Satan v/s Love The Media 'hex' on sex
~ Tony Chapman ~ Program Manager Tony, I felt that it was time to write to you for as usual the media get caught up in emotions untrue, being those that others criticise as they follow the ways of others unwise. All this falsity does is but promote the untruth that has man for so long smote, being the belief that it is a Sin to with your penis another woman enter in. This outside ones earthly marriage was always taken to be untrue for silly men in frocks said so to me and you. Why I ask do we listen to men queer who themselves are afraid to a woman draw near, for they do believe that they will be contaminated and thus spiritually grieve, when all the time it was Satan who did them deceive. So as tis I the returned spirit of truth to once again on earth plant THE TRUTH, I enclose a couple of pages for you as well as my CD with its message true. My message from heaven does grow and grow, thus my CD content does now slow, and for an update please to my web page relate. Please be true to our besieged friend Bill who is being attacked by wolves from all sides, please send him by fax my letters so he can have a chance to defend his soul, For he needs not tell any lie is what our God says from up high, For I can relate to any man who'd with a real woman mate. "Friend,
please tell all Australian viewers about ME for all who
continue on in their way Tony, your crew may drop in any day. Terence To:
President Bill Clinton ~ Bill Clinton ~ This I write to Bill, as well as Miss Jones whod take him for a spill. Bill, why do you fear a rort that uses as its base a natural sport, being that men are designed to reach out, and Ladies can say: Yeah baby or Get outta my sight. Now in my mind, you only did wrong if you heeded not Gods song, that says: Do not impose your flesh upon a daughter of my rose, unless she does say: I welcome you today. So if of this you are clear, then why do you sit in a daydream and her attempt to steal deny, just say to all: Yes, to with her entwine I did try, and she did give me a little come on, until my buttons came undone, but suddenly she was encompassed with fear and withdrew, saying: Please dont come near. So as a decent believer I withdrew, so I now ask all the intruders: Why do you all get into a stew as you all falsely believe that youll get free dollars because of myself I a name made, and if you all continue to Pry, you all ahead by God will be made to cry. I did the lass not assault, so why does she think of emptying my bank vault ? Its because she now is full of greed and maybe wishes shed gone further and stolen my seed, then for sure shed now be crying Rape ! as the whole planet goes ape. It seems to me today that woman no longer wish for man to be men today, and feel imposed upon if man attempts a sexual foray. And I also Jones reprimand for her foolish arrogant demand, for it is a nasty attempt at a Take, as she does a mans credibility attempt to break. Please now tell all your men from me, that they and their women needs read my message swiftly. Terence ~ Clinton & Truth ~ Its time for Clinton to be frank, and fear not to admit he does wank, and, if he feels the need, he does with others share his seed. For his role is to serve and also to Gods call observe, and God says Its OK to love and have sexual contact with many I hear from above. So who are these men who prosecute with mouths set and resolute saying: You should celibate be, only we can fornicate privately. And why my brother Bill do you feel guilty about what you did do ? you son did nothing untrue, for presumably the others did not cry, they partook and shared the “high. All now on earth share the bandwagon of hate that some others can with a few ladies mate, its all envy I do see, as well as denigration and thievery. So Bill, stand tall, it is the persecutors to fall, as well as the ladies on the take who do a mess of their own souls make, surely at the time they could have said: NO, I do not wish to share the seed youd sow, and there is naught wrong in that, and certainly naught wrong in sharing the presidents mat. Just say to all who pry and accuse that you have naught to say, and youll not them abuse. If they demand you go to court so as to satisfy their iniquitous rort, then you needs just say as I do Come and get me if youd me TRY. And when you stand accused before the judge say: If you and others would my actions smudge then you are free to so do, I have naught to say to you, so if you would me impeach then do so, for I have no more to preach, I remain silent in the face of your vengeful song, I remain silent for I have done naught wrong." Terence - the Spirit of Truth Clinton & the fallen Starr Yes, a grubby little man is Ken whose mind the devil did span as he decided to sully his own rose as of his brothers integrity he decided to dispose in a flurry of media hype, and his own mind and soul he did wipe with foul deeds of R rated testimony that was taken from a lover phony. For in reality the lover was a witch who wielded a switch for she did deny the togetherness try that no doubt she did enjoy. So why now the he forsook me ploy? And as for the media who sodomise their own pages just for a fast buck or increased wages, well yes, pornography does sell, but at the same time its promotion is a greater sin than the activists who were in a totally legal play in Gods eyes I say. For Bill yes, did flirt as she lifted his skirt, but he did not her abuse, so why does she and the planet its mind lose? Only because as said, all point the bone away from their own bed as they others criticise and despise and foul do cry, and all do live in a glass house that God will now shatter and delouse. So I can but suggest to you that youd better be prepared for when a fallen star latches onto you. For none of you will escape from being exposed for the time in your past when you did more or less others rape. Yes, God knows you are all untrue, and pornography did flow through all of you, not the kind when girls and boys with their bits play, but the unkind things you do to others each day. And as for Bill, well, he took a spill for he is wan and less than a full man, for as said, he did naught wrong do other than apologising to you and you, for it is none of your business what others do, be it in your minds true or untrue, and all who investigate work for the devil, who ahead sits them on his avenging plate, for it is only the devil who wants to know which way all do go. So as said, you all needs now prepare for the same exposed fate you all will share for the time you did revel in anothers suffering as you walked the wide road to hell. ~ The peoples folly ~ Starr has had his day and for his folly the American people did millions upon millions of wasted dollars pay. All this in the guise of a System wise. But in reality, what the world did see was the Reaper in action as vengeance ruled in the ministerially blessed court action. Yea verily I did see a man in a frock purporting to be a man of God blessing the proceedings on the day that judgement was to be passed in a merciless way. For over a year did hundreds of silly men pour over doctrine inspired from Satan's den, and iniquity did flow as all wanted to know who did what do. Not seeing that to their own souls they were untrue. So the land of the Eagle has fallen to evil as retribution is expounded as zealots their gavels pounded as they did say: That man for his ways must pay. That is what I did see and can but hope that some of thee will be set free from following the dark ones below who justify their actions that upon their own souls does darkness bestow. Their influence within the mind of simple man you may not yet understand nor even be aware of. Let all men now heed me. Be kind and merciful or the devil will you bind. It is you the American people who for a vengeful thrust did pay via taxes and all now needs pray. The people now needs also change their way and no more for arrogant foolishness pay. Be it for an attack on the morals of a simple man, or an attack on Saddam that impoverishes millions more of Gods children, being children, women, and men. Ignorance you may think is bliss as you walk free. Soon you all will for the iniquity of your servants pay. Yes, you all will anguish see and anguish be. Blessed are the few who to the true light remain true. Terence Rape by Media The pornographic nature of the disclosure of Bills sexual activity is the obscenity in the distortion of reality. The reality being that people do couple in different ways with different partners on different days. The obscenity is that readers are being taught via the media, and they begin to believe that it is natural to be obscene by ones critical and denigratory expression of anothers way, and all the time the real agenda is hidden behind the titillating script that has been justified by someone as a means to expose another crime. The real agenda being that all participants in this chase for glory saga are all the devil in action, that is an old old retributionary story, and HE the dark one who IS the ultimate persecutor is the one controlling the minds of all the ignorant participators who support the ongoing saga of impeachment. Any newspaper that writes about the personal sexual behaviour of an individual is detailing a pornographic brief, and as such has the intent to cause embarrassment to a person as it by deed denigrates their way by impinging upon their personal lifes expression. All this being done for monetary gain as well as vindictiveness. These sordid tactics have become the norm today because all morality has flown away as man justifies the use of Vice and then denigrates his own newspaper by its expression not nice in an attempt of personal gratification as he joins in an attack upon the credibility of another human being. Any talk about the sexual conduct of another in a public paper is sleaze, and shows lack of respect as well as the low morals of the editors and writers of the words. It also shows that the editors of the columns are also prepared to sully the minds of the youths who read the rubbish and who then also become as uneducated as they are, and they then believe falsely that it is normal to slander and criticise and despise others. Editors of newspapers who thus show their contempt to the mental well being of their readers are all ignorant of the way of God, for God says: What to others you do will be done unto you. So Freedom of the Press also is a misnomer in the sense that purveyors of darkness via the pen see not that they will Reap what they Sowed when they abuse others in their self righteous justification to so do, as they falsely believe that their freedom to speak mandate somehow absolves them from the Law of God. It is only I your God who is immune to the Law and thus beyond its reach, for it is only I to speak critically so as to you foolish ones teach. So all who denigrate as they pry will be tried and convicted and condemned by I the invisible God they cannot see. So shall it BE. So before you editors reap what you did sow, I wonder if you have the courage to Sow a public apology by saying: I the editor of the Sunshine day do apologise to my readers for following the American way by publishing denigratory news that came my way. I also apologise to Bill for criticising the way he does play. Mercy - the pen of God ~ Footnotes ~ Footnote to Bill My brother, as you can now see, you are not safe even in Capitol hill, so why dont you retire and fishing go, and have a little enjoyment before other wolves their faces show. For truly, it is the time to become a man and be as God did plan, a free man, not a puppet on a string who does others sting because he has an office boy duty to perform that in Gods eyes is out of norm. Yes, any retribution against Saddam or any other brings back to us a bother. When man can this see and forgiving BE, then he will become FREE. ~~~ Footnote to Monica My sister, you are yet young in the ways of life where wolves can lead you into a way of strife as they say: What he did do was to you untrue, therefore you are justified in heeding us and doing as we want you to. Please now see your wrong and publicly to Bill say: You did no wrong in Gods eyes, and I was wrong to our actions despise. I set you free of any obligation to me and hope you can forgive me too for what I foolishly did to you as I heeded the false call of a fallen star. Let us make amends before God so that I can again see you smile at me if on our paths we do each other see. That is expected of any who would attempt to make another pay for what was deemed to be a folly on a past day. Terence, the spirit of truth. ~~~ ~ Satan v/s LOVE ~ The greatest enemy of the Dark is LOVE, for all lovers lose its grip and rise way up above, thus love and any loving Act was the core that the satanic voice attacked. And this voice did every realm penetrate as it silently telepathically said: It is a sin to mate unless I personally you control, thus with no other can you ever stroll, for when you feel high then my emotions of jealousy you deny, and my voice you cannot hear when in a loving embrace you draw another near. So children, it is time to truth seek, not to vengefully your dissatisfaction upon any other wreak, for your false judgement you pass on to another who is but a simple man, your brother, and there is nothing that he does do that yourself have not done, is that not true ? So all of you who him condemn are denying Gods call from this sacred pen, and you too will be judged one day, and yes, youll lose every cent of your pay, for the utter waste of time when you arrogantly soiled your souls and pockets with grime. All on the take as you attempt to another's sanity break. Soon, every religion to FALL, soon, every minister to PALL, for the deceiver spoke through their mind, and as you see, HE the deceiver did every soul bind, for none of you now heed me, being my call of Forgiveness and Mercy, for you did for so long the false one mime, that to be loving and free with happiness, you cannot dine. I ask, that you now all go your way, leave Bill Clinton to GOD I do say, IF he did any lass abuse, then for sure, God will with WRATH him abuse, as he will upon each of you who so openly show your denial of Gods Commandment true being: Love one another Sex and love are different, certainly, however, any positive entwining means Light & Joy flowing freely, and this too is a part of love, that is personal between any two, and if they mutually so agree that their bits and pieces can jointly as one be, then that is their personal affair and foolish is any other to at it stare. If any does their body impose upon any other who would not so dispose, then they foolish and arrogant be, but that too is between them three, yes, the two and God, not the two and other foolish pryers on this sod. So let us all now grow up and on a little wisdom now sup, read my Testament true, only then will your soul know how to be kind and true. For if you any other denigrate, then for sure it is you to be late, to reach that wonderful land divine where in privacy you can with any joyfully entwine. All whom another's business seek to know are purveyors of darkness as their inquisitive inquisition they cunningly bestow in the guise of the virtuous self righteous who in their merciless demands imply: You prove your innocence before we idiots can away move. The true marriage is the spiritual one to God, we are only unfaithful when we adulterate the truth and perform any deed that is unloving or unkind to another. What any outside this deed think of it is not the issue, for what people do with their tissue is between them and God. ~~~ Extract from: The Testament of Truth, page 262-5 Sacred: Sacred site - Divine Holy Place- Holy Grail.
Marriage, divorce, adultery, illegitimate children.
Sacraments: When you have:
Resurrection: means:
Heaven: The ultimate realm, of pure light, no darkness.
Fasting: Abstaining from supping on darkness, (negativity). Faithful: True to Gods Word, Compassionate & Merciful. God calls out: ~ Heed and be freed ~ ~~~