page 22

Letter to Mrs. Silma Ihram - Noor al Houda school
Dear Madam, I was appalled at your 'conduct' that has been exposed during the ABC Television program of today. More to the point, it is my opinion that it is pure blasphemy to 'pose' as a believer in Allah promoting 'Islam,' when it became quite clear that you were naught but a wolf in sheep's clothing, and the 'headdress' you wear is a 'sham' for there is nothing meek nor mild nor 'modest' about the way you so openly not only defied Allah's call to "Peace - Islam" but you also promoted confrontation and merciless vindictive retributive activities against those you perceived as being in the 'wrong.'
Yes, you were 'hell bent' on having your 'Justice' as you see it in your very personal 'quest' for victory and, - - - your 'actions' against the 'opposition' were selfishly funded by your total lack of consideration of those parents that you 'hounded' and cajoled to fork out money to assist you, and you also had no respect for your teachers that you 'coerced' into setting aside their monetary 'dues' as you 'preached' your cause and used Allah's holy name and the word 'Inshallah' repeatedly.
But 'worse' is yet to come, for in fact your have deceived all your students, (Allah's precious flocks) for they now believe that to 'hound' others using force (Court of Caesar-State) and lawyers (paid warriors) is correct 'religious' ideology. Far from it, for that way is the FALSE way of 'war,' and your monetary 'gains' are short lived in 'exchange' for the spiritual damage you have caused yourself and others that sided with your punitive cause.
Madam, Islam (true Islam) means that one 'bows' to the will of Allah, and one NEVER considers any activity that contravenes Allah's commanded code of conduct being: "Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto those 'others' you perceive as sinfully living."
Where 'Silma' did you learn to seek the 'backing' of State armed forces to 'gain' money? Was it during your prior religious programming in the 'other' belief? Inshallah, it is Allah's 'wish' that you "reap what you sowed" and so you shall on an 'eye for an eye' basis for all and every 'mental or emotional suffering endured or material loss by anyone that backed you or was confronted by you.
Allah has but ONE command and ONE immutable Law, and foolish is any person that seeks to find 'justice' as they mete out the 'eye for an eye' retribution, for by their 'act' they have placed themselves within the punitive aspect of Allah's Law.
Silma, you openly bore a 'grudge' and the dark 'sin' within your soul forced you to 'arrogantly' pursue the other and to bear a legal 'mace' against them as you defied Allah's sacred words. You also displayed your anger at the departing student in such a manner to as to show your need to be obeyed without question and your requirement of absolute 'control' over him.
Silma, it is Allah the 'authority' and THE ONE to be obeyed at all times, and in all situations. You 'dear' believe that daily rituals of prayer or 'headdress' are all that Allah 'desires,' but it is I the messenger of Allah that now reinstates the TRUE way.
You now will have to not only 'pay' your dues to Allah as and when He knocks on your door (via the mind of others) but, you will need to write to everyone of your students, their families, and the teachers and friends stating to them:
"I wish to advise you that I was so 'determined' to succeed in my personal 'quest' for justice that I totally lost my mind and forgot my manners and my grace and dignity as I misled you all away from the TRUE teachings of Allah, and I now wish to reiterate that HE is your guide and leader, not me and, I was in error to take a stand against others, for I should have simply 'forgiven' them and walked away for Allah commands 'non-retaliation' in the face of adversity.
Please now forgive me and never raise your hand or voice against any other even if they wish to crucify you, for you cannot was blood away with blood, and if you do fight back then your soul turns into mud. Please now look to the returned spirit of truth and seed your minds with his wisdom on his web site: as will I."
Silma, I ask you to look into the mirror each day as you say unto yourself: "Allah commands me to be sincere, respectful, compassionate, forgiving and merciful and, to only be loving as I go my way in PEACE."
I am Imam Al-Mahdi - Terence

page 23

Abu Bakar Bashir
The Infidel (Non believer)

The 'terrifying' aspect of Bashir is his capacity to deceive and mislead Allah's children of the Islamic race, for all that follow 'Bashiri' will learn the reality of liquid terror, as they follow him down into the Abyss for their failure to 'bow' to the Command of Allah being HIS "Peace & love & mercy & compassion & forgive others" Command.
I can assure you all that Abu Bakar Bashir knows not the meaning of true Islam, ( Bowing in obedience to the Creator) and Abu Bakar Bashir is nothing more nor less than an infidel 'rebel' being the ultimate 'rabble rouser' who hides behind the facade of religion. He sees not that he is but a foolish and arrogant 'stool pigeon' for Satan the Serpent who uses all the vain.
Abu Bakar Bashir knows NOT the real 'The Law of Allah,' for IT stands supreme above all the silly 'day dreams' of men like Bashir who use 'rules and rulings' to control the destiny of others. The real Law of Allah is very simple and it is revealed in its fullness on this web site and it commences:

~ Understanding Allah's ONE Law ~

"As you do is done unto you - As you sow so shall ye reap"

What does this mean in a spiritual and 'logical' and 'practical' sense?

It is 'simply' the 'Just & equitable' return unto you for all the fortune or misfortune, joy or pain, or giving or taking 'deeded' by your deeds in your 'interaction' with other children of Allah, of any race, colour, creed, or ideology.

As you 'seed' your deed be it positive or negative, you 'earn' and invite an equal return upon yourself that is 'placed' or 'given' or 'forced' upon you by circumstance that is 'granted,' or designed and, - - -

This is in fact imposed by Allah in a manner that is 'unforeseen,' and in many cases arises from 'inexplicable' circumstances when least expected. Be it in this lifetime or in the afterlife and, - - - (continues at: The Law )

Abu, you 'son' are a very dangerous man, for you 'in span' others who are as arrogant and ignorant as yourself, and you lead them into ways of war and terror as you incite them and unknowingly invite them to defy Allah and wield a 'sword' against His other children. You are a FALSE teacher.

Your destiny Abu is very, very bleak, and as I seek to save everyone who 'errs,' I also seek to save your 'miserable' soul from eternal suffering. I suggest that you come and visit me by reading everything written by me. For only thus will your psyche have the opportunity to 'refresh' itself as to the TRUE path to the 'water well' of eternal happiness and, - - -

That way son is the 'way' of "peace & love & mercy & compassion & forgiveness," as taught by Allah via my sacred pen. The way you preach and teach is the way to the Abyss, and therein are "worms, snakes, maggots," and they feed upon your very soul as IT screams in agony for every moment of eternal time for that, - - - is the justice imposed by Allah upon all 'swine.'

You 'Sir' need to learn that immorality has nothing to do with 'nakedness,' for Allah created us naked so that to Him we would be a 'delight' in His sight. It is only the 'sin' in men such as you that perceive His 'works' as error, and I can assure you that the ONLY 'immoral' act in the 'eye' of Allah is when you (or any) defy Him, and you sup on His forbidden to use Dark energy that is the fruit of evil, and this you do as you criticize, judge, condemn, control, deceive, punish, wage war, cause pain and terror,  and lead yourself and others to Hell.

You are a very foolish man Bashir, for you know not the difference between good and evil. Were you never taught the meaning of "good"? Do you know not the meaning of respect, courtesy, kindness, and duty of 'care' unto other children of THE CREATOR?

Wake up 'brother,' we are all born from the same heavenly Mother.
Terence - Imam Al-Mahdi
Note: A non believer (Infidel) is a person of any race, colour or creed that does not believe in the strength of Allah nor of Allah's "Go your way in peace and love one another" Word. Thus they use force and deceit to manipulate and control, punish, abuse or destroy, and they turn man against man, and they see not that their 'understanding' of Allah and their 'interpretation' His Law is in error and, - - -
These vain and arrogant mortals see not that as they incite 'unrest' and disobedience to Allah's Command, that they in fact make Allah their enemy, and none can 'win' any battle against Allah, for all so 'attempting' fill their souls with Dark Sin and die in IT in the Abyss.
Every Infidel has the 'belief' in their own superiority.
Every Infidel is an 'anti-Christ' and is anti being 'Ruled' by Allah THE CREATOR.
Allah has ONE immutable, inviolable 'rule': "As you do is done unto YOU."
Infidels are found in every race, colour, and creed, and they are known by their daily deed. Are you the reader one?
Note: A person that personally punishes or abuses others, or leads others to - - -  or incites others to - - - or pays others to punish or abuse or cause harm to or disadvantage people is a person that 'spits' on the creation of Allah, and they place themselves under Allah's very heavy hand. I can assure you that Allah is the ONE to reprimand others not you, and if you are as ignorant and unwise as 'Bashir' or any other infidel, then truly 'great' is the painful 'karma' that you have placed upon your own plate.

~ Leadership v/s literacy ~
The Australian Indigenous ‘affairs’ debacle

Dear ABC 4 Corners, I refer to the words of ‘Sarah’ your ‘presenter’ that say; If their teenage child couldn't spell "cat", most Australian parents would be howling for the blood of politicians, teachers and just about anyone else in striking distance. But this scandalous illiteracy is exactly what some indigenous communities are supposed to tolerate.”

What I say is; the only thing the ‘White’ Australian is forcing others to ‘tolerate’ is the ongoing ‘cash’ injection into the local ‘tribal’ communities that ‘invites’ the recipient to lazily ‘while away’ their time of night or day in an intolerable state of ‘affairs.’

This ‘state’ of worthlessness, drunkenness, immoral sexual invasion of the privacy of their children and others is brought about by the individual ‘disgracefulness’ of the recipient of ‘aid’ who has no ‘intent’ of seeking self responsibility in any way as they demand that every taxpayer fund their ‘orgy’ of insanity.

I am an ‘African’ from Tanzania who was born in a village by the sea, and I can assure you that there is NO ‘funding’ or assistance from anybody ‘outside’ the local community.

Everyone has the Allah given ‘equal opportunity’ of using their hands and feet and they mentally and emotionally greet the rising sun each day and, - - - there is NO ‘play’ of drunkenness or laziness until the work of the day is done, and everyone ‘male’ paddles out to sea to catch fish as their women and children ‘tend’ to the animals and vegetables and the ‘tidying’ of the ‘hut’ and the weaving of baskets etc.

The ‘elders’ of the local villages would never ‘tolerate’ any immoral activity that would be dealt with immediately, and the whole community ‘prides’ itself by the resultant health and emotional wealth of the community.

It is the white ‘policy’ makers that have destroyed the ‘need’ for everyone to go and feed themselves by their own labours, and now everyone sings the same unhappy ‘please feed me’ song as they ‘grovel’ in the dust of iniquity.

To ‘drag’ children off the streets and into schools is not the ‘godly way’ because; “Go your way in peace” is what Allah did say but, - - -

To drag offenders off the street that do disturb the peace of others and ‘force’ them to attend a “Feeling Easier” Seminar of truth to educate and correct immoral behaviour each time they offend Allah is OK.

Other than that, no person must interfere in the lives of others that have no ‘intent’ in living as others wish them to, for no person has the ‘Right’ to impose their ‘beliefs’ with forceful might.

For “Yes” we can live without ‘literacy,’ for to live in peace as Allah commands we do not need to know how to read or write in ‘English’ or any other ‘tongue’ and, - - - if we simply ‘wish’ to play around or do naught because we are ‘lazy’ or we have ‘enough’ then that is our ‘Right’ - - - but, - - -

It is wrong for people to assume that because they are ‘fed’ by the ‘money’ taken from others via taxation, that they can then not try and feed and house themselves, and neither should they then demand this assumed ‘Right’ to ‘beg’ and do naught to elevate their daily living standards.

True leadership is now the only way out of the ‘corrupt and immoral’ DARK that has grown into being the today ‘Aborigine’ culture, partly due to the imposition of controls and ‘cash’ by the ignorant and ‘sorry’ white man.

Let all now understand that ONLY the ‘aged’ need to be ‘supported’ by the energetic ‘youthful’ in one way or another, - - - so - - -

Let the lazy and stupid and immoral black or white or 'coloured' be taught that they will receive NO more ‘funds,’ as all must now use their own ‘intuition’ and feed themselves from the land or sea as DAILY they get up at ‘dawn’ and do ‘something’ to help themselves.

No more ‘strictures’ imposed by stupid legislation.
No more ‘forcefulness’ imposed by regulation.
No more ‘free money’ to fund grog.
No more ‘rape’ or ‘bastardising’ children like a dog.

If anyone wants to ‘roam’ all night and sleep all day then that is OK as long as they feed and clothe and house themselves, and they do not ‘interfere’ in the lives of others nor disturb the peace of the land.

Any ‘immoral’ black or white ‘swine’ that imposes any ‘fighting’ and pain and suffering upon another will be ‘castigated’ and ‘speared’ by Allah forevermore in this or the next Realm of consciousness for SURE.

Let us all be educated by this ‘pen’ chosen by Allah to show errant man THE WAY before all are LOST in the underworld forever and a day.

As said, if you are black or white or any other and cannot read nor write then that is OK, - - - but, - - - if you interfere in the lives of others or if you ‘rape’ children or ‘bash’ wives then for this ‘folly’ our Allah will make you PAY.

Let the black and white now turn and face the sun, and begin to be kind to others as all try and live in peace as we help others ‘freely’ to a better day.

Let all ‘do-gooders’ simply lead by example only, as they hand the ‘tools’ to till the land or ‘fish’ the sea into the hands of the uneducated needy, and let them use their own ‘energy’ to feed themselves and build their own homes etc.

Terence - 17 June 2008

Constable Kent Ritchie - 1
The Infidel (Non believer)

Dear Kent, I feel that I need to say a few words in response to your 'extraordinary' phone call to me today. I say 'extraordinary' because I as many believe that one is deemed 'innocent' until proven 'guilty' of an 'offence.'
What I can say is that in the eyes of our God you have already proven yourself 'guilty' of an 'offence' in God's eyes for being 'offensive' enough to phone my 'aged and ailing' wife and to factually cause her mental/emotional stress due to having been 'quizzed' by you - for as she is unwell, debilitated, incapacitated to some degree and reliant upon me for her care she is fearful of me being dragged away by those such as yourself and being left to fend for herself alone in the forest.
As for the other 'aspect' of your phone call, all I can say is that;
1 - If you 'thought' that you saw an 'unlicensed' driver behind the wheel of a vehicle but were too busy to apprehend them, then do not expect the one you 'presumed' to be guilty to admit to being 'guilty.'
 2 - I did say that I did not remember driving a red car on the day and time you stated and anyway, I would like to add that if you expect me to 'make' your 'case' for you then I can today say that this I am unable to so do, and if you believe that your case is strong enough to take me to court then so be it, and we will see what we will see.
I can state quite categorically that IF you ever ask me if I ever drive my response may be; "I exercise my right to drive on public roads anytime." OR I may say; "That question is one that I do not have to answer."
IF the magistrate then says that I am 'guilty' of failing to 'respond' affirmatively or otherwise to a question asked by a police officer' and fines me or does aught else, than he too will be deemed by God to be 'offensive' and he will follow you down into the Abyss for a time and a time.
Brother, I can but warn you and all that soon everyone defiant of God's "Go your way in peace" Command will be faced by great and terrifying forces that will subjugate them and will mete out great pain upon them.  
Because you have a 'badge' and a 'wage' you believe that you are above God's ONE Law and, - - -  you also believe that you can do all the things that other members of the community are 'forbidden' to - - eg - - Interfere, invade, tax, apprehend, punish, cause anguish, control, subjugate, incarcerate and even kill.
Your 'book' forces you to defy God. I live in accordance with my 'right' to live in/by my religious belief-ideology as I go my way in peace and assist others and, I am forbidden by God to fund any punitive system of man/Caesar etc.
This right of religious 'tolerance' is also enshrined within the Constitution of the Institution you serve. When was the 'right' to live according to this Constitutional 'Act' overthrown? - NEVER, but foolish politicians have circumvented it so that they USING YOU  could steal endlessly from the community.
e - My 'Appeal' - to man and man's Court is to show man that within their own Commonwealth Constitution there is a provision that forbids the 'raising' of any 'act' or 'rules' or 'law' that either: imposes any religious observance, or prohibits the free exercise of any religion, or establishes any religion.

Act (9th July 1900) section 116 that states;

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, - - -

f - My 'Appeal' - to man and man's Court is to show man that within their own State Constitution there is a provision that guarantees religious liberty and the free exercise of religion, and the freedom of conscience, - - -

Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania)

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.
For your interest there is a 'further' clause that stipulates that; - - - the above is 'valid' as long as the person does not disturb the peace of the land.
I try very hard to educate everyone as to what is to soon be as I try and elevate the consciousness of 'enforcers' so that they can begin to walk 'honourably' in God's sight as they bow to His Command. Peace is the way 'brother.'
IF you wish to go ahead and 'harass' me because you feel that your 'case' is strong then please do so. As for me I can but say that I believe that your personal vendetta against me has been going on long enough and you need to become wiser as you begin to 'study' the wording of the Constitution of your institution.
The day you see me disturb the peace of the land is the day you should come to me and personally say; "Terence, try and understand that what to others you have done will by others be done unto you within the ONE law of God," and you should take me to a place to be counselled so that I can amend my errant ways for my defiance of God.
Dear Kent, please deliberate a little before you again consider 'throwing the book' at me, for 'eventually' I do believe that you can become a very strong 'helper' of God's children in the end days now at hand. I ask you, whether you did or did not see me driving on 'particular' day, are you unable to exercise your own inner 'light' and go your way in peace as commanded by God and man, rather than throwing down the gauntlet?
If I am summoned by YOU to be 'judged' by another (magistrate) then this letter will be submitted as a part of my defence.
Sincerely - Terence
Pyengana - 18 Feb 2009
Constable Kent Ritchie - 2
The Infidel (Non believer)

Dear Kent –  As a man of God and also as the bearer of God’s final message to humanity, it is my duty to God to educate all those that in the eyes of God are ‘offensive’ and in need of educational ‘correction.’

As you are one of these ‘infidels’ (non-believers in peace) that takes a ‘wage’ to defy the Creator, and to defy the mandate within the Constitution of your own Institution, and to be ‘vindictive, persecutive, punitive and invasive’ etc., I can but try and elevate your consciousness.

Due to my religious belief I cannot ‘fund’ any institution that is in ‘opposition’ to God and His Command, and the driver’s license ‘fee’ is simply another annual tax ‘take,’ and nothing to do with the validation of my drivers certificate of competence, for IT was issued when I passed my driving test many years ago, and IT is my driving qualification that is valid today.

Constitution Act 1934 (No. 94 of 1934)
Requested: 27 May 2003, Consolidated as at: 27 May 2003


Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

(2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief and no religious test shall be imposed in respect of the appointment to or holding of any public office.

It is as said my duty to you and God to do my best to ‘awaken’ your consciousness to the FACT that absolute ‘Justice’ does prevail but, that it is ONLY God’s prerogative to mete it out.

Why is this so? Because ONLY God stands ‘above’ and ‘beyond’ the ‘reach’ of His own singular Law; "As you do is done unto you" and/because, - - - when any ‘person’ uses this forbidden to use Dark, punitive and destructive energy of God against another person, they unknowingly contaminate their own soul with IT and, - - -

Their soul becomes more forceful and ‘arrogant,’ and this energy that grows like a ‘cancer’ within them also ‘coarsens’ the spirit soul of its user, and is what draws them away from the Light and down into the Abyss of suffering and, - - -

What you also need to see is that as a person that believes in ‘Justice,’ if you ‘summons’ me or come to my door ‘armed’ and take me away (kidnap) and have me punished or incarcerated etc., and cause ‘collateral injury' to my wife through her own ‘trauma,’ - - -

That you have placed your own soul into the DARK and punitive aspect of the absolutely ‘Just’ Law of God, to be ‘dealt’ a similar ‘blow’ at a time and place so ordained by God.

You need to try and see that the reality is, that every ‘enforcer’ is in fact a vindictive, persecutive terrorist who believes that their ‘cause’ is JUST. A terrorist is a person that causes ‘terror’ as they interfere, control, terrorise, cause anguish and destroy the lives and livelihoods of others.

IF you believe that the forceful and punitive ways of ‘man’ in some way abrogate or ‘nullify’ the Law of God then you have been deceived and do live in a delusion.

IF you believe that the dictatorial ‘text’ in a book that you hold ‘holy’ (your rules book) are a valid reason to NOT exercise your conscience because you take a wage to be an ‘interferer’ in the lives of others such as myself, a person PROVEN to be peaceful, then you are foolish and it is YOU that deserves to suffer ALL the ‘injury’ that you have caused during your time as a police officer, a ‘suffering’ that WILL ahead be imposed upon you by very dark forces unseen by man but ‘observed’ by me.

You have the ‘quaint’ but dangerous to yourself belief that I must ‘bow to’ and conform to your ‘religion,’ being your ideological belief that condones and supports control, regulation, enslavement, tax extortion and abuse of others, and what you need to realise is that when you use a ‘gun’ or ‘threats’ or other punitive ‘force’ to try and coerce me into conformity, then in fact via you the text in your rule book is saying to me;

"Thou shalt OBEY or I will impoverish, punish, or destroy you using the strength of the men that serve me so obediently because they uphold my ‘text’ messages for a wage."

Kent, what I am telling you is that MY God, OUR God via me is saying this to YOU and all humanity;

"Thou shalt OBEY ME and MY Command and love one another and go your way in peace, and IF you fail to so do then MY DARK power will ‘consume’ your soul and destroy IT, for I AM the absolute authority."

I spend endless hours trying to awaken the consciousness or ALL, including that of the ‘judiciary’ and other enforcers. WHY? Because I AM the messenger of God, and I DO see the darkness encompassing the soul and mind of everyone with the INTENT of destroying them because, they are arrogant enough to be IT in ‘action’ against others as they defy the Command of their Creator.

I believe that you need to do a little ‘study’ of my ‘holy book,’ for it and ONLY IT will save you from eternal damnation and endless excruciating misery. The mandate to be an ‘enforcer’ issued to you by ‘writ’ or ‘ritual’ of man or Institution in no way supersedes the Command of God, neither does it ‘abrogate’ His Law.

The only reason why I refer to Constitutional texts is to help you to see that you are exceeding your own mandate and authority contained in the Constitution of your own Institution.

I do not have to nor need to use it nor ‘bow’ to it as I am not a ‘member’ of your institution, and I follow the ‘Constitution’ of God that is referred to in my book and, - - -

As a ‘free’ man I am entitled to and able to live in accordance with my peaceful belief – doctrine - religion, and I do not bring ‘grief’ upon others because, to the Creator and my own soul I AM TRUE.

Surely by now there are ‘some’ in the police force that have the ‘nous’ to look deeper at what I am saying, for I AM saying that soon, every enforcer will be crushed into submission by extremely powerful forces, and ONLY I am aware of ‘who’ they are and ‘how’ they will operate as the ‘Wrath’ of God unfolds on earth.

To help you and other serving police officers I enclose some more info that may assist you to ‘deliberate’ deeper before you go ahead and ‘throw your book’ at me or any, for that negative ‘action’ means that you will drag in others to back your ‘summons,’ and in following ‘their’ book and your ‘lead’ they will possibly accrue more ‘painful’ spiritual dues themselves.

Kent, IF your emotional ‘feelings’ of ‘righteous justification’ are so ‘strong’ that you cannot ‘stay’ your hand for a brief moment of time to look deeper at what I am saying, and at what you ‘intend’ to do, then all I can say is: "Brother, you will continue to ‘set yourself up’ for great travail." (This applies to every ‘forces’ man or woman)

I Terence am either ‘sane’ or ‘insane’ to say that I am HE the ‘awaited one,’ and if I am insane then you should ‘sympathise’ and send me to get help but, - - - if I am sane and rational, then maybe it would be wiser for you to look deeper at my ‘advocacy’ that is one of PEACE & love & mercy & forgiveness.

Education is the way forwards, not punishment.


page 27

Constable Kent Ritchie - 3
The Infidel (Non believer)

Religion, belief, ideology, code of conduct.

Kent, in every land there are men that use the ‘axe, club, knife guns’ or other weaponry to control others forcefully. They do this because it is their PROVEN ‘religion’ or ideological belief that they have the RIGHT to so do.

You are one of these, as are all people operating as ‘enforcers’ within state institutions or simply others in the community who are ‘mentally’ disturbed by DARK thoughts.

Those as you believe that you are doing ‘right’ because you are ‘bowing’ to the text in your books of rules that is your ‘bible,’ thus you cannot exercise your own God given conscience, nor can you conform to God’s "Go your way in peace and love one another" Command when on ‘duty,’ for your ‘oath’ and ‘wage’ demands that you ONLY uphold said ‘text’ that empowers the use of force as well as ‘anti’ peace methods of conduct.

There are other men such as the ‘Taliban’ who as you also have ‘gang’ membership as do you, and these persons also ‘justify’ the use of weaponry and force, but they do not necessarily follow ‘rules’ in any book, for they simply follow their thoughts that ‘appear’ in their mind or the orders issuing from their elders or ‘superiors’ as do you.

Both they and you are zealots, being persons that are ‘fanatical’ in their belief that others have to bow to their demands, way, religion, code of conduct etc. Not only this, but they believe in their ‘right’ to use force to attain this.

The use of FORCE is the use of God’s DARK energy, and it is forbidden by God to so do, and it follows that ANY person defiant of God is an ‘infidel’ and a ‘mercenary’ that is prepared to ‘die’ physically as well as spiritually in order to ‘uphold’ their wayward ideals.

Every weapons ‘carrier’ is a person that is ‘ready, willing and able’ to control or impoverish or disadvantage or maim or kill, and in so doing they place their own soul in great peril.

They also place themself into the punitive aspect of God’s ONE Law; "As you do is done unto you," and they WILL suffer the consequence at some stage, be it in this ‘life’ or the hereafter.

Long before your ‘birth’ into this realm the arrogance of man and their ignorance of God and His Law established ‘rule by decree’ that was forcefully imposed upon everyone, and man took up arms to rob, pillage and seize control of others lands or to protect themselves. (Anti-Christ and anti-God policy)

Long before your ‘birth’ into this realm, the ‘established’ false rule by men using ‘dictated text’ in books was also established, and those as you and all have been programmed to this false way of living.

It is I to re-establish ‘peace and orderliness’ by educating mankind, for as you see, in order to do it ‘your’ way you are required to interfere in the lives of the peaceful and to thus ‘disturb’ the peace of the land.

Your book of rules has got little to do with ‘orderliness or peace,’ but everything to do with taxation extortion and control and punishment and, it ‘empowers’ you to interfere in the lives of others for the SOLE purpose of forcing them to fund it and to thus ‘bow’ to ITS invasive policy-doctrine-religion that contravenes the TRUE ‘way’ commanded by God.

Unless or ‘until’ the day that some of your ‘elders’ in your enforcement ‘club’ decide to visit me for a cup of tea so that we can discuss a better way, they-you will continue to enforce the ‘dictates’ of ignorant politicians, and both ‘parties’ will continue on their way to hell and perpetual suffering, accrued through their BAD ‘code of conduct’ policy that defies God’s commanded way.

IF you truly believe that your ‘institution’ controls the land, seas, rivers and forests and thus IT via ‘text’ in any book has the divine right to dictate the living ways of others, then you are truly as deluded as your peers and ancestors.

How would you like it if I or any other knocked at your door one evening ‘armed’ and said:

"You Kent have contravened the code of conduct policy that we adhere to, and we thus will transport you ‘somewhere’ to be ‘judged’ by one of ‘ours’ who will punish you according to our book of rules, and you will be enslaved and incarcerated for a time and a time and, - - -

If you continue doing what you do and you do not amend your code of conduct ‘policy’ and bring it into accordance with ours, then we will continue to ‘hound’ you and cause ‘alarm’ to your family, and we will dispossess you, and we will do with you as we see fit"?

Quite unimaginable to your psyche is it not Kent? It may well be, and for sure it will never be done to you by me as all I could ever do to you within my ‘policy of peace’ is to offer you a cup of tea even though you have detained me before and imposed suffering upon me but, - - -

As time passes by Kent you will find yourself in that ‘position’ say I, for your ‘future’ I do espy, and unless you now adhere to the command of THE MOST HIGH then your ‘suffering’ dues to be imposed by very dark forces will be ‘incalculable.’

Kent, honourable code of conduct in God’s eyes is that carried out whilst in conformity to God’s Constitution as given per my hand.

~ God’s Constitution ~

Every earthly Constitution is "unwise," they all ‘deny’ our God of the skies who says :

"The only "safe" Constitution is MY WAY, that of :

Being loving each day.

It is up to no man to decide how any other will on earth stride. It is for no man to say: ‘I am elected democratically, thus heed my say.’ Every politician or ‘blue blooded’ king is a megalomaniacal dictator who will ‘sting’ their enemies over the sea if they ‘think’ that they 'overpowered' may be.

Children, I your God do speak. Your ‘personal’ freedom must you all seek, and you only attain it one way as said, by being ‘loving’* in every way.

In whatever country you live you must be respectful to all
and ‘GIVE’ of what you have to others each day.

IT is MY Constitutional way. Any of you who try to IT avoid for sure now all fall into the VOID, for in the ‘guise’ of ‘the majority’ you did one elect and his controlling 'rules' did say : "All must do it our way, or you’ll reflect upon what to you we’ll do if to our command you follow not through," and that control over you is negative and enslaving.

Try and now see your way clear
and to My fresh WORDS draw personally near.

Note: ‘loving’* - Kind, caring, compassionate, merciful, respectful, and forgiving, and never 'disturb the peace' of others. That is the Constitutional way of God your Creator to every earthly person.

"Any who heed not My call to be loving will die."

That is the message from your Creator up high.

No 'mandate' from man 'exonerates' enforcers from God's Justice. No mandate from man 'voids' God's immutable Law. You may 'believe' that your actions are 'honourable,' but any suffering imposed upon another is a 'criminal' offence in Father God's eye, and as you should all know - -

'Do the crime - - - suffer the time'

Set yourself free from accruing more painful 'debts to God' and now heed me.
Note: Law * - "As you sow - so shall ye reap - As you do - is done unto you."

Kent, you need to read my ‘offender’ document;

23 Feb 09

page 28

~ The ‘Devil’s’ Doctrine ~

There is a ‘doctrine’ that pervades the lives and livelihoods of every person on every land, and it is a ‘Religion’ that hides itself in a ‘cloak’ of fatherhood and secularism and, - - -

It is a religion because it is a ‘system’ of ideological belief, being the belief that its text ‘rulings’ contained in a ‘book’ must be funded, supported, condoned by, and followed by every person on the land and, - - -

Any person that fails to ‘bow’ in subservience to its latter day ‘rules or decrees’ and that fail to fund its ‘extortionist’ fines or taxes are mercilessly hounded, persecuted and punished.

Yes, this religion is the governing 'State' religion, and its controlling, invasive, punitive and warring doctrine is ‘that’ of the malignant ‘Devil,’ the Dark force that leads ITS followers into great travail, bondage and Hell.  The doctrine of this State religion is 'heresy,' and those espousing it are heretics.

Yes, this religion is in total and absolute opposition to the benign Command of the Light of God that leads ITS followers to freedom, salvation and Heaven.

This State 'Religion' is the 'government' of many a land, and it has a benign 'principle' clause in its 'Constitution' that states that all persons on the land are 'free' to follow their own religious beliefs of doctrine as long as they go their way in peace, and it also states in its 'texts' that no person will be disadvantaged in any way for living by their 'different' belief, however, - - -

The police forces men paid to serve the dictates of this religion are ignorant of these facts, and they are also ignorant of the Law of God, His existence, and His Command, for He states that everyone on every land must "Go their way in peace, and be loving, kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving" and, - - -

Due to the ignorance of these policemen and that of their 'magistrate' enforcers, all continue to take a false wage because, they defy their God and they defy the given 'mandate' of their own Constitution, as they harass the 'innocent' and peaceful that are going about their daily business IN CONFORMITY to God's Command and, instead of giving those peaceful a 'wave' and a smile they harass and persecute them.

These ignorant men need to see that any doctrine that forbids anyone else to live in accordance with their own ideological belief is a doctrine of the Devil, for why should any person be forced to live in an 'unconscionable manner? Why should any person be forced to fund by tax or fine any other 'doctrine' that they believe is ERROR or FALSE?

These ignorant police and their enforcement department 'heads' and servers need to see that they are not above or beyond the 'reach' of God, and that they too are by God expected to: "Go their way in peace, and be loving, kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving" and, - - - that as He, God is 'almighty' that He will 'subject' them to the 'authority' of His ONE immutable "As you do is done unto you" Law in this realm or in the after life.


Note - For more than 150 other Current Affairs letters go to my other web site: