~ The consumer 'rising' BREAD saga ~
The ACCC v/s Coles Supermarket ~ Court fine of 2.5 million dollars imposed.
This is an educational document for all 'shopkeepers'
page - 1 | Introduction and letter to Coles CEO |
page - 2 | Letter to ACCC Mr. Rod Sims |
page - 7 | The freedom of belief (religion) Acts of the Constitution |
page - 8 | Letter (2) to Coles CEO |
page - 9 | The spiritual truth of the matter |
page - 11 | The Durkan Legality clause |
page - 12 | The escalating mental health issue |
page - 14 | DVD sales of The Testament of Truth web site |
~ Open Letter to Mr. John Durkan CEO Coles supermarket ~
Dear John,
Reference: 'Extortionist fines' v/s the Constitutional rights granted unto peaceful citizens.
It is with 'concern' for THE PEOPLE in the community that this note is written to you because I believe that it is not in the interests of the people for your organisation to 'cough up' 2.5 million dollars of their money simply because 'others' are interfering in the Coles business operation. I did look up the on line article and read the words :
Former Victorian premier Jeff Kennett raised the issue of Coles' 'fresh' bread products being manufactured offshore. (Who is he to stick his nose into your business?)- - - and: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission launched proceedings against Coles in June 2013, accusing it of misleading consumers to think bread was made on the day at the store when, in some cases, the bread had been partially baked and frozen, months earlier in factories in Denmark, Germany and Ireland. |
As I see it, it is most definitely NOT in the interests of consumer (customers) to have their 'bread' supplier disadvantaged by monetary extortion because ultimately, they have to 'earn' and replace that loss from the purses of the consumers.
Secondly, do the officials of the 'system' of government have the LEGITIMATE right to ignore the Constitutional RIGHT of the Coles directors to go about their daily business? No they do NOT.
According the the Constitutional ACTS on page 2, AS LONG AS Coles staff are peaceful, no other person or State official has ANY right to interfere or impose any ‘rules or strictures’ - (As being THE immunity protection granted to THE PEACEFUL within the following Acts of the Constitution which SUPERSEDE ALL SUBSEQUENT LEGISLATION.) These ‘common’ rights are simply ignored by politicians and their enforcers. Refer page 2 below.
The words of yours were stated to be:
Coles said after the decision that it "did not deliberately set out to mislead anybody, but we accept that we could have done a better job in explaining how these products are made. We are proud of the quality of our bread, whether baked from scratch in-store or 'par baked' by our Australian suppliers and finished in our ovens," a spokesman said. |
I wish to state HERE that IF it was/is your belief that the bread was to be 'finished off' in house SATISFACTORILY, then it matters NOT whether or not the grains were harvested years before or whether or not the 'loaf' was finished off in house or anything else, for the FACTS are that you have the Constitutional entitlement to carry out your business in any manner you see fit and NOT be interfered with as long as you are NOT 'disturbing the peace.'
In FACT, as this matter is truly one of ones belief, conscience or 'religious ideology' it could only have been 'heard & judged' legally by the High Court but more importantly, irrespective of any 'court' judgement that is punitive, it is of itself a treasonable one for contravening the Constitutional Sovereign power.
Please do NOT pay this fine and just ignore any or all demands to so do.
The world is full of thieves who ‘come’ cloaked’ in robes of legitimacy.
Your 'lawyers' may wish to examine my testing the 'Freedom of religion' clause of the constitution in the recent 'case' of the ATO v/s Clemencia Barnes at:
Sincerely – Terence
~ Open letter to Rod Sims of the ACCC,
(Australian competition & consumer commission) and all readers ~
The 'rising' bread saga
Dear Mr. Sims,
Reference the now 'normalcy' of illegal unconstitutional practices by State officials.
Does the 'rule of law' empowering the ACCC have the power to OVERRULE the LEGAL mandate granted unto the peaceful citizen within the Constitution? No it most definitely does NOT.
Do the 'rule of law' statutes used by the ACCC against Coles have the power to OVERRULE the LIMITED authority granted unto them by the Constitution of their own 'government' organisation? No, secondary 'subordinate' statutes (rules/decrees/laws) most definitely do NOT.
The Constitution is what grants officious 'man' their limited 'operational mandate,' it is not the subsequent political decrees enshrined in text books and named 'the law.' All of these subsequent enacted dictates named 'the law' are subject to and subordinate to the Acts of THE CONSTITUTION.
It appears that in this case, Rod Sims of the ACCC stated: "The case rested in the description of the goods rather than the par-baking process itself." He goes on to state: "We don't have a problem with the concept of par-baking, we just want to make sure customers know what it is they're buying."
I ask: "What 'business' is it of any 'other' to interfere in the business of another and cause loss or harm or other disadvantage? It is NOT 'fair trading' to interfere for any reason. Consumers can simply change their 'shop' if they are dissatisfied with anything. Punitive control or interference in the life or business of the peaceful who are causing NO harm is an illegal activity even if backed by any legislation.
If 'Jeff Kennet' truly believed that customers were being 'short-changed' or sold a 'debilitating' product, then he was able to simply go to the Coles management and speak to them. The fact that he believed that it was an opportunity to STEAL funds 'legally' shows his vanity and insanity.
As seen by God and all sane mankind, there is NO 'doubt' that the customer knew what they were buying, it was simply BREAD, and the fact that ACCC Rod Sims words subsequent to the 'decision' were: "The decision served as a reminder to retailers to accurately describe their goods," clearly indicate that the prosecution counsel and ACCC officials and the 'judge' colluded to extort monies illegally with criminal intent because:
1 - There is no 'ruling' ordained by God as to the exactness required by any baker or seller of bread as to either the ingredients or the process nor is there any contravention of the Constitution by a person who is going about their business in a peaceful manner and doing their best to not only satisfy their customers, but trying to lower the cost of the goods sold. 2 - Coles officials were operating LEGALLY within the constraints of the Constitution in 'following' their own conscience and ideological belief as is their right to so do. 3 - ACCC officials were operating ILLEGALLY because within the constraints imposed upon everyone by the Constitution, they can ONLY live by their belief or conscience or ideology 'unhindered' if they do not disturb the peace of others, for that activity is immoral and forbidden by the Constitutional Acts and by God THE SOVEREIGN POWER. 4 - All rules or laws or acts of latter day politicians invoked subsequent to THE CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY or by any precedent made by or set by the erroneous judgement of magistrates or judges does not alter the above facts. 5 - It is an illegal and criminal act to try and force a peaceful person or group to fund by fine or other an opposing doctrine, for by this act backed by force of arms, the intent is to coerce or force the other to change their peaceful ideological nature by funding and obeying the ideals of a warring doctrine. This activity is TREASON. |
page 3
Since the 'court' judge imposed a punitive sentence upon a civil person legally carrying out their business, it follows that the judge and all complicit to the case including the one 'pointing the bone,' (Jeff Kennet) are culpable to an ILLEGAL and criminal act which was in contravention of the authority mandate granted unto them by said Constitutional Authority.
Jeff Kennet in bringing this 'case' to the attention of enforcers obviously had the INTENT to cause them HARM which makes his own activity one of proof that his mind is under siege from Dark forces and he needs to be counselled by me before his ADHD becomes more OUT OF CONTROL.
Politicians have invoked the organisation named the ACCC and given its operatives an 'open' licence in the form of a set of rules entitlement to interfere in every aspect of community life. This of itself is an ILLEGAL activity and it is not backed by the Constitutional authority.
The state officials of the ACCC and their armed backup enforcers now all BELIEVE in their RIGHT to disturb the peace of others and cause them financial loss or other harm and great inconvenience in the 'guise' of "It is for your own good as 'we' are protecting you."
The constitutional authority is very CLEAR in stating that everyone can live by their own BELIEF, conscience' or ideology AS LONG AS they do NOT disturb the peace of others. Thus it follows that all 'interferers' in whatever 'guise' are GUILTY in the eyes of THE SOVEREIGN POWERS of disturbing the peace, and it follows that their ACTIVITIES are thus criminal, illegal and treasonable for their defiance of the limited mandate granted by said AUTHORITY.
Rod Sims of the ACCC is personally 'waging war' against a COMMUNITY ESSENTIAL SERVICES PROVIDER and that is NOT in the best interests of THE PEOPLE.
If THE PEOPLE are dissatisfied by any services provision they are FREE to shop elsewhere or to advise the service provider of their 'unhappiness' so that the matter can be looked into without thieves seizing opportunist means to extort millions of dollars thereby impoverishing everyone concerned as well as causing the value of money to fall.
The 'government' or political 'arm' of official persons are in fact waging war upon THE PEOPLE of the land and this 'war' is one in which conspiracy, collusion and 'insider trading' is taking place 'secretly' as those involved have the INTENT to STEAL endless sums of money from THE PEOPLE 'clandestinely,' and they accomplish this by using 'latter day' rules which give them the apparent legality to STEAL by 'licence fee, tax, fine or other levy,' when factually, it is simply extortion which it is backed by force of arms. This activity is in contravention of the Constitutional authority and a contravention of God's Command unto man.
It is not in the interest of THE PEOPLE to have their every activity 'controlled' and used to extract money from the farm 'gate' all the way to the supplier of essential services.
How is this stealing accomplished in this case? By a conspiracy between the ACCC officials, the politicians, the courts and the armed forces. (police) These groups are 'together' TRADING IN THE BUSINESS of the extortion of money from the 'pot of honey' of THE PEOPLE in the community.
All this controlling, enslaving and punitive TRADE goes on endlessly because the ignorant all believe in the right of 'some' to uphold text rules in books imposed forcefully in the guise of: "For the betterment of the people." Is it so? No - No - NO, it is not. It simply impoverishes all both materially and spiritually.
page 4
Bread is the 'staff of life' and THE PEOPLE must be the ones to individually 'vote' using their feet as they enter Coles or any other establishment and make purchases. No person is being forced to 'eat' anything they do not wish to.
What is happening is that the ACCC is forcing the price of goods UP and by this fact they are forcing THE PEOPLE to pay more for goods and services because, the more funds taken forcefully through levy or fines the less becomes the purchasing power or value of the money people have available.
If 'insane' people like Jeff Kennet don't 'wish' to purchase 'bread' from Coles then that is their RIGHT but, - - - it is not their right to use their 'officious' position or demeanour to cause harm or financial loss to others in the community or to force them to change their business practices.
Do THE PEOPLE need or want or desire an ACCC 'watchdog'? Maybe the answer is 'Yes or No' but, - - - the watchdog must ONLY be of an ADVISORY capacity alerting the people or the business owner of possible 'danger' or a way of an 'improvement' of said bread.
No community 'effort' or advisory 'board' must be permitted to INFLICT punishment or do anything causing the costs of the goods to 'rise' and thus imposing hardship. The infliction of punishment is the 'coercion' which keeps all funding INIQUITY which means they are in defiance of God's Command of:
"Peace, love, compassion, mercy and forgive the other."
It is obvious to me that collusion exists between all government offices and the judiciary, because it is in their 'interest' to haul in money in every way 'permissible' by the Rules made by their politicians enabling this STEAL to continue and grow.
How do you or I or the Coles management 'deal' with these thieves who steal so openly and interfere endlessly because of THEIR BELIEF in their entitlement to defy God as they do and they also BELIEVE in their right to defy the RULING statutes/acts of the Constitution of their own organisation?
Firstly, we need to understand that their 'control' officers (judges and police) are all ignorant of THE FACTS which means we need to do our best to enlighten them as to the error of their 'ways' but, - - - we do not need to simply 'roll over' and cough up any money or conform to any of their ILLEGAL or other dictates. Never hand over money to extortionists for if you do, you are 'aiding and abetting' them.
Coles officers simply need to IGNORE all threats or demands made because they are an illegal 'trespass' into the affairs and activities of the Coles business venture, and no doubt said activities are in no way 'deleterious' to their customers. No doubt Coles staff are always 'happy' to receive any input from anyone which helps them offer a cheaper or better service or product.
I return now to the indictment and fine imposed indicating to 'some' that Coles officials failed to give their customers 'full' disclosure on a product but, - - - where does this type of insanity end? Could it be said that if Coles had also failed to state 'when' the grains used had been harvested or, - - - what type of grain was used or, - - - from 'which' farm gate it was grown? What 'business' is it of anyone as to 'how' bread is prepared or baked or offered?
Since I am a very SANE person who is not a vain and mentally 'disturbed' person as is Jeff Kennet, I simply state to the reader that it is my considered opinion that the Judge and his judgement was a contravention of the Constitutional ruling because:
A - He/She was ignorant of the facts of the case. The facts being that it was a matter of conscience and belief. (Ideology) |
Since the court 'judgement' is backed by the armed forces of the Australian government, it behoves the commissioner of police to to be made aware that any of his 'team' who go forth to implement the 'seizure' of money or property or to make any 'arrest' of any Coles employee for any non-compliance to the court ruling, that they also become COMPLICIT to the treasonable ACT of defiance to the constitutional LAW. This is a criminal activity.
page 5
It is obvious to me that the time is here for THE PEOPLE to understand that if they 'vote' for a 'system' that interferes in the lives of others, that the voter becomes complicit to the harm or loss caused to said OTHERS because said officials are operating on their behalf and in their name.
Let us now all 'turn our backs' to the power-brokers who use FORCE and only now give our support and funding to benign community services. The interfering, controlling and punitive ACCC needs to be disbanded because ITS activities are illegal and in violation of the Constitution and also exceeding the 'bounds' granted unto man within the constraints of the Command of God: "Peace."
As for Jeff Kennet pointing the bone at Coles for 'misrepresentation,' he needs to see that his 'own' beyond blue dot org is even more GUILTY of misrepresentation because in fact, neither he nor his workers are aware of the cause of ALL mental health problems nor the reasons 'why' these problems are growing daily globally as more and more people lose control of their thoughts and become more irrational, aggressive or suicidal.
Due to his own ignorance to the causes of the telepathic subjugation of the mind of man by dark spirit forces, it follows that Jeff's 'team' are lost in the woods and they are in fact wasting millions of community $ each year whilst misleading multitudes. All need to quickly READ my 'Suicide document' and assist themselves and also read my 'The national security alert.' Both articles linked at the end of this report.
The 'black flag' of I.S.I.L shows its face through people such as Jeff because they are both of the same BELIEF in their right to DEMAND that people 'bow' to their dictates and ideologies or suffer the consequence. Jeff, the ACCC and the court judges totally overrule the 'pleas' of THE PEACEFUL people going about their business LEGALLY because they interfere by using force of arms to steal money.
Finally, it is error for Coles to pay any 'fines' money into the coffers of any organisation which uses force of arms to terrorise, interfere, subjugate, cause harm etc., because these 'aggressors' have NO conscience as they defy their God. If anyone funds said group, then one is funding terrorist activities and they are supporting the DARK in its waging of war upon others in the community.
Coles officers have the constitutional RIGHT to be absolute pacifists and to NOT fund persons of an opposing punitive ideology.
The government politicians are themselves GUILTY of false advertising of themselves, for they advertise that what they do is for the benefit of THE PEOPLE when it is today PROVEN that to extort fines monies which causes impoverishment of THE PEOPLE is NOT in the best interest of THE PEOPLE for it raises the costs of supply and lowers the value of money.
As stated above, the ONLY help and benefit the people need is GOOD ADVICE. This way the people can elevate themselves rather than being disadvantaged, interfered with, fined or impoverished by endless taxes and kept funding their 'slaver' masters pockets.
page 6
I add here a few words to both 'Rod' of ACCC and 'John' of the Coles group.
Rod of ACCC, please try and pull in you 'horns' brother because your wages are taken by force of arms backup from the people of the community and you still find the 'justification' using political decrees to bring peaceful members of the community 'trust' provision of benign services to their knees as you use further forceful 'backup' to steal even more in the guise of 'legitimate fines.' This neither a sane nor a 'godly' conscionable activity.
Please amend your ways from punitive to advisory because all control, subjugation, extortion or punishment is backed by the Devil's force and leads you and those of your ideology into the Abyss of eternal suffering and also, your mandate or official position does not nullify or void the 'Law of Return' of God's ENERGY in motion. (As you sow so shall ye reap)
Please pass this email ON to the court Judge and your ‘legal’ team of expert counsel.
John of Coles, please continue on being a very needed community 'bread' basket but, - - - please realise that the ISIL black flag is not the TRUE Islam way of peace, nor is the 'flag' of OZ or other supposedly democratic governments the TRUE Christian way of peace because all interferers of any 'race' who impose strictures or punishment have the very same 'sinful' unconscionable IDEOLOGY. This ideology is their BELIEF in their RIGHT to use force of arms to subjugate everyone in their 'sights.'
Be forewarned, the minds of all 'black flag' ideologists are being subjugated and controlled more and more from dark realms and their demands will increase dramatically. Wars will 'rage' in every land and bring everyone to their knees. International TRADE will CEASE for a time and a time and everyone will be 'hungry' and homelessness will the 'norm.'
Please now 'prepare' to use as much local produce as you can so that everyone can still have an early morning cup of tea or coffee and a slice of toasted BREAD. Please 'stock up' as much as you can. Please lower the prices of goods as much as you can.
Since the DARK forces (invisible to man) are now probing the psyche of everyone more and more, there will be a greater mental disturbance in the minds of everyone in the community for reasons know only by myself. In view of this, I will be sending both you and 'Rod' my mental health outreach email as everyone needs to amend their ways to the benign as they try and regain their sanity.
Sincerely - Terence
Link: The suicide document; http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/suicide.htm
Link: The national security alert; http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/alliance.htm
Link: The cause of all sorrow; http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/sorrow.htm
Link: The fall of the Empire; http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/land3.htm
Constitution Acts. Acts which authorise and LIMIT the actions of public servants:
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116 "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, - - Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania & applicable to all States) This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.
Part V - General provisions - Religious freedom
46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen. (2) No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief. |
Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)
Religion - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.
Any fine or punishment imposed by a magistrate upon an absolute pacifist who was not disturbing the peace is a coercive attempt into forcing a person into changing their ideology (religion) by funding a contra 'punitive' doctrine and is an unlawful activity within the Constitution. |
~ Open Letter (2) to Mr. John Durkan CEO Coles supermarket ~
Dear John, further to the previous emails I have added more information to assist your business, and as I am in the 'business' of alerting the whole world to the coming global disaster, I will be forwarding a copy of the completed document of all correspondence in the prior emails as well as this one worldwide to over 100 other major retail food chains so that they also have time to prepare for the breakdown of the mental health system affecting everyone.
I now refer to my words in the email to the ACCC:
Do THE PEOPLE need or want or desire an ACCC 'watchdog'? Maybe the answer is 'Yes or No' but, - - - the watchdog must ONLY be of an ADVISORY capacity, alerting the people or the business owner of possible 'danger' or a way of an 'improvement' of said bread. |
Thus 'ADVISORY' means that there is NO regulation, control, interference, subjugation or punishment. The 'watchdog' is a truly benign community endeavour operating within the precepts of the Command of the God of Light. Those seeking to use this 'service' are not 'bound' to heed the advice given if they do not wish to so do.
Every individual is free to make their own loaf of bread individually, uniquely and without imparting any information to any other. The consumer is the one to choose 'which' taste or consistency is the one that is according to their satisfaction. If you 'wish' to label 'everything' then that is also the 'baker's choice.'
I feel that in order to assist everyone I need to give the reasons 'Why' it is imperative now for people to understand that any 'advice' or directive that is IMPOSED FORCEFULLY is a DICTATORSHIP because impositions are always backed by force of arms. I now reveal more as regards the concept of 'legitimacy' or legality.
The constitutional authority granting useable or 'limited' POLICY control to the government officials and politicians is CLEAR. It states:
"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, - - |
I refer to the meaning of the word 'Religion':
Religion - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship |
The implications for EVERYONE needs to be clearly understood because there are only TWO 'opposing' ideologies which exist. Both can be categorised as being RELIGIONS because both have the BELIEF that they are 'backed' by a superpower which ultimately results in the requirement of obedience, reverence and worship.
However, the relevant clause above for those individuals who are ABSOLUTE PACIFISTS (such as myself) and who DO bow in reverence in obedience to the Command of God which is - 'Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgive your enemies:' are only living by their ideological belief, conscience or religious ideology if they do NOT fund, support or condone the political statutes imposed by the government.
Why? Because the institution of government has, factually, the opposing belief and ideology of seeking retribution, control, subjugation, punishment, extortion, killing and war. The government's ideology is therefore a RELIGION in its own right since its RULES do demand that ITS followers must bow to said rules. The 'superpower' which backs this religion is the destructive force imposed by mercenaries (armed forces) and weapons of DESTRUCTION to bring people to their merciless belief.
Politicians and other controlling officials who BELIEVE in their right to defy God's command and who serve this vengeful and destructive religious ideology need to understand that, - - - within the LIMITED authority granted to them by their OWN Constitution, it is TREASON to threaten, coerce or punish others in order to try and force those of the contra doctrine of Peace into supporting and funding the governments' unconscionable ways.
Every Coles staff member needs to be told that IF they wish to BE obedient to their God they need to advise their 'paymaster' to NOT deduct taxes from their pay packets.
IF Coles directors wish to become OBEDIENT to their God of love and thus elevate their own souls, they must not 'add' any GST or licence fee or pay taxes or fines to the system of the Dark religion.
Coles and every global supermarket chain or corner store can truly BECOME an institution working directly for the benefit of the community in selling their goods as cheaply as possibly and,- - - in giving away lower cost 'free bread' so that everybody who is 'poor' can simply 'walk in' and get a feed for the day until they learn to grow their own food.
Incredibly impoverished times are now at hand which all will see soon enough. We no longer need the 'institution of government' as yet another 'middle man' who wastes 70% of the take and lowers the value of money thereby raising the cost of produce to the consumer.
For the clarification that the government IS A RELIGION go here:
The 'Proof of State Religion' Paper - 20 pages: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/crucify4.htm The spiritual truth of the matter 1 - A 4 - A 7 - A There is a REASON why God commands man to ONLY use His Light creative energy in order for us to BE 'peaceful, loving, caring, compassionate, merciful and forgiving' and this is because of the immutable LAW of energy in motion which states that: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Man as yet believes that if he is 'mandated' or empowered by rules or an official position, that he can use the Dark destructive energy and NOT be subjected to the Law of return imposed by God. This is absolute error of doctrinal belief. Nothing in the universe can HALT the movement of energy that is put into motion by each individual as they live and move and interact positively or negatively. Since that is the reality, it follows that NOT a single mortal can avoid the consequence of darkness being imposed upon them if IT was by them imposed upon others, and thus they will themselves experience the same subjugation, suffering or destruction when IT so decides to balance ITS 'energy.'
"As you or your masters did do unto others will be done unto you" = ongoing interference, subjugation & suffering. As it is today, everyone is subjugated by and enslaved by rules which force them to deny and defy their God and their conscience. Ruling decrees are upheld by armed forces personnel who take a mercenary wage of 30 pieces of silver as they work for the 'Devil.' (Dark energy essence of the Source) When you 'bow' to rules, - - - you are bowing to the ideas and ideals of people (others) who imposed said rules upon everyone possibly years and years ago, and 'some' were invoked even before you were born.
Where I ask is the SANITY in bowing to or funding controlling ideas and ideals which not only cause you 'hardship' and keep you enslaved, - - - but also cause others to be enslaved due to your SUPPORT of a negative and punitive system. Please now OBEY God's command ONLY and get ON with your life using God's command as your guide and your own God-given conscience. It is the time to see that "Government POLICY" is simply nothing more or less than the MIND of your neighbour in action while YOU foolishly permit said neighbour to be your guide rather than making your own conscience and God your guide. Many even permit their neighbour to impose his/her ideology with its strictures upon them and their family FORCEFULLY. Woe indeed for all believe that it is being done in their 'best interest.' I continue: Since the beginning of time on earth the strong have controlled and subjugated the weak using threat and coercion which is inevitably backed by the force of arms delivered by every dictator and/or government or 'village' strong men. Where does this leave you and I and everyone one else living in todays world? The sad fact is that everyone is in the unfortunate position of being unable to live in accordance with their own conscience, ideals or beliefs because: 1. Those elevated into power believe in their right to forcefully impose their own ideals/ideological/or religious beliefs upon others.
2. Those elevated to power as 'brokers' also believe in their right to use threat coercion and punitive violence to force others into submissive servitude to their ideals which include their needs, wants or desires. 3. So much time has now passed that all seem to believe in the right of others to deny them the use of their conscience leading to all accepting that they must be ruled forcefully from birth to death. page 10 It seems very strange to me that so many glorify and adore the slave masters who are adorned with crowns and therefore placed into positions of public elevation which none, save myself, being aware of the fact that the 'Crown of office' leaders wear, is in reality a crown of thorns because they remain ignorant of God's one immutable Law.
That Law simple states that what these 'officers' do to others via their laws of control, interference or punishment, is the causing of harm to your neighbour on your behalf and in your name. Further, none of you even know of the power of the invisible one (God} to impose His absolute, just and unavoidable Law of return upon your head. The global travail now to be is incomprehensible, but you are all soon to see how He punishes you within His "eye for an eye Law," so as to balance His book and thereby set you free spiritually, that is if you do not retaliate and thus accrue further spiritual dues. This global calamity will bring everyone to their knees so you may wish to amend your ways and stop supporting and funding the iniquity of enslavement. Please try and see that when you abrogate your conscience into the hands of a neighbour, (for every king or politician is simply your neighbour) then you are giving them permission to enslave you to their own unconscionable ideals and beliefs, (which are the religions of death) and you are giving them the right to punish you for any non-conformity to their erroneous beliefs. You are also giving them the right to interfere in and control every aspect of your life. Please now abolish the 'right' of others to rule and protect you. Lean only on God and follow 'The Way' of THE CREATOR who states: "Love one another." Use your own conscience as you try to do your very best to help others caringly and peacefully in the foreknowledge now given to you that, by so doing, your God will smile and return His/Her beneficence upon you. The energy of God you use records your every intent and deeded ACTIVITY. Please now only walk in God's LIGHT. Halt all 'tax or licence fee or fines' or the funding of controllers, instead fund and support benign community activity DIRECTLY. Only subscribe to benign community effort and services provision. As you begin this new path to spiritual freedom, those of the ISIL or other dark controlling, punitive, destructive ideologies will continue to harass and persecute you on behalf of the punitive aspect of the Source until ALL your own outstanding dues to GOD have been met in full. Be loving and kind and compassionate and merciful and forgiving unto these 'lost souls' as you try to educate them, for all they DO unto you becomes their own very painful spiritual DUE. During the 'terrible times' at hand all continuing to bear arms and fight will 'sweep' their opposition and 'themselves' into the Abyss and peace will be established. Never again will earthlings 'bear arms' to defend or fight. All that I can do as a farsighted individual is to deliver the FINAL WARNING to humanity from the Source which says: "Those children of mine who continue to be swine have only a very brief moment in time to deliver themselves UP from their evil, controlling, slaving, punitive, warring and destructive ways. You are presently all stuck in the same RUT and your are all on the wide road to Hell. Those of you who cannot break the spell over your minds or emotions imposed by MY dark forceful power will most definitely continue upon the vengeful road and forever will suffer the ongoing consequences. Only I can use MY Dark destructive energy without any come-back within It's Law of Return because I, not you, AM the Source. Let me make it perfectly clear, failure to obey MY Command to the very letter means that you will FAIL. Only those who mercifully, kindly and compassionately do their very best to care for, help and assist the multitude of lost, lonely and suffering souls will by their deeds show ME of their worth and therefore be saved by MY grace. Give your all to feed the poor, give your council to uplift the mentally disturbed. Cause no harm and fund no warriors and prepare to face your past and suffer your own dues to me the God you cannot see." I Terence have done my very best for all of you, let your own courage shine through. ~ The Legality clause ~ John Durkan, Sir, I believe that it is now the time for you to believe that God grants man the right to carry out his business with no political interference, and this fact is also granted unto peaceful men within the Constitutional acts which limits the power of the ACCC and the Australian Taxation Office and all others. Please write now to the ACCC and the ATO stating: "I and my officials believe in our right to carry out our business with no supervision, interference, dictatorial legislative control and no monetary extortion and, - - - since this is our belief, we have no need to consider any of your ongoing proposals, threats or coercion. If you wish to persecute us then please present your case to the Judge of the High Court of Australia and we will present our defence to said Judge because we are now free men.
We will obey our God and simply get on with our daily business of the supply of bread to the community as cheaply as we are able."
The consequence of ones actions when 'bowing' to mortal men rather than to God.
2 - A DICTATORSHIP is threat and coercion backed by punishment.
3 - A DICTATORSHIP is a deadly addiction to POWER by all employed to 'serve.'
5 - A DICTATORSHIP means that all are enslaved to RULES-edicts-commands.
6 - A DICTATORSHIP means that none can use their own conscience.
8 - A DICTATORSHIP means that all supporters are forced to live within the DARK punitive aspect of God's Law:
~ The escalating mental health issue ~
In my opinion every employee needs (at least) to have a printed copy of my Star prayer pages so that they can learn how to control their thoughts and maintain their sanity. Other than that they would benefit from having a DVD copy of all my 9 books and MP3 audio, I speak of that on page 14 below.
The link to my Star prayer article on line is: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/starpray.htm
As the psychic attack is from a far distant land, every earthling will need to make mental preparation. I am the only person with the capacity to NOT be kept in a position of non-caring awareness by the invasive darkness. If I had been 'kept in the dark' and not been eternally diligent then where would you and all humanity be? Lost in the dark - lost - lost - lost. Only I am 'awake' spiritually and can recognise the error of the ways of man and do something about it.
I give three letters sent recently in respect of this issue as psychiatrists have no comprehension of 'Minds under siege' from demonic subjugation. (Spirit possession as it was known in my youth)
Dear John and all, I was watching the 7.30 report this evening in reference to the growing suicide as well as other mental illnesses leading to the escalating irrational behaviour causing confrontation, murder and other dark negative processes.
Regrettably the psychiatric world has no comprehension of the power of demonic forces to link-in telepathically (spirit possession) and seize control of the psyche of their victim.
I am a spirit medium and I am the only person having the depth of insight to see into these lower realms and I also know the causal factor enabling their telepathic INTRUSION which I reveal within my ‘Suicide’ document on my web site – please read all the below communiqué's and then read the links I give.
The entire global population needs to be quickly educated as to these factors otherwise everyone will succumb at some stage or another.
The one and only means to FORTIFY ONES MIND is also given.
Sincerely - Terence
Dear Julie, I did phone you this morning and even though this email is not a ‘media’ request, I trust that you will not only read it but pass it on to others as its contents will I hope ‘awaken’ everyone to the ‘sad’ truth that all the mental health ‘counselling’ with its present understanding of depression etc., is not going to stem or halt the rising darkness resulting in family violence as well as global confrontation and subsequent destruction.
There are presently ‘hidden’ reasons for escalating ‘insanity’ wherein mankind loses their ‘reason’ to be kind and respectful and finds the justification to abuse others or self-destruct.
Regrettably the psychiatric ‘world’ is also completely in the ‘dark’ so to speak having NO ‘answers’ to the problems now facing humanity.
Do I have the answer? Yes I do, and unless the MEDIA can now visit my web site and enlighten themselves to ITS revelations will they then be able to awaken all humanity so that everyone can learn how to fortify their minds against intrusive destructive thoughts. (The telepathic subjugation of the mind of man from lower dark realms of consciousness)
All ‘good’ souls being counsellors seeking to assist the ‘ill of mind’ and emotions need to themselves quickly avail themselves of THE TRUTH of the matter.
Sincerely - Terence
page 13
Dear recipient, I have spent much of my life counteracting the dark forces which pervade the mind of man in a manner which I 'term' MINDS UNDER SIEGE. My main work in Africa was to do with sorcery or witchcraft.
Here in the Australian outback it could have been the 'curse' placed upon a person by the 'kadaicha man' which led to suicide or other harm.
OVERPOWERING thoughts leading man into uncivil and abusive acts is in fact what was termed 'spirit possession' in olden times, and is simply uncontrollable thoughts which access the mind of people due to their negative emotions 'surging' and opening a telepathic doorway DOWNWARDS into very dark spirit realms from whence stem said destructive thoughts. Be it resulting in suicide or the causing of harm to another.
There are reasons categorised on my web site giving the ‘WHY’ this telepathic subjugation of the mind of man is now to escalate dramatically and increase 100 fold or MORE and lead to the breakdown of every society on earth and global confrontation.
Is there a means to stem this dark mental invasion leading to family violence and breakdown? Yes, it can be 'stemmed' if the individual 'offender' can be educated as to the means to so do. Also, every child and adult needs to quickly LEARN what to do to assist themselves in order to fortify their minds before they become irrational, disrespectful and DANGEROUS.
I have many documents on my web site clarifying this 'possessive' thought process and I give a few links below.
I also have 14 Audio MP3 tracks which can be freely downloaded from my web site. View at:
To learn how to fortify your mind go to:
For a 2 page 'brief summary' of my 200 document message to humanity go to:
For my 'Suicide document' and spirit possession revelations go to:
For my ‘Facts of life’ article needed by everyone of all ages go to:
For spiritual THE REASONS for the escalating mental 'attack' read my National Security Alert:
For Clemencia's Mental health Carer's manual & error of psychiatry go to:
DVD’s are soon available of my web content that is free on line to the reader.
Further to the above – All ‘offensive’ or ‘offender’ disturbance of the peace activity is the result of MENTAL DISTURBANCE (Mental illness, insanity to a greater or lesser degree) All offenders need educative rehabilitation in attending a ‘Feeling Easier’ Seminar rather than ‘court’ fines or other punishment which leads to impoverishment and further offensive activity:
A ‘quick’ education program for all schools needs to be established so that everyone ‘wizens up’ before it is too late. “Too late” means one has lost the capacity to ‘rationalise’ and wisely maintain a peaceful, merciful, kind and forgiving demeanour and thus one ‘sins’ more and more against ‘self, others and God’ and eventually ends up at ‘Hell’s shore.’
~ DVD Sales of The Testament of Truth web contents ~
Once again dear brother John, I know that supermarkets feed the people with their daily material needs of the 'bread' of life. I now also realise that VIA the supermarkets where so many feet daily tread, my Testament of Truth DVD needs to also be available because all require quick access to the spiritual 'bread of life.'
Every person on the globe including your staff and yourself need a DVD hard copy of my web site and thus I ask of you:
Would your officers and yourself consider marketing a Testament of truth DVD in your shops? If you can do this then I will give you the sole agency for all Australia for direct shop purchases as well as your on line sales from 'anywhere.'
Please consider this proposal and give me a reply by May 15th. If it is a 'Yes,' then the Coles name will be placed on my on line purchasing 'orders' section :
At present I do not market any DVD's and have not given anyone any 'agency' as such. I shall be approaching other global supermarket 'chains' outside of Australia with the same offer to them in their country.
In sincerity - Terence
Note: This letter SEND 3 to your office commences as page 8 so as to correspond to the full on line article with all correspondence at: