~ The TRUE 'Salvation gospels' of 'Jesus & Terence' ~
the gospels of other men
page 1
~ SAVED or NOT? - that is the question ~
Why do people 'believe' that they have attained
'Salvation'? Is it simply because they 'fellowship' with one particular
religion or other and have been told by 'someone' that they are 'safe
and saved' as such?
Or is it that they are either 'good people' or, because
they once were people living in a 'bad' way that had a 'life changing'
experience or, perhaps they had a 'happening' take place as an inner
emotional and mental 'release,' that was accompanied by feelings of
joy and peace that
helped them turn over a 'new leaf'?
Or was it because one or another of the above took place
and a 'person' already involved in an organised religion told them that
'Jesus was now in their life' and, that if they made a statement accepting
him as their personal saviour they would not only be saved,
but after the 'ritual' verbal confirmation, they were thus in fact
This 'Gospel fellowship' teaching is erroneous as are all
teachings that 'force' people into performing a
ritualistic 'rite of
passage 'ceremony' as some sort of 'invocation to the gods.' There are such 'rituals' in
every known religion of man
and within every 'sect' of man.
Neither Jesus nor any other true 'messenger' of God
told people to raise up religions, nor to 'praise' them the messenger. So my
task is to 'simply' expose the error of the day, so as to give you the
'opportunity' to clearly see THE REAL and ONLY way to Salvation.
The rituals of 'religions' permit the 'organiser' to place themselves
as 'gods' with the capacity to 'bless you' on your road or, to 'deny'
you access into heaven if you 'fail' to conform to their 'rituals' or
other decrees. One of which requires you to 'fall on your knees' at
their feet.
All these rituals that have 'sprung up' over the ages
mislead people into
'thinking' that they are 'safe and saved' from the Devil's clutches
when they are not.
It is I to reveal the nature of the 'Seal' of the
darkness in the soul of man as being the 'sinful' negative emotions that
drive mankind into 'sinful' ways.
It is I to reveal that one is only 'safe and saved'
and thus having attained SALVATION when the 'dark' energy essence
of these emotions have all been withdrawn from your soul 'space' by
the Grace of God. Not by Jesus or any other 'minister' of religion.
It is I to reveal how it is done, and what
you need to do to assist in the process and, - - -
It is I to reveal that to attain Salvation you do
not need to 'perform' any of the known religious 'rites or rituals'
presently 'decreed' by the church elders of any of the 'major' or
'minor' religions or other 'belief' systems of men.
It is I to reveal that participation 'in' or 'with'
any religion does 'factually' bar you from entering heaven because, -
- - through any participation you are supporting and funding and
condoning 'deception' that
is keeping others and yourself away from MY truth reference
It is I to reveal that the ONLY reason that people
'assume' they are 'saved' through having had an 'experience' of joy or
'fulfillment' or other is because they have been so told by
false prophets
posing as 'wise' elders of
'named' religions. None of these 'prophets' having any
'idea' as to the TRUE nature of SIN - - - nor as to the TRUE nature of GOD.
It is I to reveal all the above within my main Book 1
on this God's golden web site.
The TESTAMENT of Truth
278 p.
Message from
Heaven to all (Link 1) at end of doc
page 2
~ Barred from entry into
Heaven ~
The reason for the 'barred from entry to heaven'
exclusion clause, - - - within the 'State of Heaven'
decrees of God whereby if one 'fellowships with' any religion or, is
a 'party member' to any State government institution, - - - is
revealed within this document as well as the 'Slave citizen' document.
(Link 2) at end of doc
For membership with either 'group' keeps you 'locked-in' to perpetual
sinning through ongoing acts of
deception, false belief, control, manipulation, abuse, and the
unforgiving punishment
of others carried out either personally by you or, by others operating on
your behalf and in your name as your 'servants' or, in the name of the
institution or, in the name of God because, - - -
Every person is kept trapped by the
'corrupted' teachings that in one 'form' or another 'permit'
governments and other men to keep 'lesser' mortals
enslaved to their dictates and, to use them as their 'warriors'
to defend their 'borders' and 'estates' and, all mankind now believes
that God permits 'followers' to use dark force in the self
defence of their flesh or family and to 'wage war'
by attacking any perceived enemy and, - - -
All the above 'acts' are contra to and
in non-conformity to the: "Go your
way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto others"
Command of your Creator. This has all come about through the
'abrogation' of ones personal responsibility, - - -
That itself has probably come about through others
enticing you to participate in the 'organisation' that they state is
for your own benefit. Be it material or spiritual and, it is they
that have 'coerced' you to join them in one way or another using
'precedent' and thus hidden
LIES unseen by you that to you appear
kindly and thus 'angelic'
When you rely on any
'governing' institution of
man to protect you physically, - - - you have given away your
personal responsibility to simply
"Go your way in peace"
as commanded by your Creator.
When you rely on any
'religious' institution of
man to protect you spiritually, - - - you have given away your
personal responsibility to simply
"Go your way in peace"
as commanded by your Creator.
In both of the above situations you are
deceived into
believing that in conforming to the
rules or rituals of
the institutions or religions you are in 'safe' hands and thus
safe. Not seeing that by 'bowing' to regulations or punitive
rules through funding the governing 'officials' and their 'ways,' or
the 'beliefs' and ways of religions and the promotions of their
'priests' rulings, that you are also condoning and funding a
contra ideology to the one of
"Peace," and, - - -
You thus incur or accrue a 'painful' spiritual
'debt' that manifests as a material loss or a mental, emotional, or
physical suffering. The reasons for this are 'crucial' in that unless
you can see them you cannot attain Salvation. For through your own
'dark' actions or those of your servants, you are 'supping' on the
fruit of evil and
adding to your inner 'burden' of SIN. (negative emotional energy)
No 'government' can save your 'flesh' from suffering any
pain or loss. All its 'forces' can do is to cause their perceived
enemy more pain and
suffering that then adds
to your already accrued spiritual dues to God.
In every 'facet' of government institutions has arisen a
supposed 'means' to legally circumvent the Command of God and to
supposedly 'thwart' the superior Law of God. The use of man's 'Court' is
an example. Whereby the use of man's 'rules' permits man to defy God
and be 'unforgiving and
merciless' and wage war
against his neighbour and steal money, goods, chattels and children using
the 'power' of rules.
Simple man seeing not his error of 'judgement' and his
coming terror. For the moment you use 'dark energy' (punitive force) to gain or attain, you
have 'abrogated' your personal 'control' of your body and life and placed it
'squarely' into the 'hands' of the Devil for defying God's command to
"Go your way in Peace."
Officers of state or religion believe that they
can use darkness in their interaction because your 'support' of them is your
mandate to them to so do. Foolish are those that 'permit' others to 'run'
their lives for them as they 'blindly' believe that it is for their
own benefit.
Try and see the reality being that, - - - the
moment you or your 'armed forces' servants or local 'enforcement' agencies
cause any person to 'endure' pain or
suffering or loss,
then they and you personally accrue a
'painful' spiritual due within the "As you
or your servants did sow - so shall ye reap" Law of
God and, - - -
In God's ordained time and place it is you to be 'faced'
by the consequence of 'fire' or other
misfortune at the hands of an 'oppressor' when least expected, when it is
you 'forced' to endure the same
suffering and you will wail and, - - - at that moment if you then fight back
in 'fear or anger' in self-defence and cause any pain to the other,
you at that very moment draw-in more 'sin' (dark energy) into your
soul, and the possibility of your Salvation recedes far away.
Peace is the only way.
page 3
The TRUTH of Jesus and Terence ~
I the 'Spirit of Truth' have within me the man
of biological flesh the same spirit 'soul' that walked in the biological flesh of
the man named Jesus and, I have returned to
"Correct the truth on earth"
with my personal
"Testament of Truth gospels of Terence"
books that are on line on the Internet. Its content is applicable to all
mankind of every race, colour and creed.
I write this 'page' so that all mankind now begin
to revere their Creator,
and stop revering His messengers or 'priests' and religions or
other men be they a 'Mandarin, Chief, King, President or ideology of
punishment and war, so that they can begin to conform to God's commanded code of
conduct of "Peace unto all" as they
realise that they have been misinformed by false
religious or secular teachings, for none realise the extent of God's Law and its
'application' to them personally. Read on.
This document has been prepared to 'expose' the dark spot
within the 'Christian' rose that also exists within every religion, for all
'religions' teach falsity but, - - - their 'flocks' do now have the capacity to
lead the way into my 'chapter' by not only helping the 'lost' to
truly find their way but, - - -
Also in the mental rehabilitation of men and women that
believe falsely
that their 'Government' can protect and save them 'physically' and, that
their spiritual 'Lord' was a man who had the capacity to forgive them
and thus save
them spiritually and thwart the singular
"As you did sow so shall ye reap"
Law of God their Creator.
This is error of
'indoctrinated' belief, for only when man realises that
God stands supreme can they 'awaken' fully from their dream and, with
eyes wide open they will never again 'step' onto any 'hidden' snare.
It is no longer the time to fellowship with religions
that say "Close your
eyes and pray for others," for in doing
that you are already snared into the
belief that in some way you can thwart the destiny of another. Better
to pray for yourself so that you can 'literally' give
good counsel
to others as you pass on the
of my Holy Word.
My task for God is to turn strong men and women that are or were
'ignorant swine'
into stronger women and men with hearts full of God's love divine. To this do, I
have to be true to you and you and tell you the depths of the deception of
the Dark 'shark' and, how you can recognise its
over your mind from within and without.
This I do so that you can keep your eyes 'open'
and no longer be sleepwalking and thus
cruel, merciless,
and unkind
to others and yourself.
For without true
and the "turning over a
new leaf," those that continue
to be 'aggressors,
marauders, abusers, controllers, extortionists, warlords, avengers and
destroyers will have shown their
Creator that they do not deserve to live amongst their
fellow man, and their spirit souls will be swept into the Abyss by
the power of God to be dined upon by other 'living' dead swine for eternity
and, - - -
Any of them that 'thought' that praising a man named
Jesus, or Muhammad, or Buddha and fellowshipping with religions of men
would save them from the fulfillment of God's Law, will see their error and
their eternal terror as they are drawn swiftly down a very dark tunnel far
away from any light for continuing to 'consort' with darkness as they
retaliate when confronted and, - - -
In that foul and fearful place their minds will
inspire them to eternally
and their suffering is unimaginable and, the 'males' are 'segregated' from the
female 'race,' for any of them that also wield a mace do go to
another equally foul place.
page 4
Foolish are those that 'cunningly' attempt to
indoctrinate people into 'joining' a religion, especially a religion 'ruled'
by men that state that a 'man' is God or, that their 'decrees' raised
up 'in God's name' are to be adhered to on 'penalty' of death or
'banishment' for any non-conformity. Let the wise now see that no 'man'
nor 'book of text' is
God. God is GOD.
I have come to set man free from their 'adoration'
of other men, be it adoration of Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, or any
other of man of presumed importance. For in so doing they forget
their God, and they forget the immutable
"Law of God," as they have been
taught that through reverence of God's messengers or religions
of men or institutions of men, that they will be safe and saved. This is
No I am not saying that 'good' things don't happen to
people mentally and emotionally when they congregate in certain places, be
it dance halls, or churches or any other but, in every institution of man
stating that it is - - - "The religion of" - - - be it Christian or
Islam or any other where rituals or 'religious' teaching is
taking place, there is a
indoctrination taking place due to the
that has crept into the mind of man and written 'texts' over the
Whenever 'good' people or 'bad' people gather to get help
or give good counsel or are simply 'fellowshipping' with others of similar like, the
light of God is operating and many good things happen but, - - -
Regrettably the
'teachings' weaken the 'conscience' resolve of the individual. For they may
consciously seek to be better in the eyes of their God, but they are
taught that other 'religions' are bad or 'flawed' etc., seeing not that the
other religion similarly to their own has a 'flock' of both good and bad
people who are also taught 'something' falsely and, - - -
At sometime in the future when there is 'war' or talk of
war, the falsely programmed do 'unconscionably' reach for their sword, axe,
or gun to attack or defend, and by this 'act' they all defy their
Creator as they fight for man, nation, or religion and, - - -
This they do in the name of God, nation, religion,
or a man, be it a chief, president, king, officer of state, priest,
etc., or even for themselves, as they are 'fearful' and seek to avoid
karmic 'fate.' *
karmic 'fate.' *
- All 'impositions' and negative
interaction are the reaper in action through the mind of the vain, arrogant
and ignorant that were deceived. All that rely on the 'strength' of their
arm or weapons to defend themselves have heard not the Command of the
Creator, nor do they understand the Law of God.
If you say:
"I will kill any person that
lays a 'finger' on any of my children,"
then you need to 'hear' God saying to you - -
- "If you abuse or kill any
of MY children then I will abuse or kill you."
God's Law is eternal, immutable and cannot be 'voided.'
Try and see that 'whatever' race, colour, or creed
mankind is, all are God's creation and God's children, and
your 'child' is but a child of God. Being a spirit being created by
God, that has incarnated into your 'household' into the biological
flesh and placed in your 'care' to protect spiritually, as you
educate them in God's
"Peace and mercy and forgiveness"
way and you feed and clothe and house them materially.
You must not protect their 'flesh' using
For they will only be 'abused' by others if their soul needs
to 'reap' that fate from a past deed, either prior to this
incarnation or whilst here.
page 5
~ The ERROR reference Salvation ~
The principle
ERROR reference
in every community is that people have been deceived into believing that the
'performance' of certain rituals have the capacity or power to purge their
souls of sin and, they have also been taught that there is ' forgiveness'
that will absolve them from the fulfillment of God's Law.
ERROR reference
is that most people have been 'led' to believe that they can only attain
Salvation through their 'participation' with a known religion or, through
'following' the teachings of men purporting to be 'saviors.'
ERROR reference
in some members of the community is that people are 'confusing' the
'happening' of a life changing emotional release with the ACT of
spiritual salvation.
Try and see that an 'act' whereby one is either 'freed'
of a 'possessing' spirit that held ones mind in bondage or, -
- - the 'act' of becoming free from an 'emotion' that controlled ones
emotional 'state' or, - - -
The 'act' of feeling joyful and 'delighted' or
'utterly' at peace that may have taken place either in 'private' or with
'friends' or at a 'religious' ceremony is not the 'ACT of
For all 'emotional' or mental experiences that may
well be life changing for the 'better' and, - - - may well be
the 'beginning' point of 'wellness' of the mental and emotional state of a
person that, - - - prior to the 'happening' was a mentally
disturbed person either on a self-destruct path or an 'offensive' path
or both, - - - cannot be 'construed' as being the FINAL 'act' of Salvation.
Regrettably men of 'religion' have 'seized' upon the
positive mental and emotional experiences of simple man as their
'weapon' of control
over people as well as their own 'aggrandisement.' (deification -
For any 'experience' that had a positive 'life change'
within their 'precincts' was the proof of their 'power' and was and
is used to reinforce them as God's 'channel' or 'chosen' deliverers
to be 'fawned' upon as 'godlike' creatures.
Believe you me, you can have a 'life change' and become
freed from past bad habits or 'spirit' control even when in the desert
alone with God and, - - - you can also at that moment feel
'energetically' ecstatic and know that the energy of your
Creator is present, not 'Jesus' or any other man. Certainly an
'angel' of the Light might be present and visible or invisible to you.
Men of 'religion' say: "Kneel at
our feet and as you 'perform' our ritual it is we the 'anointed' to grant
you Salvation." All are liars and false prophets say I the
Plenipotentiary of God. For only GOD the Father grants Salvation to
those that HE sees as 'worthy' to abide in HIS Kingdom.
page 6
~ The STEPS to Salvation ~
The first 'steps' to Salvation are when you
understand that your present 'tribulations' and coming greater
Tribulations are simply the 'reaping' (painful
comeback to you) that you need to endure in order to
fulfill the "As you or your servants did
punitively sow - so you now reap" Law of God and, - - -
You do realise that unless you can turn
over a new leaf and become a
civil and respectful person that conforms to God's Command, - - - that you
will fail as you 'fight on' in self-defence or in attack or other and
your tribulations will go on FOREVER. Thus you make the personal
effort to now
"Go your way in Peace" as commanded by God and to do this you:
1 - Free yourself from being an
'enforcer' for any Institution as you amend your 'service' to
humanity to a kindly, merciful, compassionate, forgiving and purely
peaceful rehabilitation and
educative role that does not contain any
2 - Do your best to free yourself from the mental
interference of spirit forces that seek to use you as their 'tool' of
'accountability, vengeance,
retribution, torture, justice, control or destruction.'
3 - Do your best to control your negative emotions
the 'sin,' so that dark spirits cannot use this 'sin' energy in you to
you to express their thoughts and feelings and thus use you to
abuse others or self. (harm)
4 - Learn about the single
"As you do is done unto you"
Law of God, so that you do understand
that God is absolute
in His 'authority' and that all receive a similar 'due' or return for every
action be it kind or unkind because, - - -
God is
merciless in meting out pain for pain
given. God is merciful
and all receive an equal 'bounty' of good for good done unto others. Read
'The spiritual consequence of Action ' (Link
3) at end of doc - And the
'Hand of God' (Link
4) at end of document.
5 - Learn about the Command of God to
"Go your way in peace and love
one another and turn the other cheek when struck down,"
and conform to it when under duress when the 'reaper' knocks at your
door by not retaliating.
For you only stop drawing in more dark energy (sin) into your
soul when you stop using darkness in your interaction with others and,
- - - only thus does God's cleansing Light energy purge you of the 'sin' you
already drew in and, - - -
Because you are now enlightened and you heed and
conform to God's command to never retaliate, you willingly
your karmic fate at the hands of the untrue and thus pay your
'outstanding' spiritual dues as God fulfills His Law.
Only thus does God see that you see His
requirement of thee, and safe and saved you will be and, your
Salvation will then be assured for your conformity to God's
Command. For your Creator will see that your 'seed' is
peaceful, honourable, respectful, kind, merciful, compassionate
and forgiving
and thus 'worthy' to enter His Kingdom of love.
6 - Read the two page 'Brief Summary'
of this message to
humanity so you understand the principles of what is taking place within you
and around you. (Link
5) at end of doc
7 - Learn about the Star prayer
and its power.
6) at end of doc
8 - Never let your mind or emotions or other men
or Institutions of man give you any 'justification' to 'carry
you' away from the "Go in Peace"
command. If you do anything 'contra' this command that in any way causes
another person to suffer 'pain or loss'
in any way then you place the destiny of your soul out
of your personal control and INTO the hands of the 'cruel'
Dark Sovereign Power that is a part of GOD that will fulfill
HIS 'punitive' aspect of HIS divine LAW.
9 - The 'road' to
Salvation begins
when you take personal responsibility for all your actions
and, as you go forth each day others see you as God would have
you be, - - - kindly, respectful, peaceful,
compassionate, merciful, and forgiving.
10 - You do not rely on any 'system' of man to
perform any 'punitive' duty
on your behalf, nor to interfere
into the lives of others on your behalf. For in so doing you are
'permitting' them to place your 'name' into the book of DEATH and to
'accrue' painful debts of suffering through their dark
impositions upon
others that return to your 'bed side.'
11 - You do not rely on any 'religion' to guide you for
you now know the "Go in
peace and love one another" Command of God that you must
adhere to each day in all situations and, - - - as each person 'turns' and
faces the Light of God then
that person leads the way to others who see their 'example,' whereby the new
'order' of PEACE is
established by individual conformity to God's Command.
page 7
~ The TRUE Gospels of Terence and Jesus ~
The Redemptive factors in Salvation
TRUE Gospels of Terence and Jesus
are the spiritual revelations now contained within this
'The Testament of Truth'
web site. For they are not written by some 'others' hand but by my own
'pen' with God's inspiration.
The scriptural 'prerequisite' happening prior to entry to
the kingdom of heaven reference the 'born again' text has naught to
do with the 'literal' exiting of the spirit soul from the biological flesh
such as in earthly 'death,' nor has it anything to do with religious 'fervour,' - - -
It means that:
"Only when your spirit soul has
been 'redeemed' and 'delivered' through the removal of the 'sin'
within (negative dark emotions) by the grace of God, - - - that you are
'born again' as a being a spirit of PURE Light within as
Christ" and, - - -
You are thus saved and 'permitted' to enter the
Light of Heaven where no 'darkness' exists within any spirit person
and, - - - you will then never again be tempted to 'sup' of the
'fruit of death'*
from the 'forbidden tree.'
'fruit of
death'* - Is the use of God's
dark energetic force to
steal, lie, deceive, invade, gain,
attain, control, enslave, criticise, condemn, judge, abuse, punish, wage war,
destroy, etc. Every 'government'
partakes of this darkness, and thus is man 'culpable' also for condoning or
funding punitive or armed forces.
The 'redemptive' Factors in Salvation are firstly, the
symbolic 'Crown of thorns' and 'Crucifixion' that represent the actual
'suffering' to be endured by the individual at the time of
as they 'Reap' what they or their 'servants' sowed in their past, as God
fulfills His divine law and, - - -
Secondly, the removal of the 'sin' being the negative
emotions from the soul by the power of the
Holy Spirit Light
outpouring, that is the 'Grace' of God in action and, - - -
I categorically state that: "Any person that
continues to condone, support, fund and 'fellowship' with any dark
'ideological' state government or other institution be it 'religion' or, - -
Any person that personally engages in acts of
or abuse
of others or their property will suffer the same way and, they will find
their 'soul' dragged down into the 'pit' to endure an eternity of
through their ignorance and defiance of their Creator."
I add: "There is only a very 'brief' time frame of
TIME to turn over a
new leaf before God's outpouring of
cleansing light energy halts and God completes HIS separation of souls and,
HE is the one to 'Judge' your worth or worthlessness and, HE is the one to
'decide' in which realm within HIS 'frame' you will abide for eternity. For
HE is
Almighty God and HE 'brooks' no
'pretenders' to HIS Throne."
I add: "Jesus and other messengers of God brought the
Word of Truth to earth over the 'ages' as do I now so that you can
save yourself with the help of God's outpouring love and
page 8
~ The FALSE Gospels of 'priests' & religions ~
The 'teachings' of the day be it in the Koran of
'Islam' or the Bible of 'Christian' have been so 'interfered with' and
misinterpreted by men of religion and others that have raised up multitudes
of 'sects,' that there has been a great 'illusion' of delusion that now
One being that 'baptism' by water 'immersion' be it in
the 'Ganges' or the sea or anywhere has the power to 'purge' the sin in man
and to 'nullify' the Law of God in respect of past 'abusiveness' on the part
of the 'sinner.' -This is a
FALSE teaching and thus also a
false belief.
Not only this, but the 'greater' delusion that has man
'spell-bound' is the one whereby they now believe that if they praise
the messenger of their Creator be it Jesus, Buddha, or any other and, - - -
They raise 'him' into God-ship by 'swearing' allegiance
to him the man because they have been taught that in so doing, - - -
they will also be forgiven for their past evil ways and thus not only
'thwart' the superior Law of God, but that they are safe and saved.
-This is a
FALSE teaching
and thus also a false belief.
Not only this but man has been taught that he has the
'right' to use
force of
arms to defend himself, and during this
'act' of attack or defence in which he 'justly' abuses the other, he assumes
again that he is operating 'above' or 'beyond' the reach of the Law of God.
-This is a FALSE teaching
and thus also a false belief.
Not only this, but every 'religion' uses the name of
Jesus or another 'messenger' or their Creator as their 'authority' to
control, and to enact decrees or rituals that they impose upon their
'followers.' None seeing that Jesus actually said:
"Beware of
those that come in my name because they are ignorant and vain
and all you need to do to attain Salvation is to go your
way in peace, and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving
towards those as yet sinfully living and, - - - I will return at
a later time to give you more wisdom that you would not
understand today." |
Not only this but people representing Buddhism and
Christianity place the messenger of God before their God or as their God
and, all place the
punitive ideological RULES of their
state governing systems as being their 'holy bibles' to be
adored and 'bowed' to as though they/it the Rules were God. -This is
a FALSE teaching and thus
also a false belief.
The only major religion that sees the Creator God (Named
'Allah' in Arabic) as the superior being to whom all 'bow' is the 'Muslim'
of Islam. But they too are in a 'jam' because they are equally as
deceived by their 'own' misinformed zealots, as are the 'elders' of all
other religions and 'cultures' reference the right to
fight and wage war or, the right to fight
in self-defense and still be 'accepted' into heaven without paying
their spiritual dues. -This is a
FALSE teaching and thus also a
false belief.
None that fight or abuse another can 'avoid' suffering a similar 'eye for an eye'
return within the
you sow so shall ye reap" Law of God
and paying ones karmic dues first before entering the kingdom
of heaven, for that is 'Just' and it is the absolute Justice of God.
Christian 'followers' believe that their religion is
superior because they have been taught that their 'head' man Jesus
was reported to have walked on water and carried out other material
'miracles.' -This is a
FALSE teaching and thus also a false belief
Christian followers believe that their religion is
superior because they have been taught that the biological flesh of
Jesus 'arose' from the 'dead' and it the 'biological flesh' returned to
heaven. -This is a
teaching and thus also a false belief.
Christian followers believe that Jesus was crucified so
as to 'void' or nullify God's Law and Wrath against them due to his
'love' for them and that the 'spilling' of his blood would 'suffice' as a
to God on their behalf. -This is a
FALSE teaching and thus also a
false belief.
Jesus yes did 'sacrifice' his flesh and suffer and be
crucified so as to show by EXAMPLE that the only way to
spiritual freedom was to
"Go as a lamb to the slaughter" and
be prepared to 'die' or suffer without retaliating.
For Jesus knew that during
one was defiant of God's
"Go in peace" command and
accruing more
'karmic' suffering through causing more pain to another.
The followers of every 'sect' or religion believe that theirs is
the superior way. -This is a FALSE
teaching and thus also a false belief.
There is only ONE superior way. The 'way' taught by
God via me that 'belongs' to no religion and itself is not a
religion. It is simply the Statement of FACT issued by your Creator
and backed by HIS Might. "Go your way in peace and
bear goodwill unto all."
page 9
~ The Sinners prayer ~
This is the 'Sinners' prayer to be used by all of
every race until the 'day' they depart the flesh. For its use will assist
them in more than one way as thrice daily to God the Creator they it
Creator of
the Heavens - Mother of love*
I see your Star shining above
please cleanse my mind with all your love
so I may heed your call of peace from above
'Mother of love'* - you
may choose to say :
'Father of love' |
And, you may 'add' these words on the first 'day' that
you repent and relent about what you did do that to others was untrue:
For I now do fully
understand the consequence of using God's underhand, being the
dark energy from below and, - - - I now also understand that for
its use that I will REAP what I did SOW.
Thus I am happier to
hear the Truth that is sent by your dove your proof, that heaven
above does exist as does hell where all go that weave and twist.
Your Wisdom does now
set me free for I know the Truth of what truly be, that only
those that do others love will one day find their
way to your land of love.
Thank you Mother and
Father too for being to us sinners so loving and true, for again
sending your messenger through to show us sinners how to
be true.
For we now fully
understand that none are above your divine law, and we will pass
on that message to all on this earthly shore.
I will add a few more words unto all about the word
'forgive - forgiven - forgiveness' and its use
by God and yourself. For I would have it that you now understand that
the requirement of God is that YOU forgive thine enemy, your past,
present, or future enemy. For all are simply as you, persons needing to be
shown the way to set themselves free from the REAL enemy.
Being the dark essence that they drew into their souls through their
ignorance. Give them and thus yourself a second chance.
The LIGHT of God energy
- - - is loving, kind, and forgiving. Thus all
are welcome into Its heavenly abode that are ABLE to reach its 'gate' and
The DARK of God energy - - - is
destructive, cruel and unforgiving. Thus IT
does not 'permit' you the freedom to go into the Light until you have
paid your dues unto IT and, until you have returned *
unto IT all the dark energy within your soul that you took
from IT illegally as you foolishly used IT in your interaction with
Any 'speck' of dark energy is 'heavy' and is what keeps
your soul from being 'uplifted' into the PURE Light
of Heaven. You cannot become 'free' from SIN energy when you in any
way use it to 'abuse, steal, criticise, judge,
condemn, invade or wage war and destroy.'
That is the Salvation Truth
from my pen.
Note :
you have returned * - in your own 'suffering' you pay your dues to
God within God's Law, and God then draws out the dark 'sinful' energy little
by little until you are free. If you keep drawing it in through retribution
then you never become free.
page 10
~ The TRUE Jesus 'crucifixion' Revelation ~
The Truth of the matter is now revealed so that the
'wise' can begin to see the errors of the past 'insanity' as they set
themselves free from false teachings, and they begin to understand that
Jesus was but 'as they are' a simple man that was sent by the Creator
to walk in this land and, - - -
The reality being that no mere man can 'get away' and
not pay for any 'folly' of the day because, the Law of God is supreme,
immutable, Just and eternal and none can it 'void' or avoid.
Thus any 'angel' of the Light that 'lowers' themselves
into this sad world through their 'love' for God and his children, is a
person that is
prepared to 'suffer' whatever the 'load' that becomes their karmic
'fate' when they 'stumble' on the road.
There is a 'factor' unseen by man being that when one
incarnates into this 'realm' ones spirit mind is 'blocked,' and ones earth
consciousness thus knows naught other that what it experiences from
the moment it enters the mother's womb.
These experiences are those 'recorded' by its senses as
well as any 'thoughts' that appear from within its own mind from 'somewhere'
else. Thus when an 'angel' that is a pure 'Christ like' spirit enters this
realm for a 'tour of duty,' it is prepared to 'take on' into its soul some
negative emotions (the sin of this world) because, - - -
If it did not, then it would not and could not
understand what 'sinners' felt ref - sorrow, greed, fear, anger,
revenge, jealousy, etc., but, - - - once it was again thus a 'sinful'
person, it would as all 'sinners' be 'subject to' the absolute authority of
God's Law in every interaction with others.
God 'imbued' Jesus with 'enough' dark energy to ensure
that he would 'sin' to the extent that he would then not only 'consciously'
understand the power of 'Satan' being the Dark Energy essence
of GOD * but, - - -
Through this energetic 'power' of 'sin,' the thoughts
of the Serpent would then be able to enter his mind
via the 'vibration channel' of the 'sin' emotions and 'tempt' him
to be its 'angry' retributive force, and thus he Jesus would accrue a
'painful' spiritual 'due' that would ultimately cause him
to be 'flayed' and betrayed and 'nailed' at the time and at the place that
God so ordained and, - - -
You need to see that as God's LAW is absolutely
in its "As you sow so
shall ye reap" statement, that Jesus
could not have been 'nailed on a cross' to show you the way
that you would have to go for being a 'swine' unless, - - - he
first accrued the spiritual karmic 'due' of suffering himself and, - - -
page 11
You need to see that as God's Law is
absolute, that no man can be 'tempted' to pay or can 'offer' to
pay or can 'literally' pay the spiritual dues of any
other. For it would mean that God was not God and, it would mean that
God's ONE Law could be voided or avoided, and that my 'friends' is
the erroneous belief of false teachers and the greatest false
teaching of the day and, - - -
It follows that Jesus did not 'die' on any cross to save
you from the end time fulfillment of the immutable
"As you did sow so shall ye
reap" Law of God. It was simply
a 'loving' demonstration wherein his soul divine was prepared
to 'suffer'
so that he could save you from continuing on being swine once you
learnt the TRUTH about God's immutable Law from me
Terence, the same spirit that was
in his flesh because, - - -
In every race and creed the same 'deception' has occurred
in that via 'religion,' mankind has been
taught that his inner 'sin' can be nullified and he can be
saved by either praising Jesus or other men seen as 'gods' or,
through the 'acts' of carrying out a variety of rituals. This is the
I have returned to expose and, - - - when this
Doctrine of Truth has been 'preached to all nations' then THE
END with its eternal separation of souls will come.
Examples of rituals of man that have no
'Salvation' significance being:
Immersion in water, be it in the sea, the
Ganges, or by priests on the heads of 'babes' - - by visiting
'temples' and paying a 'royalty' of booty to show ones 'fealty'
to that religion and its purported 'belief' - - by being
'celibate' as Buddhists and many others and thus showing their
supposed 'purity' -
- circumcision - - - appeasing the spirits of the dead by asking their
advice and offering them material 'gifts' or - -
By a once in a life time visit to a 'shrine' that is a
supposed 'holy place' - - lighting candles or praying to ward off evil - -
flagellation - - throwing stones at a 'symbolic' devil - - destroying ones
enemy as a duty to God - - food fasting discipline - - ritual of
'communion' being the 'ritualistic' eating of the flesh and drinking of the
blood of a 'sacrificial lamb' or - -
Praising God or God's messengers - - genuflecting to
robed priests - - daily or weekly rituals of giving 'alms' to supposed holy
men in return for their 'blessing' - - raising up
punitive 'rules' to force conformity to ideological beliefs - - the 'blood'
sacrifice of animals or humans etc., to appease God.
All is Falsity
inspired by the Serpent via the mind of the
fearful, vain and arrogant that 'thought' it was necessary to do
'something' more than simply conform to God's
"Peace unto all" for their spiritual
protection and
Heed God, only thus are you ' blessed' by God.
Every 'society' and religion has its 'quaint' but false
beliefs surrounding the FACTUAL act of purifying the soul and
Every person has been 'deceived' as there is only ONE way as given by
ME the Light of God.
For every 'other' promises your freedom through
your avoidance of the fulfillment of God's LAW. Only I can promise your freedom
through your understanding that God's Law is THE LAW of this
and every land and, - - -
You can only become spiritually free when you understand
the reason 'why' you need to fortify your mind in the manner given by
me. For it is only then that you can then begin to CONFORM to God's
Command to
"Go in peace
and extend goodwill unto ALL" and, - -
You thus understand that only when you are
mentally strong enough to NOT retaliate when faced by 'wolves' because, - -
- you now
know that they are His 'God sent' avenging angels
* sent to mete out HIS
divine Justice and, - - - you now know the 'how and why' you must truly follow 'Jesus' and
"Go as a lamb to the slaughter,"
as you
'forgivingly, lovingly,
mercifully and compassionately' stop
bringing others to 'account' for their misdeeds as you conform to
God's commanded 'code of conduct' of "Peace unto
all" even if you are to be crucified.
Note: avenging angel * - Is a
'swine' that is an ignorant 'non-believing' person that is not
only using dark merciless punitive
energy, but is one that has a mind that is telepathically 'possessed'
by demonic forces that know exactly what they need to do to
you in order to fulfill the 'eye for an eye' aspect of the negative
side of the Law of the Dark Sovereign Power (God)
: being the
Dark Energy essence of GOD * - See
'God is GOD'
(Link 7 ) at end of doc.
page 12
~ The TRUE End times Mission ~
The TRUE End times Mission for mankind and God,
- - - as is required by God of True believers that can see what it is that I
Terence say today, that could not have been understood by simple men when
Jesus walked on earth a long past day is, - - -
To go forth and in every way possible spread the word
that God's final message is now available on line at
and, to assist in the dissemination of the fresh revelations about God and
'sin' and the energy within, and the 'what and how and why and when' the
Tribulations will be and what each person needs to do to assist themselves
and others.
This extends to the 'merciful'
and enlightenment
and thus 'elevation' of the minds of 'offenders' (sinners)
that interfere, control,
abuse and thus disturb the peace of the
land. This is accomplished though their education and attending the
'Feeling Easier Seminar'
if they 'offend'
and are thus able to make change and, - - -
The dissemination of the 'Brief Summary' and
reinstitution of the singular
"As you sow so shall ye reap on
an eye for an eye (equal basis)" Law
of God, and God's command to
"Go your way in peace and
extend goodwill unto all in being merciful, compassionate, kind, and
forgiving" and, - - -
To assist in the enlightenment of the uncountable spirit
beings lost in the dark realms of spirit. For as they attain wisdom from
this level due to their emotions and minds linking-in telepathically
to the minds of
earthly beings, they too will be 'saved' and elevated back to the light.
(The spiritual dead shall rise)
For as earthly man 'learns' truth and sets himself
free from the 'ignorance' and deception of 'accountability' and punishment
and warring ways, those linking in mentally from the dark also have the opportunity
to change their ways and rise up from the 'dead' into the light.
All 'bad' or offensive persons that have 'seen the light'
and turned over a 'new
leaf' need to read the Offender document
and become Carer's that implement the
Feeling Easier Seminar
in every town as they become a true
'Peace Corps'
of dedicated men and women serving their God directly as God inspires their
(Link 9) at end of doc.
Maybe 'Peter' the man of God that operates the Pyengana
branch 'Chapter of' the "Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
International" needs to now join my 'chapter' of able bodied
believers that go forth into their community and help dispel the 'myths'
reference Salvation and, - - -
Maybe his 'group' will become the first Elders of the
Pyengana community to commence and 'run' the "Feeling Easier Seminars," as
they 'haul in' any person that disturbs the peace of the land in some way
or, that are a 'danger' unto themselves.
Let Pyengana become the first 'district' where all
'Elders' conform to God's Command to
"Go your way in peace,"
and thus no man is to 'bear' a gun in a public place, nor 'threaten' any
other person with a weapon of any kind, nor use their 'arm' to strike any
blow against any other person and, - - -
Thus any person found not conforming to God's
Command is seen as a person needing to be
'arrested' *
and taken to a place where they will be subjected to the 3 hour "Feeling
Easier Seminar" and then set free as commanded by their God.
page 13
If any person from any other place or 'institution'
enters the district bearing 'arms' for any reason or threatens any of the
local populace with the intent of 'kidnap' from their home to be 'judged' by
any 'judge' for the purpose of their punishment then, - - -
That uniformed or otherwise 'invader' is also to be seen
as a person needing to be 'arrested' and taken to a place where they will be
subjected to the 3 hour "Feeling Easier Seminar," and then set free as
commanded by their God within the "State of Heaven Decrees."
'arrested' *
- Go to the < The Community Peace Corps
Arrest Mandate
(Link 10) at end of doc.
Maybe every 'gospel' organisation and the "Full Gospel
Business Men's Fellowship International" organisation can now also
advise all their members to do the same as they the 'group' amend
their projected 'Creed' to state:
We believe that there is only one God for all mankind
that says: "Go your way
in peace and love one another as you extend goodwill unto all mankind and
you are respectful, merciful, compassionate and forgiving to all others yet
sinfully living" and, - - -
We believe that His messenger the Spirit of Truth has
returned in the flesh and blesses us all with God's fresh wisdom found at
"The Testament of Truth" and we now believe that the 'crucifixion' of Jesus was to show us the
'way' it is to be for all that sinned as all must pay their dues
personally to fulfil the one Law of God.
We now believe that no person or 'servant' of the
people has any mandate from God to 'take the punitive law' of God into their
own hands, as all punitive 'correction' is God's prerogative only
and, we believe that mankind is only permitted to fulfil the 'positive'
aspect of God's law and thus only educate offenders.
We now believe that no man should use the strength
of 'arms' to defend themselves against any perceived 'threat' or invaders
and, all that is needed is to be mentally strong enough to not
retaliate in the face of adversity, so that as we
'go as a lamb to the slaughter' in self-crucifixion we attain spiritual freedom.
page 14
~ The ‘unsaved’- what lies
in ‘store’ ~
Those that do
not attain ‘salvation’ begin their eternal journey into
GREATER sorrow
and suffering, as their spirit soul spirals downwards with
ever-increasing speed through its own ‘determination’ to fulfill the
expression of the powerful and growing dark emotions within.
Being the Sin through which there is an intensifying mental
‘justification’ to bring others to
account in order to fulfill the DARK aspect of God’s Law of
the punitive
you did sow so shall ye reap” side of the ‘eye for an eye’
Law of restitution.
Not seeing that their
inner darkness that is driving them mentally and emotionally
‘blinds’ them to the reality that, - - - as they ‘penalise’ and
abuse the other, that they at
that very moment subject themselves to an ‘equal’ payback
within the very same DARK aspect of God’s Law of the
“As you
did sow so shall ye reap” side of the ‘eye for an eye’
Law of restitution.
The DARK power gives
every ‘enforcer’ more and more reason (telepathically via
someone’s mind) to ‘legislate’ more and more authority unto itself,
so that it can ‘justifiably’ terrorise
others more forcefully. All thus
accrue a greater return due of suffering within the immutable
Law of God for their defiance of God’s
“Forgive and go in peace” command.
cannot find peace through waging war; you cannot wash away
blood with
through the ‘water’ of forgiveness is
peace attained.
If you fail to be saved
at this end time then you find that little by little that your mind
becomes under the ‘control’ of invisible
demonic forces and, - - - you then become mentally ‘possessed’ by
their minds and lose all personal capacity to think for yourself. This
means that you are unable then to even consider conforming to God’s
“Go in peace” command, and you
only express the destructive
‘wishes’ of the ‘invisible’ Alien race from HELL and, - - -
You become an
insane, cruel, vindictive and
merciless unforgiving person that is only emotionally
‘satisfied’ when someone is being ‘victimised’ by your
punitive actions you can only
perceive as ‘Justice’ because, - - - the ‘rule book’ of man and
the DARK emotional energy ‘growing’ within your soul sees its actions as
‘rightful’ and
‘Just,’ and only ‘permits’ your
consciousness to see the error of the other and, - - - you have
not been taught to be merciful and forgiving.
You have been taught to bring others to account and to
punish them and, - - - many of you
receive a ‘wage’ to so do.
From this time forth
your negative interaction with others ensures that you accrue a
similar ‘pain and suffering’ due and, -
- - as your soul becomes burdened with more negative energy its
vibration ‘coarsens,’ and the time comes when your flesh ‘dies’ and your
spirit is released and, - - - that is the moment of time when
your spirit consciousness is ‘awoken’ to the fact that life goes
on eternally ‘somewhere’ and, - - -
Your ‘burdened’ spirit
is ‘dragged’ at the speed of light into a realm of God’s choosing. Being
the energy of the Dark that is similar in nature to your own
unseen energy within and, - - - in that realm you are ‘stuck’ with
others all waiting to strike you down with their mace, for they
can only see your disgrace and their
‘possessed’ and thus controlled minds
are unable to see their own error or actions as anything other than
Every ‘mind’ in that
space is subjugated by the power
of the Dark Sovereign Power and, - - - its intent is ‘horrible.’
For it not only ‘wishes’ to destroy your ‘bad’ seed but, prior to that
time it wishes to ‘torture’ you
in every conceivable way that IT can think of because, you
DESERVE it for your defiance of the
Light of God your Creator to “Go
your way in peace” and, - - -
The only thing that
does take place eternally in that aspect of God’s energy is
that forever you draw in more darkness that ‘crushes’ your
beautiful inner ‘light’ rose and,
eternally your every moment of existence becomes one of
excruciating pain and suffering and you
‘die’ spiritually and, - - -
Deeper and deeper your
spirit is drawn into the depths of ‘oblivion’ to ultimately become
‘frozen’ in a wasteland of putrefaction that is so far from the Light
that it turns to STONE for another eternity until, - - - the ‘day’ does
dawn that it approaches the ‘coal face’ of the eternal
FIRE of Creation where it ‘revolves’ in
agony for a time and more time, but your ‘shrieks’ are unheard
* as
your spirit is purged of its ‘dross’ and you again are ‘reborn’
into the Light.
better to TRY and move forwards and UPWARDS to the Light rather
than go the ‘other’ way.
choice which ‘voice’ to now heed.
The one
of the Light essence of God that says;
“Turn over a new leaf and begin to go in Peace”
Or you
may continue to heed the call of the Dark essence of God and continue to
punish and FIGHT.
‘shrieks’ are unheard *
- There is 'utter' silence in the depths below because God the
Father does not 'permit' any offender to 'vocally' disturb the
peace there, and HIS dark forces mentally control your mind
so that you cannot even SPEAK. For HE does not need to hear the
'result' of your disgrace for wielding a mace against HIS children, and
neither does HE wish to hear your 'pleas' or 'reasons' for so doing and,
- - - HE simply 'shuts your mouth up.'
page 15
Note: - the negative emotions are
from the dark energy 'spectrum' of the Source - God. This energy is
malicious and 'inspires - incites - invites' a person to Sin.
Thus causing another to suffer pain because it the dark
energy is vengeful - cruel – merciless -
destructive and unforgiving etc.
(encompassing the negative manifestations
of the emotions of hatred, greed, jealousy, anger, criticism etc.)
The more you use this
energy in your interaction with others in expressing it
verbally or physically, the more you draw it into your
soul where it grows as a cancer within you and the further
away from the Light and
Salvation you go and, - - -
Because the use of this
dark energy by you causes another to suffer in some way, the more
your own suffering grows as God within the
'Just' fulfillment of His divine law
does the same suffering upon you impose
via some other 'ignorant' person at a later stage in time.
If you always go your
way in peace, then you are never
causing pain to others and never 'permitting' darkness into your soul
and, as you then only express positive light energy in being
kind, respectful, compassionate and
forgiving etc., your soul becomes lighter and brighter and nearer to
the pure Light of God and Salvation. You may read more on
Sin and sinning.
(Link 12) end of doc.
I Terence the man
of flesh that has within me the same spirit soul that 'walked' on
earth within the flesh of the man Jesus, and I am the man that
returns to 'Anchor' you to the Truth of God as given by Jesus
and, - - - he or she that endureth hardship by remaining faithful
to God's Command to "Go your way in
peace" shall be saved through their perseverance and
God's grace.
nothing happens to you that is not deserved. Be it good or bad.
The 'foreign' policy of
others towards you is determined by your own 'Foreign
Policy' ACTIONS towards others. Abuse others for any
reason and you will also be 'justifiably' abused. THE LAW of God
is absolute. If your 'servants' detain,
punish, kill or torture or 'skin' people alive, then be 'assured'
by me of what awaits YOU.
All the suffering
imposed upon 'prisoners' and their families comes back to 'haunt'
you personally. All the intrusion, restriction, extortion by
fines, punishment, or removal of children from their family etc.,
carried out by 'Court' officials operating on your behalf and in your
name comes back to 'haunt' you personally.
It is the time to
realise the danger you expose yourself to when you by 'taxation' or
other 'fee' levy do fund and condone the actions
of State 'enforcers' and other armed personnel who are thus
operating as your servants. The only time you or I or any other should
‘caution’ a person is when they are seen to be in a position
where they are or can become a danger
to others or themselves.
We then
‘kindly’ give them our
educative counsel and thus
positive direction so that they can
have a little inner reflection. For all are answerable to God when they
disturb the peace of HIS
Be warned, your 'day'
of Tribulation is soon to begin
personally, and it could become an 'eternal' tribulation as it
will if you deny my message from HE the Father of all. For
eternal tribulation does lie in 'store' for any that fail to be
page 16
~ Additional Notes ~
If you have the belief that
you can 'void' or avoid the
"As you sow - so shall ye
reap" Law of God then so be it - time will tell.
If you have the belief that
you have been forgiven, then
there will never be a 'hand' raised against you in anger and neither will
you suffer any material loss - time will tell.
If you have the belief that
you are truly 'sin' free, then you
will never again raise your hand against any other because
you not only have relented and repented, but you can
"Go in peace and extend goodwill
unto all mankind" when in the face of adversity - time will
If you have the belief that
there is more than one 'Creator' - -
e.g. one for Muslims and one for Christians then you are deluded. The word
'Allah' is simply the word God as spoken in Arabic. God created all races -
and all are 'equal' in His eyes - all 'sinners' needing to begin to conform
to His Command of "Go
your way in peace and love one another."
Persons 'falling' at the feet of ministers of religion that say
"Praise Jesus and be saved" are being
It is time to see that 'Christians' wage war on others as do 'Muslims'
because their 'elders' have taught them falsely. The word 'infidel' is
simply the Arab rendition of the English word 'non-believer' - meaning a
person that does not conform to God's message via Jesus and
Muhammad & Buddha to
"Go in peace and be merciful,
compassionate and forgiving."
My 'non-retaliation' Gospel is simply a statement of FACT backed by
Jesus' words
"GO as a
lamb to the slaughter,"
for that means
"Do not fight back" because - the word
'Karma' means
"What you do comes back to you - good or bad"
- that is JUSTICE is it not?
Surely even God's law
"As you sow so shall ye reap"
is also simply stating that? - God's LAW is
absolute, so where is the confusion?
Those as me that DO believe in God's absolute Justice ensure that
if ever confronted, that they do not raise their hand or voice
because they KNOW the consequence of that ACTION.
I say: I speak of the SAME Jesus as you have 'heard' and simply ADD
that - "It is 'he' (his spirit) that has returned in MY fleshly body
to bring you the
without the 'distortion' that has been added to
scriptural texts."
And I say: ANY person that is preaching 'other' than - - - what I
say ref. God's Law & God's Command to
"Go your way in Peace"
and, any other way to 'redemption'
- - - ARE deceitful workers and false apostles who most certainly will
answer to their Creator and, subject themselves to the words of the
'old' biblical texts
If anyone preaches a gospel to you beside what you have received from ME,
they 'curse' themselves and their
end shall be according to their works
- - - because, I preach the same
true 'gospel' that does not 'differ' from that day to this.
Because, any person that believes that they can be 'forgiven' by
the simple 'act' of a statement reference their 'love' and acceptance
of Jesus as their saviour or, through the simple 'acts' of performing
rituals are deceived
and - when the END days tribulations do commence and they ARE confronted by
their past and expected to NOT retaliate, they will 'fight' tooth and nail
page 17
I preach the REAL Truth reference the absolute LAW and Justice of God
and any person teaching any other shall surely BE accursed - as shall
be they that changed the Holy Word so that others would find a
means to thwart the Holy Word of God I did bring then and
reiterate NOW.
GOD says :
Do not rely on the strength of
your right arm to defend yourself, rely ONLY on the strength of my "Go in
Peace" word" because only thus do you NOT accrue any 'bad
karma' - -
So any 'apostle' preaching that one can 'fight' or 'defend' and
only need to rely on their 'oath' of allegiance to Jesus or any other man or
religion, are in error.
Why does God allow or permit people to be abused or tortured? Because
within the Law of God they knowingly or unknowingly deserved it and are
receiving their 'karmic' JUSTICE at the hands of the ignorant inspired by
the DARK avenger.
Gods' "Go in
peace" command is true, as is HIS divine Law - any teaching that
tries to 'nullify' these precepts of the TRUE IDEOLOGY OF GOD are
error that lead to
The 'beam' in the eye of man is that he sees the
error of the false teaching and preaching that has entered into EVERY OTHER
RELIGION - - - but NOT the error that has entered his OWN. - Every religion
has the error of ideological belief that 'permits' the use of
force to defend -
and the use of force to 'attack' in self defence - all these anti-god
actions are condoned by men of religion who THUS mislead God's
I can ASSURE you that ANY person 'pointing the bone' at
any other is NOT a Christian. TRUE followers of CHRIST do not
'bear' arms, nor do they 'strike' any perceived enemy - they CONFORM to
God's command and they 'Go in peace' as given by God through Jesus'
'mouth' AND again now through mine because - - - all now have been
'led' to believe that they can use force and 'get away with
Ask yourself -
"What is the Tribulation all about
- - who is going to suffer and why"? - I can tell you NOW -
those of ANY race or creed that defied God's
"Go in peace" command
that in any way abused others and thus placed themselves
within the negative aspect of God's
"As you did sow so shall ye reap"
are the ones to face the 'lions' that will be as 'iniquitous' to
them as they were to others and, - - -
ONLY those that have now become
'enlightened' by my
pen who thus do see the
'Wisdom of God' and thus do not retaliate will pay
their 'suffering' penalty
dues to God and become spiritually free. They lose their
'fleshly' life and gain eternal life in the Light of heaven freed from their
It needs be seen and understood that when you share
an emotional release or a 'life' changing testimony with others one feels
closer to them, be it as a 'Legionnaire' in the French foreign Legion or in
a church 'group' or 'religion' or other 'familial' situation.
Do not let this 'closeness' affect your relationship with
any other person or race or creed or ideology because, all are God's
children and all need your care, blessing, friendship and good
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When you make another your 'enemy' then you
have made God your enemy. For whatever you do unto them will by God
be done unto you VIA others. The wisdom I bring you is a sacred blessing to help you
fortify your mind and soul against any 'thought' that tries to use you in a
negative 'response' to the 'darkness' you see shining through others.
Help them free themselves from it the dark
energy being their inner 'sin' as you control your own dark emotions, and
you both win eternal happiness. The 'inherent'
to the exclusive 'heavenly' membership is the power of the invisible Dark
One, who via your sin tries to give you a very good and
'justifiable' reason to be it in action.
Your God and Creator would have you see that all
'mankind' and all 'demons' are sister and brother and thus you need to love
one another because your Creator the
Mother of Love
so does, and He the Father will now destroy any person that uses His
power to destroy Her creation.
Only when you can love your enemy
'unconditionally' are you truly a 'free' spirit as 'Jesus' or me and, - -
-then and only then do you feel fully at peace within at all times
and, - - - you know that you are saved and safe as you would never raise
your hand or voice against any other and your spiritual destiny is
the 'Promised Land.'
God also does have His own
'eye for an eye - as
you sow so shall ye reap'
Law that now swings fully into
'operation' and, - - - irrespective of what you have been taught by men,
there is NO 'forgiveness' within God's Law and, - - -
Every 'sucker' that used
deception, force,
or waged
upon any other is to be 'crushed' in
a similar way as
insanity encompasses this world.
Its time for the 'people' of every land to awaken to the
truth that they may feel 'safe & saved & godly' as they fellowship with one
religion or another but, - - - what they all need to now see is that the
mere fact that they 'vote' or condone or by tax fund their
interfering, taxing, invasive,
punitive and destructive
ways that, - - -
In the eyes of their CREATOR they are funding a very DARK
IDEOLOGY that itself is an 'anti-god'
organisation (religion) terrorising its own
community as well as others over the seas and, - - - within the immutable
divine Law of God every person is now to 'face' a similar due at the
hands of the 'untrue.'
Believers in my
do not 'wage war' against their perceived enemy. For they have learnt
that the other is but a poor soul trapped by darkness that
they drew in to their soul and, they are trapped through ignorance and false
ideological teachings.
Thus they teach the other to help free themselves
from this dark energy and at the same time they free themselves. For every
'government' on earth is a religion with the
ideological doctrine of
extortion, regulation, invasion,
punishment and
war and, - - -
All that fund or condone or support 'it' are walking
deeper into the darkness each day and as they sleep at night they
are accruing a painful karmic
as the result of the actions of their servants.
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Every person or government 'body' that uses
force or
bears 'arms' against the other is either a 'Christian'
or 'Islamic' extremist
etc., neither are a 'believer in' nor 'follower of' the
"Go in peace"
Command of their Creator.
Both 'parties are of the same 'evil' ilk, and both
are seen by many on their 'side' as good and 'just' and 'honourable'
and working for God and the 'good' of their people. They are
the deceived that from now on pave the 'way' to their eternal 'place'
with the Deceiver, the Serpent, the 'hellish' underworld realm of GOD
the Dark Sovereign Power.
Let us join hands to try and set them free be they
Howard, Bush, or Bin Laden or any other knowingly or unknowingly being
For the reality is, that all mankind has
been 'deceived' by the power of the Serpent that has operated in the
mind of simple man for aeons of time via their 'sinful'
emotions, as it 'tempted' them and then seduced them, as it gave them
a 'justifiable' and 'valid' reason to defy God and sup on ITS dark,
forceful, merciless, unforgiving, cruel, and punitive energy.
I have returned 'as a thief in the night' for my spirit
soul is invisible. You cannot see its power or
brilliance until you enter heaven. My sole purpose is to 'simply'
tell you all the Truth
and lay it at your 'feet'. It is up to you to decide whether it
'rings' true for you and, - -
I am not here to tell you to 'do' anything other than to
use my 'wisdom' so that you are able to become 'as me' a pure
spirit, and so that you are truly able to assist others to find their way home to the
Promised Land.
The 'chains' that bind you are the 'sin' emotions, and
thus you are 'linked' to the dark until every 'speck' of ITS
energy is 'delivered up' and you are purified
and, - - - only as your spirit soul 'exits' the flesh will you know
your eternal destiny, as you either 'streak' to the light or 'fall'
crushed into the oblivion of the eternal dark night with its
terrifying and eternal torments.
This END time Salvation program is one of self-sufficiency.
This means that you look direct to God and not to men of
'cloth' with their religions of differing beliefs. Feed yourself with this
final wisdom and set yourself free as you daily conform to God's "Peace
unto all" Command and make no demands of others.
All of every race and religion presently condone,
support, fund and follow 'The LAW of the BEAST'
as all 'bow' to the 'dictates' of 'Caesar' who is used as the 'symbol' of
the false 'justness' of the State Rule book (statutes) of man.
- - - Read it (Link 11) below
The only daily "Rite of passage"
ceremony needed by each soul to become free as given by GOD through ME:
"Go your way in PEACE at all
times and in all circumstances"
Heed me or, fail and fall to 'Hell's Gate.' For soon the
whole world 'dissolves' into a 'cyclone' of intense emotional 'frenzy,' as
insanity erupts within the mind of man and mankind sees the
end result of
their defiance of the Creator. Being the power of the dark energy essence
the 'Sin' that has 'silently' grown within their spirit soul through their
ongoing punitive and thus negative
and Dark interaction with others..

Anchor yourself safely to my ‘rendition’ of
God’s Holy
Word, for I AM the 'Link' between Heaven and Earth
Terence - the 'pen' of God/Allah
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Internal Links spoken of in this document