Back to 'Council blueprint' doc Index ~ God versus Barbara Strainig ~ Educational document
~ Introduction ~ This 'paper' is an 'expose' of 'how' errant man 'falls' and 'how' this happening takes place via the hands and minds of other 'sinners' who take it upon themselves to be the retributive 'arm' of God in ACTION against another, and it is the 'consequence' of SIN within. (Negative emotions, being the dark energy essence of God) The inner Sin enables the mind of man to be telepathically linked-in to lower realms of consciousness inhabited by 'demonic' forces who telepathically incite earthlings to cause harm to another so as to 'balance' the 'Scales of Justice' of the dark aspect of the Source. This 'case' shows that way in her 'past' and even possibly in her pre-birth spirit life time Mrs. Strainig caused some other person 'injury' in the form of loss and suffering either personally or through the punitive ACTIONS of her 'servants' * and she accrued a similar 'penalty' due within the immutable: "As you did sow so shall ye reap" Law of God and, - - - It was thus our God who placed her in a 'circumstance' where other ignorant simmers would be 'incited' to do the same unto her because said others were 'infidel' non-believers in God and the dark energy essence of the Source, God was via its punitive demonic forces able to mete out 'divine retribution' in enforcing God's Law in meting out 'payback' as said 'forces' operated invisibly, clandestinely and justifiably via 'earthlings' they controlled telepathically. This 'case' also clearly shows that 'when' a person is subjected to the punitive aspect of God's law, that they find NO 'protection' or alleviation of suffering through any 'laws, rules, decrees, statutes,' etc., of man. This 'case' also clearly shows that the ones meting out said 'punishment' are 'unaware' at the time that their own activities place them 'squarely' into the same punitive aspect of THE LAW of God, and that ahead, at some stage, they will be 'forced' by others to suffer the same loss or injury etc. It is the 'intent' of this document to 'show' man that it is not for them to be 'god in action' but to ONLY educate, and thus uplift the consciousness of other sinners so that everyone remains within the precepts of God's Command: "Love one another," rather than defying God and causing harm or deprivation and thus accruing a similar 'loss & suffering' DUE within the immutable Law of God. Everyone on earth is presently 'trapped' by darkness in one way or another. This case clearly shows that when 'man' is justified in carrying out any negative or punitive 'activity,' they are 'out of control' mentally. Either due to their negative emotions taking control of their conscience and rationality or, through their 'belief' that a rule in a book and their wage justifies a 'take or punishment' as in the 'case' of council staff believing in taxing persons simply because said tax is enshrined as text in a book. All mankind is yet 'offensive' and on the wide road to Hell and thus the reader of this article is no 'better' than any named persons in this article because all are yet defiant of God either personally or via institutions they fund whose officials go forth in their name and on their behalf interfering, subjugating, punishing, evicting, injuring, killing, causing mental and emotional 'agony' etc. I can but 'trust' that you the 'reader' amend your ways and thank God for these revelations as you begin to 'turn the other cheek' and remain MEEK in the face of apparent 'adversity' and thus show God your obedience to His Command.
Open Letter to Des Jennings, the Mayor and all councillors of the 'Break O'Day' Council. Dear all, I wish to advise you that I was visited by, and took into my care for a few days an extremely emotionally 'traumatised' and mentally 'disturbed' lady (daughter of God) who sought my assistance and counsel, namely Mrs. Barbara Strainig, and by virtue of my insight I have recommended that she permit me to help her 'psychological' and material problems to which she has agreed and, - - - as a result of that, I now send this 'notice' to you on her behalf and, - - - I also attach another letter which I am sending to the other party 'concerned.' Being the persons instigating an aggressive 'action' against her which denied her access to her dwelling and resulted in 'Barbara's' present long term of mental and emotional trauma, namely, Mr & Mrs. Michael Aulich and Mr. Gerald Aulich. Mrs. Strainig now aged 67 years spent 16 months living in her motor vehicle and now, being 28 July 2013 over three and a half years later, she is still denied access to her home. The 'issue' surrounding this 'case' is that for 'certain' reasons known by God and the Aulich family, they took it upon themselves to seize possession of the Titled property (No:) and all thereon by closing off the access road using 'forceful' means, and advising 'Barbara' that in their opinion, they were so entitled to do, and she has been unable to use the access road and thus cannot 'reasonably' get to her home. She is also fearful for her life since having been accosted and physically assaulted whilst in transit on the access road. I have advised 'Barbara' that in spiritual reality, any control, restriction, seizure, dispossession, mental emotional or physical trauma etc., can only take place with the 'sanction' of the Sovereign Authority, God, who 'backs' every interaction of mortal man, be it benign or malignant, and that it is not for her to 'question' God but to simply accept His 'decision' and to go her way in peace as she obeys the 'love & peace & mercy & compassion & forgive' Command, and do her very best to assist her 'persecutors' (Aulich family and others) to see 'reason,' so that they understand 'something' which may assist them on their spiritual path. The purpose of this letter is to advise 'Council' staff that, - - - since her property has been 'seized,' in that she has been denied access since Oct 2009 and has had to sleep in her vehicle for some '16 months' by the roadside as a 'dispossessed' person, - - - I have advised her to hand her property back TO the Sovereign Authority, God and to go her way in peace and leave any 'further' decisions around IT (the property) to God and, - - - I have advised her that she is not required to pay any Council 'rates' or other charges accrued from the 'date' which God imposed said 'restriction' using mortal men to so do. I advise 'Council' staff and others that although she has handed this property to God for 'safe' keeping, that it still remains in her name AND in God's care and, - - - that any person 'trespassing' thereon is answerable to God THE ALMIGHTY and, - - - If the Council staff believe that they have a 'right' to collect any rates 'tax' for this 'land' area for and on behalf of the Sovereign 'Crown,' then they are 'legally' bound to collect said rates from those who in fact have 'control' over IT, being the Aulich family but, - - - Irrespective of 'who' other than 'Barbara' pays rates, the land remains the property of God (The Crown) IN THE NAME OF 'Barbara' in perpetuity unless she sells it and, - - - any person in Council or other who take it upon themselves at any later stage to sell or 'auction' said property for non payment of rates or any other reason, will assuredly suffer the consequence of their 'trespass' say I the messenger of the Most High God. If in the future 'Barbara' either sells this land area OR 'deeds' IT for free to some other, then it is our God inspiring said 'sale' or deeding away and let NO mortal interfere, for IF they are so foolish to so do, they will 'pay' the 'blood price' as do all whom defy our God and interfere in the lives of others and disturb the peace of the land. Terence There is a copy of this correspondence on line as Item 9 at: ~ Open letter to the Aulich family, 226 Irish Town road, St Mary's ~ Dear Madam & Sirs, the Proclamation of the Overlord our Almighty God is:
Dear Gerald, Michael and Mrs. Aulich, as you are God's precious creation it is my duty to do my very best to assist you to find your way 'back' from the downward spiral you are all IN so that you no longer 'find' the justification to continue on along your present 'tack.' My work is to do with the power of deceptive THOUGHTS which telepathically invade the psyche of man and drive one against the other for many reasons. The time now 'left' for man to OBEY his God and BOW totally in SUBMISSION to God's Command is 'brief' indeed. You have the 'choice' as do all to defy God. Regrettably the negative emotions within man have 'grown' so powerful that everyone is easily overpowered by incoming DEVIOUS thoughts from dark spirit realms, and given 'ideas' or 'reasons' to interfere, dispossess, steal, control, subjugate and to cause some other harm. Man sees NOT that everyone is always within the Law of God which cannot be 'voided, avoided nor nullified FOR ANY REASON. No official position, mandate, badge of office etc., voids or nullifies the implementation of God's Law. Regrettably this 'law' balances ITS 'Scales of Justice' when IT so decides, be it in this life 'time' or a million years from now IN the 'after life.' Yes there are in your MIND 'justified reasons' for doing what you did and yet do, - - - restrict another person from accessing their home. But you see NOT that all 'agony' and mental and emotional and physical 'duress' still being knowingly OR unknowingly IMPOSED and 'suffered' each passing day is a spiritual DUE upon your 'heads' which you have already accrued and yet DAILY accrue and, - - - that the consequential EQUAL and thus 'eye for an eye' RETURN within the Law of God cannot be avoided. I am the ONE to expose to humanity the powerful dark spirit forces who walk alongside 'each' of you and alongside EVERYONE and, it is THEY who seek to destroy everyone INCLUDING YOU and, - - - to accomplish this, they FIRST give you a very 'good' reason to defy God because they KNOW that it is YOU who will eventually suffer the consequence. "As you make others homeless and lose all, so shall ye be made homeless and lose all." Everyone is ENTITLED to defy their God and BE 'swine' but ALL ARE SUBJECTS OF 'HIS' AND SUBJECT TO HIS LAW. If there is ANYTHING I can do to assist you to see 'reason' and at the same time assist our divine SISTER 'Barbara' back into mental stability and HAPPINESS then PLEASE come to me and we'll sit together at Pyengana and make a plan as soon as possible. I can but ASSURE every mortal that each moment of 'time' we hold another child of God in a state of 'torture,' be IT mental or emotional or other, that the 'Sword of Damocles' hanging above their own head grows bigger each moment of passing time. Everyone needs to understand and now learn that defiance of the 'Do not disturb the peace of the land' as Commanded by God and as enshrined within the Constitution of the land is a 'breach' which in the 'eyes' of God and the Constitutional Authority is anarchy and TREASON. Both have very severe consequences which are only fully now exposed by my pen on my web site. It is NOT for me to take 'sides,' it is for me to do my very best to bring humanity BACK into God's fold. This letter is made public so that EVERYBODY can take a look into their 'mirror' and say:
Mrs Barbara Strainig who is a very spiritual, forgiving and loving person has advised me that she holds NO 'grudges' against you or any of those complicit to her ongoing trauma and losses and confirms via me that she is not in any way going to seek ANY 'redress' of ANY 'form,' and leaves the final outcome of this 'case' in the hands of our God and to your consciences. Please feel free to visit me anytime. In greatest sincerity - Terence ~ Response to Michael Aulich ~
Dear Michael, I refer to your phone call
of today 29 July (9.27 am) in respect of
'Unless I retract some of my statements
therein I will be facing legal 'action'
from Gerald due to him having nothing to
do with the access issue' - - - to
Barbara's home.
I did phone you back on your land line
but will do so this evening but do wish
to 'record' the today issues and state
that prior to asking you for your email
address which you kindly gave me, that I
had phoned Gerald who had at that time
advised me that he did not wish to give
me his email because he had nothing to
do with the issue of road closure.
I am very happy to have this 'second'
contact with you because, being a
'counsellor' and educator, it gives me
the opportunity to say more which I do
hope is for Gerald's eyes also,
for IN FACT, everyone living outside the
pure light of
including him, and IF he wishes to
find a 'heavenly' destination then
any 'action' legally or otherwise
against me or any needs to BE set
aside. God IS REAL bro I can assure you,
and HE is
with ANY who defy His command, -
Firstly, I thank you for trying to save
me facing 'legal action' but state that
as I am a man of God, I am perfectly
'aware' that IN THE EYES OF GOD, there
is NO such 'thing' as
LEGAL action because in His eyes
ANOTHER. (Forgive and go your way in
No doubt Gerald wishes to have a 'clean'
name at this stage in life, but THE
REALITY is, that our God is to expose
everyone, for all have 'debts' to
HIM, and I leave it to Gerald and God as
to whether or not he was IN ANY
WAY 'active' AT ANY TIME by speaking
to Barbara or another in
'defence' of said road access
Let me ask you this: "Did at any time
your father discuss this matter with you
or do his very best to advise YOU to
NOT close down said road because in
so doing, it would cause another
child of GOD 'misery' and more AND place
YOU within the punitive aspect of
God's immutable Law? I do not need any
response for that for it is our
God inspiring my pen and HE for sure
sees all and knows all.
I did state that I do not wish to
'contest' anything for I am a
peacemaker but - - - IF any other
wishes to take up arms against me IN
DEFIANCE of God's Command then that
is their prerogative and the
eternal outcome will be what it will
Irrespective of what is written by
me, THE REALITY is that everyone
complicit to Barbara's as yet
ongoing trauma IN ANY WAY are
'stuck' in the punitive aspect of
God's LAW with their heads in the
sand, and the ONLY HOPE for them is
my pen and the wisdom IT
brings to earth.
Bro, it is time for dad and all to
see that our 'enemy' is not man, it
flows through US when we choose to
use IT and IT grows as a cancer
within. I would rather that your dad
swallow his pride and show God that
HE will do ALL in his 'power' to
assist a daughter of God be set free
from her misery and, - - - in so
doing our God will then see dad's
INTENT to live within the precepts
of HIS Command.
Michael, I am a 75 year old man born
in Tanzania, East Africa. I have
seen many very dark and evil deeds
done by man and by the grace of God
I have survived, and consequently I
cannot be coerced into failing in my
duty to God by any threats, for if I
am crucified today by an 'infidel'
non-believer then I KNOW that they
were inspired by GOD to set
me FREE fro my past accrued
debts to HIM.
You do not need to speak for Gerald,
only for yourself. Once Gerald reads
my epistles he can speak directly to
I did not state that Gerald emplaced
the 'stockade,' but I believe
that in some 'way' he has
spoken out in its 'favour' and
this complicity needs to BE
rectified by HIM for as said - all
is seen by God as everyone is soon
to be made aware of, - - - and
terrifying trauma heads Australia's
way and very dark armed forces will
EVICT everyone from their
'settlements' if they have done the
same unto others.
As things stand today, if
you believe that your father
is truly 'in the clear' in
this matter then so be IT
but, - - - my 'pen' does not
believe IT to so be and this
is why it has included his
name on the 'docket' and as
said - let Gerald 'search'
his conscience and IF he
'thinks' that he IS 'clear'
with his 'maker' then he
'Yes,' can 'gripe' at me and
seek whatever 'redress'
comes to his MIND but, - - -
What he and all needs now
SEE is that whenever we
'undress' the other then our
God will 'undress' us. If
Gerald cannot 'temper' his
own 'temper' then he needs
to ask himself:
I 'wonder' how he would feel and think IF he was the one 'locked out' and penniless? Could he have controlled the thoughts of V - for Vendetta trying to overpower his 'reason' month after month for years even unto the point of being totally stressed out and 'classifiable' as a mentally disturbed person? It is only because I am a spirit 'medium' empowered by God's love and CAN 'identify' the dark spirit forces which drive man into insanity and AM able to 'reason' with them and assist them back into the LIGHT and thus give Barbara 'back' her sanity and capacity to BE extremely reasonable. Can Gerald and you so be or become? God and all mankind will soon see.
I hope that you and I can sit
around a table as
men of
honour with GOD as
THE HEAD of our house and
do our very best to satisfy HIM.
All I can advise everyone is:
From this moment ON you must OBEY
GOD in every way or PAY the ultimate
price forever and a day.
IF your 'concern' is for access road users possibly having an accident and then 'suing' you, the easiest way OUT is to simply place up a sign stating:
Go well Michael, we ARE 'brothers in arms' not 'combatants.' ![]() ~ Letter to Sarah Schmerl, Mayor ~
Dear Mrs Schmerl, in
reference to your 'advice' around my
advice <
would be ill conceived advice to
give someone the idea that they
could stop paying rates
and ultimately retain ownership of
the property. If rates are not
received for a property after a
given amount of time Council will
sell the property to recoup costs.
I doubt very much
that anyone other than the 'Aulich'
family would attend an auction due
to the FACT that only they now have
any 'easy' access to said property,
and I can assure you that any person
in council 'empowered' to place this
property on auction most certainly
will lose not only materially as
much as 'Barbara' has, but their
own soul they place in eternal
I merely stated in my
email that IF council officials
wished to extract 'rates' then such
should be asked for from the ONES
who have by 'force of arms'
control over said
property through
access to the one in whose name it
is registered. (The road is closed)
I also confirm by
this email that Mrs. Strainig
understands the spiritual REALITY
being, as our God is the ONE in
control, that this dispossession and
eviction was her 'karmic' due and
she has accepted that FACT and has
agreed and 'given' said property to
God and, - - - she now has 'washed
her hands' around the issue and has
absolutely NO 'interest' in going
back to said lands and is simply now
getting ON with her life with God as
her 'wife' and
counsel as she OBEYS
'forgive thine enemy'
As she has 'deeded'
this land to God, IF council sells
it for any reason so as to raise
even ONE 'penny' then it
by God is deemed to be
of His land, and as said, all
complicit to said sale will
suffer the spiritual consequences as
seen by ME albeit NOT by you.
If you believe that
anyone other than the Aulich
family would be interested in
purchasing this property due to the
restricted 'access' they impose,
then you are wrong, thus any auction
would simply mean that you would be
handing said property to them for
the 'value' of any outstanding
charges demanded by you for IT to
remain in the name
It is regrettable
that those using 'force' and threats
and coercion who hold the 'fate' of
other mortals to their 'whims' see
NOT that every moment of 'time'
their 'victim' is
disadvantaged by the road
being 'closed,' it becomes a
spiritual due upon their OWN 'head.'
"As you do unto others will by
others be done unto you by others
equally untrue"
As the spiritual
'welfare' of ALL humanity 'lies'
within the power of my hand and
'pen,' it is incumbent upon me to do
my very best to get everyone to see
the sad and sorry reality, wherein
the dark forceful powers *
which DO exist can 'twist and
weave' through the mind of man to
the extent that they would 'evict'
an old lady from her home and keep
her 'homeless' for years and see
not what their GOD 'feels'
around the issue, as they happily
continue to have access to their
own homes.
I ask: Would they
have 'quietly' suffered this 'fate'
at the hands of others for years
with NO help and become 'mentally
disturbed' to the point of
'insanity'? NO, they would have
taken the 'law' into their own hands
for they are PROVEN by their
ACTIONS to BE unconscionable.
If you are the 'spokeswoman' for council then you do have a little 'time' to consider what ahead is to be done on this issue, and I can but hope that you are not the one foolish enough to 'give it away' for a 'penny.'
It is my 'grave'
concerns for all complicit to the
ongoing 'restriction' of the access
road because, - - - irrespective of
land 'ownership' and 'others'
traversing said property and whether
or not said access is 'legitimate'
or otherwise, it is the deeded
ACTION of all complicit which placed
them and now keeps them
in contravention of God's
'peace & love & mercy & compassion &
forgive' COMMAND and
ahead, it is a FACT that our God's
LAW is immutable and will
balance ITS 'Scales of Justice' and
all as said complicit to CAUSING
harm are 'bound' to suffer the same
fate and, - - - UNTIL said Law is
'balanced,' all 'debtors' are
BARRED from entry through heaven's
It is my intent to
assist everyone back into God's fold
as they BOW in submission to HIM and
HIS Command, for only thus will they
have ANY opportunity of Salvation
and any who so 'fail' to God OBEY,
will and do meet their
abysmal fate.
![]() ~ The moral of the story ~ The moral of the story is: "Look before you leap" because, if you go forth with the INTENT to make another 'weep' then great suffering awaits YOU. In this 'case,' our God 'dispossessed' and 'injured' Barbara using the vain, arrogant and ignorant of THE LAW who were used by God to IMPOSE His Law upon an 'errant' soul. When you or any set out to 'justifiably or otherwise' cause harm or evict or banish or TAKE then 'rest assured,' demons in the underworld 'gather' at your 'home' gate and set out to ASSIST you and ENSNARE you and to do this, they impose their thoughts upon your mind until you are 'driven' to do their bidding. Be it to 'burn down' a shop, steal, kill or invade some other land and place your 'flag' in its 'soil' and claim IT as yours. The 'way' of today globally is RETRIBUTION either verbally or using a 'mace' or a 'solicitor' to wield a monetary demand reprimand mace and punish the other. These activities are now perceived as NORMAL but in FACT are V for Vendetta and very 'ungodly' indeed. In this 'case' Barbara had been using this PUBLIC 'access' road for many years. A road used by many others also and leading to other properties, but after a change of ownership of the land being traversed, the new owners decided to impose a restriction. I state this only because said restriction was NOT the causal 'factor' of Barbara suffering eviction or loss. No, the causal factor for that was her long past deeds or deeds of her servants. So the new owners imposed restrictions because their MINDS were accessed by dark forces seeking an 'injunction' from the Dark Sovereign Power who JUSTIFIED their actions FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of enabling the retributive action and fulfilment of the punitive aspect of God's Law. Mrs. Strainig has now PAID her dues to God and gone her way in PEACE as commanded by God. Her 'oppressors' dues accrued over time by their 'rude' attitude and are yet to be fully 'met' but will be PAID at some stage ahead because, the dark forces who used them to abuse her will now be directed by the Dark Sovereign Power to seek out some other 'infidels' and gather at their 'gate' and, - - - they 'similarly' will find the JUSTIFICATION to do the 'same' DEED and 'settle' the score for God. Round and around does this 'karmic' wheel of suffering GO until 'combatants' are either dead in the dark or set 'free' through listening to ME. It is a never ending story for those who defy their God. Why does God use the vain, arrogant and ignorant of THE LAW to impose suffering? Because the 'moment' you defied God a very long time ago in using (stealing) some of His 'forbidden to use' dark forceful energy, HE in FACT became your 'enemy,' and HE set out to destroy your 'unfaithful' seed and, in order to so do, He incites and invites YOU to keep using IT so that you fill your soul with IT (His dark energy) and this is what drags IT your dark soul DOWN into the Abyss away from His 'sight.' None can 'win' against Him as He sees your every 'move' and it is ONLY now that the Light shining through my 'pen' is able to give you one LAST opportunity to amend your ways and thus save YOURSELF as THE Light purges out the 'sin' you drew IN and, - - - to become free you must HALT drawing any more of IT in. Fortify your mind as given by me in my 'star prayer' document linked below. This applies to everyone living outside the pure Light of Heaven. Obey THE COMMAND or die in your sin ![]() ~ Letter 2 to Michael Aulich ~ Dear Michael, I refer to your telephone conversation with me wherein you asked me a question being; what I would do if anyone came through my property uninvited, and when I did not give an immediate answer you became 'agitated' and felt that I was lacking in some way. I now say that I did not give you an answer 'then' as it was not appropriate and was not the reason for my phoning you, and I did not wish to 'argue with you' over the telephone. I do however give an answer to that asked by you now: A person is a person who becomes a 'trespasser' when access to some other's 'lands' has been denied. A person traversing another's property but travelling on a 'designated' access road cannot be construed as being a trespasser if there has been a designated public or other 'roadway' marked upon said land in the past which has been used for many years by the public. However, if a 'new' purchaser of said 'land' believes that there was some past 'error' of marking or delineation etc., and they 'wish' to halt others passing through said property then that becomes another 'issue' indeed and, - - - It can ONLY be resolved 'properly' within the rulings of man in using the 'Court' of man to so do but, - - - it is my opinion that at all times we 'earthlings' need to be aware of the Command of our Creator and His capacity to IMPOSE His 'Will' and strictures upon us and also, we need to 'question' ourselves as to 'what' our God would expect us to DO if another sought to continue to pass through our 'property' to reach their home in a 'case' where we 'thought' that the road they had been using for many years was an 'illegal usage' one, as presumably did you. Michael, my 'life' has been totally different to yours in that it was spent mainly in Tanzania my birthplace and Kenya where I had 'land holdings' and I was brought up with many colours and cultures and in truth, it was generally the Africans, Arabs and Indians with whom I was 'friendly' as they numbered more than 1000 to one ref the white man. In fact in general, they were more respectful than the white 'invaders' who inhabited Africa. So as for your 'question': "What would you do if someone trespassed into, onto or through your property"? I respond:
More to the point, I believe that the process which took place was needed so that our God via my pen could elevate the consciousness of not only everyone concerned, but also that of the global population. I hope and trust that we can all move on now with a 'changed' perspective and also as TRUE believers who are willing and happy to OBEY our God and 'love one another.' Terence ~ Letter 3 to Michael Aulich ~ Dear Michael, thank you for your letter but the information in mine was not 'pointless' as you put it, for it was in fact simply to show that ones upbringing does influence our 'ways,' and in my 'case,' because I am used to 'wanderers' I would be less 'inclined' to defy God and cause harm. Michael, as for your words: < I was not and am not the title holder of the said land, > Terence Responds: I am aware that the property being 'traversed' through is owned by others, but the 'contention' around the issue is simply to do with the 'ownership' of the 'reserved road easement' through said property, as well as the now NON accessibility or use OF said road, is it not? It is something to do with the present owners of the property believing that there is NO access road through their property and thus they are in their 'rights' to close the access being used. That is what I have been 'led' to believe and, - - - somewhere down the 'line' it appears as though you have become involved together with other family members. As I am a man of God I simply seek to get the ONE who closed the road with 'dirt' to SEE that in the eyes of God it was and yet is an error of grave magnitude in being the cause of 'loss & suffering & eviction' in contravention of the 'peace, love, mercy & compassion' Command, and this ACTION placed all those 'complicit' into the punitive aspect of the 'eye for an eye' or EQUAL return LAW of God. (As you do unto others will by others be done unto you) Michael, as for your words: < you are focused on one side of a story that has a lot of untruths and refuse to believe the truth > Terence Responds: The TRUTH of the matter as seen by God is that 'someone' has closed the access to a home resulting in grave mental and emotional trauma & ongoing loss which is as said ERROR in respect of 'the way' to heaven and the negative activity is outside the precepts of God's Command and it was/is an unconscionable act having grave repercussions. Michael, as for your words: < I am as keen as you are for a resolution to this problem and am more than willing to discuss a sensible outcome with anyone > Terence Responds: It is in fact NOT necessary for me to 'resolve' issues between man and God, for 'each' MUST resolve their issues DIRECTLY with their God. As I AM the Plenipotentiary of God I simply do my best to get man to see REASON and to 'Judge' their actions in such a way as to show them 'how' God is to Judge them, so they can or should be able to see for THEMSELVES 'how' they are to be Judged by HE the Father. Michael, as for your words: < I have a Christian background so I therefore believe in God and his teachings, - - -the Catholic teachings do not align with your beliefs. > Terence Responds: Every 'religion' promotes ITS teachings, and if those of the Catholic organisation differ to mine then they are for SURE in error because I am the awaited Spirit of Truth sent to earth to 'correct the truth' for errant man, and I can ASSURE you that every religion on earth has it WRONG for all preach that one CAN defy God and NOT suffer. It was prophesied that the 'Vatican' would fall and it is to so be as THE LIGHT shines and exposes ITS darkness. Ref:
Michael, as for your words: < God advised me to think of you in my prayers as he knows you need it as much as anyone. > Terence Responds: Thank you, but ones ACTIONS ref our interaction with others are what 'counts' in respect of our spiritual road and FINAL destiny. PLEASE read the below 'Judgement of man.' Ref: 'Judgement day' Dear Michael, I have done my 'best' to assist Barbara back to sanity and to now be able to truly 'forgive' those who trespassed against her as God Commands, and she has 'bowed' to my 'word' IN THE BELIEF that it rings 'true' in her ears and heart, for she seeks to truly BE a 'good' and worthy Christian and follower of God's Command and from now ON, she will do her daily best to OBEY His Command and THUS be 'safe & saved' ON THE LAST DAY when her spirit exits her biological flesh as she 'faces' her Judgement. My 'letters' are to HELP you to resolve your own 'mental' processes because, until you DO, - - - you DO accrue a spiritual 'pain & loss' DUE, as DO 'all' complicit. Any 'resolution' is between the instigators of said 'control & restriction' and their God. When a person makes an 'error of judgement' and causes another harm, then they have to 'face up' to this FACT, and in this case, someone had a 'thought' which 'justified' them in raising a 'sword' against Barbara. I can only HOPE that 'whoever' blocked the road will remove said blockage and advise me that Barbara or ANY other will always be 'free' to pass thereon unhindered. Our God awaits now to see 'who' is to BE dammed eternally and 'who' can amend their ways and ahead BE set free spiritually. Go well Michael - you are always welcome at my home for a cup of tea. BE kind, merciful, compassionate and loving. Terence ( 9 Aug, 2013 ) Part extract from
~ The 'Lord's prayer' ERROR ~
The 'Lord's Prayer' is a very 'comfortable' one as are many prayers invoked by 'men of religion' over the ages, and as 'usual,' this one is also purported to have been invoked by Jesus to give IT some sort of validity in the minds of pilgrims seeking Salvation. It is however my 'task' for our heavenly Father & Mother to enlighten their 'errant' children for everyone today is as 'lost' as they were aeons of times ago. The error within said 'prayer' is the wording < forgive us our trespasses >
How or 'why' is this so? Because whoever actually wrote it 'forgot or ignored' OR, - - - they knew NOT of THE FACT that God's Law is 'inviolate and immutable' and is absolute 'JUST JUSTICE' in action. Being the EQUAL return to man for their benign or malignant action to another which cannot be 'voided nor avoided' by man nor by any 'prayers' nor beliefs of man. It (God's Law & Justice) also applies to every activity of man, be it benign or malignant, and most certainly whenever man is 'inconvenienced or harmed or disadvantaged' etc., he demands JUSTICE, seeing NOT that at THAT very 'moment' of suffering, he is being 'subjected' to the "As you did sow so shall ye reap" and thus 'eye for an eye equal return' within the punitive aspect of God's Law which is in operation through the mind and hands of an arrogant or ignorant person. (Every controller or 'abuser' is an 'instrument' of the Dark Sovereign Power, God.)
In 'both' cases, the 'parties' place themselves within the PUNITIVE aspect of God's LAW and ahead, they MUST suffer the same 'fate' they imposed so that God's 'Scales of Justice' can 'balance their books' so to speak.
negative ENERGY used to
'trespass or
punish' has to balance
itself for that is ITS
prerogative and inherent NATURE. "What you give OUT you get BACK be IT love or hate" The 'Lord's prayer' lulls people into the FALSE BELIEF that their God 'excuses' or forgives, and that is ERROR say I. We all pay our dues before we can enter Paradise. Also - - - generally - - - man of today forgives NOTHING, for the word 'forgive' has been lost as all DEMAND restitution and compensation. God 'hears' NO 'prayers' or 'pleas' for Mercy from those who were merciless. No 'songs of praise' elevate your soul. OBEY your God and then He will set you free to live 'unconditionally' and FREE to SING His praise as He your soul does RAISE. Only those who LEARN to 'turn the other cheek' and 'forgive those who trespass against them' will attain Salvation and enter Paradise. ~~~ continues on p 2 ~ Where to now? ~ When something 'adverse' takes place affecting YOU, then 'how before God' do you respond? This is what each now needs to fully comprehend, for IF you are placed in a difficult position then, - - - please try and understand that the dark forces are active and they seek to not ONLY 'balance' the dark aspect of God's 'Scales of Justice,' but they ALSO seek to entrap you further into retaliating and using more DARK energy so that ahead, you again can be 'admonished' on and ON in perpetuity LEGALLY within God's Law. This case exposes how God's 'reapers' can operate quite OPENLY in the community and with seeming impunity override all 'rules' of man and operate outside the constraints of the Constitutional 'protection' guarantees by the sovereign 'Queen.' Not only this, but the 'sufferer' is also totally ignored by everyone and is left to her 'fate' of sorrow UNTIL such time as her dues to God have been met. Only then does she find 'reason' and sanity returns and she is enlightened by God's grace. The 'crucifixion' of Barbara took place for God and errant man so that YOU and YOU and YOU could be enlightened by my pen. Let us now thank Barbara for her 'grace' in coming to earth as did I and many others to assist in the elevation of the consciousness of mankind for the purpose of their Salvation. I can but 'hope' that out there we may find someone kind enough to extend a helping hand to this Lady of the Light. Barbara's apology & forgiveness letter; 6 August 2013.
All that remains to be seen is 'what' is now done by the 'ones' who found 'cause' and emplaced the 'access' restriction as they defied the Command of their God. My 'suggestion' to them is that they quickly make amends to God as they remove said restriction and in so doing, they also halt the ongoing accruing of a God imposed penalty of suffering upon their own heads and, - - - they make sure that access is always 'open' to property owners requiring said access. Other than that, they may wish to search their conscience and hearts to see if there is any 'mercy & compassion' therein and if so, reach out to Barbara with a helping hand and a 'handshake' so that a friendship with her can begin as our God 'expects' of all sisters and brothers. (His children) The Power and the Glory is NOT for those who use the forceful dark energy of God to 'gain' or attain something. It is for those who 'acquiesce and BOW to God's Command at all times, especially when persecuted or 'put to the sword.' OBEY the Holy Word and LIVE. BE BENEVOLENT Extract from the "Land Rights & Titles" document. (Page 32)
~~~ Any person seeking to wage 'war' upon me OR any other is 'guaranteeing' their eternal life of pure agony in the Abyss. Remember, the 'time of day' always comes when we are but ONE heartbeat away from our NEXT destination, are you 'ready' for yours? Go YOUR way in PEACE and love one another as our God commandeth.
Read -
Trespass & the Lord's
prayer -
OR -