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~ Malcolm Turnbull - the 'turncoat' ~
Justification - Dictatorship & Vengeance

Malcolm Turnbull is a 'turncoat' for he is elected to serve and guide, but soon as many of his 'ilk' he will lose his robes of 'silk' and in Hell he will abide. For more dictatorial regulation and interference and fine and punishment is his 'ridiculous' INTENT.

Surely the people have the right to choose the nature of their 'illumination' in their homes? Why cannot arrogant politicians see that commonsense and education is the way it should be. Soon if he has his way every Australian 'globe' manufacturer is shut down and cheap imports of millions of harsh white 'globes' will flood each town.

20 million Australians forced to use cold  'fluorescent' bulbs of which many are unkind to the eyes and after all, there is often a need for a lovely warm or 'hot' incandescent bulb that emits heat, for it warms rooms and even in the tropics it helps to keep mould away from clothes and ceilings and has many other applications.

Using force of arms and coercion through threat of punishment is not the way to 'save' energy. Surely the 'humble' light bulb that has served mankind for so long is the LAST item needing 'correction'?

Malcolm, surely one can simply educate the community and help them to see that downsizing ALL electrical items is the FIRST priority. For all rush out to purchase a larger and more power hungry TV, radio, vacuum cleaner, fridge, etc., and all these items use a lot more energy than the simple globe. Even the PC's today are 'doubling' their power consumption annually and multitudes leave them and their TV 'running' up to 24 hours a day.

Advising people to use some lower energy bulbs and to switch lights off and to downsize their vehicle is a good 'step,' and teaching drivers to travel at a maximum of 80 kph will also conserve a huge amount of energy. All simply need educating. Advising people to use the 'warm light' version of lower energy fluorescent bulbs would be good policy.

If 'saving the world' begins at home, then why does 'Australia' export millions of tons of coal so that others oér the sea can pollute our atmosphere? Simply because of GREED. If 'saving the world' begins at home then I ask, have you any solar panels on your roof? Is your home already 95% alternate powered as is mine? Do you personally even know 'how' to change your own home to total 'wind-solar' power?

How energy efficient is the white house at Canberra? Why do you seek to interfere forcefully and rudely into the private affairs of every household in the land? Will you 'license' meter readers as 'bulb police' so that they can do a 'search & condemn' inspection to raise up more funds for political pockets? Have you any 'idea' as to how irate the public are becoming with the arrogant political 'agenda' of the day?

Why do you and your 'group' preen yourselves so vainly as you say "World first! Australia slashes greenhouse gases from inefficient lighting"? It is not a 'world' first, for as yet you have accomplished naught other than to publicly 'warn' and threaten the community of the reality being that:  "The Australian Government - - - is aiming for full enforcement of new lighting standards legislation by 2009 to 2010."

Why cannot you see that you are naught other than a swine*? I suggest that all the people of the land HALT their 'tax' funding of the iniquitous controllers that rule them with an iron fist. I also suggest to the people of the land that they simply get on with their life with GOD as their leader, as they simply go about their daily business in conformance to God's "Go your way in peace and give of your surplus to the community and needy" rather than 'bowing' to the dictates of the vain, arrogant, and greedy.

We do not need arrogant and ignorant DICTATORS interfering into our lives any more, and in the NEW AGE to be those elevated as servants of the PUBLIC will be the 'lowest' paid in the land and they will be happy to be of true service to God's children.

It is also the time for those 'swine' as you to become AWARE that all 'fine & punishment' and control imposed upon God's children by you and your 'enforcement' team becomes a spiritual DUE to be 'met' by you in the underworld. Wake up 'brother.' You 'chaps' always 'Justify' the use of coercion and force and you see not that you 'divorce' your own souls from Heaven until you have paid EVERY DUE.

Note: swine* - are the people that 'grovel' in the murky cesspit of dark forceful energy as they impose it and its 'agony' upon others.
Swine* are the 'infidels' (non-believers) in God and His Command of "Peace and love & mercy & compassion & forgiveness."
Swine* are the ignorant of God's supreme "As you sow so shall ye reap" Law.
Swine* are the vain that hold God's "Love one another" call in disdain as they use the sword and the gun to control everyone.
Swine* are the ones that justify control, extortion and punishment as they force others to bow to their dictates.
Swine* are the 'lost' sheep that condone and fund and support the dark imposing, punitive and destructive policies of their leaders.
Swine* are the ones that end up in the 'sad and sorry' State of HELL for a time and a time as they 'grovel' at the feet of their Master, Satan.

 I am here to EDUCATE all Swine, and it is your personal choice to 'flick' a dime and decide whether to place your bet on ME, for I say that ONLY my message will set you free, and that applies to EVERYBODY.

Malcolm - please try and see that political 'rulings' also force policemen to become swine and to be unkind to the population.

Sincerely - Terence

page 145

~ Mr. Petro Georgiou MP ~

Dear Sir, it is a common 'misnomer' amongst politicians that 'the people' of the land are their 'children' needing their protection - direction - and CORRECTION. * This means that politicians believe that they rather than God are the 'director' of operations.
Note: protection - direction - and CORRECTION. * - The 'directives' enabling the armed forces (police etc) to enforce all the political DECREES that bring all persons to their knees are the RULES contained within 'books' that are added to each year. Thus every child born onto any land on earth are 'bound up' and enslaved by said RULES that politicians believe are 'The Law' of the land. They are NOT, they are simply the decrees of 'Caesar.'
So there is in fact NO democracy on earth, for at every fireside 'hearth' sit people bound by the Autocratic Dictator "THE RULE BOOK" of Satan. For any and every 'act' of control or regulation backed by punitive measures for non compliance is contra the Command of the Creator.
Politicians swerved away from their God-given position of 'trust' within which they were the servants of the people that should have used the FREE GIVING donations of the people to aid the 'poor' and to fund community endeavours. All now believe that they are the MASTER and they see "us" as their servants that can be taxed more and more and more, and PUNISHED more and more and more for failing to 'deliver' and, - - -
Politicians believe that they can defy God and FORCE the direction of HOW people must live. (See above letter to Malcolm Turnbull)
Politicians as Kevin Andrews are no different to Hitler, for they have the power to destroy lives as they 'JUDGE 'who' can enter this land. They see not that there is no such 'thing' as Australian principles, for the 'principles' of every land are THE SAME, being those as laid down by God the Creator and HE stipulates: "Go forth in peace and be kind, merciful, compassionate, respectful, and forgive those 'infidels' that cannot so be and turn the other cheek if they offend thee."
People like Kevin are the deluded infidels (Non believers in God's command) who lost their 'right' to enter into the Promised Land a long time ago, for they know NO mercy and show NO mercy and they ARE dispassionate, merciless, cruel and uncompromising. So their 'time' to BE in the Abyss will be eternally long unless they now heed me and begin to see their OWN error, as needs be done by EVERYONE.
For as people pay their taxes and fund these iniquitous politicians and their 'armies,' they all accrue a similar painful spiritual due within the SUPERIOR and absolutely Just Law of God that says: "As you or your servants do unto others will by ME be done unto you."
I hope "Sir" that you are ONE that will see TRUTH in me.
I AM the 'awaited one' and NONE are yet saved for ALL are yet controlled by Satan for funding His works, for condoning His works, and all are being defiant of the Command of their CREATOR.

Ian McCormack’s ‘daydream’

 As an East African fisherman who has trawled the eastern tropical waters I can but say that I have caught many a ‘jellyfish’ in my nets, but never any box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) as reported by Ian on his ‘night dive’ at Mauritius. As these creatures are not known to inhabit these waters it is probable that he was stung by the long tentacle ‘Portuguese man-of-war’ jellyfish that are common to East African waters.

 Whatever the ‘name’ of the stinger is irrelevant, but what is relevant is “why” does Ian begin his story so dramatically by naming the creature the ‘deadly’ box jellyfish and adding, that he was stung simultaneously by four of them?

 He goes on to say that the Taxi driver refused to carry him to the hospital and he states that ‘that’ is the nature of Africans. Both these statements spoken by Ian are false, for no African Taxi driver would ever refuse to give aid to a person in distress and neither would an African Taxi driver demand money from a tourist prior to delivering the person to hospital. Not only this, but the island named ‘Mauritius’ is not the continent of ‘Africa.’

 So this man Ian is intent on ‘dramatising’ his story of personal glory, seeing not that God ‘frowns’ on liars, and for sure I the ‘messenger’ of God finds many flaws in it as I listen to the words on his tape CD, and as I am the spirit of truth who can see God’s face I can assure you the reader of this epistle that Ian did neither see the face of God nor was he spoken to by God.

 If he so ‘thinks’ and so projects so as to impress attendees at religious gatherings then that is between him and God, and God will deal with him in the after life when he does fall into the Dark for being so foolish as to concoct a ‘return to life’ story based on lies so as to elevate himself into a ‘chosen one,’ and to deceitfully mislead people into continuing to believe falsehood in respect of Salvation Truth as is ONLY given to humanity by ME.

 It is quite probable that his initial ‘out of body’ experience was a factual one, and that he did experience the great fear associated with that place of darkness he spoke of. I believe that that ‘sector’ of his story is correct but, that only IT was what he experienced before he again became ‘conscious’ as his spirit ‘awakened’ in the flesh.

 I believe that his out of body experience impacted so strongly on his mind that he ‘ran’ home to ‘mommy,’ for he knew that she would hold his hand and calm his fears as mothers do, and that she would be very happy to hand over a bible to start his scripturally based salvation program.

 So Ian studied hard to find a ‘way’ to avoid falling again into the dark void when he does decease one day. For he was literally terrified of what was there and as we see, he bases his ‘way’ scripturally and says that the verses chosen as a part of his narration on the CD were by God spoken to him. This too is false, for the ones he chose are not ‘sanctioned’ by God nor my rose for they are ERROR. Yes they are, for they will not get you to the Promised Land and I will tell you why.

I refer to Ian’s supposedly ‘God spoke in my mind” texts as his needed reference I find on his web site:

I Terence state: A TRUE ‘Christian’ is a person that ‘bows to’ and thus adheres to the ideological ways of Peace, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness as given by God to humanity via Jesus or other ‘avatars.

Ian says: Jesus said we all needed to be born again to enter the Kingdom of Heaven { John 3:3 }. This takes place when we truly repent of all our sins and surrender our entire lives over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Terence responds: - Error we are born again when our spirit soul is purged of sin (negative emotions) by the grace of God, and this can only be done once we adhere to God’s Command that I reiterate here: “Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living, and do not disturb the peace of the land and do not fund or support iniquity by using ‘servants’ to abuse others” – If you vote or pay taxes then you are complicit to the abuse and destruction of the lives of others via ‘armed servants’ and you are defiant of GOD.

Ian says: Jesus died for our sins and when we ask Him to forgive us He will forgive us all our sins and the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins { 1 John 1: 7 - 10 }

Terence responds: - Error John 1:7-10 does not say that Jesus ‘forgives’ ones sins, nor does Jesus’ ‘blood’ cleanse any person of their sins. One is only cleansed of sin (negative emotions of greed, hatred, anger, fear etc.) by God’s grace when the person has shown God that they conform to God’s ‘Decree’ of peace and harmony when they face any spiritual TRIAL as God’s Law is imposed upon them.

 Ian says: And the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ { Romans 6 : 23 }.

Terence responds: - Error Romans 6:23 does not use the words ‘free gift of God’ for man has to EARN their spiritual freedom by their adherence to God’s Command as given through Jesus and now me. Certainly God gave His ‘advice’ freely, but Jesus cannot ‘do your salvation for you’ as he simply passed ON the message from God.

Ian says: God demonstrated His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Jesus Christ died for our sins. { Romans 5 : 8 - 10 }.

Terence responds: - Error The texts written were falsified by mortals who were yet sinners who ‘wrested’ the scriptures unto their own destruction, for all written in the scriptural ‘book’ named ‘Bible’ were not written by the man Jesus, and I say that men took the ‘easy’ road as their interpretation of ‘died for our sins’ was that - -  by mere ‘proclamation’ that Jesus was Lord and saviour - - -  that he simple man could void and avoid the immutable LAW of God and not suffer or be sent to hell.

This is error of thinking on the part of man, for man is always subject to the ‘eye for an eye’ Law of God and Jesus was crucified to demonstrate to man that they would have to permit themselves to be crucified without retaliation and with forgiveness in their hearts towards their oppressors prior to being saved, for ONLY thus do they fulfill the Command of God and the Law of God.

 Ian says: And whoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved { Romans 10: 8 - 14 }.

Terence responds: - Error This is the greatest deception that has been inserted into scripture, for it defies the Command of God to “Go your way in peace in all situations and in all circumstance” as being the Salvation requirement of God. So THE MAN of flesh that corrupted scriptural texts will suffer eternal damnation. ONLY those that now heed me will find their way home as they ‘turn the other cheek’ as they do suffer and thus pay their spiritual dues and THUS fulfill God’s Law.

Ian says: And when God forgives us our sins we must forgive others who have sinned against us { Matt 6: 14 - 15 }.

Terence responds: - Error Ian misinterprets that scriptural texts but not only this, the contents of the texts is ERROR, for it is for man to forgive his enemy, God requires the fulfillment of HIS law PRIOR to releasing man from his debts to GOD within the immutable “As you did sow so shall ye REAP ”LAW of GOD.

Ian says: There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name given under heaven that is given among men, by which we must be saved, apart from the name of Jesus Christ. { Acts 4 : 10 - 12 }

Terence responds: - Error For the supposedly ‘Christian’ establishment (the institution of religion) inserted said text so as to gain converts and wealth untold, and it misleads many and turned many against other religions, (UNHOLY wars) and even unto today men like IAN use this falsity to promote the spiritual ‘death’ of the unwary, for THE REALITY IS that NO ‘name’ or praise of ANY name attains Salvation.

The attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in submission to HIS Command:

'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.'

Yes, and soon the mentally unsound will be knocking at each door as the REAPER using their minds will impose divine justice, and any of you that raise your hand to defend yourself or to repel them will FAIL your ‘crucifixion’ test and be cast into the PIT to join other SWINE.

If ANY of you seek TRUE Salvation then set aside the contaminated texts of old written by sinful men and READ my fresh divinely inspired message from the Creator recorded by my OWN sinless soul and mind.

As for you Ian, I can but ‘suggest’ that you fall to your knees not asking for forgiveness for your promotion of untruth, but for the sole purpose of showing yourself that you are humble enough to so do as you bend your knee and ‘bow’ to God and, - - - then you reform your mind by reading my sacred book and then come to a personally informed decision as to whether you should discontinue your present FALSE way.

So Ian, you ‘son’ are a very foolish one who is using lies and deception * to misguide many a searching ‘other,’ and I your brother can but advise you that self-aggrandisement using deception is the greatest folly and very unwise, for any person that goes forth deliberately or otherwise to knowing or unknowingly deceive God’s children deserves eternal damnation.

If you believe that Salvation is found within the halls of any religious institution of man then you are in error, for THE TRUTH is only available via MY pen and THE TRUTH stands up in the 'clouds' of the Internet sky for all to espy with their little eye. Certainly those of 'like minds' can 'sing along' and fellowship together, but for ANY person to stand on a stage promoting that they are God's sage is pure folly. God's PURE WISDOM is the Light of Salvation, not you nor 'men of the cloth' nor texts in ANY books written in past ages.

Note: lies and deception * - Not only your personal ‘story,’ but if you believe that you are ‘safe’ from God’s Wrath because you are using text from a black book, then it is I the Messiah to say: “You are using contaminated teachings that are contaminated with lies and deception, and THUS you are an advocate for the Devil and the ground you stand on is sandy and soon to crumble.”

Added note:

Ian says: Salvation is achieved when a person speaks a verbal 'invocation' and his example states: "If you are ready to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, you could use the following prayer" - - - of which I include a part thereof: "I receive Jesus into my heart by faith and confess with my mouth that He is my personal Lord and Saviour. I choose to follow Him all the days of my life - - - etc.,"

Terence responds: - Error – Fanatical elders stand up on a 'stage' in their 'Outreach' centers and tell you that if you come close and stand before them and repeat their 'ritualistic' invocations of adoration of the man Jesus and make a 'vow' to him, that you are safe and saved. There are also others such as 'Ian' who do the same thing via the internet as via their minds and false beliefs the Devil gains more souls that have been deceived into believing that they have been purified when they have NOT.

The REAL TRUTH of the matter is, that if you bow to the WILL OF THE FATHER and conform to HIS Command message sent via Jesus and others stating: “Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living, and do not disturb the peace of the land and do not fund or support iniquity by using ‘servants’ to abuse others,” then you halt the ingress of dark energy into your spirit soul that takes place when you criticise, deceive, steal, abuse others etc., and only then can God's Light purge you * of the (sin- negative energy) dark emotions that you have already drawn into your soul.

Note: God's Light purge you * - God's Light is always drawing out dark energy from your soul that you drew in during your past use of it in your expression (actions) and, you need to understand that your 'sin bin' can never become 'empty' if you continue to 'sin,' for as you use darkness in your interactions you are drawing more IN.

Let it be CLEARLY understood, no spirit soul contaminated with ANY dark emotion of anger, hatred, greed, fear, vanity, pride, jealousy, vengeance etc., is able to enter into the Promised Land, for in that 'space place' no darkness exists and no dark energy can enter therein.

You can say all your prayers and ask for forgiveness and speak your invocations, but I THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH stipulate that all pay their spiritual dues to God for their past 'crimes' when they abused their wife or others or stole or caused loss or deprivation of liberty or inflicted injury. All is accounted for PRIOR to your eternal Liberty being granted by God the Father, and HE and HIS divine "As you sow so shall ye reap" LAW is immutable.

How do you 'pay' your dues to God? You 'suffer' at the hands of the ignorant ones who persecute and abuse you and YOU must 'turn the other cheek' -  YOU must go as a lamb to the slaughter - YOU must  NOT retaliate or defend yourself - YOU must allow yourself to be crucified if that is what they do to you.

 ONLY thus in NON-retaliation do you find release and surcease from eternal suffering. God's LAW is absolute JUSTICE and it is NOT to be 'administered' by any believer, for those that do administer it place themselves in the position where they will have to suffer the same fate within God's Law.

Let it be CLEARLY understood, that every present day 'minister of religion' is guilty of preaching lies and thus will spend a time and a time in the Abyss for having deceived many for a false penny. I can also stipulate that ONLY those that now follow the message from God as written by my sacred pen will one day ahead find their way to the Promised Land.

I AM the spirit of truth – Terence


~ ABC 'Foreign Correspondent' ~
The 'fall' of the South African and all mankind

Let all now see the satanic 'plot' that began with 'Lot.' For the satanic 'plot' at that time was to 'induce' man to seduce his own daughters as the satanic 'Sower' of devilish ways interfered in the psyche of 'fallen' man. Man erred a long time ago when he defied the Creator and went his way turning his back on the Holy Word that said:

"Go in peace, love one another, be respectful unto all and, - - - bear no malice and no sword against sister or brother that in your 'eyes' are cruel, unkind, intolerant and vengeful and, - - - if they seek to interfere in your life or take your cattle or wife then that is MY Judgement upon your household and, - - - I expect you to bow in submission to me and be merciful and forgiving as you turn the other cheek and remain meek."

For man succumbed to greed and as he invaded the lands of others and stole what was not his to take, and he was then faced by others seeking to resist, and man made use of the forbidden dark force and bore arms against others that he attacked or needed to defend himself against, and all this defiance of God led man deeper into servitude and bondage to Satan as he spilt much blood and subjected other children of God to a 'trail' of torture and tears.

So now we see the beginning of the END days as every South African raises his voice and hand against Zimbabweans and others that are fleeing for their lives. As we see, the 'White' Boer again arms themselves and instead of opening their arms to the poor 'Black' passing his farm and offering them water, shelter, and love, their hearts are callous and unkind and they treat God's suffering children with contempt and aid in their being sent back to mad man Mugabe and his torturers.

Where is the fulfillment of God's Command to BE merciful, BE compassionate?

Do 'nationalists' really believe that persons crossing 'borders' are 'illegals'? Let me set you all straight, for any person that denies any other 'access' to any land on earth do automatically 'exempt' themselves from entering into the Promised Land. For God says: "As you do will be done unto you for that is MY superior and singular LAW."

The world now stands 'poised' for a gigantic confrontation. All stand in God's sight and God is now to separate the 'wheat' from the chaff,' and believe you me, soon none will laugh as all 'face' the grim faced Reaper as is exposed by me. NONE defiant of God's Command will ever become free to live peacefully, for as they die fighting their enemy their soul falls into the dark night, and continues on fighting and suffering agony for eternity, for THAT is God's WISH for the infidel non-believers.

Do you 'think' that it will be any 'easier' here in Australia?  - - - NO, for the fall of man in Zimbabwe and South Africa is just the beginning of the END days as revealed by my pen in my 'Visions of the last prophet' page 32. It is the 'appointed' time for man to read my 'Wisdom' and become enlightened, and the torch is lit on the Limpopo river as the 'fallen' race mankind enters his 'final hour.'

For now in every land on earth there will be an increase of 'madness' and man will destroy man as THAT is the plan of the Dark Sovereign Power (God) who is to mete out divine retribution against all that defied Him and His Command, using the merciless who will themselves be destroyed for being non-believers in Peace.

There is NO 'tolerance' on earth today. For even in this 'Australian' land people assume that democracy reigns and 'Howard' is tolerant, this is ERROR and all live in a delusion. For irrespective of 'who' is the mortal 'head' of the controlling institution, all are 'subjugated' and forced to 'bow' to the cruel, merciless and punitive decrees that are INTOLERANT and DICTATORIAL, (rules, statutes, legislation) and any that 'fail' or falter have their lives interfered with and are cast out of society, punished etc. All are defiant of the Creator and all will now face HIS Wrath. 

I AM the Messiah

All that defy my pen (God's) will suffer eternally.


page 148

The greatest social ‘injustice’

The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church of Australia * (see note) are GUILTY OF TREASON against the State of Heaven as well as their own  ‘Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia’ because:

The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of condoning and supporting the FALSE ‘punishment and war’ Doctrine of State enforcers, and their ‘marriage’ to political institutions is teaching members of the community that it is ‘Just’ to defy God’s Command and interfere, impede, demand, reprimand, hinder, regulate, control, abuse, punish, detain, invade or kill any other person perceived as an offensive offender or ‘social misfit.’

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children to NOT fund by taxes any punitive regime because in so doing they are being defiant of God, and ‘Bishops’ are themselves reliant upon the ‘blessing’ of kings, politicians etc., who they foolishly ‘fear’ more than their Creator

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children to NOT take up arms against others under any circumstances.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children that THE LAW of this and every land is God’s “As you sow so shall ye reap” Law, and it is not the imposed mandates and decrees (rules of man) that bring all to their knees.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children that God’s Law is IMMUTABLE, and there is NO mercy in the application of God’s Law for any person that defies God’s “Go your way in peace” Command, for any that defy God have lost their divine God given protection and immunity from pain and suffering, and all will ‘reap’ what they sowed at the time and in the place so decreed by God.

The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children that the PURE Doctrine that must at all times be adhered to is the code of conduct given by God through Jesus and many other ‘Avatars’ being that; to attain spiritual freedom, - - - the pure doctrine of Christianity of 'peace unto all' that is also at the core of every religion and at the core of the soul of man must be adhered to by the individual to attain Salvation. That fact is pure Truth.

The Truth at the 'core' of every religion should be the same:

Christianity * (The attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in submission to HIS Command:

'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.'

Islam * (The attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to Allah in submission to HIS Command:

'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.'

Buddhism * (The attainment of inner spiritual peace is by the external expression of 'Peace unto all.' This is only attained in 'bowing' to God in submission to HIS Command:

'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.'

 As the Truth is at the core of every spiritual message, it follows that mankind needs no religions, they only need THE TRUTH.

Jesus the prophet did 'hear' the voice of the Creator God who gave him the message of 'Peace,' and Jesus then told many of this PEARL he had found, and Jesus faithfully bequeathed his fresh found wisdom unto mankind.

 Thus he GAVE the Pearl of great price being the Salvation Wisdom of God to humanity, and the 'Call' from the Creator God of "Peace unto all" became the ideology of Christianity, being that any person that 'heard' the call of "Peace unto all" by God, - - - as 'foretold' by Jesus 'prophetically' as being the way to Paradise now had a choice;*

Being that if they 'bowed' to God and then submitted to God's 'wish' and thus conformed to the call of "Peace unto all" from God - - - as spoken by Jesus his faithful servant and messenger, - - - they would attain Salvation and be granted entry into God's Paradise.

Note: choice; * - Each individual also has the choice to continue on in their present 'aggressive, antagonistic, merciless, punitive & warring' ideological ways, and suffer the consequence that is documented as being one of eternal torment in the wastelands of HELL for their defiance of their Creator God.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING to tell God’s children that all the terror imposed and suffering imposed and ‘jail’ time or destruction or killing done in their name and on their behalf by their SERVANTS the state enforcement agencies and war machine places them into the NEGATIVE and PUNITIVE aspect of God’s Law, and thus all the aforesaid ‘terror and anguish’ will come to their own door for THAT is God’s JUSTICE.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of teaching UNTRUTH for they have told all that by ‘fellowshipping’ at their ‘door’ and praising and elevating the name of Jesus that they would be saved.

 For the FACT of the matter is that one is only saved by God’s Grace when one is by God seen as “A graceful, respectful, kind, benign, compassionate, merciful and forgiving person” as they adhere to God’s Command IN ALL SITUATIONS and they do NOT fund the wages of ‘mercenaries’ (police & armed forces) to be their protector, for in so doing, armed men control, interfere, terrorise, steal from, tax, abuse and destroy the livelihood and life of many.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of FAILING the ‘precepts’ of their own Constitution wherein is implied: “The Church will ever obey the command of Christ and teach his doctrine - - - and uphold the standard of faith as inspired by God.“

For as their ‘ministers’ walk hand in hand with soldiers of war and bless them in God’s name, they are condoning and supporting the ‘Works of EVIL’ and deceiving God’s children and aiding in the destruction of the souls of God’s sacred creation who look to ‘priests’ for guidance and salvation rather than to God’s Holy Word of forgiveness and PEACE.

 The ‘Bishops’ of the Anglican Church are guilty of looking to ‘Parliaments’ for permission and enactments prior to having their mandate to do ‘this or that,’ none seeing that institutions run by mortals have naught to do with the Holy Word of God and its promotion.

 Let it now be seen that the greatest ‘lie’ and deception is being promoted and perpetuated by ‘Elders’ posing as spiritual leaders, and this swinish activity has kept mankind bound to political dictates wherein simple ignorant man has ‘given’ his life to uphold ‘flags’ and lands stolen by kings and politicians for GREED, rather than giving their life CREATIVELY in using their ‘strength’ for benign and constructive and educative programs.

 Woe unto all deceivers of God’s children who will ALL now spend a duration ‘time’ in the Abyss for having aided the Serpent for so long as they ‘bowed’ to His ‘punish & destroy’ song, and they continue to perpetrate the greatest ‘injustice’ against their fellow man and themselves as well as TREASON against the State of Heaven and their ‘own’ Constitutional code as they speak of peace but support iniquity. All are ‘subjects of God and subjected to HIS divine Law.

 It is THE TRUTH as now revealed by God through my pen that is to be your ‘Salvation’ if you conform to IT as you await your release from the Abyss below, and if you fail IT in your ‘suffering,’ then your agony will increase with no surcease for eternity. MY pen has spoken.

I AM the awaited Messiah

Terence – son of Irene & David 

Note: Anglican Church of Australia * - This applies to Elders and ‘teachers’ of all religious ‘orders’ of every ‘sect’ or Religion on earth.

Go to: The Sovereign Right of man document.
Go to: The Crucifixion of Religion document.

NOTE: There were only 2 replies received from over 300 email letters sent out. I enclose them here below with my responses on pages 149 & 150.

page 149

I give here the contents of letters received as a reply to my page 148 above as well as my Reponses.

Letter 1

----- Original Message -----

From: Joseph.Bell
To: Terence
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Absolute TRUTH
Dear Terence,

We know that there is something queer, in one way or another, about a lot of Anglican primates, but I have to say I think you have gone overboard.

Terence replies

Dear Joseph, from over 200 emails sent today, it was nice to receive a 'single' reply - - - yours - - - thank you - - -
Maybe you would take the 'care and share' time to enlighten me as to EXACTLY why you believe I have gone 'overboard'?
Have you not yet observed how the whole world is now preparing for the ultimate confrontation and can you not see that 'attack - defense - war - punishment is ALL contra the Command of the Holy Creator God? Can you not see that all now stand at the 'moment' in time when those that CONTINUE to fight or deceive or control or abuse or destroy God's precious creation will by HIM be destroyed?
My email 'outreach' applies to every 'cleric' or other teacher of 'doctrine' in every religion on earth, for all condone the use of force and all believe in accountability and 'justice' for NONE have yet heard nor understood the FULL implications of the TRUE Holy Word that I bring today.
I AM the Messiah sent by God to bring the East and the West together

Letter 2

----- Original Message -----
From: trevor twentyman
To: Terence
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 10:34 PM
Subject: RE: Absolute TRUTH for all churches
Most interesting.  I shall pray that your eyes be open, and that you should see ´the truth` rather than the perversion written here!

Terence replies

Dear Trevor, now over 300 emails sent out to be a 'warning' to those happily going about their daily business of 'teachers of Christ's message to humanity as bestowed upon him by God the Father and - - - yours is but the second to respond, and for your interest I attach my reply to the first.
One of the 'failings' of people professing to be 'teachers or preachers' is that they 'languish' behind words such as yours < I shall pray that your eyes be open, and that you should see ´the truth` rather than the perversion written here! > Seeing not that 'prayer' is NOT 'teaching errants anything -
Thus if you were true to your 'calling' then you would 'kindly - mercifully - lovingly' reach out to me saying:
"MY brother, your message of the day appears to me to be 'perverse' (wayward, wrong) and as I am true to our Creator I would like to set you 'straight' on the matter, so that you not only go your way peacefully as commanded by God but that you also are enlightened by my good counsel."
So my little 'outreach' was and yet IS a very kindly expression to advise all 'ministers' that THEY are aiding the Dark as they give the 'impression' to the youth of the day that they can defy God and go forth and cause endless destruction and NOT HAVE TO PAY for their iniquity within God's singular and immutable "As you sow so shall ye reap" LAW and - - -
Who is 'worse' in God's eyes - the destroyers or the deceivers that 'profess' to teach TRUTH but in fact FAIL to so do, and thus millions of men go to war and then fall into the Abyss to continue on 'warring' and suffering for an eternity or two?
My letter reached you and many, and 'maybe' your Creator simply via me decided to 'test' those professing to BE 'faithful' and - - - not ONE has made any effort to 'correct' me for their perceived perceptions of my apparent 'failings.' What does that FACT signify to you?
To me it states quite categorically that in their eyes I must be an insane or very vain man, and THUS not worthy of their attention.
To GOD it proves quite categorically that they are all vain, arrogant, ignorant, and PERVERSE (wayward, wrong) and THUS not worthy of going to THE LIGHT of Heaven.
As it was 'written' - - - man's 'love' for his Creator has become 'lukewarm' and all languish in their 'fat' as they wallow through each day awaiting to be elevated and, - - - it is I the spirit of truth to say:

"No son, you and ALL did fail your test and this FACT by our Creator will upon you be 'impressed' in a very soon coming time when you ALL will not only be confronted and 'upturned' by biologically living swine but, - - - your travail will continue on for a time and a time in the lower lands until you HAVE paid every due for being so 'callous and untrue' to ME the living God you cannot see."

Wake UP man - Terence
Letter 3

----- Original Message -----
From: trevor twentyman
To: Terence
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 3:55 AM

Subject: Re: Absolute TRUTH for all churches-3

I am not implying that what you are saying does not have ´some` truth, but you cannot make such sweeping statements and expect to be believed. This IS a ´perversion` of the truth!   NOT everyone who purports to be the leaders of the Church are ´bad`!  There are bad Bishops and there are good Bishops!  There are bad Imams and there are good Imams, there are bad Rabbi's and there are good Rabbi's.  There are bad people and there are good people.  The ´miracle` is that God chose we imperfect people on which to build His Church.

I did not want to be ´chosen.`  I had a comfortable and satisfying life - but - I was told not to be so arrogant, and to accept what God wanted of me.  I have tried!

I would not dream of suggesting that I know any more than anyone else - including you - however I do suggest that perhaps not everything is a black as you are painting it.  I have the greatest faith that God knows what he is doing, therefore we should accept ´His ways, which are not our ways.`!!!

Terence replies

Dear Trevor, what is the difference between a 'good' man unknowingly misleading people that will cause them to suffer mental, emotional and physical trauma and, - - - a 'bad' man knowingly or  unknowingly misleading people that will cause them to suffer mental, emotional and physical trauma? There is no difference in God's eyes, for 'ignorance or deceit' that leads others into pain and suffering has a Just & equitable 'comeback' within God's law upon the ignorant deceiver.
God did not choose anyone to 'build His Church' as you perceive it, for what you perceive as 'His Church' is the institutional organisation with a 'body' of officers that operate according to the 'rules' of the institutions  and, as the rulings of said Constitution contain error it follows that the 'flocks' are being misled.
God over time has sent many a 'messenger' to earth in a variety of places and cultures to 'seed' His Command and conduct code directive. Man chose to elevate the messengers into god-ship and to build an institutional 'order' in his earthly name, and used the institution to gain wealth, influence, power and control of God's children as its elders 'promised' salvation to those that 'bowed' at their feet.
The 'Church of God' simply comprises of INDIVIDUALS who walk their road 'alone with God' in that their daily CONDUCT remains in accordance with the Command of the Creator:
To:  "Live in harmony with all others and go your way in peace, and love one another and be a delight in My sight as you show Me that you are compassionate, merciful, and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living."
So it follows that God does not require the 'use' of religious institutions, God simply requires those that HAVE heard His Command to go their way peacefully in accordance with said Command and to tell of it to others that appear to be living in a CONTRA 'forceful or aggressive' code of conduct way.
The institutional way of man's 'religions' is what separates man from man as 'each' authoritative 'body' of Imams or Bishops advise people of the world that only their 'religion' is headed by the true God and, that only IT the institution and ITS God hold the 'key' to Salvation - That is ERROR.
The institutional way of man's 'religions' is what turns man against man and 'belief' against belief, and every religion has 'fallen' by virtue of the FACT that its office 'bearers' and their 'flocks' walk hand in hand with the State religion of man * (governments) and this 'order' has the doctrinal belief in the use of force to mercilessly and unforgivingly interfere, impose sanctions, tax every aspect of man's ways, punish, control, regulate, wage war, and kill and, - - -
Warlords (political forces) are all condoned by the religious orders that they 'licence' and control and, their iniquitous ways are actively backed by priests that walk hand in hand with their soldiers of fortune and, all the punitive State activities are condoned and supported and funded by the 'flocks' of the very 'Churches' that you state are 'His Church' - - - this is also FACT and an abomination and, - - -
The Church elders of the Anglican and Catholic and Islamic and other organisations not only actively teach and condone 'warfare' in the guise of 'defence' but they also 'bless' young men going to war rather than speaking THE PLAIN TRUTH in stating that: "Any of you that bear arms against any other will by God/Allah be sent into the Abyss for your ways."
God did not 'choose imperfect people' on which to build His Church as you see it. God chose to send a 'perfect' spirit soul INTO one of thousands of 'realms' of consciousness wherein abide multitudes of 'lost' and imperfect souls that for 'ages' were and yet are 'Hell bent,' and God's purpose was to give all therein a LAST CHANCE to amend their ways before THE LAST DAY.
I AM again here to 'warn' you ALL that everyone is STILL walking the wrong 'punitive & warring' way, and I also bring forth THE TRUTH to 'overturn' all contaminated teachings so as to show you the Grace of God who again sent me and, - - - to tell you that SALVATION is ONLY possible for those that now fortify their minds against the thoughts of the satanic deceiver in the manner now revealed by me in my Testament of Truth, for it is HE that has held you all in bondage for so long and, - - -
It is your falsely programmed minds that keep HIS control over you so strong and, I can assure you that every 'gung ho' forces man or, any civilian that is a 'wife' abuser or, any public 'enforcer' or, any men of 'the cloth' are all to suffer for a time and a time on this realm before they depart the flesh as insanity escalates as foretold by me and, - - -
They ALSO will spend time in the Abyss and, - - - if they 'there' have not learnt to change their ways then they will 'scream' in agony for a further eternity, and THEN they will KNOW that their Creator IS THE SOLE AUTHORITY not mortal man. 
Yes 'brother,' things are 'blacker' than painted by me, and "Yes" God knows exactly what He is doing and "Yes" the ways of man are NOT what HE Commands and HE will now ensure that HIS Law is fulfilled in the manner told by HIM through ME 'today' so, - - -
I suggest that you and all now accept His Command in ITS fullness as you go forth and tell ALL that His fresh uncontaminated TRUTH is now on line for all to see, and ALL 'believers' and 'non-believers' are to conform to ITS content or spiritually DIE and, - - -
You are to advise everyone that the use of force or 'arms' in war OR in self-defence is ERROR and all are now to 'disarm' and "Go as a lamb to the slaughter" as devilish non-believing swine sent by God smash down their door and make them 'pay' for all terror imposed by them or their servants on God's children on a past day and, - - - ONLY those that do not retaliate will by God be set free spiritually.
Yes the Light energy of God operates through the hands of the 'believing' merciful and peaceful benign.
Yes the Dark energy of God operates through the hands of the 'non-believing' merciless and malignant swine.
Man needs to understand that it is the energy of GOD that 'backs' every peaceful or warlike endeavour - and - that each energy essence is accompanied by its own set of rules that are 'equal' but opposite. 
Equal in that THE LAW of God applies to both, for both are God's pure energy - thus the use of either energy has an equal return unto the user in the time and place that God so ordains. An 'eye for an eye' meaning "As you sow so shall ye reap." That is the Just Justice of God.
Opposite in that the 'emotional' energy of the one is benign - loving, compassionate, forgiving, merciful and creative.
The other is the 'sinful' energy that is malignant - cruel, fearful, merciless, vengeful, uncompromising, and destructive.
So not only are 'we' using either or both of these energies, but as we 'draw' on either one we also can be affected mentally by incoming thoughts.
Seek to be creative, merciful and forgiving, and the pure inspiration of the Creative essence will guide us to our destination.
Seek to be controlling, invasive, punitive or destructive and the 'EVIL' Genie rises from out of the depths of our 'sin' that is the LINK to the Serpent in the Pit of the Abyss, and His thoughts being the pure but forceful inspiration of the destructive essence will override our consciousness and 'possess' our minds and lead us to our destination because, - - -
Those that we seek to punish or terrorise or destroy have been 'marked' in the past by Him (The Serpent) as 'one' that used His energy in the past, and is therefore 'one' to receive their 'due' within His immutable Law and, - - - at the same time His deed is accomplished through a sinning non-believer, (infidel) He marks them as 'one' to be dealt a similar 'blow' ahead and, - - -
Unbeknown to this 'fool' their own soul becomes contaminated by His 'mist of death' energy and ITS 'weight' is what drags their soul down into the Abyss. Yes, no 'sinner' ever sees the Light of Heaven until every 'speck' of DARK energy has been withdrawn from their spirit soul in the manner revealed by my pen and, - - - no spirit soul can be purged of their sin UNTIL they begin to conform to the Command of God IN ITS FULLNESS as revealed by my pen.
Neither energies of God are 'good or bad,' they simply EXIST, and God warns us to NOT 'sup' on the Dark energy simply because He knows that the consequence is 'eternal suffering.' He commands us to only sup on His Light energy as He created us to be a 'delight' in His sight and, - - -
He is only 'interested' in looking at the picture of Heaven He 'painted,' and will NOT have it 'tainted' by arrogant sinners. Thus now He will cast all continuing to be 'swine' permanently out of His sight into the Dark to never be seen or heard of again.
Those of you that do believe His message through me will BEGIN to show HIM that you now 'earnestly' seek Salvation as you conform to His 'Standard' as stated by me and, He then will release you after He is satisfied with your conduct AND, - - - after you have paid your spiritual dues to Him within His law.
God wants you to go your way in peace and to advise all 'warriors' to amend their ways.
Sincerely - Terence

Note: - As for your words < God knows what he is doing, therefore we should accept ´His ways, which are not our ways.`!!! > By this it appears to me that you believe that God ONLY aids mankind, and in this you are ignorant. For once you defy God, then it is His forces inspired by His darkness that blind you and incite you to use it ( punitive and deceptive dark energy) more, so that It/He can destroy your arrogant spirit.

Note: Proof of existence of the State religion of man * (State governments)  - Go to;
The PROOF of State religion
The FALSE Religion Police force
Letter 4
----- Original Message -----
From: trevor twentyman
To: Terence
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: Absolute TRUTH for all churches-4


Thank you.  I agree with much of what you say although I feel that the way you say it will not endear your message to many people.  You raise many points which need much thought, prayer and discussion.  I regret that at present there are many other matters which are occupying my very limited time.  I will have to return to these rather contentious questions when I am free. 

In the meantime I will consider what you have said. 

Terence replies

I wish you well on your road Trevor. As for your words < the way you say it will not endear your message to many people > I can but say that if I do not 'shock' people with the consequence of their actions, then they will 'as you' complacently go their way hoping I am wrong and do as you say < I regret that at present there are many other matters which are occupying my very limited time >
None seeing that my 'harsh' words are TRUE and it is imperative for you and all to be thankful to God that at last THE TRUTH is exposed so that you have the opportunity to halt your downward slide into oblivion.
As for your words < I will have to return to these rather contentious questions when I am free > If you are unable to attend to this matter TODAY and everyday then it shows God and me that you are 'spell-bound' by IT the Dark, and you will not 'ever' find the time to attend to the destiny of your own soul nor to those 'flocks' that your 'ilk' have kept in bondage to IT the Dark Sovereign Power.
It would be 'better' for you to 'defrock' today as to your 'flocks' and 'peers' and to God you say:
"I have been in 'touch' with a man purporting to be the awaited Messiah, and as I do see 'some' truth in the 'limited' amount of information that he did 'shower' upon me by email, it is my intent to now 'defrock' and go home so that I can spend the next 6 months studying in depth the  Books 1 - 7  message that he has written guided by the Creator.
I can but guide you all towards this message so that you have the opportunity to come to your own personally informed decision as to its validity for yourselves, and I can also advise you all to now lay down all 'arms' and to go your way in peace as commanded by God and, - - -
For those of you that do not have the time to spend all day reading the message, then I suggest that you commence by reading the 2 or 12 page 'Brief Summary' so that you are aware of what is stated by Him to now be. You may then select book 1 of 7 and read it in its fullness at  or  or "
Trevor, you may ask yourself "Why is it important for me to examine these texts fully"? I state that if you so do, then you will be the very first 'Priest' that will 'carry' the uncontaminated by sinful man Wisdom personally into the underworld when you depart the flesh and, - - - why is that necessary?
Because you will find that every 'past' minister of religion of every 'sect' is 'cloistered' in a realm of 'bewilderment' and suffering, and their minds are in 'turmoil' due to their 'disbelief' and 'grief' that they failed their Creator, their fellow man, and themselves and, - - -
It is at that 'point' that your TRUE Ministry to elevate the lost will begin as you say to all: "Gather around, for we all have been bound by 'contradictory' teachings and I now have the TRUE Wisdom of God at 'hand' and, I ask that you all as I now 'defrock' and begin to intermingle as 'common' people, as we all now simply go forth spreading the 'simple' and TRUE message of God that I will now give you."
For what you and every 'minister' need to see Trevor is, that when you depart the flesh you will find yourself in a very 'unhappy' space amongst multitudes of many an 'other' race, and all ministers or clerics are despised in that place because, people there are aware that they were deceived by your deceitful teachings and control over them and thus they were kept in bondage to fear and suffering.
For they were led to believe that 'in some instances' they could defy the Command of God and bear arms against others and use the 'Court' of man to unforgivingly and mercilessly fight others in an uncivil manner and, - - - it was also implied that they would avoid the Law of God because they were 'saved' in belonging to 'your' institution and adhering to its rites and rituals and in praising its 'head honcho.'
Yes Trevor, your 'time' left in the biological 'flesh' of this world is as you say < very limited time > but I speak not of the daily 'routine' time, but of your 'numbered days.'
As for your words < You raise many points which need much thought, prayer and discussion > I can but say:
"Thought" will get you nowhere, for all your thoughts can do is to 'revolve' within your mind around issues already programmed therein.
"Prayer" will get you nowhere, for you are already in the state you are in and all the 'prayers' of the past did naught to remove your inner SIN.
"Discussion" will get you nowhere, for all discussion leads to 'fuss' as those with whom you 'discuss' will all be 'contentious.'
The ONLY way forwards Trevor is to read, read, READ the texts recorded faithfully by my hand as God inspired my 'sin free' spirit. (no negative emotions) For ONLY thus will you be able to re-program your subconscious mind that is already full of 'biblical truth and biblical non-sense and, - - - certainly doing the 'Star Prayer' as given below will steady your thoughts and emotions each day.
What you and all need to try and realise is, that this earthly realm is but one of many thousands, (many rooms in God's mansion) and the 'others' being realms of spirit have existed for eternity, and as we all 'live' or 'exist' for eternity in one or the other spiritual realms, all need to also realise that SALVATION only begins in this realm, and its 'process-progress' extends into every spiritual realm from here and is an ongoing process there.
For unbeknown to man, spirit souls incarnate here from every realm, - - - so that when THE TRUTH is telepathically 'imported' from the pure Light via my pen and its content is 'read' by sinful man, - - - due to the fact that their 'sin' links them to others abiding in the many other realms, those others that link-in telepathically to their minds also receive the benefit of the wisdom and, - - -
Those that truly 'care' for God's children will carry on the REAL ministry in the realms to which they suddenly find themselves in, - - - carried there by the 'weight' of God's Dark energy within. The greater the mass volume of 'sin' energy (dark emotions) the deeper they go and, - - -
In that place they for God will bestow Truth, so that the truly lost therein can find a reason to 'live' and turn over new leaf so that the cleansing light of God that permeates all realms can 'enlighten' their soul and purge it as they HALT the ingress of darkness, and thus they are elevated into higher realms. 
I thank you for our 'discourse,' for via you our God has raised 'points' for Him to respond to via me, and thus as others read this they will also begin to see the way forwards. You as all 'priests' and all other men will soon feel great fear in your belly, and I suggest that you seek the 'symbol' of the Morning Star in your mind and daily do the 'Star prayer' that you will find at:
There is no need to communicate with me again as we both are very busy, and you can now simply look directly to God for He and only He and His wisdom via my hand can save anyone. All you or any need to know is already written on my web site.

Added notes: Religions of man strayed from the simple: 'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.' Orthodox teaching of God and invoked unorthodox rituals with other false doctrine.

Man promotes, funds, and condones punitive  institutions and their unorthodox rituals with other false doctrine rather than the: 'Walk in peace and love one another and, - - - extend mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.' Word of the Creator.

Man is so erroneously indoctrinated, that he is now no longer capable of seeing 'right from wrong.' This is due to the fact that man is 'delighted' in using the absolutely justified vengeful energy of the Dark to bring offenders to account for their errors,  and this 'cancer' of death has grown within the soul of man to the point that he (man) is now unable to be merciful and forgiving as commanded by the Creator.


~ Justice Peter Underwood ~

Dear Peter, I was recently sent a recording of your interview with Win TV. It was nice to see that you are keen to find a ‘better way’ than simply using ‘jail’ as a means of 'reform.'

Regrettably mankind has lost their way as all demand that others* using force protect them and also punish perceived offenders, none seeing that education is the only way to true peace, for when man ‘greases’ the palms of mercenary forces* to attain peace, they simply suffer more in the ‘long run’ within the superior “As you or your paid servants sow, so shall ye reapLaw of God for their ignorance and arrogance.

Note: others * - Those employed by institutions to interrogate, judge, condemn and punish other men.

Note: mercenary forces * - Any person mandated or otherwise (A policeman, services man, or ‘unlicensed by state’ terrorist) that receives a ’30 pieces of silver’ weekly wage to defy their God and go forth to interfere, disturb the peace, kidnap, (transport and hold a person against their will) seize property, control, hold hostage (Imprison) or kill.

Man sees not that when his ‘paid servant’ takes it upon himself to deny the Command of the Creator, that both the servant and the people the servant ‘serves’ are defiant of God, and all place their souls into the punitive ‘eye for an eye’ Just Justice of the Law of God. No mandate of man or of ‘the majority’ has the power to ‘overturn’ or ‘overrule’ or ‘void’ the immutable Law of God.

I have spent the last 20 years ‘categorising’ many documents that will show up the false present way, and enlighten mankind as man begins to raise his head up to the stars rather than continuing to be stuck with his nose in the mud.

I have raised-up a new way to rehabilitate offenders, and it is categorised on my web pages. I am well known to the Tasmania police especially by Inspector Fiona Lieutier who was based at St. Helens in ‘my’ area.

I have had four jail terms in Tasmania, being of my own ‘choosing’ so that I could write from the ‘inside’ and see the terrible plight that ignorant man places his sister or brother, father or mother or son or daughter into, using forceful ‘backup’ under direction of those as you.

May the ‘oldest’ supreme court in Australia be the first to ‘awaken’ to the reality of the day where every person will now ‘pay’ for any defiant ‘contravention of’ or non-conformity to God’s Holy Command to:

"Live in harmony with all others and go your way in peace, and love one another and be a delight in My sight as you show Me that you are compassionate, merciful, and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living."

No ‘civil’ dispute may be settled using the ‘back up’ of ‘force’ for that is a contravention of God’s Command. Forgiveness is the way and redirection through education, mercy, compassion and understanding.

Please read my 'Trail of torture & tears' letters from Risdon Prison in 2006:


Please read my ''Letters from Prison' written at the Hayes Prison in 2002:


You may then wish to 'browse' the contents of my main Index that you will find at <  > and let your Creator lead you through it. I do have a 3 hour 'Feeling Easier Seminar' program available to be established by any person in the community of any land.

It certainly is 'THE TIME' for my wisdom to empty every Tasmanian jail so that Tasmania can 'de-power' its forces men and truly enlighten the community as 'we' lead the planet into the NEW AGE.

Sincerely - Terence

~ Constable Kent Ritchie ~

Dear Kent

A very long time ago a ‘king’ said to his forces men: “Go forth and ‘club’ anyone that defies me or any ‘decrees’ that issue forth from my pen.” He had and yet has the ‘power’ to do this due to the fact that everyone fears * his ‘forces men’ and - - - these men ‘as you’ happily go forth because they all earn a wage to so do.

Note: everyone fears * - You ‘think’ that people do not fear you simply because you do not know what they think or feel as they smile.

 You do not see that the ‘king’ forces people to vote for him or any person he authorises to be elected as his representative and, - - - none of his ‘forces men’ actually believe in the existence of any invisible superpower, (God) and neither can they conceive that HE has a superior form of ‘Justice’ that was and is absolutely JUST and equitable in ITS “As you sow so shall ye reap on an eye for an eye and thus equal manner.”

 The only ‘superpower’ that you believe in is your GUN. For IT is the ultimate ‘dictator’ with the power to ‘blow away’ any opposition, and you cannot conceive that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

 Your ‘god’ is the TEXT in the ‘rule book,’ and in your mind your ‘institution’ has the ‘right’ to force everybody to bow to ITS decrees. You are unable to exercise your own conscience for the ‘book’ has turned you into ITS ‘robot’ for as long as you take a wage to uphold IT.

 My ‘god’ is my conscience that is not controlled by the ‘text’ decrees of other men, but by the Holy Word of the Creator who says:

"Live in harmony with all others and go your way in peace, and love one another and be a delight in My sight as you show Me that you are compassionate, merciful, and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living."

So when I see a ‘troubled’ person or one that is ‘ignorantly’ disturbing the peace of others (as you) then my conscience says to me: ”How can I help him or enlighten him to set him free and uplift him.”

 As your god is a book of rules, it follows that when you see a person not ‘bowing’ in conformity to the TEXT decrees of your ‘bible’ your ‘mind’ says: “Look in the book diligently and see what you can find so that you can ‘legally’ swat him and bind him and punish him. “

 Kent, you are unable to exercise your kind and benign inner Light because you are PAID to ‘control & fight.’ You carry a gun even when coming to visit the ‘son’ of the Creator sent by HIM to set you free from eternal misery.

You came to my home yesterday so calmly and ‘innocently’ as you placed a ‘summons’ note in my hand. Seeing not that you are at that moment complicit in a ‘plot’ by ‘someone’ (albeit an unconscionable rule in a book) to steal funds from me or to cause me harm.

Yes son, for if I do not sign the form and pay, then I am supposed to spend a whole day travelling to a town far away to kneel at the feet of your superior, and he as you has NO conscience ‘options’ other than to make me ‘frown’ as he peruses his ‘text book’ and punishes me for “what”?

 Did I disturb the peace of the land or cause harm? NO. I am being ‘called’ for only having ‘supposedly’ infringed the wording of a decree in your book of rules binding those belonging to or ‘fellowshipping’ with your institution as they believe in its invasive, controlling, punitive and warring ideology.

I am not a ‘party member’ of It as I neither vote for it nor fund it – but all you ‘chaps’ that work for IT the institution naming itself ‘the gov’ have through arrogance, ignorance and past precedent forgotten the very words of its ‘Constitution’ and, - - -

You all now believe that every person on the land ‘falls’ within the jurisdiction of your institution. Whereas in FACT in its PRINCIPLE own ‘text’ mandate and authority clauses it STATES that ‘some’ do NOT, being those as me that believe in the opposite and contra ideology of peace, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.

So I say that you do not have the ‘backing’ of mandate or authority of your OWN Constitution and thus you enter my premises ILLEGALLY and, - - - neither do you have the right bequeathed by the Creator to ‘come’ for the SOLE purpose of causing me to suffer loss or harm.

The ONLY mandate bequeathed unto man by God is that of giving merciful assistance and good counsel to ‘offenders’ such as yourself or any other that go forth disturbing the peace of others.

So not only do you daily go forth defying the Command of the Creator, but in contravention of the mandate given you by the book of rules you adore, and this means that in the eyes of God AND your own rules you are GUILTY of TREASON and, - - -

You place your own ‘future’ into the hands of the Dark Sovereign Power (invisible force) that inspired IT (the book of rules) via the mind of vain man, and HE does have ‘THE POWER’ as revealed by my pen to bring all the ‘treasonable’ to account within HIS superior Law.

I believe that you are approaching a ‘mature’ age, and maybe you need to ‘halt’ for a moment and ask yourself: “Why does Terence a peaceful man oppose my authority”? Does he do it because he is ‘mad,’ or is it just possible that those as me that carry guns and thus ‘coerce’ people into conforming to the ideological beliefs of my institution are in some sort of spiritual danger”?

 It is 4.30 am Kent, and instead of simply staying in bed my conscience says: “Drop Kent a note because he is a son of the Creator and is ‘worthy’ of being assisted and enlightened.”

So ‘brother,’ I write this to you and return the ‘note’ you gave me as I say: “I go my way in peace, and on THE day in ‘question’ ref my 73kph speed as I entered the 60kph ‘Perth’ town I in no way endangered anyone and, - - -

In the eyes of the Creator I am free to go my way, and if your ‘actions’ (summons)  result in any ‘fine’ or punishment then the ‘burden’ of that ‘judgement’ by man will by MY God become added to your long list of ‘karmic’ accountability.”

Please accept my CD that has 7 ‘books’ of 50 text documents and 12 audio.  Please read:


The 'Sovereign RIGHT' of man

4 p.

Granted by God unto mankind

Regards - Terence

~ Statement to Court of man ~
Letter to 'Col' the inquirer'
Dear Col - thank you for your reply - I feel there is a deep sincerity within you, and I do also believe that there are many 'in spirit' linking in to your mind each day that will learn the 'peaceful' way via you, as will others in the biological flesh of this realm.
FIRST you have to establish in your own mind that:
A - That you do not belong to the state institution (you do not 'fellowship' with it nor fund it nor condone it nor support it) because you have the opposing 'religious' ideology of PEACE. - Theirs is proven by their legislation to be of the religious ideology of WAR, for they control, interfere, regulate, tax, abuse, punish, kidnap, wage war and kill all opposition.
B - you remind yourself that 'as' you are (or intend to be) a follower of the Light that you must cease all confrontation with, and criticism of, those employed as persecutors and prosecutors etc., for they are the 'lost sheep' needing loving correction via education rather than by a 'crack' behind the ear because - - - they WILL receive their 'dues' but NOT at your hands nor your mouth. AND - - -
You need to REALISE that the power and authority standing behind the 'scenes' is in FACT God the Dark Sovereign retributive Power who balances the DARK aspect of the "As you sow so shall ye reap" Scales of Justice" who will telepathically via the mind of the magi give HIS 'judgement' of the day. AND - it will in fact have NOTHING to do with the matter at hand, but everything to do with any spiritual debts accrued by you in your past, this life or pre-birth into this realm when you defied the Light of God and were less than kind, loving, peaceful and forgiving.
HE knows all about your past as well as your future, be very respectful to all or you will be perceived by HIM as 'mocking' His 'minions' that you should in fact be feeling sorry for. - - -
The ONLY thing you do not do is 'pay up' any $ monetary fines that He imposes because - the dark is deceptive - - - if you do - - - it means that you are 'fearfully' funding His punitive ARMY and would thus accrue a fresh spiritual due at that very moment and, ahead you would also accrue a 'pain' due or part thereof each time His 'swine' caused others to suffer as you would be funding their pay packet - -  So - - simply state to any magi that pens a note saying you must pay  an  x or y or z fine, - - - Mr  Magistrate - - As I do not recognise your authority over me, I cannot ever pay you a penny until the day you show me a receipt upon which is stated that I borrowed the same from (Caesar) you, or the State - - -
It follows that he may say by his 'pen': 'send him down to jail for 'x' days' or - he will say - "I give you 4 months to pay" etc. In this case God via the 'ignorant' Magi is simply casting you out into the desert, being your past dues or part thereof. Go forth to 'jail' happy in the knowledge that you are setting your soul free from its past, and you also give good counsel to inmates.
The Statement by Submission
This is pre written so that you are SURE that the 'sorry flocks' receive all that you can possibly give on THE DAY to assist in their SALVATION.
Thus you can prepare a standard 'Statement by Submission' form that you will present to the court if ever you are dragged there. (3 copies) are needed.
When your turn comes and you are asked your name as you stand to be 'judged' you are asked if you are guilty or not guilty as charged, you reply:
"I make no plea" - - - for you are neither pleading one way nor the other -
The Judge will then enter into his book - "Not guilty until so proven" and he may then set another date or he may continue.
At the day and time he continues and asks what you have to say on the matter you say - Mr. Smith! - naming the magistrate, for you never address him in any other way than his name, - - "I wish to submit my written statement by submission to the court," and you lean forwards and say to the clerk of the court - please give one copy of this statement to the magistrate and the other to the prosecutor - - and it is done and, as the magistrate takes his copy you can say: "I am happy to read it out aloud if you so wish"
He may simply read it to himself but if he wishes you read it you read your copy out aloud until he says - enough!
I 'Col' state: Mr. Magistrate, the actual 'offence' for which I am to be judged is; whether or not I disobeyed an Edict of 'Caesar' (The State), being a 'rule' contained within Caesar's 'book of rules' commanded by Caesar as being his 'Code of Conduct' to be adhered to by all his 'Subjects.'

The fact that I as a person did not comply to his requirements of his 'subjects' is not in dispute. My 'defence' Statement to his Court is that as I am not one of Caesar's subjects 'in the FIRST instance,' that it follows that I do not have to obey his edicts, nor do I have to defend myself in his Court. For as I am not one of his subjects, it follows that his officers and his Court have no jurisdiction over me.

However, if you believe that you do have jurisdiction over me, and the Right to arrest and 'Try' me merely by virtue of the fact that you were able to bring me before you by using force of arms, then you are saying to God that a 'home invader' had the Right to invade by virtue of the fact that he was able to invade by using force of arms.

You are also then stating to God and man that a murderer had the Right to kill merely by virtue of the fact that he was able to kill by using force of arms. People and Caesar believe that the use of force entitles them to do whatever they wish to.

I will endeavour to show this Court the truth of what I say, so that those wise within do not err before God, and for their folly then have to pay.

I shall prove to this Court and all men before God that I am not one of Caesar's subjects, nor one of his 'possessions or objects,' and thus I am beyond the jurisdiction of this Court of Caesar.
I submit my 'Papers' so that you can decide whether or not I should be standing in front of you to be 'tried' in this Court of Caesar or not.

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act
th July 1900) section 116 that states;

"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion."

It is my belief, my religion, my doctrine, that living by the 'free exercise of my religion' means that I 'Col' and the people inhabiting planet earth have a 'Sovereign Right' bequeathed unto them by God the Creator the Supreme Power and ultimate Authority. This 'Sovereign Right' is their right to exercise their conscience and to exist on earth and to live in accordance with the Command of God*

Note: Command of God* "Live in harmony with all others and go your way in peace, and love one another and be a delight in My sight as you show Me that you are compassionate, merciful, and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living."

This means that we all have a 'Sovereign Right' to walk apart from the confines and influence and dictates and regulations or decrees of other mortals or institutions of man. 

This 'Sovereign Right' extends to and grants them the freedom to; walk alone with God without having to 'fellowship with' or 'belong to' any named or unnamed religion or, - - - without having to 'fellowship with' or 'belong to' any 'belief' or 'doctrine' of other men.

This 'Sovereign Right' granted by God extends to them finding eternal peace and happiness and Salvation by simply conforming to the Command of their Creator by their: "Living in harmony with all others, and going their way in peace, and loving one another, and being a delight in God's sight as they show Him that they are compassionate, merciful, and forgiving unto others yet sinfully living."

I state that I do not belong to the state institution that you do, for I do  not 'fellowship' with it, nor fund it, nor condone it, nor support its 'ideological' ways because, I have the opposing 'religious' ideology of PEACE. 

Whereas your institution is proven by your own legislation and the daily code of conduct of its employees to be of the religious ideology of WAR, for you all control, interfere, regulate, tax, abuse, punish, kidnap, wage war and kill all opposition if so required.

If you take any 'offensive' actions against me then it is you 'Sir' in contempt of the 'text' of the wording of the Constitution that gives you the 'authority' to smite those within ITS control and, - - - for you to take any action against me is a treasonable offence against said Constitution and, is a treasonable offence against our Creator who demands and commands us all to "Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate, and forgiving."

I have proved to you that your 'religious ideology is in 'opposition' to mine, and it is thus that your own Constitution gives me protection from you and your men if you are honourable unto IT and ITS authority.

I do also know that you are not representing 'the people of the land,' you are God's representative, and I await His judgement over me via your mind and, - - -
I would remind you 'Sir' that, - - - you as I 'fall' within His superior law, so as you do unto me will by Him become your due.

I today 'plead' that you Sir consider your own soul as you personally 'judge' me.

Signed - - -

Added supporting on line articles:
Render unto Caesar: <caesar.htm>
Proof of State religion <
slavery3.htm >
The Sovereign Right of man < sovereign.htm >
God's final message to humanity by the risen Messiah < >

page 156

~ Response to Dwayne ~

Thank you Dwayne, as for your remarks < the Messiah's spoke-person > that is incorrect, for at no time do I so say, - - - for what I do say is that I AM HE the spirit of truth that has returned to set the facts 'free' as I correct the truth by my own pen.
For within the fleshly man Jesus strode the spirit man, and that same spirit soul now walks again in the biological flesh of this world in the 'body' of a man named Terence and, - - - as none can see 'into' flesh and observe the 'nature' or form of the inner spirit soul, it follows that I return as a 'thief in the night' invisible to man.
I am the spirit of truth and I am God's spokes person, but 'naturally' in this 'cynical' day and age there are FEW that will believe me and even FEWER that will prepare their minds with my wisdom so as to be able to withstand the inner mental onslaught from the Dark and, - - - regrettably so many will thus deny the Light and criticise, judge, condemn, and fight and FALL.
And yes, I am also 'THE Messiah,' for I 'deliver' the pure and unadulterated message direct from God to all, and IT and ONLY those that NOW 'bow' in total subservience and obedience to God's "Go your way in peace and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving and, do not retaliate when faced by adversity" Command will be 'delivered' from evil, - - - as God THEN purges their souls of the dark energy they drew into their soul during their 'past' negative interaction with others.
Man was deceived by the false teachings within 'religion'*  that he man could 'sin' and void or avoid the fulfillment of God's Law - ERROR, and the 'now' result is turmoil and terror that for 'some,' * - - - will continue on FOREVER in the Abyss below.
Note: the false teachings within 'religion'*  - all documented in my web pages.
Note: 'some,' *  - those that continue to interfere, control, regulate, tax, abuse, criticise, judge, condemn, steal, punish, fight, demand, invade, abuse, terrorise, violate, kill etc.
There is no 'leeway' within the Law of God
There is no 'leniency' within the Law of God
That's not 'just my opinion'- it is THE TRUTH
Please look deeply at God's message and advise others to also so do - Terence

page 157

 Open letter to Jeff Kennett - CEO 'Beyond Blue'
The much vaunted 'Beyond Blue depression initiative' certainly receives the blessing of the community, but the reality is that its 'exposure' of the need for men to speak out about their overpowering negative emotions has done naught to 'deliver the goods' reference the world wide escalation of suicide, depression and rising aggression.
Certainly it is the time for "No more secrets" as well as the revelation as to "Why" people suffer depression, and it is my task to lead mankind into truthful 'awareness' as I 'tell' a very sad and sorry 'tale,' the story that reveals the 'why' and the result of the folly of mankind that has led everyone into a situation wherein at some 'stage' or another they are all soon to succumb to devastating terror, depression, anger, hatred, vengeance etc., due to the 'strumming' of all the dark emotions that they are 'carrying' deep within their souls.
Certainly there are occurrences that 'trigger' the negative emotions within that then cause depression, suicide, anger etc., but these occurrences be they 'drought' or 'eviction' or confrontation etc., are simply the external items that acerbate existing inner problems. It is also possible for people to have 'everything' and still suicide due to the overwhelming power of the dark 'Sin' within. (Negative emotions)
Mankind needs to now learn that every 'action' that is contra the Command of God to "Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate, and forgiving" is the result of a 'mental illness' that of itself is simply a 'mind' being telepathically subjugated from dark realms of consciousness and thus it is 'troubled' - - - and this intrusion flows through the energy essence of Dark emotions and, - - - whether you are a thief or a warrior causing grief, or a potential suicide or simply an arrogant swine, all are spiritually 'ill' and in need of education and good counsel.

Despite the fact that Beyond Blue has been operating since 2000, the number of people with depression and anxiety has been increasing exponentially. In summary, despite millions of dollars being spent, first on the Government Initiate, then on Beyond Blue, medical practitioners and now on psychologists, depression and anxiety remain the major cause of mental breakdown in people.


It is time for people to realize that the millions of tax dollars at the government’s disposal will NOT halt the progression of increasing negative emotions that are so obviously on the rise in the population. 


It is also futile to believe that the ‘religious institution’ of either science or the government can ‘medicalise’ (in the case of doctors), or ‘legislate’ (in the case of governments) or ‘analyze’ (in the case of psychologists), depression/anxiety or any other negative human emotion into 'non-existence.'


Human emotions exist * in every individual on this earth, and none of these emotions will ever cease to exist by ingesting even the strongest medication, neither can they be 'excised' with a knife or by the biological 'death' of the physical body, for the spirit soul exists forever. Certainly medication can ‘lessen’ the impact of thought flow through chemical restraint, but the moment chemical restraint is lifted, nothing will stop the emotions from returning in full force. 


Another light needs to be shone on the impact of thoughts on emotions, and this involves discovering how and why the material and spirit worlds collide in the arena where thoughts and emotions via for supremacy, and is the reason for this letter that will introduce the reader to my revelations.


Insanity and control and confrontation and punishment and destruction is on the 'rise,' and the wise and unwise need to educate themselves quickly. So 'Jeff,' I can but suggest that you use all your 'charisma' to show God that you can use 'Beyond Blue' to guide people to my web pages, for politicians are known by God to be vain and 'arrogant' and less than sages, for it is they that extort endless funds by coercion and guile, and lead so many into suicide through impoverishment, fear and depression, and they lead others to war and spiritual death.

Please advise ALL Carer's to read my:
* 7 The I.S.I.S. SUICIDE document 63 p. For all to read
Sincerely - Terence

Note: Human emotions exist * - To presume that producing a ‘medical diagnosis’ with an attendant chemical cure can halt this flow, is akin to believing that 'the finger in the dyke' myth is a reality. People in the helping professions are rendered powerless in the face of the explosion in the numbers of those with depression or anxiety (and many other emotional related negative behaviours) by their own  belief system in the efficacy of ‘scientific’ schemata. 

Just because scientific research results in justification for segmentation of certain behaviour into diagnostic schemas does not mean that the accompanying ‘prescribed’ remedies, usually in the form of chemical restraint, is a  ‘cure.’


On the contrary, the hidden danger in this scientific dogma is that it is a simplification of one of the most complex issues facing humanity today.  Human emotions are spiralling out of control.  With or without medication, humans are exhibiting extremes of emotions in their behaviour either towards themselves (self harm through drugs, physical self-harm or suicide) or towards others. (Physical, verbal or behavioural violence towards others)


Emotions are a hubris of feelings inevitably accompanied by thoughts that evoke memories based on facts or fantasies, reality or fiction. Emotions are a normal corollary to being human, volatile, explosive, debilitating, anything but static. To attempt  to ‘medicalize’ these human emotions is impossible without damaging the individual.

page 158

Letter to Mrs. Helen Liddell
British High Commissioner, Canberra

Dear Madam, it was with interest that I watched you on the luncheon speech midday today, and what came to mind were your repeated words “The values” that you associate with Britain and her Allies.

It is commendable that Britain seeks to bring all God’s ‘tribes’ together in language, understanding and peace, but what you need to try and understand is, that the ‘core’ value as Commanded by the Creator is not only denied to the people by political forces, but is actively defied due to the Autocratic and dictatorial rulings of the volumes of rules that are raised up.

Your belief in the ‘Rule of law’ is in fact non-democratic, because all ‘serfs’ (the people) living within borders patrolled and controlled by your armed forces are forced to ‘bow’ in submission to said rules or be punished. God’s “As you do is done unto you” is the ‘whole’ of THE LAW of this and every land, and Kings and Queens, Chiefs, Mandarins and politicians do not understand this, for they believe erroneously that the ‘decrees of Caesar’ are the law of the land.

Peace is never established using ‘terrorist’ activities, and every anti-terrorist group or enforcement agency is in fact a terrorist organisation that uses force and destructive means to gain control. This activity defies the Command of God and places the ‘terrorist’ (or mandated officer) into the punitive aspect of God’s law.

It follows that every ‘citizen’ that votes for, condones or funds any ‘government’ is complicit to the punishment, terror, and destruction meted out to others in their name and on their behalf and, - - - this is the reason for increased terror and suffering soon to return upon the ‘head’ of everyone, as all now are merciless and unforgiving and all defy the Creator.

I believe that you are an intelligent person, and that your intent is ‘good’ but, - - - you really do need to ‘awaken’ your own mind and that of the ‘British’ tribes to the 'painful' but truthful reality that I bring forth from the Source unto all mankind, for insanity as never seen before is soon to erupt on every shore.

My message to humanity is THE LAST CALL to every spirit. Those that defy the light of my pen will fail and fall into the Abyss and eternal anguish. Please do your best to ‘direct’ everyone to my web pages, as they and their insight is all that stands between them and eternal misery and travail as all are presently spiralling downwards into darkness.

Sincerely - Terence

page 159

The worship of 'Baal' the God of destruction

Dear Editor of 'Jewsonfirst,' I am in receipt of your monthly letter and I note your continued efforts to 'correct' what you perceive as a 'Christian' effort to impose religious rule over 'Jews' that impinge upon your supposed 'guaranteed' freedom to 'practice' your religious beliefs, and I refer to the Constitution amendment you 'quote' to aid you -

JewsOnFirst supports and networks with people resisting the Christian right's efforts to impose religious rule in the public and our private lives. The "First" in our name comes from the start of the First Amendment to the Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.."

Jews, in particular, have relied on those few words as the enduring bulwark of our freedom, security and privacy here in the United States.

I also read your reference to the words:

Some Jewish leaders are scratching their heads — and Jewish Democrats are gloating — over the latest religious pronouncement from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, - - - said he wants to change the Constitution to be consistent with God’s word.


I 'wonder' when 'Jews' and all mankind will realise the power of 'Baal' to deceive all into believing that they are free and worshipping the 'living God' when in fact they are all bowing to Him 'Baal' the God of destruction?

I answer that by stating that mankind will never realise this and never become 'free men' (spiritually & physically) unless they read my revelations and become enlightened because, - - - all have become so indoctrinated by past precedents and the false teachings of their ancestors.

What are these precedents and false teachings? Before answering that, I need to state what the true Word of the living God of Creation stipulates as being the True Covenant with mankind actually is, - - -extract from page 88 of The 'Testament of Truth' being:

God's Covenant

Being the trust in - - - and observance to God's Holy Word as required by God for the Salvation of individuals, and the Word of God being, - - -

"Be peaceful, do not disturb the peace, be merciful & compassionate and forgiving towards those yet 'in sin' living and, - - - turn the other cheek if struck and, - - - follow Christ to the cross 'as a lamb to the slaughter' if you would become My son or daughter."

Those that 'bow' in subservience to this Covenant with God will be saved.

Dear Editor and all readers, what you need to try and realise is that way back in the past our forebears 'bowed' to the decrees of armed forces men due to fear of reprisal and torture and death. The leaders of these armed forces always took on the role of 'gods' and 'permitted' Jews and others to live as 'free men' in that they could 'worship' their religion in its rituals* as long as they did two things - - - firstly they had to pay 'taxes' to the rulers of the land, and secondly they had to 'observe' the Decrees issuing forth as rules or 'the law' and conform to these dictates or die.

Note:  'worship' their religion in its rituals* - What you all fail to see is, that the practicing of the rituals of religion and the praising of God has nothing to do with conformity to God's Command and His Covenant.

'True worship' is when a person (of any race or creed) bows in subservience to God's Command, and they go their way in peace extending respect, compassion, mercy and forgiveness unto others yet sinfully living and, they never bear arms against their oppressor and they never fund or support the use of force for protection or invasion and they follow 'Christ's' way of non-retaliation even if crucified and thus they fulfill their 'side' of The Covenant.

One of the false 'rituals' of religion is the 'act' of circumcision, for IT has naught to do with a persons capacity to be kind and loving and merciful etc., and as all know, every 'man' in the Jewish State of Israel is FALSELY taught to bear arms against others, and this is in direct 'conflict' and contravention of the Covenant of the true God. All men of all races and creeds have failed to conform to God's commanded code of conduct.

Furthermore, those seeking Salvation need to realise that their 'voting' for any political leader and their monetary support (taxes) paid to any 'governing' Institution of man is also in direct 'conflict' and contravention of the Covenant of the true God because they are supporting the forces of darkness that use their funds to 'arm' forces that IMPOSE RESTRICTION, TAXES, SANCTIONS, INVADE, PUNISH, WAGE WAR etc., upon others and this is in direct 'conflict' and contravention of the Covenant of the true God and, - - -

All this is an abomination to 'Baal' the destructive force of THE SOURCE who is simply using all these merciless 'non-believers' to be His punitive arm within His 'eye for an eye - as you or your paid servants do unto others is done unto you' LAW and, - - - due to their ignorance they see not that they then suffer the same 'fate' at a later date and, they fill their souls with His dark energy and, they die in their Sin and FALL into the Abyss in the after life.

The Antichrist force

The Antichrist is the invisible satanical force that daily grows in power within all nations, and its 'rule' of regulation & punitive Law established itself within every country in place of the 'Covenant' agreement of God. Those that continue to 'bow' in subservience to political control and support it and fund its warring and punitive ways will 'die in their sin' as they fall below because, - - - it is a 'Covenant' with the Serpent.

I say: When you fund and support any governing Institution of man, it is you and your 'armed forces' servants that are imposing the FALSE ideological religious observance of control, taxation, punishment & war up others AS WELL AS yourself.

I say: When you fund by taxes and thus support the activities of enforcers, regulators and armed killers that you are complicit to their iniquity, and you have placed yourself (soul) into the 'desert' and into the immutable Law of the Dark side of God, and He will impose upon you your dues to Him and, all 'suffering' that arose from your pecuniary and other 'interest' in the enforcement departments of State (Caesar) will by Him (God) be placed upon your head.


The blood of our Lord was shed for you
so you'd understand His
message coming through. 
His message was life eternal for sure,
for all mankind who believed in His spoor.

FOLLOW HIS FOOTPRINTS, and do as he did,
this was the covenant no longer hid,
and this Wisdom is for ALL TO SEE,

There was but one Covenant given by Christ's See,
that was the
Covenant of "FOLLOW ME." (Go as a lamb to the slaughter when faced by adversity)
His blood that spilled to the floor
was His TRUTH issuing forth for sure. (Pay your dues without retaliating)

His GRACE belongs to no ONE,
but to
EVERY BELIEVER under the Sun.

So the Jews from Israel I see are not the only descendants of HE.  No divine connection can we "impose" onto any soul not carrying His "Rose." The rose of love and deep purity, SHOWN by those giving compassion and mercy, and the Jewish race as I do see, has long gone forgone His covenant to BE; to be the ONLY WAY to His life, a life in heaven away from all strife, - - - The 'way' - - - Peace unto ALL.

And He now calls out through this His pen, calls out LOUD to all of His men,* ladies and men that believe in his Word to speak truth and wield not the sword.  Lay down your life in calmness and ease, only this’ way’ will your soul not freeze.

For those that HEAR NOT what our Lord did
will for an eternity from heaven be hid.

I am the risen Messiah, those that now fail to lay down their weapons and those that continue to fund iniquity will be lost. I ask that you all now forsake your 'quest' to force change and simply turn to God in OBEDIENCE to Him and, you HALT your funding of iniquity as you help me expose the message of HOPE I bring unto all. All have forsaken their God and their sanity and all are filled with self-righteous vanity.

Do not 'adore' men or their 'Rules' that enslave you. Only adore your Creator and His Command and His Covenant with you personally. The 'Holy City' is no 'place' on earth, it is our eternal spiritual abode that is only attained by the pure of spirit and it is named the Promised Land (Heaven - Paradise).


page 160

~ Letter to Magistrate A. Shott ~

Dear Arnold, my mind tells me to again write to you because your Creator has the need of you to help His children to HALT doing what they do unto others and thus unto themselves.
I am reminded by the 'power' behind my pen that is pure Light that within you Sir is a spirit, and ITS inner light shines 'merciful' and bright. Thus it is of great importance for you to see the 'difference' between IT and the 'sternness' and merciless 'shroud' that envelops you as you 'sit' in judgement of others and 'coldly' and dispassionately mete out divine retribution for the Dark Sovereign Power and, - you see not that your impositions of punishment and suffering in most cases have naught to do with the 'ruling' offence.
I do know that unless - until your conscience is 'awoken' by God or my 'pen,' that you and your peers will continue to 'offend' God each day, and you will continue to walk deeper into the dark for which you will have to PAY and, I am 'helpless' in that I cannot come to your 'office' or home and shake you firmly and say:
"Wake up dear brother for we are both created by the same spiritual mother, and SHE now calls out to you saying; My beloved son, away from My Light you have a long way 'run,' and I need your 'pen' to alert your peers of the message that I have spoken via Terence."
 I add a little that if read 'clearly' it will clarify for you the fact and reality that to your own soul you are being 'untrue,' and unless I can 'awaken' you personally, - - - I do not think I can reach the 'officers' of the State who all need to awaken to the REALITY of God and the REALITY of the message via my pen with its implications for them, - - - so that together we can implement change before the world becomes a very 'dark' and strange and terrifying place.

VERY IMPORTANT Note: legality, empowerment, authorisation.

Men that 'uphold' the rules of man for a 'wage' are legal and authorised by THE RULES they serve. This 'mandated' empowerment is backed by the sword or GUN or force of muscle.

They are also 'legal' within the 'bounds' of God's Law, for THE LAW of God has no 'bounds' nor constraints as IT is simply a factual statement: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" and, - - - the 'return' unto the user of 'joyful' Light or punitive Dark energy is backed by the 'all-powerful' aspect of the energy of God that they used in their interaction with others.

"As unto others we do comes back one day and is done unto us"

However, what man needs to see is that they are NEVER 'authorised' by God nor by His Law to use His punitive, controlling or destructive force, for to so do means, that the person is 'operating' outside the 'constraints' of His "Peace & Love" COMMAND and, - - -

All that so do, (operate' contra the Command) and thus either use force personally or, 'order' others to so do in order to 'uphold' the rules and punitive rulings of mortal men, are 'condemned' as GUILTY and in need of 'correction' by this pen and by God's Dark enforcers that exist in the flesh and in the underworld. (hereafter)

It has always been my belief that immunity from suffering is only attained when one relies on the power of God's Word (Go in peace) rather than on the 'sword' of Caesar that protects those that fund it by paying 'royalties.' (Fealty to Caesar rather than God)
It has been my belief that as the destiny of a soul is an individual one, in that every man that defies God will at some stage suffer, whether he has Caesar's protection or not. It follows that my own suffering 'dues' to God will continue to be meted out to me via Caesar's enforcers or any other 'infidel' until THE DAY my dues to God I did in FULL pay.
It has been my belief that ON the day my debts to God are paid and thus my invisible 'oppressors' feel 'replete,' that there is no person on any street that will ever be able to raise their hand against me, and that means that you too will not have the 'power' to invoke your 'pen' sword against me, even though you are paid a wage to so do.
I do believe that on that day your 'enlightened' soul will realise the true power of our invisible Creator/Destroyer who does watch over the destiny of His flocks, being His creation.
I do know that when I was 'born' into the biological flesh of this world that within IT our God implanted many seeds of darkness, (The sin of this world - negative emotions) so that as my consciousness 'awoke' here, I would feel the power of His Dark energy and IT would drive me mercilessly to be Its 'aggressive' and punitive force and, I would gain understanding of It and, - - -
Thus in my youth I was an angry, jealous, vengeful man that did 'brook' no mercy for those others that I perceived as walking in error, and I did raise my voice and hand and cause others distress and 'terror' and, when I did later 'dress' in a police uniform I was a walking 'unicorn,' being a person that had sworn fealty to the Queen and State and thus I did many a poor soul 'berate' that did not 'bow' to my 'rule book' dictate.
I also do now understand the powerful 'underhand' emotions that every 'sinner' has drawn into their souls over the ages of eternal time and, - - - it was/is only in my later years that our God drew out this 'sin,' so that again my eternal soul was of IT free and I could then clearly see and, - - - I was able to become mentally and emotionally stable and never again be arrogant or vain, for now only pure light is within me but, - - -
As I could now see the reality of God, I knew that NONE can avoid their spiritual dues, for there is NO 'forgiveness' within God's Law, and many 'dark' dues had I already accrued from my 'unbecoming' conduct in the long gone past, that were partly accrued of my own volition and partly from my 'wage' as a police enforcer.
It is thus that I have had to endure suffering at the hands of those as yourself that impose strictures but as said above, - - - I also believe that IF my dues to God are now paid, that you will be unable to impose any suffering upon me nor 'restrict' the freedom of my movement because, I would now have true immunity granted by God and my 'road' ahead would be open at all times as long as I conform to the; 'Do not disturb the peace of the land' code of conduct commanded by God.
I also believe that ONLY if or when this moment of time has arrived, will you and others be 'convinced' of the absolute power of our Creator, and you then may decide to listen to His/Her wisdom through my pen so that you and others can begin to be true to your own souls, and help me help all to 'recover' their 'lost' souls and their God given immunity from the Dark oppressor as we educate all offenders to the wisdom of the Holy Word; Peace, not the sword, and teach all 'how' to fortify their minds and be respectful)


page 161

~ Letter to Richard Fowler ~
Registrar of motor vehicles, Tasmania

Dear Sir,

 I am in receipt of your WARNING NOTICE, and what can I say other than; there is ONE ‘certainty,’ being that any person that threatens others, and that uses ‘deception’* to try and coerce another person to ‘fund’ their ANTI GOD punitive and controlling regime is a person deemed by God the Creator as ‘unworthy’ and in need of His ‘correction’ in the underworld of oblivion.

Note: ‘deception’* - The ‘immature’ and false belief held by society that institutions and their mandated ‘officials’ have a divine right to control, regulate and interfere in the lives of others and the right to punish these others for any non-conformity to their rulings.”

 It is regrettable that you believe that you are justified, and ‘right’ in what you do, especially as you receive a wage to so be, seeing not that NOT everybody follows your ‘creed’ or belief that they MUST ‘bow’ to the decrees issuing forth from your institution that bring so many to their knees.

 I do not have to be ‘registered’ with anyone and neither do you nor your institution own the roads, albeit you believe that you do, and it is due to this factor that you believe that any traveller can be ‘held to ransom’ by armed men if they have not been ‘permitted’ by your department by payment of a Tax levy. *

Note: Tax levy. * - Not only is there a user pay payment extracted on fuel, but there is also number plate and other taxes as well as an additional burden of GST imposed. All this is extortion to fund the extortionists wages and control over the people.

Are you aware that by having your personal signature emblazoned upon every ‘notice’ that you have placed your soul in great jeopardy AND very great travail?

 Probably not, but I can assure you that very Dark forces are soon to ‘swat’ you and any person that has or yet will take up a punitive ‘cudgel’ against ANY child of God for ANY reason.

 Man is very ignorant, and it is I to try my best to AWAKEN them out of their arrogant and ignorant ‘reverie’ before it is too late and demons berate them FOREVER in the underworld OR even in this world via the minds of mortals.

 I am NOT an ‘offender’ in God’s eyes for ‘failing’ to fund an institution that is of a contra code of conduct ‘nature’ to that Commanded by God being: “Go your way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate and forgiving.” But you Sir ARE already an offender in His eyes for being what you are, a ‘threatening’ and coercive individual that uses force of arms to control, regulate, and extort funds.

 I am always happy to fund any community ‘provision of services’ of my own choice, being those that are advisory or needed by me, but I cannot go against the command of our God and fund any institution that wages ‘war’ against its own citizens or others. For this would place me within the punitive aspect of God’s “As you do will be done unto you” Law.

 As for ‘insurance,’ well that is my prerogative, and I suggest that you insure or ensure your spiritual destiny by immediately changing your ‘job’ to one that is in conformity to God’s command.

 You ‘Sir’ are in the ‘punishment business’ and IT is in direct contravention of God’s command, and I ‘sigh’ and shed a ‘tear’ at the absolute FEAR that ahead you will be forced to endure as the past consequence of your actions.

 Yes you do have a ‘right’ to do what do, but there is an immutable spiritual ‘penalty’ for the untrue that defy the “Only love” command of the Creator, and you fellowship with the opposing ‘Clan’ that says to all via its ‘notices’ - - - “If we do not get ‘our way’ then ‘watch out,’ with your life we will interfere and play.”

 I have already spent ‘months’ in Tasmanian jails at the ‘hands’ of the likes as you and I am a man of peace that holds no grudge against you or any, for I am ‘mercy & compassion & forgiveness’ in action.

 I suggest that you also read my letter to magistrate Arnold Shott that is on line as page 160 above.

 Please now ‘awaken’ from your ways, for as you use ‘photographic’ intelligence to snare me, you ‘permit’ the invisible darkness to entrap your own soul, and great is to be your already ‘accrued’ travail. If you pick up a 'cudgel' by using your 'signature' and wield it against me, then you damn your own soul.

Read my; Prison and its use of God's Dark energy
Read my; The DARK 'Establishment' - Authority of God in action
Read my;
Blasphemy & the consequence of ACTIONS

Note: How does one 'sell' ones soul to the Devil? The Devil seduces man into using his force and power, and this is done through 'justification' as man  finds 'reasons' to use force, and either believes that he can defy God and not pay the 'price' or he believes not in the power of God.

Man sees not that the use of force or the use of legislation to 'control or punish' others draws the Dark energy of God into his own soul, and foolish are those that take a wage (30 pieces of silver) to uphold the punitive edicts of mere mortals, for that brings great suffering upon their own head. There is NO mandate of man or position of 'office'  that voids the Law of God.


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