~ The 'rates' TAX factor ~
Letter to a friend

Dear Stephen, the knowledge that you will have to 'find' $ 150,000 over the next 12 months to 'satisfy' the demands of the local government authority makes me 'shudder' for a number of reasons. I ponder on 'how' you could approach the matter logically and positively, trusting that IT would satisfy our God and give some direction reflection to those empowered to 'coerce and steal,' and who thus leave a painful punitive non-compliance weal upon those they were elected to serve.

These are thoughts I make public so that they may assist others who are in the same 'boat.'

Take each 'property' on a separate basis and on the assumption that IT is being provided 'some' services that you need to have, you then calculate that amount ($A) as a benign provision of services. If you are being provided with NO services then the amount '$A' is zero.

Your assumption then is that the balance of the annual monies demanded ($B) is simply a tax on the land being imposed by the Council. Being an amount over and above the actual provision of services, and being an imposition that you BELIEVE is unconscionable for you to pay for because it goes against your CONSCIENCE as well as being in contravention of your religious ideological belief. You only pay the amount ($A) accompanied by this letter below;

Dear Council management, mayor and all councillors,

Ref: Annual rates notice on property 'xyz'

It has come to my attention that it is error for me to fund any 'system' that uses some of the funds for the purpose of controlling or causing harm or loss to others in the community or, to pay the wages of solicitors to take them to court for any reason or, to coerce, threaten or punish them in any way or, in some cases, to even evict them and make them and their families homeless.

I do know that your 'rules' established long ago state that all 'lands' in this country, including all freehold titles, always remain under the named 'banner' of 'Crown land' and are thus taxed 'forever' so to speak, with said taxes being a 'take' that is 'over and above' the actual provision of services.

I can no longer aspire to that belief you hold in your books of rules because the 'original' earthly sovereign powers seized or annexed or stole said land in the first instance from its rightful owners, and thus I cannot condone said activity nor continue to believe that I 'owe' said past criminals any 'annual' monies.

It is my personal belief that the invisible 'magical' Sovereign God who is the rightful 'Lord of all' still maintains His authority over this land, and I believe that he 'frowns' on me if I give-in to your extortionist demands. Why? Because as stated, if I pay you the 'tax' factor which is then used by you to cause harm to other members in the community, I become COMPLICIT and will, within God's superior Law of equal return, be forced to suffer the consequence.

If ahead you wish to take me to Court on this matter then I simply here and now state that since it is a matter of my religious ideology and thus 'falling' within the 'Freedom of religion' Acts of the Constitution, that NO State rules/laws' apply, and you will need to place your case before the appropriate High Court authority to maintain 'legality of prosecution' according to your own Constitutional authority and law.

In the 'event' that the High Court judge 'finds' against me and you then STEAL my property backed by force of arms, I will simply accept that as an 'Act of God' and I will not retaliate because I am a man of peace.

(Note: 'Act of God' - A karmic punishment imposed by God from some other past misdeed on my part which may have nothing to do with the activity in question now)

To assist you and your legal advisors I place herein the relevant acts of the Constitution which GUARANTEE my 'position.'

Signed: - - -

A - Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, - and

B - The Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania) states:

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

C - Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief.

Note: What is or is not ones religion?

Ones religion is not any of the 'named' organisations such as Islam or Christianity or Buddhism, nor is it the named individuals such as Buddha, Muhammad or Jesus espousing the Policy purportedly ordained by the invisible God.

Ones religion is ones specific ideological code of conduct Policy. A doctrinal Policy followed with great devotion in relation to a ‘way or order’ of existence. Ones religion is espoused by ones 'faith or belief' in the requirements of a supernatural being (God) or other Force. An example of this is evidenced by whether individuals choose to 'follow or engage in' WAR or PEACE.

The Constitution LIMITS and RESTRICTS the powers of lower courts whose activities are 'supposed' to always be subject to the constitutional authority. Note:

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act - sect 51
Legislative power of the Parliament (see notes 10 and 11)

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:

(xxiv)  the service and execution throughout the Commonwealth of the civil and criminal process and the judgments of the courts of the States;
(xxv)  the recognition throughout the Commonwealth of the laws, the public Acts and records, and the judicial proceedings of the States;

PLEASE NOTE - Section 51 above states: All State rules/decrees/dictates ARE subject TO the Constitutions of Australia  and Tasmania given above. Any State Constitutional Act applies equally to all States or territories.

It is VERY clear that it is the duty of magistrates to never 'hear' cases in respect of 'Freedom of religion' because freedom of religion is a constitutional matter which can only be legally 'heard' in the High Court. Regrettably, it is widely known and recorded that all magistrates totally ignore the above and simply 'hear' all cases presented to them by arrogant prosecutors who have 'no' idea even that their own 'powers' are granted and limited by THE CONSTITUTION.


Notice to Attorneys-General

 (1)  Where a cause pending in a federal court including the High Court or in a court of a State or Territory involves a matter arising under the Constitution or involving its interpretation, it is the duty of the court not to proceed in the cause unless and until the court is satisfied that notice of the cause, specifying the nature of the matter has been given to the Attorneys-General of the Commonwealth and of the States, and a reasonable time has elapsed since the giving of the notice for consideration by the Attorneys-General, of the question of intervention in the proceedings or removal of the cause to the High Court.

It is the sworn DUTY of every magistrate to check every case brought to her or him to see IF it is a matter of 'conscience' and thus subject to the Constitutional Freedom of Religion Acts and thus a matter for the High Court ONLY.


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~ The rates 'tax' extortion 'debacle' ~

'Pay rates or lose it' ~ Examiner newspaper 30th April 2015
Response to the Council  GM Robert Dobrzynski & the Examiner.

In a sane world where 'godly' people lived one would assume that sanity would also prevail and that ones home was ones 'castle' and thus inviolate from robbers who found 'reason' to banish one to the boondocks in forcibly evicting persons in order to maintain their powerful 'regal' position of OVERLORDS.

These overlords using their own 'rules,' give themselves the right to impose the provision of services costs upon everyone, including those who neither require them, ask for them nor need them or, in some cases, are not even given any, but every defaulter is still 'taxed' or punished or evicted.

Indeed, SLAVERY exists even today as the 'common' citizen is forced to work in order to pay his 'hut' tax to the overlord. Failure to so do means banishment and loss of ones home.

It is only the 'aged' as myself older than 75 years who 'remembers' the past iniquities imposed by armed men of NO 'conscience' who worked for a mercenary wage as they defied their God, and this iniquity continues on and on today in all lands as well as here in Tasmania.

The Berlin conference of 1884-85 was held in Germany in order for European powers to agree on the regions in Africa. Each power jointly agreed that they had the right to ‘pursue’ legal ownership of land. This conference marked the official start of the 'Scramble for Africa' by European powers: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom (Britain).

In all lands seized forcefully by the British globally, the sovereign British overlord ENSLAVED all persons on the land mass because all persons thereon were forced to pay a 'hut' tax or 'poll' tax or be punished.  In India, the British government claimed to be entitled to one-half of the gross produce of the land.

Why? Because the new 'sovereign' deemed themself to be the sole proprietor and landlord of these newly acquired lands, similarly as they had done to their own British citizens for ages of time in England.

A precedent has been 'set' thousands of years ago in the minds of the British monarchy (and others) whereby all lands they held and yet hold by force of arms as being their sole property. The 'hut' tax of old has now become a 'Rates' tax. It is all one and the same, simply an ongoing and ever-increasing rental land tax paid to the overlord.

This doctrinal RIGHT of 'some other' to own your 'being' and your land became enshrined as rules in text books and thus today, all have been 'conned' into the FALSE belief that some invisible 'mind,' being the decrees of 'unconscious' rules, are to be obeyed, and none see that as one supports 'them,' (the texts in books) and funds 'their' imposition of suffering upon others, that all become complicit to the causing of harm and extortion of money imposed and enslavement of others and themselves.

In the description of 'rates' given on the Launceston City council web site it is stated:

Council rates are a property tax levied by councils to fund a range of services for the benefit of the local community and rates are calculated on the estimated cost of services and maintaining the facilities and infrastructure.

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It is this primary 'living lie' that needs to be corrected by me because the facts of the matter are that NO benign community services provider 'person' would take it upon themselves to 'value' another's property and then forcefully impose a TAX backed by punishment for non-conformity.

The facts are that the 'past' Crown precedent of land-lord ownership and taxation imposed has simply been carried 'forward' and is now incorporated into the 'general' revenue raising basket.

In fact this rates tax levy accounting for about 50% of revenue raised annually is what is used to pay the wages of THE CONTROLLERS and to keep everyone enslaved to their ideals, desires, wants, needs DIRECTIVES, all of which are backed by punitive measures for non-conformity. This is NOT a benign community service and it is NOT in the best interest of THE PEOPLE.

Is it sanity for government officials to assume that via THE RULES of their 'org' they have ownership of all lands and the right to force people to pay for services? No, and this is why I write this response because, it is my task for God to expose the Truth so that all those involved in the endless extortion of money or stealing people's homes or assets can set themselves free as they awaken to the FACT that:

"What they do unto others they do unto themselves," and this reality they will now see as God's immutable 'Law of Return' swings swiftly into action in these END days, and everyone is forced to pay their dues to God by circumstances beyond their control.

(Those who evict and impoverish or steal will themselves become 'scorned' and homeless and impoverished)

1 - The REAL 'question' of the day is: "Does any individual themselves or persons believing in the sovereignty of other mortals, have the DIVINE RIGHT to impose monetary demands or 'levies' upon any other forcefully simply because they believe it is their right or, through their belief that it is in the interests of the majority"? NO they do not.

2 - The REAL 'question' of the day is: "Does any individual themselves or persons believing in the sovereignty of other mortals have the DIVINE RIGHT to impose punitive measures or dispossess others who fail to 'bow' to their demands?" NO they do not.

3 - The REAL 'question' of the day is: "Do the people realise that 'the peaceful' have the RIGHT to go about their business without being 'interfered with' within the Freedom of Religion clause of the Constitution." No, all are ignorant of this fact, and of the fact that those persecuting them are treasonable anarchists defying their own Constitution and they are also in defiance of God's Command.

Is there any democracy or freedom in any land on earth today or are all unknowingly enslaved to the greed of others? All are slave citizens because the primary 'Freehold Title' document released to purchasers by the 'Crown' is nothing more than PROOF that slave citizen xyz is the one to be forced to pay an annual rental 'hut tax' levy on said property in perpetuity until it is sold to another SLAVE.

Greed knows no 'bounds,' and IT is the dark energy man has drawn into their soul. Being the SIN within. The more of this 'dark stuff' within you the less chance you have of seeing the Light of heaven. The more you forcefully control or abuse others, the more DARK ENERGY you draw IN to your own soul.

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The 'Crown' Sovereign power NEVER relinquishes ownership of any lands or forests thereon or minerals there-under nor the seas they patrol nor the fish therein. The Crown authority maintains ITS 'grip' jealously using force of arms in perpetuity. This is a 'torrid' state of affairs which must now HALT before all become lost in the Dark. 

I give an extract from my 'The fall of the Empire document.'

As my main exposure of Truth is from the land mass of Australia where I now live, I give the 'local' historical facts that simply follow on from many others before, be it the invasion of the UK by Viking 'vandals' or any other armed forces invaders such as Attila the Hun or Caesar or the 'British' invasion of others 'kingdoms' globally.

All believed in their RIGHT to RULE AND TAX, subjugate and punish everyone living on the lands they invaded as they arrogantly defied their GOD and they 'pocketed' their 'spoils' and became RICH and even more powerful.

I continue, due to the FACT that the 'annexation of' the land masses named Australia and Tasmania were accomplished by persons from a foreign land using force of arms, it follows that the ongoing controls over the population by 'civil' governing authorities is an ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.

Why? Because the 'invasion of' foreign lands and the raising of a 'national' flag and subsequent 'proclamation' asserting ownership backed by force and the killing of inhabitants is a 'beastly' criminal activity having NO rightful nor legal backing. Thus it was an UNLAWFUL 'occupation.'

I 'ask' you and respond: "Is an imposed rates tax or 'hut tax' LEVY 'legal or illegal,' and where does the citizen stand today"? The imposition of rates, taxes or other levies is illegal because it is an illegal activity to 'tax or levy' land owned by others irrespective of the belief of some or any majority 'vote' to the contrary. Nothing 'legalises' extortion.

Do we here in Tasmania need the supply of benign community services provided by civil 'servants'? Yes, because most of us require the supply of services but, - - - is it a conscionable act or a 'civil' act for anyone employed to SERVE the community to be empowered to evict ones neighbour or self and steal ones home simply because one cannot afford to meet the demands imposed, threat and coercion used and backed by force of arms? No, it is pure arrogance, vanity and insanity.

It is not a conscionable nor civil act, and 'we' as a community need to see that using force or the 'judgement' of a 'court' official authorising such 'eviction' does NOT legalise the eviction or the stealing of property. Nor does any official position or mandate of man nullify or 'void' the return aspect of God's 'eye for an eye' or 'equal return' Law in motion.

Let us now try and see that it is pure deception to forcefully impose a 'hut or land' TAX LEVY in the disguise of 'the supply of essential services.'

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It seems to me that 'genuine' services are being paid for by other 'licences or taxes or user pay fees' etc. Not only this, but the rules of the 'system' have been 'geared' to interfere into every aspect of life, and no 'citizen' can do anything without FIRST asking 'permission' and then paying a 'permit-permission' fee FIRST.

A 'genuine' service provider 'offers' their services but does NOT impose them, neither are the users forced to accept this supply. Did you or I EMPOWER other mortals (council officials) with the right to evict or steal or dispossess if a 'poor' citizen could not afford to pay for the provision of services? NO.

It is the time now for people to ignore or abolish the impositions of RULERS in the foreknowledge that they are NOT God and that any contributions to the community coffers must NEVER be used to cause harm or loss or injury or mental or emotional trauma to OTHERS because in so doing, there is a spiritual come-back of sorrow upon the 'heads' of ALL complicit.

Everyone must now understand that council 'staff' are 'The servants of the people who pay their wages,' and thus they are not 'The Master' who imposes their monetary or other demands upon the people. The 'rates' TAX levy is the decree of an overlord or his 'political' minions. This is now to cease as man becomes enlightened by God through my pen.

Please now write to the council 'service' advising them that any contributions you make are to be used solely for the provision of benign community services, and NEVER for 'legal' or other services which are punitive. The 'barbaric' practices are now to be abolished and anyone continuing ON that 'track' of extortion or eviction or seizure of property are by GOD to NOW be banished to the UNDERWORLD of eternal damnation.

People do not 'have to' make use of the provision of services if they do not need them. People supplying services do not have to supply them to persons who have no funds to meet the cost of supply. I suggest that everyone ask themselves if their ACTIONS are within the precepts of God's Command, for if they are not, then by their own deeds they condemn their own soul and NO mandate or rule or official position nullifies God's LAW: "As you do is done unto you" - absolute justice.

God's Command: "Love one another & go your way in peace & be merciful & compassionate & forgiving to others sinfully living." I add: "Have respect for the living ways of others and never interfere in their lives unless they are disturbing the peace. In this 'case' you may restrain them and educate them as per the restrictions given in the Offender document program." (Book 5 of 9) on my web site.

Children of God, soon our God is to bring ALL to a standstill and arrogant man will fight ignorant man. I can but suggest to you THE INDIVIDUAL that you take 'stock' of your own destiny and do not permit anyone or their 'rules' to force you to support or fund their interference into the lives of others. Simply 'pay your way' as best you can and turn your back to 'warmongers' or you will join them in the underworld.

A TRUE 'service provider' offers their services but does not force anyone to fund them. In the desperate times soon at hand in every land there will be no 'funding,' and the only provision of services will be those freely given by responsible caring and kind community members doing their very best to give aid to the impoverished.

If you are an 'official' taking a wage to uphold rules, and you use said rules to JUSTIFY denying the Command of THE CREATOR, and you continue on persecuting and punishing people, then the eternal destiny of your soul is to BE in the Abyss of eternal suffering and damnation and, - - - this applies to any 'civilian' who funds the wages of 'servants' to go forth and persecute their neighbours on their behalf or in their name.

So say I the messenger of the Most High.


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Note: Extract from page 10 of my on line Coles v/s ACCC document:

It seems very strange to me that so many glorify and adore the slave masters who are adorned with crowns and therefore placed into positions of public elevation which none, save myself, being  aware of the fact that the 'Crown of office'  leaders wear, is in reality a crown of thorns because they remain ignorant of God's one immutable Law.

That Law simple states that what these 'officers' do to others via their laws of control, interference or punishment is the causing of harm to your neighbour on your behalf and in your name.

Further, none of you even know of the power of the invisible one (God} to impose His absolute, just and unavoidable Law of return upon your head.

The global travail now to be is incomprehensible, but you are all soon to see how He punishes you within His "eye for an eye Law," so as to balance His book and thereby set you free spiritually, that is if you do not retaliate and thus accrue further spiritual dues.

This global calamity will bring everyone to their knees so you may wish to amend your ways and stop supporting and funding the iniquity of enslavement.

Please try and see that when you abrogate your conscience into the hands of a neighbour, (for every king or politician is simply your neighbour) then you are giving them permission to enslave you to their own unconscionable ideals and beliefs, (which are the religions of death) and you are giving them the right to punish you for any non-conformity to their erroneous beliefs.  You are also giving them the right to interfere in and control every aspect of your life.

Please now abolish the 'right' of others to rule and protect you. Lean only on God and follow 'The Way' of THE CREATOR who states: "Love one another." Use your own conscience as you try to do your very best to help others caringly and peacefully in the  foreknowledge now given to you that, by so doing, your God will smile and return His/Her beneficence upon you.

The energy of God you use records your every intent and deeded ACTIVITY. Please now only walk in God's LIGHT. Halt all 'tax or licence fee or fines' or the funding of controllers, instead fund and support benign community activity DIRECTLY. Only subscribe to benign community effort and services provision.
