MAIN Index


~ God's 'judgement & rule' of errant man ~
The clarification of
The implementation of the punitive aspect of God's Law as imposed upon man.

page - 1 - Introduction
page - 2 - The sniper 'marksman'
page - 3 - The Somali pirate
page - 4 - The 'wife' basher
page - 5 - The 'slaver' & the 'slave citizen'
page - 6 - The mentally 'disturbed'
page - 7 - The 'child molester' killer
page - 8 - The politician
page - 9 - The policeman
page - 10 - The magistrate 'judge & jailer'
page - 11 - The power of Love


To fully comprehend the 'nature' of God is extremely difficult for mankind because all have been falsely taught that God is what God is NOT for God is neither a person with arms and legs who can 'manifest' here or there nor any 'idol.' More significantly for mankind is the truth that God is also not :

"ONLY pure love."

God is the ever existing, eternal invisible spiritual energy essence having no 'bounds.' God is infinite intelligence having the dual nature of Creative and Destructive. In God both Light and Dark energies existing as twin polarities similar to a 'magnet,' but in God, both energies are in perfect harmony with each other.

The 'turmoil' or inner or external struggle only begins within an individual created by the eternal 'dance' of said 'God' energy when the created 'spirit soul' defies the Command of their Creator and draws IN some darkness (sin, dark energy) which causes disharmony, frustration and a feeling of 'lack' within them forever and ever.

Prior to reading these pages it is of importance to first read:

~ The energy ‘essence’ of God the Source ~

Man cannot comprehend any 'intelligence' which exists having a nature of pure liquid hateful malevolent and destructive intent with an infinite capacity and power, but that is the nature of the ONE aspect of the energy of the Source. That aspect of the Source is the DARK. The other aspect of the energy of the Source having the nature of pure liquid loving, benign and creative intent, capacity and power. That aspect of the Source is the LIGHT, SHE the Mother, but that aspect of the Source is not the content of this paper.

The purpose of this paper is to advise and educate errant man as to the DARK aspect of the Source, the ONE who becomes or has become their eternal ENEMY. Why do I bequeath this information? Because the 'liquid' dark energy of God is pure arrogance and since sinful man is like 'unto' or, 'as' the dark aspect of God through continually having drawn INTO his soul a quantity of that DARK ENERGY, man is in grave danger.

There is now a very 'brief' opportunity for errant man to amend their ways and BE 'saved' and elevated into paradise but, man needs to understand how they ERR. Man must learn that the use the DARK energy of God is what keeps them bound and enslaved in perpetual suffering.

Yes, all negative emotions are God's Dark energy essence and it is thus that the 'sin' in man (negative emotions) gives man the feelings of absolute power, dominance, control and the JUSTIFICATION to twist, weave, deceive, dispossess, injure and destroy all 'opposition.' Being the 'traits' of God THE FATHER.

Man fails to see that once he defies God's Command and uses some of God's Dark power in his interaction with others that IT contaminates his soul which is then seen by God. Once darkness is employed by any,  said person is 'self proven' to be 'guilty' of defiance of God's 'Go your way in peace and only be kind, respectful, loving, merciful, compassionate and forgiving' Command. Once God’s Command is defied man is 'marked' by God as ONE being a bad seed to be destroyed.

Indeed, any person who is 'so' arrogant as to BELIEVE that they can defy their invisible Creator and NOT suffer the consequence is utterly STUPID and blinded as said, by HIS arrogant energy, an energy they drew into their soul. What man also fails to comprehend when using God’s Dark energy is that it is God who is  now their eternal ENEMY.

NONE can 'win' against an enemy who sees their every 'move' and knows even their intent and every arrogant deed because it is HIS Dark energy inspiring them. Yes, they are like a 'bull' with a 'ring' through its nose being led deeper into the eternal 'maze' with NO escape route.

So the purpose of this paper as with all pages of my Testament of Truth is to 'attempt' to save even ONE soul because irrespective of any 'religions' or the error of teachings, everyone IS PRESENTLY ON THE WIDE ROAD TO HELL which is a terrifying and agonising ETERNAL fate unless they comprehend that which I now reveal and AMEND their personal ways immediately, immediately, IMMEDIATELY.

Man does NOT see 'how' their enemy God rules them invisibly and metes out His punitive 'judgements.' Nor do they see how He ALSO keeps them using His 'forbidden to use' DARK energy so that they fill their souls with IT and IT then, within ITS Law of return, keeps them IN 'suffering.'

Equally IT also draws their 'faithless' souls further away from THE LIGHT until they are far from His sight and therefore lose the 'comprehension' that goodness even exists. When drawn away from the Light the soul is to be crushed into 'oblivion' for an eternity or two before being cast into the eternal flames.

How does our invisible God 'RULE errant man'? His Dark ENERGY is the 'mastermind' and instigator of every controlling & dictatorial THOUGHT. These thoughts flow into the minds of every 'sinner' VIA their inner DARK energy. (Negative emotions)

It is my 'pen' being God's which now clarifies 'how' the 'Eye for an eye' or 'Law of equal return' or 'As you sow so shall ye reap' ACTIVITY takes place whether IT is imposed by uncivil man or by political dictate or by ignorant magistrate 'judges.'

It needs to be understood that every activity of mankind, be it kind and loving or cruel and hateful is 'backed' by invisible spiritual energy, being the invisible energy essence of the Source, God, and simple man cannot mentally COMPREHEND that his enemy (God's DARK) is TOTALLY merciless, dispassionate, cold, cruel and unforgiving due to having NO 'light' within and also, having the SOLE intent to destroy by 'absorption' any 'other' competitor to ITS absolute dominance.

Nothing 'happens' without MOTIVATION and ITS justification. Understand that justification being that: "It (absolute justice) is for the good of all." All motivation is 'triggered' by emotional energy which is followed or driven by thoughts.

Even though we have hands to write with or use and legs to move us, their muscular action is motivated by muscular energy. However, more pertinent than physical energy is that which mankind fails to comprehend being the deeper truth of the  influence of the spiritual energy, be IT benign and creative or malignant and destructive.

page 2

~ The Sniper 'marksman' ~

A 'marksman' Sniper has an 'enemy' in his gun sights and then pulls the trigger causing harm. The man was indoctrinated with the belief that he had the RIGHT to so do and thus his 'justification' to defy God's command and injure or kill the other perceived as an enemy. He also took a wage to do this 'job' and thus was also justified by a mandate or rules of engagement.

The deeper picture is that his victim had a spiritual 'pain or loss' debt to God as a consequence of his past interaction with others whether in this lifetime or in a pre-entry time whist his spirit roamed in other realms of consciousness. The consequence remains the same since the invisible 'energy' he had used in his past is what 'marked' him as 'one to be killed or maimed' etc.

Unbeknown to the marksman, his mind at the moment of pulling the trigger was being controlled by demonic forces below and therefore the outcome was pre-determined because it was the ABSOLUTE punitive JUSTICE being meted out by the DARK energy essence of the Source to ITS specific requirements of that moment.

Unbeknown to the marksman is the fact that he has taken ON the spiritual debt of suffering or loss which was felt by the victim he shot. While that one shot by the marksman has paid a spiritual debt, a debt which was 'owed' to THE ENERGY, the marksman however has accumulated a burden of suffering which must BE met ahead whether it is in this life time or in the next world.

It is important to grasp that if the 'victim' was only wounded and was able to 'fight back' and possibly AGAIN cause 'harm,' he would instantly ADD another 'burden' of suffering to his spirit soul. What we all need to understand is that this constant retribution is always followed by the necessity to balance the scales of God’s absolute 'eye for an eye' Justice.  

These processes can go ON forever unless each individual now finds their way to a personally informed decision as to whether they treat this information with 'disbelief and derision' or, to take it SERIOUSLY and lay down their 'mace.'

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

I add: "The nature of the DARK energy is absolute power, domination, control, enslavement and ownership of ALL.  Thus ITS nature is also interference in, subjugation of  and the destruction of all who are in opposition.

This means that every errant 'abuser' or offender is at that moment a MENTALLY DISTURBED person being telepathically controlled and subjugated by powerful incoming thoughts from THE DARK essence which is using them as ITS 'instrument' to ITS own 'ends' wherein IT is simply meting out absolute justice to 'someone' and balancing ITS 'books' or 'Scales of Justice' through some ignorant or arrogant fool.

It also follows that everyone involved in bringing the 'offender' to account is also at that moment a MENTALLY DISTURBED person also being telepathically controlled - - - continues on as in the above paragraph.

Please NOTE: Every person using God's Dark energy, be they the offender or the person bringing the offender to 'Justice' through punitive 'correction,' is simply a person being used by THE DARK to forcefully IMPOSE the 'requirement' demands of the Dark Sovereign Power.

EVERY person defiant of THE Command of THE Sovereign overlord God is by GOD kept revolving within God's Dark punitive aspect and all end up in HELL unless they quickly now awaken to my final bell. No 'badge of office nor mandate nor official position nor 'text' in any book can or will nullify or void the implementation of God's LAW.

page 3 

~ The Somali pirate ~

The Somali pirate is a 'simpleton.' A very foolish person driven by ignorance, need, greed who, through threat and coercion by other greater armed forces within the land being other men of no conscience who 'handle' the coastal fishermen and others with a small 'reward' for their role in ROBBING others who are passing by in their great ships.

It needs to be clearly understood from the outset that in every land and 'race' there are armed men who 'rob' others in one form or another. All of them rely on 'strong' or 'armed' unconscionable men (mercenaries) who for some strange reason believe in their JUSTIFICATION to steal.

Kings, Queens, Mandarins, politicians and others have always also so believed in the same justification to steal and used 'excuse after excuse' to 'rob' other ocean travellers of their goods by letters of 'Marque' given to their ships of the line or otherwise. So the Somali pirate is no different.

What is the reality when a 'hostage' is taken and is held captive until a demanded 'ransom' has been paid? It is simply that the interfering 'invader' has given IN to either coercion from other war lords or has given IN to their own thoughts which justify their ACTIVITY.

The reality is in fact that on a spiritual level the one held in bondage as a hostage is simply suffering their accrued spiritual dues at the hands of the unwise and ignorant. (God's Law in action via the ignorant)

There is NO need to 'ever' pay a ransom, for that simply means that the payment made is funding the activities of the 'war lords' or pirates in their actions against OTHERS. When ransom is paid the 'payee' is funding, supporting and condoning iniquity and in fact accruing a further spiritual DUE of suffering in respect of the mental and emotional trauma or loss suffered by others due to their COMPLICITY accrued in paying the ransom.

No 'ransom' should ever be paid because that payment is the 'temptation' of the Dark which keeps man trapped to IT. This is similar to a 'bond' paid to the Court to gain a temporary release etc. No suffering is ever imposed by God via 'anyone' unless there is a DUE to be met by that persons suffering. Better to 'suffer it' and become truly FREE even if 'crucified' than paying out 'pieces of silver' to robbers.

The 'poor' Somali 'fisherman' and their equally spiritually callous and 'poor' warlord controllers are all 'lost sheep' truly ON the wide road to HELL. Let 'us' now be merciful and compassionate as God Commands and do our best to elevate their consciousness with EDUCATION rather than the BULLETS, aggression or other.

The 'pirates' as well as the one paying the ransom (TAX) are 'errant' in God's eyes and any armed forces men who interfere via confrontation on the ocean for the purpose of 'allaying' the harm PUNITIVELY are also extremely unwise because they commit MURDER openly. Those on shore who 'judge' and hold hostage the Somali prisoners in their jails are also equally unwise errant's who do not see their own coming demise in this life or the next realm.

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 4

~ The wife 'basher' ~

The wife basher is a sorry individual indeed, for their negative emotions within are 'such' that they cannot SEE the 'flower' given unto them by God. A beautiful flower created by God and in fact being the 'pinnacle' of God's creation created to delight, complement and fulfil man and for man to have the same capacity to fulfil his lady 'mate.'

Indeed, jealousy and hate and vanity and pride and envy can and do fill the inner soul of any who defy God and use IT the DARK 'evil' substance which in fact is not evil but simply is what it is, and thus as it is what it is, anyone using IT suffers through their own arrogance.

Why so? because ONLY it is what it is and thus not only above ITS Law of return but it is UNTOUCHABLE. Yes, you cannot 'touch' IT nor harm IT, for as IT flows through your filthy mouth or hand and causes 'injury,' it is your words or hand which are impacting upon the flesh of your 'wife' and thus YOU are the one causing HARM.

The wife 'basher' is usually stronger in a physical sense and sees NOT that he is simply being used by invisible dark forces to be the instrument of retribution and due to his 'open mind,' his psyche is not his own as it is being subjugated.

Regrettably for him there always comes the 'time' to receive his dues, and one of these is his removal to a very confined and dark space in the afterlife where there are NO 'ladies' to give comfort but only GIANT demonic MEN who will 'ream' them through and through as they impose the 'Justice of God' and I can assure you that in respect of mistreatment of His daughters, our God IS ABSOLUTELY:


Better to chain yourself to a tree so that you NEVER have the opportunity of harming even ONE 'hair' on the head of God's daughters.

If they have caused others harm or duress then better you leave them to God for Him to them 'undress' and cause them 'ridicule' or pain, but for the VAIN as so many men are, I can but say: "If you in any way use or misuse or dishonour or, - - - you FAIL to treat every 'lass' with a smile and respect irrespective of their 'manner,' then our God will flay you 'alive' for more than an eternity."

THAT is a FACT so many will soon be forced to ENDURE.

Simple man needs to understand that 'alcohol & drugs' open his mind to THE DARK.
Simple man needs to quickly LEARN that having an 'open mind' is extremely dangerous to himself.
Simple man needs to QUICKLY amend his ways before the last day.

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 5

~ The 'slaver' & the 'slave citizen' ~

The power of GREED which exists within the emotional energy 'mists' is also incomprehensible to man. It is also hidden and distorted by other dark emotions to the point that the 'greedy' are totally blinded to their 'enslavement' actions which cause endless trauma and turmoil to OTHERS.

Anyone can be a 'slaver' imposing their demands upon others, especially upon the less 'fortunate' who are 'poorly' or uneducated or simply meek and humble so they do not retaliate but simply accept their 'fate.'

The 'average' citizen of the land is in fact a 'slave' citizen used by others in power to be their 'supply' chain of endless wealth extorted as taxes and fines which are extorted under duress using threat and coercion and text in books. Woe indeed is the 'fate' of so many who see not how THE DARK does via their minds 'plan and plot.'

The REAL 'slaver' is the impenetrable DARK power which uses ITS emotions of 'greed & vanity' within man to 'mask' its operations of subjugation, enslavement, impoverishment etc., and WOE indeed to any person who is being controlled from WITHIN by said emotions because, as they so 'justifiably' enslave and impoverish, so shall they BE enslaved and impoverished in the underworld.

Do your level best to be KIND and merciful and compassionate as YOU do all in your power to "Love the other" for all are sister and brother.

"As you DO is to BE done unto YOU"

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 6

~ The mentally 'disturbed' ~

Every person residing outside of the pure Light of heaven has become a 'mentally disturbed' person because the nature of the Dark is INTRUSIVE and IT intrudes forcefully into the mind of man TELEPATHICALLY.

It is the telepathic subjugation of the mind of man known as 'spirit possession' which in FACT results in the mind of man being 'barraged' by unstoppable thoughts which can drive man to insanity as well as into destructive acts or self-harm.

The access to the mind of man is the 'vibration channel' LINK established in man by the energy essence of the dark emotions within which man drew IN aeons ago when man defied God and supped on God's dark energy essence.

The dark energy essence within man is named 'The Sin within' and via IT one is 'prompted' telepathically by demonic forces to defy God and rob, rape, interfere, control, harm, enslave, tax, invade, wage war, punish or kill etc.

The greater the power of the 'Sin' within the individual, the greater the control over their mind and it becomes harder for them to OBEY God especially when they are confronted by others seeking to injure' them or dispossess them etc.

In these end times all being past sinners are to BE subjected to the 'scrutiny' of invisible dark forces and if 'marked' as 'ONE to be punished,' they will so BE. I can but advise you all to use my 'Star prayer' daily so that you can begin to remain steadfast in God's Command as you suffer in non-retaliation at the hands of the merciless soon to be seen roaming everywhere globally. Only thus will you be set free of the sin within thee.

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 7

~ The 'child molester' killer~

It is a deviant ACT in the eyes of God to defy His Command to go forth and interfere in the life of another for any reason. In the eyes of man sexual molestation interference accompanied by the killing of the child victim is abhorred more than anything else.

Sexual molestation is where one is being 'subjected' to the closest type of physical contact known to man, and it is always accompanied by both parties being exposed to their own inner DARK emotions 'humming' to the fore. In the victim it is FEAR, disgust, horror, terror - - - and may also be accompanied by PAIN due to the 'thrusting' of their assailant or their physical torture by the assailant.

In the assailant it is the sudden surge of their overwhelming Dark lustful desires accompanied by many other DARK possibilities. As the DARK energy is 'awakened' in them IT then takes CONTROL and totally blinds and mentally binds ITS 'victim' being THE 'assailant' for a time. The Dark then accomplishes ITS needs, wants and desires via the assailant thereby fulfilling ITS 'eye for an eye' retribution distribution via the 'sinners' mind and emotions and body.

Simpleton man fails to see that within every 'child' is a fully grown SPIRIT soul who has incarnated from some other realm of consciousness and as it does it brings with them their PAST. Meaning, that IF they have accrued spiritual 'pain' dues pre-entry into this level they will at some stage be FORCED to endure the result of their own past 'comeuppance.' 

Certainly every child has the 'looks of an angel' at birth due to their biological spacesuit (body) being what it is, beautiful but, - - - mankind cannot see the colour or nature of the infant's inner being which indeed may itself be NO different emotionally than the nature of the aggressor.

In the eyes of THE CREATOR/DESTROYER there is but the need to balance His 'books' and He is THE ONE to ensure that everyone needing 'correction' finds themselves at that lonely 'spot of reckoning' finding themselves at the 'mercy' of THE MERCILESS.

Such reckoning can be at the hands of a mercenary soldier throwing babies up into the air and sticking them onto their bayonets as they fall or through being burnt with a flame thrower or simply trodden underfoot or sexually abused as they are 'crushed' and cast aside.

Every realm outside of THE PURE LIGHT is a realm of ONGOING suffering and ALL suffering is imposed by GOD via the mind and hands of THE IGNORANT. This suffering goes on and on an ON forever unless THE INDIVIDUAL awakens to God's call and lays DOWN their personal retributive mace.

Ignorant man spends years and many thousands of hours of investigation, coercion, deviousness, set ups, lies and deceit in their efforts to 'satisfy' their abhorrence of any others perceived to be a 'deviant.' This is particularly true when sexual activity is involved.

ALL involved in the exposure of sexual deviants for the purpose of their punishment ARE deviant and all defy God and all are merciless and unforgiving. What must be clearly understood by ALL is that anyone involved in the persecution of the 'offender' themselves end UP being the VICTIM subject matter to be crushed by GOD using His Dark forces.

It is truly THE TIME for everyone to realise that every person who is interfering in the life of the other for any reason is a 'sick' person who is JUSTIFIED in their mind to so DO by THE DARK energy essence of THE SOURCE.

All interference is MOLESTATION in one form or another. It is all one and the same thing whether it is carried out by you or I as members of the public or by those mandated by their own rules to so do. It all leads to TERROR and confinement IN THE ABYSS.

God ONLY 'permits' the interference in the lives of others for the SOLE PURPOSE OF EDUCATING THEM. The 'time' span permitted by God for the 'control' over those found disturbing the peace of the land is as prescribed in the 'Offender document' and the 'feeling easier' seminar pages of my web site.

When operating within the 'constraints' as given by God one is operating within God's LIGHT and receiving a return of benign energy within God's LAW.
When operating outside  the 'constraints' as given by God one is operating within God's DARK and receiving a return of malignant energy within
God's LAW.

Let us now become TRUE believers and assist those who become 'possessed' and cause harm.

Foolish are the 'self-righteous' who scorn and mock THE CREATOR.

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 8

~ The Politician ~

The politician is in fact a 'dictator' who, after feeling 'inspired' dictates his/her 'thoughts' which are then placed on the 'table' to be discussed before being enshrined as TEXT. These thoughts become RULES 'protected' or imposed by force of arms and punishment for any non-conformity.

Regrettably every dictator living outside the pure Light is imbued with some of the many negative emotions which exist, and therefore the DARK essence can and does twist and weave and deceive via ITS dark 'emotional essence' in the politician and thus the Dark controls man telepathically.

Some politicians are 'foreboding' and determined to 'have it their way' while others are more 'reasonable' and simply seeking to do the best they can for their community.

Regrettably, in order to 'act' on behalf of the community politicians resort to 'temptation.' Their main temptation being their monetary 'offering' to the people in the hopes that their 'party' will be voted IN to the position of POWER.

Once 'in' power the people are subjected to the forceful imposition of rules upon rules. The legislation enacted 'legitimises' the use of force and those in power thus ensure that the rules are 'backed' by punishment for any infringement. All punishment is backed by force of arms.

It follows that there is NO democracy today because the 'minority' who 'lost' the opportunity to have their 'political' heads in 'power' are also subjected to the impositions emplaced. Once the ‘ballot’ is won all control lies in the hands of the victors and all are then also subjected to impositions which they may NOT have 'bargained for.' 

How so? Because what NONE see is that the REAL DICTATOR is the heavy hand of God THE FATHER who RULES man with a heavy fist indeed by controlling the minds of any who 'sit' in halls of fame and use 'guns' to back up the demands they make on THE PEOPLE.

What IS the 'end result' of the decrees imposed by God through the political mind? It is: Control, interference, subjugation, extortion and punishment.

Naturally it is all 'couched' in the belief that: "It is for the good of the people, the good of the land, the nation, the flag and for THE PROTECTION of all."

Is IT? Certainly NOT because any fiscal or other support for the: Control, interference, subjugation, extortion and punishment of others by anyone is a contravention of God's Command unto man, a command which always brings a punitive return upon all within the Law of God.

How does God accomplish this activity? By inspiring the minds of politicians with greater Control, interference, subjugation, extortion and punishment of all. The consequence being that never ending rules and more rules and harsher interference and subjugation are imposed and further loss of freedom.

The end result is REVOLT against 'The gov' and confrontation escalates and is EXACTLY what is sought by God THE FATHER so that everyone draws IN more of His dark energy (sin) so their arrogant spirit souls are drawn further away from His Light in the after-life.

So 'what' is the TEMPLE OF GOD, a temple which is truly sacred? It is the protective ‘umbrella’ of the sacred COMMAND of God unto all His/Her children of every race, colour or creed being:

"Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto those others yet sinfully living."

How or why is IT a sacred duty for man to love IT and honour IT and obey IT? Because IN so doing, one remains within ITS precepts and therefore within the BENIGN aspect of God's immutable 'eye for an eye' Law of RETURN. (As you or your servants do unto others will by others be done unto you equally) The consequence of remaining within God's benign aspect means you ONLY receive a merciful and loving BOUNTY.

It is the God given right for mankind to LIVE according to the Command of our Creator, and God commands 'such' so that the RETURN to us within the immutable Law of God is the 'same,' being LOVE.

As soon as we defy God and raise up 'arms' against perceived enemies who we fight, injure, kill, dispossess etc., we place ourselves within the PUNITIVE return aspect of THE ‘Eye for an eye’ or ‘As you sow so shall ye reap’ LAW of EQUAL Return of God and we are punished and banished by God to eternal suffering.

I ADVISE all absolute pacifists such as myself to STOP voting, STOP condoning, supporting and funding warring systems which you do when you continue paying taxes and turn your backs upon anyone making demands upon your 'arms' and simply go your way in PEACE as commanded by God THE SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY.

Only fund benign community effort and the rehabilitation of offenders as per the 'Feeling Easier' Seminar program

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 9

~ The policeman ~

Absolute Justice, honour and service to the community in upholding THE PEACE of the land is the prerequisite to the 'sacred' duty of any serving officer. Regrettably this 'honour' role has been sidelined in every land as political forces seized control of the COMMUNITY services provision or supposed 'peace corps.'

Having seized this control politicians then used the 'security forces' of THE PEOPLE to steal endless sums of money from everyone in every possible way using TEXT decrees posing as 'the law' backed by armed men.

Serving police officers are now the 'fall guys' receiving a mercenary wage of 30 pieces of silver to go forth in an ungodly manner indeed. Yes, they are forced by rules to do unto others all the 'forbidden' ACTS. Acts forbidden by God and also forbidden by the very same rules of engagement of their own organisations.

What are these acts and why are they named by me as 'the fall guy' acts? Any activity which contravenes the MORAL standards of people's lives, as expected by conscionable man and as contained within the precepts of God's Command, RESULT in the 'actor' placing themselves 'squarely' into the punitive aspect of God's immutable 'eye for an eye' LAW. (As you do punitively is done unto you punitively - unavoidable ABSOLUTE JUSTICE)

So 'what' are these 'foul' Acts?

Interference into the lives of the peaceful who have not disturbed the peace of the land.
Causing 'terror' or other emotions to be felt by their victims.
Using 'entrapment' as the means to seduce people into doing the wrong thing.

Using force of arms to arrest, transport, detain and imprison (hold hostage) anyone failing to obey the decrees of other mortals.
Using threat and coercion and 'intimidation' as the means to extort money from the poor and ignorant.
Using force of arms to 'bash' and injure, punish and even kill those perceived as 'dangerous' or disobedient to their commands.

Using force of arms to 'break' and enter premises.

The 'list' of empowerment rules allocated by political decree is 'endless.

In fact, for their wage the police officers are PAID to take a 'fall' and SUFFER the 'eye for an eye' RETURN upon their own selves for their anti-god ACTIVITIES. Yes, due to the FACT that NONE can void or avoid the implementation of God's LAW, all done punitively unto others in the name of the state, flag, people, nation etc., becomes a due of EQUAL suffering to be met ahead.

No mandate, badge of office, official position or rules in any 'text' book nullifies God's Law.

It is now THE TIME for the police service to 'amend' its role and ways to THE BENIGN as they only haul IN persons who are factually disturbing the peace and have them subjected to an educative 'Feeling Easier' seminar program where they can LEARN to fortify their minds and become 'better' civil persons.

The empowerment of police personnel by giving them THE GUN is the greatest error of man’s 'rules' because it places the policemen into spiritual danger. The police services men will become 'targets' because they are FEARED as a consequence of their past and current roles. It is truly THE TIME to DISARM them so that they are more respectful and no longer a danger to others and themselves.

Education is now the only TRUE way and SAFE way forward - let Tasmania lead the way.

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 10

~ The Magistrate 'judge & jailor' ~

Is it 'wise' to judge another as needing punitive 'correction' and inner reflection? NO, for we all 'reap that which we sow.' It IS the infallible and absolutely 'just' Law of God that we suffer any suffering we caused others to suffer. It is therefore imperative to always remain within the benign precepts of God's Command and any errant deviant must ONLY be given good counsel and educated and thus assisted to become a wiser and happier person.

Authoritative judges are the administrators of God's PUNITIVE 'eye for an eye' Justice however, what they do NOT see or understand is that they also use the 'threat and coercion' DECEPTION of the DARK to keep ITS (their) offender victim 'ON THE HOOK' so to speak.

A real 'case' Example: The young man standing in the 'dock' had been 'observed' by a passing police officer to be standing by a parked vehicle and it was assumed that he had been the driver of the vehicle and, - - - when they 'breathalysed' him due to his having had a prior drink driving offence, his breath was noted to contain excessive alcohol readings however, - - - he had caused NO harm nor inconvenience to ANYONE.

However, the defendant was caused HARM. How? He was subjected to invisible emotional trauma for a 'time' when the magi said:

"I sentence you to 3 months imprisonment," - - - after a pause he then went on to say: "However, - - - I place you on a good behaviour probation for 18 months and a fine of $ 850." More was also said.

So not only was emotional trauma imposed and felt by the 'victim' as he heard the words : "I sentence you to 3 months imprisonment," - as well as a 'loss of funds' extracted/extorted under 'duress,' for no doubt the 'offender' will pay the 'fine' so as to avoid sitting in a 'cell,' but the 'talk' of jail time was in fact  the THREAT and COERCION to "PAY the money or suffer."

So how was the offender 'victim' kept 'ON THE HOOK' so to speak by the invisible Dark energy? Simply because by paying the fine to remain 'free' he was in FACT supporting and condoning and funding the punitive ACTIVITIES of the DARK Power operating through the court 'system' of man. Thus the 'prisoner' accrued a further painful spiritual due as did all complicit, and that includes the magistrate.

What is the factual 'outcome' of the verdict and punishment imposed?

1 - The 'victim' suffered mental & emotional trauma. The victim also suffered financial loss which may impose further hardship upon him and his family. He also accrued a further spiritual 'due' of suffering for funding a 'terrorist' organisation whose officials defy the Command of God as they harm others.

2 - In his suffering and loss the victim of state rules in fact paid OFF some spiritual dues owed to God for some past 'infringement' of God's Command which had naught to do with this 'case' but, - - - as said, - - - in paying the fine he automatically accrues a further painful spiritual debt due to God's Dark energy for his COMPLICITY in supporting punitive anti-god ACTIVITY against others in the community.

3 - The police officers factually interfered in the life of a PEACEFUL person who was NOT disturbing the peace. The result of their ACTION taken factually caused HARM and thus the police, prosecutor and magistrate are the 'principle' OFFENDERS who DID 'disturb the peace of the land.'

4 - The voter, taxpayer, police, prosecutor and magistrate are all complicit to the 'arrest, detention, inquisition and traumatic punishment imposed.' All place themselves within the 'eye for an eye' RETURN Law of the 'absolute justice' of God.

In God's eyes it simply was extortion sanctioned by political decree in the guise of "It's for your own good and for the good of the community."
I say: "Is it"? - "NO, for it is causing ongoing trauma and impoverishing all the people involved. It is also a reality that education is better than confrontation, extortion and duress imposed."

The education being:

1 - They are ALL taught to recognise deceptive intruding thoughts entering their minds and misleading them and, - - -
2 - They are ALL taught how to stem the 'possessive' power of said thoughts using the Star meditation technique and, - - -
3 - They ALL learn that what goes round comes round, and that IF they cause harm through arrogance or ignorance or 'official position' or through 'weed or alcohol' influence, that all the harm and trauma they cause has the unavoidable consequence of them suffering the same at a later date imposed by God via some other equally arrogant 'prick.'

No child of God can avoid the consequence of defying God's Command. IT is the 'Rule of Law,' God's LAW. When you justifiably or 'legally or otherwise' use God's DARK energy to impose any 'loss or trauma' you are NOT 'playing with fire,' you are 'permitting' God's FIRE to use YOU to be ITS instrument of Retribution, and ahead, for SURE - - - IT burns YOU equally.

Yes, the 'magi' are themselves placing the SAME 'judgement' upon their OWN 'heads' as well as upon the heads of their supporters being the 'voters.' Everyone judging others is empowered by thoughts or by TEXTS in books which originated as thoughts in the minds of others.

All thoughts espousing control or interference or subjugation or punishment arise into the mind of sinful man from the 'pits' of HELL that being the 'base' camp of the Dark Sovereign intelligence.

Man by mouth states their 'belief in God' but by DEED they all deny Him and defy Him and they also walk 'hand in hand' with THE DARK POWER which they see NOT as being: THE ENEMY 'sworn' unto ITSELF to persecute them FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER.

All our ACTIONS are enabled by the spiritual energy flowing through our soul. We are 'permitted' by God to USE either of His energies but He Commands man to "ONLY use the benign energy" due to BOTH having a 'return unto user' CLAUSE which is immutable. We are 'accountable' for our benign or malignant 'ways' because IT the energy USED balances ITSELF and is NOT thus 'controllable' by us reference ITS 'return unto us' via OTHERS.

How do I 'treat' my perceived enemy and who is my 'enemy'? Is it God? NO. Is it the dark destructive ENERGY of God? NO. It is the ignorance of men in 'power' who are being USED by God's Dark to RULE mankind and, - - - through my 'love for them' I do my best to elevate their consciousness and thus help them to save themselves.

Men do NOT 'honour' their Creator because they FEAR the 'threats and coercion' of men wielding 'arms' and as a consequence simple man becomes 'trapped forever' into supporting and condoning and funding INIQUITY and thus the 'lowly' eternal destiny of their OWN souls.

Man sees NOT that every perceived 'injustice' is the 'Justice of God' in ACTION via THE IGNORANT AND ARROGANT. Every punitive ACTION is 'premeditated' by God, permitted by God who 'orders' DARK FORCES to DO His bidding, Dark forces who themselves then suffer the EQUAL consequence.

If YOU the individual cannot NOW in your personal interaction with another ONLY be loving and kind and merciful as you forgive them for their trespasses then you ARE truly a 'lost' cause who is a mentally 'disturbed and bound' serf of the DARK. All you DO for the Dark forever becomes your painful 'return' due forever. Woe and more woe indeed.

God is THE Power, not man.
God makes NO 'mis-takes.'

Absolute Justice exists in this world and the next. Our spirit souls exist FOREVER once created. Why not 'consider' obeying God and setting oneself FREE from using His dark energy and becoming a 'happy little bird'?

The ERROR of the errant ones is their use of God's DARK ENERGY. Thus unknowingly placing themselves within ITS 'Return Law' of suffering and drawing IN more Dark energy into their soul. By constantly utilizing the Dark energy individuals are trapped forever in the 'justification' to keep using IT in their interaction with others who they perceive as being 'offensive offenders.' The 'judgement' of the Father is:

"This one is to be kept deceived forever until they have been crushed into oblivion and crucified in My eternal FIRE for their arrogance and defiance of MY Command."

page 11

~ The 'power' of Love ~

Do we need 'proof of love'? I should hope NOT because I believe that you all have had the opportunity to FEEL 'love' within you FOR another and have been 'blessed' with being the recipient of 'love' FROM another.

As I am 'the pen' of the Source of Love I can 'state' that there is a place where LIQUID LOVE flows as a 'torrent' out of 'nowhere' INTO that place we name 'heaven or paradise' and if you 'sip' from this divine 'wellspring' what you feel could 'drown' you with ITS 'blessedness' and exquisiteness.

As the 'She' the Light is PURE LOVE and you and I are Her children, (Her Majesty) then you need to try and comprehend Her 'love for you' being the 'joint' creation through Her eternal 'entwine' with HE the Father. (His Majesty)

If you have not 'experienced' a 'touch' of Her 'love' in your heart then it is 'proof' that you have 'fallen' far away indeed from said 'Light' space and 'sorrow,' grave sorrow, is to be your eternal plight.

How or why so? Because (I assume) you would NEVER injure, abuse or destroy the ONE you 'loved with all your heart,' so why do you TODAY interfere in the lives of your spiritual 'sisters & brothers' being Her ~ HIS children and cause them harm or duress or loss or deprivation in the foreknowledge (revealed herein) that against THE FATHER you cannot ever WIN?

Can you not see that HE is THE CREATOR of all 'love & light' which emanates from HIS Power? Can you not see that HE is the ONE to instil so 'much' dark energy into your soul that NEVER AGAIN will you feel loved or be loved?

If you TODAY are using ANY 'Justification' to cause others to feel intimidated, dread, terrified, cold, fearful, anxious because YOU are persecuting them for ANY reason for the purpose of PUNISHMENT or EXTORTION or other, then you ARE on the "Banishment LIST of God."

Yes, HE has 'lists,' endless lists of names 'observed' and scrutinised by VERY DARK FORCES below and they KNOW the 'date and time' that HE gives out the order to THEM that state:

"At this appointed time you may 'engage & dine' on those other living SWINE and 'undress' and torture them eternally as they 'fall' and join your ranks in MY dark underworld."

I can but REITERATE - - - God does NOT Command man to:
"Go forth and berate and persecute and punish and destroy each other mercilessly."

God states: "Love one another for all are sister and brother."

So I can but ADVISE everyone to ONLY so do so that you ONLY rise UP out of this dark realm into THE PURE LIGHT where none 'fight' and all eternally sup on the purest sweet wine being LIQUID LOVE DIVINE.

The 'power' of Love is as revealed within this The Testament of Truth document being, that IT and only IT, (the essence of love) has the 'power and capacity' to 'break' the BOND or bonding force of the DARK (sin) energy within the soul of man and thus extract IT out of ones soul and thus purge ones soul and thus uplift the 'purified' soul back into ITS (Love) space in the pure Light.

It is however a prerequisite that the ONE seeking upliftment ~ resurrection ~ salvation must at all times and in all situations OBEY the Command of THE FATHER as YOU:

"LOVE the other and you 'go your way in peace and be merciful and compassionate and you forgive the other' for their sinning transgressions and you 'turn the other cheek' if you are abused and if you are to be crucified by dark forces you 'go as a lamb to the slaughter' in non-retaliation."

Why is this so? Because if you disobey HIM and you continue to use His powerful, forceful, punitive and destructive ENERGY in your interaction action with others you are continuing to draw IN more Dark energy into your soul and you will NEVER be fully purged of IT.

This 'power of love' purging 'capacity' ONLY takes place ONCE in every eternity for a span of time that in the length of an eternity is miniscule indeed and IT is taking place at this very moment. Thus the 'window of opportunity' for each soul in any realm outside of the pure Light to rise UP and OUT of their 'lost soul' circumstance is 'brief' indeed.

Do NOT 'waste' even ONE day. From NOW today you must turn your face to God and OBEY or you will eternally suffer the consequence of your continued disobedience. Order and harmony can only prevail with the individual obeying God. If you are forcefully imposing 'order' or harmony then you are 'disharmonious.' It is you trapped by the Dark and being used by IT to impoverish and punish.

I am not preaching the 'gospel' of Terence, I am the eternal 'scribe' of SHE the Mother the LIGHT of the heavens and it is Her 'gospels of truth' I elevate into man's sight so as to release the few who would be true unto HER and their OWN souls. I can but 'advise and warn' everyone that HE THE ALMIGHTY is now to destroy anyone 'found' by His dark energy to be using IT or deploying IT against any other of HIS children.

I 'rest' my sacred pen.

In the 'sky' of heaven the faces of She ~ He, God revolve eternally and visibly.



~ The 'death' of the soul ~
A ‘summation’ of Truth

~ The cause of all sorrow ~
