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----- Original Message -----
From: Terence
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 4:49 PM
Subject: Absolute Truth


  The 'defence' force - the 'power' and the 'glory - the 'goose' with the golden egg - the 'blind' march - the blind 'minister' - the 'maw' of the people -
the point of the spear - the false 'drab' uniform - dereliction of duty - honour and the dishonourable discharge -
the point of the 'exercise' - where to now?

~ The Military 'muscle' ~

Open letter to: Chief of Army: LTGEN David Morrison, AO ~ MAJGEN Angus J. Campbell, DSC, AM ~ MAJGEN Jeff Sengelman, DCM, AM, CSC.


As an 'old' man of 75 years 'grace' I wield my 'pen' to prepare humanity and the 'defence force' for the time now here when liquid deception overpowers all 'men,' especially those in positions of political power who 'guide' or misguide the 'armed' forces of every land as well as enabling office departments and councils greater control over, interference in and manipulation of all aspects of living, which affect THE PEOPLE in a negative way.

As I am an Australian citizen I direct my missive to the Australian Defence Force 'Elders' and 'Chiefs of Staff' so that they can come to a personally informed decision as to 'where' and with 'whom' their allegiance lies. Be it the 'nation, flag, politicians' or 'THE PEOPLE and their God.'

Presently, their allegiance is not 'thought about' as they simply 'follow orders' issued by political forces and this has the 'problematical' consequence that an 'honourable' Defence Force soldier can be misguided and be sent as an 'aggressor' to wage war upon others in other lands while at the same 'time' their own 'people' are 'defenceless' as war is being 'waged upon them' by the very same politicians in a very 'underhand' manner.

The result of this is that the Military 'muscle' is in fact being 'wasted' on a 'lost' cause and the 'geese with the golden eggs' being THE PEOPLE of the land are being 'persecuted & victimised & impoverished' as the 'golden eggs' they produce are stolen in a very 'cunning' and underhand manner.

This document is to reveal to the Australian Defence Force 'Staff' how ANARCHY & TREASON is flourishing like a noxious weed in this land and the required 'Order ~ Peace ~ Harmony' GUARANTEED to peaceful citizens by THE 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the Constitutional Authority is being 'disturbed,' thwarted, downtrodden and ignored by politicians, magistrates, police officers, taxation officials and others due to arrogance or ignorance of the meaning of said 'clause' and, - - - it is causing 'fear' and CIVIL UNREST in the community and it will lead to CIVIL WAR if those disobedient officials in 'high places' are not 'arrested' and spoken with most 'severely.'

As the Australian Defence Force is THE 'Power' having THE responsibility of UPHOLDING the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the Constitution and 'protecting' THE PEOPLE of the land, it is now the 'time' for Military intervention before 'all' gets 'out of hand.' 

A 'part' of the problem is that politicians get 'ideas' which they form into 'statutes' having punitive attachments, and these 'rules' are what ENABLE interference in the lives of citizens who are going about their daily business in a peaceful manner as they 'live' according to their 'peculiar' beliefs, ideology, religion. A very 'simple' and basic example is the 'rule' around the headdress issue:

A 'Sikh' Indian wears a 'turban' as he goes about his business.
A 'Judge' places a 'funny white wig' on his head to perform his duty.
An American 'golfer' places a 'peaked' cap on his head when playing golf.

A 'Bishop' places a 'mountainous' hat on his head called a “miter” which means 'crown.'
A 'Muslim' woman wears a veil and covers her head in 'modesty' when in public.
An Australian Defence Force 'person' wears a wide brimmed 'slouch' hat when on duty.

The 'moment' a political edict is enshrined into a 'book' of rules as TEXT 'banning' a certain headdress when in public, then the magistrates and police are forced to INTERFERE in the lives of THE PEACEFUL and 'haul in' fine and punish a 'Sikh or Muslim' IF their 'headdress' is seen to be defiant of said ruling or statute and, - - - the enforcers are apparently unaware that NO 'statute' invoked subsequent to the invocation of, or in contravention of, the Freedom of Religion clause is valid. It is invalid and is an ILLEGAL imposition upon the peaceful community members.

This example does not appear to be in need of Military intervention, but it simply shows how everyone is being subjected to 'enslaving' rules which are now so invasive that everyone in POWER or in a government 'office' simply ignores the Constitution and comes up with their own 'ideas,' as is in the case at hand, which in my opinion is extremely important and to ignore IT will soon have fateful consequences because taxation officials are totally 'brazen' and out of order and in contravention of their Constitutional Authority or mandate as they openly steal from bank accounts, threaten and coerce and intimidate and evict and cause great disharmony and hardship and are breaking' the backs of THE PEOPLE.

What is the 'point' of a blind Defence Force which is wasting its 'muscle' energy overseas when its 'own' people who fund ITS personnel are as said, being 'subjected' to ILLEGAL interference, persecution, extortion and suffering'?

If the 'head' of the Defence Force is a 'blind' Minister who is a 'part' of the very same 'ministerial' Dictatorship waging war on THE PEOPLE, then I can only assume that the Defence Force 'lads' are being misled and their duties are thus dishonourable. This 'Treatise of Truth' is written in an attempt to set them 'free' so that their 'honourable' duty to man and God they clearly see and then they can follow the 'directions' given by ME rather than our 'politicians.'

I remind everyone that politicians have NO respect for THE PEOPLE, this is because the minds of the politicians are not their 'own.' What this means is that their IDEAS flow IN from lower realms of consciousness and are thus mainly UNCONSCIONABLE for the reasons delineated in my main web site.

Politicians have NO 'money' to fund the Defence Force since THE PEOPLE of the land do provide all the 'funds.' If the Defence Force wishes to 'exist' and operate in a LEGAL and honourable role from hereon and receive a monetary remuneration, then their 'freedom' from political 'rule and dictatorship' must be WON. But how?

By 'seizing' power over the land by 'force of arms' and then 'ruling' by Military Dictatorship? - - NO.

The only way forwards is the LIGHT and RIGHT way of:

1 - Primary education to the FACTS of life. (See links below)
2 - Showing THE PEOPLE that your allegiance is 'to the people.'
3 - Using your 'muscle' to uphold the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of the Constitution and 'hauling in' all whom disturb the peace of the land, so that the 'wolves in sheep's clothing' get to understand that THE PEACEFUL must be left in PEACE and NOT be 'disturbed, threatened, coerced, intimidated, persecuted nor punished' for failing to 'pay' any RANSOM money demanded in the form of TAX or fine or other 'levy' backed by force of arms.

Do the peaceful need an 'Army of muscle' in this coming time of great TRIBULATIONS? - - -YES.
Will the peaceful be happy to fund the wages of those who 'haul in' the ones who disturb the peace of the land and educate them? - - YES.

Is this 'Army' to be used to Kill? - - NO.

It's 'muscle' is simply to be used to 'control' those persons who are 'mentally unstable' who will BE either 'rampaging around' and injuring or killing or raping, - - - and 'simply' using all means at their disposal (legally or illegally) to STEAL money or goods or land from others.

The 'Army' I SEEK is the ONE which is an 'enlightened' Army 'based' in every town and village. The daily operation of this Army is to 'haul IN' dissidents of ANY 'standing' who must be 'caught and counselled' in the manner 'approved' by our God via me. The Army is presently 'planning' and focussed on overseas 'ops' and the local 'scene' remains unseen.

My 'pen' is OPEN and all I write is for EVERYBODY, even the 'Police force' who presently are being used by vain politicians to 'wage war' upon THE community they are paid to 'protect' as they uphold the PEACE of the land but, - - - they are also being controlled by the rules invoked by political decree which via them 'permit' and 'command' interference in the lives of everyone and THE PEOPLE are taxed, fined, punished, evicted and brought to their knees by police officers as well as by 'licensed' money grabbing 'debt' collection agencies.

The present 'role' of the Military is 'offensive' and destructive and many overseas are killed by the 'Coalition' which must now CEASE to be. The 'Treaty of the Devil' with the USA forces and others must also cease as Australian 'persons' now stand TALL before the LAST FALL for all who continue to be a 'disgrace' to their God. The 'new' role of the Military is to maintain 'Peace & order & harmony' on Australian SOIL.

The depth of cunning and insanity presently encompassing EVERYONE in this and every land on earth is 'astonishing' and ONLY I can IT and ITS 'depths' see. As said, - - - THE PEOPLE will need, want, desire a powerful PEACE 'defence force' to 'hold' and educate ANY 'insurgents' who disturb the peace of the land. Note: insurgents - persons of any standing or 'office' who by any 'means' cause disruption in the lives of others.

As said, THE PEOPLE 'lay' the golden eggs each day and they will happily 'freely give' a soldier some 'pay' to keep the PEACE of the land, so I say. There are 'good & bad' factors in every town and village and it is not for 'us' to darkness deploy and FORCE others to the 'ground.' It is for 'us' THE enlightened to show others the True Way to BECOME peaceful citizens and to 'forgo' their present 'power play' over THE PEOPLE.

As the Military are the 'ones' to uphold the Authority of the Australian Constitution I give two Links below to the 'Brief - 1 & 2' so that you can see the 'way' of today, wherein political 'decrees' enable buggery and 'allow' peaceful people to be 'legally' interfered with, threatened and 'coerced' into changing their religious IDEOLOGY and this 'fact' is to result in CIVIL UNREST and the Defence Force must now 'step in' and HALT the INVASION (war) being waged clandestinely upon THE PEOPLE who fund everything, including the wages of the Australian Defence Force personnel.

If persons in positions of authority and power such as politicians AND others such as Tax 'officials' can illegally and treasonably ignore the Constitutional Authority and 'get away with it,' then the whole 'system' collapses into CHAOS. If THE PEOPLE are harassed & interfered with more and MORE by 'insane' and VAIN politicians then the result is CHAOS and CIVIL WAR.

Please read and try to comprehend the 'depth' in the other articles linked below, and then send 'someone' to me who will be 'briefed' on THE TRUE WAY. I have CLEAR 'intelligence' available to ANYONE seeking to uphold the true way of ORDER & HARMONY attained through:


The first 'Job' for the Military is to uphold the Freedom of Religion clause of the Australian Constitution in the 'case' at hand, being Anarchy & Treason by various Tax officials who need to be 'seized,' and held for a day and subjected to a 'Feeling Easier Seminar' so that they become educated to certain FACTS and are then released back into the community having regained their 'sanity' and respect for others holding different 'values.'

I am putting 'errant' Tax officials on 'notice' that their 'attempts' at thwarting the Freedom of Religion clause and openly defying IT and ITS 'rulings' and openly intimidating and stealing funds from peaceful citizens are to be made public, and I simply 'trust' that the Military do their honourable DUTY in upholding the Freedom of Religion clause of said Constitution.

I trust that the below Links containing the full 'story' are examined in 'expert' detail so that the Australian Defence Force 'Chiefs of Staff' can come to a personally informed decision as to their TRUE role and the best way 'forwards.'



The primary reason for this missive is to ALERT the Defence Force to the 'reality' of coming times where invisible demonic forces are to seize control of the mind of man telepathically (spirit possession) and to use these 'mentally disturbed' individuals to wreak havoc and destruction which is already happening but will intensify dramatically VERY SOON.

All soldiers will need to be educated and taught to observe the 'nature' of their thoughts and how to fortify their minds as given by me.

We do not need 'Law & Order' imposed by enforcers. Why so? Because the word 'It is the Law' is used by politicians, debt collectors and enforcement agencies as the 'legalising' factor backing all rules, statutes etc., and is the MEANS whereby people in 'office' are justified to interfere, tax, enslave, extort, punish, persecute, impoverish as they STEAL etc. It is not 'The Law' it is simply their 'ordering voice.'

It 'follows' that the ONLY thing mankind actually NEEDS to survive in a proper and happy manner is ORDER & harmony & stability and thus 'peace & orderliness.' So in this 'time' of extreme disruption we do need 'muscle' and 'clear minds' in order to maintain 'Order' and PEACE in the land.

We cannot have ANYONE in ANY position dictating 'rules' which enable interference, enslavement, threats, coercion, disruption or disharmony. All 'statutes' enabling such need to be 'burnt,' so that everyone offering the 'provision' of community services CAN use their God given conscience and NOT be forced by rules to interfere and cause disruption and, - - - the peaceful can get on with their lives and 'Give with love' to those in need as they 'pay' their own way and pay for services they need, want, desire.

The GIANT 'government' OCTOPUS now interferes in and controls EVERY aspect of living and USES every aspect of living to extort endless sums of money and to so do, IT requires tens of thousands of employees all 'living off' their TAKE, rather than planting their own 'spuds' or catching their own 'fish.'

Another example of the day is where the Police are used as government controllers and enforcers rather than doing their primary role of UPHOLDING THE PEACE OF THE LAND. It is where a commercial fisherman seeking to enter 'Port' must first radio the local police station advising them of his arrival time, and once 'berthed,' the police 'lads' step aboard to 'tally the take.'

The fisherman is not 'permitted' to 'give away' or sell any fish to a member of the public on the wharf, nor even to 'keep' anything for himself. Failure to 'radio ahead' to alert the police results in 'Court and a fine' as does any incorrect 'tally' of the catch. This is an extraordinary state of affairs, but one of 'thousands' enabling interference, harassment, monetary extortion, disturbing the peace of the peaceful and 'control' over the actions of another human being. THE PEOPLE are being 'treated' like 'serfs' having NO 'rights' nor freedoms.

Very DARK clouds are gathering and I 'hear' whisperings and the feathered 'wings' of very dark 'angels' in the depths below who like 'rabid' fruit bats in Queensland will soon 'bite' and kill so many 'unwary.' Soon the very 'pits' of Hell are to BE unleashed through the minds of the earthly race and truly we needs 'some' sanity or ALL WILL BE LOST.

It is MY DUTY for God to 'recognise' THE REAL ENEMY OF MAN so that 'we' can identify IT as THE invisible DARK ONE WHO telepathically DISTURBS THE MIND OF MAN and 'incites, invites and forces' them to interfere and 'Disturb the peace of the land.'

We do not need any more 'fly by night' politicians who 'come and go' - - - we need a sustained leader, God, who we all OBEY.

Please assist me to PURE TRUTH SOW so that as said - ORDERLINESS becomes the 'way' of the day and upholding THE LAW remains the prerogative of God the Almighty. THE REAL LAW is the immutable "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law of God.

We cannot look back and say: "If only," we can only move forwards. Let the Military MUSCLE do ITS 'best' so its 'uniform' shines bright and is by God 'blest.'

The Freedom of Religion ACT of the Constitution
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and - - -

Constitution ACT 1934 (Tas)

This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

Part V - General provisions
Religious freedom

46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen. -
No person shall be subject to any disability, or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief -

Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)

Religion = - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - -  A system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or 'God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.

Religious = - - - - scrupulously faithful, pious, devotion - - - this means that ones 'religion' is not any named 'Church' organisation, but it is the policy of ones daily code of conduct interaction with other children of God.

The question is 'What is religion?'

Justices Mason and Brennan in a joint judgment, stressed the importance of the case in determining fundamental questions of religious freedom in Australia and the extent to which an individual is free to believe and act without legal restraint.

Justices Wilson and Deane stressed the need to match the evidence of the beliefs in question with the five or six main characteristics of the world's major religions.

Justices Mason and Brennan said, "Freedom of religion, the paradigm freedom of conscience, is of the essence of a free society. The chief function in the law of a definition of religion is to mark out an area within which a person subject to the law is free to believe and act in accordance with his belief without legal restraint."

"Protection is accorded to preserve the dignity and freedom of each man so that he may adhere to any religion of his choosing or to none," they said. "The freedom of religion being equally conferred on all, the variety of religious beliefs which are within the area of legal immunity is not restricted."

NOTE: Freedom of religion applies to the INDIVIDUAL, not the organisation. The organisation has no 'conscience' as IT is simply a name given by men to an 'umbrella' and as all can now see, the many persons living under said umbrella can all hold different ideological 'views' and some are peaceful, loving, merciful and forgiving and others are warlike, merciless and unforgiving.

A copy of this email is on line as Item 1 on the 'blood01' document below.


The 'Military option' letter to the Australian Taxation Office:
The 'Brief-1' letter to the Australian Taxation Office 'Chief';
The 'Brief-2' letter to the debt collection agency;

The legislative terror document;
The 'Blood' document for soldiers of war;

War and national 'karma':

The 'Alliance':
Facts of life:

  • page 192

    Open letter to David Cameron - Prime Minister

    Syria & Intent

    The ACT of War - the FACT of War - the LEGALITY of War

    Dear Sir, I saw you 'on the news' and heard your comment that as long as the 'invasion' of Syria was 'Legal,' you would commit troops to the USA invasion force. As it was 'written' is now so, and the awaited messenger of our Lord God is now in the flesh to 'Judge' the activity of man as this end days TIME of the eternal separation of souls and he, (I) herein state that; IF you 'enter' the DARK side of the eternal river of 'life or death' and join IN with killing and injuring and destruction, then you not only dishonour the 'Cameron' colours, but you also defy God and endanger not only your own soul but that of every voter and taxpayer of 'Britain.'

    Be advised, an Act of War is an act of aggression which is a contravention of the Command of the Sovereign Authority, God who clearly states:

    "I Command you My children to go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful and compassionate and forgive thine enemy as you show them that you are a TRUE believer and, - - - I forbid you to sup on the fruit of the tree of evil for IT is My dark destructive energy and if you use IT to cause harm or destruction to My other children then you will die in your sin."

    The Fact of War is that every 'soldier' and 'voter' or supporter of any governing institution who funds the wages of warmongers is an INFIDEL (non-believer) who is vain and arrogant and ignorant and believes that they are as mighty as God and thus above or beyond the imposition of the 'eye for an eye - as you sow so shall ye reap' LAW of God, and it is I the Plenipotentiary of God to deny that error of belief.

    The Legality of War is nonsense, for no 'use' of God's dark energy is 'legal,' for IT is totally forbidden by God and, - - - any 'man' or 'woman' waging war upon another child of God is as deluded and lost as is their perceived enemy.

    Any person in any 'station' or office who 'signs' the docket 'legalising' and thus unleashing the 'hounds of hell' automatically consigns their own soul to eternal damnation and eternal suffering in the wastelands below, say I the Plenipotentiary of the Most High God.

    It needs to be understood that every voter and taxpayer is complicit to all the injury and loss and ongoing suffering imposed by their 'forces' upon other children of THE MOST HIGH and all will pay their spiritual DUES to HIM the Overlord being, - - - that they will suffer on and on until their dues are fully paid within THE LAW of the Most High and, - - - as yet NONE are 'safe or saved' say I the Plenipotentiary of the Most High God.

    I AM he the Spirit of Truth returned to awaken the lost and to see if there is even ONE true soul 'ready' to be saved before the full Wrath of God is unleashed upon everyone for their continued defiance of HIM.

    I ASK for our God on high that irrespective of any 'text' allegiance to the UN or any other nation, that you now show the TRUE BLUE colours of the Cameron Clan and stay your 'hand' as you ADVISE the British people and the world community that you BELIEVE it to be UNJUSTIFIED and ILLEGAL to wage any war of 'attrition,' and the ONLY assistance you will offer the Syrian people is a hand of peace extended to both 'sides' as all are yet 'lost' and in need of spiritual EDUCATION as per my final message to humanity from God the Sovereign Authority.

    Sincerely - Terence
    29 August 2013

    Open Letter to Cdr. Richard Cowling - Tasmania Police

    ~ The breathalyser control point ~
    19 - 11 - 2013
    Statement of 'defense' submission - 1

    ~ Introduction ~

    Dear Richard, I refer to my unlawful 'arrest' and detainment and transport to the Launceston Remand centre on 19th November by two of your constables Groves and Anderson for my refusal to 'breathe' in a test facility machine.

    My main concern is for the two officers because they are totally unaware of the Constitutional Authority clause of the Constitution which guarantees my 'protection' as long as I do not disturb the peace of the land and am of a 'moral' disposition.

    Due to their ignorance of the Constitution and ITS overriding authority over ALL subsequent political decrees, rules, acts, laws etc., they felt quite at ease as they threatened me and tried to coerce me into obeying their 'orders' as they told me that if I refused, I would be fined and possibly incarcerated. Both actions on their part are forbidden by said Constitutional authority and are acts of TREASON against the Constitution of Australia as well as that of Tasmania. (Constitutional references references at document end)

    It appears to me as though everybody in the '' system including magistrates and their political overlords are completely ignorant as to the fact concerning 'where' their powers to rule stem from. This makes them 'anarchists' in the true sense of that word and it also means that I am 'dealing' with insane pride, vanity and arrogance as well as the 'ignorance' which has been going ON for so long now that IT appears to be the 'norm' to do what they do and, regrettably, it has followed through to your officers.

    When everyone decides they can exceed the mandate concerning their authority, they are operating unconstitutionally and thus ILLEGALLY according to their OWN 'rules of engagement' as that is set out in their own book, namely the constitution. That is what I say as I 'appeal' to your own conscience and request that before issuing a 'summons' for me to 'show cause' to a magistrate, that you have your 'legal team' examine this text to great depth.

    I believe that you may be required to 'sign' or have knowledge 'of' any summons docket and would thus be 'complicitly' culpable for the result of any action taken against me, and thus is why I write this to you as I would not have you 'blindly' walking into a 'trap,' indeed a trap of your own making for taking a wage to uphold 'offensive' orders being churned out endlessly by man.

    For in my 'book' of belief, a driving test 'pass' mark is my Certificate of driving competency, and it is this and this alone which legalises me to drive on public roads safely. That competency has nothing to do with the annual 'licence fee' TAX which supposedly validates my certificate of competency in the mind of the politicians who are simply being opportune extortionists.

    I am aware that a 'roadside' breathalyser' control point is 'listed' within your rules as: "A legal breathalyser spot," but according to my 'book' it is simply a place where the illegal interference in the lives of many peaceful members of the public takes place.

    Any taxing LEVY in my mind is an enforced take subject to punishment. A TRUE 'God' person such as myself only takes 'orders' from God, not man, and one only follows ones God given conscience because, God is the 'Commanding Officer' not man nor politicians.

    When 'accosted' by your two armed me I did ask constable Groves if I had disturbed the peace in any way or was driving 'irrationally,' and he replied: "No." It follows that my 'arrest, detainment and interrogation' was an illegal activity carried out for the sole purpose of:

    1 - Attempting to force me to change from my peaceful allegiance to God and submitting myself to the 'rituals' demanded by the state institution with its politicians and enforcers.

    2 - Subjecting me to threats, intimidation and coercion to restrict or limit my freedom of movement if I did not 'perform' and comply and to be accompanied by one or another form of punishment. (The interference in the life of and punishment of a peaceful person is the coercion to force them to change their ideology.)

    3 - The issuing of a summons leading to a 'court action' having the consequence of punishment is in FACT the INTENT to cause me HARM in some way, be it mental or emotional GRIEF or financial loss or imprisonment.

    This fact or factor needs to be stated by me now before the 'ignorant' proceed with a court action summons because IF they stand up in court bringing said ILLEGAL and FALSE charges, they 'Rick and Steve' and all complicit will PAY the ULTIMATE spiritual 'price' by their own actions in ignoring the 'warning' on my web site stated to all mankind by our God through my pen. (Reference 'warning' on page 6)

    page 2

    Please advise and alert your officers of this factor so that they can come to a personally informed decision as to whether or not they wish to 'proceed' against ME and continue to defy God's Command and their own constitutional authority.

    The aforesaid 'Decree of God' will also apply to the 'signatory' on the summons as well as the magistrate and any other complicit to any punitive measures taken against me.

    Regrettably, the implementation of God's LAW is not 'seen' as such for what it IS, and IT is only clearly seen and understood by me and all I can do is to advise and warn all of ITS REALITY. Any INJURY imposed is a contravention of God's: "Go your way in peace and love one another." etc.

    It is now the TIME for the 'peace force' to revert back to their God given ROLE  of ONLY upholding the PEACE of the land as they forgo 'revenue raising' and ONLY haul in persons who FACTUALLY disturb the peace of the land and have them counselled and educated. Only THUS are the 'boys in blue peace officers' SAFE and themselves operating within the constraints of God's Command.

    The first reality seen by God and me is that my peaceful journey and that of my two passengers was interrupted and interfered with by two armed 'gun men' who stated:

    a - Show us your 'licence' so that we know its annual 'tax fee' payable to our organisation is paid, for we own the highway according to our 'book of rules.'
    b - Breathe in this tube to prove to us that you are living according to the rules of our organisational text book.
    c - As you failed to do what we require and demand, you will be summonsed to show cause to why you should be able to go your way 'Scott free' and not be punished.

    The second reality then becomes:

    e - Someone has to sign a summons. Once they sign, they become complicit to my 'arrest' and further interference & control by armed gun men until -
    f - Your senior 'executive' the magistrate decides on my punishment because he also believes that I and my soul are owned by his organisation.

    All the aforesaid 'officials' empowered as they are by a wage and a 'badge' of office have the 'error of belief' that NO person can live 'outside' of the 'rites or rules' of the ideology they aspire to even though the MANDATE OF AUTHORITY being their 'operational' LICENCE clearly indicates otherwise. Also, I do know that NO 'mandate or official position' voids or nullifies the implementation of God's LAW.

    Truly the unwise and ignorant and power hungry 'brokers' the politicians and their servants will have to pay the ULTIMATE price say I, irrespective of what they may perceive as being my apparent 'simplicity.' I have to BE 'brave & bold & humble' for YOUR sakes because as said, your 'Masters' are anarchists who expect YOU to daily commit TREASON because they expect YOU to 'blindly' follow their dictates rather than God's Command and thereby taking away your right to use your own conscience.

    I again ask that you do not 'summons' me for if you so do, the consequences for you and all complicit is BEYOND your capacity to CONTROL, and 'hellish' indeed ARE the dark realms BELOW. Only I this see and know.

    IF man wants peace and security and freedom, then they must individually lay down their 'mace' and be peaceful and graceful and merciful and BOW to THE COMMAND of God.

    page 3

    ~ Freedom of conscience ~

    Dear Richard, because passing 'time' has enabled forgetfulness around the BASIC principles of permitting the practice of 'freedom of conscience, belief & thus religious ideology,' anarchy has now been in existence for a very long time on earth within the political arena as politicians simply 'overrode' their mandated Authority.

    It is thus that the simple God believer such as me who does 'bow' in subservience to God as being THE Authority, is being persecuted by 'officers' obeying ILLEGAL rules in a book.

    If the END result of this TREASON against the Sovereign Constitutional Authority and the Command of God was not so 'hellish' I would NOT be on earth to expose IT.

    I have proven to be NOT concerned for what happens to me, but I AM doing my very best for the police servicemen and women who ARE the 'fall guys' for the political ANARCHISTS.

    Yes, there is a spiritual consequence for your personnel albeit they see IT not. They are 'busily' interfering in the lives of the PEACEFUL and extorting huge sums of money out of the community purses using threat and coercion and backed by the 'guns' they carry. (Force of arms & muscle)

    Soon, all the people of this world will 'rise up' as ANARCHISTS defiant of God THE Sovereign Power and they will TURN against their oppressors - being those upholding political decrees which impoverish every family and bring everyone to their knees. I 'fear' for the physical and spiritual 'safety' of your 'men.'

    There is NO 'democracy' in any land as 49% of the population are forced to live according to the beliefs of those elected by the other 51%. Furthermore, irrespective of that, 100% of the population are forced at 'gunpoint' and rule books to live by the 'conscience' and ideology of their politicians and, - - -

    Any person such as myself wishing to ONLY obey God are persecuted and punished and 'injured' or dispossessed of their lands by the vain and arrogant who USE 'armed men' (You) as their 'tools' to IMPOSE their ideology.

    How & why do people 'offend' others? It is because their minds let them 'down,' and negative thoughts justify either stealing, abusing or merciless controlling and punitive interaction with others.

    It is thus the 'politician' falls 'foul' to/of DARK intrusive thoughts which justify more ungodly vindictive extortion, control, interference and punishment etc., which force their 'forces' and all to follow 'suit.'

    We now need to 'attend' to the mental health aspect of man beginning with POLITICIANS and their 'strange' IDEAS which become enforceable DECREES as we begin to rehabilitate their 'offensive' minds as well as the minds of any of the public who offend others and God.

    The 'sooner the better,' for we cannot lock up ALL Tasmanians. Soon, everyone will be saying to the other:

    "Do what I say 'or else.' - - - "

    Insanity and non-reason is to now intensify dramatically globally and in all 'walks of life.'

    This is clearly shown now in the 'mindless' political decree in the  new law (decree) stating that courts may  disqualify people's license, regardless of whether the offense was to do with driving or not. 

    CIVIL UNREST and unreasoning RAGE is to follow.

    page 4

    As I AM an ABSOLUTE PACIFIST I cannot by 'tax' support any contra DOCTRINE (Religion) of control & punishment or killing or interference in the lives of OTHERS nor their PERSECUTION.

    I can only use or support benign community services for which I am happy to PAY. I can only condone and fund a non 'armed' 'peace corps' who ONLY haul in people who factually disturb the peace and ONLY for their rehabilitation through education.

    I have not contravened any 'rules book' laws of your institution for I am operating LEGALLY within the constraints of ITS supreme constitutional authority. I am thus obeying IT as well as God as I go my way in PEACE.

    I seek NO control over the life of any other, for according to my 'book,' that is ONLY the prerogative of God. Politicians do all in their 'power' to maintain control over everything and everyone and every industry and they use threat, coercion and 'force of arms' to attain superiority. That is their prerogative and FALSE ideological belief say I that is soon to END as global insanity explodes violently.

    My concerns are for the police who are simply doing their best to 'honourably' protect the citizen and maintain 'order' but in FACT are being used to interfere in the lives of the peaceful and raise revenue, and are by their 'wage' forced to do all the things which the public are not 'permitted' to do and, - - - it is thus that in the course of their duty they are in fact dishonourable to their own souls and accruing a punitive 'debt to God' every day.

    I cannot pay taxes or fines etc., which fund politicians or a police service which impoverishes other members of the community, I can ONLY fund a benign 'peace corps' which truly 'protects' in that they ONLY haul in those who factually disturb the peace or who are found to be factually intending to disturb the peace 'explosively,' and these persons are hauled IN to be educated and counselled as per the 'godly' Seminar program on my 'Offender document.'

    Please now come to my TABLE and let us together make a PLAN to ensure the spiritual SAFETY of the 'peace' officers as they now ONLY haul in those who FACTUALLY disturb the peace and have them counselled by me in the manner given by THE CREATOR.

    We now need to implement it quickly at the Launceston Remand centre and from there begin to heal the world. This way the police 'service' is ONLY benign and operating within the constraints of God's Command and their souls will be safe once they have paid their past accrued dues to God within His superior 'eye for an eye' LAW.

    page 5

    Constitutional powers:

    It is an ILLEGAL activity within the precepts of the Constitution of Tasmania & Australia to try and coerce a peaceful person into changing their belief and thus forcing them to obey the dictates of some other of system of belief.

    This is a TREASONABLE activity against a peaceful person who has NO 'agreement' with your State Authority. Being a 'written' or by 'vote' implied agreement in which the person agrees to fund it (the organisation) and its contra doctrine aspects of interference, control and punishment of other members of the community.
    It is also a TREASONABLE activity against the sovereign constitution of the land.
    It is also a TREASONABLE activity against the sovereign authority God.

    Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (9th July 1900) section 116

    "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and - - -

    Constitution Act 1934 (Tas)

    This document includes a legal guarantee of the religious liberty and equality of Tasmanians. Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under Section 46(1) of this Act.

    Part V - General provisions
    Religious freedom

    46. (1) Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.
    No person shall be subject to any disability,
    or be required to take any oath on account of his religion or religious belief -

    Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)

    Religion = - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - -
    A system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.

    Religious = - - - -
    scrupulously faithful, pious, devotion - - -
    This means that ones 'religion' is not any named 'Church' organisation, but it is the policy of ones daily code of conduct interaction with other children of God.

    NOTE: Freedom of religion applies to the INDIVIDUAL, not the organisation. The organisation has no 'conscience' as IT is simply a name given by men to an 'umbrella' and as all can now see, the many persons living under said umbrella can all hold different ideological 'views' and some are peaceful and others are warlike.

    I wish to advise you 'formally' that I believe your officers 'threat' of punishment and or incarceration is intimidating, and is an unlawful invasion of a person's state of mind and emotions, as well as an 'act' of religious persecution.

    It appears to me that many politicians, officials and magistrates have taken it upon themselves to totally ignore the God given rights of mankind to follow God’s Command and have God as their Sovereign Monarch.

    Many also seem to ‘assume’ they can ignore their own Constitution which clearly sets out the mandate in the right to "Freedom" of "Religion." Please now try and see that any person who continues to ignore the Constitutional right to freedom of religion through their vanity or ignorance is a person who is factually ‘guilty’ of ‘insurrection’ and can be said to be inciting civil unrest in the community.

    I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: There is now to be a "No tolerance" attitude taken towards anyone of the public or any state official having any racial prejudice or religious INTOLERANCE.

    I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person inciting civil unrest in matters pertaining to the Constitutional "freedom of religion" Act will be very harshly dealt with.

    I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person found disturbing the peace of the peaceful for any reason will be very harshly dealt with.

    I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person unlawfully interfering in the lives of the peaceful for any reason will be very harshly dealt with.

    I am advised by THE AUTHORITY that: Any 'official' or person found to be carrying out any unlawful arrest – transportation – detention or punishment due to their disregard of the religious beliefs of others not disturbing the peace of the land - will be very harshly dealt with.

    page 6

    The question is 'What is religion?'

    Justices Mason and Brennan in a joint judgment, stressed the importance of the case in determining fundamental questions of religious freedom in Australia and the extent to which an individual is free to believe and act without legal restraint.

    Justices Wilson and Deane stressed the need to match the evidence of the beliefs in question with the five or six main characteristics of the world's major religions.

    Justices Mason and Brennan said, "Freedom of religion, the paradigm freedom of conscience, is of the essence of a free society. The chief function in the law of a definition of religion is to mark out an area within which a person subject to the law is free to believe and act in accordance with his belief without legal restraint."

    The definition affected the operation of the religious-freedom guarantee under the Constitution and many other laws granting religions special benefits.

    The question of religion had received little judicial attention in Australia; it was time to grapple with it.

    "Protection is accorded to preserve the dignity and freedom of each man so that he may adhere to any religion of his choosing or to none," they said. "The freedom of religion being equally conferred on all, the variety of religious beliefs which are within the area of legal immunity is not restricted."

    The judges stressed the importance of the actions of the adherents rather than the dogma itself.  

    Links - Please read my:

    Sincerely - Terence

    page 7

    The below 'warning' is found at:

    It is not a threat it is simply a STATEMENT OF FACT, a decree of God. 

    This web site contains a message from God to humanity as well as my personal counsel and guidelines to assist you the reader. 
    You have the 'freedom of choice' to do what you wish to, as you 'follow or deny' the wisdom given to you.

    1 - Let it here be known and clearly understood that any "person" who tries to "violate" my "person" or the content of this God's sacred web site by any "Act" of intrusion or 'defacement' or, any person who "directs" any other to so do, will by God be deemed an "offender" in God's eyes, and by their own deed as one to be eternally "despised" by the Source (God), and their eternal destiny decreed by God THE AUTHORITY shall be one of eternal misery in the Dark "Hell" land below, for this "note" as all else by me written, has been sent by God to set you free. Note: See 5 below for clearer understanding

    2 - Let it here be known and clearly understood  that any person working for any government agency or non government agency that tries to restrict, inhibit or deny the general public access to the content of this web site or, any person working for any government agency or non government agency  that restricts, inhibits, or denies any member of the general public access to the content of this web site, is a person that by God be deemed an "offender" in God's eyes, and by their own deed as one to be eternally "despised" by the Source (God), and their eternal destiny decreed by God THE AUTHORITY shall be one of eternal misery in the Dark "Hell" land below, for this "note" as all else by me written, has been sent by God to set you free. Note: See 5 below for clearer understanding

    3 - Let it here be known and clearly understood that this applies to any person that seeks to denigrate me or my message, for by this 'act' of vindictive darkness it may well result in others being turned away from God's sacred message, and thus turning away from their own Salvation to their spiritual demise. Thus this same 'fate' will by God be placed upon the 'denigrator.' It is better or 'best' for any perceiving me as false to tell others to read my message and come to their own personally informed decision.  Note: See 5 below for clearer understanding

    4 - Let it here be known and clearly understood that any "person" who continues to teach or 'preach,' or instruct or 'educate' others from any spiritually based texts such as the Islamic Koran,  Christian scriptures, Israeli Talmud, or any other known and purported sacred text or, that distributes any such documentation, are spreading falsity, controversy and inaccuracy and, they are thus 'guilty' of deception and they are misleading God's children, and they are thus in very 'grave' spiritual danger and, this applies to those of you that have raised up any such 'scripture' or part thereof on the internet. For further 'clarification' go to "True Doctrine."

    5 - Note: - Due to the power of 'justification' which is used by the invisible DARK energy essence of the Source, God, to TEMPT you into using said destructive energy in your interaction with others or me and thus BE negative or,  be intrusive, controlling, vindictive, derogatory, deceptive, punitive etc., it is 'easy' for some to come to the 'conclusion' that I am not who I state I am or for some other reason.

    Please try and understand that the dark energy essence is the most 'poisonous' substance which exists because IT contaminates ones soul as one uses IT and, this energy is what coarsens the vibration of your soul and draws IT away from the Light.

    IF perchance any actions on your part are NOT within the precepts of God's Command to "ONLY be loving, peaceful, kind, caring, merciful, compassionate and forgiving," then it follows that if you are NOT 'so,' then you are in grave spiritual danger as the LAW of said dark energy essence of God will simply do unto you what you deserve for 'swerving' away from THE TRUE PATH due to your own arrogance or ignorance.

     I would not have it that you 'rubbish' me as some I see do because, not only does that PROVE to God that you believe that you are mightier than HE as you USE said dark energy in your interaction with me, but you are also stating that you do not believe that there is a reason 'why' HE advises you or Commands you to obey HIM. IF any reader truly believes that I am in error in my text then please BE compassionate and merciful as GOD Commands and BE safe.

    Peace and goodwill unto all mankind
    The Devil will you bind

    None stand 'above' God's ONE 'singular' immutable LAW:: "As you do unto others will be done unto you."

     The 'anchor' of every world  ~   the Holy & Sacred Word of God the Father who states:

    1 - Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful and compassionate and forgive your perceived enemy, - - -

    Thus within MY Law you receive an equal return from MY Light energy flowing through the hands of others.

    2 - If you continue to interfere, control, berate, steal, invade, impose sanctions, tax, destroy, punish, injure or kill, - - - 

    Thus within MY Law you receive an equal return from MY DARK energy flowing through the hands of others.

    If you are seen to continue living in this 'forbidden' manner your destiny is to be Satan's 'hill,' and everybody you meet will be cruel, hateful, merciless, vindictive, unforgiving and destructive. Terrible indeed is the travail, torture, interference, injury and agony you will suffer eternally in MY underworld, for THAT is MY FINAL Decree.

    page 194

     Open Letter to Cdr. Richard Cowling - Tasmania Police

    ~ The Feeling Easier Seminar & the Remand centre ~

    Dear Richard, I do realise that politicians believe that as they are elected by the 'vote' of THE PEOPLE that they can defy God's Command and 'get away with it' and NOT be subjected to God's Law.

    I do also realise that politicians also believe that they can deny their Constitutional Mandate reference the authority granted unto THEM within said 'document' and 'get away with it' and NOT be subjected to any 'comeback' simply because it has been ignored for so long now that IT (The Constitutional Authority) has become 'old hat' and, any wishing to use IT are by them (politicians and magistrates) expected to travel to the High Court and obtain its decision. None seeing that irrespective of any 'decision' it is a treasonable offence within the texts of the Constitution to coerce or threaten or cause harm to or detain or punish anyone who has not disturbed the peace of the land and who is:

    a) Going about their daily business peacefully or
    b) Living according to their own belief system.

    It is also 'anarchy' and a treasonable offence in the eyes of God. It is also an offensive 'act' to state to others of different ideological beliefs that they MUST obey all 'orders' issuing forth from the mind, voice or pen of politicians or be subjected to interference, subjugation, punishment and impoverishment and public humiliation.

    This 'regrettable' way has been in 'vogue' globally for so long now that IT appears normal, and until politicians do realise that they are in error and that 'maybe' God's powers exceed theirs and that there are 'armed' persons within their own 'governing' institution who do believe in the overriding authority/mandate of the Constitution, politicians will continue to impose more and more interference, extortion, punishment and control using their 'armed' police FORCE.

    Regrettably, you Sir and your 'forces' are the 'fall guys' who are being forced by legislation to enforce any and all legislation even though in my opinion it is 'outside' the role of 'keepers of the peace.' I hope that you Sir and others in high places begin to see that you are in fact being dishonourable to yourselves as well as THE PEOPLE who are the ones who fund your wages.

    The prison system is named 'The Corrective Services,' but there is nothing 'corrective' about confinement, punishment, disruption of the lives of others and their impoverishment and harm to their families when they are incarcerated. It does in fact instil fear into people and places them into situations where they do suffer ongoing trauma, and none of their persecutors, the politicians, police, jailors see that within the ABSOLUTELY JUST LAW OF GOD all imposed must and does return to all complicit at a later date.

    Yes, all mental and emotional trauma or physical suffering or loss including 'collateral' family suffering or other is added by GOD, and much of the punishment has naught to do with disturbing the peace, but more to do with extortion of money or the refusal to 'cough up' or conform to the dictates of other mortals who believe they 'as God' own your body, mind and soul.

    Richard, we all have different life experiences which to us may become the 'norm,' but it does not mean that they are 'acceptable' to God THE SUPERPOWER. We have the entitlement to be 'divine' and kind and merciful or to be cruel, merciless swine and blind, but we are never above THE LAW of RETURN of THE ENERGY of God we use in our interaction ACTIONS with others.  It is this 'God' ENERGY which is a 'law' unto ITSELF, and this 'factor' to date by mortal man has not been understood.

    It is too 'simplistic' for a police person to state: "I am simply doing my duty and when I arrest you and place you within the court system, whatever THEY do to you is not my business." I say that ALL done to anyone which is instigated by political or police activity places all complicit within the Law of God and the 'rules of engagement' of their own 'governing' Constitutional powers.

    I just wish to ENSURE that to all humanity and YOU that I AM TRUE and fail NOT in my expression of absolute TRUTH because I am the only one with clear insight into 'eternity' and what is to now BE and, - - - it is truly the TIME for all mankind to realise that NO work related 'mandate' nor official position voids or nullifies the Law of RETURN of God's ENERGY.

    One negative side, ITS dark, punitive, controlling, intrusive and destructive aspect is what justifies a 'reason' in the mind of sinful man (political leaders & others) to 'forgo' THE benign LIGHT and be forceful, dominating, demanding and controlling. (ITS nature)

    I simply seek to ensure that the Tasmania Police who live in my 'jurisdiction' as much as I live in theirs, understand that together we can implement THE NEW WAY so that the entire Tasmania 'force' of 1000 or so  men and women can do their TRUE duty to God, themselves and THE PEOPLE.

    This they do as they HALT their use of Dark energy and thus are 'safe' from ITS hateful punitive return Law aspect as they ONLY now use the Light benign and merciful aspect of God's energy. An activity which 'guarantees' a return of IT to them within ITS 'eye for an eye' loving return.

    I am now 'old' and near the end of my 'tether' to my biological 'spacesuit' and soon to depart back to THE LIGHT. I have spent 20 years at Pyengana writing my Testament to all to ensure the safety (spiritual) of ANY seeking to be TRUE to others and thus themselves.

    Let us now 'jointly' uplift the conscious understanding in the minds of all your 'club' members so that as they go forth UNARMED each day their 'way' is seen by THE PEOPLE and their God as being TRULY honourable to the Light and all. This way as they go home each 'end of shift' day they can KNOW that their accrued spiritual 'due' from the energy of God used in their interaction with others is happy, kind, merciful and loving.

    Soon the police will NOT cope with the cries for help and terrified citizens will be taking the 'Law' into their own hands. I believe that the ONLY 'business' of the PUBLIC peace force is to uphold the peace and ONLY haul in persons who FACTUALLY disturb the peace so that their activity can be 'corrected.' All disturbance leading to disruption of the peace begins as lack of thought control in the mind of the individual who become irrational and disrespectful.

    Please before it is too late, speak with your peers and try and get my 'Feeling Easier Seminars' implemented at the Launceston Remand Centre. This way the 'jail' population can be reduced dramatically and the populace will also learn how to become better 'civil' people in the eyes of THE CREATOR. 

    Peace, order and harmony cannot be obtained using force

    Sincerely - Terence

    There is a copy of this letter on line as Item 194 @


    Feeling Easier Seminar program ; 
    Energy of God document ;

    page 195

    Open letter to officer Mick Bowden - St. Helens Police

    ~ The FACTS of Life ~

    Dear Mick, In reference to your serving me a summons to appear in court on 17th Feb 2013, I regret not having had the courtesy to invite you in for a cup of tea yesterday which I usually do 'offer' to all visitors to my home but your unannounced arrival awoke me from a deep 'midday' sleep ! So I give herein a few words which I hope will assist you ahead in the 'terrible' times soon to encompass the whole planet as man strives against his oppressors.

    Mick, you might have read on my notice board at my driveway that I state: "Spiritual & Constitutional consultant," and I here and now add that I am also the 'awaited' but 'risen' Messiah with a FINAL message from God to YOU and all personally.

    I state 'personally' because irrespective of any 'job' or 'standing' in the community we all stand unique as individual children of God and HE ~ SHE await to see if we have the capacity to comprehend the message of 'release' from our present bondage to THE DARK and begin to set ourselves FREE from IT and ITS control over us all as we follow our conscience and the fresh wisdom I bring to all.

    Mick, as you can see, you as all are but a 'lackey' taking a wage which justifies you in becoming a part of THE 'armed'  MOB who are 'disturbing my peace' and harassing and persecuting me simply because I 'hold' a different philosophy, ideology, belief, religion etc.

    As yet you simply take 'orders' from others because it is your 'job' to so do and you feel 'safe' in your mandated official position within an organisation of man. You see NOT that every moment of eternal time you and all ARE under the spotlight of GOD.

    Because you are 'simply' taking a wage to follow orders you do not yet see your COMPLICITY to my persecution, neither do you comprehend that your interaction ACTION towards me is in contravention of the 'Freedom of Religion' clause of both the Constitution of Tasmania as well as the Constitution of Australia and also, - - - it is defiance of God's Command to NOT disturb the peace of the peaceful for ANY reason and, - - - your complicit actions are also outside of the precepts of God's Command unto man to: "Go your way in peace & love one another & be merciful, compassionate and forgive thine enemy."

    So, for a 'wage' you join in with the merciless persecution and interference in the life of a peaceful person (myself) who has NOT disturbed the peace of the land and who is simply living according to their 'belief & conscience' and thus religious ideology as IS their RIGHT and entitlement in God's eyes as well as the 'governing' Constitution of your OWN organisation wherein it also states that I AM GUARANTEED PROTECTION to live in my own 'way' as long as I do not disturb the peace of others.

    Mick, where to for you NOW? I can tell you quite openly that you and all 'armed' enforcers as well as 98% of the population are defiant of God and are on the 'wide road to hell' and, regrettably, all will 'burn or fry' forever as your spirit soul can never 'die' as IT is comprised of God's ENERGY and, - - -

    I have done my best for you and all INHUMANITY in bringing forth THE TRUTH as I sat in my 'hut' at Pyengana and for 20 years wrote my Testament of Truth for all mankind.

    So 'bro,' I can GUARANTEE you and those presently persecuting me including those complicit in any way that: - - - If any magistrate 'judges' my actions as being error through being in conflict with his rules, acts, etc., and being his 'religious ideology' which he upholds judiciously, and as a result he imposes ANY punishment then,  - - - he and all complicit  consign their own spirit soul to the ABYSS of eternal suffering because they had all been given the opportunity to amend their ways before I was by THEM 'judged' and as said, for their folly they WILL PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE.

    Do you understand that by delivering a 'summons' to me that YOU have placed the destiny of your soul within the 'mind & hand or pen'  of another person, THE MAGISTRATE? For if he sets me free then you have another 'day' to hang up your 'gun & uniform' and never again 'harass nor persecute' ANYBODY but, - - -

    If the magistrate 'condemns' me and imposes punishment then as said: 'All complicit will die in their sin' and THAT is the 'voice of God' guiding this 'pen' writing to YOU. It is not a 'threat' issued by me to you, it is simply A STATEMENT OF FACT backed by your own negative interaction.

    Please read my attached 'Facts of life' document. If you decide that you wish to save YOURSELF and withdraw from your present complicity, and NOT leave the destiny of your soul to the 'judgement' of another mortal, (the magistrate) then you DO need to come to me prior to the due date of 17 Feb and ask me to give back to you the 'summons' which you then hand back to the St. Helens police. Advising them that IT will have to be 'served' again by some other rather than you. I suggest that you take it back by the 7th Feb so that the state 'org' has the opportunity 'time' to find some other to summons me.

    Mick, please also visit my web site, this way you will have 6 weeks or so to acquaint yourself personally with its content. I am not 'joking' when I state that within my 'ailing' mortal flesh is the pure soul from eternity and all who defy or deny me or ignore my words will forever suffer.

    Son, God has ALREADY 'Judged' man as 'GUILTY of Treason & Anarchy' and unworthy of living in HIS Paradise. I have been by HIM 'permitted' to enter this realm to see if I can 'awaken' or 'retrieve' even ONE and help them change their ways before they 'DIE in their sin.'

    Mick, as 'brother to brother' I suggest that you READ my Testament because you only have until the 16th Feb to come to THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF YOUR ETERNAL LIFE, being to carry ON giving others strife OR, to hang up your 'gun belt' and either go fishing for a daily feed or become a counsellor and assist me in my 'educative' ministry.

    Sincerely - Terence

    Attached 'Facts of life' document found on line at:

    page 196

    ~ Personal responsibility ~
    Open letter to Prosecutor Gary Lusted, Launceston Police (1)
    Dear Gary, I wrote to the Justice Minister Brian Wightman on 12 Jan in order to bring the matter of the Constitutional 'Freedom of Religion' clause in the Tasmania & Australia Constitution to his personal attention. I did this so that he could advise you as to whether the case against me is 'wrong' and needs to be halted.
    This would assist you to not bring 'charges' against peaceful persons who have not 'disturbed the peace' and who should be 'protected' as per the Constitutional mandate rather than being PERSECUTED for their particular religious ideology of absolute pacifism which is my truth. I am and absolute pacifist.
    I phoned the office of Minister Wightman on 12th and today 16th January in an attempt to speak directly to him as a matter of courtesy on this EXTREMELY important issue. I have today been advised by his staff that I will not be able to speak directly to him since he needs and relies on an 'advisor' to guide him. I was advised that an advisor would phone me but that has as yet not taken place.
    What is the purpose of this letter to you? It is to show you how THE PEOPLE elect 'ministers' who are empowered to make rules and in this case to administer JUSTICE. But as you now see, the 'rules and ideas and suggestions or directions' taken, are placed upon their plate by others. (Advisors)

    I ask "Who directs their thoughts, is it the Light or the Dark"?

    I have headed this letter with the words: "Personal responsibility" because, - - - IF you or I or any leave our eternal FATE to the MINDS of others, - - - then we are foolish indeed because, their 'ideals or beliefs or doctrine of religion' may NOT be 'good' for OUR personal 'policy of conduct' in the eyes of God.

    As I see IT, - - - you, the police, the magistrates and other public servants are ALL operating ILLEGALLY. By making this statement I mean that the police, the magistrates and other public servants area are making 'judgments' which are outside of the Constitutional Powers and ANARCHY is the order of the day. (People in power, backed by armed men, simply do whatever their thoughts tell them to)

    It is simply too 'easy' brother to ignore THIS REALITY because it leaves ones fate to the DECISIONS of others, thereby leading you to the belief that what they do to me has naught to do with you. Brother, you are an accomplice when you are the instigator and 'director' of the 'hunt the man down' DIRECTIVE.

    How can I convince YOU not only that God does exist but that within God is ABSOLUTE JUSTICE? (God's Law)

    Why do you 'think' this old man has spent 20 years writing day and night and continues to write to THE POLICE and yet still walks in peace rather than fund the PUNITIVE CONTROLLING & DESTRUCTIVE SYSTEM? I am simply doing my best to awaken everyone to a REALITY which I can SEE, - - - before for them IT IS TOO LATE.

    I 'suggest' that you now take PERSONAL responsibility for beginning to 'comprehend' the legal directives set out in the Constitutional texts rather than relying on others. You relied on 'advisors' in my prior case where they MISDIRECTED you then but, - - - IF you now heed them again, then it is as said, just too sad 'bro.'

    Please read my 'defence' personally and do NOT rely on any other 'advisor' OR magistrate because, your PERSONAL Salvation is in 'question' believe you ME. I state:

    "If the Tasmanian 'prosecutor' and his 'chief minister' and advisors and any others find ANY REASON to defy their own Constitutional Authority or 'mandate' and bring me or summons me to 'show cause' at any 'hearing' then by this 'Primary Act' they show God and all Tasmanians and the whole world that they hold their own 'national' Constitution in contempt and, they also show their God their contempt of Him and His messenger, ME."

    Gary, due to the fact that I truly DO love you as a 'brother,' and DO wish to ahead one day see your face smiling in the LIGHT thanking me, what I suggest is: "Rescind the summons issued by YOU and leave any future summons to another. You then resign your 'commission' and assist me to elevate the consciousness of mankind."

    SO BE IT


    Note to the reader: If this case proceeds to Court then an initial 'plea' is made by me on February 17th. This will be noted here and the 'hearing' date also placed hereon as will the 'later' Judgement.

    page 197

    ~ Deeper insight ~
    Open letter to Prosecutor Gary Lusted, Launceston Police (2)

    page 198

    ~ Open letter to the Australian taxation office  ~

    Dear Kerry O'Loghlin (Per Anthony Loughnan)

    Ref your letter to Mrs. Barnes dated 15 January 2014

    Since you are still making demands on Mrs Barnes it simply means to me that I have not yet said enough to convince you of your error, so before you step forwards and go where 'angels fear to tread', I will reveal more and simply trust that it assists you to find your 'reason.'

    I refer to your letter of 15th January 2014 wherein you state "It is not the function of the Commissioner of Taxation to enter into debate or give advice about the Constitution or the general and political system of Australia."

    While this is true, it is or should be true that a 'function' of the ATO administration is to know, understand and comprehend 'how or why' the Freedom of Religion clauses of the Tasmanian and Australian Constitutions contain  an 'Act' that releases some persons' from being "persons to be subjected to taxation or punishment for the failure thereof."

    This FACT is a 'factor' within the DOCTRINE of your OWN Constitutional Authority and powers available which GOVERN the code of conduct POLICY of officials. Any contravention of said powers is treason and anarchy and all officials operating outside of said policy ARE taking a FALSE wage.

    Surely it is incumbent upon you as the ATO legal or senior officials to be cognisant of said clause rather than for you to believe that you and your officials can ignore the political decree of the Constitution of Tasmania, Australia and the Command of God? 

    Mrs. Barnes is a person believing in God and obeying His Command which requires her to be a person of peace even in the face of adversity. This means that she can do nothing other than try to enlighten her oppressors as she does via my pen.

    It is however my duty to God and errant man to try and get you and all to see THE REALITY of what the consequences of any punitive action will mean to the person bringing the action against her, especially when said action is in contravention of your own policy mandate.

    My direct question to you is: "Why I ask do you continue to defy God and continue to abuse your 'office' by ignoring the very Constitution by which you are by 'wage and honour' bound"?

    Let me once again clarify the situation for you. Mrs Barnes has read my final 'Testament of Truth' to humanity and I have given her the understanding of  God's Law and the fullness of His Command. She consequently now believes it is her RIGHT and DUTY to not fund any organization which has a warring or punitive or coercive attitude in the community, since she now knows that IF she supported or funded or voted for said government organization, that she would BE complicit (an accessory) to all done by you for IT to OTHERS because you would be acting on her behalf as her servants. 

    Friends and brothers, as 'Irishmen' you have your own loyalty to something, and all I am doing is to help everyone on earth to see where in fact their present loyalty lies. Is it with State and men of power or, - - - is it with their God and their own soul?

    Men/women who are loyal to and honour Caesar (State) use force of arms to punish and kill their 'opposition' as commanded by Caesar's State rules.

    Men/women who are loyal to and honour their Creator are happy to 'die' unarmed and in peace rather then defy His 'peace, love, mercy, compassion & forgive' Command.

    When YOU are paid a 'wage' to uphold Rules in a book then your ideology, belief, conscience (your religion) is that as DICTATED by said rules. Such conduct IS forced upon you by the said rules, rules which you then IMPOSE forcefully upon others. Such enforcement results in you personally imposing a warlike system of belief upon others by using the institution's 'force of arms' as a punitive or coercive 'back up.'

    You are only operating Legally in respect of the Constitution of Australia if the person in your sights is a voter or taxpayer which is an indicator that they are therefore a supporter of your institution and requiring ITS armed forces protection.  As voters, those people rely on government protection agencies to protect them from suffering at the hands of other people.

    Mrs Barnes now knows that whatever suffering comes her way is a consequence of her own prior negatives actions or those of her servants. She now knows that she must never again fund your organization in paying taxes (rendering unto Caesar). She is now a person who does not vote because she now relies solely on God to protect her and can no longer fund Caesar's 'punitive' system of belief.

    While within your own rules and edicts you are "Legal" in your persecution of God's children, or at least to those who vote for Caesar to protect them, you are still not legal within the precepts of God's Command, being to love one another and go your way in peace.

    To assist and clarify this very important issue I refer now to the taxation Tax Act error of the 17,000 religious organisations listed as 'Religions having immunity from taxation' because of the stated words that they are; 'believers in a supernatural being, thing or principle.' The officials of these 'Orders or organisations' claim some sort of divine immunity from taxation and other control which 'Caesar' has granted. What needs to be seen is the hidden error now exposed by my pen because:

    1.The named religion e.g. Anglican, Buddhism, Islam or Catholic etc., cannot of itself have any belief since IT is simply the NAME of an 'Order or organization,' an entity only, and we all know that ‘entities’ have neither thought, capacity for deed or for that matter, any sense of the moral order required by society.'

    2. It follows that it is the individual belief of those fellowshipping within or teaching others under the umbrella of the said organisation who, by personal deed or actions, can or cannot legally claim immunity from tax or from persecution within the 'Taxation act' or, from the Freedom of Religion clause of the Constitution. due to 'a' particular belief, thing or principle.

    Why do I say 'can or cannot'? Because everyone believes in 'something' or principles or any number of differing attitudes or principles. As I see it, as government agencies are governed by their own 'beliefs & principles' and that these are dictated by legislation, that governments are also classified by God and me as 'Religions.'

    3. It follows that anyone under the umbrella of ANY named religion is subject to paying taxes and unable to claim immunity from persecution within the Freedom of Religion Clause of the Constitution if they:-

    (a) Are a 'voter' and therefore they are a member of the Religion of State & Federal Government.
    (b) Are a person seeking or demanding or funding the protection of the armed forces of the State Government RELIGION.

    It follows that, since the officers of named religions also walk hand in hand together with warring soldiers of Caesar (State) that they are factually, by their ACTIONS, fellowshipping with the State 'Religion of WAR' IDEOLOGY even if they say that they believe in a supernatural being.

    4. It follows that it is via the DEEDS or Actions that the INDIVIDUAL person TRULY delineates their conscience, belief, ideology and consequently, their 'religion' by their code of conduct  POLICY, rather than their stated or named religion in section (1) above. There are ONLY two different codes of conduct policies in existence which delineate ones religious ideology and they are:

    (c) The belief in obeying God and being an absolute pacifist, being merciful, compassionate & forgiving & never retaliating when faced by adversity, and always turning the other cheek if abused. The other is:
    (d) The belief in the RIGHT to defy God and use force of arms to defend oneself or kill an oppressor and seek legal punitive redress if harmed in the court of Caesar.

    This means that any person stating that they are 'Christians' because they are singing, praying or clapping hands at their local church does NOT necessarily mean that they are adhering to or with the TRUE principals of Christianity. This they only do if they obey the Command of God in all their actions.

    It follows that to obtain immunity from persecution or taxation by forces of Caesar, (State Government) a person has to be of a proven contra religious belief from that of the State Ideology. Therefore, a person must be as Mrs. Barnes or myself:

    X: A non voter.
    Y: An absolute pacifist.
    Z: A person conforming to God's Command at all times and in all circumstances.

    This means that they have NO control over others. They bear NO malice against oppressors. They take NO punitive actions and do NOT defend themselves nor use force of any sort because they are COMPASSIONATE, MERCIFUL and FORGIVING. They also only EDUCATE others.

    It may be, or may become a matter of interest of your department to observe the outcome of my own Case on the 17th February in the Launceston Magistrates court wherein I will be testing the validity or otherwise of the Tasmanian and Australian Constitutions.

    I am contesting the validity or otherwise of police actions against myself  by using the facility of the  Freedom of Religion Clause of the Australian Constitution to see IF said clause is now void or still 'applicable,' honourable and capable of being relied upon by the those PEOPLE who are peaceful and who wish to NOT fund warring, punitive actions against the populace or others.

    Please HALT your victimization of Clemencia because she is God's chosen to show you the RIGHT WAY home to THE LIGHT, so now stop trying to coerce Mrs Barnes into bowing to your dictates and by this act, rejoining your ideology, doctrine or religion of control, interference, subjugation and war upon her.

    In order for ATO officials (yourselves) to continue the ILLEGAL harassment of Mrs. Barnes, you appear to have been advised that the Freedom of Religion Clause of your own institution is now NULL and VOID and therefore OBSOLETE or irrelevant. This is deceit, a deceit which  you believe justifies you in the continuation of your pursuit to harass her and  other children of God for having a contra ideological, belief, doctrine or religion to the one of war you aspire to. The question now is:-

     "Is the State government of Caesar a Religion in itself"? YES it is. Reference given at letter end.

    I ADD the below for your education..

    ~ Introduction to the 'Render unto Caesar' revelations ~

    I raised UP this document to assist every 'believer in God' seeking to "Do the right thing by GOD" and doing the RIGHT thing for the benefit of their own soul and coming ETERNAL destiny. It must BE clearly understood from the 'outset' that one cannot serve TWO 'Masters' having opposing doctrines.

    Caesar represented by 'State' governments commands obedience to ITS rules and grants PROTECTION using armed forces to ensure that protection. (WAR, violent, aggressive, punitive)

    God Commands obedience to His RULING Command: "Go your way in peace & love one another & be merciful & compassionate and forgive your perceived enemy" and promises HIS protection to the FAITHFUL who obey HIM. (PEACE, calm, passive, kind, respectful, educative)

    It is your 'choice' as to 'which' ideology you adhere to. It is my 'job' for God to expose that IF you 'vote' for man to LEAD you and protect you then you must 'Render unto Caesar' taxes to PAY for his armed forces, being your 'State security' employees.

    Try and understand that when you do rely on the protection of man, that all DONE UNTO OTHERS by Caesar's forces is done in your name and on your behalf and you are complicit. (An accomplice because state forces are your servants)

    It also follows that irrespective of what you might 'think,' your factual ideological doctrine (religion) is that of Caesar, being WAR, interference, persecution, intimidation, threat, disrespect, cruelty, deceptive, punishment and killing.

    It follows that all the control, subjugation, interference, extortion, fine, punishment, injury or killing of OTHERS becomes your DUE to GOD within the immutable Law of God. No Rule nor 'mandate of man' nor 'official' position nullifies nor voids the implementation of God's LAW.


    It follows that a TRUE believer of 'Christianity or Islam' or other must NOT fund INIQUITY or the imposition thereof upon OTHERS because, that activity is in DIRECT CONTRAVENTION OF GOD'S Command and brings 'grief' eternally upon the ignorant or arrogant.

    It is too 'simplistic' to say: "We must pay taxes for the benefit of society." Certainly we MUST pay for all benign community effort or services we PERSONALLY seek to support or use. Pay the 'roads department directly. Pay the hospital authority or schools directly. Pay the builder or plumber or gardener directly etc. Do NOT fund the coffers of any institution which uses 'force of arms' against others. Education is the way, not punishment.

    Simply put: Do nice things to others and God via kind others does nice things to YOU (kind, loving, merciful)
    Simply put: Do nasty things to others and God via cruel others does nasty things to YOU (cruel, hateful, merciless)

    God's Law of return for the use of HIS creative or destructive ENERGY is 'absolute Justice in action.'

    NEVER take a wage to uphold RULES in a book which force you to defy God.
    NEVER pay a wage to others to uphold RULES in a book which force both them and you to defy God.

    If you fill out a 'tax return' and pay income tax to Caesar (State) it proves to God that you are an unfaithful person defying Him and funding iniquity, being the subjugation, enslavement, punishment and killing of His other children as YOU contravene His Ruling Command.

    The words “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” have for many a long year been used as the ‘tool’ whereby man has ‘salved’ his conscience, as he ‘Caesar’ of 'old' and the today State Institution via magistrates use force of arms to ‘tax’ the populace, and to punish them for any ‘defiance’ or non payment of demanded ‘taxes, licence fees, levies, stamp duties, royalties’ etc., - - -  continues at:

    As a 'Religion' is classified as a 'belief in a supernatural being, thing or principle,' it follows that every government institution on earth IS A RELIGION. To see 'how & why' Caesar, (Every State government) is NOT 'secular' but IS A RELIGION, go to:

    There are many pages within the above but two paragraphs state:

    3 - One of the main tenets of the State Religion is an indoctrinated belief that it is a 'Superpower' (God), and this is evidenced by its absolute power to make all 'obey' and 'bow' to its dictates and, - - - it is worshipped as the 'guide & benefactor' and ruler of all on the land.

    4 - The superpower (god) worshipped by the State Religion is "The Legislation" which, upon progress through various rituals (presented and debated in Lower House, Upper House) is enshrined in a "Holy Book." No legal procedure can be undertaken without reference to this "Holy Book" in which are written all precedents under the Law. (Its Law).

    To assist you further in reference to 'what' the definition of a religion is, I give the below:

    The question of today is: "What is the meaning of the word 'Religion'?"

    The right of and importance of Religious freedom for the citizens of Australia has been clearly affirmed by the rulings by the High Court of Australia (The case of Church of the New Faith V Commissioner of Pay roll Tax (Vic) 1983 154 CLR 120) where:

    Justices Mason and Brennan, in a joint judgment, stressed the importance of the case in determining fundamental questions of religious freedom in Australia and the extent to which an individual is free to believe and act without legal restraint.

    Justices Mason and Brennan said, "Freedom of religion, the paradigm freedom of conscience, is of the essence of a free society. The chief function in the law of a definition of religion is to mark out an area within which a person subject to the law is free to believe and act in accordance with his belief without legal restraint."

    The definition affected the operation of the religious-freedom guarantee under the Constitution and many other laws granting religions special benefits. 

    "Protection is accorded to preserve the dignity and freedom of each man so that he may adhere to any religion of his choosing or to none," they said. "The freedom of religion being equally conferred on all, the variety of religious beliefs which are within the area of legal immunity is not restricted."

    The judges stressed the importance of the "Actions of the adherents" rather than the dogma itself.

    Note: Australia's own Macquarie dictionary – page 835 (Compact version)

    Religion = - - - - the quest for the values of the ideal life - - - the ideal, the practices for attaining the values of the ideal, - - - a system of belief in the worship of a supernatural power or God' or the recognition by man of a superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship.

    It needs to be understood once and for all that it is the unique individual who holds the ideological 'belief' and conscience 'vote' of 'peace or war,' rather than the named organization, be it the institution of 'government' or Islam or Catholicism or Buddhism.

    It follows that IF you prescribe to being protected by armed men, then you must be taxed to pay their wages and you must therefore also follow the orders or legislated statutes of their 'boss.' (Being the invisible Dark Sovereign Overlord who telepathically transmits His demands into the minds of politicians or Chiefs etc.)

    IF you subscribe to being protected by the Light of God, you are therefore always peaceful as you bow in OBEDIENCE to the "Go your way in peace, love one another, be merciful, compassionate and forgiving" Command of God, and you do NOT pay the wages of warriors nor do you obey their dictates.

    The Freedom of Religion Clause ONLY guarantees immunity from interference, taxation, punishment and persecution to those who do NOT 'disturb the peace of others.' It follows that these peaceful cannot subscribe to funding those who DO interfere in the lives of others for any reason. (In this case ATO officials police prosecutors and bailiffs etc.)

    In the ONE belief the 'super power' to be obeyed and give one's allegiance and loyalty to is the "Legislated Acts of Caesar.'  This religious ideological DOCTRINE is that of "Dictatorship, interference, merciless persecution, control, punishment and killing."

    Being the DESTRUCTIVE POWER of the Dark aspect of the 'energy' of the Source. (Subjugation & punishment)
    The contra ideological religious DOCTRINE is that commanded by the Light of God, and is CREATIVE, (Educational & freedom)

    It follows that any official of the warrior tribe (Gov/Caesar) who defy the Freedom of Religion Clause of the Constitution, are unfaithful to the standing orders of their institution, and they are treasonable anarchists taking a false wage as they persecute persons of the "other" peaceful tribe because, the persecution is of itself an attempt to coerce the peaceful into changing their allegiance thereby denying their conscience and their God.

    I reiterate: IF you wish to live under the controls of and legislation of Caesar and receive his 'protection,' then you are entitled to so do - - - BUT - - - you must then OBEY his 'dictates' (The 'Freedom of religion' clause) and NOT interfere in the lives of those having the CONTRA ideology of PEACE.

    It is now the time for the individual created by God to show HIM the Authority as to which aspect of God's realms they wish to abide within eternally.

    THE LIGHT- and live in freedom and joy or,
    THE DARK - and live in turmoil and agony.

    Over the 'ages' of time there have been many men speaking of their 'belief in an invisible super power, God.' Regrettably, they have continued to use force of arms to protect their 'borders' and their people.

    This FACT shows that said 'believers' are unbelievers who FAIL to OBEY their God and "Go their way in peace." Only those who now STOP funding the 'protection by man' will BE set free by God through my ENLIGHTENED personality.

    The Freedom of Religion clause is ONLY directed at those persons who use 'force of arms' as the 'back up' factor of their organisation to accomplish their needs, wants, desires.

    The clause in contained within the Constitution of their institution to ADVISE them that they must NEVER interfere in the lives of THE PEACEFUL children of God for ANY reason because, the peaceful who do NOT disturb the peace ARE to be left in peace.

    The Freedom of Religion clause is inserted by God into the 'articles of association' of the WARRIOR TRIBE to advise THEM to NOT interfere in the lives of the peaceful who are living by the CONTRA ideology of Peace as commanded by God.

    The Freedom of Religion clause is NOT needed by the peaceful because they are ALREADY living as God commands and they thus need NO 'reprimand' by the forces of the 'Warrior Tribes.'

    It is an 'invasion of privacy' for anyone to 'disturb the peace' of THE PEACEFUL.

    So sayeth God

    I advise you 'who' in the community serving 'Caesar' are in the gravest spiritual danger. It is the ATO officials, the public prosecutor, magistrates and serving police officers. How or why so?  These officials 'point the bone' at someone who in their mind needs 'punitive correction,' and the serving officers then go forth to 'arrest, detain, imprison, seize goods, dispossess them from their homes and cause mental and emotional injury' etc.

    All this ACTIVITY is of the ideological DOCTRINE of War and is of the RELIGION of spiritual DEATH.

    All I Terence can state now is that 'each' stands before their God and HE is now to separate those HE considers the 'Just' from the 'Wicked' and my 'job' is to show you how He or I judge YOU, - - - so that you can then judge your own self conduct* and thus KNOW your present destiny.

    Note: self conduct* - conduct = behaviour = actions towards others. Benign or malignant ~ Peaceful or warlike.

    If your daily conduct is outside of the precepts of His Supreme Command then you ARE doomed.

    No official position or 'badge of office' or 'mandate' or decree of man nullifies His Command or Law.

    Please now 'awaken' before it IS TOO LATE.


    There is a copy of this letter on line at:


    People such as 'Bob Brown's' Sea Shepherd crew 'harassing' fishermen on the high seas are NOT of the godly 'Peace' ideology, they are of the 'warrior tribe' defiant of their God and walking downhill towards the ABYSS.

    People such as the multitudes who gather in the street to 'protest' and try and bring down governments are NOT of the godly 'Peace' ideology, they are of the 'warrior tribe' defiant of their God and walking downhill towards the ABYSS.

    People such as myself do not require any 'permit' from any governing institution to 'perform' any 'nature of work' because we are FREE MEN or FREE WOMEN who daily bow in subservience to our God.

    We know that IF He 'permits' others to persecute us then it is the simple 'balancing' of His 'Scales of Justice' for when in the past WE 'erred' and walked into darkness. Thus we simply 'suffer' any forced impositions calmly and quietly and go our way in PEACE as we do FORGIVE our ignorant persecutors.

    page 199

    ~ Open letter to Davin Foulkes ~
    Australia Electoral Commission

    Dear Sir, I refer to your letter to me dated 24 January 2014 in which you state that IF I do not give you a 'valid' reason as to 'why' I did not vote and that IF you did not consider my response as 'valid,' that I would be fined $ 20 which could 'rise' to $170 plus other costs.

    What I wish to ask you is: Albeit you take a wage to uphold 'rules in a book' of text belonging to some earthly organisation, why do you assume 'right of ownership' of everyone on earth to the point that IF they do not conform to your demands, that you will take it upon yourself to steal funds from them FORCEFULLY backed by armed men?

    Brother, the world has become a very sad place indeed when everyone using text in a book as their justification to impoverish others backed by armed men, send forth written demands causing fear and mental emotional trauma, banishment and more to many.

    I would say; in the first instance, is that a good policy in the eyes of our God? NO. Secondly; is it within the precepts of God's command unto man? NO. Do you assume immunity from God's Law due to your 'office' position and mandate from a man named a 'politician.' YES.

    I am the one to advise you that God is now to separate the 'Just from the Wicked' and regrettably, you ARE presently one of the WICKED group who infest the land pillaging from everyone as you 'rape' their pockets and senses because YOU believe FALSELY that everyone is 'bound' as a slave to the dictates of your institution.

    Please help yourself OUT of your situation, being the ONE where every demand is 'signed' with your name. Woe and more woe 'bro' you bring upon your OWN head.

    IF anyone is NOT voting then it is NOT for you to 'question' the reasons "why."
    IF anyone is NOT voting then it is NOT for you to impose any penalty.

    So sayeth our God on high

    The obvious reason I assume they or I could or would give you is that the individual does not wish to support your invasive, controlling, subjugating, interfering, punitive, extortionist and destructive system.



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