page 22
Understanding 'Respect' ~
Unless you 'reflect' upon the 'word' Respect, you
cannot your soul 'save'
nor it protect.
For it is with the understanding of this word
that you realise the power of the Devil's
For the Devil is
in 'opposition' to this
'Word of
God,' as HE the Dark Sovereign Power
has no 'respect' for any
that place their 'penny' bet on the word disrespect.
So if you are arrogant or vain or ignorant
of this Word
or the
of God, and thus
hold others in contempt or disdain, then you are
being disrespectful,
and that 'manner' or 'way' is
contra the Word of God. For God did and does
"Respect all
others as you go
'peacefully' on your way."
So any that 'play' the:
others' game, the
others' game, the
others' game, the
others to account' game, the 'Condemn others' game, the 'Seize others goods' game,
the 'Punish others'
game, the 'Kill others'
game are, - - -
Showing not only their 'lack' of respect
to their fellow 'man,' but they also show their total lack
of respect for their Creator and, - - -
their total disregard of God's Command
to "Love one another."
Please now try and realise that
the Dark Sovereign Power being
the 'enforcement'
arm of God,
has no respect for any
showing HIM disrespect and, what you
the individual need to see is, that within 'others' and 'thee'
resides the positive
and negative energy
of God and, - - -
It is the requirement of God,
that you HIS 'creation' show HIM that you
'respect' HIS
energy. Being the 'light'
energy and HIS 'dark' negative
energy within others.
For when you are disrespectful to another that
you 'perceive' as deserving of your
'condemnation,' then as
you criticise or abuse their 'person,' being
their 'flesh' that stands before you, - - -
You also at that moment show a lack of respect to
their inner 'Godly' Light
but, - - - the Light
within them forgives
you for your 'misdeed' but, - -
You also at that moment show a lack of respect to
their inner 'Godly' Dark (the Sin) but,
- - - the Dark within them does not
forgive you and, - - -
As you do your 'bad' verbal or
physical deed and abuse
their 'person,' IT the Dark is
'enraged' at your
lack of respect for IT and IT'S 'way.' For IT is always
'Just' and honourable, and IT will
'pay' you back for
your 'indiscretion'
misdeed on
a later day.
If you see others as 'dark' and cruel and unkind, then do not be 'foolish' and use
'darkness' to them 'bind.' Use only
Light, and
and kindly help
'their' person on its way.
As the world now 'falls' into
due to all using
disrespectful darkness, all
'sufferers' must be seen
as those that used the same
disrespectful darkness in 'some' way before.
Be it by their own 'hands' or the hands
of their servants.
Before you are 'saved' and set
by ME the invisible God you cannot see, you will
needs respectfully
'bow' to MY 'dark' as IT
thee and, show IT respect
as IT 'protects' MY Supreme LAW:
you do is done unto you."
Yes IT 'operates'
against all that use negative dark
abusive force in
their 'intercourse' with others. If you 'wish' to be set free
from being 'punished'
by ME, then walk peacefully
as commanded and then you will receive love and kindness within the positive 'aspect' of
MY Supreme LAW:
you do is done unto you."
page 23
Understanding forgiveness ~
The words
and 'forgiveness'
have been falsely
used by both religion and society, and their false usage
has led man to believe
that there is 'such' a
thing as 'forgiveness for Sin,'
in that one could 'abuse'
and still 'win' without having to pay for their folly.
There is not, and thus it is religion
and its false 'teachings' that
have put man on the 'spot,' as they the 'priests' adorned themselves
with the power to 'forgive,'
and misguided all society that under their
FALSE spell did
For they also 'preached' within the halls of 'devilish' power that they
had the 'authority' to 'bless' men going to war,
and thus
'protect' their souls 'somehow,' when
all the time they the false
priests were but deluded,
and their names 'included' in the book
of the lost.
The 'unholy' men also by their 'pen' wrote falsity into
their 'unholy' scriptures, words that gave the 'impression' that
a 'man' named 'Jesus' said 'certain'
things, when in fact, I the very same
'spirit' do know that he did not.
For he was purported to have said: "Forgive them father for they know not
what they do" and, - - - by this
'implication, the priests of latter days were able
to assume that as he had 'so' said, that
all 'sinners' being abusers of others, would be so
forgiven if they 'praised' the man Jesus
and 'raised up' his name. This is FALSITY.
For Jesus the man as any
'priest' of the day was not in any
position to 'override' the
of God and
anyone 'for and on behalf of' God. For
he 'Jesus' was the messenger of wisdom ONLY, as am I
Both 'he' and I are the same
spirit sent to earth at 'different' times to enlighten the lost. He
'Jesus' as any 'man or woman or child'
is only in the position whereby they can
say to their 'oppressor'
- - -
forgive you for what you did to me because, - - - I know
that God expects me to forgive you and, - - - as I am
'wise' I so do and, - - - I know that you
do not know the Law of God and, - - -
I know that what to me you did do,
was 'such' that you burdened your own soul and, - - - you
also have subjected it to God's
ONE immutable Law and, - - - that God's Law is
applicable to you but, - - - I shall remain true to God
and not be the one to 'disturb the peace' and punish you.
No, I will not punish
you, I shall show God that my
'ideology' is in accordance with
HIS Command to walk in peace, and to extend merciful
forgiveness unto my 'enemies' as I
'turn' my other cheek, and compassionately remain
respectful to your errant ways and, - - -
As I forgive you, I
'forgivingly' go my way in peace
and, - - - I will 'leave' the fulfilment of God's one
Law unto God, and the other
ignorant merciless as you."
Man must now try and see that the Dark
Sovereign Power never 'forgives'
any 'trespasser' against God's
Command to "Only walk in
peace" and, - - - as God's ONE Law is
immutable, the Dark Sovereign Power always
transgressors in its
chosen place and time of 'choice.'
Forgiveness means, that you 'turn
the other cheek' and remain
when abused
in any way. This ensures
that you forgivingly
'permit' the other to walk away without
having their 'peace' disturbed
verbally or physically or fiscally by YOU.
Try and see that all
'suffered' at
their 'hands' by you, was your spiritual
They the
'foolishly' did IT
* and upon themselves the 'same' ACCRUE.
Note: IT * - the
suffering imposed by them upon you, now becomes
their 'ahead' due. This is the 'Just' Law of God: 'As you do is done unto you.'
page 24
~ Understanding 'Retribution' ~
'attack' by one upon another, be they a
civilian or mandated 'officer' of any government verbally or
physically using force to impose
'pain' physically or emotionally, is
* in action via the ignorant.
This imposition is either
premeditated or otherwise, and the 'inspiration for such
'antisocial' behaviour stems 'telepathically' from
the Source of Darkness, the Dark Sovereign Power.
* - Is the
'just' and honourable spiritual
'payback' meted out by the Dark
Sovereign Power under its
one Law: 'As you did
do is now done unto you.'
This it can do through
man, especially man that is
'sinful' and thus can be 'deceived' by false teachings and, can be
mentally 'disturbed' and intruded into telepathically direct
from this dark Source and, - - -
painful 'return' tribute
is an imposition of
suffering that was accrued possibly
'long ago' and not remembered by the recipient and, - - - it is
being imposed by another ignorant that
is following a false belief or that as said, is
angry for some reason and thus
'mad' in their head.
All 'imposers' of
control or
suffering are
'retributioners' working unknowingly for and on
behalf of the Source,
God. It is the Dark 'aspect' that is
merciless and resolute and absolutely
'just' in the administration of ITS one
Law of 'payback' and, - - -
'enforcers' of this
'justice,' be they the offender or the
'imposer,' are both
offenders in the eyes of the Dark Sovereign
Superpower. One 'reaping' what they had previously sowed, and one
'sowing' darkness to be suffered later.
"Who" is the
'offensive' offender in the eyes of God - - -
The mentally disturbed man wielding a knife and
'stabbing' another's son or wife, being an 'obviously' mentally
disturbed person?
Or, - - - a 'forces' man
or policeman that daily 'straps' on his
'Glock' pistol and sets out with 'pre-meditated'
murder in his mind, and he wounds or
'kills' the knife wielder? It is the
supposedly 'sane' policeman that is the most
offensive one.
For whenever a 'sane'
person sets out with the intent
to 'maybe' kill another human being, they are
'deceived' or
arrogant and, will be
used by the Dark Sovereign Power
whenever the 'opportunity' arises.
Oh what
'folly' as the
'killers' step 'out' from under God's
'brolly' of PEACE.
Try and see that you
may not 'set out' to actually kill, but the Devil
wants you to
KILL. For in this way HE has HIS 'fill'
as HIS 'retribution' is satiated,
and HIS 'Law' has been "fulfilled' as HIS thoughts
'overrode' your consciousness in your
'moment' of fear or anger or 'indecision.'
subjugation of
the mind is
'instantaneous' when emotions are 'high.'
It seems to me that the
'humanity' is a 'lost' name, for all are
inhuman and
vain, as they hold God's
'other' children in disdain. Police
today have no understanding as to the reason
'why' others wield knives and, - - -
If the police are called
'serve,' but are 'patrolling' the streets unaware
that they 'share' the same
negative 'unsound' minds as their 'victims,' then they will not
understand how their own
minds become 'temporally'
possessed by intruding thoughts,
due to their 'anger or fear' being
'incensed' by the situation.
page 25
Every person that is
'offensive' is merely a person that is
'out of control,' and being mentally
'broached' by demonic thoughts that lead
suicide, disturbing the peace, and very
irrational acts, be they callous or merciless ones carried out by
police or any other.
I 'wonder' when the public
will realise that any person
'offensive' behaviour is
disturbed'* at that
moment, and needs to be 'treated' with
respect and
carefully 'handled' with the foreknowledge
that, - - -
As their
mind is
'disturbed &
troubled,' they
need a counsellor rather than an ignorant
'idiot'* commanding them
to 'listen' to orders that are 'unheard,' and thus
cannot be complied with.
- The civilian wielding a knife was
person with their
'mind under siege'
from invading thoughts
that were irrational, thus the person became
even more 'disturbed' through his
fear or
anger when confronted by police
and was unable to comply to their
directives to put his knife down.
For the invading
and 'possessively' intruding
thoughts 'filled' his mind to the point that his own
consciousness was overridden by said
thoughts, - - - and he
'irrationally' continued to wield a
knife in the face of a 'larger' force of
'armed' policemen instead of
'idiot'* - The 'attacking'
policeman was a person with their
'mind under siege'
from invading thoughts
that were irrational, thus the person became
even more 'disturbed' through his
anger when confronted by a man
that was unable to comply to the
directives to put his knife down.
So now all can see 'why'
people do 'darkly' what they do. They are
possessed via their 'sin,' (negative
emotions) and at this moment their own
'rationality' is overridden by dark spirit intruders
that use their 'flesh' to mete out
pain and suffering on this realm of consciousness
and, - - -
What none see, especially
the 'confronting' policeman, is that due
to his ignorance and
'empowered' arrogance, that all
the pain he caused to his 'victim' will
be bestowed upon him and his 'supporters' at a later date in
order to fulfill the immutable
Law of God -
'As you do is done
unto you.'
Both the police officer
and his 'victim' of the day need my good
counsel. For only by attending one of my
Easier' Seminars
will both be set free from their ignorance, and both learn
how to protect their minds from being
'possessed' to their detriment.
Police should
protect the mentally disturbed, not
kill them. When insane 'minds' are 'on the run' then you must run
away, you do not
confront them and get in their way and abuse them.
For that too is an insane
act incurring a 'painful' penalty from God, only 'done' by the
arrogant that are mentally disturbed
too, as they 'believe' they are being true.
Any person going 'forth'
with the intent to, or that does
abuse any other, is
at that moment a 'dark' operative for, and inspired by, the Dark
Sovereign Power. They are the
'retributioner' of
God in action.
page 26
I can but tell
you 'tough guys' that the next time you:
or molest your wife or child or any other, or - - -
You 'frazzle' another with your 'flame thrower' or, - - -
You 'arrest' an offender and have them punished, or - - -
You 'blast' a mentally disturbed person with your fancy weapon.
Then you must PLEASE look
'closely' at the 'biological' and emotional
'damage' that you
have caused to the other because; you
will then know that via
was done
Payback was accomplished
The 'injured' reaped what they did sow
The 'negative' aspect of
God's Law was fulfilled
Retribution was meted out by the Dark avenger
And, - - - you
can now 'expect' a similar return of
suffering as your
'Just' due under the
'Justice of God' that measured the exact 'amount'
of mental, emotional, and physical suffering you imposed then
upon your 'victim,' and for any 'ongoing' resultant
suffering they 'experience' in the future and, - - -
That imposition is
'loaded' upon the
Scales of Justice of
God, with your 'name' placed upon it,
and 'shelved' in the eternal 'memory' of the
Dark Sovereign Power. Yes, HE cannot forget that you
made another child of God
When 'man' goes to
'war' against his fellow man, he becomes
the Devil's 'agent.' Seeing not that this devilish power is
'invincible' in that IT always 'manages'
to 'win' against those that used IT and
ITS power against others.
The Law is
the Law
you do is done unto you."
Retribution is carried out by 'civilians' due
to becoming emotionally 'troubled,' and
then becoming mentally overpowered by
demonic thoughts that intrude.
These thoughts then make
'rude' and
disrespectful and
dangerous, as they are then used by the Dark
Sovereign Power to mete out HIS
'foul' but
JUST deeds.
Retribution is carried out by 'forces' men due
to them receiving 'Orders' to 'engage' someone perceived by
Rules to be an 'offender' needing
restraint and punishment.
Orders then 'permit' them to become
'rude' and
disrespectful and
dangerous, as they are then used by the Dark
Sovereign Power to mete out HIS
'foul' but
JUST deeds.
Payback is payback, but
retribution is the 'meting out' of said dark and
punitive payback, and foolish are those
that take
it upon their shoulders, for its
'weight' becomes very 'heavy' and excruciatingly painful over time.
'atonement' to God, it is better for you to
carry out noble deeds, this way you only receive noble
rewards. All
ignoble deeds result in a 'return' of
suffering that was
'self-induced' through ignorance or arrogance.
I can only 'deliver' you
up from
ignorance. Once you are
then it is up to you to deliver yourself up from your evil
& retributive'
'sinning' ways. For it is only when you so do, that our Creator can save you.
page 27
Note: A
Rule - A
rule, or the rule, or any
rule is not 'The law' as is believed by enforcers or dictators. - Rules are but
- being
'orders' given by 'a' man who believes
that he has a divine right to impose a particular way of living upon others and, - - -
he also believes that he can use force
to enforce his edict - as this he does, he
defies his Creator.
Note: But the 'application' of any
punishment or
abuse in any form by one upon another, is the dark
side of the
of God in action.
(An eye for an eye.) Be it 'indirectly' or directly 'applied' because
a 'rule' or edict of a man or system requires
The sufferer is receiving
their 'just' due at the hands of the vain and ignorant, and in
order to
'suffer,' they must have done a similar act
untrue either in this life time or in another realm in
The one inflicting
the 'punishment' or
'retribution' for and on
behalf of the Dark Sovereign Power takes this 'debt'
upon themselves, and are later subject
to God's
'an eye
for an eye' punitive imposition
that will be imposed upon them
by another equally ignorant and arrogant and forceful, either in
this life or in the after life.
Note: Law
'enforcers' see not that their
enforcement has got nothing to do with
the 'edicts' or
rules of man. The
rules that 'authorise' them to
defy God are the 'system' used by the
invisible Dark Sovereign Power to
vengeance against sinning man via
the ignorant 'non-believers' and, - - -
rules are the means
whereby the Dark Sovereign Power
'entraps' these non-believers into being
ITS force, and as they so do they
draw in ITS dark energy, and this
burdens their soul to the point that it
'falls' in the afterlife, to 'suffer' great strife
for their arrogance.
Yes, they 'consign' their own souls into
the hands of very powerful demonic
forces. These forces all 'obey' the
retributionary orders of the Dark Sovereign Power
that is their MASTER. Any that
'follow' these orders become bound over
to, and enslaved by this CRUEL and callous and merciless 'monster' for eternity.
- A retributioner is any
person of any 'station' of life that is
meting out mental, emotional, physical, or material 'strife,'
that they are causing another
to suffer
pain or
loss in some way.
They can be the
'wife abuser,' the
molester,' the
'customs officer' seizing or destroying property, the
the street damaging property, the 'bully'
school, the
'jailer' keeping people incarcerated, the supposed mandated
'police and judiciary' that 'arrest' and impose punishment, the
'terrorist' organisations. All these 'people' are
but either ignorant, or vain, and arrogant and, - - -
All are
unknowingly being used by the Dark
Sovereign Power as ITS 'terrorist' and
terrorising force. IT has ITS
on every
level of consciousness outside of Heaven. For only in Heaven does
ITS 'men' not have access, and are not
'required,' for in that level all are loving and kind and merciful and
demure and pure of heart and soul.
page 28
Understanding 'Prefects' ~
A Prefect is a person that is 'empowered'
by another person, and is given the
'authority' to control and punish
those within the jurisdiction of his
be 'seen' as being granted by the 'rules' of his 'office,' but in
fact it is granted by virtue of the person
'accepting' the employment 'role,' being the position
offered by the 'office.'
Thus by their acceptance of the
position, the 'prefect,' being the 'head' school boy, or the
magistrate, or any other 'officer' is empowered to defy
God and 'arrest, seize, confine,
punish, kill,' etc.
These prefects all perceive their role as 'just' and
honourable, but they are all blind
to the spiritual reality. For they see not
that the 'originator' of the mandate of authority to 'rule' another is
the Dark Sovereign Power.
This invisible 'power' operates telepathically through the
minds of the 'blind,' the
the sinful, the vengeful, the vindictive, the lost.
Being those that 'raise up' the initial decree that binds them
and thee, but not me.
It also
all those seeking 'employ' within the 'ranks' of any agency that
has a policy of 'enforcement.' For by
virtue of their 'engagement' with others, being a contra
ideology to that commanded by their Creator, they all
become ensnared by the satanic force
that divorces their souls from the
When someone authorises you by 'order' or 'warrant of arrest' to either
detain or be complicit to their abuse or punishment, it is
the authority of the Dark Sovereign Power that gives you the
'prefects' role over others.
This 'powerful' authorisation makes you feel 10' tall but,
- - - you see not that the 'higher' your
stance, the greater into 'oblivion' you fall
in the afterlife. This is your 'Just' due meted out to you
by the very same invisible DARK POWER,
for IT is THE LAW that you also
receive your JUST 'due' on an 'eye for an eye'
Any person that 'detains' others for the purpose
of fine or punishment
are 'victims' of their own arrogance
and, - - - unless I can assist them to see
more clearly, they will suffer for
eternity at the hands of very powerful 'hideous' demonic forces
that exist in the realms below.
No person has any 'right' or
jurisdiction over any other spirit, (child
of God) be they embodied in the flesh of this world or in any
other realm of consciousness.
The 'downfall' of man was
'achieved' by Satan when man was
'seduced' or 'induced' into using 'force of arms' to 'gain' power
steal from, or
enslave or punish
or destroy another.
page 29
Even your own 'children' born of your flesh are not
your own, for their spirit is God's,
created by God and, - - - their spirit enters this world and is
placed by God into your 'care' to
receive guidance
and, - - -
To be
and taught the singular
of God:
you do is done unto you on an equitable 'eye for an eye basis. Be
it good or bad" and, - - - they are to be
taught the Command of God
to: "Go your way in peace,
and love one another, and be merciful and compassionate and
forgiving towards those others yet in 'sinful' ways living."
Man of 'today' has now become
by the invisible Dark Sovereign Power for
his defiance of God and God's command and, - - - this invisible
'force' and cunning 'mastermind' has attained ITS 'goal' of
enslaving and thus controlling
all via a ONE world government 'system.'
This it has accomplished, and it
now 'rules'
world from a 'distance' with an
and merciless
dictatorship in every land, via the
books of RULES
that it 'sired' through the mind
of sinful man and, - - - all men now 'bow' to and obey its
dark unforgiving
and punitive
ideology and, - - -
As this they do, their souls become filled with more
sinful dark energy that creeps in like a 'mist' of death and, - -
- ALL are presently 'heading' for
HELL. It is I to 'awaken' you as I
'ring' the final bell that signifies the last
'round' of the battle
for the soul of mankind.
It is now up to you to now
help me to set yourself and
the world free
from the iniquity of the
ideology. This you do by heeding the
of Love, and walking your road in 'Peace & mercy & forgiveness'
each day and, - - - you no longer 'fund' nor 'support' nor
'condone' the punitive
'warring' system of man which is presently known as 'The government.'
Direct physical or 'vocal' involvement with the punitive 'enforcement'
arm of the
system is the worst 'vocation,' and all
participants are directly involved in
and complicit to the 'enslavement
of' and the
of' and the
of' and
of God's most precious children.
says the 'voice' behind this pen.
You must only fund and support
and condone community welfare
programs and the rehabilitation of
'offenders' through education
as per the decrees of God through this
For the 'dictatorial'
of man by RULES
'overthrows' the freedom
of socialism. (Rules = anti-socialism) There must be no more
compliance to rules by
and punishment.
There must only be educative 'advisory' Codes of Conduct,
with the
accompanying 'freedom'
choice of each individual.
You must also learn to remain
and 'turn' the other cheek when
in any way and, - - - no longer rely on the protection of 'enforcers' or the strength
of your 'arm' to defend yourself in the face of adversity.
Go in
- thus you attain spiritual Salvation and release.
and be merciful if you
in Heaven would live.'
or detain
for the purpose of education and aid.
page 30
Understanding 'Community Corrections' services ~
Personnel in the above departments believe
that when a person has been 'convicted' of an 'offence' against
a 'rule' * in the State
rulebooks, that the person has become a
'non' person. Thus they 'deem' that the person has become an
'outcast' from society at the same 'level' as a slave,
and to be treated as such.
'rule' * - A
is an edict of
man (State), being the
embodiment of an invisible controlling body or legal authority.
It is not 'The Law,' it is
what it is, being a Decree demanding adherence to,
under 'pain of death' for non-compliance and, - - -
Its 'default'
'factor' is imposed by enforcers
that daily 'sully' their own spiritual rose as they
defy God and
'abuse' the convicted one. This they do for a silver
'penny' each day, seeing not that they too will 'pay' for their
A 'slave' is one with no 'rights' and no
freedom, and can
be 'treated' with disrespect,
and be humiliated,
and be intruded
upon, and be 'bound,'
and be punished,
and is within the control
of their 'master' the enforcers.
The 'master' in this sense is the
rulebook, for its 'rules'
permit the 'personnel' to do
whatever they wish to in their 'treatment' of their
slaves. What the personnel of these 'service' departments do not
see, is that the rules that they use and obey
are not 'The Law' and, - - -
They also neither see nor are aware of the fact that all
men are 'subject to' God's LAW, and God's Law is
but the stipulation "As you do is done unto you on an 'eye
for an eye' basis. Be it of a positive or a negative nature"
and, - - -
The 'application' of the Dark punitive side of this
Law is only the prerogative of God the Dark
Sovereign Power because, - - - God commands all men
to: "Walk in peace and love
one another, and be merciful and
compassionate and forgiving to those yet
in 'sin' living."
Whatever punitive or controlling 'impositions'
'corrections' or Services personnel place upon their
'victims' in the guise of
justice' or
it has a return 'due'
to be imposed upon them
and the community that funds or supports their 'anti-god' ways.
To become free spiritually, man
must become aware of the
as seen by God, not the rules. Man must
then 'correct' this offensive behaviour in himself first, and
also give good
'counsel' and aid
to others that offend God by abusing others. For any that so do
are defiant of God's "Walk in
peace" Command.
Any 'corrective' imposition upon an 'offender' that coerces or punishes or intrudes
in, or causes any financial loss or 'pain & suffering,' be it
mental or emotional or physical to another, is itself
behaviour in God's eyes and is 'done' by the ignorant and unwise
and, - - -
These 'personnel' are neither 'above' the LAW of God nor
the code of conduct 'rules' of the land merely
because they receive a mandate and a wage to serve the System of
punishment. For the 'entitlement' to
or misuse forces them to
walk into the darkness that is
within the 'parameters' of the DARK side
of the Law of God.
Community 'corrections' or Services must
now be in the form of education
and assistance,
and not in the form of
that is 'hidden' in the guise of "Service or 'debts' owed to
the community."
For this 'repayment' to the community by giving ones time
'free' is still slavery,
and it is also 'coercion' that is backed by force of arms and, for any
non-compliance to the 'order,'
there is further punishment added and imposed by the 'lost'
It is the time to separate the 'extortionist' tax
rules from the codes of civil conduct
rules and then apply the
Easier Seminar' to those that offend God in their
abuse of others. This way all will be set free quickly as they
'learn' to heed their God
via ME.
The LAW of God is
the Law of this and every
page 31
Understanding 'God' and God's Law ~
As God is both
the Light
and the Dark, one can walk within the
positive light or negative dark aspects
of THE LAW of GOD.
As God is 'The Law' and the
administrator of HIS Law, and as HE the Father 'permits' or 'denies' the 'freedom of the
road' so to speak, it is
that one understands the implications of God's Law and, - - -
It is
that one becomes aware as to 'how' one becomes
subjected to the positive 'Light' or negative 'Dark' application
of God's Law. For if one is 'ignorant' and thus unaware, it is
very easy to be 'snared' by the Devil and become
a person that has become 'liable' to be
punished within the dark side of God's 'eye for an eye' Law.
Meaning that one has 'sowed'
darkness, and thus must 'reap' what they sowed, and this
'reaping' will be forcefully imposed and one will thus
suffer pain & loss and
emotional trauma as the consequence.
"Abide with me"
I say, and never 'stray' from the TRUE path. For when we are
true to the Light of God,
we 'love' every other person. Be they kind or unkind, cruel or
merciful, and we never 'disturb their
peace. We only give them
counsel and do whatever we can to assist
them on their way.
For it is thus that we fulfill
the Command of God, and never punish or fight. Thus under
the ONE Law of God we receive a return 'due' that is positive, and happily we are
free to go our way.
It is when we knowingly or unknowingly disturb the peace
of others, and in some way
them, that we not only defy the Command of God, but we also become
a person that is liable to be
'judged' by God as an offensive offender, and then
subjected to God's ONE Law and given an
'equal' negative return 'due'
that is absolutely JUST
and equitable but, - - -
What all 'men' must try and see
is, that no 'mandate' or 'order' or 'office' or 'wage &
uniform' places them above the punitive dark
side of God's LAW.
Be you 'judge or juror,' or 'police or informant' or
'armed servant,' or 'public servant' or 'member' of the public,
you are all God's children and all
are subject to God's
Supreme LAW.
If you do any of the following
'activities,' then for sure you place yourself
within the jurisdiction of the DARK side
of God's Law, and you 'pre-set' your own day of 'judgement' when you will be
found 'Guilty,'
and be forced
to submit to and endure a similar
when least expected. Be it in this life or the afterlife.
These 'ways' place you within the
jurisdiction of the Dark Sovereign Power.
Once this you see and understand, then
it is up to you to believe or deny me,
and the result of your decision you will
most certainly see:
Enforce rules.
Deceive another.
Be unkind to another.
Steal another's property.
Seize another's property.
Destroy another's property.
Control or regulate another.
Disturb the peace of another.
Criticise or condemn another.
Impose sanctions upon another.
Abduct another from their home.
Invade another's
land or 'castle.'
Cause physical harm to another.
Enter another's house uninvited.
Poison another's water hole or mind.
Impose travel restriction upon others.
Trespass uninvited upon another's land.
Destroy another's
food supply or business.
Raise up rules that tax or regulate another.
Imprison others as punishment or coercion.
Cause mental or emotional trauma to another.
Arrest a person for the purpose of punishment.
Impose trade or business restrictions upon another.
Force another to
comply with your ideology or 'rules.'
Induce or incite or force another to 'commit' any of the
above atrocities.
page 32
The above are but the 'obvious' daily
'offences' committed against God and man
by 'ignorant' personnel, as well as by other 'terrorists'
or 'general' members of the
community, and none have any immunity from the application of God's
Law by GOD.
As only God has the divine 'right' to impose punishment, it
follows that all 'enforcers'
doing are 'playing' God as they each in
'turn' along the chain of command attain
the opportunity to become 'as God.'
For each
'compliance' to their verbal decrees as they
for and on behalf of the 'rules' and
their own 'emotions and thoughts,' deal with the 'one' that is
being 'subjected to' their 'orders' that are 'passed' to
them by others higher up the chain of
As soon as the 'offender' has been 'dealt with' according
to the rules or their interpretation, and the 'custody' of the
person is passed to another, the enforcer 'relaxes' and becomes
more humane towards their 'past' victim that is no longer
within their jurisdiction.
Whether you are the
officer, or the 'attesting'
prosecutor, or the 'judging'
magistrate, or the 'cell'
holder, or the 'parole'
officer etc., all at a particular 'moment' in time are
'swine' in God's eyes for your complicity
to the unforgiving
and merciless
control and punishment of a child of GOD.
None seeing or being 'aware' of the consequences of their
own folly, and none being aware that they too will 'face' a similar
'disgrace' and a similar punishment
No 'enforcer' sees that their own 'dark' action or
'treatment' of others is abuse. No enforcer sees his
'invasion' or coercion as
abuse. All 'think'
that they have 'God' on their side as 'righteously' they stride.
None seeing that "YES," the God of darkness
does walk by their side, and HE seeks to ensure
that in the 'afterlife,' these idiots with HIS
'prisoners' in the darkness will
Those that become 'offenders' in the 'eye' of the Dark
Sovereign Power see not
the 'fury'
they invoke
in HIS 'emotions & mind' when they
the Command of HIS Light
and they 'test' HIS Might.
Their 'arrogance' is so great
that their 'sin' is unseen by them and,
- - - in the 'eye' of their Creator, they deserve
to die in their sin and, - - - it (the
sin) will drag them below, and it will
grow and grow unless my wisdom God's, they heed, and show God
that love & mercy &
forgiveness they can
As said before, the administration of God's
'justice' with its punishment is ONLY
God's prerogative. The 'sins' of our forefathers 'visited' upon
us by precedent set prior to our 'birth,' is the false dark
ideology that has evolved over time.
Being the 'belief' of man that 'some' were entitled to impose regulation and
taxation upon the community, and that they
could also administer 'retributive'
punishment upon God's children.
way arose due to the powerful 'sin' emotions of pride &
vanity, and greed and vindictiveness and, - - - it was through
this dark cancerous 'energy' that grew in the soul of sinning
man, that the Devil was able
to deceive man
into defying the Light of God,
and thus enslave
man into servitude and 'burdensome'
No man or mandate or system of government has the
authority of God to control,
enslave, injure, or punish any person. All so
doing are themselves 'enslaved' and 'bound' by false ideological
teachings and 'heading' for the Abyss.
The only 'right' given by God to man is that of
administering aid
to offenders, and their
is achieved through their
as to God and God's desires.
Any that continue to abuse or punish are
deceived by their false beliefs and the 'whisperings' of the
Serpent and, - - - they will be
consigned to the 'pit' for an 'apparent' eternal time for their
ignorance and arrogance.
is TRUE and its
'return' due applies to you personally
'eye for
an eye' is the "Cry" from below
and from up high
page 33
Understanding 'illegality' ~
"Illegal"? - Nothing is
illegal in God's eyes, for you are
entitled to be wise
or unwise but, - -
- God commands you to be
peaceful and loving and kind and
forgiving for a REASON being, - - -
That there is a
return unto you for all you do, and God's Supreme LAW is
immutable, inviolable, and is
applicable every 'season' and, - - - IT applies to you and you
and you in whatever 'mode' or deed
you 'moment by moment' do.
Be it
or unkind, giving or taking, creative or destructive, forgiving or retributive, understanding or punitive, etc. and, - - -
NONE of you stand above or beyond
God's ONE supreme Law.
Thus the 'word'
is simply a word of man, designed to enable
man via RULES
to plot and plan and scheme ways to
either steal
your money or goods or, to
you in some way and, - - -
Any 'son of a bitch' that
you to adhere to 'his' ideology or
commands or, any 'son of a bitch' that uses
force to abuse or punish or 'fine' or 'jail' you
for 'operating illegally in his
'eyes' is a 'stupid' fool and VERY
For by his defiance of God's command he
shows God that he despises you,
and the dark side of God's 'eye for an eye' Law will be
applied by God on him for, - - - freedom of choice is
the God given way.
In the 'eyes' of man
or State 'illegal' means - 'beyond the law of man' or, 'outside the scope of the rules,'
in that the contra 'action' taken by
you, - - -
by the RULES
is unauthorised
by the RULES
is punishable
by the RULES |
What you and the
'State' enforcers need to see
is, that no 'act or action' is beyond
the LAW of God and, the rules give all
men a 'reason' and justification to be 'nasty & unkind & cruel'
others, because all have been misled by
the false dark
'rulebook' ideology.
For the 'rules'
You must
pay some money - before you are 'legally' born.
You must pay some money - before
you are 'legally' wed.
You must pay some money - before
you are 'legally' dead.
You must
pay some money - before you can 'legally' work.
You must pay some money - before
you can 'legally' catch a fish.
You must pay some money - before
you can 'legally' build a home.
You must
pay some money - before you can 'legally' sell any
You must pay some money - before
you can 'legally' drive your automobile.
You must pay all
demanded taxes - before you 'legally' remain a 'free'
This is all a Satanic
demand from the community, as it is
LEGAL in the eyes of God
to do whatever you do or do not wish to,
- - - subject to God's
ONE Law: "As you sow so shall
ye reap, on an 'eye for an eye' basis."
What the legislators and
need to see is that their
daily nefarious enforcement deeds are also
'legal' in God's
eyes but, - - - as they
perpetrate activities contra the Command
of God they 'step' into the dark
side of God's Law, and 'accrue' a very heavy painful penalty that GOD imposes upon them on a
very 'Just & equitable &
honourable' eye for an eye basis on a later day.
page 34
The use of the word
'Law' by
man is an incorrect 'text,' because the demand via 'rules' for a 'fee' to be paid cannot be
construed as: "It is the law."
For this demand from the community is not
the law, it is but a 'decree' by a person or an
institution demanding something from another,
accompanied by a threat
of 'suffering' for
any non-compliance. (Mafiosi coercive extortion)
The use of the words
'It is
the Law' by man has been
part of the deception
that the 'decree' is legitimate,
that any non-compliance can be
punished by the State enforcers. It is
to 'abuse,'
but the abuser is then brought
to 'account' and brought to
by God within God's Law.
In God's eyes, deception and coercion is not
an illegal 'occupation,' it is simply a very unwise
one, for it places the
and enforcers directly
within the 'hands' of God's
punitive darkness, and they 'merely' suffer an equal
return due
for being so stupid and
unto themselves.
All men complicit to monetary 'taxation' or 'licence fee'
extortion demands
or the punishment
of others through decrees, rules,
acts are subject to
God's Law, and God's Law is not a 'decree,' it is a statement
of FACT made by God, and all mankind must try and
understand ITS 'Just' principles.
Man is so 'lost' and far from the 'forgiveness' command, that
the average person in the street now believes
that any person that does not conform to the dictates of rules are
offenders and, - - -
Due to this
belief, they may become aggressive
towards 'non-conformists' that are
'legal' in God's eyes and, due to their false belief they may
personally take the 'rulebook'
'factor' into their own hands or,
'perjure' their soul as they 'report' apparent
misconduct to enforcers. For 'complicity' to punishment is also contra
God's "Be merciful"
command. Example:
Someone seen and
driving with no 'licence' plate.
Someone seen and reported
fishing with an 'unlicensed' craft.
Someone seen and reported
collecting firewood with no 'permit.'
Someone seen and reported
camping in a 'no camping' beachfront zone.
ideology of
'fees' and 'permits' and
and punishment has
become firmly entrenched, and it is growing bigger each day as
the multi-headed 'snake' takes
This is because man having 'sin' within denied the Light, and listened to the
'whisperings' of the Serpent.
If you knew that there was a very dangerous 'space' or
place in this land, where your 'children' could
become 'lost' and disappear forever through stepping into
'quicksand' or a boggy morass what would you
The correct answer is: Advise them and Educate them.
The 'System' of man would place
up a sign saying: 'Trespassers will be fined and punished but, for a licence 'fee' payment
you can enter freely." It is
'obvious' to me that nothing is 'illegal' in the eyes of man
either, for you can do whatever you
'wish' to as long as you pay the
'System' a FEE first.
The 'State' regulators have been 'caught up' by the
'devilish' IDEA that they own
everything, and thus the community must
pay something 'for' and before
doing anything. If you do not, then you
are punished
and 'coerced' into so doing and, - - - if you resist, you are persecuted more.
With reference to the 'dangerous' place our
God says:
is a place of great
danger, and I 'advise' and command you to not
'enter' that danger zone because if you so do, then you
subject yourself to a
'suffering' return due but, if
you wish to therein go, you are free to so do."
So we 'as'
commanded by God must ONLY give good counsel, as no
'act' of mankind is illegal in God's eyes. It is simply a FACT
that if we 'trespass'
into the 'forbidden'
dark zone, then we
subject ourselves to ITS 'Just'
Law. (As you do unto
others is done unto you)
or 'forbidden'
is the supping on dark
energy. This is 'done' by you when you 'sin,' in
taking by force from
others, controlling
others, or you punish
and thus abuse
others. All enforcers are 'agents' of
the dark energy, and IT will
abuse them in return, as IT later does
them 'justly & equitably'
As you commence your day's activities, you should have
said the 'Star' prayer and also asked yourself :
"What am I going to say or do today that contravenes God's 'Code of
Conduct' command"? - Ask yourself:
there any possibility of my failing to do what God asks?
your way in peace and lovingly respect all and, be kind and
compassionate and merciful unto all and, also be forgiving
towards all those yet 'sinning' that are soon to fall below as they
defy Me the God they cannot see." |
Ask yourself:
I aware that it is God's Law that is the Law of this and every
land"? - Ask yourself:
"Am I aware that all I do is 'within' the law of God, for I
cannot be 'outside' God's Law. For God's Law is applied by God in every way
thus, I will receive a 'Just' return due for every deed I do. Be
it good or bad, for God's one Law says: - As I sow so shall I reap."
Try and understand that if you defy God and you
the peace of others for any
reason, and you abuse
others for any reason, then by your own 'hand' and deed you have placed yourself
within the punitive
aspect of the dark side of God's ONE Law that says:
you do is done unto you and, - - - as you did 'sin' against
another child of Mine, you will have it done unto you by
Me through the mind and hand of another ignorant swine to be
inspired by Me as I inspired you.
It is the time for mankind to realise that when they defy
God they make God their enemy and, - - - as God is omnipotent it is God to 'win'
every battle and God to destroy every 'enemy' of HIS. God created you
to LOVE,
if you seek to fight,
abuse, or punish, then you do not
deserve to receive love and HE will do HIS best to
and destroy
you. So be it, you have been
page 35
~ The ‘return’ to sender ~
This is the absolutely ‘Just’
and ‘Equitable’ Law of energy and of God and the spirit soul of
man, for all is comprised of spiritual energy. It equates to the
‘eye for an eye’ or
‘as you do is done unto you’ statement.
It also is the spiritual
reality that exists, being that ones PAST moment becomes the PRESENT at the time
and in the place so ordained by God the ‘energy’ of all because, - - -
You are ‘living’ each moment
of eternal time that passes by moment by moment as surely as the ‘ticking’ of a
clock or your own ‘heartbeat’ and, - - -
As each moment passes by, it
is your interaction with others of positive or negative energy
you use in your ‘interaction’ that becomes the PAST and, - - -
As surely as God made ‘little
apples’ the emotional energy one uses, be it kind
or cruel, merciful
or merciless in our interaction with others will
return unto us via the mind and emotions and ‘hands’ actions of others
who are benign or
malignant in their ‘disposition’ towards us, and we receive an EQUAL
tribute return of love or a
retributive return of pain and suffering.
All the imposition of trauma
upon another returns upon the ‘heads’ of the individual or, the judiciary &
jailers & politicians that invoke rules, as well as the taxpayer that funds
them. This is THE LAW of the Almighty;
“As you or
your servants do unto others is done unto you.”
Look therefore to this
day, for IT is spiritual Life or Death. In its
brief course lie all the varieties and the realities of our existence - - -
Today lived well in
peace and merciful kindness
makes every yesterday a ‘remembrance’ dream of happiness and every tomorrow a
vision of hope and joyfulness - - -
Today lived in
arrogance, vengefulness, cruelty, unkindness,
and merciless
persecution makes every yesterday an abomination in its defiance of the
“Love one another” Command of our Creator and,
on ‘a’ tomorrow it brings an unavoidable 'return to sender' of
persecution, pain and
sorrow and spiritual death.
Look well therefore to THIS
day. Please ‘insure’ and ensure your ‘future’ happiness by ensuring that your
present interaction with others is ONLY
loving, peaceful, compassionate, merciful and forgiving.
Try and understand “why”
earthlings are living under the stern ‘fist’ of dictated rules that cause them
to be ‘enslaved’ and burdened and interfered with and punished by RULES wielded
by cruel men.
It is simply the
aspect of God’s Law in action via the minds of the arrogant, vain, greedy
and ignorant who believe that they have the right to ‘rule,’ and that others
must ‘bow’ in servitude to their dictates.
This also applies to the
‘control’ by religion, and all control and regulation by anyone is an invasion of privacy,
and man must now ‘govern’ himself through simply going his way in
peace as he ‘bows’ to God’s Command as he looks
direct to God for protection, succour and direction.
Those that fail to see the
misery they cause to others through condoning, supporting, and funding the
iniquity of taxing, regulating, and punitive ‘systems’ of man will suffer on in
perpetuity. For God’s Law has NO ‘leniency’ within IT.
As we ‘bow’ to God and set
others free from our personal ‘control’ or from the control by ‘systems’ we
individually did but no longer support and fund, we individually
set ourselves free from God’s control via the arrogant, and He
smiles upon us individually benevolently.
Kindness and education and
free giving is the way forward.
page 36
The 'fall' of Moses ~
It is the time for mankind to realise that Moses was neither God nor 'a
god,' for he was in fact a 'sinner' who took it upon himself to be a warrior and
to impose great destruction upon others and, in his later years he used
the name of 'God' to raise up 'commandments' that he stated were 'The Law of
God' and they were not.
He also imposed
punitive 'strictures' for non-conformity that of
themselves defied the "Go your way in peace and love one
another" Code of conduct Command of God. Believe you me, Moses resides in
Hell and suffers for his iniquity. Believe you me,
it is iniquity to use God's name in 'vain' and to thus enslave multitudes
in false beliefs that cause them to remain bound to
the Dark.
The 'greatest' SIN according to
Moses or in later years the 'State' politicians and other
'Dictators' today is non-conformity to their personal 'edicts'
(commands) and, - - - even though some of these edicts do have a 'moral'
base the fact of the matter is, that they are all CONTROL
that is backed by punitive force and, - - - they
are man's law and, - - - they are NOT
'God's Law.' *
Any person (including Moses) that
raises up said 'rules' and invokes any punitive 'attachment' for non-conformity
have defied their Creator and placed themselves within the
punitive aspect of the real 'THE LAW of God' and receive a similar return
upon their own 'head.'
'God's Law.' * - It is important to
realise that all 'suffering' or control imposed upon people is NOT
'God's Law,' but it IS the retributive aspect of God's Law
in action via the mind and 'hand' of the arrogant, and it IS the
Dark aspect of God's ENERGY fulfilling ITS controlling and
retributive aspect of God's Law upon the
ignorant people using the ignorant enforcers and, as the people
support the enslavement and punishment of others, the 'whole' of society
keep themselves revolving within the punitive aspect of God's Law,
and greater becomes the control and suffering and impoverishment suffered by
the 'dictators' of rules, their enforcers, and the people that
support, fund, and condone them.
The suffering imposed by enforcers upon
the people is NOT the
Dark aspect of God's ENERGY fulfilling ITS controlling and
retributive aspect of any non-conformity
to MAN'S rules, but is the
Dark aspect of God's ENERGY fulfilling ITS controlling and
retributive aspect of God's Law for a
past transgression of GOD'S
"Peace & love & mercy & forgive" Code of
Conduct Command. Thus as man punishes man, he is taking on the role of
'god-ship' and this role is forbidden by God.
legality, empowerment, authorisation.
Men that 'uphold' the rules of man for a
'wage' are legal and authorised by THE RULES they serve.
This 'mandated' empowerment is backed by the
sword or GUN or force of muscle.
They are also 'legal' within the 'bounds'
of God's Law, for THE LAW of God has no 'bounds' nor constraints as
IT is simply a factual statement: "For every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction" and, - - - the
'return' unto the user of 'joyful' Light or
punitive Dark energy is backed by
the 'all-powerful' aspect of the energy of God that they used in
their interaction with others.
However, what man needs to see is that
they are NEVER 'authorised' by God nor by His
Law to use His punitive, controlling or
destructive force, for to so
do means, that the person is 'operating' outside the 'constraints' of His
"Peace & Love" COMMAND and, - - -
All that so do, (operate' contra the
Command) and thus either use force personally or, 'order' others to so do in
order to 'uphold' the rules and punitive rulings of mortal men, are
'condemned' as GUILTY and in need of 'correction'
by this pen and by
God's Dark enforcers that exist in the flesh and in the underworld.
(hereafter) |
Long ago man used the name of the
invisible Creator to 'back' their 'promotions,' and today this
'buggery' * continues on backed by Rabbi and other priests who walk
'hand in hand' with warmongers that bear arms against God's children.
Note: this 'buggery' * - The SIN of our
forefathers that enables extortion and control and enslavement. All deceived by
precedent and all being controlled by the Serpent.
The Law of God
is simply the POSITIVE or NEGATIVE reaction to every 'action' or
interaction of man with others.
There will only be a
surcease of suffering * when man realises that he
is NEVER above or beyond the 'reach' of God's Law, then he will realise
that his 'way of living' conduct denotes his future and his spiritual
(inner) welfare. For the Law of God denotes that if a man controls, steals,
taxes, deceives, punishes, kills etc., then he will receive an equal 'eye
for an eye' malignant measure later within the
immutable law of God in this world or the next.
Note: surcease of suffering * - All
suffering is on an individual basis. As man uses dark forceful energy to abuse
others, by IT he is later abused on an equal basis.
Once man realises that God's Law
ALSO applies to the 'positive,' then man will
realise that respect, kindness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, giving and
caring has an equal 'eye for an eye' return of
benign goodness to him within God's law.
Moses 'started' the precedent of
raising up 'secular & religious' rulings in
the land he strode, being 'decrees' that he and other men named 'The law
of God' but, - - - they were NOT the Law of God, and neither are any of the
'later' thousands of additional 'rules' imposed by men as 'strictures' and, - -
As you see, all the 'rulings' of
Moses and latter day 'Rabbi' and others are all backed by THE GUN or
the dark venomous and unforgiving 'Sin' in men that 'delight' in casting a stone
and being callous, merciless, cruel and unforgiving towards anyone they
see as 'getting away' with non-conformity. All walk the wide road to
Only as man 'bows' in submission to
God's Command and goes his way in PEACE, will man
'eventually' find a surcease from pain and suffering and war, for
man must first PAY * for the error of his
past within the immutable Law of God and then, as he man 'treads' softly as
he 'bows' to God will God be 'so' (soft & gentle) unto man.
Note: man must first PAY * - The
'teaching' by religion that Jesus paid the 'blood' price for the sinning ways of
other mortals is false, and every child of God has
a unique and individual road to walk and, - - - it is 'Rabbi' that invoked the
ritual 'blood' sacrifice, and it is 'Priests' that
used the crucifixion of Jesus as a 'forgiveness' plot to gain material wealth
and to control others, for their minds were controlled and inspired by the
The TRUE meaning of Jesus' crucifixion was that he "Yes" died to
show man that every person must 'pay' for their sinning ways and thus
suffer (be 'crucified') without retaliating,
and thus fulfill the Law of God and then be set
free from their past.
When you suffer your
'dues' one may feel 'desolate' and 'forsaken' by God. This is a part of the
anguish that was imposed by you upon others, and if one does not retaliate one is set
free from their suffering and again become happy.
State and 'religious' enforcers are
'fanatics' that 'adore' the rule books of man, and they uphold these 'ruling
decrees' of men for a wage. They see not that every 'decree' is simply a dictate
of man with the punitive attachment backed by the gun. The gun being 'the
law.' None realising that every decree of man that controls others or, is backed
by punishment, is a contravention of God's Command and brings a 'suffering' due
upon their own 'heads' at a later date, for that is God's
In the 'olden' days man assumed that they had a
'forgiveness' Covenant with their God because priests told them so. Being
that if the priest 'sacrificed' a ' beast' it somehow released the
village people from the penalty of God for their wrongdoings. For they were
told by priests that the ritual 'blood' sacrifice somehow 'voided' God's
Law. This was gross ERROR.
In later years some men assumed that their Covenant
with God was such that the 'sacrificial' crucifixion of a man (Jesus) somehow
released the people from the penalty within the implementation of God Law because priests told them
so. This is gross ERROR.
All this false belief was imposed upon man by the Serpent,
who used the greed, pride and vanity of supposedly 'God ordained'
'priests' to deceive people into believing that they could 'sin' and
still win without paying their own 'blood'
price of suffering. This was accomplished by the 'greed need' of priests to
obtain a free feed from others and to control them. The 'priestly'
ordination by ritual was invoked by the Serpent as said, via the vanity
(sin) of those that elevated themselves into 'holiness' and 'priesthood,'
- - - also by rituals of invocation.
All mankind need to understand the
full implications of the deceptive nature of
the Serpent that gains access to the mind of man via their inner Sin, that is
the Dark energy of the Serpent that they arrogantly and foolishly drew in
as they 'sinned.'
All mankind need to understand the
full implications of God's Law and ITS impact to 'be' upon their own souls and
their own spiritual destiny.
page 37
The 'WILL' of Allah - God - Mungu ~
It is the 'Will' of God - 'Allah'
that every 'spirit'
created will learn to love, and it is thus
the 'return' of God's 'dove.' For the 'Will' of Allah - 'God'
shall be fulfilled, be it peacefully or 'forcefully.'
Those that defy my 'pen' and
and regulate and punish or fight,
be 'forced' to
endure an eternity of being 'exposed' to Allah's - God's
Once this 'imposition' they
and see, then they will try very 'hard'
to heed 'HER,' the
call of the Light
through me.
Those that continue to
defy, will be
to cry for an eternity.
Then to
- God's 'Will' they will
'bend' and, they will begin to 'treat' all
as a friend.
It is the 'Will' of
- God that all
will see HER - HIS face, and this they
cannot do if they wield a mace and, - - - neither can
they 'attain' that 'high place' until
their spirit soul is free from 'sin' and thus but full
of grace.
So as Mother's
does now 'outpour' to purge you of your
sin within, take heed and control your thoughts
that try and make you draw in more dark
energy within.
God's - Allah's
'Will' shall now be 'done' in this and every
'space' place and, as said, this place shall as peaceful as
'heaven' soon be, as soon as all have
been 'punished' by
God - Allah
their past iniquity.
It is the 'Will' of
- God that every 'seed' is to now be
'separated.' Those true 'lovers' released to 'follow'
me to the Light
above and, those 'true'
avengers shall be
'plunged' into the Dark
fearful night.
So shall it BE - so shall it BE
God's -
ONE Command -
Love one another.
Law -
As you do is done unto you.
Code of Conduct
Walk in
- All are subjects 'of' and
subjected 'to' My one Law.
Try and see that God is both friend and foe.
Try and see that God's intelligence is infinitely superior to yours.
The intelligence of God's Light
inspires your mind via your positive emotions, as it seeks to uplift you into
its sight.
The intelligence of God's Dark inspires your mind via your negative
emotions, and seeks to destroy you in the depths of the dark night.
One 'energy' is merciless and the
other is benign.
One seeks to use you to destroy others and the other seeks to use
you to love one another.
~ ~ ~
~ The
'forgiveness' of God - Allah ~
Man not 'knowing' the reality
of God the ALL, does not understand the 'forgiveness'
or 'un-forgiveness'
of God. Thus man was easily 'deceived' by
the subtle web woven by the
that gave man the 'impression' that they could
'sin' and still enter into heaven without
for their defiance of God. Let it here be known
Law of God the Father - - - the
Dark Sovereign Power is:
unforgiving and merciless
punishment to those that 'offend'
Law of God the Mother - - - the Light Sovereign Power
forgiveness and merciful
benevolence unto ALL.
SHE will always welcome you home.
HE will not let you go 'home' until you have
paid your dues.
That is the
pure truth of God
page 38
~ The Entitlement & the Contradiction
As God who created us is our
Sovereign Ruler we have the
'entitlement' to do whatever we believe
we have the RIGHT to do and not be controlled by or
taxed by or regulated by or punished by other mortals who wield a
So if God has the power to protect us and guide us why
is it that there exists the 'contradiction'? The contradiction being whereby
other mortals backed by force of arms do
interfere in our lives with seeming impunity and
do extort endless sums of money from our income
and do punish us for non-conformity to their
'ways' being their 'Text in books' demands, decrees,
rules, edicts that they name 'The Law'?
Where is God in all this and why does HE 'permit' such
ongoing INIQUITY and suffering to be imposed upon
all? Can our God in fact elevate us out of this 'misery' and can He destroy us
for any reason? The answer is "Yes" and I clarify my reasons below.
I can but say that God has THE power to accomplish
anything and this He does using the power of His MIND and I simply write this
'text' document in the hope that you the individual do not continue to be a
'dope' and end up hanging on the end of a rope dead, either physically or
As ones 'religion' is in fact ones code of conduct
POLICY interaction with others, be it benign
and loving or malignant
and punitive, and as we do have the RIGHT to
live in accordance with our belief being our 'religion,' we simply need
to understand a few things:
1 - For every action in our interaction with OTHERS
there is an EQUAL and opposite reaction either immediately or far ahead
VIA the 'mind or voice or hand' of some other person. Being 'Joy for joy'
given or cruelty for cruelty
2 - This 'energy' exchange is simply the 'balancing' of God's
energy used by you, be it creative and benign or
destructive and malignant and is the
fulfillment of His immutable Law;
"As you do unto others is by others
done unto you" - at the time and in the place so ordained by
3 - God Commands His children 'us' to:
"Love one another and go your way in peace and extend compassion, mercy and
forgiveness." Why is this so? Because if we 'bow' to this Command
then the ONLY 'return' to us is benign, loving etc. But as we have all followed
the dark erroneous path and accrued spiritual dues we cannot live under God's
protective 'umbrella' until we have paid all outstanding dues
within His Law. Dues of 'suffering & loss' imposed by the vain, arrogant and
ignorant who continue to defy him and use force
to interfere and control.
So if we personally interfere in the lives of others or
injure them or, if these things are done on our behalf then we are complicit,
and all the imposition of loss or agony imposed by our 'forces men or judiciary'
becomes our due.
So the 'contradiction' is that although God 'permits' us to
do anything, what is done by us or for us to others that is in
conflict with or in defiance
of HIS Command and is thus interference, control or
merciless persecution etc., has to be 'suffered' by us and, - - -
There is NO 'escape' clause in God's LAW for the punitive
aspect of His Law is absolutely 'Just Justice' and is merciless and
unforgiving in its application as He upholds His 'Scales of Justice' using
the vain, ignorant or arrogant who presume
to be as HE, - - - ABOVE THE LAW. Pure folly exuded daily by dictators,
legislators, judiciary, jailers and other enforcers.
Foolish indeed are men or women that seize control of distant
lands that they then patrol and control with force of arms. For they see not
that their legislated impositions and positions of power in NO WAY 'depower' God
or the imposition of His 'Justice' factor and, NO 'badge of office' protects any
state official from the imposition of God's Law upon them when they exceed
the precepts of His "Peace, love, mercy, forgive"
Command in their interaction with you or me. Wide indeed is the road to Hell.
So all I am trying to get you the individual to see is
- when you seek the 'protection' of State armed forces (police or army) or you
by 'fine or taxes' fund them or their organisation then you will suffer the
consequences of all their invasive, punitive or
destructive interaction with other members of society and, - - - state
officials and judiciary need to see that there is to be NO 'escape' from
being 'raped' by the BEAST as HE fulfils the punitive aspect of His LAW.
The ONLY WAY 'clear' for anyone is to never fund,
condone or support the control or interference in or, coercive tax extortion of
OTHERS. Only support the provision of benign community effort or service
provision. Those who defy God and disturb the peace of the land must be caught,
counselled and educated and NOT punished, for ONLY
thus do we remain in conformity to the precepts of God's Command and thus
Any of you that fail to make Peace
with God by changing your ways
so that you do extend
'Peace and goodwill unto all,'
will fail
and fall.
page 39
~ The 'protection' of God ~
God's protection
Deep inner reflection is needed before you can 'grasp' and understand the
reality of being protected by God against your enemies or those that disturb
your peace and
persecute, punish, injure or kill you.
is it that even the kind, peaceful, merciful and forgiving
who are living within the 'bounds' of God's Command become 'victims' and
suffer at the hands of the merciless? Why is it that others appear to be
able to 'walk' anywhere and suffer no injury? And how 'exactly' can or does God
protect one from suffering at the hands of others?
is all to do with ones 'karmic' debts or otherwise, being debts to the
benign creative or malignant
destructive energy of the Source, God who is not only all knowing
but who is also all powerful both 'energetically as well as telepathically, and
it is our God who uses 'us' His/Her children as the instruments to
give or take or to be
kind or others break.
everyone has been using God's (Forbidden to use)
forceful, controlling, punitive and destructive energy in their
interaction with others or, they have paid the wages of others to protect them,
and these 'forces' have gone forth interfering, controlling, punishing and
causing harm to many, it follows that everyone has accrued a 'painful' debt
unto the DARK forceful and
destructive energy essence of God
and they have lost their immunity from God who no longer gives them His
protection from their enemies.
fact it is this very dark essence of God that uses ITS/His 'Dark'
arrogant 'spirit' forces to wage war upon you and to harm you because HE must
fulfill His Law before you can be set FREE as He 'balances' His 'Scales
of Justice' and, - - - as mankind is totally ignorant of God's power they see
not that the more they struggle and fight to avoid suffering, the
MORE suffering dues they accrue within His Law.
you have 'bowed' your head to God and you begin to NEVER retaliate
in the face of adversity and you are always walking in conformity with
God's Command and ARE thus peaceful, kind, loving,
merciful AND forgiving unto those others
persecuting you, then and ONLY then do you begin to
reduce your spiritual debts as you suffer and do NOT retaliate. (Go as a 'lamb
to the slaughter' as Jesus advised or, forever you will suffer in the
Remember, if you are 'fined' you must not pay such because if you do,
then you are funding a punitive warring system and begin to again accrue further
debts to God. You must also cease all 'tax' or other licence fee payments to the
'controlling' system and only fund benign community services directly.
your debts to God are fully paid up then God's protection
swings into action in that HE never directs any forces against YOU the
individual and, - - - no person will ever raise their angry 'voice, hand or
sword' against you and, - - - even if you are brought before a foolish
magistrate because you failed to pay a 'tax' and he 'fined' you, then you simply
walk away in the knowledge that your non-payment of said fine will never be
collected because God now is your protector.
~ The paramount CHIEF ~
The paramount Chief is God THE FATHER and THE LAW (His) is contained within
the wording of His WORD as written by His/Her scribe and plenipotentiary ME. It
Democracy & freedom or
Dictatorship & slavery
paramount Chief gives 'us' His children a CHOICE to OBEY or to DEFY His
Command being:
"Go your way in
peace & love one another & be merciful & compassionate & forgiving unto those
others sinfully living."
also gives a 'proviso' being: "IF you defy MY
Command you WILL 'die' in your Sin."
Please try and understand that as HE 'holds' THE
POWER for He and His 'energy' is THE POWER,
we His children are but His 'subjects' and always subjected to
His LAW which is in operation
the benefit of all 'legal' men I clarity IT (His immutable Law) again here and
now for IT is VERY SIMPLE:
you or your servants do unto others will by others be done unto you."
the vain or 'simple minded' I explain: "IF you are
kind, loving, merciful, compassionate, caring, giving, forgiving and non
injurious, interfering or punitive to others then you will receive the
SAME benign
return ISSUED by God through His 'Law of equal RETURN of
LIGHT ENERGY via the hands of
others also living according to His COMMAND" but, - - -
you are cruel, unkind, merciless, dispassionate, uncaring,
unforgiving, interfering, subjugating, injurious, punitive and taking
from others
then you will receive the SAME
return ISSUED by God through His 'Law of equal RETURN of DARK ENERGY
via the hands of merciless
others also living according to His COMMAND."
the above 'aspects' of His Law are ABSOLUTE 'JUST' JUSTICE in action."
live happily and unrestricted and without 'legal restraint' one must always OBEY
His COMMAND, for then and ONLY then as we go along
peacefully & lovingly & respectfully & caring for the welfare
of others, we ONLY receive a similar happy & loving BOUNTY
within THE LAW of the paramount Chief.
we are arrogant or deceived through believing the
false teachings of others or
our forefathers (Rules, statutes, acts, commands, demands) as contained within
their 'UNHOLY' bibles, (rule books) and we thus seek to
IMPOSE our error of doctrine upon all then, - - -
ARE 'disturbing their peace'
and causing them to 'fret or suffer or
lose' in one way or another, as we try
and force them to OBEY 'us' and our
DEMANDS and it follows, that at some 'time' or 'stage' AHEAD within THE LAW of THE
paramount Chief we will be placed into BONDAGE and be
forced to
suffer THE SAME.
the VERY BLIND will now continue ON taking a 'wage or fee' to uphold the
'beliefs' of any 'system' of MAN which has 'rituals' or policies or rules of
conduct which are in OPPOSITION to the words spoken by ME for and on behalf
of THE paramount CHIEF who I can and DO SEE.
must now choose your eternal Freedom or
the 'orders, rules, regulations, acts, statutes,
laws' of MAN are 'subjected
to' THE LAW of THE paramount Chief.
must now choose eternal LOVE or
is SHE the LIGHT and
'wife' of THE paramount Chief to now release you from your present bondage to
perpetual slavery to His 'dark forces,' but ONLY if you have the capacity
to see - to believe - to trust - and to
courageously set yourselves FREE as you now obey
THE Command reiterated and 'reinstated' by His/Her 'pen.' (mine)
is YOUR 'day to day' ACTIVITY?
peaceful or forceful
Ignorantia Juris neminem excusat
- Ignorance of the Law excuses no one.
Let it here be known that:
The Light and love and all the creative benign ENERGY
is expressed forth from HIS POWER (God the Father)
and if YOU do not permit IT (light &
love) to flow to and upon ALL others in YOUR INTERACTION with them, then
it is HE to deny IT
to flow via others to YOU and you indeed will DIE in your Sin
because that is YOUR CHOICE.
It is I to BREAK the 'misnomer' around the words
'breaking the law,' for NO
Law of man nor Law of God can be 'broken,'
and I give the clarity herein for the 'sheep' who blindly follow the wrong
shepherds, being men of religion and governments of man.
Firstly, one can only defy
an order or edict or COMMAND given by a person in a
position of authority wherein they have the capacity to
'forcefully' mete out a return FACTOR upon
the one who defied the Command and did the 'opposite' in contravention OF
said Command, order or edict.
Thus it follows that this
'contravention of' is not in fact 'breaking the law,' it is solely a
defiant ACTIVITY by the individual.
Secondly, as 'The Law' is the return
FACTOR imposed for the 'activity' carried
out, it follows that this RETURN factor of
itself cannot be 'broken' as such. Thus no LAW of man or God can 'be' broken,
and the fulfillment of THE LAW of man or God is ALWAYS carried out in the
time and place so ordained by THE AUTHORITY.
The 'Law of man' is simply the punitive
FACTOR attached to every Command, order or edict in
man's books of RULES. As said, this 'factor' is not
subject to being 'broken' in any way. It is simply the
penalty DUE imposed forcefully.
So when man defies the
Command in the book of rules
which states: "Wear a seat belt or else," you can
DEFY this Command and then place yourself within the punitive
Factor which is the Law of Man stipulating the
'fine or punishment' to be paid. (Suffered)
So defiance of the Edict or
Command cannot be said to be 'breaking the law,' being the MISNOMER.
The 'Law of God' is simply the return FACTOR
for EVERY action or interaction of man, be IT
benign, peaceful, merciful, loving, compassionate and
forgiving and within the constraints of THE COMMAND OF GOD
or, whether it is malignant, invasive, merciless,
cruel, punitive, unforgiving and destructive and outside
the constraints of the COMMAND OF GOD.
FACTOR is ABSOLUTE JUSTICE being simply an
EQUAL RETURN action imposed by GOD
THE AUTHORITY and carried out in the time and place so ordained by God.
(As you did unto others is by others done unto you on
an equal 'eye for an eye' basis)
I state
again, it is
thus that
cannot be
All that is
in fact done
when you
'Love one
become a
in your
others is,
that you
within the
aspect of
Law of God
and you
receive your
'deserts' at
the hands of
When you ARE
of the
'Love one
of God then
you are
of the
Law of God
and you
receive your
'deserts' by
being left
and being
at the hands
of other
people who
are equally
kind and
Try and comprehend, the
Light or Dark ~
Benign or Malignant ENERGY OF GOD
always 'balances' ITSELF.
Both aspects of God's invisible energy essence are omnipresent and omnipotent
and omniscient.
We are 'subjects OF' and 'subjected TO'
the Law of God at all times.
Important NOTE: 'why' people become
violent in the first place. * -
People lose control of
their minds and become violent or
punitive or destructive due to one of their negative
emotions being aroused for one or another reason. The
reason is always JUSTIFIED in their
minds eye.
This 'particular'
dark negative emotion then 'strums' or 'hums' at a certain
vibration frequency which opens a doorway 'link' to DARK
spiritual realms 'below,' and demonic spirit forces instantly
gain access telepathically and overpower the 'reasoning'
aspect of their earthly victim who then acts out the incoming
thought directives and causes harm.
(Harm can also be simply lying, stealing, etc.)
This mental or emotion
or physical harm is RIGHTEOUS VENGEANCE
in action via the mind of an ignorant or arrogant person.
This mental or emotion or physical harm of
fulfillment of God's 'eye for an eye' LAW in
It is the DARK aspect of God's Law:
"As you did sow so shall ye reap"
taking place.
If YOU 'oppose' IT
forcefully or in causing pain or imposing punishment,
then YOU simply accrue a further
'suffering' DUE.
NO badge of office or official position or
mandate of man nullifies or voids the implementation of God's LAW.
God's LAW is a 'return' imposed by God. It is
ABSOLUTE JUSTICE. Be it good for
good or pain for pain.
It is simply the intelligent Dark or Light
energy of God which balances
Itself when IT so decides. It always balances Itself via the mind
and hand of a person. |
~ Injustice ~
The Justice of God
Injustice is God's
punitive 'eye for an eye'
Justice in action
controlling, interfering, subjugating, punitive
energy flows through 'mentally disturbed' *
persons whose negative emotions are active, and their minds and 'hands' are
used telepathically by spirit forces in lower realms whose minds are
also controlled by the DARK energy
essence of God which knows what is required to fulfill ITS 'eye for an eye'
'mentally disturbed' * persons - In this context it is
any person taking a wage to 'raise up' or uphold rules in a book
or orders issued by others which force them to defy God's
Command in their interaction with others or, it is a 'civilian'
who takes up 'arms' or uses force to mete out retribution in any
form and is thus also defiant of God. All persons such are
supping on the 'fruit' of the tree of evil which is forbidden by
God. |
God's punitive
'eye for an eye' Justice is
also meted out by the 'vain' politicians and their forces as they
control and punish people 'legally' in their eyes, none seeing that as
they so do they also accrue a spiritual
'pain & suffering' DUE to be met later in this or the after
Injustice is described as an injurious 'unjust' action
against another, and it is also disturbing their peace and perceived as
'improper, unregulated, dishonest, dishonourable and
unwanted' etc.
It is an occurrence which takes place having
unpleasant consequences to the recipient
who then seeks recourse such as a personal vendetta or compensation via the
'legal' court of man.
It is ALSO an occurrence which takes place having
unpleasant consequences to the recipient
who cannot take retributive action due to their belief that as
the imposition was 'legal' such as an 'act' of parliament that it
somehow cannot be construed as being 'unjust' even though it is
imposing more taxes which cause impoverishment etc.
The TRUTH of the matter is
that in the first instance there is NO injustice because ALL
'suffering, loss, impoverishment' etc., is
in FACT the Justice of God in ACTION
via the vain, arrogant and ignorant.
Even all government legislation
imposing more and more 'taxation,
stricture, interference, control' or punishment factor ARE all
God's Justice in ACTION being imposed upon humanity due to their
continued DEFIANCE of God's: "Go your way in
peace & love one another & be merciful & compassionate & forgive thine
enemy" Command.
Yes, the more 'voters' support and condone and FUND these
impositions of INIQUITY upon OTHERS via
their political 'servants,' the MORE is imposed by God via these same
vain and arrogant ignorant 'non-believer' politicians, chiefs, kings,
God's COMMAND defines ones daily conduct as
ONLY supporting, condoning and funding BENIGN
community effort and thus BEING,
peaceful, kind, loving, merciful, compassionate and forgiving.
This means that YOU do not 'join' hands with warmongers
who injure others or yourself, you forgive them their 'trespasses' against
God's Command but you do NOT aid them in their negative activity even if
they threaten you, injure you or forcefully dispossess you or crucify you.
Men imposing their 'rules, orders, demands, laws, edicts,
decrees' backed by threat, coercion and force are simply 'idiots'
possessed by so much dark emotional energy that they are like 'mini gods'
having the ideological belief in
their RIGHT TO RULE you, you and YOU but, - - -
they see NOT that their forceful impositions
ARE God's DARK energy in action through them and their forces and, - - -
This dark energy using them to subjugate you is
accompanied by the intrusive thoughts of the Dark, and their minds are
'possessed' telepathically by demonic spirit forces who are as ignorant
as they are of the FACT that the forceful and controlling energy used is a LAW
unto itself and, IT will return unto the users when IT so decides as IT is
what RULES, not man. (IT is God)
What you or your 'servants' DO unto others 'legally,
officially or otherwise' is done unto you and your servants on another day.
The moment you support the rule that
OTHERS must be forced to obey your
'rules,' it follows that you are a
DICTATOR and you will suffer all imposed
by you or your rules or their legislators and enforcers.
God's creative benign LIGHT
energy essence
or destructive malignant DARK energy
essence is in operation at all times, and ITS superior infinite
intelligence sees all and knows all and is 'incomprehensible' to the
simple mind of man.
No person is going to do anything to you which you do NOT deserve.
No person is ever going to avoid receiving that which they DO deserve.
God exists, and God's twin energies are a 'law' unto themselves and are
'useable' by you but you are 'warned' to never sup of the dark
as its use and return to you causes
suffering and IT, not you, is a Law
unto itself.
Only use God's Light energy,
God is GOD, not you nor any man.
~ Aberrant man ~
Defiance of God
Man over countless centuries of time has strayed so 'far' from the
ONE and only 'True Path' that his daily
defiance of God appears 'normal,' and man now no longer 'believes' that he
is 'less' than God. Man now perceives himself as 'equal' to or 'above' God
due to the 'blinding' power of
darkness within his soul. (God's dark, destructive energy)
Few men have absorbed the holy words
of the Sovereign Power (God) and
thus the daily activity of mortal man and 'immortal' spirit beings
existing outside heaven is in absolute contravention of God's Command and
thus man daily accrues a painful spiritual due within the 'invisible'
but immutable Law of God.
Regrettably, man also sees not that there is a further invisible consequence
of his defiance of God, wherein man unknowingly draws IN 'dark energy' into
his soul which grows as a 'cancer' within and is what makes him fall further
from the Light.
This energy which is the 'forbidden to use'
energy of God the Father has the capacity to keep one using IT
and ITS destructive power against
others, rather than being merciful, compassionate,
forgiving, loving and peaceful as commanded.
It is thus that man keeps suffering and accruing more and more
punitive dues within THE LAW of the energy of THE DARK. (As you do is done
unto you - unavoidable and absolute Justice within the 'return' law of
energy in action)
Woe and more woe, for the 'mass' of dark energy now within all (negative
emotions) is such that IT now completely rules them and they cannot now BE
'godly' and conscionable because IT 'justifies' continued
retributive and punitive activity against
If you THE INDIVIDUAL cannot now follow ME and my 'truth' then I AM
'sorry to say' that your suffering dues will keep you in
AGONY forever and a day.
If you 'justify' the use of rules in a
book as your 'authority' or you follow 'orders' issued from the mouths of
men as reason to defy God, then you
ARE aberrant and arrogant and ignorant and a VERY UNWISE fool deserving of
your coming FATE.
God is the Sovereign Authority and ruler not
men nor 'rules in a book.'
The Christian MESSAGE is "DO NOT
other punitive or warring system of man
offering protection of ITS sovereign boundaries and ITS citizens.
RELY ONLY ON the HOLY words of
"peace & love."
The Christian message is "Love one
another for all are God's children, being your sister or brother and never
disturb the peace of the land for IF you DO, then you are using the Dark
forceful power of God and IT will drag you down into ITS underworld which IS
God's 'under' land. Never fight and never retaliate against any aggressor or
oppressor for they are sent by God to set you free from your PAST INIQUITY."
NONE will be saved unless they PAY their dues to God
PERSONALLY in the fulfillment of God's LAW without RETALIATING.
~ The corrective' Justice of
man's court ~
The demands of the 'empowered' to correct the 'errors of the way' of others,
whether they be liars, thieves or disturbers of the peace who cause
harm is that their 'victim' is one who is hauled in
forcibly to stand in the court to be publicly punished.
The punishment may be mental or emotional trauma, loss of goods or money through
fines, or banishment to the underworld. (Prison)
This punishment of itself is in no way 'educative'
because it is purely a vindictive, merciless, cruel act of criminal vengeance.
This process of 'itself' is the causing of mental or emotional
trauma and harm
through stealing money forcibly via fines and or loss of liberty through jail
In fact, any person who uses force to intimidate another via forceful means
and who thereby causes harm, be it the 'plain' public abuse of someone or state
'officialdom' abusing someone in the name of
JUSTICE, understand it is all one and the same thing albeit those
empowered by rules to 'correct' the behaviour of others fail to see that
it is the judiciary and all complicit who perpetrate the abuse.
When we put others into 'hell' through our
demands of 'Justice' we automatically 'ring' our own karmic 'bell'
within the absolute justice of God's
immutable 'eye for an eye' Law of equal return.
What simple 'vain or arrogant' man does NOT see nor comprehend is that there
is a 'consequence' when using God's benign
or malignant ENERGY.
When you use God's ENERGY there are RULES that
apply. Being the 'Equal Return Factor' of energy in
motion. (Justice)
It is the invisible energy of the Source that
gives us life and moves our being, (Actions) and when using God's
merciful, joyous, forgiving and creative
Light energy, (Love) that same 'compassion'
RETURNS to one on another day via the mind and hands of another
benign person.
When using God's merciless, cruel, unforgiving
destructive Dark energy, (Hatred) that same 'dispassion' RETURNS
to one on another day via the mind and hands of an insane
'mentally disturbed' person.
The global reality is that every person empowered by RULES or their own
deluded mind (thoughts) are deceived because
they know NOT that irrespective of ones 'position' in life or ones ideological
'beliefs,' the Law of Equal Return is
inviolate because IT rules supreme and IT is a Law unto itself and it is
'beyond' the jurisdiction of man to control ITS return 'motion.'
This return comes when IT the SUPER intelligent energy
so decides, be it instantly via another or many years later.
It is now the time for everyone involved in the bringing of others to
punitive account or in imposing a painful consequence in their punitive
correction are in grave danger because they believe that their
RIGHT to impose
'Justice' exceed the Command and Power of their
CREATOR. This is the gravest error of judgement
of man that has existed since time immemorial and it is now
needing correction.
God said: "Judge not lest ye be so
Every person so deluded sees not that as they mercilessly bring others to
'account' punitively, that they are in fact using God's forceful Dark
Power, (The forbidden to use 'fruit' of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil) and as they so do, IT flows through their soul as they
criticise, judge, condemn and punish, (violence
in action) and some of this DARK energy grows within their own
soul and is this that drags their spirit down into the underworld in the
In these END days separation of souls time the deception of the DARK over the
mind of man is at its greatest and it flourishes everywhere and is
promoted through:
1 - Men of 'religion' who preach that you are
'safe and saved' when you are not because your activity is
in contravention of God's Command. (Error of
2 - Men of State using rules who assume that a rule or
mandate or 'uniform' exonerates them from conformity to God's
Command. (Error of belief) |
Every person living in this world or in other realms outside the pure
Light is a SINNER who is drawing IN dark
energy. The consequence of this is they are ON the road to the ETERNAL
Fire. The dark energy is the inner
sin. (Negative emotions of fear, hatred, jealousy, vanity, pride, anger
Let us now understand that every sinner is 'sinning' because their THOUGHTS
justify their retributive and punitive actions and all need to be
EDUCATED by our God via my pen. Ones destiny is
either heaven or hell and we need to now take personal responsibility for our
actions with others.
Neither God nor I 'care' as to who you think you are, it is simply that
unless you now look UP to the bright morning Star shining from afar to
remind you of God's Command and Power, you
will consign your own soul to the excruciating agony of the lower
lands and never again will you see or know of 'Light and
The ONLY way forwards now for EVERYONE in society is to make AMENDS to their
God and BE peaceful, loving, kind, caring, merciful
and FORGIVING and this MEANS that anyone continuing to be an
imposer of punitive JUSTICE backed by armed forces are already ON a
hellish ride.
In order to begin to implement change to the positive and restitution with
the DIVINE you must remember that the starting
POINT is YOURSELF. How do you begin to implement change to the benign? It is
through your total obedience to God's Command as you wisely 'turn the
other cheek' when abused and never cause harm in retaliation.
Education is the only true way
forward. Punitive 'payback' is a total defiance of God
and HE is the Sovereign POWER, not you.
All persons defiant of God through causing harm must now attend 'Feeling
Easier' Seminars in every village and town globally. It will be their ONLY
opportunity of learning the errors of their ways and having a 'chance' to make
amends with their Creator. All persons continuing to defy Him will by His
Dark energetic Power drawn INTO their souls through their
negative interaction banish themselves
into the Abyss.
I AM God's Plenipotentiary - You HAVE been WARNED.
Law & Order ~
Man names the
rules or decrees of State as being 'the law' and the
Police Service is expected to enforce
said 'rules' as well as maintaining the PEACE
or orderliness of community members.
It is now the time
for man to comprehend that our God maintains His
'eye for an eye' LAW on a perpetual basis, and that all
'disorderliness' and causing of harm is
the imposition of His DARK energy flowing through the mind and
hand of errant man to balance ITS
'Scales of Justice.' (Dark energy of the Source)
Since everyone is
using the 'forbidden to use' fruit of the Tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, (Forceful controlling and
punitive destructive energy) one is constantly placing oneself
within ITS punitive
Law of equal Return and this energy force flows
through man and uses man to be ITS instrument of 'correction.'
As soon as man (using
Police) impose a punitive sentence upon the errant offender, then all the
suffering imposed and endured by the 'prisoner of state,' be it mental or
emotional or financial loss or loss of freedom, becomes a spiritual DUE within
God's Law upon the 'heads' of all involved. Those involved include members of
the public who 'vote' or fund by taxes the armed forces and judiciary and
corrective services.
An 'act' of murder by
a member of the community is perceived as a 'heinous' crime. I need to make
everyone aware that all politically motivated
killing brings culpability upon the heads of all voters and
taxpayers. All soldier warriors destructive activities 'legalised' by political
rulings/acts/laws have NO effect on the Law of equal
Return of God's ENERGY.
It is the time now
for everyone to comprehend that all or any 'offensive' activity is the result of
mental instability enabling the DARK to interfere telepathically. Insanity
results with painful consequences for everyone.
Every politician,
king, emperor or chief have 'sin' within and this negative emotional energy
of VANITY, PRIDE, ARROGANCE etc., is of THE DARK through which
their minds are JUSTIFIED by IT the Dark to
control and subjugate and wage war. WHY? Because as
this they do, they are being USED BY IT to balance
ITS 'eye for an eye' Scales of Justice book.
It is the time now
for everyone to look to the Police Service
as a 'friendly one' rather than an enforcer of rules.
Police must now ONLY haul IN persons who factually disturb
the peace or who are involved in immoral
activities. These persons must be EDUCATED
and assisted back to 'reason.' (Sanity)
Man, their
'judiciary' and Police services must now leave punitive aspect of THE LAW to
God, for HE knows every move of man and where everyone is at every
moment of eternal time 24/7. There is NO escape for any who cause harm or
The killings to now
take place as well as serious wounds are to 'flood' the hospitals and every
community needs to quickly prepare 'tented' or other facilities such as Church'
buildings to house wounded and store medical supplies.
What needs to be
UNDERSTOOD by mortal man is that:
1 - It is NOT
POSSIBLE to legalise
DEFIANCE OF GOD through empowering mortals in using a democratic
'majority' VOTE.
2 - It is NOT
POSSIBLE to nullify the
IMPOSITION of God's LAW through empowering mortals
in using a democratic 'majority' VOTE.
When any person is
causing ANY 'type' of HARM, in FACT it is
the invisible DARK ENERGY using THEM to be ITS 'instrument' of
retribution and IF the one
being USED * does not awaken to this FACT, the Dark
FORCE will keep using them to the point that IT eventually crushes their
soul into OBLIVION. To do 'this' takes a lot of time, but time is
I have said ENOUGH -
The Pardon ~
Let it here and now be clearly understood, you are NOT 'pardoned' by
'Jesus' or any other mortal or God for your personal
sinning ways.
You can ONLY be pardoned by God when you:
1 - Do
bow to His "Peace, love, mercy,
compassion and forgive others"
Command at all times
and in all situations and, - - -
2 - Do
bleed as you
suffer your spiritual dues as others 'crucify' you, and you
thus make 'atonement' with your God as He via others
fulfills His immutable 'eye for an eye' Law that is absolute
Justice in action.
In order to fulfill the
'punitive' aspect of the Law of God you have to learn to 'turn the
other cheek' when faced by adversity and to never retaliate against
your oppressor. |
Note 1: sinning ways
- the use of negative energy wherein you interfere in the lives of others, cause
them mental or emotional stress or physical injury, or tax them, enslave them,
raise up your voice or hand against them, punish them or destroy them or, in any
way disadvantage them.
Note: 2 -
Reference the meaning of 'The law of the land.'
Man has been led to believe that the
'Edicts' of mortal men (State rules) are the
law of the land. This is error, and is the 'blinding' power of the Dark
that keeps man in bondage to IT and eternal suffering and enslavement unto IT.
Man also believes that mandated enforcers are
empowered to be 'above' their own law of the land
Rules of men, (State) and this shows the 'weakness' of man's supposed
'the law' that should be equal to all for sure.
Mandated enforcers also 'forget' that in the
course of their duty to man or the decrees of man, (State) that they are still
'subjects' of God and subjected to His immutable Law of every
Man must now learn that
God's Law is the only 'Just' Law, and for
sure it stands above the rulings of mortal man and none can void it, avoid it,
nullify it, nor be 'above' it.
Man has been led to believe that the
'Edicts/rules/laws/codes/rituals' of men of
'religion' are laws that are commandments of God.*
(see Note 3) They are NOT, they are the 'orders'
that issued forth from the mouths of vain, arrogant, proud and sinful men
controlled from the Dark, being men that were/are unaware that THE
ALMIGHTY has only ONE Sacred Law:
"As you
do is done unto you - As you Sow so shall ye Reap."
It 'follows'
that all the 'rules/laws/obligations' imposed upon people through past
scriptural teachings of every religion are by this pen abolished, for you may
do anything you wish to, and live as you wish to, as long as it is in
conformity with God's Command unto all:
The Primary
RULING Command of God to all is:
"Go your way
in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate, and forgiving."
For as
long as it is within the precepts of this Command you will live in freedom and
happiness because you are supping on the 'essence' of the river of the
Light benign energy of
creation, and paradise will be your destination.
If you
choose to live 'outside' the parameters of God's Command then you may so do, but
over time you will be 'bound' unto eternal suffering and sadness in the Abyss
that will be your destination because you are supping on the 'essence' of the
river of the Dark malignant energy of destruction.
Note 3: -
Reference commandments of God.* - It is the
inherent nature of the Dark energy of God that this energy interact punitively
with every person defiant of His "Love one
another and go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving"
Command, thus when you use dark energy in your interaction with others
either directly or via state employees then it follows that you have or
are complicit to having controlled others,
interfered in their lives, caused them mental or emotional or physical stress of
injury, and the DARK essence that was used in this interaction then
returns within ITS (God's LAW) to control and injure
you and give you your 'Just dues.' (Absolute Justice)
This is accomplished by IT via the mind of
mortal men that are ITS vain, arrogant and ignorant 'puppets' controlled
and inspired by IT telepathically. More and more regulations and suffering
When you pay taxes
to any controlling body or institution of man you are supporting and
condoning the control and interference in the lives of others unto your
own demise. Only fund benign community effort that
you wish to use or subscribe to. Do not pay the wages of any person that uses
force to interfere, injure, control or disadvantage others.
As this section has been the the
'last' document written for God via my 'hand,' I now thank 'HIM' for
'permitting' the
to shine down to this land, - - - for no 'person' in this land 'deserves' to
have IT, as all 'yet' are 'swine.'
"Thank you 'Oh' God for your mercy."
Terence, the messenger of God
The end
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