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Open Letter ~ Dear magistrate Tim Hill, it is very regrettable that you ‘permit’ the Devil to via your mind have ITS ‘fill.’ For if at a ‘hearing’ the accused is not even ‘permitted’ to speak or ‘deliver’ his defense submission in the ‘simple, honest and straightforward manner’ that he chooses, then it shows him (me) that you are less than humble and meek. I do realise that as I was the last person 'listed' for the day during which you had been subjected to a 'litany' of reasons or excuses by the 'multitudes' that stood before you, and no doubt you were 'fed up' to the point where you felt justified in 'sentencing' me without 'trial by due process,' and this indicates to me that you the magistrate of the day was dishonourable unto yourself, myself, your wage, your colleagues, your peers, and your sovereign monarch. I had ‘hoped’ that prior to sentencing me that you would have first read and ‘considered’ my submission of defense as you would then have been made aware of the ‘quagmire’ you were unknowingly stepping into, for the very ‘minor’ infringement of a local government ‘rule’ was but the ‘tip’ of a huge, hidden and dangerous iceberg that has very painful consequences for any that fail to see it, and you would have had the opportunity of having ALL of the facts at your disposal, and be in the position of making a ‘better’ and more ‘enlightened’ judgement. Sir, our God did say: "Love one another for all are sister and brother," and if you ‘think’ that your pen’s ‘ink’ is stronger than mine then it is mine to prove that you are wrong, for I say that your ‘ink’ will turn into ‘slime’ as you face the wrath of God on a soon coming day for failing in your duty in not allowing ‘fair play.’ It did not take me ‘long’ to realize that I stood in a ‘kangaroo’ court, and that your arrogance was being ‘fed’ by dark and powerful emotions to the point that you were actually ‘enjoying’ feeling your powerful ‘sport,’ being your absolute control over me a peaceful and humble man of the ‘cloth.’ You were in fact displaying 'psychopathic' tendencies. (See note at end) For even though a man is 'supposed' to be innocent until proven 'guilty,' and 'supposed' to be permitted the 'space' to state his case, it was apparent to me that I was already a 'hostage' of the institution you serve as the court was 'filled' with three security guards, and I knew they would do your bidding even if it was wrong. What those in positions of power need to realize is, that if the people of the land cannot receive a ‘fair’ hearing for any reason then it could be construed by ‘some’ that you are inciting civil unrest. I feel very ‘sorry’ for you ‘Sir’ for you will sit for a very long time in Hell’s ‘stir,’ for that is the ‘proclamation’ of my sacred ‘pen’ that speaks for the Almighty who also is the ‘gate keeper’ of Hell’s den. It is only in my line of ‘work’ wherein I counsel the mentally disturbed that one can fully ‘observe’ the escalating negative, retributive and destructive mentality of EVERYONE, and I can assure you that the psyche of the entire population of the planet is becoming more ‘dark,’ troubled, discontented, fearful, aggressive, vengeful, unforgiving and totally justified in their actions, and this is the reason why those in powerful positions need to NOT be seen as being ‘uncaring, disrespectful, cruel or merciless,’ for this IS inviting retaliation, and there are few indeed as me that are absolute pacifists. For the ‘interest’ of everyone I give below some information that I can but hope will give a greater clarity of direction and good counsel ‘guidance’ to the reader. Advisory page As all my prior submissions to the Tasmanian courts have been held in 'derision,' I sought advice from the Attorney General's office in Canberra and was told that: "If the Constitution of the Tasmania & Commonwealth "Freedom of religion" acts continues to be ignored by the police and Court system of Tasmania, then I need to submit my 'case' to the High Court of Australia that upholds Constitutional Law and, as the matter is of public interest importance, the 'costs' will be born by the Australian government." As I truly am an absolute pacifist I would never stand in any court and bear ‘witness’ against another that is being ‘tried’ for the purpose of their punishment, thus I will not be taking the matter of ‘religious persecution’ any further. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: There is now to be a "No tolerance" attitude taken towards anyone of the public or any state official having any racial prejudice or religious INTOLERANCE. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person inciting civil unrest in matters pertaining to the Constitutional "freedom of religion" Act will be very harshly dealt with. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person found disturbing the peace of the peaceful for any reason will be very harshly dealt with. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: The ‘day to day’ court proceedings are always intensely scrutinized. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' person that goes forth and abducts a person from their home and transports them and hands them over to others to be punished or incarcerated that is 'found' to be operating illegally and outside the rules of engagement of their own Constitution is deemed by their own institution to be a vindictive TERRORIST committing an act of TREASON against the State Authority. I am advised by God THE AUTHORITY that: Any civilian or 'official' person that goes forth and abducts a person from their home and transports them and hands them over to others to be punished or incarcerated is in ‘breach’ of God’s Primary and Ruling Command: "Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving." And by God are deemed to be a vindictive TERRORIST committing an act of TREASON against the State of Heaven, and by their own actions they have violated their allegiance to God the eternal Sovereign Monarch. There are those now in 'power' within the community that observe the 'letter of the law' with absolute strictness, and they will 'brook' NO discrepancy in respect of the absolute Right of the individual to live in accordance with their religious belief as long as they do not impose their beliefs forcefully upon others and, as long as they live peacefully upon the land and do not disturb the peace of others. Note-1 : In the eyes of God, any person, be they civilian, ‘official’ or magistrate that places a ‘judgement’ upon any other ‘child of God’ to the effect that punitive ‘corrective’ ACTION is needed, is a person that has in FACT defied God’s Primary and Ruling Command and, - - - they have placed themselves into the ‘merciless’ and punitive aspect of God’s immutable "As you did sow so shall ye reap" Law, and they will suffer the same ‘injury or loss’ at a later date when so ordained by God THE JUDGE.Note-2 : In the eyes of God, any person, be they civilian, ‘official’ or magistrate that places a ‘judgement’ upon any other ‘child of God’ to the effect that good counsel ‘corrective’ ACTION is needed, is a person that has in FACT upheld God’s Primary and Ruling Command and, - - - they have placed themselves into the ‘merciful’ and benign aspect of God’s immutable "As you did sow so shall ye reap" Law, and they will enjoy the same ‘beneficence’ at a later date when so ordained by God THE JUDGE.Note-3 :~ Without Prejudice ~ As a 'minister of God's Word' and as a spiritual healer dealing daily with the dark 'possessive' but unseen demonic forces that telepathically subjugate and 'override' the minds of mortals that at times lose momentary control of their faculties, it is my 'considered' opinion that magistrate Tim Hill is the 'victim' of a severe case of psychosis, and that for the duration of my 'session' he suffered a psychotic episode and thus became 'unreasonable' and a danger unto himself and me, for his mind became temporarily 'possessed' by a powerful demon visible to me who 'himself' was the 'one' in control of the 'session.' I can but add that magistrate Tim Hill is not at present 'fit' to hold his position of 'office,' and he is in fact a danger to himself and others, and is thus in 'desperate' need of assistance as I am never 'wrong' in my diagnosis as time will prove. I say this because as time passes and he loses control of his faculties more and more, it will become visible even to the 'uninitiated' in matters of spirit possession. He displays the 'classic' signs of a split personality having the dual opposites of both benign and malignant tendencies. No doubt my 'finding' will be ignored until such time a he is more obviously 'insane' and out of control. The 'Jekyll & Hyde' mannerisms of people are simply caused by the inner emotions, and when a person is 'calm' they are rational and in control of their faculties, but when they become 'irritated' and their emotions of anger, vanity, pride, jealousy or other become aroused, this negative energy vibration opens a doorway to the dark realms below, and is what permits demonic forces to intrude telepathically and 'take over.' Regrettably as their intent is always to cause 'harm,' the individual through whom they are operating becomes the one responsible for the actions of their 'flesh' that occurred during their time of 'temporary' insanity. This being the nature of the 'beast' showing its face more and more in society, and it was a very powerful 'demon' that also seized control of the mind of Martin Bryant and overrode his consciousness, and did what IT wanted to via his 'flesh' that became controlled as is a 'robot.' In a severe case of 'spirit possession' the actual consciousness of the individual is fully 'displaced' for the duration of the 'possession,' and when the invisible 'dark' spirit releases their 'grip' the individual has NO recollection of what took place. This is why Martin Bryant knows with 'certainty' that he did not do the 'killing' and is thus not 'remorseful.' How 'cruel' and 'terrifying' is that, when one is 'charged' for a most heinous crime that one knows one did not commit? This is also the reason for the need of a quick 'amendment' to the manner of 'treatment' of those that disturb the peace and 'offend,' for they need my good counsel rather than punishment, and if this is not implemented SOON in this and every land on earth, absolute CHAOS will be the result. Now you can see the 'danger' of ignorance, for more and more people are becoming irrational and then suffering the consequence as is Martin Bryant, and this 'illness' is not 'limited,' and will soon encompass everyone that fails to heed my message that exposes the dark 'cunning' and very dangerous alien force that is invading the consciousness of the entire human race and, no person will be 'safe' from IT or the consequence unless they understand the 'how, why, when,' and what to do to protect their mind as revealed by me. A policeman needs to also understand that if they 'table' a complaint upon the 'desk' of an insane 'judge' then they are also 'deserving' of the same 'fate' imposed upon their 'victim' by the 'unconscionable' judge. I can only 'suggest' that magistrate Tim Hill avail himself of my 'wisdom' at: The Suicide document and learns to protect his mind as given at the Star prayer document: I say; "Dear Timothy, why not visit me at Pyengana and avail yourself of my FREE good counsel so that you can assist yourself in what is obviously your 'hour of need,' for I would not have it that you become 'suicidal' ahead through being unable to stem intrusive thoughts." "Let us ‘lead the world’ into
the Light from Tasmania" Terence ~
Open Letter ~ Dear Shane, it is regrettable to ‘hear’ that you believe my case ‘credibility’ was lost simply due to my being the recipient of monetary ‘benefits’ from social security. You see not that these benefits are given by the people of the land to assist others, and are not ‘given’ as such by the ‘institution,’ for you see not that the ‘office’ of social security is simply the ‘service provider’ means whereby the community funds are disbursed. I choose to offer my ‘services’ freely to those that come to my door because as I see it, I could ‘charge’ $70 to $160 per hour as is so done by other professional counsellors and make a very good ‘living,’ but, I prefer that the truly needy do have FREE access to my unique and ‘priceless’ personal service that is also FREE on line to the world community. I attach above my letter of the day to the magistrate, and it was he not I that lost all ‘credibility’ due to his absolute arrogance and PROVEN failure to do his duty and give me a ‘fair’ hearing. He was very ‘amicable’ with EVERY other ‘case’ as he sat back and listened to all the multitude of reasons why people had done what they did, but in my ‘case’ he did not, and he refused to ‘hear’ what I wished to say and that was why I asked that it be ‘recorded’ that he had refused to accept my written submission within which was my statement of defense set out to be of assistance to him and thus to myself and you and ALL. As I AM very conversant with the mentality of disturbed minds, it became obvious to me that he was on a ‘suicidal’ mission so to speak, and that at that moment in time he was unable to even consider the implications of his own actions, and maybe it took place before me so I could comment on it, and thus be ‘able’ to prove to him and you that he was NOT an ‘impartial’ judge on that day and that he is thus proven to be a man that takes a false wage. This is absolute ‘treachery’ and it has inspired my response to him that is already on his 'table' for his due consideration. I can but hope that my continuing outreach to the ‘blind’ and unkind will eventually ‘crack’ an opening within the conscience of everyone, so that the police are then only used to haul in those that DO disturb the peace, and ONLY for the purpose of their educative rehabilitation, and thus be ‘safe’ within the precepts of God’s command, for I know with absolute ‘certainty’ that all the monetary ‘fines’ and mental, emotional or other suffering imposed upon God’s children by magistrates does become a spiritual ’due’ upon the magistrates and the ‘reporters’ such as constable Kent who so dutifully do their work, for they are complicit. Not only was the magistrate dishonourable and ‘unworthy’ of receiving a wage on the day for his ‘treatment’ of me, but he was and yet is also ‘guilty’ of trying to incite civil unrest by NOT giving me a fair ‘hearing.’ Nothing invites 'anarchy' or breeds social disorder as quickly as the sense of 'injustice' generated by a denial of a person's rights, especially those 'granted' by God. What you also failed to see is that it would have been ‘kind' of you as a 'dutiful' police officer to have stood UP for me and said: "Honourable magistrate Tim Hill, I do believe ‘Sir’ that the accused has the democratic right to be ‘heard’ before he is sentenced." Maybe your mind was 'focused' elsewhere and maybe you and the other policemen present were simply waiting to see me get my 'just' deserts. You do not realise how difficult it is for me to go out on a limb on your behalf in the foreknowledge that your 'men' and the judiciary WILL do everything in their power to crucify me using as many 'rules' they can find. It would be far easier for me to pay $8.50 and obtain a 5 year driver's license. I am not doing what I do to be 'stubborn' but to simply elevate the consciousness of all mankind, and this I do as I am true to God's children, you and you and YOU. I have already spent over 75 days in the State penitentiaries, places of mental & emotional torture and tears, and unbeknown to everyone it was all for you and you and YOU, as I try to bring about penal reform in this and every land. (See links at end) Anyhow, please do not speak to me of my ‘credibility,’ for it is better to take the ‘beam’ out of your own eye before you criticize me your brother true who is doing his VERY best to assist you and every serving officer. Are you aware that Item 8 of the prosecution code of conduct for officers states: Officers not to harass or discriminate against members of the public on the grounds of sex, race, social status, age, and religion? Item 8 of the prosecution code of conduct for officers states that the officer will treat members of the public with proper regard to their rights, special needs, and obligations, and I ask: If I as a man of peace believe that it is error in the eyes of God for me to fund any organization that has the opposite doctrinal policy of interference, control, punishment and killing, is it not a special need and obligation for me to ONLY bow to the Command of my God and to ONLY fund benign community effort? Can you not see that the 'activities' of the Taliban of interference, control, punishment and killing, are in fact in the eyes of God exactly the same as the activities of all enforcers all over the planet, and these 'atrocious' activities are all 'justified' and are all backed by force of arms that the absolute pacifist such as myself cannot condone nor support. How would you 'treat' me if I paid the wages of the Taliban in the foreknowledge that they would be going forth in my name to cause others 'injury'? I do know that police are by their own rules forced to so do. (Interfere & injure) It is immoral to interfere in the lives of the peaceful, for they have been granted immunity against persecution and attack by the Sovereign Monarch you are paid to serve faithfully. You do not realize that the Constitutional 'rules' of Tasmania take precedence over any and all subsequent state rules invoked by politicians. Tasmania Constitution Act
1934 (No. 94 of 1934) 46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen. (2) No person shall be subject to any disability, - - - on account of his religion or religious belief and no religious test shall be imposed in respect of the appointment to or holding of any public office. NOTE : (Dictionary) religious belief or religion: The ideology or ideal basis of one's code of conduct 'policy' – actions. EG: peaceful or warlike. These are the only two religions (policies) available to man. The 'named' religions of man such as 'Buddhism, Islam, Catholic church etc., are simply the named institutions of mortal man.I add, I believe that what you and all 'enforcers' of the state institution fail to see is that political legislators and their enforcers (you) assume the divine right to use 'force of arms' to control, subjugate, tax, punish or even 'kill' God's children and, you all also assume that this 'governance' is legal simply because it is so 'stated' in TEXT books (rules) raised up by mortal men. I am here to 'attempt' to speak so that I can 'alert' the 'magistrates' who assume 'god-ship' that neither they nor you are above the immutable Law of God. (As you sow so shall ye reap) I am also here to 'alert' you to the fact that no 'uniform, position of office, mandate or wage' can void or nullify the immutable Law of God. (As you sow so shall ye reap) You assume that a mandate from men and a uniform issued by men and a wage issued by men in some way 'legitimizes' the use of force to contravene God's "Go in peace and love one another" Command, as you all go forth 'criminally' each day with INTENT & DEEDS perpetrated that other members of the community AND by God are forbidden to do. E.g.: Interfere, punish, hold hostage, or kill. Next time I 'appear' before any 'judge' I shall simply say: "Honourable magistrate, I am simply going about my daily business peacefully as is commanded by our God, and if this is 'error' in your eyes then do with me as thou wilt." I cannot fund the use of force, control, or punishment, because that 'violates' my allegiance with God my 'chosen' Sovereign Monarch, I believe that it would place me in a 'seditious' and treasonable position. It may seem a bit of a 'joke' around the local 'cop shop' that I say I am the 'Messiah,' but the truth or falsity of that statement will in time be PROVEN, so until then I will simply 'twiddle' my thumbs hoping that those as my friend 'Kent' try and use their 'conscience,' so that any peaceful person 'seen' erring can be simply 'cautioned' with a smile rather than being sent to the lion's den to face a merciless 'pen.' Sincerely - Terence Note – Link to Prison, the trail of torture & tearsNote – Link to my Prison Reform submission ~
Open Letter - Notice of Intent ~ Dear Mr. Kent Ritchie For many years now you and other members of your institution have been waging an 'ideological' war against me, and this vendetta is seen by me as the malicious religious persecution of my family and an attack upon my person, my liberty, my religion and my God, and it is also seen by me as the violation of my rights within the Constitution of the institution you serve, and this in my opinion is Treason against the Sovereignty of the land as well as Treason against the State of Heaven. I wish to advise you that irrespective of what you now do that I have taken steps to bring Civil action against you the individual personally, and any other 'individuals' I decide to such as Magistrate Hill who openly 'convicted' me without due process due to his arrogance as he refused to accept my written defence submission. The complaint 'charge' I bring against you is that you are 'inciting' civil 'unrest' and that you have committed 'unconstitutional' and thus unlawful ACTS against me within the 'Freedom of religion' Act and, that in so doing you have also defied the 'Peace & love' Command of God. Both 'actions' are 'acts' of Treason against the temporal and spiritual Sovereign Monarch. The result of your actions over 7 years resulted in me being 'kidnapped' from my home by armed men on more than one occasion, my incarceration for many days and forced 'enslavement' at Hayes prison where inmates are forced to work for 'slave' wages. The consequence of your personal actions (tabling a complaint against me) have caused me and my whole family to be mentally & emotionally traumatised, harassed, terrorised, victimised, disadvantaged and publicly humiliated, and more of 'this' you persist in doing. Not only this, but I have been subjected to public 'ridicule' through newspaper articles, great 'travail' suffered by my aging wife, loss of income and more. On more than one occasion I have written to you personally advising you that as I am an absolute pacifist and that I cannot support, condone nor fund your institution with its opposite ideology (religion) of control, punishment & war and at the same time be true to my God and my belief. Worst of all, knowing full well my spiritual beliefs you persist in trying to coerce me into defying my God and His Command, as you use the back up of 'force & punishment' to try and coerce me into funding an 'opposing' ideology. (yours) All the above 'actions' are UNCIVIL, aggressive, invasive, punitive, destructive and warlike and are simply the 'retributive' law of the 'jungle' in action via the ignorant that exist outside the realm of pure light, and they see not that as they 'fight' their perceived 'enemy' they place themselves within the same 'eye for an eye' LAW of merciless retribution to be imposed upon them at a later date. Refer to my 'The legality of brutality v/s God's law' I also advised you of the 'error' of your way within the precepts of God's Command, and requested that you seek the validity of your actions by researching the 'Freedom of religion' Clause of the Constitution within which is stated that 'peaceful' persons such as myself are granted immunity against being 'terrorised' by those such as yourself. Reference:
Tasmania Constitution Act 1934 (No. 94 of 1934) 46. (1) Freedom of
conscience and the free profession and practice
of religion are, subject to public order and
morality, guaranteed to every citizen. And within the
Australian Commonwealth Constitution The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and - Section 109 - Priority of Commonwealth laws over State laws From the above Constitutional rules it follows that: "No person will be persecuted, harassed, punished nor disadvantaged due to their religious belief, nor will they be 'coerced' into changing their religious belief and, they are free to follow their religious ideological belief as long as they do not disturb the peace of the land." It follows that: Any official that takes up 'arms' to persecute, prosecute, punish, reprimand or evict any peaceful person on the 'grounds' of their religious ideological belief are 'treasonably' violating the 'Mandate' granted unto them within the Constitution of the land as well as the Command of God. You, local magistrates and other police personnel appear to be ignorant of the FACT that any 'actions' of public servants are LIMITED to the 'constraints' of the Sovereign ruling ACTS of the CONSTITUTION and the Command of the Creator. Latter 'day' political 'dictates/decrees/rules/laws' that in any way contravene the superior Constitutional acts are INVALID, and it is now the time for the general community to be made aware of this as well as politicians. This 'note' is simply a 'brief summary' provisional notification of my INTENT, and you will be hearing from my lawyer in the new year or earlier, and I suggest that you personally halt all further 'aggressive' action against me and my household until such time as the decision of my 'pending' Court action against you is finalised, for any continued 'report' action against me prior to that 'time' will be 'added' to my complaint and seen by the general public and the court and God as an act of pure merciless vindictiveness. If you believe that your 'to date' actions are 'legal,' then so be it. Let the sovereign authority of the Constitution of the land reveal itself to the people of Australia in open court, for if it cannot or does not, then all will know that there is no 'Freedom of religion' protection and, that the monarchical sovereignty of the constitution is a fraudulent 'farce' raised up by 'liars' who cannot uphold their 'promise' that any person living peacefully as commanded by God will be permitted to live by their 'beliefs' and not be disadvantaged or persecuted by the 'officers' of government departments. Please note, I further advise you that if the local magistrates continue to 'scoff' at and ignore my constitutional 'rights' then the matter will proceed to the High Court of Australia. I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: There is
now to be a "No tolerance" attitude taken
towards anyone of the public or any state
official having any
racial prejudice or religious INTOLERANCE. Please note, I am making no 'case' against 'The Police,' for that 'wording' is simply the 'facade' behind which individuals such as yourself use as a 'cover,' hoping to protect yourselves from the consequence of your 'personal' punitive interaction against citizens such as myself. It is time for everyone in any 'station' to realise that we are all personally responsible for the consequential actions of our 'mouth,' our 'hand' or 'pen,' and as you personally chose to wield your 'pen' against me then it is you the 'individual' that is to be held accountable for the consequences of your actions that 'led' others to also follow your instigation. You are also 'put on notice' as this matter now goes 'public' via the Court and newspapers once my solicitor has written to you, that if during the 'case' it is 'found' that your 'defence' is being funded by the 'Police department' community coffers then it is 'proof' that you are making 'fraudulent' use of community funds. As I am a man of peace and true to my 'pacifist' belief, I will not be asking that you pay my court costs if you are 'found' guilty, and neither will I be seeking any monetary 'damages' claim from you via the court of 'Caesar,' for my intent is solely educational to all concerned, and I would simply 'expect' that you are taken to a place and detained for 3 hours during which time you would be subjected to my 'Feeling Easier Seminar' program for 'offenders' and then released. As I am concerned for the welfare of your family and seek not to embarrass you or them financially, I 'suggest' that when 'summonsed,' that you simply save your pennies by standing 'alone' before the 'judge' and thus accrue no financial costs from lawyers, for no doubt you can speak for yourself as have I in the past for myself in court. I need to add, that if 'perchance' you are found in 'breach' of Constitutional Law then you and others 'summonsed' are then 'open' to be 'criminally' charged and brought to account by others less 'loving & true' than I. Ignorantia Juris neminem excusat- Ignorance of the Law excuses no one. (God's Law) If for any reason my 'action' fails, then it follows that you and others equally ignorant of God and His Command and Law will continue to defy God, and you will continue to persecute, disadvantage, punish and evict others in the 'name' of RULES unto your own spiritual demise as you place yourself within the punitive aspect Law of God and are 'forced' to suffer the same 'injury' at a later time and place. I however will know that I have done everything within my power to help you to see 'reason' in my efforts to bring you into God's 'loving' fold. It is the time for police and other enforcers to understand that NO 'mandate, badge, wage, nor position of office' indemnifies them against the immutable Law of God, and that any person taking a 'wage' to be an 'enforcer' for the purpose of punitive 'correction' is in fact a mercenary that is terrorising and 'injuring' God's children and is 'heading for HELL' because, - - - as they cause terror and distress they draw IN the 'dark energy' of the Source into their own soul, and IT (the dark energy) is what drags their soul into the Abyss. Refer: The energy essence of God the Source; ~
Letter to '60 Minutes' TV ~ Dear 60 Minutes team, it is such a 'shame' to see a young lady pressing the 'trigger' that fired a $million missile that has the capacity to maim, kill and destroy so much, - - - and she a 'woman' designed by God to be creative. Where is the sanity? All gone as pride and vanity take their 'toll' and crush all that is good. She was 'truthful' enough to say that she felt sick in the stomach, and this was through her emotions of fear and dread, and possibly her inner conscience and light that was trying to tell her to 'throw in the towel' and go home before the REAL and LAST war begins. Being the war where those that continue to defy God their Creator are sent below to 'freeze and burn' in liquid hot fire and snow for an eternity or two. As for the political 'balance' that sits on a knife edge, it should show all that democracy does not exist, - - - for why should the 'fate' of 50% of the voters be held to 'ransom' by being forced to 'bow' to the dictates, rules and decrees of a 'leader' that they did not vote for? Why should every voter have to 'bow' to the leader that is finally elected by the 'casting' of one man's vote? This proves that there is NO democracy, for no person should be forced to 'bow' to the dictates of any other person, and as in my 'case' where I firmly believe that I cannot vote for any political 'party' that has the doctrinal 'policy' of control, invasion, waging war and killing, I have to 'suffer' being jailed time after time for refusing to support, condone and fund said institutions and, - - - Where is the 'promise' of the Monarchy guaranteeing 'me' immunity from persecution within the Australian Constitution for following my 'dream' and my God? There is none, for the 'Acts of the Constitution' given below are 'scoffed at' by magistrates who simply jail those as me that choose God and His Command as 'head of house.'
Those that 'train for conflict' are the deceived that ultimately are 'licensed to kill' by politicians, and feel justified in so doing, none seeing that the REAL super power is God, and He and His "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law reigns supreme, and all 'warmongers' fall below and suffer on and on and on for their defiance of God's "Go your way in peace & love one another" Command. Soon nation will rise up against nation and great will be the travail as every 'taxpayer' is complicit to the anti-God iniquities carried out by their servants in their name and on their behalf and all will suffer. So say I the messenger of the MOST HIGH. To: Raelene Vivian Dear Mrs. Vivian, I refer to your letter ID: 365819215234039 dated 31 Oct 2009 I write this as Clemencia's 'Counsellor' and wish to advise you that I find your letter to be absolutely 'reprehensible' and rude in that it contains coercion and threats of punishment if your personal demands are not met, being that if she 'fails' to 'submit' to said demands and does not forward the details demanded then - - - quote - - -
If you truly believe that as a 'public servant' that you are doing a service in sending out such a letter then I can but say that you are a deluded and very vain person. Surely if a person has 'failed' to submit forms to a department then it would be 'polite' to 'invite' them to write to you with an explanation prior to telling them that your INTENT is to cause them ‘instant’ mental and emotional stress simply by the sending out of such a letter, and by stating your INTENT to use force to steal monies from their bank account or cause them financial loss. Equally, to threaten to ‘brand’ them as a common 'criminal' and possibly have them evicted from their home and incarcerated shows you to be no ‘servant’ but rather the ‘dictatorial master.’ I am advised by one of your 'officials' that you are 'above & beyond' being 'answerable' directly and that merely because your name appears on an ‘official’ letter it does not make you responsible for that letter! That is error of belief and again appears to be a sign of total arrogance and I can but state that, as I see it, any person so 'foolish' as to give their name out as the means whereby other mortals can be threatened, punished, coerced or 'victimized' shows their personal absolute disregard of and disrespect for other children of God. I state the above because it appears you are totally unaware that you are spiritually responsible for ALL the 'injury' and loss imposed resulting from your 'inert' ACTION because IT is 'collusion' in the name of 'officialdom.’ Your name is being used as the 'stamp' of approval for all subsequent interaction that will be 'done' in your name and on your behalf as the 'instigator.' Dear madam, "where I ask does God stand in all this"? Do you truly believe that individuals such as you who instigate punitive 'action' against peaceful members of the community are being virtuous or are you not in fact waging a war of religious persecution against them? Are you not aware that absolute pacifists such as Clemencia are not only promised but "mandated" in the Constitution to receive 'protection from harassment' by the Monarchy as set out in the Tasmanian Constitution as well as the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia? Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116 "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and - - - Constitution Act 1934 (Tas) This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act .Part V - General provisions 46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free
profession and practice of religion are,
subject to public order
and morality,
guaranteed to every citizen. - Note : Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)Definition of Religion = - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - -A system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship. Religious = - - - - scrupulously faithful, pious, devotion - - - it is the policy of ones daily code of conduct interaction with other children of God. This means that ones 'religion' is not any named 'Church' organisation, nor is it the imposed 'rituals' of the various organisations that vary from one to the other. Clemencia’s personal religious ideal or ideology is that of absolute pacifism at all times and in all situations because that is the requirement of the Creator God according to HER belief, and to that 'end' she is faithful because, God commands 'man' to "Go your way in peace and love one another and BE merciful, compassionate and forgiving."Clemencia is of the belief that if she was to support, condone or fund any person or institution such as yours which has a proven Contra ideological Belief of control, interference, extortion, fine, punishment, torture, incarceration, WAR and killing, that she would be seen by HER chosen Monarch our CREATOR God as being 'unfaithful' to His Command. She also knows that if she was to support any punitive activity that is in contravention of His Command, that God would reprimand her within the precepts of His immutable "As you or your servants do unto others will be done unto you" LAW. She is also acutely aware that great would become her travail if she were to so do and her 'Salvation' would be in grave jeopardy. Clemencia believes that she does not need, want, nor require the protection of police, armies, or other armed 'strong men' or any institution that has within its 'mandate' any rules permitting its workers to go forth backed by weapons to enslave, control, regulate, extort, steal, seize, invade, impose sanction, punish, interfere, kill or destroy, because she believes that God alone can protect her if she abides by His Command: "Go your way in peace and love one another." Thus within her Religious Belief she cannot fund the coffers of 'Caesar' because she would then be 'funding' the wages of people (state politicians & their enforcers) who cause others to 'suffer' in some way whether through loss, banishment, deprecation, incarceration, pain or emotional grief. This she cannot do because that would be in defiance of God's holy Command of 'Peace, love, mercy and forgiveness.' What she can support and fund is benign community effort because that is in accordance with the precepts of God's Command. I do believe that every person who is an absolute pacifist and therefore does not disturb the peace of the land, is a person who has the democratic right and God given freedom to go about their daily business without having to 'belong to' or 'bow down to' the proclamations, decrees, orders, rules, constraints, interference, or other impositions of any institution of man or any other individual. I wish to advise you 'formally' that I believe your 'threat' of punishment and or incarceration is intimidating, and is an unlawful invasion of a person's state of mind and emotions, as well as an 'act' of religious persecution. Madam, it appears to me that many politicians, officials and magistrates have taken it upon themselves to totally ignore the God given rights of mankind to follow God’s Command and have God as their sovereign Monarch. Many also seem to ‘assume’ they can ignore their own Constitution which clearly sets out the mandate the right to "Freedom" of religion. Please now try and see that any person who continues to ignore the Constitutional right to freedom of religion through their vanity or ignorance is a person that is factually ‘guilty’ of ‘insurrection’ and can be said to be inciting civil unrest in the community. I am advised by THE
AUTHORITY that: There is
now to be a "No tolerance" attitude taken
towards anyone of the public or any state
official having any racial prejudice or
religious INTOLERANCE. I wish to advise you 'formally' that you the 'individual' cannot 'hide' behind the 'facade' of any named institution because it IS YOU 'pointing the bone' and thus 'pulling the trigger' by the very 'act' of your ‘printed’ signature. Be advised that NO person is above 'reproach.' Also be advised of my INTENT to 'subpoena' you ahead if the matter goes to court because it is truly the time for the general public to be made aware that they are being 'bullied' into submission by a 'trail of paper' sent out ignominiously by 'unconscionable' people who are placing themselves above God. IF you have the intent to PERSECUTE a person for LIVING according to their religious belief simply because it is different to your religious belief and, you seek to coerce her into 'joining' your 'Religion,' I further ADD that such an act of persecution on your part will be TREASON against the Commonwealth of Australia (The Crown) as well as against God. Sincerely – Terence – the Spirit of Truth Issued on behalf of 'Clemencia' and humanity. FINAL NOTICE & 'living' Truth To common man , Kings, Emperors, dictators, politicians & their enforcers. As soon as I had 'posted' the 'intent' to 'test' the validity of the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the Constitution of man on my web site I received the following 'communication' from God the spiritual Sovereign Monarch, stating: The 'Freedom of Religion' PROMISE by the 'earthly' Monarch to the 'citizens' was/is FALSE, because what his 'scribes' did not see was that through the 'citizens' support and funding of the 'controlling, invading, pillaging, extortionist, punitive and warring' ways of the earthly Monarch, that they were automatically in 'breach' of the 'subject to' clause in the 'Freedom of Religion' ACT that said:
For it 'follows' that every person in every land was/is in FACT 'guilty' of 'disturbing the peace' of others because they were/are complicit to all the offensive 'criminal terrorist activity' of 'subjugation, interference, suppression, control, invasion, sanction, extortion, kidnap, detention, punishment, torture, killing' done in their name and on their behalf by the 'King's' officials or armed 'horsemen,' as it became/becomes a DARK spiritual 'due' upon everyone 'living' on the land within the precepts of God's immutable LAW: "As you or your servants do unto others will by others be done unto you." Let it be clearly understood that : The 'king' or emperor or dictator and their officials and the citizens of every land on earth have all 'placed their bets' on the 'forceful & punitive' ways of the 'Devil,' and only my LIGHT can set you FREE. Let it be clearly understood that : One cannot 'contest' the credibility of the 'Freedom of Religion' Act in any 'earthy' court of man for it is in fact the Court of the Dark Sovereign Power, God, and HE will 'negate' any attempt by a 'sinner' to 'attempt' to go FREE unless/until they have paid Him all past spiritual dues accrued. Let it be clearly understood that : Those that continue to fund iniquity will FALL. It is time for 'believers' to stand TALL. STOP FUNDING INIQUITY Let it be clearly understood that : You are only 'permitted' to live in peace and follow your 'dreams' and 'religious ideology' of love when you HAVE paid all PAST spiritual dues to HIM the spiritual Sovereign Monarch, for HE then becomes your 'protector.' Let it be clearly understood that : Relying on the 'protection' of armed men places all the 'interference, loss & injury' meted out by them upon others as a 'due' to be met and suffered 'equally' by them and you within the absolutely 'Just' LAW of GOD. Let it be clearly understood that : Those that continue to defy the "Peace & love" Command of the Sovereign Monarch and continue to 'interfere, punish, and wage war' will FALL. Let it be clearly understood that : It is the time for 'each' to choose their final eternal destiny. Let it be clearly understood that : The absolutely 'dictatorial' RULES in every land on earth are invoked by Him, God the Dark Sovereign Power, and He 'permits' His 'earthly' forces to 'invade, terrorise, subjugate, and punish' ALL that condone, support and fund His dark controlling earthly system and, - - - HE also then destroys the SOULS of all those enforcement 'operatives' of HIS earthly 'legions' that are defiant of His "Peace & love" Command. Let it be clearly understood that : All that His dark punitive 'forces' are actually doing is meting out retributive 'Justice' and 'balancing' His 'Scales of Justice' of the DARK side of His Law because everyone condoning and supporting His 'punitive' system ARE in 'violation' of His "Peace & love" Command and, - - - They daily place themself within His "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law and, all 'politicians' and officials of governing institutions that 'invoke' and uphold His 'rules' are also persons that daily place themselves into the Dark aspect of HIS "As you sow so shall ye reap" LAW to 'suffer' in the PIT in the after-life for sure. Let it be clearly understood that : The 'Constitution' of the supposedly 'democratic free world' is a LIE and a 'farce' invoked to 'dupe' all the people, for IT has no 'teeth' because all 'kings, queens,' and other mortal 'monarchs' are 'thieves, liars, extortionists,' and 'killers of men' who will now fight 'tooth and nail' using their 'rules' and their 'tin pot' men to coerce, invade, evict and destroy anyone that they are 'inspired to' by their thoughts that ARE controlled by the 'devilish' Dark Sovereign Power and, - - Anyone so 'foolish' as to believe that they can continue this 'policy' of invasive 'iniquity' and NOT 'pay' are very foolish, and they will 'suffer' the 'Lose all & DIE' result and, - - - those that through 'fear' continue to 'fiscally' support EVIL in action, be it pure liquid evil expressed by known and proven terrorists OR, be it EVIL in action via the 'hands' of mandated officials 'posing' as benign community servants or 'protective' forces, are people that keep themselves 'bound' to perpetual misery, and all these ALSO FALL. Let it be clearly understood that : ANY 'operatives' or 'officials' whose 'actions' are in contravention of God's "Peace & love & mercy & compassion & forgive" code of conduct policy COMMAND will PAY the 'ultimate' agonising 'blood price' for their personal 'invasion' of others living ways. Let it be clearly understood that : All the 'control, interference, punishment, destruction and killing' is simply THE FULFILLMENT of the DARK aspect of the Law of God in action via the 'hands' of the merciless 'ignorant' that believe in their 'RIGHT to FIGHT' and, - - - They see NOT the 'delight' and glee their actions invoke in the 'belly' of the Dark Sovereign Power as He 'enjoys' every 'drop' of liquid fear and agony they impose upon those of you that in your past did impose upon others via your funding support of INIQUITY because, you deserve IT, and they the 'imposing' will ALSO suffer IT later. Yes, all the 'ignorant and depraved' officials that so 'resolutely' carry out His/their punitive 'correction' see NOT their own 'similar' fate to BE. There is but ONE 'God,' and no 'man' or 'woman' is HE ONLY HE stands 'above' His own LAW.
Terence OPEN letter to the Governor of Tasmania for Queen Elizabeth ~ Religious persecution ~ The Honourable Peter Underwood. It is with regret that I find it is I 'alone' who must do my best to halt the insidious flow of darkness pervading the land due to the utter disregard to the 'Powers' of the Constitution granted unto both magistrates and High Court judges of this land. It appears to me that not one of them understands that their 'mandate' to operate and 'judge' and 'condemn' and 'imprison' stems from the Constitution of the land, for it is within this Constitution that 'precepts' giving direction, religious freedoms and operational mandates are held. These precepts are supposed to be upheld but are totally ignored by enforcement agencies. In my search to awaken errant 'judges' who are totally ignorant of their erroneous deeds, deeds which result in false arrest, false persecution, false imprisonment, inciting civil unrest and misleading police. I draw your attention to the following item I have mark in line 3 using RED: 23.1 What role do the courts play in Australian governance? Australia's system of courts is the third arm of Australian governance and is known as the Judiciary. The role of the Judiciary is to:
I am led to believe that your 'office' appoints magistrates to serve the 'Queen' in her role as 'benefactor & protector' of the people within the borders of her dominions on earth. Since I have already been falsely jailed four times in Tasmania as a consequence of the Treasonable actions of magistrates and a Supreme Court judge, and as I am soon to again stand before a local magistrate, I believe that my 'case' needs to be placed before THE QUEEN and her 'advisors.' I state this because the time has come for all those assuming positions of ‘authority' over others need to become cognizant of what their ‘servants’ are doing in their name or, are ignoring to do. As I am soon to again stand before a local magistrate, I believe that my 'case' needs to be placed before THE QUEEN and her 'advisors' so that she can come to a personally informed decision as to whether or not her 'servants' are exceeding their mandate and failing in their duty to HER Primary constitutional 'rules' and, that these same servants, through their 'coercive, persecution and punitive' actions are causing civil unrest amongst the peaceful. Is Her Majesty also not entitled to be informed that many of her servants are also misleading the men and women of the police forces into disturbing peaceful citizens when they should ONLY haul in persons who do 'disturb the peace.' As I see it, and as it is PROVEN on a daily basis, local magistrates who are paid a wage to be 'Just & honourable' and following the rules they are supposed to UPHOLD, are guilty of conduct unbecoming because they are not 'authorised' to harass, persecute, insult, ridicule, castigate, fine and imprison citizens who are going about their daily business CONFORMING to the Command of their God and of the Primary Acts of the State Constitution by following their conscience and their 'religious' ideology of PEACE. I am a person of 'standing' in that my principles, conduct and actions are in accordance with God's Command to : "Go your way in peace and love one another." Further my 'conduct' is also in accordance with the subject to public order and morality Act of the Constitution part V - General provisions.
The 'problem' of the day is that the Constitutional authority was raised up a long time ago and the 'latter day' politicians have since invoked 'rule after rule' and 'edict after edict' until finally they have 'surreptitiously' overridden 'concepts' clearly stated in the 'Freedom of Religion' Rights of mankind enshrined in the Constitution. These Rights were also given by God to man but have been eroded away so that today ignorance, arrogance and pure vanity now RULE because magistrates appear to have an OPEN 'license' to IGNORE God's and their 'Queen's' good Counsel being:
Man of today also has the erroneous belief that the WORD 'Religion' means the named religious 'order' to which they subscribe as for example: 'Christian, Buddhism, Islam.' That is error because ones 'Religion' is ones belief/faith in a Superpower who commands absolute 'obedience' and absolute adherence to HIS/HER required code of conduct policy, doctrine and ideology. It is to this 'policy' one shows ones 'faithfulness' or otherwise, and in my 'case' my conscience' dictates that I must obey God and be peaceful at all times and in all situations. What this means is that I must NEVER support, condone nor fund any person, group, institution or religion having the CONTRA belief or ideology incorporating concepts of control, interference, punishment, war, torture, terrorism and killing. If I was to support or fund any punitive system I would be complicit in these destructive activities thereby showing my 'faithlessness' to my God, and I would place myself within the 'eye for an eye' punitive aspect of HIS immutable LAW: "As you or your servants did do unto others will by others be done unto you." As an absolute pacifist it is unconscionable for me to rely on 'force of arms' as protection simply because this is forbidden by God. Consequently I do not and cannot fund the coffers of 'Caesar,' and it is my RIGHT to not be coerced into doing so, and it is my RIGHT to not be harassed and persecuted by those who aspire to any contra ideology. All the 'rules' that were raised up subsequent to the dated Constitutional ACT are invalided and overruled by said Constitutional Act pertaining to Religious belief. Man of today has become totally swamped by feelings of POWER as armed men strut around enforcing rules that enslave and extort endless sums of money from the community assuming 'immunity' from God's Law AND from the powers that uphold the Constitution. It is my task for our Creator to awaken the sleeping before THE LAST DAY when all will PAY within the precepts of God's IMMUTABLE LAW, and I do know that no 'badge of office' nor mandate of man nor 'wage' will exonerate man nor nullify the implementation of the LAW of the SUPREME Leader, God. Why do I feel that I need to write this today? Because the previous time I stood before a 'Queen's' magistrate in Tasmania he 'insanely' refused to listen to my defence and refused to accept my statement of submission as he imposed sentence, and his arrogant manner and treasonable refusal to do his duty was recorded by the court clerk at my request. I simply seek to awaken all fools, for the 'ire' in man is now rising and discontent will soon erupt in every land for the reasons revealed by God through my sacred pen. Please send this open letter to Her majesty so that she can at least 'arrange' to have me set 'free' as she upholds her own 'ruling' or at least arranges for me to stand before a sane and honourable 'judge' when I next attend court on 26 July to answer the FALSE charges laid at my feet. I add, although Queen Elizabeth is not an 'active' participant in the affairs of 'State' over which she presides in 'name,' she needs to understand that the warring and punitive system she heads' is 'underpinned' by her 'signature' and, it is THUS that SHE and her 'advisors' become complicit to and 'culpable' for the actions of HER servants that operate around the globe. She also needs to learn that her 'magistrates' and judges have now exceeded their Constitutional mandate as they became 'brazen & brutish & brash' and they now treat her 'flocks' as offal and trash and, she also needs to avail herself to the content of my message from God to humanity for IT applies to everyone. This matter is of absolute importance for any who would become TRUE to their Creator and their own soul. Sincerely - Terence Addendum : The matter in 'question' is whether an absolute pacifist having the religious belief in the doctrine of love, peace, mercy and forgiveness is in contravention of God's Command if they support, condone or fund by 'taxes - licence fee - royalty - excise' any person or institution that has the contra ideological belief in control, interference, extortion, fine, punishment, war and killing.It is my personal belief that they are 'faithless' if they fund the use of 'force of arms' that cause others to suffer loss or be 'injured,' and within the Constitution of the institution 'served' by armed men, within the 'Freedom of religion' clause it clearly states that:
Primary TRUTHFUL and RULING Command of God
stipulates: Persons such as me that do 'bow' to God and OBEY His Command can only support, fund and condone benign community effort, and we naturally pay for any services that we wish to use. I do not need 'protection' from anyone or any 'system' as God is my protector and benefactor, and I would 'happily' fund a community "Peace Corps" of unarmed men that went forth and 'arrested' those that did defy God as they 'disturbed the peace of the land' and, these would be educated as they attend a 'Feeling Easier Seminar' program and become rehabilitated as God would have it be. I personally believe that the DUTY to God and the community by police has been 'subverted' by politicians that now use them to raise revenue and uphold their endless 'decrees' rather than permitting them to simply be a peace keeping Corps. The present 'system' places serving officers in a dangerous 'quadrant,' for they now believe that their 'mandate' and official position somehow nullifies the implementation of God's Law as they do all the 'injurious' things that 'we' are forbidden' by God and man to do, and it does NOT, for no 'badge of office' exonerates anyone from God's immutable Law. We are all responsible for the consequence of our actions. (Interaction with others) We all receive an 'equitable' and 'Just' return for any free giving and mercy shown and we also receive a 'penalty' of loss, injury etc., for any such that results from our actions that cause others to grieve or suffer loss. Note: The 'empowerment' authority by armed forces men (police and other) that enables their capacity to seize, arrest, detain, punish, invade, kill etc., is simply the 'directives' issued by other officials, be it state politicians, elders, judges, chiefs, kings, queens etc., and all these persons have the ideological belief that as their institution is backed by force of arms, that all directives issuing forth must be obeyed by every person within the 'borders' of the lands controlled by their institution, this belief is error and, - - - they also believe that every person on the land must support them, condone their activities, 'feed' them and fund their ways, even if the 'other' does not have the same ideological belief.In my 'case' I am simply being hounded for not paying a 'fee' to the state for my driver's Certificate of Competency. As I see it and believe it to be, the prerequisite to being a qualified driver is the "Pass" mark on the driving test deeming that the individual has earned their 'Certificate of Competency' and are thus qualified to use the roads in a safe manner. The annual 'licence fee' payable to validate the 'C of C' is simply an annual TAX imposed upon community members that support the system via a system of taxation. Payment of 'such' monies into the coffers of any institution that condones the use of force cannot be made by a true believer in PEACE, for said monies are used to control the lives of others. This 'self-empowerment' belief of State officials and their superiors is error, and foolish are those 'citizens' of the land that are coerced into joining their 'flock' and becoming 'followers' through ignorance or fear of persecution, for as they so do they turn their back to God and take the wide road to Hell alongside their arrogant 'captors' and slave masters. Note : As everyone has been 'born' into this realm with systems of government already emplaced, they all now believe in ITS 'superiority' over their lives and, they also believe that they must 'bow' to every wish and whim of politicians and others empowered by the institution. None seeing that in fact they can 'exist' as 'free men' walking apart from the institution naming itself as 'The governing, ruling, controlling, body.'It is my 'pen' to now release everyone as I state: Every 'government' is simply an INSTITUTION raised up and upheld by mortals that believe FALSELY that they are empowered to control and regulate, berate and punish or kill any one of their 'slaves' (you) that defies the decrees of said institution. The fact that the institution is upheld by armed men is the living PROOF that the institution of itself is in conflict with the precepts of the Creator, as its operatives carry out their business in contravention of God's Command and, thus everyone fellowshipping with and upholding or funding said institution is defiant of God and in very grave spiritual danger. Soon every institution of man is to 'crumble,' and once sanity reigns on earth then community appointed wise elders will only need to raise up ADVISORY codes of conduct policy to help and assist people. This elevates the consciousness of man. (Light energy in action) The raising up of 'mandatory' policy with punitive 'attachments' for non conformity is error leading everyone into enslavement, impoverishment and suffering and terror. (Dark energy in action) All forms of 'taxation' will cease as the enlightened freely GIVE to community effort that they individually wish to support and, they will pay for services rendered to them, being the services they wish to use. It is truly the time for change to the benign. Terence
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