page 36 ~ Prison Reform Group ~ carolinedean Box 196 - North Hobart georgia.warner Parliament House - Hobart - Tasmania Dear 'friends,' I refer to the revealing article written by Chris Johnson July 14 in the Launceston Examiner. It reveals much, namely that quote: "Mr Hidding said that - - - - "The condition attached to these orders would be so strict that - - - some offenders would prefer to go to jail." What 'Hidding' does not see, is that his 'punish the swine' mentality is exactly what is escalating the 'minds under siege' process that is 'delivering' all participants even him into the 'hands' of invisible dark forces intent on retribution. As the whole world escalates into insanity and confrontation, the psychiatric and other 'clinicians' are all at a 'loss' as to 'how' or 'what' to do, and it is only I with the wisdom of God that stands between the sanity and insanity that will 'rise up' within each of you and you and you. The whole Mental Health 'program' is a 'farce' due to the fact that none understand the reason 'how & why' powerful thoughts are invading the psyche of man, and it matters not how many more 'millions' are spent on programs, for ultimately every 'program' of the day will fail. The only true way is the quick 'education' of the entire community as to the real causes of mental trauma, as well as the reasons 'why' thoughts lead people into becoming 'offensive' and thus disturb the peace of the land. The politicians and police also need to see the difference between those that truly disturb the peace due to having mental and emotional problems, and those 'simply' offending the rules and thus receiving an 'unjust' punishment. Eg fined for not wearing a seat belt in their automobile. I have written much over the years in preparation for this time of 'coming tears,' and I suggest that you all quickly read my 'Suicide document' and my rehabilitation of offenders 'Feeling Easier Seminar' program and also begin to implement IT. For only it will educate offenders and bring them to a deeper clarity so that they are able to become 'saner' and more able to cope. Soon the 'tide' of offenders will become so 'disturbing' that utter PANIC will grip the entire community yes, - - - Insane minds will roam the street with TOTAL impunity. Tasmania has a great 'advantage,' being that the Messiah (Me) walks this place of disgrace, and I am 'wishing' to make Tasmania the 'showcase' of the world with true 'reformation' and true 'rehabilitation' of offenders in a sane, respectful, peaceful and caring way. I 'sit' quietly each day waiting for the time when the insane political forces ARE swept aside by dark forces soon to stride openly. For at that 'stage' every person will be actively SEEKING this sage. If Bureaucrats 'think' that they can stem the rising tide of insanity and confrontation with more 'rules' imposed upon the community, then they have another 'thing' coming. Being the one where they think "What went wrong" as their soul sinks into oblivion. None see the power of the invisible 'Beast' that soon is to RAPE the mind of every living 'thing' that has any darkness within (negative emotions). For this darkness is drawn in when we condone and enforce punishment of those perceived by the RULES as offensive. My offender 'Feeling Easier Seminar' is a 3 hour program. Once 'completed' the attendees must be released back into the community. I personally am 'due' to be 'jailed' by a very arrogant magistrate Peter Wilson for the third time on Aug 4 due to me sanely and wisely following the peaceful 'doctrine' of God, and refusing to be a 'party' to the 'warring' doctrine of man. (State). It appears that 'he' believes that the State & Federal Constitution wherein it states that every man is free to follow their belief, conscience, and peaceful doctrine is 'irrelevant,' and that I am still 'his' subject and slave to be treated as 'offal.' Man is now bound by rules that are the 'dictator' of the 'terms of engagement,' thus even a man of peace as me is perceived by rules to be an 'errant' to be punished simply because he refuses to be 'coerced' into funding 'your' punitive system. I am happy to fund an educative system that conforms to God's command to be kind, compassionate, merciful, and forgiving. I mail out to you both a CD of my very comprehensive 2,500 page web site. Please read the items I list at the end of this letter. I am ready to implement my 'Feeling Easier Seminars' today, and also have the help of another person that is fully conversant with my spiritual understanding, being a local Tasmanian mental health consultant Mrs Clemencia Barnes, who has kindly contributed to my web site the 'Forgiveness' document within which she has placed a 'Mental Health Carers manual.' Mankind is 'hell-bent' on retribution under the justification of 'justice.' Seeing not that all 'offensiveness' accrues a 'JUST' return due upon the perpetrator under the ONE Law of God. Please let us quickly begin to become reasonable, for my documented 'Letters from prison' written when 'enslaved' in Hayes Prison Camp for 2 months are 'indicative' of vindictiveness in the system. The 70 men 'enslaved' with me were all good human beings with families, and each and every one was aided by my 'pen' and good counsel as I 'eased' their frustrations and anger, and the only thing the community has to 'fear' is the ignorance that exists within the minds of those politically wielding the 'sword,' being their 'pen' that rules all with a stern whip and that are backed by the police force 'guns' that serves the political force. The State government is presently calling for 'tenders' to implement offender programs. None of these programs nor their 'tenderer's' have any 'hope' of success unless they gain the spiritual understanding as given by me. Let Tasmania now raise up a true Peace Corps that serves the community and brings 'offensive' people to ME to be educated and set free. The jails are only needed for those that kill, that are so 'bound' mentally that they need extra counsel for a longer time. Let those 'ladies' and men of the community that seek to now serve their GOD do their very best to bring about the new way that is commanded by their God to now be, for all that continue on the punitive vindictive way will be swept into the Abyss to eternally suffer at the hands of other demonic swine. Terence I attach below by letter to Chris Johnson the reporter. The Political Force and Prison Reform It is only when Politicians see that they are not above the Law of God that they will seek to reform themselves into civil people. For what they presently do not see is that they accrue debts spiritually each time their magistrates force community members to suffer by fine and incarceration and, All the suffering that is collaterally suffered by the family members resulting from financial loss or punishment and, their emotional suffering, also falls upon the head of the politicians and judiciary, as Gods Law applies to all and is immutable "As you do is done unto you" Thus the idea of politicians Hidding and Hodgman to abolish jail for some is a blind step in the right direction. I can now only suggest to every politician and policeman to begin to see deeper with more clarity, so that the entire community can collectively embrace the educative way as given by God via me today and, - - - Immediately implement the Feeling easier seminar’ as given by me to be attended by those that disturb the peace so that all will be educated and set free from their ignorance and all given a better chance to not disturb the peace of Gods land. I believe that Tasmania must now lead the world in this matter that means: Education rather than punishment Diane Cilento - Australian Story ABC-TV Dear 'austory,' so sad the continuing iniquity wherein a man's last 'Will & Testament' is 'contested' by 'wolves' seeking to steal what the deceased did seal by his own 'pen.' So sad that the 'mad' judiciary have by precedent 'set' a 'rule' wherein such 'thievery' can 'legitimately take place, as they unwisely condone the 'antics' of the vain and arrogant that 'pant' over the spoils they will share with their solicitor 'knights' that fight for them, as they too stride into battle dressed in black and ready to attack the 'Will' of the deceased. It was written a long, long time ago that all thieves would get to know the folly of walking 'outside' God's 'brolly' of protection. So now the time for reflection, for it was also written that the man from Galilee would return to tell 'each' the fate that they did earn by the deed of their own mind and hand. Yea verily, that man is me, and I did already raise up God's message to humanity that I now set free on the Internet for all to see, and within my 'Truth' document on page 36 I did already 'speak' God's words reference the 'Last Will & Testament' of man: So maybe 'Diane' would be good enough to pass this note on to all those that contested the 'Will' of her late husband so that they can see that if they fail to return to her all monies stolen via them, that not one of them will aspire to 'Karnak' being Heaven's Gate and, - - - Not only this but by the judgement of this hand their spirit souls will by dark forces be bound and dragged into the lower land where for an eternity or two they will be abused as is the due for all 'thieves.' For that is the one immutable law of God: 'As you do is done unto you.' This judgement of mine also descends upon the 'Judge' who is also a swine besotted by his own vanity. Each now has a 'brief' and final chance to heed their Creator and become sane and respectful, for HE is merciless in HIS Judgement of those that offend HIM day or night and, - - - If 'errant' man thinks that he is above the Law of God simply because he uses rules of men, then for being so ignorant they also deserve the judgement of this sacred pen. I place a copy of this letter on line for all to see on my 'Other correspondence' doc as page 37 thereon: Those that are now 'separated' as the 'chaff' and thus 'unworthy' find that they will experience: NOT life without God, but life without LIGHT For God is God and
God is ALL All now 'believe not'
for all are blinded by iniquity Terence ABC - TV - Asia Pacific Forum - 25 July Guest Mme Fu YING Chinese Embassy Dear ABC Forum - It is regrettable that Australian TV interviewers and others continue in their 'holier than thou' attitude towards Chinese people. We the 'viewer' are quite tired of this attitude, for it is not 'our' attitude but simply that of the vain that 'rule' Australia with an 'iron fist.' It was nice to see Madame Fu Ying maintain a steady and sane and respectful composure when confronted by such 'childish' and ignorant reference to their human rights lack. When will Australian politicians see that their 'alliance' and their ongoing inhuman dealings with people is not the 'policy' of others as me living in this land? When will they see the iniquity of their own ongoing inhuman dealings with others? It is quite clear to many of 'us' others that the leaders of 'Australia' are unwise and ignorant, and they show by deed that they hold the 'lives' of others and their God in contempt. The present 'control' over the population in Australia and America by the 'ruling' dictatorial edicts of men contained within the legislated 'rules & acts' shows the wise as me, that there is no 'democracy' in the 'West,' and neither are they 'blest' with any compassion or sanity, for their vanity and arrogance is imposed upon all others. For the USA - UK and Australia allied 'force' sees itself as the 'OSIRIC' all seeing 'evil' eye that powerfully and insanely smashes all 'opposition' as it forces others to 'submit' to ITS 'will.' Soon the 'Western' alliance is to take a 'spill' for their defiance of the one true God. For God said: "Those that defy ME and MY call of 'peace unto all' will be destroyed by ME." So be it, I believe that the 'simpletons' in the street will greet that day with a smile on their face, for all are very 'tired' of being ruled by such a disgrace. Terence Office of the
Messiah ~ Tasmania fines enforcement dept ~ attn: Mr. Sath Hills Dear 'Sath,' Re : Ransom note $ 5038.05 - A 175701 I am in receipt of what to me and our God is a 'Ransom' note that is 'backed' by the Decree of magistrate Peter Wilson. Being that if payment is not 'met' by me today 4 Aug 2004, that you are 'authorised' by him to issue a 'Warrant' for my arrest and detainment for 21 days. I write this as a 'courtesy' note to you and all as well as to the commander of the local Police Station at St. Helens because: 1 - The fiscal imposition was imposed upon me due to my personal belief in a Doctrine that is contra to 'State' policy. 2 - I wish to advise you all that even though you believe that you have the right to 'fight' and punish me for non-compliance with the 'dictates' of your doctrinal 'rule book,' - - - that our God sees all and, - - - all are subjects 'of' and subject 'to' the one Law of God. "As you do is done unto you - As you Sow so shall ye Reap" 3 - Just because you believe that punishment is 'Just' and 'Justice' served, it does not give you any 'immunity' from God's Law, even though you are 'mandated' by man and 'dutifully' seeking reparation or 'retribution' or recompense in some way. 4 - It is my intent to save you from a 'fate' worse than death and, - - - If you believe that you can defy God's Command and Decree to: "Walk in peace and be loving & merciful & compassionate & forgiving," - - - and avoid the 'penalty' of God, then you are already deceived and will soon be full of misgiving. 5 - I am the Messiah sent to earth to save your soul and that of any person that has the capacity to think for themselves and that has a conscience. I have now completed my 'mission' for God and soon my 'spirit' rises up to the eternal Paradise from whence it came. Those that defy or deny my 'ask' and God's message via me will by their own deed or 'pen' consign their own soul into Hell. God has advised me to now TODAY judge all men as was prophesied on a past day. I have 'regrettably' had to 'Judge' Peter Wilson who will soon pass away and, - - - his 'stay' in the bottomless 'pit' is to be 'eternal,' for he did defy his God and judge man for the political 'force de jure' and, - - - he did 'mercilessly' oppose my attempts to help him to see reason and set me free. God's judgement of him is on line at: < godslaw6.htm > I today 'pen' God's final 'messianic' judgement Decree for all to see that is by my 'hand,' and it has great 'import' and relevance for thee. So please read it and my entire web site before you set the 'wolves' upon me and, - - - I also advise you that - - - any person in your department or that of the 'State' enforcement that authorise themselves or any other to issue a 'Warrant' against me, - - - that they too will suffer 'consequentially' as per God's Decree: < end.htm#page 4 > Let the sane now educate offensive people and not regulate & fine & punish those that do not conform to dark Doctrine or any 'rules' of men. Please awaken from your 'reverie,' for all found 'asleep' by God will now suffer eternally. For too long have you and many earned a false 'penny' as you 'dutifully' defied God and 'served' the dark deeds of political men and their false doctrine. Sincerely - Terence ~ Volunteer Coastal Patrols ~ It is quite apparent to me that everybody today is becoming 'greedy,' controlling, and full of insanity. Thus the fiscal claims of any 'parent' body from their 'children' that will impoverish a community should be seen as pure vanity. I can but suggest to the St. Helens volunteer service that they 'formerly' disown their 'parent' body and begin to grow up and stand on their own feet as 'we' the public of St. Helens bless our own local fleet of good 'service' men and women that do their best to voluntarily assist those in maritime distress. The 'problem' of today is that every departmental 'head' seeks to control others through regulations, and these very regulation are now to 'dismember' not only every organisation, but at the same time will cause distress to multitudes and, - - - Not only this, but the very same regulations enable enforcers to 'enter' into disputes and as all will soon see, our very own local police will be required to 'seize' assets forcefully from the very community they are supposed to serve! Yes, it appears that pending court 'action' will not only cost another 'fortune,' but it will impoverish our community as legal 'wolves' employed by others decimate the assets that were raised up so lovingly by volunteers. In my considered opinion every 'sector' in Tasmania needs to change their 'vector' and in our local St. Helens case we should rename the 'club' to read something like this: - St. Helens Volunteer Coastal Patrol -And, it will operate under its own 'admission' and its own Code of Conduct guidelines. Let its 'presently' serving officers vote within their own ranks as such. For in reality, they are the 'blood line' of the fleet, and the only other 'section' is the 'hard' assets and, - - - If there is to be any dispute as to the ownership of such then so be it, better for 'our' fleet 'Captain' to decide not to 'fight' in Court using solicitors, but to defend our 'Station' by personally speaking to the 'Magi' on the day for, - - - Ultimately it is this 'Magi' to decide whether St. Helens is to lose all and, - - - whatever takes place be it foulness or grace is irrelevant, for there is always 'damage' resulting from a storm and, - - - If we now move forwards as our 'own' Patrol Unit then we will win out in the end as every resident of this town is a 'volunteers' friend and, the new: - St. Helens Volunteer Coastal Patrol - will rise up from the ashesOne thing is for sure, we do not need any 'Police' force to take over the 'reigns' of our volunteer service for that imposition will itself restrict, control, regulate, and punish any perceived as erring outside its 'rulebook' religion.As I see it, there will be no need of any 'Public Liability' Insurance to 'protect' our Coastal Patrol service, for as it is a community effort 'project' helping the community, in reality no community member would or could seek compensation from themselves, so any 'claim' by a community person against the community service is itself insanity, and should be seen by all as fraudulent. It is time to now 'plug' the insurance 'drain' using a sane 'bung' and doing what is needed, simply providing the service. Let our volunteers be brave and thus not 'close' their service. Give aid to all that seek or need it and for your kindness our God will bless you true. If you need a 'spokesman' to defend you in Court then do not use a solicitor, for they will drain your pockets dry, better to use me as my service as yours is 'voluntary' and thus free. NOTE: Mr Geoff O'Halloran of St. Helens said that he feared some hidden agenda behind the closures and would attend a meeting of members in Launceston at the Sunny Hill Country Club this morning and demand answers. My response to him is : Yes, the very fact that a 'liquidator' has been able to use the state 'judicial' force to 'seize' the assets pending 'Magi' decree shows, that the mainland 'invader' intends to sell up the assets of the people of the local community using local 'force of arms' to so do.St Helens division patron Rene Hidding said that he was confident the liquidator's agent Paul Cook had executed his orders correctly. My response to him is: If Rene Hiding sees the 'seizure' of community assets as a 'correct' injunction, and the halting of a volunteer community safety venture as 'correct' simply because some 'agent' using 'military' policing forces to force closure, then it appears that he is a blind man. In my opinion any true 'policing' force would deter others from closing down any such community venture and, most certainly would not become complicit in its 'destruction.' Note : Any voluntary 'Corps' needs to operate solely on the basis of funding by community donation. Thus the funds belong to the community rather than the 'name' of the Corps. For the 'Volunteer Patrol' merely holds the community monies in safekeeping to be disbursed as seen fit by the 'Commodore.'However, if one 'section' such as the 'head' body decides to 'lend' or give monies to another, they cannot then demand any return using 'force of arms' (Caesar's men) to seize property or bank accounts, for the monies and assets are community property, not the property of any of the voluntary services.In this instance the 'parent' Corps should have foreseen the possibility of a shortfall and cut their 'cloth' to suit their coat and, - - - they should then also have advised their 'children' being the 'lesser' Corp that they must now leave the 'nest' and fend for themselves. But for any 'parent' group to attempt to destroy any other community endeavour in an attempt to gain fiscally themselves, is not only insanity but pure arrogance as well. For they are in fact destroying the donated 'efforts' of other community members and this makes 'God' very angry.Maybe the local community needs to ask itself: "Why do we pay the wages of a State governing System that 'backs' the extortionist demands of others? Why do we pay the wages of policing forces that turn against 'us' as others attempt to steal our property? Why do our own 'State' departments close down our freely given voluntary business that is of benefit to all?I personally suggest that the funding of all punitive departments be ceased, for by paying their wages we are in fact funding our own downfall. I fear for the community, for none see the impunity with which 'alien' forces can invade and steal community funded property. It is time to see that all funds or property 'raised' by the local community and used by the volunteers of the RVCP does not 'automatically' belong to a 'body' named the RVCP. All community endeavours and assets must remain the 'untouchable' property of the community and, no member of the community should 'entertain' aiding others via supposedly 'legitimate' means to steal said property. In the meantime I suggest that the Coastguard volunteers set up a 'tent' on top of Chris Munday's floating restaurant and install a private radio so that communications with those in need can proceed without the 'taxing' rules and decrees demanded by 'governing' bodies. Read my ' The Coastguard volunteer' on page 20 of the fisheries doc.< fishery.htm > Terence To Frank Neasey Dear Frank, I refer to your Reference 16694 relating to the purported amount of $1086 claimed by your department as owing by myself for your 'costs' or 'charges' raised in relation to my Supreme Court appeal LCA 27/2003. It is 'appalling' to me a 'taxpayer' to see the 'ease' with which legislators have raised up 'rules' enabling government (public servant) departments to 'earn' an additional income during the course of their already paid for daily duties. Presumably all persons referred to within the claimed amount are already receiving a salary from the taxpayer to cover the cost of their time in office? It is also becoming more 'apparent' to the general public that every public office department is now embroiled in this nature of additional money making business that impoverishes the general community with seeming impunity and, - - - It is the time for the public to themselves implement guidelines for the conduct of said 'public servants,' who obviously now believe that due to their 'powerful' position, that it is they the 'Master,' and we their 'employer' are their slave to be treated with disrespect and contempt. It is the considered opinion of my 'pen' that the demanded 'extortionist' fee asked for by you is a false and offensive claim, albeit that it is backed by an equally false 'set' of rules devised by arrogant men to 'net' and additionally 'tax' the people of this and every land on earth. It is now the time for the 'sleeping' populace to be awoken from their 'reverie' so that they begin to see the 'sorry' state that they 'embrace' so blindly, and when they do awaken to the iniquities perpetrated by their servants (on their behalf and in their name) there will literally be HELL to pay in more than one way. No doubt you and every member of the populace working in 'governing' departments so 'dutifully' also have been 'led' to believe that what you do is 'honest' and for the good of all. However it is my soul 'tall' that has the authority and 'brilliance' to see and expose the soon arriving horror to be. It is thus that I can but 'warn' thee and all men true that it truly now is the last opportunity for each soul to decide whether to abide in the Light side of God's ONE Law or to walk deeper into the Dark side of God's ONE Law. For unknown to all men and revealed now through this sacred pen is a deep truth and reality. Being that no man stands above the ONE Law of God, and no mere mandate or decree or rule of legislators or magisterial 'judgement' gives any person immunity from the ONE Law of God that 'simply' states: "As you do be it true or untrue is done unto you on an 'eye for an eye' basis." So I can but 'suggest' to you and all that it is now the time to entwine with my wisdom divine, and then you will be able to come to a personally informed decision as to whether you treat me with contempt and derision or, you permit your conscience to be guided by your inner light, as you lay down your 'axe' and discontinue to 'fight' those as me that have a different belief and peaceful ideology. 27 Sept 008 TL ( AD 2004) To
plea or not to plea When facing man's court you are first asked to make a plea of 'Guilty' or 'Not guilty' in respect of a complaint or a 'charge' made against you. This is a false and self incriminating demand of you, for God states that no man must take it upon himself to 'Judge' another and, as it is only God's prerogative to 'Judge' the 'guilt' of sinful man it 'follows,' that it is also only God's prerogative to demand a reply to such a question. Thus in answer to such a demand from a man, you should respond by stating: "I make no plea," and I ask: "On whose behalf and authority are you asking this question of me, is it a person or, is it simply for or on behalf of a 'statement' from some 'text' in a book?" The reason for so asking is, that if the magistrate seeks to punish you as he defies God, (by judging you) then the magistrate and court attendants are taking a 'mercenary' wage to uphold the written word or text in an 'unholy' book that they perceive as the ideological rules to be followed, and by their punitive deeds they show their allegiance to a dark merciless ideological belief. (Their anti-god religion) These rules that they follow and even 'worship,' defy and contravene the command of the God of Light that is the positive ideology of peace & love: "Only be loving, and always be compassionate, merciful and forgiving, and live in peaceful co-existence with others." This peaceful and merciful co-existence ideology that is the Command of the God of Light is contravened by the 'book of rules,' and is also contravened by its 'bearers' that follow and enforce its 'text' that they perceive as their 'holy script.' Those participating in the court action against you are by their actions thus upholding anti-God rules, and using force of arms to so do. Thus they show by their intent and deed that they are 'living' and are enforcing a punitive ideology that is 'offensive' to God. You can then add to your statement: "Thus the reason I do not make a plea is, because the 'text' in your 'text book' of rules that you bow to and wish to uphold are not applicable to me, as they are not 'of' and are 'contra' to my ideological belief in peaceful co-existence, and therefore the question is not relevant to me and thus I should not, nor do I need to be obliged to answer. The only reason you believe it is applicable to me is because you have by precedent been lead to believe that all people living on this land mass are subject to the 'rules of engagement' as dictated by your ideological text book. These rules are in the form of 'acts or edicts' that deny and defy God's "Only Love command," and have by precedent become the way of your belief and, said rules or 'decrees' of your ideology are enforced via armed men who are paid a wage to so do by the 'sleeping' populace. Sadly, this enforced ideological belief of yours defies God's "Only Love & walk in Peace" command, and leads you, your enforcers, and the condoning and funding public into great sorrow and spiritual bondage by the dark, as you all by your 'offensive' acts defy God's command to: "Only be loving, compassionate, merciful and forgiving, and do not disturb the peace of others." There is a crucially important misunderstanding and deception that has been imposed upon the psyche of man by the darkness. This deception is what has enabled this error in ideological belief to cunningly and 'silently' enslave the entire human race, and is what has encouraged the precedence of enforced punitive ways to become the 'norm' in this and all societies. Some edicts or decrees made by a man or men and called a 'rule' or an 'act' or the 'law,' have provided man seemingly 'just' and judicious mandates to defy God's "Only Love" command. The sadness of this is that no man made rule or mandate voids or protects any man from God's one Law being: "As you do unto others will it be done to you" - or- "As you sow so shall you reap." There is no text book rule, mandate, or acted ritual or Constitutional immunity from this one LAW of God. It is inviolate and immutable. Thus any man that condones, or becomes complicit through participating in the punitive abuse meted out as 'Justice' place themselves within the dark retributive side of God's ONE Law and, they ahead in this realm or, when they are 'dead' and their spirit falls into the underworld receive an equal 'eye for an eye' suffering return due imposed by God. It is therefore my intent to do my very best to bring to your attention this fact, so that you may become aware of this reality so that this community can implement positive change. For this supposedly 'welfare system' must stop using rules as a means of financial extortion off the community that is backed by armed enforcement of punitive rules for any non-compliance. The 'Plea' of our God is that all mankind now 'turns' to face the Light and become humane and civil as they only 'haul in' real 'offenders,' being those that do disturb the peace, and these are treated to educative rehabilitation programs such as the 'Feeling Easier' Seminar program. (For our God will ensure the punishment of those that offend HIM and that disturb the peace of HIS land.) State governments have a contra ideology to that commanded by God. References: Refer freedom of religious tolerance (belief) as enshrined by the Constitution of every land but Treasonably 'defied' & denied by all Magistrates: COMMONWEALTH
Having kidnapped
Schapelle from off the street and, - - - Having threatened her with the possibility of life in prison and, - - - Having threatened her with the possibility of death and, - - - Having caused her actual mental and emotional stress and trauma and, - - - Having held her imprisoned in a cell for over a month and, - - - Having caused her reputation to be despoiled and, - - - Having caused her family great duress and emotional stress and, - - - Having caused her family to spend money to travel and, - - - |
Having caused the Balinese people that fund this iniquity to incur a 'karmic' debt to God, due to the fact that these 'officials' are funded by them and are thus the 'servants of the people' acting on their behalf and, thus in the eyes of God all 'complicit' will receive and equal 'eye for an eye' return of suffering at a later date when GOD collects HIS 'dues' under HIS divine Law.
SHAME on the Balinese people.
The only thing that Schapelle might have done is to bring a 'bag' of flowers from one place to another. That is the truth of the matter. Now you should be able to see 'how' easy it is for humanity to gain a debt of suffering due to 'them' heeding the text in rule books.
For rule books
force people into defying their God's command to treat all with respect. This applies to you and all Ray, for even your taxes fund the ongoing iniquity in 'Fellujah' as man finds 'reason' to destroy man, thus you also incur a 'pain & suffering' debt daily.As for Schapelle's 'persecutors,' they for sure seal their own fate as stated by me and it is they that seal it due to their ignorance, pride, and vanity as they 'treat' a daughter of God like 'offal.'
For sure the Devil they will greet, and when they fall grovelling and 'pleading' at HIS feet they will get to know the feelings of terror and dread that they imposed upon others. That is the JUSTICE of God.
~ Prosecution & persecution v/s God ~
----- Original Message ----- From: Margot McGee To: Terence Sent: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: RE: parking debacle
, I have received a Fax from the Fines Enforcement of the Statutory Declaration. This declaration was not done until 1st October 2000 which was after your wife was fined in court on 25th May 1999. As the declaration was done after the court hearing it is out of our hands but if you would like to make application to Set aside this conviction and penalty you will need to go to the court of Petty Sessions and complete an application form and pay the filing fee (cost is $12.54). We will not oppose this and another summons will then be issued in your name.Dear Terence
Margot McGee
Administration Officer - PARKING DEPARTMENT
Response - Dear Margot - it seems 'absurd' to me that I can make a 'valid' declaration today some 4 years 'late' and it is acceptable to you, but the previous one that was merely a few months late is not acceptable.
Your letter confirms to me and you and the fines dept that a declaration was completed by me in 2000, thus it would be 'insanity' on my part for me to do it again would it not?
Please do what you have to, but 'consider' the FACT that any prosecution of me or ANY comes under the 'heading' of unforgiving and vindictive retributionary persecution, even though you believe it to not so be simply because you receive a wage to 'uphold' Decrees written in some unholy 'text' book that you 'bow' to -
It thus is your choice to 'heed' the vengeful & punitive voice of darkness rather than the one of our TRUE God - thus all that is ever done unto me or any other 'punitively' places a 'spell' upon your own head and that of your family that will ahead be filled with dread as you receive your 'just' due from God for being so vain and arrogant and untrue.
The 'moment' you or any places their 'pen' upon paper with the 'remark' - - - seize this one and take him to be 'tried & punished' - - - you place the same 'mark' invisibly upon the door of your home and forehead - believe it or not - is up to you, for I can only 'mercifully' try and awaken all the untrue as to their iniquitous ways and the 'power' of insanity coming to all 'abusers' in these end days - - and they are the ones in 'power' as are you - - - that wield a sword or 'punitive' pen against others due to their own ignorance.
The authority to raise up 'Statutes' using legislation in the first instance is given by the authority of the 'text' wording within the or any 'organisations' Constitution.
The authority to use legislation to bring defaulters (ref legislation) to account stems from the 'mandate' given within the Constitution to those people that are 'members' of said organisation or CLUB. Being those and only those that by their own free choice and volition vote for it, condone it, fund it, become a 'Party member' to it.
The authority enabling you to defy God and use the Constitution and subsequent legislation to control, regulate, tax, fine, and punish, is the 'later' legislation that arose because 'some' persons used the 'right' given unto them by the Constitution to 'dream up' more 'taxing' and punitive rules.
The reason why the 'majority' of men needed a Constitution the first instance was because in their minds they needed to legalise the use of force to control others and to 'tax' others.
Constitution Act 1934 (Tasmania)
This document
includes a legal guarantee of the religious
liberty and equality of
Every citizen is guaranteed
freedom of conscience and the free exercise of religion under
Section 46(1) of this Act.
The reason why I 'exercise' my divine right to not pay what I perceive as a demand from an extortionist is because it would be 'unconscionable' for me to so do and, - - -
Not only this, but my 'action' or 'non action,' - in conforming to what I see as contra my belief legislation being used by you in an attempt to abuse me, - is a valid one within the very Constitution that gives you permission to abuse me in certain circumstances but, - - -
As your own Constitution guarantees me 'freedom of conscience' and the 'free exercise of religion,' why do you insist on your Treasonable defiance of your own Constitution by continuing along your track?
And why do you continue to defy your own God by taking it upon yourself to try and use legislation to 'attack' the Light of Heaven ME, that itself is Treason against the State of Heaven that itself is punishable spiritually by GOD?
Is it because you 'think' that you can so do because you are backed by armed men that as you, take a 'mercenary' wage to daily interfere, obstruct, and disturb the peace of others etc., all actions contra the command of your Creator?
For your information, I have already been inconvenienced and 'treasonably' abused by others that are very arrogant and ignorant that are employed by the Tasmania 'State' enforcement agency and, - - - these men and women have sealed their own fate in the Abyss for a very long time and, even though they do not necessarily believe this to be so they will 'ponder' upon it as 'older' they grow and, - - -
The spiritual reality that is imposed by God upon all defiant 'spirits' is seen and understood at the moment they leave their biological body. For God is The Authority that stands above ALL men and ALL legislation and, - - -
This God 'power' commands all to be 'Peaceful, loving, kind, merciful, compassionate, and forgiving' and, - - - if you think that 'mandated' persecution gives you 'immunity' from God for defiance of God, then you have failed your 'survivor' test and 'damned' your own soul - - - all for a false 'penny.'
In the 'past' I spent time and money to prove to Gillian's persecutors that she was not a defaulter so as to 'save' them from persecuting her unto their own spiritual demise. You now 'insanely' tell me to spend $12.50 to prove to you that I was the driver so that I can assist you to 'commit' spiritual suicide, and this I cannot do. Think about it.
"In God we trust" - is many a persons slogan, but the reality is that man relies on legislation and the gun.
It is my belief that I must heed God and only 'fund' good deeds and be a peaceful man that is merciful and forgiving.
Thus it is against and contra my
religious ideology to financially support a 'Council' monetarily with the foreknowledge that 'some' of these monies will be used to punish and thus abuse my spiritual sisters and brothers you and you and, - -It is against and contra my
religious ideology to financially support any 'Government' organisation monetarily with the foreknowledge that 'some' of these monies will be used to wage war upon others and cause great suffering upon my spiritual sisters and brothers of other races and creeds.As the inhabitants of this 'Australian' land mass are a 'part' of the 'Coalition of the willing' forces, then every taxpayer is funding the
death and destruction and impoverishment of many mothers and brothers and wives and sisters and children of God's most precious creation.There is NO 'bullet' or bomb or rocket being used with MY name on it. Is yours? You are spiritually responsible for the deeds of your servants. As I do not fund or support any government I have NO 'servants' killing or maiming or incarcerating others 'for and on behalf of me,' - - - do you?
Only as the inhabitants of this place are exposed to a similar
'explosive' return that IS 'Just' Justice will they begin to understand why God said: "Rely only on my 'bread' being the wisdom of peace, for every warmonger soon becomes DEAD as their soul falls below and joins the BAD seed. By your deed I know you."As 'man' today (Planetarily) are all sliding backwards into the Abyss due to 'rules' - - - and as it is my 'job' to enlighten as many as I can before the LAST DAY, I ask that your forward a copy of this to the enforcement agency of Tas fines so that 'maybe' a few will begin to 'reconsider' their duty to 'Caesar' and its implications to them personally.
For it is unlikely that an 'informed' person would continue to give another the 'tip' of their 'boot,' when they realise that their own 'foot' they shoot. For God's ONE Law applies unto all, the meek - the mild - the arrogant - the short - the tall -
"As you do is done unto you"
I and you and all can ONLY begin to bring in and implement positive change when YOU are ready to. I wish you well - only those that see the wisdom of MY words will avoid a 'hellish' long spell in HELL -
Prosecution & persecution is waging war and sets you against God - none can win against God. Wake up!
Sincerely - T
erence~ Police 'hostile' action' report ~
I refer
to the police 'quotas' recently released to the Tasmania public, wherein every 'officer' is required to 'perform' a certain 'amount' of hostile action each year that has in fact a 'minimum' of 1,081 'interventions.'I call it 'hostile,' because the 'System' of
Rules that 'rule' require the policemen to actively 'engage' in deliberate acts that, if carried out by members of the public upon other members of the public, would be 'classified' as "Disturbing the peace of others."For the very fact that a person brings another to a
'halt' for any reason, and demands 'something' for any reason is error in the eyes of God, and brings a return 'due' upon the interferer that intruded into the affairs of another.I am not 'forgetful' of the now established 'belief' that an
'enforcer' receiving a 'silver penny' to perform a duty perceived as 'honourable,' is a person that is entitled to so do. (Interfere in the lives of others believed to be at 'fault' in the eyes of RULES or Decrees of the overlord.)What my intent is in writing this 'note' is to bring certain factual truths to the awareness of the public as well as those 'indentured' into false beliefs. For it is only ignorance that has lead so many
youths * becoming taught wrong 'ideals' due to the 'sinful' nature of their forefathers and elders.Note: youths *- young men or women that enter into the 'forces' services with good intent.
My concern is for the serving police and other enforcers. For they believe that in the course of their 'duty,' that they can 'interfere, control, demand, regulate, arrest, detain, invade, seize, steal, abuse, kidnap, fine, punish, incarcerate, and even kill,' and not be 'subjected' to the same 'rules' that they are enforcing.
They also believe that as it is a performed 'duty' to others, that they personally have 'indemnity' from prosecution and immunity from said 'Rules' that some believe are 'The law of the land.'
My task is to try and show all officers and members of the public that rules are rules are rules, they are not 'The law,' they are simply the decrees of legislators, 'invoked' and enforced by the 'coercion' of the promise of fine or incarceration for any default.
The REAL 'Law of the land' that is not understood by any is the single law of God that states: "As you do is done unto you on an 'eye for an eye' basis."
Thus I am concerned with what is to soon 'happen' to police enforcers. For what they do not see is that their 'acts' each day do have a 'spiritual' consequence as all are 'subject' to God's one RULE of LAW.
So any policeman that in any way has by rules been forced to:
'interfere, control, demand, regulate, arrest, detain, invade, seize, steal, abuse, kidnap, fine, punish, incarcerate, and even kill,' will find 'shock horror' that they now will become the 'victim' of a different 'nature' of enforcer.This 'type' of enforcer is quite simply a mentally 'disturbed' and thus
insane person that has 'lost' their 'reason' for reasons known by me, and they will be 'validated' and 'justified' and mentally forced to; 'interfere, control, demand, regulate, arrest, detain, invade, seize, steal, abuse, kidnap, fine, punish, incarcerate, and even kill' policemen, and other 'armed forces' men because their 'minds' or thoughts force them to.And 'after all,' is it not
'Justice' that all 'reap what they sow'? Is that not the 'result' sought by all merciless & unforgiving mankind?Where does the 'mandate' come from, or 'authority' to defy ones conscience and ones God and abuse ones own family and friends and neighbours simply because of
rules? - Is it in fact the Constitution?Most serving police officers and other 'forces' personnel either take 'orders' from superiors, or they 'open up' their Holy Bible being the 'book' of 'Statutes' or
rules to which they owe their allegiance.Yes, even though the community 'taxes' pay their wage, they 'bow' to the
Autocratic dictates of the decrees 'scripted' as text in these books of 'death.'For any book that condones 'warfare' or hostile acts against others is 'deadly,' for it places the 'user' within the
dark side of God's Law, and they see not that every drop of blood spilt or suffering imposed 'for and on behalf of' rules, comes back upon their own being on a later day.Suffering endured by 'prisoners' resulting from the
enforcement on behalf of rules is not perceived by serving policemen as hostile, they only see it as 'Just' justice, and neither do any of them actually realise that the very Constitution that gives them a mandate of authority to 'enslave' or regulate is a false document, and it has lead all into wrong action in God's eyes.As the community are fearful of
'reprisal,' * they meekly conform and pay all 'taxes' and fines imposed, and quietly go their way each day as 'dogs' with their tails between their legs.As said, Police 'personnel' are forced into being 'hostile' interferers and into
disturbing the peace themselves by the very rules that prohibit such action.Thus it follows that the moment they bring another to a 'halt' demanding 'proof' of innocence etc, they are already an offender in God's eyes and 'worthy' of a similar
'punishment' under God's one law.We do not need any political
'Police force' that daily abuses others and thus themselves. We only need a true community 'Peace Corps' that assists in the rehabilitation of offenders and thus they assist the community and themselves.It is the time for quick change before the entire planet does derange, and you cannot 'lock up' the world each day and, - - - it appears to me that everyone is a 'sinner' soon to be 'tried' by God via the minds of the
insane that are filled with pride and vanity.To assist you in becoming
true to the community and your God and yourself, I give you a few 'links' and can but await your knock on my door so that positive change can be implemented before all end up at HELL'S door.Note: fearful of 'reprisal,' * - very soon, there will be an 'upsurge' of discontent amongst the general public that will be compounded by 'possessive' and intrusive thoughts that will acerbate emotions of fear, anger, hatred etc, and the result of this will cause an escalation of confrontation and destruction as never seen before or envisaged, and the 'prime' target will be any that have 'abused' others, be it 'legitimately' or otherwise, and, - -
This 'coming' force is superior, unstoppable, and will be far more aggressive than any other yet seen on earth and, - - - its 'operatives' are telepathically directed by the Dark Sovereign Power, being the 'retributive' arm of God.
10 page ~
The 'False Constitution' ~Terence
Carleton - 60 Minutes
Naivety &
Dear Richard and Jan Collis. I write this jointly as it contains input for you both.
Firstly Richard, why do you so 'naively' ask an Israeli 'government' official if they believe that the 'kidnap' of one of their 'nationals' is legitimate? - - - Surely by now you should be aware of the proven FACT that every department of every government on earth has always believed that in the course of their 'duty' to themselves, - - -
That they can 'tax, invade, intrude, control, seize goods, steal money from private accounts, interfere, disturb the peace, kidnap, hold hostages in prisons, regulate, fine, punish, wage war and destroy, - - and assume to have 'immunity' from and be above their own 'rules' and the Law of God?
Did you not know that there is NO democracy in any land on earth? Do you not see that all men are ruled with an IRON fist that is wielded by the legislated RULES that dictate the course and conduct of mortal men?
It matters not 'who' is voted into power, for the rules already exist and all that any 'new' figurehead does is to 'twist & weave' and more deceive and more legislate and more enslave the entire population as they so say, - - - "It is for your own good that 'we' look after you in this way and - by the way - if you do not 'bow' down to our ideology you will cry or die."
And what NONE of these 'officials' do see is that NONE of them nor you or I are above the singular Law of God that states:
"As you do is done unto you" thus. - - -
As these governing officials and police and armed forces are condoned, funded, and supported by the population, it follows that every 'voter' or taxpayer accrues a similar 'painful' suffering due that does and is to return upon them all for employing thieves and murderers to work for them, for whatever is done to others in Iraq or locally to 'rule breakers' becomes the DUE to be imposed at some stage by GOD upon you and all. This includes all mental & emotional & physical anguish imposed by their actions.
You need to visit my web site and read some of the 45 documents thereon:
The sodomy of man document
The Slave citizen document
< slavery1.htm
And Jan, reference the two 'spell bound' ladies Rachel & Clare, I see that you are a Lady of the Light, and this is why your contact with them has already 'lifted' away some of the darkness clouding the vision of one but, - - -
In order for you to fully be able to set them free, you need to read the two sections I give as they have information as to 'why' people attempt 'suicide' and do not wish to live. For self-imposed 'starvation' itself is a form of suicide.
It all 'stems' from the negative emotions with the person, and in this case it is one of 'self pity' and 'poor little me' - I am only 'seen' or 'recognised' by others when they can feel pity for me - - -
So via these emotions their minds link down into the dark Abyss where demonic forces can telepathically intrude and keep them 'spell-bound' by thoughts that incessantly revolve around and around to the point that they cannot get off the not so 'merry go round.'
They need to be assisted to fortify their minds so that the 'spell' of intrusive thoughts is broken for a moment or two each day, the 'how' to do this is within that which I have been writing to save humanity for so many a day. For all are becoming 'unsound' and mentally bound in one way or another - - - hence the escalation of abuse of sister and brother.
Not only do Rachel & Clare need to see this, but they also need to understand that they are RIGHT when they see it as a spiritual issue that affects their biological tissue, for what they do not see is, - - -
That even though they may 'jointly' depart their flesh as their spirit 'disengages' from their flesh as it becomes uninhabitable, but that if at this moment their minds are still as they are - - under siege - - - by the dark, then it will be the SAME process on the other side and, - - -
They will also be 'separated' from each other by the dark forces for, - - - it is their intent to cause untold suffering to all that use its devious dark energy - - - so once 'separated' below then their mental and emotional anguish will GROW and they will withdraw deeper into insanity through their own 'distorted' vanity.
Tell them to read this letter from me for it will get them to QUICKLY rethink their program strategy - - - for it is not in order to 'die' physically if their mind is 'possessed' by dark forces - - - better to bless their minds and soul now and set themselves free from the invisible mental (thoughts) bonds so that ahead - - - even if they do die due to biological processes, at least their spirit souls will be SAFE - -
Read my suicide document
Read my spiritual truth document (items at
end of index)
< spirit1.htm
F. C. Neasey - Principal
Crown Counsel Tasmania Ref 16694 Dear Frank, The words page 51
I use similar words, for it is as I feared, that 'similarly' when I placed clear 'proof' before the 'Judge' that within his own organisation 'Constitution' I was within my 'rights' to follow my belief and conscience and he 'denied' that.
You now 'similarly' deny the fact that your 'office' already receives a daily wage without having to 'double charge' members of the community, this too is 'contra' my belief and conscience.
It is interesting to see how you a man are prepared to
'wage war' against me another brother - - - why? - - - simply because some 'text' in a book gives your mind the justification or, simply because some text in a book forces you into 'such' anti-God action?You might see my 'way' as 'conduct unbecoming,' and thus I am to be treated as an 'outcast' to be
persecuted and punished, and it is your 'pen' that is what sets in 'train' the 'movement' of a chain of events that will result in many others becoming complicit to the imposition of 'darkness' upon another. (me)You see not the
'swing of the pendulum' that you set in motion, neither do you see that the use of any 'energy' of God has an equal and opposite 'swing.' If you for any reason 'decide' to take a 'swing' at me using force of arms backed by 'guns,' in order to satisfy either your own personal 'emotions' or to satisfy text in a book, then it is you 'Sir' to be 'forsook' by our God.For HE states quite categorically that:
"The use of force to 'wage war, intrude, control, regulate, impose, disturb the peace of others, cause others pain or suffering or loss, punish or destroy them' is conduct unbecoming" and, - - -You place a 'spell' upon your own soul, for the 'invocation' of the full 'weight' of
God's LAW is by your own deed the resultant 'Righteous accountability' to take place against you at the time and place so ordained by God, be it on this level or in the after life if you 'send forth' armed men to bring me to punitive 'account.'I have tried very hard to 'show' mankind that NONE stand above the singular
Law of God, be they performing their 'duty' to 'someone' or otherwise. All that use the forceful invasive or punitive Dark destructive energy have an equal 'eye for an eye' return upon their own souls."As you do is done unto you"
Whether you see it as
'Just' Justice to bring another to 'account' is not the 'question.' The question that you should ask yourself is: "Why do I take a wage to uphold 'rules' that force me into living within the negative aspect of God's LAW, with ITS 'painful' response and, - - - why do I work within an 'industry' that ensures that I cannot 'exercise' the use of my own conscience, as I am 'bound over' to ITS 'textual' unconscionable ways?"For if you were a true 'counsel' then you would counsel yourself, and 'think' - - -
"Just because a person is 'deemed' an 'offender,' and thus punishable by the 'action' of my pen 'hand,' why do I assume that any mental or emotional suffering or loss that he incurs whilst incarcerated is 'irrelevant,' just because for a time they are but a 'number' and that they are deserving of such suffering."
What you need to see Frank is that from God's 'standpoint' view, any person that gives out
loving kindness and merciful forgiveness is deserving of an equal return of that Positive energy, for that is the 'Just' fulfilment of God's Law and, - - -Any person that gives out
pain and suffering or torture or incarceration through merciless un-forgiveness is deserving of an equal return of that Negative energy, for that is the 'Just' fulfilment of God's Law.What you need to see is, that the words "It's my job" holds no relevance to God, for it is our God that 'commands' obedience to HIS 'Code of Conduct.' If your 'job' or 'station' in life commands that you are obedient to IT or ITS 'statutes,' then so be it, but you can never 'void' or have immunity from God or God's Law.
I must add, that you and all men that have either personally or by 'servant' gone forth o'er land or sea to
'seize, restrict, kidnap, punish, enslave, abuse, or destroy' have unknowingly already set in 'train' an unchangeable chain of events into 'motion.'For the very 'force' that justified these actions is the same force to bring you and 'them' to account within ITS 'side' of God's Law and, - - - It is this
'incorrigible' chain of events that I do see quite clearly that I wish to 'reveal,' so that 'some' can change their way before their LAST DAY when by their deeds they DO their own eternal fate seal.I 'hold' no personal 'animosity' against you or any person that I see as 'untrue' due to them following what I see as an 'opposing' ideology. (Rule by force of arms) I would never send forth armed men to kidnap you from your house just because any 'textbook' book said that I had the 'authority' to so do.
I would never defy my God, thus in 'advance' I forgive you for any suffering I endure at your instigation but, - - - I do not speak for the 'Source,'* for IT forgives NAUGHT, as IT is BOUND to fulfil ITS own Law. (An eye for an eye -
good or bad)Note: I do not speak for the 'Source,'*- I always speak for the Source, but in this context, in extending my forgiveness towards your intent and proposed 'dark' invasive and abusive deeds against me, I am fulfilling God's requirement of me and, - - - in this context I speak not 'for' the Source but for myself.
So I now await to see 'who' comes to my door. For sure I will offer them a cup of tea and say:
let me read you your 'rights' being - - -
is your choice to remain a 'free man' by simply going your way without
me, it is also your choice to defy God and 'arrest' me and kidnap me
from my home and family but, - - -
Every 'atom' of mental or emotional trauma endured by me or my family that 'struggle' to exist without me is by your actions imposed upon your own household and, - - - For all the time I am 'held' and not free to come and go, is also to be imposed upon you and, any financial or material 'loss' incurred or accrued due to my being unable to give my family support will also become a similar due imposed by God upon you and your family thus, - - - I ask you to 'consider' whether there is the possibility of an existent God and whether there is the possibility of HIS Law being 'Just' and justly your due. For either way is your choice now as to what you will do, for I am 'defenceless' and you are an armed 'gunman,' and your very 'intent' brings 'dread' to those dear to me." |
Frank, please read my 'God's Pendulum' found on page 11 at:
God's Law
and also please read a little 'ABOUT Terence'
The only reason why I am 'constantly' standing before the 'Court' of Tasmania is because it is God's wish for me to so do, in order to enable you to begin to 'wish' to bring in a
positive 'educative' way to the 'Criminal Justice' system in a manner that is 'acceptable' to our Creator. Being one of education rather than punishment.For as you will soon see, the escalation of insanity can only be 'stemmed' by the wisdom from my pen, and the longer man is 'recalcitrant' the harder it will get, and the more those
'enforcers' that do disturb the peace will themselves be made to suffer and as all will soon see, one cannot 'lock up' the whole world each night for without my good counsel man against man will definitely FIGHT.Sincerely - Terence
.- A person only 'pursues' the 'abuse' or punishment of another because they are either ignorant of God and God's Command and God's Law, or they 'think' or believe that it is not applicable to them in the course of their duty to the 'State.'~
Palm Island Terror ~
Letter to the
Tasmanian Mercury newspaper 28 Nov 04
Dear Editor, I refer to your Palm Island story reference
'Police Terror' and do comment a little on your items therein. For there is factual evidence that all men do suffer their 'karmic fate' if in their past they did sin, within God's 'eye for an eye' Law of 'What you do is done unto you.'More to the point, can the occurrences on Palm Island be 'duplicated on the 'local' Island Tasmania? I say "Yes," and that it is time now for all men to 'bless' their souls with a little truth.
For the police force see not their 'actions,' for they perceive their role as 'honorable,' and they do not 'feel' the emotions arising within the Planetary population that daily see more and more police brutality on Television.
Have the police any 'idea' as to how
terrified their 'victims' become when they are 'collared' and dragged into police custody? NOHave the police any 'idea' as to how 'dismayed' people are when the police say
"You deserve your punishment and we are the ones to make you repent and relent as we drag you away from your family and 'brutally' incarcerate you"? NO they do knot know what the people feel or think.Why are the police so surprised when they suddenly realise that others might have the intent on abusing or killing them? Do the police 'powers' not yet see that the PUBLIC are getting desperate?
Why are police so surprised at the public reaction when they have in FACT caused the death of someone, who no doubt 'struggled' because his mind was 'disturbed' by the police attack upon him?
It is now the time for the police to begin to 'listen' to this 'concerned' community leader who does know what is coming to Tasmania and every other village and town on the planet.
If it is left too long, there will be no time for any 'negotiations' with the VERY disturbed minds of the entire population that will BE seeking
retribution and, - - - they will be armed to the 'teeth' and, there will be no 'influx' of elite specialist forces flying in from elsewhere as all 'communities' will be under FIRE.Foolish are those 'in power' who NOW even consider charging those arrested with 'attempted murder.' Do not the Australian Customs forces 'torch' Indonesian fishing vessels quite openly? Do none of you understand 'how' the Dark
vengeful energy of God operates? Wake up please.Any
'punitive' response against people that were very emotionally aroused and thus mentally disturbed is the wrong action. All 'combatants' need my good counsel in a 'Feeling Easier' Seminar and then set free.Mr. Doomadgee received fatal injuries due to the 'heavy handiness of his 'attackers.' For in the eyes of God, he was a man being forced to do something he did not wish and, - - -
He was 'simply' resisting and, the police obviously used ALL force necessary in their minds to 'overpower' him and, they also had absolutely no 'regard' as to his safety and obviously were not concerned if he did sustain fatal injuries - - - Why?
Because at the moment of their 'interaction,' the police officers were also emotionally aroused, and also mentally 'disturbed' by
aggressive and forceful thoughts similar to the thoughts of those that 'torched' the premises later.The only 'way' to allay the anger in the Palm Island community is for all community elders to 'attend' an 'Indaba' (discussion) directed by me, one in which they will all be taught about rising insanity and 'what and how' they can go to bestow 'goodness' upon themselves.
Palm Island needs no
'policing force,' simply a Peace Corps that is respected as such. The Queensland Police Union 'members' or 'spokesmen' themselves need to learn a little about the thoughts and emotions driving their own negative responses. All mankind is yet living in the dark ages.The comments by vice-president Denis Fitzpatrick of -
"In the normal course of events, if a place was set on fire with human occupants in the building the investigation would be in regard to attempted murder," should read:"In the normal course of events, if a man dies whilst 'literally' in the hands of the police in a building, the investigation would be in regard to murder."
Let us now await to see the escalation of insanity as the 'Court' of others in a distant land make a 'ruling' decision. I can only hope that the 'Judge' that wields his 'book of rules' has the mental capacity and thus opportunity to 'override' the rules and use his God given conscience and thus as God commands he 'forgives' and sets all free.
For ignorant 'man' of today can only 'think' of counteracting oppression or aggression with an 'overriding' force of power, that intends to 'quell' or
kill in order maintain its control over the situation. All people need to read my:The spiritual consequence of 'Action' - (Karma)