BACK to the 30 page Main Ali Sina article
Open 'update' letter to attn
Mr Ali Sina - 7th October 2016~
The Ali Sina
"Challenge" to mankind
page - 1 - |
- The introduction |
page - 3 - |
- The enlightenment |
page - 12 - |
- The new way forwards to the Light |
page - 13 - |
- My response to a letter from Ali |
Since I AM the
'messenger' of the MOST HIGH God/Allah, it
behoves me to 'rectify' ignorance in man for and
on behalf of Allah because, if I do NOT, then
the vanity of men like Sina will
RULE forever on
earth, and their 'followers' will all
fall into the Abyss of eternal suffering and
eventually BURN.
It is I to 'turn
around' the Sina challenge because he is
presently challenging simple men to debate:
A -
The fall of Muhammad the prophet.
B - The
fall or non-existence of Allah.
C - The
fall or demise of Islam.
D -
Whether or not Muhammad was in fact
a prophet of Allah.
E - The
powerlessness of Allah and His Law
to bring Ali Sina to 'account' for
his 'treachery' in misleading
visitors to his web site, in trying
to prove to them that 'Islam' is a
'sham.' |
In my texts below I
will speak FOR Allah and FOR Muhammad and FOR
the invisible demonic forces who exist in 'hell'
and whose 'job' it is to fulfill the
punitive aspect of
THE LAW of equal return
of Allah, as they
impose 'Absolute Justice' upon any
person who used Allah's Dark energy to cause
harm to others or
who led others astray.
I also explain 'how' this is, and how it
has always been 'accomplished' by them through
seizing telepathic control over the mind of the
unwary. (Spirit possession)
Ali Sina sees NOT that
when he defies
the 'Sacred'
Command of Allah to "Bow in submission to PEACE
and BE merciful and compassionate and forgive
your perceived enemy," that he 'Sina' places
himself directly into the 'arms' of
extremely harsh, cruel, evil, hate-filled,
merciless and vindictive DARK demonic forces.
These invisible unconscionable 'beasts' can and
will 'reach him' via other
'infidels' in the flesh when the DARK
Source so
So in 'challenging'
the existence of Allah and of Allah's 'hellish'
forces, Ali has in FACT thrown down the
'gauntlet' to them and to
Allah their
Master. There are NO 'two' 'god's' because
Allah's ENERGY
encompasses ALL, and is both the
LIGHT and the DARK.
The creative (Love)
and the destructive
DARK. (Hatred)
Allah did state to
every soul created by HIM that it was
forbidden to
use His Dark forceful,
deceptive, malignant energy because IT
would stain their soul and drag IT down
and into oblivion and suffering.
Since I am the
'Plenipotentiary' of Allah, it is my 'pen'
(Allah's) to speak and clarify the issues spoken
of by Ali Sina, so that the truly
who believe in the
PEACE Command are never again led
'astray' by any mortal man. Be they the 'lost'
as Sina, politicians, chiefs, kings, queens,
emperors or other DICTATORS. All these are
'pretenders' to Allah's THRONE, and ALL are now
to be swept away by Allah and His forces because
they all control His children.
Foolish is any person
who believes that there is NO invisible Power
that RULES, and foolish is any person who
believes that said invincible POWER is helpless'
in bringing them to ACCOUNT for their
misdeeds. Gross
ERROR of belief. (Absolute Justice exists)
page 2
In the year 2004 I
wrote a 30 page 'response' to Ali Sina, and in
October 2016 on receiving a request to enter
into a debate with Ali, I again visited his web
site, hence this additional response.
I see that his
arrogance is so 'great' that he continues to denigrate
Muhammad and myself publicly, and thus deceive
and mislead 'millions,' not only persons in the flesh of this
world, but also spirit beings who exist in lower 'underworld
realms and who link-in to the mind of man.
I believe that
"Muhammad was a prophet of Allah" and I will seek to assist
you 'Ali' and all readers to also come to that conclusion by
the end of this response to Ali Sina's CHALLENGE to mankind.
This I do so as to not only END the
endless ongoing 'debate,' but to also 'awaken' Ali and others to THE
reality of Allah and His twin
ENERGIES and His immutable
'LAW of equal return' as I explain
the REASONS 'why' one must OBEY Allah's COMMAND:
your way in Peace and extend love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness"
at all times and in all situations as you thus
ONLY use Allah's LIGHT energy in your
interaction with others.
Allah's Command above always was and yet
is the 'Divine Salvation TRUTH.'
For some reason our brother
Ali Sina has chosen to
denigrate and
discredit Muhammad the prophet who cannot 'defend'
himself. Ali Sina has also decided to discredit ME,
a living man who can defend himself, and I
state that Ali Sina has chosen to defy
Allah's 'Peace'
Command and to disregard
Allah's Plenipotentiary (myself) who is
the returned 'Spirit of Truth'
the Messiah and 'saviour' of all
In so doing, Ali is doing his 'best' to turn people away from
Allah/God's message of:
"Peace at all times and in all situations,"
so that they FAIL their NOW
final spiritual
test and FALL into eternal
agony as he, Ali, breeds
uncertainty and contempt
through his 'critical'
judgements and in so doing, he is placing his own soul into 'jeopardy,' and if this
final note to
him is by him seen as 'irrelevant,' then he SEALS
his OWN fate and sends his OWN soul into the Abyss
FOREVER say I the today messenger of THE MOST HIGH.
Ali Sina states
that he believes in
'Freedom of faith,' but he cannot let
the 'memory' of Muhammad 'rest in peace,'
and instead, Ali uses the
names of prophets to promote his own
assumes that he is 'smart and saintly' and
'all knowing' when in FACT, he is the
world's greatest FOOL
kneeling at the Devil's 'footstool.'
Ali sees NOT that
ONLY the Devil can criticise, judge and condemn and
remain ABOVE the laws of man and of
Allah/God, for it is I to REVEAL that the named
'Devil' is simply the DARK ENERGY ESSENCE of
Allah/God, being an 'energy' that Allah
forbade man to
'sup on' as IT would
destroy their souls. IT (dark energy) is the
'fruit' from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil.
Ali Sina sees NOT
that the 'evil' in man is simply the
malignant destructive energy
essence of Allah that flows through
man as man uses IT
(Dark energy)
in his interaction with man.
Ali Sina sees NOT
that the 'good' in man is simply the
benign creative energy essence
of Allah that flows through man as man
uses IT (Light
energy) in his
interaction with man.
Ali, you are
'single-handedly' waging a
It is THE TIME now for you to resurrect the
'SINA' family name into THE
page 3
Ali Sina needs to understand that DARK
EVIL EXTREMISM with ITS vanity, pride, arrogance and control via
RITUALS exists within all religions because the DARK ENERGY of
Allah/God exerted ITS 'karmic control'
over everyone living outside of
This control over the mind of man includes Clerics & Priests and all
purporting to 'be 'Holy men' because, via their inner SIN they were and yet
are 'sinners' deserving to BE
seduced by IT (Dark energy) and
subjugated by IT unto today and forevermore unless
they NOW heed my pen and thus set themselves
I now speak with
reference to:
Being Ali Sina's two
letters to me and my response (one) to him therein (above link) plus
the now additions below via my pen.
Dear recipient: I ask, is Ali Sina himself a
'prophet' from the land divine or is he simply an ignorant swine who
is keeping those of 'Islam' and other readers away from the
Holy Word of God/Allah who now speaks through me (Terence) to
everyone on this sod?
ALI states:
Dear Terence,
Thank you for your email my friend, but I am sorry to
that Muhammad was not a prophet and you are very much
mistaken about him.
I bet you are a good person yourself but
you are hailing a wrong man.
- - -
Now as for me, I am a secularist.
I do not believe in a deity that sends messengers.
However, I do believe in a higher reality, like a
principle underlying the creation. So in a sense
I do not believe in the "existence" of any god
I am not a materialist atheist. I do not have any
problem with religions and prophets.
However you are betting on a dead horse. Islam, thanks
to ' the rise of the intellectuals', is finished.
If you read my site and spend some time in it, you'll see that I
have proven without a doubt that Muhammad was a psychopath. As my
site keeps growing and as people learn the truth about Muhammad,
Islam will wane and with that
your message will also go down to oblivion.
If you want my humble opinion, I suggest you distance
yourself from Muhammad and Islam and start denouncing
You can start your own religion if you like.
As I said I am not against religions. But by accepting
Muhammad as a prophet you are only
sealing your own demise.
Take care -
Ali Sina |
Terence responds: In fact, I am not
'hailing' anyone nor am I uplifting any 'religion' because I
am the 'inspiration' of THE ONE TRUE FAITH (The Testament of
Truth) being the FINAL message to all humanity from
THE CREATOR named many names by
His/Her children on earth.
page 4
ALI states:
I am
a humanist and a
practitioner of the Golden Rule - this is my
alternative. But because I believe in the Golden
Rule and the freedom of faith, I respect people’s
choices to believe in any religion they like. I do
not agree with the premises of any religion; however
I have no right to tell people what they should
believe. My
is not against faith,
it is against hate. The reason I am
against Islam is not because it is a religion but
because it is a
political ideology of imperialism and domination
the guise of religion. |
Terence responds: What Sina FAILS to
see is that every government on earth and its political
heads (priests in sheep's clothing) operates in the guise of 'secularism,' but
in FACT they have the 'Religious
ideological DOCTRINE' of
imperialism, intrusion, domination, control, enslavement,
subjugation, extortion, punishment and the killing of any
perceived as being in 'opposition' to ITS absolute
'god-like' authority. (The control over all ITS subjects)
your 'fight' is your use of
'deception' to lead people AWAY
Islam (Obedience and submission
Allah's Command for errant
man to go their way in PEACE.)
Ali, what you state
in your texts above is that you follow, obey or
adhere 'to or with' the essence of the
Golden Rule
“Do onto others as you
would wish them do onto you.”
I say that what you state
is either a LIVING LIE
or your mind is 'convoluted, blind or cannot see,'
because your teachings are
deceptive and are
leading men away from Allah's
Command of "Obedience to PEACE"
and INTO destructive
ways. Ways that will cause them
eternal sorrow. I ask:
"Is it TRUE that YOU would
'wish' that others lead YOU astray and into
"Would you truly 'wish' that others will be
criticising, condemning and judging YOU for the next
1400 years as you are doing to the 'memory'
of prophet Muhammad"?
Wake UP brother
from your delusional state. The 'glittering'
Serpent has you totally 'spell-bound' I see.
What Ali Sina fails to see is that
the 'core' base within the religions of Islam,
Buddhism etc., have the STATED ideology of
PEACE and love and compassion and mercy
and forgiveness. Regrettably for
Ali Sina, he is focussed on MEN (Muhammad and myself) in the
BELIEF, that if he Ali proves 'us' MEN in error, then
Command unto man is voided or obsolete.
How 'stupid' and
is that belief?
BOTH Islam &
Christianity have the same spiritual doctrine:
"Total obedience and submission to the PEACE & love & mercy
& compassion & forgive Command of Allah,"
but ITS 'flocks' and/or leaders all promote and DO the
ABSOLUTE OPPOSITE. Everyone demands
'Retributive Justice' in the face of adversity,
and even Ali Sina
states; <
How can we not fight Evil?
> in his letter (2) to me below.
Why so? because
only my 'pen' CLARIFIES the reality being, - - - when we
fight in defiance of Allah/God's
Command, we are USING Allah's DARK (evil)
destructive ENERGY (The fruit of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) and we place
ourselves within ITS "Law of equal
return" - 'eye for an eye' and our
suffering can be ongoing FOREVER.
Every 'voter' or
taxpayer is funding the political DOCTRINE
of control, subjugation and punishment, so everyone
'such' (taxpayers) are actually in 'opposition' to the
TRUTH of the reality of their own stated religious
doctrine, be IT Islam or Christianity. Why then I 'ask'
does Ali Sina 'pick' on Islam? Why does he also arrogantly
state: "I
can act above the law and no one stops me"?
Simply for a number of
reasons, he (Ali) is in total IGNORANCE of 'who or what' our God/Allah
actually IS, and also, in turning people AWAY from
'Islam,' he
in the minds of those of OTHER 'religions' as well as
many 'of' Islam,
and in FACT he is unknowingly an 'agent' for the DARK
punitive aspect
of THE SOURCE. (The devil's operative)
This 'aspect' can and
will be PROVEN by this very pen within this document. Not only
that, but 'worse' is yet to come for Ali, because whilst the
DARK is keeping him ALI 'focussed' on the 'evil' ways of a man
who lived 1400 years ago, ALI fails to SEE that when one
incites civil unrest,
one is
or LEADING others
to 'do' something about it in a
way, and THAT
doctrine of merciless
is leading people into
of Allah's
and to their SPIRITUAL demise.
page 5
Ali Sina is causing
'discontent' as he MISINTERPRETS my own letter (1) you will find
on the top of page, (link reference) and through his misinterpretation
and ignorance shown in his letter (2) below, Ali is also 'GUILTY'
of deceiving
readers because he turns them AWAY from my pen (Allah's) as he does
his 'best' to convince YOU the reader that both Jesus and I are
in 'contradiction' and in error in some way and I will clarify
Words within Ali's
letter 2
ALI states to me (Terence):
You said that Christ was a messenger of God. Didn’t he say pay to
Caesar what belongs to Caesar? Obviously the god of Jesus and this
god you are talking about are two different entities. They seem to
contradict each other completely. Which one is the real God?
If your
god is the real one you said Christ was a true messenger. Since you
contradict each other, both of you can't be right. Therefore you
must have lied about Christ being a true messenger. A god that lies
cannot be the true god. Whether Christ was from the real God
or not I can't say,
but it is obvious that your god is not the real one.
Terence responds: What ALI does not understand
is what Jesus actually meant by his words < Render unto
Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is
God's > IT is clarified now by me
IF one wishes for and uses the
protection of
Caesar's ARMED FORCES, then one must 'naturally'
pay for the 'cost' of
their wages and armaments using the 'coin of the realm'
which they 'Render unto Caesar' but, - -
If you
are as I AM, one relies solely on God/Allah for ones protection, one does
NOT rely on the 'strength of the arms' of 'State' armed forces men and
thus one does NOT 'owe' Caesar any money, and one does NOT vote
for man to rule them, and one does NOT pay any taxes. One ONLY
condones, supports and funds benign
community effort. |
IF you pay
YOUR BEHALF BY YOUR 'State' SERVANTS, and you place yourself into
the 'Law of equal return' of the
DARK energy of
You are ALSO 'living'
the contra religious doctrine of
DEATH, sorrow and eternal suffering.
(Read my
'Render unto Caesar' document:
ALI states:
Which side is your god standing dear Terence? Is he on the side of
the terrorists? How can we not fight Evil? You talk about
peace. But making peace with Evil is evil. How can you be a friend
of evil and good at the same time? Sixty years ago we
fought against evil and that is why we are free today. Sometimes
fighting is necessary.
Evil can triumph only when good people do nothing.
Terence responds: What ALI does not
understand is that Allah is the invisible energy essence of
ALL, and IT (Allah's
ENERGY) has two polarities:
Creative Light and
Destructive Dark (Pos & Neg) and both aspects have the same
'law of energy': "For every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction" at the time
and in the place this all knowing energy so decides.
'energies exist invisibly and both can 'motivate' man - it
is our CHOICE as to which 'voice' we listen, to
presented as ones THOUGHTS of the 'moment.' Ali, one
cannot 'make peace' with evil. Evil is simply an energy that
exists, and IT will never harm anyone UNLESS they have used
ITS energy in their past to cause
harm to another, be it in
this life or in a pre-birth time. (We live forever)
page 6
IF you
have used IT, (Dark energy) then IT has stained your soul and
'marked your forehead' and
IT will return VIA some other arrogant ignorant
person to fulfill ITS 'eye for an eye' Justice as IT
balances ITS 'Scales of Justice' and, - - - IF you are so foolish as to
fight back rather than OBEY Allah and
'turn the other cheek in NON-retaliation,' then it is
YOU permitting IT to again flow through YOU and you accrue a
further due to IT. Not only this, but as IT flows through
your soul some of IT remains and 'grows' within as a
'Cancer' (SIN) and this dark energy is what drags your soul down and
away from THE LIGHT.
stated: "I
can act above the law and no one stops me"?
Indeed, the DARK 'permits' Ali to walk DEEP into ITS realms
(like Hitler) and keeps him blinded until THE DAY
knocks on his door to 'collect' ITS
my 'Energy of God' doc:
ALI goes on to state:
We are a group of people dedicated to demonstrate that the world is
facing a great danger akin or perhaps worse than what happened six
decades ago that destroyed sixty million lives.
This time the danger comes from Islam.
Terence responds: The danger
is from THE DARK lower realms wherein exist trillions upon
trillions of 'lost' souls who fell from grace aeons ago and their souls
are filled with darkness (Hatred) and they are Allah's
V-for vengeance ARMY who are to now mete out divine
retribution through the minds of EVERYONE on earth who have
'Sin' within because the vibration of said 'Sin' is the
telepathic doorway to the mind of
errant man.
Foolish are those who DEFY Allah for HE is
merciless to the merciless and HE says:
"Judge not lest ye be so judged." IF you are so
arrogant as to defy His "Love one another"
Command then for sure HE will you 'reprimand' and keep
you down and out of His paradise of
(Read my
insanity is now to escalate globally as Allah's WRATH explodes
globally, and
ONLY those who heed this God's pen will remain in control
of their THOUGHTS and BOW in obedience to Allah/God and thus NOT go
forth killing and ending up in THE ABYSS. To fortify your mind listen to my
'Feeling easy'
Ali Sina, I am a 'spirit medium'
empowered by Allah's LOVE, and the
depth of my 'insight' is great indeed and I 'warn' you that your
MIND is controlled by the powerful and infinitely all-knowing
DARK ENERGY of Allah, and it is thus that your
'debating' is so cunning. The telepathic 'access' to your mind is
via the 'vibration' channel created by your inner dark
emotions of vanity, pride, greed and liquid
It appears that NONE can WIN or
'beat' your endless words, words, words, except ME, and I state to
you that your soul is in deadly danger
brother through your 'seditious' ways.
Please now HALT you 'open' attack on
the ways of a long past man (Muhammad) because he cannot defend
himself but, - - - I can, and now so do for him so as to give YOU
the opportunity to FREE yourself from the Devil's GRIP over
your mind.
Sir, can you not see that when you tell
everyone that you are 'unbeatable' and thus
'above the law' and 'know NO God,' that you lead others
INTO War? For all 'warmongers BELIEVE
that they can invade, injure, maim and
kill with NO 'comeback' to themselves.
Is this FACT
not true? Why else would they knowingly so do? They ONLY so do
because they are in fact as YOU, a 'faithless' Muslim who is
defiant of Allah's Command of
Ali Sina, both YOU and
Muhammad and all of any race or
religion STILL BELIEVE that God/Allah sanctions battles
with the enemies of the Lord. HE does NOT say I, and IF
he so did then it would be a 'contradiction' of His
Ali, in further reference to your words:
My fight is not
against faith,
it is against hate.>
How can we not fight Evil? You talk about peace. But
making peace with Evil is evil. How can you be a friend of evil
and good at the same time? Sixty years ago we fought
against evil and that is why we are free today. Sometimes
fighting is necessary.> |
It is ONLY NOW that my pen
clarifies THE TRUTH of the matter
that we must NEVER defy Allah's 'Peace'
Command. We must at all times and in all situations be TRUE to
ISLAM and thus
bow in submission to Allah's Command of
PEACE because, ONLY thus are we spiritually
SAFE within Allah's
"Law of equal return."
Ali, 'Awaken' I say, and never
again DESPISE any other sister or brother for you are most
definitely NOT 'Allah' nor 'godly' nor deserving of
Paradise today. You are yet as ALL
'men' a 'sinner' with SIN (dark energy) within your SOUL, so 'why
'damn Muhammad when your own soul is yet sinful? Set DOWN
your 'pen' and READ all written by Allah via ME and maybe, just
maybe, HE (Allah) and His LIGHT will
purge your soul one day and set you FREE.
Ali, the 'hundreds' of thousands
who visit your web site and who are now filled with 'doubt'
need to be 're-directed' by YOU to MY
Testament of TRUTH so that they can come to their own
personally informed decision about Allah,
not about the past 'ways' of 'Muhammad,' and as said, maybe then
will Allah set you FREE.
Ali, you are a 'faithless'
Muslim who is waging war
against a spiritual brother 'Muhammad' who lives ON in
spirit realms and HE also 'disproves' of your ongoing 'debates'
to sully his 'inner rose' of
light and love and yet his
'thoughts' now come to my 'mind' and his silent 'voice'
says to YOU:
Ali, why use ME to elevate your belief * and in so doing,
bring so much doubt and GRIEF into the lives of our
sisters and brothers who now do and will fight and LOSE,
because your 'words' did infuse their
beliefs with ERROR.
please now heed your brother Terence and 'bow' in
submission to our Islamic belief in
and love and mercy and compassion and forgiveness."
I Muhammad
have spoken through the mind of Terence |
belief *
- Ali's belief is that there is NO
'Allah,' and thus NO 'Law of Allah' to bring him to 'account.'
page 8
Ali, maybe you can now see that
Muhammad did many 'cruel' and 'evil' things as you stated but, -
- - can you not see that all men even yourself can use
or BE used by Dark energy because all have
'sinned' in their past and all on earth yet have SIN within.
(Negative emotions - dark energy)
You also need to comprehend that when
a male spirit soul 'enters' the biological flesh of
this world and grows to 'manhood,' that their mental
programming and teaching 'beliefs' are those of their
forefathers. In the past and the present these teachings were
and yet are,
that one is entitled to fight or defend, and thus
Muhammad was a 'product' of his time and a 'warmonger' BUT, - -
What you need to SEE Ali is, that other
than the darkness within Muhammad, there was and yet is
MORE, - - being - - - that his prophetic PROPHECY
engendered HOPE in the minds of
other simple men who had all been taught to
FIGHT. His 'angelic' inspiration
"If errant warmongering man
PEACEFUL, then Allah could
and would purge their souls of the darkness (Sin) they drew IN
whilst fighting, and that once spiritually
'purified,' they could then
find their way HOME to Paradise."
Furthermore, he (Muhammad) prophesied
that in order to BECOME peaceful, those who believed in
his prophecy needed to:
"Bow in
submission to THE Command of Allah" ~
ISLAM, Inshallah. |
Ali, just like Muhammad I was
born into the 'warrior' TRIBE as
my 'daddy' was a hard, cruel, cold and unkind soldier with the
British 'King's African rifles' in East Africa in 1939. So I was
also taught to fight the perceived
enemy and thus be 'honourable' if anyone were to
'challenge' me to a 'duel.'
But that did not mean that
one day forty years ahead, I 'awoke' to the FACT that the
Light of Allah was 'calling' and
opening my 'ears and eyes' so that THE TRUTH
and TRUE WAY I could see, and
that also, Allah's WISDOM could
flow through me.
Brother Ali, even Muhammad who indeed bore
a 'mace' had the love light of
Allah within, as does every spirit created, and
IT spoke to Muhammad
as IT so does to YOU now via my mind and pen.
So Ali, "Who is the
cruellest, you or Muhammad"? It is you 'brother,' because you
'deceptively' oppose the core teaching of
Islam (Peace) and I can assure
you Ali that with today's 'electronic' technology, you are
leading millions more astray than Muhammad ever could, and
albeit he caused much 'harm,' when
you deceive and lead men away from
Allah's Command principle of PEACE,
you are leading them into eternal
damnation, suffering and agony.
It is TRUE I say that you are the
Devil's 'advocate' and 'woe' indeed is
your PRESENT DESTINY. Brother, the horse upon which you 'sit' is
TALL but also,
the Fall to 'earth' will one day be swift and
painful I see.
Brother, since you are blind and
cannot see over the hill, it does not mean that you are RIGHT in the
assumption that naught exists on the other side. I am a soul VERY
WISE and I do see here and there and
everywhere and thus, I DO the very faces of
Allah see. Indeed, both HE and
SHE the Mother
of all Creation.
page 9
The REASON 'why' one
must OBEY Allah's COMMAND (Go
your way in Peace and extend love, mercy, compassion
and forgiveness) at all times and in
all situations is that you thus ONLY use
His LIGHT energy in
your interaction with others. Thus ones 'karmic'
return (Law of energy in motion) is also always
PEACE Command always
was and yet is the
'Divine Salvation TRUTH.'
SINA, what do I see as being your
ERROR leading you and
multitudes of your followers into eternal
TERROR? Your use of
criticism, condemnation and judgement is the
use of Allah's DARK energy, and IT sullies your inner
rose with 'Sin' and your 'karmic return' is to be
PAIN as those in
demonic realms below show YOU their 'critical'
You are telling the WORLD
via your 'pen' that the prophets Muhammad and
Terence are both 'dopes' because you believe that
there is NO 'God' and thus their prophetic messages
from 'Allah' to "Go your way in peace and bow in
submission to Allah" is unfounded and simply 'lies.'
You 'Ali' are so
convincing with your own 'honeyed' words that anyone
having aggressive emotions within them are
'inspired' to go forth and
terrorise, injure, maim
or KILL others because they believe that they
also (like you) will be 'above' any LAW
because your 'pen' states that there is NO 'God.'
Ali, you are
and causing 'indecision' and provoking
every 'race, colour, creed and culture and now there
are multitudes who 'believe' as you do.
Even the lands purporting
to be 'democratic' and 'Christian' such as
Australia, UK and the USA are also today filled with those
who daily defy Allah, and they go forth over the seas
'armed' with their 'righteous' beliefs. Daily they
bomb the 'desert' lands causing untold agony,
misery, loss and destruction because in FACT, they
have been deceived by politicians who themselves
assume that their 'legislation' can nullify
Allah's LAW. Woe indeed, no rule in a book or 'law'
or mandate of man can 'cancel' Allah's Law.
Are these supposedly
'Christian' warriors different to
those of I S I L? No, all are of the SAME EVIL ILK,
and all are spiritually 'cloaked' in inky black
'silk,' being the "Mark of the Beast' who is
their 'Lord and Master,' the SAME 'Master'
controlling YOU. All earthly political forces are
just like you Ali, they all lead the 'youth' they
control INTO
hell-fire and eternal
damnation and suffering simply to maintain
their 'borders.'.
Ali, you KNOW that EVIL
exists, so ask yourself: "Why so, how so and where
is its base"?
I answer saying: This invisible DARK destructive
ENERGY is a spiritual 'mist' that pervades and
permeates the entire 'space' outside of the pure
Light of Heaven, and ITS
'area' has NO limits or bounds and IT is HE our
Father God's ENERGY that HE forbade man to
Ali, this DARK essence
is utterly evil, jealous, vain, proud, angry,
lustful, cunning, deceptive, hateful, vindictive and
destructive, and you 'son' are being
controlled by IT/HE who is of infinite intelligence and
far beyond your comprehension.
Your mind is 'spell-bound'
by ITS power and ONLY my 'pen' can set you FREE. I
am on earth today to see if there is even only ONE
who believes my pen and she/he will BE uplifted to
the Light eternally.
FREEDOM. (Islam)
Now 'Ali,' you
did state within your texts that you did not 'wish'
to invoke the wrath of Allah, if He did exist. It is
however my pen (His) to state that 'regrettably' for
you, HIS dark forces who DO exist in the
underworld are
FUMING, because of
your belief that Allah does NOT exist and
YOU believe that you are 'above the law,' it has
CHALLENGED their capacity to bring you to
ACCOUNT for deceiving
multitudes. (Refer
The National Security Alert)
What 'son' does
this actually MEAN? It means that since your texts
are proven to have turned 'multitudes' to your
belief that there is NO 'Allah' to bring them to
'grief,' (To account) many now DO whatever they wish
to being, that they TERRORISE
others and cause them HARM, and in FACT you
have unwittingly 'thrown
down the gauntlet' to the demonic forces
in the underworld, so I state:
Since Allah has an immutable 'eye for an eye'
LAW of equal return
policy, ahead, some other 'infidel'
(Non-believer) will be 'inspired or incited'
by Dark demonic forces below to PROVE you
WRONG, and 'what' son do I see as being the
RESULT of your GUILT in publicly stating that:
"Bowing in submission to
Allah's Command (Islam) is wrong because Muhammad
is proven by me 'Ali Sina' to be a madman."
Ali Sina, the
extremely painful result
is to be the 'bringing
of you to your knees,' and ensuring that
you NEVER again have the opportunity to
DECEIVE, - - - and what
is to be done to you? You will never walk or
talk or see or write because:
Your eyes will be
put out.
Your fingers and
feet cut off.
Your tongue
So what 'else'
can I ADD? Please remove your seditious Treason
(pages) from Allah's SIGHT and read as much of my
TRUTH before you DIE. Believe you me Ali, when man
deploys deceit and misleads
Allah's precious
children, there is NO 'respite' from
suffering until
all your DUES to Allah are met.
Ali, the REASON 'why' Muhammad was
considered to be a prophet was because he reiterated the
same message
of PEACE that Allah spoke through
the mind and mouth of Jesus.
(Bow in submission to Allah's
Command of PEACE ~ Islam)
The REASONS 'why' I Terence AM a
prophet is because I also reiterate that same
message of PEACE, but I also reveal many
fresh revelations to assist
this lost earthly 'race' for Allah. I so do in order to elevate the
consciousness of any TRUE seeker of Salvation so that they begin to
bow in TOTAL obedience (submission) to Allah's Command, and are
thus safe, and
they will also by their own efforts save themselves from the Abyss.
To so do, they will be required to
fortify their minds each day so as to halt the satanic ingress
of demonic thoughts that would lead them astray, and they MUST
AND will
heed (Obey) Jesus' words and 'turn the other cheek in NON-retaliation'
if abused. Thus they halt the ingress of
Dark Energy into
their souls, and they permit the Light of Allah to purge their spirit
soul of the SIN within. (Negative emotions)
I state for
Allah that IF
Ali Sina has turned away even ONE person from MY
Light and message then
he has already 'doomed' his own soul to grave
suffering. I would 'suggest' that everyone
spend the 'rest' of their days READING the Wisdom of
Allah sent to earth via my MIND and PEN.
page 11
My dear
brother Ali Sina, it is now the time for your
'further' spiritual education. I see from your texts
on your web site that when invited to debate
'publicly' you decline because you 'fear' to die,
and that you expect that if you 'front up' it might
be your 'last supper' so to speak.
personally do not have such fears because I do know
that IF or when Allah wished for me to be 'murdered'
that it would be done. My little home in the
Tasmanian bush is well known by many and my doors
are never locked day or night because, I assume that
anyone coming is sent by Allah. Either for me to
help them with something or for them to tell me
Even if
an intended 'killer' did come to my door, I would
welcome them in for a cup of tea and do my best to
educate them to the reality of Allah's 'eye for an
eye' Law, and simply 'suggest' that it is unwise for
them to harm me because, even if Allah had
sent them, then HE would ensure that they ahead,
would be forced to suffer the same fate.
"As you sow so
shall ye reap"
Law of spiritual
energy is simply what it is:
"For every action
there is an equal and opposite
reaction," at the time and in the
place so ordained by the infinite
intelligence of Allah's energy." |
only when IN the Light
of Paradise are
we 'safe' because IT is the domain of Allah's
LIGHT, and no person
therein is influenced by demons. However, every one
of the millions of levels of consciousness outside
of said paradise IS A DOMAN OF GOD'S DARK
invisible 'mist' knows EXACTLY where every 'sinner'
is at every moment of time. What I am stating is,
that IF our Allah wishes for you to meet a
punitive 'fate,' then
even your wife or child or best friend could do it
if they became 'angry' or frustrated and lost
control of their THOUGHTS to the demonic forces
need to try and understand that everyone with 'sin
within, (negative emotions) can be reached or
mentally 'broached' by demons in the underworld
because it is the energy 'vibration' of ones inner
'Sin' (emotions) that links ones mind to said
dark forces. This process is escalating and more
people are becoming suddenly 'possessed' mentally
and run amok for no apparent reason.
reasons are given on my web site. It is imperative
to fortify ones mind against said telepathic
intrusion hence my
'Feeling easy' Seminar program.
try and UNDERSTAND that when one is
deceiving or misleading
people that you are 'sinning,' (causing harm) and
the suffering the other endures 'ahead' through
being misled by YOU,
becomes a spiritual DUE, a 'fate' you are UNABLE TO
HALT. Why? Because you do not know what others are
thinking when their minds are linked to THE DARK,
and IT will incite them JUSTIFIABLY to
balance ITS punitive 'Scales of Justice.'
the error of every religion is not its
CORE teaching.
(Love one another and go your
way in peace) The error
is the endless rituals 'attached' by 'priest's that
are the control and error of
teaching. Example; What has going to Mecca
and throwing stones into a 'pit' symbolising stoning
the Devil have to do with Allah's
man? Nothing. Dress 'codes' and other
ritual are also all NOTHING to do with
Salvation or
obedience to Allah's CORE
needs to HALT their voting for 'men' to be their
leader and simply live by their Allah given
obedience to Allah's
CORE Command. "Peace,
love, mercy, compassion and forgive your perceived
is NO 'freedom of religion' because everyone is
controlled by
political forces or other
DICTATORS who demand
that everyone bow to their doctrine of
monetary extortion, punish,
war etc.
page 12
Ali, I am not
writing this to you to 'beat' you in a 'challenge'
game of 'discourse,' I am writing with sincerity
because I see that your SOUL is in
danger brother. I also write trusting that
multitudes of other lost souls will be uplifted by
the wisdom herein so that they then DO
'Bow in
submission to Allah's Command'
and go their way in Peace.
What you may now be aware
of Ali is that irrespective of ANY religion, all
people on earth are sliding backwards and downwards
TO HELL'S GATE because everyone has been deceived by
politicians as well as 'religious' scholars and all
believe in their RIGHT to defy Allah and
Every 'citizen' (taxpayer)
in every land is funding
warmongers to go forth in their name and maim and
KILL others. (In the guise of protection) Every citizen demands retributive justice if
their 'toes' are trodden on by some other. There is
but a handful of people on earth today who DO walk
the right way.
Ali, just look at the
'State' of Israel, it is filled with warmongers who
happily 'excommunicate' millions as they cause
untold misery and
STEAL lands and this is my message
to them:
~ The
'Fall of Israel ~
Treatise of Truth on the 'spiritual demise' of
mankind as he 'muddied' his soul
with the blood of others.
Ali, your 'challenge' states:
As of this day, I am also
doubling the reward. If you are
not a reputable scholar, you can still win the prize. All you have
to do is persuade a scholar to debate with me. If he (she) disproves
my charges or can prove that Muhammad was a
prophet of God, both you and he (she) will be rewarded $50,000
dollars each. This is to encourage you to write to your admired
scholar and convince them that Islam is in danger and that it is
their duty to defend it. |
'Islam' and ITS 'core' teaching is never in danger, it is the people
of the land who by
mouth 'profess' to be 'of'
Islam, but who defy Allah
and cause harm.
Everyone today or any race or creed is in danger. Ali, Both Allah and I need your
brilliant MIND to now preach THE TRUTH within
texts and my main web site so as assist in elevating
the consciousness of others. Ongoing debate does
NOT solve any problems, it simply adds to them.
dark aspect of the Source is more and more now to 'broach' the
mind of man and insanity will escalate and bring
every society to its knees. The reasons are given in
my web site. All whom continue to fight will
fall into darkness and join the demonic forces below
who fight on and on and ON forever with NO surcease.
IF you
can 'awaken' from your reverie then please 'scrub'
the 'debates' from your site and emplace this
letter. Then ask for donations to assist Allah and
me so that I can begin to translate a part of
Allah's Testimony and publish books globally.
I am
nearly 78 years old and soon to depart because my
heart is failing. Please move swiftly because our
Allah and His dark forces below will then SEE your
new positive and benign intent and deed, being to assist in the
mankind, and maybe, just maybe, ahead you
will be set free.
You are
welcome to come and visit me in Tasmania. Just make
contact with my Syrian friends in Melbourne who can
meet you, and then one of them (Martin Nader) will
bring you over the sea to Tasmania. I name them the
'Three wise men' because they are absolute pacifists
promoting Allah's Truth. The image below is when
they were sitting in my 'lounge' a year ago.

Martin is on the right
Ali, I need funds to promote my
message with translations and publications.
If you can assist then please place some funds into my Bank
T. Malaher - Commonwealth Bank of
BSB - 067407 - Account number: 10114903
In all sincerity - Terence
The following Items need to be
read in conjunction with this 'Paper.'
The inner energy of Allah
The SHARIA Law of Allah
Item 3
The National Security Alert
Item 4
The Suicide
page 13
From: Terence
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 5:19 PM
Subject: Truth
Dear Ali, I received
you reply to my above letters in your link;
I also see on the last page that you
stated < You are even promoting the Sharia law. Here
is what Sharia says. > it is a huge
LIE in order to deceive and
confuse readers, because your Quran rendition of
'Sharia' below are NOT taken from MY rendition of
'Sharia Law' as linked from Item 2
It continues ON Ali as
you know, and I can but suggest to ALL
READERS that they need to ignore the above
and READ what Allah has stated in my article
linked here:
The SHARIA Law of Allah |
Dear ALI - your deceit and 'cunningness' does no go 'unnoticed' by Allah, and what I need to you see is that I gave you a LINK to MY rendition of Sharia Law, not to 'yours' nor that within the Quran which you 'deceptively' quote as being mine. Mine is that rendered by Allah unto man directly via MY mind and pen at:
IT starts with the words:
~ Sharia ~
The 'singular' divine LAW of Allah
Sharia of Allah |
As you now read on you will begin to see, understand and realise the depth of the satanic iniquity. For the Serpent did deceive the entire human race as IT 'authorised' man via legislated 'mandates' to defy Allah and wield the Law of Allah against their sister & brother & father & mother.
The TRUE meaning of the word SHARIA is;
"The divine spiritual rule, principle, or criterion by which every ACTION of Allah's children is judged by Allah but not by mortal man."
It is the 'revealed' singular LAW of Allah which IS immutable and thus inviolable.
It is the 'return' imposed by Allah and thus ITS implementation is 'uncontrollable' by man.
It is simply the 'eye for an eye' return of benign or malignant, Light or Dark, Creative or Destructive ENERGY of Allah used.
The TRUTH of Allah's divine law (Sharia) has been distorted over time by imams and bishops, clerics and priests and other less than merciful 'holy men' who all defy THE COMMAND of Allah to go their way in peace and love one another and they are all exposed now by my pen as 'infidels' who have in the past and to this day still DO mislead Allah's children and thereby cause havoc, great suffering and destruction in the process.
Hundreds of 'rules, laws, decrees' and rituals have been invoked by vain, arrogant, ignorant and greedily corrupt men to control and subjugate and punish Allah's children over the ages. My pen exposes them all because it is I who have been sent to reveal that the SHARIA of Allah is a SINGULAR "As you do is done unto you" Law of 'return' ONLY.
This Law is absolute Justice imposed by Allah but is NOT to be imposed by man. All mankind, of whatever religious persuasion now need to fully grasp that ONLY Allah stands above the implementation of His 'Sharia' divine law.
Mankind must now understand that ALL rites and rules or decrees and edicts carrying any punitive attachments because they have been ‘enshrined’ as 'texts' in the books named by MAN as 'Sharia' are NOT Sharia nor are they either equitable or 'Just Justice.' What these ‘man’ enshrined ‘rites and rules’ are is quite simple, they are solely the means whereby mortal man controlled other men for the purpose of gaining control over Allah’s children.
Read ON -
ALI - Please now BE A MAN and place this up in place of your rendition of Sharia on your web site. I can state quite categorically that it should be obvious to you Ali that you are ‘happy’ to DECEIVE in order to turn Allah/God’s children away from THE TRUTH, and it is thus that I do now END my responses that you simply ‘twist’ FOR and on behalf of THE VERY DEVIL HIMSELF. Sad indeed is to be your fate Ali.