~ The 'Fall of Israel ~
A Treatise of Truth
on the 'spiritual demise' of mankind as he 'muddied' his soul
with the blood of others.
By Terence
As it
was ‘written’ is prophesied by me to now be, for man of ‘Israel’ the
Jewish State did forgo his God as he ‘hungered for freedom’ and
lusted after material power. Man was also misled by Rabbi’s
were ‘ill bred,’ and thus they consorted with
and other latter day warmongers and taught God’s children
that to ‘fight’
was their divine
It was
not, it is not, and it will never so be, and every ‘Jew’ now bears
arms against his sister and brother of other races as well as their
own, and their God does now disown them all, and all will more than
‘pall’ as into the ‘desert’ being the Abyss of suffering they will
fall into for a time and a time and, - - -
only did vain men (Rabbi) purporting to 'hold, carry, or know' the
Truth of Salvation
'grovel' at the
feet of armed men of war through fear, but they also sold God's
children into
slavery, and this
continues on today because of their 'weak' minds that gave in to the
threats of reprisal from said 'warlords,' for if they refused to
'cough up' all and every taxing 'tax'
they may have had their throats 'slit' and, - - - if they
had been true 'believers' in the 'call' from their Creator they
would have simply said:
"NO, we cannot fund iniquity, and thus we will simply get on with
our life with our Creator as our 'wife.' We will give to the poor
what we can, and if you are 'hungry' then we will give you a slice of
bread at our table as we tell you of the 'correct' code of conduct
that we 'preach,' for it is not the right way of living to go forth
over the land as you do, bearing 'swords' and threatening people,
stealing their 'produce' by taxing them, robbing, raping, pillaging
and killing. For that 'way' leads to spiritual death." |
Now you
see how Rabbi sided with the warlords, and they 'pacified' the
people as they said to the people:
"Let us pay the taxes,
because only thus will we be left in peace and be allowed to have
our Temples and carry out our daily rituals of belief."
seeing or realising that by this deed everyone was bound into
deceived, because
they saw not that by funding iniquity they were funding the
Antichrist war machine, and they became complicit to all the
terror imposed upon other communities by said
warmongers, and all
this placed themselves within the punitive aspect of the LAW
of God. Hence their ongoing punishment by God via the hands of
others equally ignorant of God's Command and His Law.
So the
'sin' of our forefathers continues on today as all yet fund and
support terrorist organisations, being the governments of every land
that believe that what they do in 'protecting' themselves, me or you
as being 'right action' in God's eyes and it is NOT. God said:
"Rely not on the
strength of your right arm, nor the strength of your servants. Rely
only on the strength of MY WORD."
So as
simple man by mouth 'praises' his Creator and 'genuflects' as he
carries out the daily
imposed by men in robes, he in fact is simply a deluded
person, for by his factual deed of supporting, condoning and
funding warriors
he shows his God that he is a fool kneeling at Satan's footstool.
Man has apparently forgotten that it is a God-given Right and a Right given by the Constitution of man to live by their God-given conscience and ideology of absolute pacifism, and any judicial person, officer of state or magistrate or rabbi or enforcer who denies that Right by deception or force is a living swine who is most definitely ON the wide road to Hell and within the immutable Law of God they will suffer all they impose upon others.
God Commands 'Peace' - Christ’s Message Commands 'Peace' - The Constitution of the land commands and demands 'Peace'
there is yet ‘one’ Jew left in the land of Israel who has a soul
true and thus neither funds the State system of iniquity, nor bears
arms, and is a man of true
as Commanded by his Creator, then let him come to me so that his
face I can see.
there is one or more in that ‘sorry’ land who believes in me the
invisible Light
that he cannot see, and is prepared to lay down his mace and take up
the Covenant of God in its entirety as given below, then there is a
slight ‘chance’ that they will survive spiritually the eternal
suffering to be imposed upon all who now continue to defy
their Creator.
The ‘fall’ of Israel – This not only applies to that
‘land’ and its people but to others in every part of
this world, and every level of consciousness outside
heaven, where arrogant, ignorant man continues to defy
the Creator as he man ‘spurns’ God’s sacred leaven (Peace
& love & mercy & forgive your enemy). God is now to separate the just from the wicked. |
It is a 'sad' fact that
every 'Overlord' offers armed
protection as
their coercive
'excuse' for enforcing
the payment of taxes.
There have always been power hungry men
who were 'loud voiced' and belligerent, and they all used and
yet use force of arms to go forth and invade, seize, and attain
lands for the sole purpose of 'aggrandisement and power and
in 'control,'
they then subjugate
the people into 'taxing' slavery,
and to be able to so do, they need to be funded by
people, and that means 'YOU.' Man must now learn to halt his
'adoration' of Kings, Queens, and other 'forceful' personages,
for all are backed by
and paid
who do
whatever they are told to. Political men and their armed
forces know NOT of the power of their Creator to 'destroy' those
continuing to be 'bad' seeds.
It is now the time to
'repel' all political 'taxing' advances by simply NOT 'bowing'
to their rule, rules or rulings, and simply getting on with your
life as God Commands - - -
Peacefully, and by only supporting
the benign
community service provision, effort, directly. Do NOT fund any
'enforcement' or punishment or war effort.
If you are 'fearful' of repercussions
and 'join' the warlords
then you become an eternal 'possession' of the State of
Darkness. (Hell)
biblical land * of the
Jews believed to be named 'Israel' is not of this
earthly realm or place. The biblical land is
the spiritual land of
HEAVEN from where man
'fell' from 'grace' as he decided to defy God and
wield a mace.
(When you wield a mace you are supping on the
'fruit' of the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil and using the destructive forceful power
of God. God forbids this activity, for ONLY
God is above the 'Law of equal return' because He
THE ENERGY - both the Creative and
Destructive aspects)
The biblical land * -
This 'land' applies to all mankind of every race and
creed. Only those who now obey their God will
attain "heaven," (paradise) the 'rest' will continue
to fight and fall into the abyss of eternal
The 'lost' races
of mortal man believe that they can
wrestle with God and win, they cannot, for as
they FIGHT they draw IN
more SIN. The Sin being the dark energy
of God
which is what coarsens the vibration of their
soul and drags IT away from the
Light. (Divorces their souls from
To 'win' you have
to learn to NEVER cause harm,
you FORGIVE your
perceived enemy and 'turn the other cheek' if
abused. This is THE
ONLY WAY to spiritual
freedom and
paradise. |
page 2
“What is a Jew”?
A Jew
is a person whose birth mother was Jewish by race. Thus they are an
ethnic group of people.
A ‘religious’ Jew is a person who believes they
are of high ethical and moral standards, and may be a person of any
ethnic race who purports to follow the ‘traits’ of the religion of
is Israel?
It is a
land based State within which persons purporting to be Jewish
‘believers’ in God are in fact all ‘bowing’ to the Dark
Sovereign Power that is using their arrogance, vanity,
insanity and ignorance to
great travail upon persons of other ethnic groups and religions.
is ‘The Promised Land’?
It is
the ultimate
level of pure
within which only the
pure of spirit
can enter.
is a TRUE Believer?
A True
believer is one who is of NO named
religion that during the course of eternal time bows in submission
to the Command of the Creator. Thus they:
Go their way in peace, they love one
another, they show respect, compassion, mercy and
forgiveness unto all, even unto the untrue who abuse them,
me, or you. They are generous of spirit, humble and
kind. |
are a delight in the sight of the Creator, and by their daily deed
they show others how all should live and by their actions they
educate all. These are the true ‘disciples’ of God who will be
‘resurrected’ from their past ways as they permit others to
persecute them or crucify them and they do not retaliate in
any way as they 'permit' the fulfillment of God's 'eye for an eye'
Law. (A debt their soul may have carried from
pre-birth into this realm)
they know that all suffering imposed by the ignorant upon them is a
spiritual debt they owed to God for when in their past they were
complicit to the imposition of suffering upon others, either
directly or indirectly, or when it was done on their behalf or
in their
name, when in ignorance they funded and supported the punitive,
controlling, taxing and warring activities of the ignorant heads or
State and their mercenaries. ( State enforcers)
is “Religion”?
Religion is the belief in
a superpower to be obeyed, having an ideological
belief based on a ‘set’ code of conduct. Man has given their
particular 'conduct code' a name e.g.: Islam, Judaism,
Buddhism, Christianity etc., whereas GOD/ALLAH stipulated that HIS
Command unto ALL His children was the simple and ONLY WAY
to be-live-exist,
for any who defied
IT would die spiritually.
People of ALL races and
named 'creeds' or 'religions' need to know that the 'key' to
Salvation is 'simply' to obey
and remain in absolute conformity at all times and in all
situations to:
The Primary TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God/Allah
"Go your way in peace and love one
another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
There are many
'named' religions of MEN who are misleading humanity and
turning man against man, for there are in fact only TWO
religious ideological codes of conduct
beliefs/policies/faiths/doctrines. These are the ideological
'policies' available to be followed:
The ONE is the
The 'ideal'
being the belief
Tender loving CARE
compassion, respect,
truthfulness, mercy,
forgiveness, freedom
& creativity
aspirant, pilgrim or
'follower' remains
loyal in being
in their interaction
with others at all
The other is the
The 'ideal'
being the belief
in the
Cruel merciless
War, control,
vengeance, torture,
killing &
'follower' is an
aggressor who
terrorises and
injures others when
they feel
'justified' to so
The most
dangerous religion
that exists in every land is the one couched as 'secular' and is
‘hidden’ as such from man’s psyche and unseen as being a religion,
but it is an
ideological belief
based on a code of conduct of
control, regulation, extortion,
punishment and war
that has formulated in every land. The 'superpower' that is adored
is the head of state person and the books of rules and decrees.
It is the text rulings
in the National and State government ‘rule books’ of man, and these
‘scriptures’ are ‘adored’ by all and used to
the populace by
force of arms and
to tax
them, regulate
them, impoverish
them, enslave
them, punish
them, wage war
on them etc., and are the inspiration and imposition of the Dark Sovereign Power
(God) for mans continued defiance of HIM.
All those who uphold
these ‘statutes’ for a wage or, who condone them, fund their
operatives or support them, are all blind and ignorant and are all
unknowingly walking the wide road to Hell and eternal suffering.
Thus we all need to see
that we must not 'belong' to any named religion or punitive
Institution of man, we must only live in accordance to the
Command of the Creator, for HE created us to be a delight in His
sight and any who He sees continue to be 'bad' will
by HIM be cast down OUT OF HIS SIGHT into the Dark to suffer eternal
torment for their arrogance.
page 3
What of 'the law' of
I can and do now state
quite categorically that the 10 Commandments recorded as 'the law'
of Moses that were purported to have emanated as such from God on
'tablets' were not, and were in fact NOT
'The Law of God.'
They were NOT script
engraved on 'tablets of stone' by the supernatural power of God, for
if they had so been then no mere mortal could have destroyed them
and God does NOT manifest in that manner.
The content of the
engraved tablets had 'appeared' as thoughts in the mind
of Moses the man, and were simply his code of conduct that
he 'thought' that humanity needed to TRY and follow and, the simple man 'Moses'
believed them to be 'God's Law' but that was his
For in those days and even
now, any person found
of not conforming to said
are 'bound' in one way or
another by ignorant mortals and
ostracised, or
cast out
of society or
killed, and THAT
'policy' in fact contravenes the
code of conduct
commanded by God
and, - - - it places the
within the punitive
aspect of the real
'THE LAW of God'
that is 'refreshed' and
clarified on this page.
Moses was no 'god' and
neither was he appointed or 'anointed' as such by the REAL God. He
was but a 'sinful' mortal who sought to do certain things, many
who were in direct contravention of God's Command unto humanity,
and these were done by Moses through his arrogance, ignorance, and
Foolish are those mortals
'trapped' into believing 'stories' of purported miracles of
manifestation that made Moses into being perceived as a 'god
like' creature.
appointed time only those who 'accept' the 'ideological belief' or
of conduct
as Commanded by God
will survive to LIVE
in the
Light of Paradise.
All others who continue to use
control, punish, wage war
etc., will fall into the
Abyss of eternal agony.
God’s Commanded
'Code of
“Go your way in peace, and extend mercy, compassion and
love unto all, and be forgiving unto those yet sinfully
living, and turn the other cheek in non-retaliation when
abused" |
God's 'Covenant with man'
the trust in - - - and observance to God's
Holy Word as required by God for the Salvation of
individuals, and the Word of God
with man' being, - - -
peaceful, do not disturb the peace, be merciful &
compassionate and forgiving towards those yet 'in sin'
living and, - - - turn the other cheek if struck and, -
- - follow Christ to the cross 'as a lamb to the
slaughter' if you would become My son or daughter."
who 'bow' in subservience to this
have a
'Covenant with
and will be saved
The 'LAW of God' is not any 'set' of
rules, edicts, statutes or
regulations. IT (The law of God) is
a singular 'statement of fact' backed by the immeasurable power
of God.
The single and
immutable 'LAW of God'
“As you do will be done unto you” on an equal and
thus ‘eye for an eye’ basis. Thus ‘As you sow so
shall ye reap,’ and it simply means that for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It 'follows'
that any rule or edict of the Rabbi or any other
supposed 'wise' elder is NOT God's Law but simply
a directive of a 'sinful' man who assumes that
they have the 'right' to legislate the conduct of
other mortals and
a 'punishment factor' for non compliance. Foolish indeed
are they for they will 'die' in their sin. (Control of
their followers, and 'deception' and MIS-guidance
through their arrogance, ignorance, and their own false
and erroneous beliefs, being the 'sins' of their
forefathers now ingrained in their psyche.)
page 4
The Antichrist 'force' ~
The Antichrist
is the invisible Satanic
that daily grows in power within all nations, and
its 'rule' of
regulation & punitive
Law established itself within every
country in place of the 'Covenant' agreement of
Those who continue to 'bow' in
subservience to political control and support it
and fund its warring and punitive ways will 'die
in their sin' as they fall below because, - - - they
chose to defy God, and all now use His 'forbidden
to use' destructive energy (the fruit of the tree of
evil) and they now have
'Covenant' with the Serpent.
If you cause any
mental, emotional or
physical pain to
another or, you restrict their movement or, you
impose sanctions
or, you
steal, punish, invade,
wage war, destroy and kill,
then all this and
any collateral
'suffering’ that
results from your actions or the actions of your paid
servants will come back to your ‘door’ in/on an 'eye for an eye'
or equal 'measure.' Being a
to be suffered
by you ahead in this or the after life as ordained by God the
absolute authority.
If you bestow
respect, kindness,
compassion, mercy and love
upon others, then all this and any collateral
that results from your
actions or the actions of your paid servants will come back
to your ‘door’ in an 'eye for an eye' or equal 'measure,' being a
'Tribute of
happiness' to be
by you ahead in this or the after life as ordained by God the
absolute authority.
page 5
~ The ‘laws’ of the Rabbi
The ‘Rabbi, clerics,
priests, politicians and others’ all ‘invented’ thousands upon
thousands of ‘rulings’ that they
and yet impose as
‘laws’ and, - - -
They impose ‘statutes’ and
rituals upon the people in the name of God, and all this
iniquity that
controls the daily
lives and activity of God’s children in many a foul manner is soon
to STOP as God’s
unfolds in the manner as written by MY ‘hand’ and, - - -
Every ‘swine’
who 'ever'
raised up even ONE
‘ruling’ of any description and
it under
threat of fine, punishment,
or death
for non conformity is a
and is by
MY hand *
consigned to the Abyss for a time and a time for being such an
arrogant and vain swine. This also applies to any person who
continues to promote or uphold such
hand *
- My hand and mind is God's ‘pen,’ and it is simply
advising all ‘offenders’ of their due ‘fate’ that is to
be imposed by God in accordance with His Law, and
He will ‘justly’ ensure that each of you receive
your due for promoting and perpetuating
that has misled so many and led them into the 'arms' of
- A
'swine,' being an infidel by virtue of the fact that
they are operating in contravention of God's Command,
and thus their activities are 'illegitimate.' |
Certainly we need 'codes of
so that our children grow up
others and are
in the many ways of life on earth such as 'driving on the correct
side of the road' but, - - - there is to be NO
factor and NO
‘taxes,’ for all
will freely give
of their earned income so that each community will happier
There are to be NO
‘strictures’ as to ‘dress’ or food or any of the multitudes of
‘religious’ rituals presently taught. Stop ‘bowing’ in
subservience to the ‘rules or laws’ of vain rabbi, clerics, priests
or politicians, for the
is simple and can be passed on by word of mouth, and it is not
‘bound’ by the rules of ignorant men, and it needs not belong to any
particular named religion for it of itself is an ideological
belief in
peace and love.
The ONLY spiritual
‘teaching’ reference God and His
is that of His commanded
code of conduct
given above, and His
above as given by me, and His immutable
given by me. God's
Holy Word (Command
& Covenant & Law) does not 'live' in any building, nor is it owned
by any Rabbi, but resides in the heart of believers who see ITS
reality and wish to attain
It is the time for all to
see that ‘under’ the cloak of biological flesh resides the spirit
being that exists forever in one or another of the thousands of
spirit realms that exist within the ‘frame’ of our immortal God. He
is invisible to thee but not to me, for I see his face and I know
the depth of His power soon to be seen here and there and
The 'Holy Temple' is not
any 'monolith' or building and stands on no particular place on
earth, for it is the Temple of God within the spirit soul of
man, being the
sacred place
the 'heart and conscience' of man wherein is kept the Command of God
in all ITS purity and IT is adhered to at all times and in
all situations and, - - -
Only thus does IT (the
spirit soul and the Command of God) remain unsullied, and only
thus does man's soul ward off the 'advances' of the Devil when
under duress,
(Coercion & deception) and thus he does not abuse his perceived
enemy, and thus his soul becomes free and pure. (Love thine
enemy and uplift them by your good deeds)
Every ‘man,’ women, and
child is as yet ‘sinful’ in that they contaminated their souls with
His dark energy * a long time ago, and only I know what is now to
be, and thus I suggest that every ‘swine’ presently promoting ANY
texts of ‘rules or laws or statutes or decrees’ quickly lay down
their ‘supposedly’ sacred texts and
them, for they are all contaminated by filth and
His dark energy * - All is
'of' God, and He forbids man to use His forceful,
destructive, controlling energy. |
It is the time for all to
now sup on my
Testament of Truth
for only IT is written by MY personal hand inspired direct from God
as His message of
unto all of every race and creed under this sun, and in every realm
of spirit.
Some examples Code of conduct
guidelines - Bow in
subservience to God's Command - wash your hands after using the
toilet - do not litter the street with garbage - use a 'plumb line'
when building walls - do not 'patent' any inspiration from God, give
your ideas free to the community - ask for assistance and direction
- help the needy, comfort the lonely etc.
No 'guideline'
has any punitive attachment for non-conformity - Education is the
way forward. |
Page 6
'rules-statutes-laws' of Secular man or Rabbi, Priest, Cleric or
Let it
BE clearly understood that for centuries man 'brooded' over the
manner in which others were required to live and 'give,'
and simple 'sinful' man used the name of God as his apparent
authority and backed that with the use of force. Not
realising that the use of
was totally
forbidden by God,
for IT is the use of Evil as its use causes others to
suffer or lose or be disadvantaged in some way and, - - -
use of said 'force' to control, regulate, tax, seize, fine,
ostracize, punish, incarcerate or kill invokes the REAL
"The Law of God"
in its fullness, and the dark and
energy of God that 'backs' the punitive aspect of God's Law swings
into operation, and at some time or place fulfills itself by
returning a similar and equitable and equal
'endowment' of suffering upon the enforcer of said
'rules-statutes-laws' of
Secular man or Rabbi, Priest, Cleric
or other via the
mind or hand of some other ignorant person.
dark 'underhand' of the Source has ONE 'objective.' Being to
and destroy
every spirit soul who contravenes the Command of God given in this
document because, - - - it is those full of vanity, pride, arrogance
and greed that bring disharmony to the lives of others as they defy
the principle
'Code of conduct'
Edict, Decree, Command of
the Creator who is also the Destroyer, and HE is invincible
and all seeing and all knowing.
such as 'Moses' believed in the use of force to enforce their
'opinions,' and due to their elevation into 'god-ship' by other
mortals who adore 'strong men,' the greatest 'error' of judgement
has become enshrined in all the purported 'holy books' upon which
the Judeo-Christian religions and secular institutions base their
and, - - - due to the 'fairy'
stories surrounding Moses and others, all now believe that said
are backed by God and
'profitable' and, - - -
It is I
the risen 'Christ'
(Sin free - NO negative emotions within) to state quite
categorically that all
having a punitive
'attachment' for non-conformity were and yet are inspired by
the Serpent, being the administrator of the Dark
Sovereign Power, God - - - for the sole purpose of enslaving
man and using man to be ITS 'tool' and, for their arrogance they
enable IT'S dark energy to contaminate their souls with 'filth,'
(Sin - dark emotions) that enable IT to drag them into its lair of
darkness and cause them eternal torment.
Day by
day mere mortals 'sit' and brood over new 'rulings' that enable the
interference, control, and punitive extortion of funds from others,
and all this 'thinking' is overseen and controlled by the Serpent,
who gives them absolute JUSTIFICATION to do what they do as they sit
in 'judgement' over others.
man, seeing not that it is ONLY God's prerogative to 'Judge' and
mete out punishment to His children. It is man's prerogative to go
his way in Peace
as commanded by his Creator, and certainly 'civil' man may assist
others in the community by
codes of conduct 'guidelines' that will assist the smooth running of
the community. But there must be no 'coercion,' nor any punishment
for non-conformity. Man needs to realise that he man is not
God, and he man has NO 'god-given' right to interfere in the lives
of others.
whole religious and secular 'system' is based on 'silt,' and is now
to be washed away in a tide of blood, mud, fire and agony as
God's Wrath unfolds in the manner dictated by me on my Testament web
site. Man has NO 'legal or legitimate' authority from God to
'rule, tax, control,
regulate, or punish'
any other person.
Education is the
only way.
page 7
Who am I ‘Terence’?
My mother's father was
a 'German' Jew who married a Danish lady. My grandfather was a
'Basque' from the Pyrenees who 'fled' persecution and married a
Scottish lass. My mother was half 'Jewess' and half Danish. My
father was half 'Basque' and half Scottish. What then am I? Simply
me, the individual.
It is irrelevant as to the
'origins' of my biological 'spacesuit,' for the spirit soul within
was inserted into it by God when my biological 'heart' started to
beat, thus I am of no 'blue blood' sect, but I am TRUE Blue
and was born under the African sun, so 'maybe' I am a simple 'Son of
What is the 'ideological
belief' of Africans? Some are indigenous, others of Arab descent,
some from India, Europe and in fact from most places on earth. Some
believe in cannibalism, some in witchcraft, some in the other
multitudes of false or partly true teachings of other men. Some
'praise' Jehovah, others Muhammad or Islam, others praise Israel,
others praise Buddha or Christ Jesus, many 'profess' to be
Christians, but all are ready to fight for their perceived
RIGHT, and all believe that their 'religion' is the only
correct one. Where does this place me?
I walked my road with open
eyes and observed that amongst those of every 'tribe' or colour
there were some who walked tall. These were the
compassionate, kind
and caring, many others were
murderers and thieves, and cruelly
corrupt and merciless and unforgiving
as through their minds
the thoughts of the satanic Serpent wove their invisible
'spell' as He used them to
and abuse
and destroy,
and none of these were aware that ahead they would 'share' a similar
'fate' in the underworld of suffering.
I chose to try and be
simple and honest and kind, for I did believe in God and did strive
to meet His 'Standard' of 'giving' and living in
as I did my
best to untangle the web of deceit woven by the dark force via
the sin of vanity, pride, greed, and arrogance of our forefathers.
It matters not 'who' you
are, where you were born, the colour of your biological skin, who
your parents are, or what they believed etc., it only matters that
you look directly to God as your head of house, and you bow in
submission to His Command that He again now gives humanity
via my pen, His pen.
It follows: “What are
Are you by word of mouth
stating that you are an adherent to one or another of the many
religions on earth or, are you simply a child of God as I am who is
of NO named ‘religion,’ but one who knows
THE TRUTH, and thus
you go your way in
Peace being God’s
‘proof’ to all you meet?
Most people bow down to or
'adore' the
rituals of
their religion rather than God's
or Command,
and they elevate their Rabbi, Bishops or other elders into 'god
ship'- - - do you?
Most people bow down to or
'adore' the
rules of their
Institution rather than God's
or Command,
and they elevate their Kings, Queens, Chiefs, Mandarins, politicians
or other elders into 'god ship'- - - do you?
If you are a policeman or
magistrate or other
then you have
forsaken your 'stated' religion and your personal 'Covenant' with
God. For you have chosen to uphold the 'rules' or 'decrees' or
'orders' of other men and their rulings, and you
'happily' punish,
control, detain,
and thus abuse
or kill
others, and in this you disobey God, and this you do for a
wage, and you place your own soul within the 'mandate' of the Dark
Sovereign Power.
He now seeks to destroy
you within the 'bounds' of
His Law that
is immutable, in that it is
TRUE to His Word:
"As you do is done unto you."
Please endeavour to amend the error of your
present away, and only educate and give assistance to others yet
sinfully living.
page 8
~ Political 'Civil disobedience' ~
Anarchy, unrest, anger & fear
For so long now
has errant man disobeyed his Sovereign spiritual Monarch God, and
for so long now have those empowered by the 'ring' of power
bequeathed them via their earthly sovereign usurped their
'authoritative' mandate, that unrest, anger and fear now flows with
increasing speed through the emotions of civilians who more and
more are being subjugated by rules/acts/decrees and the accompanying
'punitive' factors imposed for non-conformity.
What is this
subjugation causing fear, anger and unrest? It is the escalation of
control over their living 'ways' and interference in every aspect of
life and business and, it is the punitive action taken against any
who 'fail' to 'bow' in conformity due to their 'disbelief' in this
manner of religious persecution.
This subjugation
results in people being harassed, persecuted,
prosecuted, threatened, coerced, evicted from their homes,
and their property is stolen via 'seizure' and sale by authoritarian
people backed by force of 'arms' in a
dishonest, immoral and unconscionable
manner that of itself is 'Anarchy' in
action as it defies the "Peace, love & mercy"
Command of the spiritual Monarch, and all this is now leading
to absolute CHAOS.
Let it be clearly
understood that the 'anarchists'
sowing 'Civil disobedience' are in fact
the 'politicians' who have become the
'enemy of the public' due to their own emotions of pride,
vanity, arrogance and greed and total disregard of the
'Constitutional' mandate.
Let it be clearly
understood that politicians and other 'dictators' now 'live' in
the FALSE ideological belief that they
are 'gods,' having the divine right to invoke any
rules/decrees/acts/laws that they are inspired to, and these
disobedient 'suggestions' that
are set in 'motion' and 'seconded' and then legislated as 'text' in
an unholy book of rules are what
enable them and their armed forces 'servants' to
interfere, control, regulate, berate, steal,
coerce, threaten, bully, extort funds, intimidate, punish and
destroy the livelihoods of civilians and, the added
'collateral' damage of mental
and emotional trauma, loss and suffering
is by them unseen.
Let it be clearly
understood that a 'disobedient'
suggestion is ANY 'wording' tabled for 'consideration' by political
'servants of the people' containing a resultant 'action' that will
cause 'mental, emotional or physical'
harm, harassment, disability, loss, inconvenience, embarrassment
to another child of God, and it includes any 'action' enabling
'extortion from' and
'punishment of' those 'meek & humble'
who are going about their way
peacefully as commanded by their God.
Let it be clearly
understood that any such 'act' invoked is in direct
contravention of the 'Peace & love & mercy'
Command of the Sovereign spiritual Monarch God and, it
is also in contravention of and is in 'conflict' with the
basic human rights and principles of peaceful
co-existence and moral ethics.
Let it be clearly
understood that these rules now 'established' have
deceived government 'workers' into
believing falsely that they have
'immunity' from God and man, in that they now believe that in
the 'course' of their 'official' duty that they can do all
the 'foul' iniquitous, immoral, and unethical things that man is
forbidden to do by God and, forbidden to do by the normal code of
conduct policy enforced by armed men upon the community.
It is now THE TIME for
every politician and public 'official' to 'question' their own
conscience and their own 'belief' as to their own personal
conduct, and all I can say to anyone is:
"If our Creator sees your conduct 'conflicting' in any way to His
'peace & love & mercy' Command, then for sure He will be the
one to reprimand your 'activity' within the 'constraints' of His
immutable 'eye for an eye - as you sow so shall ye reap' LAW."
You have now been
'warned,' and I can only suggest that we all now turn our
backs to any political or 'other' rule or ruling that permits 'us'
to be in any way complicit to the 'backing' of the
FALSE 'religion' that promotes
and uses 'open' warfare being waged upon others within the community
or over the sea.
Why? Because it is
insanity to condone and support and fund any invasive, controlling,
extortionist or punitive 'activity' in the foreknowledge that
all suffering imposed and
iniquity being done to others in your name and on
your behalf becomes a very painful
'due' to be met by you in this or the after-life.
Let it be clearly
understood that all these 'unholy' acts/laws/rules/decrees
were/are invoked by immoral men whose minds were/are linked to the
dark devilish force of darkness that sought to use them
to inflict great suffering upon humanity within ITS dark and
punitive "As you sow so shall ye reap"
Why? Because every
person 'bowing' to this 'dictatorship' was/is in fact supporting and
funding ITS punitive 'ideology' of control and subjugation of
others in the community, thus none had/have any 'immunity' from
IT and ITS Law.
Let it be clearly
understood that if you are a public 'servant' then you should
serve the public in an honest, kind, caring,
loyal, moral and ethical manner, and that means that at all
times and in all situations you 'bow' to the superior 'dictate' of
God's Command and, you are thus 'entitled' to ignore
any political decree/law/rule or 'act' in a TEXT book that is in
contravention of God's Command and, in this you are
being true to the community, your 'wage,' and to God.
Let it be clearly
understood that if you 'believe' that in the course of any
'civil' duty that you can go forth and coerce,
threaten, impoverish, extort, seize, evict, banish, imprison or
punish any other human being and have immunity from God, then
you are living in a delusion and soon to be AWOKEN from your
'reverie' in a VERY PAINFUL MANNER as is revealed by ME.
Dear READERS, it surely is THE TIME
for the politicians to be EXPOSED as
'enemies of the people' for their
deceit and their INTENT to 'be able' to
control, interfere and STEAL
whatever they wish to from community members by 'acts' of
great impropriety that of themselves are 'insanity' and,
said 'decrees' or 'Acts' ARE in ABSOLUTE CONTRAVENTION of the
Command of God the Sovereign Monarch and, it is also 'proof'
that State 'workers' are NOT acting as 'public servants' but
are mere 'lackeys' for political SWINE who 'pose' as
'sheep' helping their flocks.
I refer to the following 'Act' of
Parliament that was 'invoked' by a mortal man having
a mentally 'disturbed' mind controlled by the very 'Devil'
"Local government act 1993
Tasmania (No 95 0f 1993) - 341-Immunity from liability
"A 'person' - - -
being a member of a controlling authority - - - is not liable
for an honest act - - - done or made in the exercise - -
- of power - - under this or any other Act."
It is quite 'astonishing' to a
spiritual man such as myself to 'read' the insanity and vanity
backing the nefarious activities of politicians who
DECEIVE their 'officials' who are
'mere' members of the public who take up work with the
INTENT of serving the community
honestly. For the above 'text' gives employees a
FALSE sense of security and a
FALSE 'promise' of immunity from
'liability,' for we are all responsible for our actions.
If you or any person truly 'believe'
that the 'retributive' and
punitive ACTIONS taken by a
public servant against a person they are
hounding, persecuting, terrorising,
stealing their goods, threatening, coercing, evicting, and
destroying their livelihood can be 'classified' as
an 'honest act' because of their
'wage' or 'official' position or the above 'ruling,' then it is
a very sorry day for humanity.
More to the 'point,' if any government
'worker' believes that it is an 'honest act' to carry out
the above 'atrocities' against a
peaceful 'Elder' of the community
and that they are 'immunised' by the mere 'words' in an
unholy text book written by men of flesh then they are 'sadly'
Regrettably, due to precedents set
thousands of years ago, simple man now believes that, any
controlling, punitive or destructive 'action' carried out
dutifully on behalf of their 'leader' or superior, or to any
latter day 'script' of text in a book, is a 'legitimate'
activity. It is perceived as such even though it is in
contravention of all ethical and moral values and a
contravention of God's Command. Any such 'legitimate' activity
is seen as having 'immunity' from the 'common' law of man and
the superior Law of God. It does not. Woe unto all.
The QUESTION: 1 - Is it 'honesty' or
'honest' or conduct unbecoming to implement a 'rule' or
'act' or 'law' strategy to enable the
coercion, persecution, invasion, control,
eviction, punishment or extortion of money from a
community member?
The QUESTION: 2 - Does anyone
actually believe that all the above
aggressive, warring and uncivil 'actions' taken by
'government forces' or 'Council' staff are in fact
'honest' actions simply because
they are recorded as such in 'text' in a book of man?
The QUESTION: 3 - Is it not a FACT
that any political or other 'dictates' imposed upon the
community that are thus 'exposing' community members to being
enslaved, controlled, interfered with,
taxed, impoverished, disadvantaged, punished are in fact
the means whereby politicians are waging
war against community members in a
seemingly 'legitimate' guise?
The QUESTION: 4 - Is it not a FACT
that any invasive, subjugating,
extortionist or punitive ruling act/decree/order or law
invoked by anyone is an act of
war waged by the one or ones who invoked it?
Being the 'means' whereby officials in their employ could
'legitimately' do so for the 'express' purpose of
extortion and control?
Politicians believe that they have the
'right' to use 'legislation' to force everyone in the
community to 'fund' their ways and to 'bow' to their
dictates irrespective of their religious belief. This
legislative 'action' is in fact forcing 'peaceful' others to
participate in the support of the 'politicians' own
religious ideological belief in
interference, control, extortion, punishment and war or,
be persecuted and 'cast out' of their homes.
This is in direct 'conflict to' and is
in total 'contravention of' their Constitutional mandate, for
the 'Freedom of religion' clause of their own 'Constitution'
and the Command of God 'forbids' such conduct.
~ My 'Complaint' ~
I 'table' my personal
'complaint' as to the extraordinary state of affairs that exists
on this planet so that mortal man can see to it that change to
the truly benign needs to be attained as man turns to God rather
than to armed men for protection and guidance.
There has been and yet is a very 'sinister'
occurrence taking place that is resulting in peaceful civilians
disadvantaged, abused, coerced, threatened and punished
and having property
by 'officials,' and the end result of this is to have monumental
consequences. For politicians have been and yet are invoking
ANTI-social rules/acts/decrees/laws that lead mankind to 'error'
and defiance of their God and, these 'rules' turn man against
The COMPLAINT is: The 'civil disobedience' of
politicians is
causing uncivil
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke 'decrees/acts/laws' that
home invasion.
The COMPLAINT is: The 'legislative' actions of politicians are
'civil unrest' within the community.
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke 'decrees/acts/laws' that
people to be evicted and sold up.
Politicians invoke 'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees to wage war upon community members and to extort
money from them.
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke 'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees to wage war upon community members and to steal
their property and destroy their livelihood.
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke
'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees into believing (falsely) that there is no
'recourse' against them by community members for invasive or
punitive deeds/actions carried out against community members
because the 'text' wording of the 'law' gives them immunity from
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke
'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees into believing (falsely) that there is no
'recourse' against them by God within His 'superior' and
absolutely immutable and Just
"As you sow so shall
ye reap" LAW.
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke
'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees to wage a
war of religious persecution against community members in
defiance of the Constitution of the land.
The COMPLAINT is: Politicians invoke
'decrees/acts/laws' that
state employees to wage a
war of religious persecution against community members in
defiance of the
"Peace & love & mercy & forgiveness"
Command of the spiritual Sovereign
Monarch, God.
The COMPLAINT is: That these iniquitous
political 'decrees/rulings' or 'laws'
state workers to
threaten, coerce,
and use the 'forcefulness of
'Courts' to try and force
members of the community (True Christians or True 'believers' of
any 'race or creed') to change their religious ideology
of peace
and to 'join' the 'opposition' by supporting, condoning and
funding it, and, - - -
Thus becoming 'complicit' to the
religious ideology of
'punishment & war,'
and to thus defy their God as they 'engage' in the
punitive 'effort' being waged upon
other members of the local community by state employees,
officials, and armed forces both within and over the seas.
This forceful 'attempt' is not only an
'attack' against the 'guaranteed' right of the individual to
live in peace but is also a TREASONABLE offence against the
Command of God. For as all should know, the individual is
also responsible in God's eyes for the 'actions' of ones
'servants' who 'do all' in their name and on their behalf.
page 11
I submit this 'complaint' in the form of a
written submission, for it is also to be submitted for public
scrutiny on my web site and to the media, so as to be an 'open'
and educational process whereby the general community will have
the opportunity to 'gauge' the response of those in 'power' who
are presently possibly 'unknowingly' causing civil unrest
within the community.
For a long time now politicians have been
invoking 'decrees/rules/acts' that give them and their
'enforcers' the right to 'tax' and
more and more into every aspect of living, and the public are
oblivious to the actual extent of the 'controls' now exerted
over them by 'the law' so legislated and 'written' as TEXT in
rule books.
Not only this, but officials of public
service departments believe that they have 'immunity' from being
'punished' as they using rules impose their punitive 'effort'
seeing not that this controlling and punitive measure of itself
is in contravention of God's
'peace & love'
that I must 'follow' and 'bow' in absolute submission to the
Command of God as HE is my 'Sovereign Monarch,' thus I am
an absolute pacifist who also believes that to 'bow' to
the dictates of any man or institution espousing a contra and
thus 'punitive,
extortionist and warring'
ideology is error and an 'act' of faithlessness.
Thus I can only 'condone, support, use or
fund' the provision of 'services' who are within the
'precepts' of my belief and thus in accordance with
God's: "Go your
way in peace, love one another and be merciful, compassionate
and forgiving" Command.
I cannot support, condone, nor fund any
'activity' having the contra ideological code of conduct
'policy' of
interference, control, extortion, punishment, destruction,
killing or war. For in so doing
I would by God be seen as a 'faithless' non-believing
'infidel' who relies on
to gain, maintain or destroy others in the community and I would
lose my God-given immunity. and, - -
I would be complicit to all the 'iniquity,
loss, trauma and suffering'
by 'government' forces upon other children of God within the
local community and/or over the sea and, - - - I would accrue a
similar 'due' within the immutable
"As you or your
servants do unto others will be done unto you"
LAW of God.
I and every TRUE BELIEVER have a divine right
to conform to God's
"Peace & love"
Command, and the Constitution of the
land should also give me 'protection' from the 'godless' who
have NO 'ethics or morals' and NO understanding of God nor their
own Constitution.
This 'epistle' is raised up as an
'act' of courtesy, and it is so, for as I see it, every
seemingly 'legal operator' is in dire spiritual danger, for all
have become a 'stranger' to their Creator and, as it is I to now
speak His last 'warning' to the world I can but do what I can to
reach into your souls, for we ARE ALL 'Liable' for the
results of our interaction with others within God's
ONE Law, and no 'mandate, badge or position of office or
'act/law/rule' can void or nullify God's immutable LAW -
- - "As you or your servants do unto
others will be done unto you."
~ Political Control
& the Devil's beguile ~
A person
is being controlled and thus 'under control' when their
'oppressor' is out of control. A person is 'out of control'
when they have the justification to become
disrespectful and 'uncivil' and they
then use force or beguile or rules or a wage to in some way
control, disadvantage, steal, invade, terrorise, impose their will
or 'injure' or worse, and at this 'moment' their mind becomes
'possessed' by the demonic force of Dark energy that
'invades' their psyche and imposes ITS 'strictures' upon others
using ITS arrogant 'victim' that IT controls
How is the
initial 'control' instigated? By beguile, as the Dark Sovereign
Power via the mind of a politician 'offers' to do 'Good
works' for the community if the politician is voted 'In' and thus
gains 'access' to the 'inner sanctum' of the "House of Lords."
House of Lords - It is the place where the 'chosen'
obtain free accommodation and free wine & dine and
anything else that they 'desire.' (Paid for by
others) |
What is the
'beguile' that 'tempts' the people to 'accept' the 'proposal' of a
politician and thus permit them to enter into the 'inner sanctum' of
their life.? Is it simply the precedents set whereby we believe
that they or others have the right to so do, and to then interfere
into every aspect of our lives and control and punish us?
It is the above
as well as the proposal that the politician promises to be a
'faithful' servant to the inferred 'Boss' being the citizen, as they
say: "I will protect you and supply you with whatever you need or
desire for you will be the master and I will be the servant."
By this false
'promise' the citizen' is duped due to their need to be
'loved, cared for, protected and provided with services,' and they
see not that as soon as the one they 'empowered' has entered
their "Territorial Domain," that the Dark 'shark' lurking within
their soul begins to enforce ITS
'policy' of control, regulation and compliance by 'pushy' and
coercive ways and ever increasing forceful
demands that enable IT to do whatever IT desires that effect
the material and spiritual 'destiny' of everyone it has
'trapped' in ITS 'net.'
The political
'control' is attained by the justification of:
"It is for your own good, that of the nation,
flag and everyone." None realising that the sole INTENT of
the Dark is to entrap and destroy everyone and, - - - once ITS
'earthly' minions are empowered and protected by armed men,
the Dark Sovereign Power
operating through the MINDS of those in 'power' shows ITS arrogance
by OPENLY saying:
"As I AM now THE BOSS you will
all do it MY WAY or there will BE 'Hell to pay,'
and if you do not 'bow' to My 'orders, rules, wants,
desires' I will persecute you mercilessly and
punish you, banish you or destroy you, for I AM your
'Master' for the time span of My 'stay' in Power." |
Yes, the 'person' controlling the mind of the
politicians who see themselves as the 'untouchables' having
sovereign authority over the lives of others is the invisible Dark
Sovereign Power (God-Devil) who is in control of them or any 'other'
who ingratiates themselves as being a 'superior' person standing
above others and assuming the 'right' to be 'god in action' over
other mortals.
The Dark Sovereign Power force is the retributive
destructive power that flows through any vain or arrogant person,
and IT is so 'dark' that the user sees not that they are controlled
by IT, they only see that they are being 'helpful' to you and me,
for their 'justification' to be forceful is ITS and, IT has the
power and authority to control EVERY 'sinner' and cause them harm
within ITS Law, being their 'due' for being untrue to others
and 'faithless' subjects of God.
Once any person or politician has established
their position of RULE, they become a
great 'danger' to the community they
'serve' by control as well as to
themself. How is this so? Because the immutable
"As you sow so shall ye reap" Law of
God is inviolate and superior to any 'person.' So any person
using Dark energy to control or
harm others causes the 'user' to
inflict 'terror, subjugation,
incarceration, interference, loss, injury' upon others, and
it follows that the user of the forceful energy will by God
be forced to endure the same 'agony,' for none can void or
avoid the implementation of God's Law.
Politicians and their 'forces' see not that in
their attempts to please or 'appease,' that they are in fact
appeasing their own emotional need to stay in CONTROL and to satiate
their own desires, and the ones under their 'spell' of control
also gain a 'karmic' due of 'pain & suffering' for their
complicity in supporting, condoning and funding the activities of
the controllers in their interference in the lives of others.
Try and see that any person coming to you with a
'smile' who 'promises' to be your 'helper' may well be the REAPER
having within them a 'dark shark' waiting to take a 'bite' out of
you when IT decides to. The 'sin' within man is the Dark essence, so
do your best to resist ITS 'advances' so that the arrogant one in
the flesh is not 'tempted' to be the one to cause you harm,
albeit only emotional trauma and inconvenience.
Remember, the DARK energy of the Dark Sovereign
Power has NO respect for your 'privacy' nor your 'life,' and ITS
intent is to destroy the arrogant through whom IT is operating, but
to 'trap' you into helping IT do ITS foul but justified
'works,' so that it can also justifiably destroy YOU the
'ignorant' for being complicit in its interfering and punitive ways.
Justified works - simply balancing the punitive and thus
dark aspect of the scales of justice of God. |
This dark 'force' presents itself as a 'benign
benefactor,' but in FACT it is a very malignant and destructive
force using a 'smile' and 'promises' to look after your best
interests as it hides its 'beguile.' Naturally we need the provision
of benign community services, but not services that 'interfere' in
the lives of others or cause harm to others for any reason,
or that control us all. Every child of God must be free to go about
their daily business without restriction as long as they do not
disturb the peace of the land, and if they do, then they must be
'caught' and counselled and set free in the manner prescribed by God
via me. (The Feeling Easier
Seminar - Offender document)

page 13
Let it be clearly understood, any person
who believes that they have the right to control your life or
'ways' by inducing you to 'do it their way' through deception or
'emotional' or coercion is a dishonest and disrespectful individual
who has NO respect for God nor you, and if they are a politician
using rules/acts/laws/decrees backed by forceful means that they USE
to control you in any way, then they ARE the 'Devil's' men operating
in this 'earthly' realm 'play pen,' and they ARE people to be
avoided at all 'costs' for they ARE 'public enemy' NO 1.
Why is this so? Because they keep everyone
away from conformity to God's "Love
one another and go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate
and forgiving" Command, as they
demand that you support, condone and fund their
merciless persecution, intrusion, extortion, punitive and warring
ways that lead EVERYONE to Hell.
Politicians invoke rules that turn
man against man. (Gross Error)
Politicians believe that they have the divine
right to enforce their own policy agenda.
(Gross Error)
Politicians invoke rules that force man to defy
God and to support the religious doctrine of WAR.
(Gross Error)
Politicians deceive their
'operatives' into believing that in the course of their
duty that they can contravene the moral code of
ethics emplaced by God's Command and avoid the
absolute 'Justice' of God's Law.
(Gross Error) |
Have politicians the faculty to comprehend the
word 'Comprehension'? Can they not see that no priest nor
politician nor 'saviour' can grant 'absolution' for the sinning ways
of man, for God is GOD not man, and God only 'forgives' AFTER His
Law has 'balanced' ITS Scales of Justice. NOT 'before.'
Jesus 'suffered' on the Cross to show man
by example that ALL pay the 'price' for being less
than nice.
'Are you the Light
or Dark
energy of God in action'?
Whether you are
a person providing a 'free' service, or operating as a paid service
provider, or an enforcer, or a person seeking election into a
position of trust who has the capacity to influence the lives of
other children of God, and to thus affect their mental, emotional or
physical state, then you all need to know something: That your
ACTIONS are fully in conformity to God's
"Go your way in peace,
love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving"
IF for any
reason any of the following 'attributes' can be 'stitched' on your
uniform then you are NOT in conformity to the above, and you ARE in
great 'peril' physically, emotionally and spiritually, because you
ARE a 'dark' operative heading for HELL.
1 - You are
merciless, disrespectful, dispassionate and unforgiving, aggressive
or intrusive, controlling or forceful or demanding.
2 - You are a liar or a thief or an extortionist or a deceiver, or you
are punitive, vengeful or destructive.
3 - You 'offer' your services to the community to be an enforcer
who for a 'wage' upholds the verbal dictates of others, or 'text' in
a book purported to be 'sacred' or 'the law' of the land.
4 - You offer your services to another or to the community for a
'wage' or for 'free' in exchange for food and housing, but once
'elected' you begin to impose your own needs, wants or desires, and
you use forceful means as a vendetta of 'retribution' if your
demands are not met.
5 - You are a person who supports or funds the wages of others that
assists them in protecting you using force, and they use your funds
to interfere in the lives of others using force.
forbids man the use of
His Dark forceful, controlling, interfering and destructive
energy, and anyone using it is in fact stealing His
'prerogative' and trying to emulate HIM and be 'God,' but
ONLY God and His 'energy' is beyond THE 'eye for an eye' LAW, for
the Dark energy IS THE LAW.
What is this
'stricture' imposed that causes suffering? It is the retributive and
punitive 'arm' of God in action within the 'bounds' of ITS
"As you did sow so shall ye reap" Law
that it is imposing ITS controlling, painful & destructive energy
via the MINDS of the vain, proud, foolish, ignorant or arrogant.
Try and
understand that the 'orders/decrees/acts/rules/dictates' that men
name 'the law' are for sure the CAUSE of disadvantage,
banishment, restriction or loss or 'harm' suffered by 'someone' and,
this 'harm' that was couched as 'benign charm' to assist you
becomes your painful spiritual DUE.
It is I now to
advise every person under the 'Sun' that 'each' stands before their
God who sees all and knows all, and I say:
"All are known by their deeds, being their personal interaction
activity with others, and they will be 'judged' as to their
conformity to, or defiance of, God's Command."

page 14
FINAL NOTICE & 'living' Truth
To common man , Kings, Emperors, dictators,
politicians & their enforcers.
The 'Freedom of Religion' PROMISE by the
'earthly' Monarch to the 'citizens' was/is FALSE because, what his
'scribes' did not see was that through the 'citizens' support
and funding of the
'controlling, invading,
pillaging, extortionist, punitive and warring'
ways of the earthly Monarch, that they
were automatically in 'breach' of the 'subject to' clause in
the 'Freedom of Religion' ACT that said:
"You are free to go your way
and live in peace without being hindered or
harassed or persecuted by my 'forces' men as long as
you do not 'disturb' the peace of the land." |
For it 'follows' that every person in every land
was/is in FACT 'guilty' of 'disturbing the peace' of
others because they were/are complicit to all the offensive
'criminal terrorist
activity' of
interference, suppression, control, invasion, sanction, extortion,
kidnap, detention, punishment, torture, killing'
done in their name and on their
behalf by the 'King's' officials or armed 'horsemen,' as it
became/becomes a DARK spiritual 'due' upon everyone 'living' on the
land within the precepts of God's immutable LAW:
"As you or your servants do unto others will by
others be done unto you."
Let it be clearly understood that : The
'king' or emperor or dictator and their officials and the citizens
of every land on earth have all 'placed their bets' on the
'forceful &
punitive' ways of the 'Devil,' and
only my LIGHT
can set you FREE.
Let it be clearly understood that : One
cannot 'contest' the credibility of the 'Freedom of Religion' Act in
any 'earthy' court of man for it is in fact the Court of the Dark
Sovereign Power, God, and HE will 'negate' any attempt by a 'sinner'
to 'attempt' to go FREE unless/until they have paid Him
all past spiritual dues accrued.
Let it be clearly understood that : Those
who continue to fund iniquity will FALL. It is time for 'believers'
to stand TALL.
Let it be clearly understood that : You are
only 'permitted' to live in peace and follow your 'dreams' and
'religious ideology' of
when you HAVE paid all PAST spiritual dues to HIM the
spiritual Sovereign Monarch, for HE then becomes your
Let it be clearly understood that : Relying
on the 'protection' of armed men places all the
'interference, loss &
injury' meted out by them upon
others as a 'due' to be met and suffered 'equally' by them
and you within the absolutely 'Just' LAW of GOD.
Let it be clearly understood that : Those
who continue to defy the
"Peace & love"
Command of the Sovereign Monarch and continue to
'interfere, punish, and
wage war' will FALL.
Let it be clearly understood that : It is the
time for 'each' to choose their final eternal destiny.
Let it be clearly understood that : The
absolutely 'dictatorial' RULES in every land on earth are
invoked by Him, God the Dark Sovereign Power, and He 'permits' His
'earthly' forces to
'invade, terrorise,
subjugate, and punish' ALL who
condone, support and fund His dark controlling earthly system
and, - - -
HE also then destroys the SOULS of all those
enforcement 'operatives' of HIS earthly 'legions' who are
defiant of His
"Peace & love" Command.
Let it be clearly understood that : All that
His dark punitive 'forces' are actually doing is meting out
'Justice' and 'balancing' His 'Scales of Justice' of the DARK side
of His Law because everyone condoning and supporting His
system ARE in 'violation' of His
"Peace & love"
Command and, - - -
They daily place themselves within His
"As you sow so shall ye
reap" Law and, all 'politicians'
and officials of governing institutions who 'invoke' and uphold
His 'rules' are also persons who daily place themselves
into the Dark aspect of HIS
"As you sow so shall ye
reap" LAW to 'suffer' in the PIT in
the after-life for sure.
Let it be clearly understood that : The
'Constitution' of the supposedly 'democratic free world' is a LIE
and a 'farce' invoked to 'dupe' all the people, for IT has no
'teeth' because all 'kings, queens,' and other mortal
'monarchs' are
'thieves, liars,
extortionists,' and
'killers of men'
who will now fight 'tooth and nail' using their
'rules' and their 'tin pot' men to
coerce, invade, evict
anyone who they are 'inspired to' by their thoughts that ARE
controlled by the 'devilish' Dark Sovereign Power and, - -
Anyone so 'foolish' as to believe that
they can continue this 'policy' of
'iniquity' and NOT 'pay' are very foolish, and they will
the 'Lose all &
DIE' result and, - - - those who
through 'fear' continue to 'fiscally' support EVIL in action, be it
pure liquid evil expressed by known and proven terrorists OR, be it
EVIL in action via the 'hands' of mandated officials 'posing' as
benign community servants or 'protective' forces, are people who
keep themselves 'bound' to perpetual misery, and all these ALSO
Let it be clearly understood that : ANY
'operatives' or 'officials' whose 'actions' are in contravention of
God's "Peace & love
& mercy & compassion & forgive"
code of conduct policy COMMAND will PAY the 'ultimate'
agonising 'blood
price' for their personal
of others living ways.
Let it be clearly understood that : All the
interference, punishment, destruction and killing'
is simply THE FULFILLMENT of the
DARK aspect of the Law of God in action via the 'hands' of
the merciless 'ignorant' who believe in their 'RIGHT to
FIGHT' and, - - -
They see NOT the 'delight' and glee their
actions invoke in the 'belly' of the Dark Sovereign Power as He
'enjoys' every 'drop' of liquid fear and agony they impose
upon those of you who in your past did impose upon others
via your funding support of INIQUITY because, you deserve IT, and
they the 'imposing' will ALSO suffer IT later.
Yes, all the 'ignorant and depraved' officials
who so 'resolutely' carry out His/their punitive 'correction' see
NOT their own 'similar' fate to BE.
There is but ONE 'God,' and no 'man' or 'woman' is
ONLY HE stands 'above' His own LAW.

page 15
~ Letter to the Rabbi ~
There are many men of flesh who 'impress' others with their
'ordination' into the realm of 'spiritual guide and comforter and leader of
men,' and the worst criminals amongst these are those named 'Rabbi' because they
personally defy the Command of the ONE God as they walk hand in hand with
'warmongers' and killers of men, for this is the ultimate
deception and distortion of God's Primary
Truthful and Ruling Command, and this deception is
the vilest
crime known to man.
Why is it so? It is due to the fact that these armed forces men and women
now believe that they can defy God and His holy 'pen' mine and not
suffer the consequence. This is a FALSE assumption backed by the false promises
of men of the 'cloth.'
Why do they and the community who support them so believe?
They believe that as they walk and fight that they are 'protected' by 'Rabbi' perceived as 'wise' men of God in the 'Word and
testimony' of sacred text and they are NOT, for no person of any 'station' in
life can 'void, nullify, or avoid' the implementation of God's
"As you sow so shall ye reap" LAW.
The ONE True God absolutely FORBIDS
the use of His destructive force
to control, subjugate or injure others.
I the 'pen' of the Most High categorically state that 'Rabbi'
and their 'lineage' back to the 'beginning' of their 'time' thousands of years
ago are all condemned to suffer great travail for supporting and condoning the
killing of other children of the ONE God, and for condoning the
invasion and persecution
and destruction of life and livelihood of others
and, - - - for their support of 'Caesar,' being their condoning of the payment
of 'taxes' who are used by Caesar (State governments) to fund iniquity.
Whether Rabbi are 'liberal,' traditional or fanatical, by
virtue of their very 'existence' they control, deceive and mislead children of
the ONE God using their 'rabbinical laws' to enslave the Jews and hold them in
the 'bondage of ignorance' using their 'peculiar' and erroneous interpretation
of the Torah that has led to their ongoing bondage to the Dark satanic force.
(Punitive, warlike and destructive)
Their interpretation of God's 'Will' stands between God and
His 'Jewish' children. Woe and more woe.
The Rabbi are currently ‘MIS-interpreting’ God and God’s message to his
As I see it, the error of the day is that Rabbi (self appointed & self
anointed) teachers are so far from the TRUTH
that they are totally unaware as to 'how' their personal beliefs, teachings,
promotions etc., are in fact leading God's children into eternal
slavery, suffering and spiritual DEATH
in the underworld that ends up in eternal hellfire and
anguish for them AND the Rabbi who deceived
Why do I say this? It is all simply a 'matter' of God's SPIRITUAL
LAW as well as the 'Wrathful' aspect of God that everyone of every
race and creed simply 'forgets' as an inconvenient truth because they have
been deceived by Rabbi and other supposedly 'holy' men who ALL defy their
Creator and His 'pen' mine.
Rabbi are all 'busy' interpreting laws of State, or their own 'rules' or
ancestral 'laws' or making up fresh ones, and none realise that all laws or
'rules' of men be they of 'State' or of 'religion' or the supposedly
'wise or elect' are simply EDICTS raised
up by the vain, proud, arrogant, ignorant and power hungry, and all are
'backed' by force and punishment for non conformity.
The Dictionary - the word "Jurisprudence" = 'Skill in Law'
Why do purported 'teachers' of spiritual truth get involved with the 'Laws
of mere mortals' and totally IGNORE God's
Law that is THE defining FACTOR in the
destiny/destination of every soul? It is because 'fool's such as 'Rabbi' and
other clerics or priests conveniently FORGOT the SPIRITUAL
aspect of God. No person is a teacher/counsellor/guide of spiritual truth
unless they KNOW God's Law and
God's Primary Command.
Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
So, as 'Rabbi' and other priests or clerics bow to the forces of
'Caesar' (State) and factually walk hand in hand with their forces into
'battle,' their 'condoning' of 'taxation' and the
use of punitive force
children into believing that it is OK to wage war
on others, being an activity that is in TOTAL contravention of God's
Command, and all Rabbi seem to have forgotten the 'majesty' and
absolute 'justice' and immutability of God's ONE spiritual Law:
LAW of God that stipulates:
"As you sow so shall ye reap"
"What you do unto others
will by others be done unto you on an EYE FOR AN EYE and thus EQUAL basis,
be it merciful and benign or merciless and malignant."
So 'brothers' soon GREAT PAIN is to seep into the very 'marrow' of every
person who deceived God's children through their complacency,
ignorance, vanity or arrogance, and this includes YOU. Please tell all men
to lay down their arms, stop funding iniquity, and start bowing to God
and His Command before all 'Hell' breaks loose in the MIND of man as
dark forces invade the psyche of man and turn man against his sister,
brother, mother, father, daughter and son. (Armageddon of the Mind being
the last battle for the soul of man).

page 16
There are but few 'Rabbi' on earth who will see the
'truth' emanating from my pen for they are all
'bound' mentally by the false 'ritualistic' teachings of their forefathers, and
by their own pride and arrogance that 'flowers' each day as they control the
living ways of the 'Jews' who are forced to conform to rituals of 'dress code,'
food, prayers and other 'habits' that have nothing to do with their Salvation,
and nothing to do with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
And their 'rituals' have nothing to do with conformity to:
The 'ideal' being the belief in:
Tender loving CARE
Peace, compassion, kindness,
truthfulness, mercy, respect, forgiveness, freedom & creativity using
LOVE. (benign)
aspirant, pilgrim or 'follower' remains loyal in being an absolute
pacifist in their interaction with others at all times.
All now follow the
FALSE religion.
The 'ideal' being the belief in the justification for:
Cruel merciless PERSECUTION &
War, invasion, control,
sanction, deception, disrespect, vengeance, torture, killing & destruction
using FORCE.
'follower' is thus an aggressor who terrorises and injures others when they
feel 'justified' to so do.
I say that it is up to EVERY Rabbi and 'Jew' to spend
their 'time' preparing their minds for what is soon to BE, - - -
Armageddon of the MIND that will lead to total insanity as HE the 'Dark
Lord' and His demonic men invade the psyche of all mankind telepathically
and use them (sinners) to destroy His enemy.*
His enemy. * - Being any person who deceived
God's children - Being any person who raised their hand against another -
Being any person who paid the wages of 'enforcers' to operate in their
name and on their behalf to 'rule, tax,
subjugate, invade, enslave, persecute, dispossess, banish, punish, injure or
kill' others who were perceived as an 'enemy' to their 'Nation,
flag, rules, belief' or for any other reason, for the DARK FORCE is the
'underhand' of God that metes out divine retribution against all who
foolishly enter the domain of the Dark energy of God for their own
personal 'vendettas.'
So let all men TRUE now
'provision up' and prepare to share their light and love and food and
shelter 'ware' with the homeless of any 'race or creed or deed' soon
to be seen in every land.
All will soon be 'imprisoned' in their homes as bandits
roam the streets freely, and multitudes will become homeless as they are
dispossessed or when vandals burn their houses, and millions will be
'brutalised' and decimated and killed as the Wrath of God unfolds in the
manner revealed by me and, - - -
All material wealth will become of NO value, so I suggest
that it is quickly 'converted' and used to 'provision up' with needed food
and other survival commodities to be made available to all.
ONLY those who NOW walk 'tall' and 'bow'
to the Command of the ONE God as given by me will
survive spiritually.
ONLY those who NOW cease to fund 'warlords' (Caesar and his forces
men) will survive
All who continue to fund, condone or support ANY 'activity' that is
in contravention of God's 'Peace & love & mercy'
Command will DIE spiritually.
Any person of any 'belief' believing that they are
spiritual guides, counsellors or teachers MUST now speak out and tell
everyone to lay down their 'arms' and other weapons and 'bravely' face their
'perceived' enemy as they conform to the Command of the ONE TRUE GOD
and "Love one another."
I Terence speak for the ONE TRUE GOD
I AM he the Messiah sent to FREE those who my
Light & Truth & Wisdom can see.

page 17
~ The 'Wailing Wall ~
Who was the 'one' to place a 'spell' over the mind of the
'blind' by saying that a stone wall was 'sacred' ? - - - And who
invoked the 'belief' that it was the most sacred of
places where God resides on earth? Was it a 'Rabbi' or other? God is
omnipresent wherever you be. Be it in this world or the 'other' of
spirit reality Praying at
the Wailing Wall is believed by many to signify being in the presence of the
Divine where it is said one immediately has the “ear of god.” Who was
the one to so say? Does mankind not realise that God is aware of ones
thoughts and deeds wherever you be?
Those who cannot pray at the wall can send prayers or
ask for the Kaddish to be said for departed loved ones. Prayers
sent in are placed into the cracks of the walls and are called tzetzels.
There is usually a small charge for this service. Who is it who
offers this fiscal service? Why does man not simply speak to the departed
verbally or by thoughts? Surely it is now the time for man to link DIRECTLY
with the realm of spirit and send their loving thoughts through the 'ether'
rather than being 'stuck' into a rock wall?
Believe you me, it is up to you the individual to
personally break the spell binding your mind as you read my wisdom, God
given herein.
copy of the Testament of Truth page 265
Sacred site - Divine Holy Place - Holy Grail.
"Inner divine
spiritual Light," is the only
sacred site. If you try and protect it with negative
one day you will fall
into the dark night.
Your sacred
divine light becomes "clouded" when you deny God's call
"Only Love," and thus
you "employ" darkness as you others abuse or destroy, clouding
your light with more negative energy, "sin" drawn in.
divorce, adultery, illegitimate children.
is: a
"contract of
love inspired by God above."
- Man
has through religion deemed,
that children born "out of wedlock," as
i.e. "illegal to mate" if not "licensed by Religion or State."
In God's
eyes, this is pure "adultery" of Truth.
All are God's children
"Legal and
loved by God." We must all
"divorce" our "Minds" from the "Dark force" saying:
death do us part, I from darkness will "stand apart."
When you have:
the call to
"Only love"
the reality of God's call of
the wisdom of God's Holy word by
have you "supped" on God's
and drunk of the
"living water of
eternal life,"
and thus, have you been baptised and consecrated by the Holy
The ultimate realm, of pure light, no darkness.
means: The Spirit soul enters the ultimate level of
light, heaven.
Your soul
- is only "resurrected" when
free of sin, matters not whether it is "out of the earthly
flesh" or IN, it can ONLY to heaven GO when its "fleece" is as
"white" as snow.
Abstaining from supping on darkness, (negativity - dark
energy, destructive force).
True to God's
Compassionate & Merciful & Forgiving & non-retaliatory & always
peaceful. |

page 18
I say:
Every 'ritual' of every
religion is now abolished by God via this pen. For all are
forcefully imposed by vain, arrogant or greedy men who sought
power as they used the name of God in vain.
God is not 'concerned' whether you wear a
bikini or a 'Burka' or go naked in the street as long as your
activity is in accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' whether you wash
yourself or your clothes or not as long as your activity is
in accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' whether you dance
or sing or sleep all day as long as your activity is in
accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' whether you have
long hair or short hair as long as your activity is in
accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' if you work seven
days a week or none, as long as your activity is in accordance
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' as to the food you
eat or drink as long as your activity is in accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
God is not 'concerned' whether you pray or
not as long as your activity is in accordance with:
The Primary
TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God that stipulates:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and
be merciful, compassionate and forgiving."
Why is this so? Because when living in
conformity to the Command of God it IS your daily 'praise' of
The Light
of God is CONCERNED for you if you defy the 'Edict'
above, for if you defy IT and you use God's dark
forceful destructive energy to
control, subjugate, interfere with or injure any of His other
children of ANY race or creed, then by DEED you show Him that you
are a BAD 'seed' to be destroyed by Him, and you place
yourself within the punitive aspect of His divine Law and
you will 'suffer' all that you
or your servants imposed upon others.
God's children
are simply required to conform to their 'side' of God's
as they 'bow' in subservience to His Command and they
"Go their way in peace and
love one another."
Set yourself free from all false ideology by now
following the way of :
'PEACE unto ALL.'
For those of you who cannot show respect unto others
will become
It matters
not 'which' creed you presently 'bow' to or follow, turn direct to
your God of love and heed
call of
'Peace unto all' from above, and become free,
for it is not your 'part' time 'rituals of religion' that please
God. It is simply by your daily action or interaction with
others that you are 'seen' by Him as being a
seed to be banished below, or a
seed who is a
delight in His
sight, being one to dance the eternal dance of 'love and happiness'
in His sight above.
Try and
understand that if you vote for any political party, then by this
'action' you are condoning its activities and, if you fund it
by taxes then you are paying the wages of enforcers and warriors
who do all in your name and on your behalf and, - - -
all the misery they impose upon others by torture, bombs, rockets,
bullets etc., are the activities of
albeit you might believe that it is justified or legitimate and, - -
I can
assure you that no mandate of man or a million men nor
any religious 'ritual' can 'thwart' the 'application' of
the Law of God. Thus it is now imperative for you the 'civilian' or
armed enforcer to see that every 'drop' of blood you spill or
that is spilt in your name,
and every 'speck' of travail and suffering imposed by you or others
on your behalf stains your spiritual 'door,' and marks IT as 'ONE'
to suffer the consequence, for only thus do you fulfill
the immutable Law of God.
Yes, all
taxpayers accrue a
painful spiritual
due even as they work or play or sleep. Yea verily I say unto you:
"Torture and
travail has become your due, and I can but suggest you halt funding
iniquity, and assist those others who are being 'pounded,'
harassed, impoverished and destroyed by 'your' people."
Lay down
your verbal and physical 'mace' and halt your vengeful retribution
and stop bringing others to ''account," and show God your 'worth' as
you show Him that from now on you will be
to Him, His Command, and
your own soul as you prepare for the
Wrath of God
to unfold upon your own 'heads' as HE imposes the absolute
JUSTICE of HIS immutable Law.
"As you do is
done unto you" - that is the absolute 'JUSTICE of God.'
Just tell all 'Rabbi' or politicians this:
"I am now going to only fund benign
community effort that is in conformity with God's "Love one another"
Command, and I am going to get on with MY life with God's Command as my
'wife,' and quietly go about MY business without your spiritual 'guidance' or
government 'control or interference' and, if you 'stroll' into MY 'back yard' to
rob, castigate or punish me then so be it, for it is YOU to fall 'undone' as MY
soul 'streaks' for the inner SUN."
'Spirits of brilliance' when up in the Light of
Heaven are the 'ultimate' pleasure giving
and receiving creatures of God as they strive to satisfy the
"Love one another" Command and needs of their God
of LIGHT. These spirit people are
kind, respectful, non-intrusive, very loving and caring.
Be ADVISED that 'Spirits of
darkness' who fall from God's 'grace' into the Abyss do over time become
the 'ultimate' aggressor meting out and receiving terror and agony as they
strive to satisfy the "Terrorise and destroy all"
Command and needs of their God of DARKNESS. These spirit people are
cruel, unkind, disrespectful, interfering, very hateful
and vindictive.
This IS the LAST CALL - you have
been warned - turn over a new leaf TODAY or die in
your sin.
- Within this Testament of Truth web site is an
'Inner Index' of 100 other items, I give some here to assist the
The Tree of Evil
The Dark secret
The snake in the
The energy of God
The inner energy
The spiritual facts
of life
The divine
authority of God
knowledge of good and evil
The Fulfillment of the punitive aspect
of God's LAW
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