
outpouring of LIGHT ceases for
another eternity so they WILL
become sin free (born again)
I can
state that ANY person failing to
fortify their MIND using the GOD
its implications and doing their
VERY best to BOW to God's
'love & peace
& mercy & forgive' Command
WILL fall into the ABYSS into the
eternal fire.
ONLY I 'bro' understand the 'truth
or error' within PAST scriptures, -
- - and the 'devilishly'
cunning DARK aspect of THE SOURCE is
using these scriptural texts
the 'sinners' who are GREEDY
and POWER hungry such as
those who perform the 'saved
in Jesus name' RITUALS. - - - AND -
- - it follows that everyone NOW
believing they are safe or saved
will BE proven
WRONG as THEY will
fight tooth and nail to NOT
when God 'calls in' HIS 'dues'
within HIS LAW that I STATE is
IMMUTABLE and that as such there is
NO 'forgiveness' until - -
that SOON you begin to SEE what I am
saying because you will then
SEE the very deep nature of YOUR OWN
QUEST for God to 'awaken'
all the lost who
believe they are ALREADY
Pete, IF
you continue to 'throw' PAST
scriptural texts at me IT shows God
and me your arrogance - - - AND - -
- if YOU 'preach' THEM to others,
then YOU ARE or 'will be'
you WILL suffer the consequence.
Why don't
you actually LOOK at what is being
'promoted' by GOD via my pen? Is it
due to your
FEAR at being
If "Yes" then that FACT proves to
BORN AGAIN for you are yet
'with sin within.'
From: fishermanpete
To: 'Terence'
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012
6:59 AM
Subject: RE: born again
Praise the Lord
Terence, we
will also be baptizing many who are
born again also.
From: Terence
To: fishermanpete
Sent: Monday, August 27,
2012 1:54 PM
Subject: Deliberations
~ Deliberations ~ Pete - Sinners 'took' themselves OUT of the Light of Heaven by their: OWN FREE WILL CHOICE TO SO DO - As they defied God's Command To now BECOME 'saved' it has to be by the personal free choice of the individual and, - - - HOW do they become SAVED? They can only BE saved by their decision to OBEY the Command of GOD For you or anyone to 'preach' to sinners that by the ACT of the 'crucifixion' of Jesus the mortal man that ALL mankind was/is saved is a LIE promoted and taught by the DECEIVED who are NOW themselves deceiving others. THINK ABOUT THIS IF mankind was/is already 'saved' by the crucifixion of Jesus, - - - then "why" do they need to be 'again' saved by some other mortal man named - Eric or Pete or Terence? I have SAID: NO mortal man can save ANYONE - - - ONLY our God can save anyone AND, it still must BE "The free choice of the individual" to wish - desire - want to be saved and - - - they still have to 'permit' The fulfillment of God's LAW as they continue to OBEY the Command: "Go your way in peace & love thine enemy and turn the other cheek if abused and be merciful and compassionate and forgive thine enemy" etc. If you Pete believe that Eric or you can/will or do go forth to 'save' souls MEANS that your INITIAL belief that the crucifixion of Jesus saved everyone is ERROR, and did NOT save them nor you in the first instance. I am trying to get you to see that neither Jesus - Eric - nor YOU can actually save ANYONE - we CANNOT save any other, it IS between THEM and their 'Creator' GOD. All that JESUS could DO in the distant past was to pass ON the 'WISDOM OF GOD' to the sinners, so they could change their 'thinking' and become kinder, merciful, compassionate and forgiving as they OBEYED their God - - IF THEY SO CHOSE TO DO: Nothing has changed: God via His messenger Jesus stated to HIS children:
Turn the other cheek if persecuted and
injured WHY does God say this as BEING the ONLY way to Salvation? Because ONLY by 'living' the WISE Word do we 'permit' The fulfilment of God's LAW in ITS punitive aspect. WHY can YOU Pete and Eric and others not SEE this FACT? Because you are VERY arrogant and HAVE been deceived. If you 'think' that you can 'save' anyone then you ARE TRULY LOST Pete The only 'additions' to the 7 'factors' given above is that God has sent me to bring in more revelations to ASSIST people to be ABLE TO OBEY GOD as their powerful negative emotions surge UP within their souls to be purged out by God's grace - - - GOD'S - - - not 'yours' Pete. As for your words < we will also be baptizing many who are born again > If you believe or preach past scripture or that a 'baptism' rite or 'front up' ritual or 'knock down' ritual is going to SAVE the participants then - - - YOU GO TO HELL Pete Yes, - literally 'Bro' for being a LIAR and a DECEIVER Why? For you are in fact stating to the participants that:
1 - YOU are
doing a better job than JESUS did. Pete, IF you get on any 'stage' with Eric or on your own 'soap box' and start 'baptising or saving' as you put it with ANY OTHER TEXTS than as is contained within my 'Testament of Truth' web site - - - then 'bro' - - - I can ASSURE you that - - - From YOUR OWN FREE WILL CHOICE you ahead will have: THE 'baptism' of eternal FIRE
Pete - I do
ALL my 'texting' in the knowledge that
God is observing MY efforts to save
others such as yourself, and I do
believe that I have now done all GOD and
MY conscience
expects of me ref YOU or any
other supposed 'born again' Christian -
I wish you well on your road -
Relevant docs:
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012
2:10 PM
Subject: God
Jesus Christ is God
From: Terence
To: fishermanpete
Sent: Tuesday, August 28,
2012 8:17 AM
Subject: Jesus
Dear Pete, I will 'carry' you for that extra 'mile' brother as I state: In reference to your above words 'Jesus Christ is God,' all I can add is that for you to so believe, then some other man on earth who 'wrote a story' or, the very 'Devil' himself did you deceive. Certainly Pete your present 'god' is your false belief that brings you ahead to 'grief' because, in fact you believe in the 'text' in a 'book' that to you is 'god' for IT in your mind stands 'supreme' as your daily 'walk & talk' is a daydream. The 'god' of legislators is their unholy decrees, rules, dictates. The 'god' of the police is their 'operational manual' and punitive attachments to which they obey and 'bow to' in allegiance in the same way you adhere to yours. Any person operating in a manner outside of the 'precepts' of God's Holy Command are INFIDELS, NON-believers, LOST SOULS. The REAL God's 'face' is never seen by mortals or those in spirit who 'daydream' because, HE ~ SHE live in the highest realm, and they certainly never 'wander around' bound in a fleshly body such as you or I or Jesus or Muhammad or Buddha or any other who did or yet do inhabit. Pete, men have always looked up to other mortals or animals or rocks or other 'images' because they needed 'something' they assumed was 'greater than they' that was visible. Seeing not that THE REAL GOD is invisible to any living in the 'lower worlds' of DISGRACE. You Pete are a 'lost soul' wandering in the desert with a MIND 'graven' by the false beliefs of other mortals who walked this earth. As said before, if you believe that the 'blood' of Jesus saved or saves any person who so 'professes' his name as their 'saviour' then "why" bro are you yet 'lost'? Only God is GOD ~ Only God is WISE God is wiser than all the trillions upon zillions of spirit children He ~ SHE did create.
"Welsh' Hymn says it all
~ Immortal Invisible God Only Wise ~
invisible, God only wise, Pete,
your mission' must NOT be one
wherein you 'link' to another
lost soul such as 'Eric' or
any other. Terence - the Spirit of Truth
From: fishermanpete
To: 'Terence'
Sent: Tuesday, August 28,
2012 7:46 PM
Subject: RE: Jesus
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
From: Terence
To: fishermanpete
Sent: Wednesday, August
29, 2012 12:22 PM
Subject: antichrist and
Dear dear PETE
- your words : < he that
denieth that Jesus is the Christ?
He is
antichrist, that denieth the Father and
the Son. >
Firstly 'bro,'
this is a very 'simplistic belief' that
any person denying the man
'Jesus' as being the Christ (pure soul)
as antichrist,
- - - is absolute
for there are millions of people
who have never heard of Jesus nor
of his message from the Father - - - but
- - - they may have their OWN 'taught'
knowledge of GOD and some of them try
not to deny the Father and thus
they are NOT antichrist as such, as YOU
'preach' to ME.
It 'follows'
Pete that YOUR
belief in the absolute
'truth' of the above statement is
ERROR, and
it was written by a 'sinner' who
did not have the depth of insight
that I have. I can but 'repeat' that
'slinging' biblical quotes my way is
pure foolishness and arrogance that
shows BOTH the Father and I just how far
'off beam' you presently ARE in
reference to THE
to assist in the
of anyone.
certainly the
SOUL within the biological BODY
that walked on earth WAS the 'Christ'
incarnate within the flesh of the
man named 'Jesus' who walked the earth
2000 years ago - BUT - his biological
flesh is no longer 'here' nor
ever to appear here - for IT as ALL
'flesh' became DUST - but -
SOUL that was some 2000 years ago
within the flesh of Jesus the
mortal man does walk again in the
biological flesh of this world in the
biological body of your 'buddy' Terence
who is the returned CHRIST hidden
from mortal men as is a 'thief in the
night' for NONE see the pure
soul within me.
It is not
the 'time' to 'revere' HIM the
(then) nor NOW - it is but
THE TIME to 'bow' to our immortal
God and
do HIS fresh bidding as revealed by my
pen - HIS pen by my OWN hand, whereas
'last' time on earth Jesus the Christ
soul wrote naught by his own pen - all
written was but 'hearsay' say I
and recorded many years after his
TODAY is NOT to 'preach'
biblical Christianity.
It is
SOLELY to preach & teach the
Salvation message of TODAY.
and teach
The 'time frame' remaining in which to 'alert - warn -advise' everyone as to the deadly spiritual and material dangers ahead AND to the FACT that their 'enemy' is God the Father is VERY SHORT. It is the Father via His Dark forces who is to mete out retribution (The fulfilment of THE Law - His LAW) and at the same time His Dark forces below will telepathically (incoming thoughts) 'tempt' all those 'sinners' still defying HIM to BECOME a part of His 'punitive army' so as to 'entrap' and destroy them for their continued infidelity to His Holy Command given above. (This is the eternal separation of souls - the 'Just from the Wicked')
PEACE will reign on earth as it is in Heaven once all who continue to defy Him have been 'swept' into the underworld. How is this to be accomplished? Arrogant man incited telepathically by the demonic forces of the Dark Sovereign Power (God) will raise their voice, hand, sword, axe, gun, spear, stave against those that do or had trespassed into the dark and sinned and, any of these who 'bow' their head in obedience to God's Command and suffer in NON-retaliation as they 'die' are set free to rise UP to the eternal LIGHT. Those that cannot or 'fail' to control their thoughts and fearful or aggressive emotions will RETALIATE and, they will continue to 'sin' and draw IN more dark energy into their souls and, as they 'die,' the weight of their SIN within will drag their soul down into eternal suffering below.
of TODAY is NOT to
'preach' biblical Christianity.
It is
SOLELY to preach & teach the
Salvation message of TODAY.
The Mission SERMON is not an ongoing weekly RITUAL There is ONLY time to hold once off SEMINAR SERMON style 'gatherings' and give out Information. There is NO 'time' for weekly 'talks,' there is only the time to stride forth from here to there and everywhere, and by ALL 'means' available pass ON this Mission statement and sell or hand out CD's and the web URL to God's sacred web pages and other documents given herein. ~ The 'KEY' Issues ~
following information must be
given out to any individual or
group attending a Mission
Let it be clearly understood that any references to past supposed sacred texts will mislead people and are NOT to be used. The only 'past' references to Holy teachings are the following that are still 'valid' TODAY, being statements by:
Let it be clearly understood and passed ON that NO person can AVOID what is coming to THEM personally from GOD via His punitive forces. For these invisible forces will be operating telepathically through ANY 'unprotected' MIND, be it yours, your wife's, family members, strangers etc. It may also come to you by your OWN hand if they overpower your mind and turn your 'hand' against yourself. (Suicide) Let it be clearly understood that in order to be in compliance with God's RULING Command one must only support, condone and fund peaceful, benign, creative and loving activities or community effort.
The funding or supporting of any
authority is FORBIDDEN by
The funding or supporting of any
'protectionist' authority is
The funding or supporting of any
authority is FORBIDDEN by
The funding or supporting of any
authority is FORBIDDEN by God. The funding or supporting of any institution that 'legislates' the use of force via its 'rules, acts, laws, decrees' is FORBIDDEN by God. YOU the ONE seeking to serve God must make a STAND now so choose your 'spot' quickly and PREPARE. Remain there through 'thick and thin' and simply: TRUST IN GOD.
To: 'Terence'
Sent: Wednesday, August 29,
2012 12:35 PM
Subject: RE: antichrist and
Sorry Terence, but I believe the Bible. So if the True Spirit of God says you are a deceiver and antichrist, then that's what you are. And a fiery finish in Hell you will receive unless you repent. Rev_20:10 (KJV) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
From: Terence
To: fishermanpete
Sent: Thursday, August
30, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: biblical falsity
So be it Pete, I have done my best to assist you and it appears that there is naught else I can do but wish you well on your road and HOPE that when 'adversity' stares you in the face that you remember ME and do NOT retaliate. As for your words
above < devil that deceived them >
even this biblical prophecy is ERROR
for I do know that the TEMPTER is the 'shadow' under the
'hand of God' that IS HIS (God's) DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY, and
IT cannot be cast 'anywhere' for IT is what it IS and for
sure, any person writing texts such as the one you sent me is
the ONE deceived and a
FALSE Prophet, for God cannot be
'tormented' for even ONE moment of time.
I am not a 'bible student' for our God
did not wish for me to be
deceived, and having
received your email I have looked up the on line text Rev 20-10
you referred to and read:
I comment on
its inference: It implies that
God is 'powerless' and
TOTALLY UNJUST, for 'permitting' innocent people
to be 'beheaded.' According to MY
'book' God
PROTECTS those who have NOT defied
Him nor having committed any crime.
So 'bro' - the only
TRUTHFUL ANSWER is that the 'visionary' was simply
having a 'bad' dream or did not get his mind around what
he saw because, in MY BELIEF our God
IS ABSOLUTELY JUST - - - and, - - - if anyone was 'beheaded' in the
dream/vision then they MUST have 'beheaded' others before
and, they MUST have 'worshipped the beast'
AND 'received the mark of the beast.'
Pete, it was sinful MAN who has turned 'Jesus' into 'godship'
for they were deceived. It is I to have to 'dispel' these
ongoing myths IN THE HOPE that not every 'lost soul' is an
ABSOLUTE DOPE but has more than a 'pea brain.'
To set the 'record' straight I need to tell YOU and every
'reader' that Jesus as Pete and I and every one of
the 101 million helpers from the Light
now on earth 'took on' the sin of
this world (negative emotions) so that we all could
UNDERSTAND the POWER of God's UNDERHAND once we incarnated here.
For ONLY with our personal understanding can we help others
yet lost and sinning.
Jesus was not always a kind, merciful, forgiving person,
and it is recorded that he 'flayed' some and was
'tempted' to 'jump' and thus commit suicide and, no doubt he did
many things unseen by men but seen by GOD that RESULTED in him having to BE
avoid God's LAW. God's Law is
ABSOLUTE JUSTICE. (No more no less - an eye for an eye - tooth
for a tooth - on an equal basis)
So foolish mortals now believe that because Jesus was
'nailed' and suffered for being a 'swine' that they now
are 'set free.' Not only 'freed' from their inner 'Sin,'
but also freed from being subjected to God's Law. How stupid and
UNJUST is that if it was so? But it is NOT so say I.
The 'vain' and ignorant and arrogant who hold God's immutable
Law in disdain have 'conned' everyone via false 'biblical' text
to now believe they they can CONTINUE being a
swinish sinner and then, - - - simply 'sit' or 'fall' at the
feet of people like the 'Pope' or 'Eric' or maybe even YOU and,
- - - using a 'ritualistic' RITE of 'confession' that Jesus is
their 'professed' savour then be saved by God's "Grace"? How
'blind' can man get?
Oh how ignorant is mortal man who seeks to 'justify' his
defiance of God as he UPHOLDS erroneous texts and promotes
their falsity and
None see the END result due to their 'parroted' teachings. I am
'told' by God that within the hundreds of pages and thousands of
verses and many different translations of said texts, that there
are over TEN THOUSAND discrepancies,
amendments, lies, deception, error and distortion.
Enough to keep 'readers' bound to IT the Dark unto
the very gates of Hell. (This applies equally to the
Islamic Koran)
I cannot 'waste' my time pointing out any more scriptural
'error' to you or any. I have written my own 'book' being
THE Testament of TRUTH and any who
defy ITS content or
deny ITS content
have the absolute free choice to so do. I simply lay IT at
the feet of the world so that any 'interested' can BOW down to
God as they pick it UP and
You Pete now know the 'power' of dark energy that used YOU in
the past, and you hopefully have now understood
that the USE of said ENERGY OF GOD leads the user into being
a 'retributive' force for God, as well as bringing the USER
into suffering later.
Yes 'bro,' in order for YOU to fully understand God's energy and
the CONSEQUENCE of the USE thereof your soul had to also take on
THE SIN of this world as IT entered. Please now just prepare
your mind so that IT does not let you down when others as
bad as you
'were' front UP and make YOU frown.
So if YOU wish to continue to believe that
I am a deceiver because you believe in
FALSE TEXTS - well then - as said:
'So be it,' there appears to be no more to discuss. It will be
YOU Pete and not me who slips and falls as you CLING to a book
written by the hands of 'sinners' that has truth within it
but also more than ten thousand
lies, errors, deception, distortion, discrepancy.
You don't have to be 'sorry' for me
Pete, for even as I sit here I CAN SEE THE FACE OF GOD whether
YOU believe it or not. Maybe one day you will UNDERSTAND "Why"
the SOUL of the Spirit of Truth had to return to earth and 'correct'
the truth so that 'some,' even ONE would be saved.
Go your way in
peace and do NOT deceive
This IS the LAST call - Terence